My attitude to Vasnetsov’s painting Alyonushka. Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka"


The creation of the painting “Alyonushka” was completed in 1881. She is one of many famous works author. A famous painting based on the fairy tale about “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.” The work is done in oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple village girl from Akhtyrka.

In the center of the picture we see a young woman on a large stone, beautiful girl who sits with his legs tucked under him. Lowering her head to her knees, a lonely girl looks into the deep lake with the sad eyes of an orphan. The girl's eyes show pain and sadness. All her thoughts are about brother Ivanushka, who is lost. Although the girl is very young, her look is quite mature. The artist created an accurate psychological picture heroine and managed to make her image understandable.

The girl's clothes are simple and modest, which was typical for simple Christian families. Old black skirt with flowers, blouse and bare feet which indicates the girl’s poverty. The dark tones in which the work is done contrast with the blush of a simple girl.

The beginning of autumn is the time of year that is depicted in the picture. This is evidenced by the fallen leaves on the water of the dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth from which sedge grows. The creator of the picture conveyed the girl’s sadness and pain so realistically. That even nature senses this. A dense and inhospitable forest in the background, the autumn sky frowns. The picture creates the feeling that everything around has frozen, not a single branch is moving.

Only a flock of swallows that bring positivity and pleasant feelings.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The overall tone of the picture is dim, green and gray colors predominate.

The artist tried to understand and express the Russian spirit and he succeeded.

This picture evokes a feeling of pity and sadness in every person.

Essay description of the painting by Alyonushka Vasnetsova

This is not the first time I have come across the painting “Alyonushka” by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. I remember this illustration from infancy, when my parents read me fascinating fairy tales and showed me pictures from books. I saw this image at many exhibitions along with works of world significance. The painting “Alyonushka” was a frequent guest in books with Russian fairy tales; it became a real symbol of Russian folk tales.

Such popularity is not particularly surprising, because the canvas was written outstanding master, which definitely deserves such popularity.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, was born on May 15, 1848 in a family with a speaking, ancient Russian surname. Studied at religious school and of course took drawing lessons, by the way, his younger brother followed in the footsteps of his elder and also became an artist, but did not gain such popularity as Victor. Already in 1893, Vasnetsov became a full member of the Academy of Arts. He made an incomparable contribution to the development of all Russian art, and especially painting, as he was an unsurpassed painter and master of the brush.

The painting “Alyonushka” was created in 1881, but before starting work on the painting, the artist wrote a number of sketches that depicted forest landscapes, and in the final version, it was as if he had combined them together and added a girl. It turned out to be a beautiful, fabulous canvas. In the background you can see a spreading dense forest, which at the same time attracts, but also terrifies with its blackness and impenetrable spruce trees, foreground we see a pond on which already yellowed leaves float imposingly, which indicates the approach of autumn.

Giant boulders lie calmly on the coast, and a young girl sits on one of them, she bows her head on her knees and looks at the water with a sad look. What is she thinking about? About your fiance? About brother Ivanushka? Or about the evil Baba Yaga who lies in wait for her? Everyone invents their own story, composes their own fairy tale. You can pay attention to the small birch trees growing on the shore, they say that this is Russian land and only Russian, that Alyonushka is a simple Russian girl with her rich spiritual world.

You can admire this work of art endlessly; in any case, it evokes a lot of thought in both adults and children, and allows you to look behind the scenes famous fairy tales, awaken the dormant Russian spirit within you.

5th grade, 6th grade

Essay on a painting

She is so sad and unhappy! And even so, beautiful.

Alyonushka has red hair. Dark sundress with flowers, White skirt under a sundress and a light jacket. It doesn't look like it was a festive outfit... And in general, the picture doesn't look cheerful at all. The colors are dark, the girl is sad. There is a thicket around her, and she sits above dark water- over the pool. Sad, thinking all sorts of things.

It’s scary that she’ll throw herself out of sadness into this pool. It would be a pity for her, because she is so beautiful. She should find a guy, and not be so sad here.

She's like a princess in cartoons. But this is the plot of the fairy tale. She is sad because of her stupid brother. He got into another mess, of course, and she had to help him out. I think he drank from a puddle! Well, I drank stupid dirty water(with germs) so I got poisoned. Almost ended up in the hospital! In the fairy tale this is called “became a kid.” And he drank from a puddle, which was shaped like a goat’s hoof print.

