Draw a cat step by step with a pencil. How to draw a beautiful cat with a pencil

The top ten most popular drawings among children and adults include the image of a cat. Let's look at how to draw a cat from a cartoon or your favorite book, how to draw cats in profile and full face, lying down, sitting, in motion. It will take a little patience, attention, and a desire to create and experiment. The schemes proposed below will vary in complexity and will require certain skills and abilities.

Drawing, like other activities (roller skating, music lessons, reading), requires training. Beginning artists should know that:

How to draw a cat with a child 5-8 years old

Children over five years old are good at repeating the actions of an adult. The parent (teacher) explains each element of the diagram slowly, encourages the child, and in difficult moments shows an incomprehensible action in his personal drawing.

Cat made of circles

Sleeping cat.

If young artist has not yet achieved accuracy in drawing figures, they suggest that he use a ruler. Further:

  • draw big circle, but inside it’s small. They try to maintain the proportions 1:2 accordingly;
  • two triangles (ears) are attached to a small circle; inside they represent eyes, a nose (an inverted triangle), and a mouth. Add a mustache;
  • draw on the tail.

Cat sitting with its back.

Two circles are depicted on top of each other (proportions 1:2). Add to small circle ears and whiskers, and to a large extent, a tail. Shade the back, tail, back of the head with a pencil.

How to draw a happy cat

The child is asked to draw the whole cat. Instructions:

  • draw two circles (for the body and head) of different sizes with a dotted line;
  • The small one is circled entirely and two ears are added. The large one is partially outlined (to the small one), two semicircular legs are added;
  • Claws are drawn on the paws, and a tail is added to the body. Draw the face: eyes with pupils, nose, mustache, smile.

There are stripes on the tail and back.

Drawing a sad cat

Let's look at how to draw a cat from a triangle. For this:

  • draw a triangle and divide it in half with a dotted line. Ears are outlined at the top;
  • circle the triangle, while the corners are rounded. Add a nose and mouth;
  • erase the extra dotted line. The eyes, mustache, and front legs are completed.

Two lines are added to each paw. Draw a tail.

Next, they move on to depicting more complex cats.

Let's draw a sitting cat

Realistic cat

The body is drawn in the shape of an oval, stretched vertically. Further:

The cat is being painted different colors, use the hatching technique, so the skin will look more like the real thing.

Cheerful animated cat

First, draw the vertical axis of symmetry. The following is the diagram:

  • draw the lower part of the cat’s body in the shape of a heart;
  • add a small circle ( top part body) and a large round head;
  • indicate eyes, ears, nose, paws;
  • add a smile, a mustache, and an inverted number “3” - this will serve as the basis for the front legs.

Draw the front and hind legs.

Let's look at how to draw a cat sitting in profile.

According to the diagram, draw an oval body and a round head. Add ears, a paw, and the outline of a face. Draw eyes, nose, mouth. Indicate the front legs and tail. Erase auxiliary lines.

How to Draw a Realistic Cat Head

For more experienced drawing lovers, diagrams describing the process of creating a cat's head or an entire animal are suitable.


Using a soft, blunt pencil, add a “fluffy” look to the face. To do this, shading is done in dark places. The frontal part, eye sockets are highlighted, and the pupils are drawn. You can practice and draw a cat’s head in profile (see diagram).

How to draw a cat that sits sideways with its head turned

We start trying with a simple scheme:

Color as desired. As they gain experience, they move on to depicting purebred cats: Himalayan blue, Burmese, longhaired motley. Follow the suggested schemes, use simple pencils different hardness, eraser.

How to draw a cat in motion

A compositional placement of the drawing is made on the sheet. For this:

Clarify the details. Get the cat on the move.

Kitten in motion

Step-by-step instruction:

Honing a skill using different schemes, get cats from different angles and movements.

The cat is one of the most favorite animals among children. Cats attract them with their fluffy fur and affectionate playful disposition. In ancient times, cats were considered sacred animals. And still some people are convinced that these animals can heal people.

It doesn't take much skill to draw a cat. With the help of video and photos, we will see step by step how you can easily and beautifully depict the figure of a cat.

1. Draw a circle, from which we lower an oval, widened at the base. We get the head and torso of the cat.

2. Draw triangular ears on the head.

Stage 1-2: draw the head, ears and body

3. From the middle of the body, draw the paws with four lines.

Stage 3: adding paws to the body

4. On the muzzle we add eyes, a nose and a mustache.

Stage 4: draw the face

5. All that remains is to draw the raised tail.

Stage 5: draw the tail

We color and tint our cat. The result is a drawing like this.

