Circus acrobats. What is circus acrobatics? Buffoons are jacks of all trades

Circus acrobatics is a type of gymnastics, the elements of which are performed without any sports equipment. Like other forms of gymnastics, circus acrobatics requires the athlete to have enormous physical strength, flexibility and endurance. As a rule, to bring oneself into the required form circus acrobats are exposed grueling workouts. Some forms of circus acrobatics are part of the Olympic Games and are quite popular among spectators.

Circus acrobatics have been known since ancient times. It is known for certain that the ancient Greeks, just like the Romans, performed elements of circus acrobatics to demonstrate their physical training and sports skills. With the spread of Christianity and changing views on attitudes towards human body The popularity of circus acrobatics began to quickly fade, but did not disappear completely.

In the Middle Ages, during various circus performances circus acrobats performed separately as independent artists, and they were also popular at the courts of many royalty. Along with clowns and other performers, acrobats added flamboyance to royal courts, and some even became court favorites, dressing luxuriously and wearing expensive jewelry when not performing. Thanks to the movement for healthy image life, in the 1800s, circus acrobatics, along with other sports, experienced a revival. By this time, circus acrobatics had become an Olympic sport and was widely loved in society.

During their performances, acrobats perform many heavy elements: back flips, all kinds of somersaults with jumps, somersaults and cartwheels. The performances of most acrobats are very dynamic and include inertial rotation on the floor to the beat of musical accompaniment, which makes their performance more artistic and the demonstration of physical abilities a more colorful spectacle. Today, circus acrobats perform on special gymnastic mats that provide the athlete with greater comfort.

As a rule, people who want to become circus acrobats start training with early years, because perfection of physical skill in gymnastics lies in early age. Those who want to take up acrobatics in more mature age They can also achieve some success, but they are unlikely to ever achieve the same flexibility and pliability of their body as athletes who have been practicing since childhood. You can watch the performance of circus acrobats during the Olympic Games, as well as at various sporting events. For example, members of a professional support group sports clubs Quite often they demonstrate elements of circus acrobatics in their performances during breaks between matches.

Often circus acrobats, along with other circus performers, are invited to perform various social events. Many organizers of spectacular shows like to include their performances in their program to attract the attention of the public.

Acrobatics is a branch of gymnastics that has recently been included in the Olympic Games program. It is strongly associated with agility, flexibility, and jumping ability. The beauty of acrobatic movements, their precision and accuracy allow us to classify this sport as an aesthetic one. Indeed, watching such athletes is a sight to behold!

Girls and boys of our city have an excellent opportunity to master acrobatic movements, learn how to do a somersault and distinguish a float from a roundabout in specialized sections, centers, sports clubs - under the guidance of experienced and skilled trainers who are ready to pass on their knowledge and skills to the younger generation.

Acrobatics has an extremely beneficial effect on the physical fitness of children: they become more resilient, coordinated and dexterous, correct their posture, and their respiratory and respiratory function is normalized. cardiovascular systems. Very young children learn the basics in classes motor movements, prepare themselves perfectly for school lessons physical education, develop in a friendly team.

Does a child need sports acrobatics?

Acrobatics is an activity that helps children not only develop physically, but also throw out energy (there is almost always plenty of it!) and get a boost Have a good mood and cheerfulness in the company of other guys. The difference between the sports variety is that it is aimed not only at entertainment, but also at the systematic development of physical and psychological qualities from visit to visit. Therefore, it is more suitable for children approaching school age or those who have achieved it: it will be difficult for kids to adjust from game form To professional requirements from the coach. Sports acrobatics are useful for those guys who themselves understand whether they want to do it. Of course, in this case, it will be a good step into the world of sports, it will allow you to overcome fears and complexes and feel your body.

What do beginner acrobats need to know and are there any restrictions in this sport?

In any sport, first you need to choose the most optimal and comfortable form. Young acrobats usually train in tracksuits and Czechs. Boys are better off opting for a T-shirt and shorts. Girls will be comfortable learning acrobatic stunts in sports swimsuits or T-shirts and leggings. Acrobatics classes are held at least twice a week. Choosing this sports direction, it should be understood that acrobats often participate in competitions and various events, before which preparation is intensive. Classes are held according to the “warm-up - strength exercises- development of flexibility." Further training is individual and group. The coach practices the elements separately with each participant, and then tries to build a pyramid with the team. Acrobatics, of course, benefits the child’s health, but it cannot be done without a good foundation. In case of injuries, decreased vision, diseases of the bones, ligaments, muscles and joints, acrobatics are contraindicated.