By the way, all demons also have goat prints! Not without the tricks of evil spirits here and dark forces. So Alyonushka sits and cries. How can we live with such a brother now? What if someone fries him?!

It's autumn in the picture. Next to the heroine there are even small trees - fir trees and birches. They look a little like her. Autumn yellow leaves on the surface of the water. The sky is gray and rainy. It's about to rain!

Alyonushka wouldn’t sit here, otherwise she’d get wet and get sick. Why cry over such a stupid brother?

When she breaks his spell, and she definitely will, even if she needs to go through a hundred tests, she will also forgive him. This one won't kind girl scold him, but he will regret it. And after that he will never remember his stupid act. And in the end he will hit something again. And she has to pull him out again!

But really, why not take a risk? If your older sister stands up for you, she will get you out of any trouble.

There are birds on a branch above Alyonushka. If only they, like in the cartoon, would tell her how not to be so kind!

Of course, now we need to help our brother out, okay. You can attribute this behavior to his young age. But then let him answer for himself! So that he doesn't grow up to be a kid.


Alyonushka, Alyonushka,
Alena gray-eyed,
tell me a fairy tale, Alyonushka
tell me, tell me.
With one flick of your eyelashes
Alena will tell me
about flocks of migratory birds
under a whitened sky.

Vasnetsov began work on the painting in 1880. It is based on the fairy tale “About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.”
At first he painted landscape sketches on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, near the pond in Akhtyrka. Many sketches from this time have survived.

Sketch of a sitting girl

In Abramtsevo and its environs, with their oak, spruce, birch forests and groves characteristic of central Russia, the Vorey River, which is intricately winding with dark backwaters, ponds overgrown with sedge, blind ravines and cheerful lawns and hillocks, a type of national landscape was developed.

Pond in Okhtyrka

Many of the artist’s works were conceived and realized in whole or in part here. “Alyonushka” was also painted here, a picture in which Vasnetsov most fully and soulfully embodied the lyrical poetry of his native people.
“Alyonushka,” the artist later said, “it was as if she had been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who captured my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes... Some special Russian spirit wafted from her.”
Vasnetsov turned to the fairy tale about Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka, in his own way, creatively translating it into painting. By folk legends, nature comes to life at the end of the day, gaining the ability to feel in harmony with man.
Such sensations were to a large extent inherent in the artist himself, which is why in Alyonushka the state of nature was so organically coordinated with the feelings of the heroine. The figure of Alyonushka, pondering over her bitter fate, seems to be echoed by the pale gray sky, the frighteningly dark surface of the pool with yellow leaves frozen on it, and the faded gray tones drooping foliage of aspen trees, and the dark deep green of fir trees.

Alyonushkin Pond

Autumn. A cold dawn pierced the low cloudy sky like a thin arrow.
The black pool is motionless.
The dense forest is scary. On the shore, on the big gray stone- Alyonushka, an orphan.
Tender thin aspen trees timidly approached the water. Nelaskov whirlpool. Pegs green sedge arrows. The gray stone is cold and unwelcome.


It’s bitter, bitter for the orphan in this thicket. The wilderness is silent.
Suddenly the wind ran through the spruce forest. The aspen leaves rustled and rang. The reeds began to sing, “little little birds—bitter little birds” began to chirp, and the sad sounds of melancholy and sadness began to flow.
Maybe Alyonushka heard Ivanushka’s cry or the wind carried the sound of high fires, the ringing of cast-iron cauldrons, the thin, evil laughter of the witch.

Sketch of "Alyonushka"

The image of Alyonushka is both real and fabulous at the same time. The sad appearance and shabby, poor clothes of the young heroine recreate in memory the artist’s full-scale sketch made of an orphan peasant girl in the year the picture was painted. The vitality of the image is combined here with fairy-tale and poetic symbolism. Above the head of Alyonushka, sitting on a gray cold stone, a thin branch with chirping swallows arched. According to the famous researcher of Russian folk tales A.N. Afanasyev, whom Vasnetsov knew through the Abramtsevo circle, the swallow brings good news, consolation in misfortune. In ancient beliefs, a dark forest, a pool and loose hair were identified with misfortune, danger and heavy thoughts, and a birch tree growing near the water was a sign of healing.
Even if the artist did not put such detailed symbolism into the canvas, it does not give the impression of hopelessness, perhaps because we remember a fairy tale with a happy ending.