Stage 6: color the cat

Graceful kitty

In the following steps you can draw an elegant cat. There is a photo and video detailed instructions how to draw a cat with a pencil.

1.Draw an oval and divide it into four parts by two perpendicular lines.

Stage 1: draw an oval with lines

2.Slightly sharpen the corners on the sides, add a nose, mouth and ears.

Stage 2: sharpen the corners, draw ears and nose

Stage 3: finishing the eyes

4. We lower another circle down - the body - and two paws.

Stage 4: draw the torso and front legs

5.On top we draw the base of the ovoid body with the pointed end up.

Stage 5: finishing the torso from behind

6. Draw paws and a tail at the base.

Stage 6: add a ponytail and hind legs

7. Tint the top of the muzzle and tail.

Stage 7: color the cat

We get a beautiful charming cat.

Little kitty

Now let's draw a little kitten. To draw the figure of a cat correctly and beautifully, consider the instructions, photos and videos. Here's how to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step.

1.Draw two circles one above the other: one bigger size, and the other smaller.

Stage 1: draw two circles: head and torso

2. On the muzzle we depict eyes, a nose and a tongue, and on top – two ears.

Stage 2: draw the face and ears

3. The next step is the front and hind legs, tail.

Stage 3: draw the front legs Stage 4: draw the hind legs Stage 5: complete the tail

In the picture there is such a baby kitten.

Ready kitten

How to draw a cartoon kitten:

cartoon pussy

You can draw it easily and originally in four steps cartoon cat for children. The video and photo provide detailed instructions on how to do this step by step.

  1. We draw a circle beveled at the top - the head - and an ovoid body.
  2. Add a raised tail.
  3. Draw the eyes and nose curved line divide the body in half.
  4. We depict the cat's pupils and whiskers.
  5. Color the picture in purple shades.
Kitty pencil step by step

This is how you can quickly and beautifully depict a cartoon cat.


If you do not want to depict a cat in full height, you can draw only the animal's face. Let's see how to draw a cat's face step by step. Easy drawing and is accessible even for children.

  1. Draw a circle and two smooth lines We divide it into four unequal parts.
  2. We place the nose and mouth in the center, and to the right and left of the center are the cat’s eyes.
  3. On the head in the form of two triangles we depict the ears, below - the contours of the neck.
Cat's face in pencil

So, it won’t be difficult to draw the animal’s face beautifully and correctly.

To profile

To depict the cat's face in profile, we start with the same circle. Divide the circle in half horizontally. We draw in the ears and lengthen the circumference with the contours of the nose. On the line we draw the eyes and nose, a little lower - the mouth. We clarify the contours of the ears and remove the circle. We get an easily and beautifully drawn face. Stages of drawing a cat's face in profile

With kittens (1st option)

It will be interesting for children to draw a cat with kittens. However, the drawing is complicated by the fact that in this case you no longer need a separate figure, but a whole composition. You can easily and correctly depict a cat with kittens in stages as follows.

1. Draw an oval (the body and the center of the composition), and a circle on the bottom right.

Stage 1: draw an oval and a circle

2. At the next stage, draw the head and contour of the body.

Stage 2: draw the head and outline of the torso

Stage 3: outline the kittens with a trapezoid

4. Draw a kitten in the middle and the cat’s front paw.

Stage 4: draw the front paw and the kitten in the middle

5. We finish drawing the rest of the kittens, hind legs and tail.

Now we have a lesson in drawing a cute little kitten, or how to draw a sleeping, fluffy, white, cute kitten with a pencil step by step.

Here is our original.

We need to decide on the direction of the head, so we draw a circle and guidelines showing the middle of the head and the location of the eyes. We divide each half of the straight line (where the eyes should be located) into three parts. And with another small straight line on the guide (central) we show the location of the nose. We do all this by barely pressing on the pencil, so that later we can easily erase these lines.

Draw the shape of the kitten's head.

Draw the kitten's body. I start drawing the back, then the placement of the paw under the kitten's head, the tail and the hip.

Now we erase the contours and imitate fur with short lines of different lengths and directions, apply shadows on and around the nose, and a little around the eyes.

We do the same with the back and tail, additionally making shadows on the muzzle and under the head. I drew lines on the head, which I then blended and erased some of them with an eraser, so they won’t be visible. I will do the same with other areas.