One of the favorite and most spectacular circus genres is acrobatics, known since the ancient civilizations of Egypt, Rome, Byzantium and Greece. Information about acrobatic competitions is also found in Homer's Odyssey. Moscow circuses offer you a variety of acrobatic attractions, many of which are unique and noted highest awards international circus festivals:

  • Acrobat on a motorcycle, in addition to the impressive elements of balance, which he performs flawlessly, in his act the artist uses a hat, which not only becomes his partner, but also beautiful instrument in the hands of an extreme acrobat.
  • Roller acrobats- this group of young artists already has more than one award for their skills, they are laureates International competition in Korea and have a Gold Medal at the International Competition for Young Performers in Moscow. Roller circus performers easily do what others cannot do without rollers. They jump over each other, perform complex pirouettes, somersaults, handstands, and all this in fast pace, with enthusiasm and courage..
  • Acrobats with flip boards- a unique number in complexity, in which acrobats not only perform record-breaking tricks, including double and triple somersaults, but do it on giant stilts; this is extremely rare in the arena. The unique circus acrobatic act was enthusiastically received in many countries, including Norway, Sweden, Mongolia, France, Austria, and Japan.
  • Eccentric acrobats on an original bicycle- an incredible giant bicycle becomes a platform for inventive and funny acrobats who perform the most incredible tricks on it; they use the bicycle wheel as a trampoline.
  • Vaulting acrobats- This unique group of acrobats has many different prizes including Grand Prize International Festival circus art in Monte Carlo - "Golden Clown" - in the circus world this award is like the Oscar in the film industry. The work of these twelve acrobats is so unique that a film was made about them documentary, telling about what was found original solutions and innovation of athletes.
  • Aerial vaulting acrobats on a swinging platform- this is a unique circus genre and in the whole world there are only two aerial acrobatic acts on a swinging platform; in the circus on Vernadsky you can see one of them. At a huge height under the circus dome on a swinging platform, acrobats perform record-breaking tricks: triple backflips, blanges, and graceful long jumps from a height of 14 meters.
  • Russian stick acrobats- these circus performers came to the arena from professional sports, they are Masters of Sports, champions of Russia among juniors, this training helps them perform record-breaking tricks - triple somersault, double somersault with pirouette, double somersault bending over. And although the show is only two years old, the artists have already managed to captivate audiences in New Zealand, Europe, Latin America and Japan.
  • Acrobats on poles- the artists don’t just demonstrate a number, they perform a whole performance, and you can’t deny them the acting skills. With enviable ease and without insurance, they perform somersaults, somersaults with pirouettes, somersaults blanche, three somersaults with precise landing on a narrow crossbar; the artists perform all these tricks of record complexity with humor, amusing the audience and delighting them with their acting inventions. Behind highest level complexity and acting Pole acrobats received awards: bronze at the 6th International Festival in China, bronze All-Russian festival circus art in Yaroslavl, a silver medal at the International Festival in Budapest.

And get to know each other better circus art available in the following sections of the site.

Acrobatics is a consistent system of various acrobatic elements and their direct execution by athletes. Acrobatics is one of the most popular types gymnastics This is a complex coordination sport that requires athletes to be agility, good physical shape, and special attentiveness and concentration.

History of acrobatics

Many years before our era, acrobatics were known in Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Byzantium. Moreover, acrobats were then called not only acrobats themselves, but also traveling artists, tightrope walkers, and dancers. Interest in acrobatics did not die out in the Middle Ages. The images that have come down to us (the Church of Saint-Denis in Amboise, the Church of La Chaise le Vicomte, marginal drawings from the book The Romance of Alexander") show acrobats of the 14th century performing handstands and headstands, somersaults, and pole vaults." .During the Renaissance, “living architecture” competitions were held in Venice. Acrobats competed in their ability to build pyramids, the height of which reached 9 m, and the number of acrobats in one pyramid was up to 30. Art cf. centuries-old acrobats did not yet know the division into different Roles.

Acrobatics and circus

In the circus, professional acrobatics appeared in late XVIII V. and began to develop successfully as independent genre. Thanks to the extreme variety of types, the great variety of exercises and various forms of performance, acrobatics occupies a dominant position in the circus compared to other genres. Mastery of acrobatics is necessary for every circus performer - a clown, a gymnast, a jockey, and a juggler. Acrobatics provides excellent development of all muscles.

Varieties of acrobatics

Some types of acrobatics - power, jumping - have become widespread in sports. This, to a certain extent, was once facilitated by circus performers who, for various reasons, left work in the arena and settled in gyms as trainers. Many circus performers took part in acrobatics competitions. Demonstrating high class, they occupied top places, which, of course, served to popularize and develop acrobatics in Soviet sports.

Despite some commonality in many exercises, performance techniques and muscle efforts, circus and sports acrobatics are different in many ways. Sports acrobatics is a means of physical development and education of a person. results sporting achievements are revealed during competitions. And circus acrobatics, in addition, serves to create a work of art (act), in which each acrobatic element is not an end in itself, but a means of expressing an artistic concept.

