The system of lyrical digressions in the poem Dead Souls. The role of lyrical digressions in the poem “Dead Souls” by Gogol - Essay

One of best works V. Rasputin - book “French Lessons”, summary which is proposed in the article. It is dedicated to A.P. Kopylova, the writer’s teacher, who for the first time made a teenager think about what kindness, humanity, and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the well-being of another are.

Start of independent life

The narrative is told in the first person and represents the memories of an adult about the most significant days of his difficult childhood.

The action takes place in 1948 Siberian village. The main character is an eight-year-old boy, the eldest of three children in the family. The mother had to raise them alone, but, seeing her son’s excellent academic abilities, she decided to send him to the 5th grade at a district school. It was fifty kilometers from home, and therefore the boy, who had never been separated from his family before, felt very lonely there. He lived with a mother he knew, who was also raising children without a husband.

Studying was easy, the only problem was the French lesson. Rasputin (the summary conveys only the main points of the story) noted that his village reprimand was strongly opposed foreign words. And every time the teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, began to wince and close her eyes in despair.

Chica game

Another problem was constant hunger. The mother donated few products, and they ran out very quickly: either the hostess helped, or her children. Therefore, the hero began to eat all the food at once, and then for several days he “planted his teeth on the shelf.” A couple of times my mother handed over money: not much, but I bought a jar of milk for five days. I often went to bed after drinking boiling water.

The summary of the work “French Lessons” continues with the story of how the hero began to play for money. One day Fedka, the owner's son, took him outside the gardens. There the boys played chica. While the boy had no money, he carefully observed and delved into the rules. And when the village driver brought money from his mother, he decided to try his luck in the game instead of buying milk. At first he lost, and therefore in the evenings he ran to the clearing, took out the hidden puck and practiced. Finally, the hero won for the first time. Now he had money for milk every evening. I didn’t want much - I won a ruble and immediately ran away. This was the reason unpleasant story, which soon took place in the clearing. Here is its summary.

“French Lessons” contains a story about boys gathering in their gardens. The main one was Vadik - the eldest. He directed the game and did not touch the boy for some time. But one day I stopped him when he was about to leave. Vadik, who stepped on the coin, stated that it did not turn over due to the impact, which means there was no winning. As a result, the hero tried to prove something, and he was beaten.

Difficult conversation

In the morning, Lidia Mikhailovna, who was also the class teacher, immediately noticed bruises on the boy’s face. After class, she left the student to talk. Here is a brief summary of it.

"French Lessons" emphasizes the contrast between the characters. Lydia Mikhailovna was neat, beautiful, and always had a pleasant smell of perfume, which made her seem unearthly to the boy. He walked around in his father’s altered clothes, old teal jackets, which no one else had at school. And now he was answering her questions about where he was spending the money he won. The author emphasizes that the news about milk came as a complete surprise to the teacher.

This incident did not reach the director, which made the hero very happy.

Painful lessons with Lidia Mikhailovna

In the fall, things became very bad for the hero: the driver no longer came, and the bag of potatoes he had brought literally evaporated. The boy had to go outside the gardens again. However, on the fourth day they beat him again, and Lidia Mikhailovna, seeing the bruises on his face, resorted to a trick. She decided to give it to him at home individual lesson French.

Rasputin (the summary does not fully tell how difficult these visits to the teacher were for the hero) notes that the boy was lost in fear and every time could not wait for the end of the lesson. And Lydia Mikhailovna first tried to invite him to the table, and when she realized that it was useless, she sent a package. Having opened the box, the boy was delighted, but immediately realized: where did his mother get the pasta? They haven't been in the village for a long time. And also hematogen! He immediately understood everything and went with the parcel to the teacher. She was sincerely surprised that she could only eat potatoes, peas, radishes... This was the first attempt to help a capable but starving student. We have described its brief content. Lydia Mikhailovna's French lessons continued, but now these were real lessons.