This is the magical world of Vasnetsov’s painting - real and highly poetic, created by an artist who deeply believed from an early age in the wonderful and magical fabric of Russian fairy tales and with great innocence gave this faith to people.

Each of us from an early age is accustomed to tender image Alyonushka as something extraordinarily close, firmly embedded forever in our still childish imaginative world, and today we find it difficult to believe that contemporaries overlooked the poetic qualities of “Alyonushka” and saw, as it seemed to them, the anatomical and other school errors of Vasnetsov’s canvas. ..
Perhaps, to some extent, they had the right to this, like those pedants who measured the height of Surikov’s Menshikov by the inch.
It seems that art is difficult to measure by centimeter or inch. Here more complex categories come into play - poetry, musicality, nationality.

Here are a few lines from the author’s memoirs, revealing the secret of the creation of “Alyonushka”:
“Critics and, finally, myself, since I have a sketch of an orphan girl from Akhtyrka, have established that my “Alyonushka” is a natural-genre piece! Don't know! May be.

But I won’t hide the fact that I really looked at the facial features, especially at the shine of Verusha Mamontova’s eyes when I wrote “Alyonushka.” These are the wonderful Russian eyes that looked at me and all God's peace and in Abramtsevo, and in Akhtyrka, and in Vyatka villages, and on Moscow streets and bazaars, and they live forever in my soul and warm it!”

Alyonushka, Alyonushka,
Alena gray-eyed,
tell me a fairy tale, Alyonushka,
tell me, tell me,
about thirtieth countries,
that everything is in our native land,
I'll listen all my life
you, my Alenka.


Igor Grabar, with his characteristic clarity, defines the qualities of the picture:
“In 1881, V. M. Vasnetsov creates his masterpiece - “Alyonushka”, either a genre or a fairy tale, - a charming lyric poem about a wonderful Russian girl, one of best paintings Russian school".
Yes, indeed Vasnetsov is infinitely accessible and simple. But only at first glance, because at the heart of the birth of each of his canvases lies a poetic metaphor.
Secret secret...
(I. Dolgopolov "V. Vasnetsov")


Written based on Russian folklore, the picture looks like the personification of the melancholy and sadness of the people. This is not so much Alyonushka, who lost her brother Ivanushka, as all women fairy tale images, who, according to the plot, had a test.

Nature is both a place of events and an active participant in them. Vasnetsov’s landscape is psychological, it is a mirror of the heroes’ souls. Alyonushka, frozen on the stone, seemed lost in this tall grass. Her skirt looks like it was made from meadow flowers, her hair is like sand, and her shirt is like stones.

The forest is young, but dark - it is clear that it is easy to get lost and disappear in it. Or accidentally meet other heroes of the Russian epic. The pond is mirror-smooth, as if no one lives in it: not a fish, not a frog, not a bird. Deadly silence and melancholy.


Vasnetsov worked on the painting in Abramtsevo on the estate of Savva Mamontov. By the way, there were many who found similarities between Alyonushka and the philanthropist’s daughter Vera - the same famous “Girl with Peaches”. The artist denied this and told a story about meeting a peasant woman: “Alyonushka seemed to have been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka, when I met one simple-haired girl who captured my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes... Some special Russian spirit wafted from her.”

Pond in Okhtyrka, 1880

Having made several sketches and sketches on the banks of the Vori and near the pond in Akhtyrka, Vasnetsov returned to Moscow, where he completed work on the painting in the winter. Her original title“Fool Alyonushka” contained the very melancholy that the artist wrote about. A fool, that is, an orphan, abandoned by everyone, destitute. But even without this word, everything is felt, everything is clear.

The fate of the artist

He was born into the family of a Vyatka priest and at first intended to follow in his father’s footsteps. But on last year Theological seminary left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first Vasnetsov wrote on everyday stories. Subsequently, he developed the so-called “Vasnetsov style” - epic-historical at its core with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov, 1891

Vasnetsov was a religious man, a portrait painter, a decorator, and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade Tretyakov Gallery, Tsvetkovskaya Gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane.