Acrobatic elements

There are many techniques for performing acrobatic elements. They can be demonstrated in the arena and above the arena, using props or equipment, or without using them. Acrobatic exercises are performed by a group and solo, dynamically and statically - depending on the nature of the Pomor and the creative task. However, with all the stunt variety of acrobatics, its basis is made up of two elements - somersault and handstand. They support almost all trick combinations of all types of acrobatics. Without somersaults, trick combinations are very limited; you can’t do without it when working with a springboard, trampoline, throw boards, in Icarian games, and in shoulder acrobatics.

Moreover, the back somersault is much more often used than the front somersault (with the exception of springboard jumping and trampolining). Some technical features of performing a front somersault limit its use - it is more difficult for the acrobat to navigate, who sees the landing point somewhat later than when performing a back somersault, and most importantly, it is difficult for the lower acrobat to catch it on the shoulders when performing a front somersault.

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There are different types of acrobatics. And one of them is circus acrobatics. In this type of acrobatics, all tricks are performed without any additional sports devices or equipment.

In order to engage in circus acrobatics, you need to be well physically developed, as well as have excellent stretching and good endurance. Of course, as in other types of acrobatics. In order to perform all the elements perfectly, you need to constantly train, which is why acrobats constantly train gruelingly all day long.

Circus acrobatics for women and children: video lessons

Circus acrobatics, video you can easily look on the Internet, this will only give additional motivation, and you will see all the beauty of circus acrobatics.


Circus professional acrobatics appeared only at the end of the 18th century, and after that moment it began to develop impressively throughout the world. Just like in circus acrobatics a large number of tricks, and different exercises for an athlete, it occupies a leading place among other genres in the circus. Each of the circus workers must have acrobatics techniques, and therefore all artists practice acrobatics.


Circus acrobatics have become popular since ancient times. The Romans and Greeks were the first to conquer circus acrobatics. By this they showed their physical strength, as well as the athletic level of their skills. Christian views were completely different, and therefore it became not so popular.

In the Middle Ages, acrobats performed alone, but other acrobats performed together with court artists, as well as jesters. There was also a time that they became favorites in the courtyard, and dressed expensive things, and wore expensive jewelry. It also became very popular and was included in the Olympic Games.

Let's imagine if 45% are human muscles, of his weight, and about 600 muscles. When an athlete performs tricks, all the muscles are used, and just imagine the physical strength and endurance of the athlete.


There are also varieties of acrobatics that are also included in sports types. Many circus acrobats who ended their careers in the circus became good coaches in different gyms. Also, a large number of artists participated in different types competitions, as well as Olympic Games, and became champions, taking first places. Thus, this developed acrobatics, both in sports and in circus acrobatics.


On the one hand, circus and sports acrobatics are not at all different, but this is not at all true. In sports acrobatics, they focus on physical development and education of an athlete. In the circus they also pay a lot of attention to this, but still here they place more emphasis on creating works of art, or simply saying numbers. In this work they want to convey the whole idea, the athlete conveys this with his movements.

There are many different exercises and routines in circus acrobatics. Athletes perform these routines both individually and in groups, using different equipment for the routine. Also, athletes can perform a number both in the arena and above it. The athlete’s main ones are a handstand or a somersault; they are used in every routine. Performing a somersault complements almost every athlete's trick, and the back somersault is more often performed than the front somersault.


Circus acrobatics for children, became very popular. Parents can send their children as early as three years old. During the first year of training, children will be trained physical exercise, as well as teach the basics of different tricks.


At first these tricks will be simple, but over time, if the child masters them with ease, he will move on to more complex tricks. Also, if you give your child small, then over time he can become a champion.


Women's circus acrobatics, also very popular on this moment. When practicing acrobatics, women keep their bodies in excellent shape. They have good stretching as well as endurance. Women's circus acrobatics, video you can look it up on the Internet.

During their performances, acrobats show incredible physical strength and various incredible tricks. And together with the musical accompaniment it becomes simply incredible and beautiful.

  • To become a professional acrobat, you need to practice from childhood, although it is also possible in adulthood. But you will be inferior to an athlete who has been training since an early age. Because physical prowess laid down from an early age.

Acrobats are often invited to participate in various events. Many love spectacular shows, and circus acrobats are pros at this.


Well trained acrobatics, in the Moscow circus school, which is one of the best of its kind. They also teach circus power acrobatics, video which you can easily watch on the Internet, there is also a video from Moscow circus school.


These videos will motivate you and you will... great desire do circus acrobatics. You can also do acrobatics circus sports. This will certainly be a difficult path, but if you are motivated and are not going to give up, then you will succeed.