At this stage I decided to sharpen everything soft pencil and made the contours of the fur bold, darkening the ear areas. Since this drawing is not for exhibition, you can use your finger for shading (although this is not recommended because it leaves marks and the drawing looks dirty), but for the rough version it is possible. Look at the original, now it is important to convey the shadows, catch where they are. So, let's start with the area near the head (we'll deal with the head itself later), the shadow should be on the paw and on the body, do shading and shading. There are transitions; you can additionally apply shading to create darker areas, and use an eraser for light areas. Our tail is dark and the area at the junction of the leg and tail (I hope you understand where it is) also has dark shade, and the thigh itself is light from above, light falls on it. Therefore, we shade just above the tail on the thigh and rub it, covering the entire thigh. We take an eraser and erase with the edge where the light area should be, and also a little lower, as you make strokes, and use the eraser to make it look like wool. If you open bigger picture, then you will see them. In general, the principle is the same as we or. Then with a pencil we darken the area where the tail and paw meet. Don't forget about the butt area, it is also darkened. Now the head. Blend the lines, erase the shadows from the frontal area, a little under the eyes. Apply additional shadows to the nose, muzzle, mouth, and highlight the eyebrows. Here is a simple approach to drawing, refer to original photo, if you want, make the kitten even more detailed, look at the shadows. I settled on this option, a minimum of time spent and an acceptable result. Now we know how to draw a kitten.

Hi all! In this tutorial I will show you step by step with a pencil and then color it with colored pencils. We will draw a Maine Coon cat.

If this is your first time on the blog site, then the lesson from the course on drawing with colored pencils ““ will be useful to you.

You will need:

  • a blank sheet of paper (it is better not to use White color, and sandy);
  • simple pencil HB;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils.

Step 1. In order to draw a cat, first you need to sketch out the basic proportions on a blank sheet of paper. Divide by simple figures the body and head of the cat, use ovals to indicate the paws and tail, and triangles to indicate the ears. Also highlight the rounded neck and the central line of the muzzle, outline the main facial features. Now you need to check the proportions, make sure that the turned head is positioned correctly. Step 2. Now we need to work out the details. Use an eraser to erase the extra lines. Now draw a few short lines on the face to indicate the direction of the fur growth. Then add lines around the eyes and continue all the way to the nose. Draw the pupils, they will look like the shape of an American football. Mark the whiskers, white areas on the front legs, and fur texture throughout the body.
Step 3. Using a dark gray color, shade the whites of the eyes and pupils. Then, using short lines and varying pressure from medium to hard, create dark areas on the head and body, following the direction of hair growth. Please note that the hair on the tail is longer than anywhere else, so the strokes should be longer.
Step 4. Now apply the dark pink color to the nose and paw pads. Then add a light layer of dark brown to the head and torso areas. Paint the irises of your eyes with emerald green. Fill the pupils with black, leaving white reflexes on each of them.
Step 5. Let's continue coloring cat. Apply a little jasmine color to some areas of the body, ears, nose and around the mouth. Then apply French gray to areas of the face and body, using short lines and following the direction of hair growth. Using medium pressure, add a layer of chartreuse to the irises, then apply black to the sides of the nose and mouth. Next, I applied the henna color to the paw pads and used short lines of dark gray to highlight the fur on the paws. Then use medium pressure to apply cool gray to the underside of the chin, belly and paws, defining the shadows. I apply stronger pressure on my paws. Apply a layer of burnt amber in short lines over the jasmine on the head and body to deepen the color. Add long strokes of burnt sienna and French gray to the tail, as well as some French gray to the fur inside the ears.

How to draw cat eyes

The shape of a cat's pupil changes depending on the lighting. For example, in the dark the pupils become larger and take on a more rounded shape, as in the example below, while in the light the pupils may appear as tiny vertical slits. When you draw a cat or cat from the front, make sure that the pupils are pointing straight ahead. Also keep in mind that the whites of a cat's eyes are much less visible than a human's, as the cat's pupil covers a much larger area.

Step 6. Apply cool gray to the sides of the neck, making sure not to paint over the mustache; then apply the same color all over the body to darken the fur. Add small blue specks to the pupil reflexes, and then mix it with white. Next, apply bright yellow over chartreuse to the iris, making the eyes more expressive. Shade the chest and neck areas, and the mustache with a cool light gray to make them stand out more. Apply the same color to the lower abdomen.

After that, look at the drawing from a distance to determine which other areas need more color. For more contrast, add some more burnt sienna to the same areas, and black to the darker areas of the fur. Then use a stiff brush to blend and soften the colors. Do this very carefully, as if you overdo it, you can smear the entire drawing. You shouldn’t shade your eyes; it’s better to leave them clean and glowing.

We have such a beautiful Maine Coon cat. Post your work in the comments or share it on