During his lifetime they began to call him the hero of Russian painting. IN to a greater extent this is due to the volume of cultural layer that he raised in his work. The breadth of topics and forms of implementation, genre diversity and skill admired his contemporaries.

One of the artist’s most poetic creations is the painting “Alyonushka” - an image of a bitter orphan’s lot. A lonely sad girl sits on a stone by the water. There are forests around. And, as if taking part in her grief, they bow to the orphan aspen tree, guard her slender fir trees, and swallows chirp affectionately over her. The figure of Alyonushka is inextricably linked in the picture with the landscape.

The girl's heart is sad, and nature is sad. There is grief in Alyonushka’s brown eyes, and like her grief, the pool is dark and deep. Tears are falling and golden leaves are flying down. With tone autumn foliage The color of the girl's hair echoes. The composition is built on a strict rhythm, on the smooth flow of the lines of her figure with a bowed head and the slopes of the plants, which adds melodiousness to the picture. The poetry of this work is deeply national. She's like a native folk song, is understandable to the viewer.

Poem by Olga Berggolts "Alyonushka"

When spring is green
will warm up again -
I'll go, I'll go Alyonushka
sob over the pool.
There are gentle birch trees all around
bow down, grief.
Patterned lattice
the dawn has broken.

And in the pool it’s transparent
the water stands still in the spring.
And in the pool my brother
lies at the very bottom.

A pebble is placed on the chest
faceted, not simple...
Ivanushka, Ivanushka,
what did they do to you?!

Ivanushka, beloved,
brighter and more beautiful than the day, -
sunk, ruined,
can you hear me?

Slandered, deceived,
not guilty of anything -
Ivanushka, Ivanushka,
will you go back?

The meek birches are silent,
over the whirlpool of grief.
And a thin lattice
the dawn is breaking...


There will be bonfires in the yard in the evening,
mortals will sharpen their blades.
Give me back my human form,
my bright Alyonushka.

I'm not afraid of death, not of flames -
A werewolf is afraid to die.
Oh, sorry, sorry for disobeying!
Help me remove the spell, sister.

Oh, forgive me for the fact that, thirsting,
at night from an animal trail
I drank night water one day...
That water turned out to be terrible..."

My sister answered me: “Darling!
We cannot correct human evil.
Stone, stone, stone on my chest.
My eyes were covered with black mud...”

But again I scream, frantic,
animal fear is not hidden in the heart...
Suddenly my Alyonushka will save me,
my alienated conscience?

An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka"

The sun set in the thicket.

Gloomy forest around like a wall.

Alyonushka became sad:

How can she live alone now?

There is no dear mother with her,

No birth father...

Tears are dripping onto the stones

At the forest lake.

Who will dispel bitter thoughts,

Who will help her in trouble?..

Only one reed with sedge

Reflected in the water.

And a darling side

It's getting sadder and sadder.

It’s a pity, Alyonushka doesn’t know,

The girl will meet happiness

And he will find his love...

Oh, how fun it is to hope

Knowing the fairy tale in advance!

    Artist V.M. Vasnetsov and his paintings.

    Description of Alyonushka (pose, appearance, clothes, face).

    Nature sympathizes with Alyonushka.

    What techniques and means allowed the artist to express the content of the painting?

    How do I feel about the picture? (What did you like and why, what does the picture make you think about, what feelings does it evoke?)

The painting “Alyonushka” testifies to great love Vasnetsov to his people.

E.I. Golubeva

Questions to help you prepare for your essay

Description of Alyonushka

    Who do you see in the center of the picture?

    Why did Vasnetsov depict Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture?

    Where is Alyonushka located?

    Describe the girl's pose.

    Why did she take this pose?

    What is Alyonushka’s mood?

    What do you think is the reason for Alyonushka’s sadness?

    What words can describe Alyonushka’s grief?

    How did the artist show that she has a bleak fate?

    How does Viktor Mikhailovich feel about his heroine?

    With the help of which artistic techniques does the artist draw attention to Alyonushka’s face?

Description of nature (empathizes with the main character)

    What can you say about the nature surrounding Alyonushka?

    Describe everything you see in the foreground and background.

    What time of year is shown in the picture?

    What details indicate this?

    Why do you think the artist chose autumn?

    By what means did the artist show that nature is sad with the poor girl?

    Who else in the picture sympathizes with Alyonushka’s grief? Why do you think so?

    What colors does the artist use to create a sad, inconsolable mood?

Epithets to describe

Alyonushka: sweet, lonely, depressed, joyless, sad, pensive, sad, sad, barefoot, bowed head, sad look, frozen pose, difficult fate, old torn sundress, worn things, faded faded jacket.

Osinki: thoughtful, subtle, tremulous, anxious.

Water: motionless, dark, frozen, cold.

Sky: unfriendly, dreary, gloomy, gray, cloudy, unkind, gloomy.

Forest: gloomy, dense, deaf, gloomy, mysterious.

Pool: deep, cold, dark, sad.

Paints: yellow, dark green, brown, cold dark tones, dim, dull.

Using words

Near, far, right, left, next, above, here, in the foreground, in the background.

We write without speech repetitions

Alyonushka, sister, heroine, she, girl, orphan.

Artist, painter, brush master, landscape painter, author.

Create, write, depict, create.

Painting, canvas, reproduction, canvas, work, creation.

Brief information about the writer.

IN Ictor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov(1848-1926). Russian artist-painter and architect, master of historical and folklore painting. V.M. Vasnetsov was born in the village of Lopyal, Vyatka province. His father, a priest, was a passionate lover of nature; he instilled this feeling in his sons, the future artists Victor and Apollinaris.

It was impossible not to love the nature of the Vyatka region, not to become attached to it with all my heart. From childhood, Vasnetsov heard epics and fairy tales about Russian heroes, lingering sad songs sung by girls. All this could not but have an impact on the development of talent.

From 1868 to 1875 Vasnetsov studied at St. Petersburg Academy arts His first works were drawings and paintings on everyday themes. However, only in Moscow did he fully find himself as an artist. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov worked on his extensive famous paintings: “Flying Carpet”, “Alyonushka”, “Bogatyrs”, “Ivan Tsarevich on Gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads". Historical origins and poetic fiction are closely intertwined in these paintings. Vasnetsov opened up a rich and bright world images of folk poetry.

I have always been convinced that [...] in fairy tales, songs, epics, dramas, the entire integral image of a people, internal and external, with past and present, and perhaps even the future, is reflected.

V.M. Vasnetsov

An essay based on a painting by V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka" (sample)*

The plot of “Alyonushka” was inspired by the artist from a Russian folk tale about sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. In this picture, Vasnetsov showed us the image of a simple Russian girl and expressed his attitude towards her.

In the foreground, the artist depicted Alyonushka, who is sitting on a gray stone near a deep pool. She is very sad. Apparently, the girl is sad about her hard life and is sad. Alyonushka is poorly dressed: she is wearing an old sundress, a faded jacket, and she is barefoot.

Her face, although sad, is beautiful and kind. Quiet autumn nature complements touching image orphan peasant girl. Young birch, aspen and spruce trees froze sadly around. The trees are fragile and thin, like the heroine herself. It's like they're protecting her from evil world. Nature is in tune with Alyonushka’s mood: it seems that she is grieving along with the heroine.

Reflected in the deep pool dark forest. Yellowed leaves lie motionless on the surface of the water. There is not a single ray of sun in the forest, and Alyonushka has nothing joyful and bright in her soul.

The coloring of the picture emphasizes its sad content. It is no coincidence that the artist resorts to soft, deep tones of dark green, blue, yellow, red-brown colors of nature. In this modest color scheme Vasnetsov introduced different tones, contrasting ones. This pink flowers on a sundress, the delicate blue of a sweater, the lush green of sedge. Bright colors enhance the emotional impact of the picture and better help to understand the mood of the heroine.

Artist with great love showed us Alyonushka, her feelings. He believes in the girl's future happiness. With his painting, Vasnetsov evokes our sympathy for the fate of poor orphans. She touches us and excites us, makes us worry along with the heroine.

“Alyonushka” is one of the first paintings in Russian art where poetry folk tales inextricably fused with the poetry and sincerity of our native Russian nature.

* Do not copy the essay (and do not retell it in your own words - this is not an exposition).