Game of "measuring"

A couple of weeks after the parcel story, the teacher started talking about chick, as if to compare her with the “measurements.” In fact it was the only way help the boy. At first she simply told him about how she loved to play “wall” as a girl. Then she showed what the essence of the game was, and finally suggested that we try our hand at “make-believe.” And when the rules were mastered, she noted that it was simply not interesting to play: money adds excitement. So the summary of the story continues.

The French lesson now passed quickly, and then they began to play “the wall”, or “measures”. The main thing is that the boy could buy milk every day with “honestly earned money.”

But one day Lidia Mikhailovna began to “flip.” This happened after the hero realized that she was playing along with him. As a result, a verbal altercation arose, the consequences of which were tragic.

Conversation with the director: summary

“French Lessons” does not end very happily for the heroes. They were so carried away by the argument that they did not notice how the director entered the room - it was located at the school. Stunned by what he saw (the class teacher was playing with his student for money), he called what was happening a crime and did not even try to understand the situation. Lidia Mikhailovna said goodbye and left three days later. They never saw each other again.

In the middle of winter, a package addressed to the boy arrived at the school, containing pasta and three apples from Kuban.

This is the summary of the story, the French lesson in which became, perhaps, the main thing moral lesson in the life of a hero.

Rasputin V., French lessons.
The hero of the work is an eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered “brainy” because he was literate, and people often came to him with bonds: it was believed that he had a lucky eye. But in the village where our hero lived, there was only an elementary school and therefore, in order to continue studying, he had to go to the regional center. In this difficult post-war time, during the period of devastation and hunger, his mother, in spite of all misfortunes, gathered and sent her son to study. In the city he felt even more hungry, because in the countryside it is easier to get food, but in the city everything needs to be bought. The boy had to live with Aunt Nadya. He suffered from anemia, so every day he bought a glass of milk for a ruble.
At school he studied well, with only A's, except for French, he was not good at pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to him, winced helplessly and closed her eyes. One day our hero finds out that he can make money by playing "chica", and he starts playing this game with other boys. However, he did not allow himself to get too carried away by the game and left as soon as he won a ruble. But one day the other guys didn’t let him leave with the ruble, but forced him to continue playing. Vadik, the best chica player, provoked a fight. The next day, the unfortunate village boy comes to school all beaten up and Lydia Mikhailovna is told what happened. When the teacher found out that the boy was playing for money, she called him for a conversation, thinking that he was spending the money on sweets, but in fact he was buying milk for treatment. Her attitude towards him immediately changed, and she decided to study French with him separately. The teacher invited him to her home and treated him to dinner, but the boy did not eat out of pride and embarrassment. Lidia Mikhailovna, a fairly wealthy woman, was very sympathetic to the guy and wanted to surround him with at least a little attention and care, knowing that he was starving. But he did not accept the help of the kind teacher. She tried to send him a parcel of food, but he gave it back. Then Lidia Mikhailovna, in order to give the boy a chance to have money, comes up with a game of “measuring”. And he, thinking that this method would be “honest,” agrees and wins. The school director considered playing with a student a crime, seduction, but never really figured out what made the teacher do it. The woman is leaving for her home in Kuban, but she has not forgotten the boy and sent him a parcel with food and even apples, which the boy had never tried, but had only seen in pictures. Lidia Mikhailovna is a kind and selfless person. Even after losing her job, she does not blame the boy for anything and does not forget about him.

What is the story "French Lessons" about? Brief retelling

  1. Kick! Too lazy to read already?
    As I remember, about a boy who had problems with French, he went to the teacher’s home to study it additionally. He played a game for money on the street, his teacher did not scold him for it, and she even played with him several times until the director caught them playing this game. And his French has become much better) In general, read it! But soon the people will degrade!
  2. All Works gt; Brief retelling French lessons Rasputin Brief retelling French lessons Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin French lessons (Story) Retelling. The main character of this story a little boy, who lived with his mother in the village, but due to the fact that there was no secondary school there, his mother sent him to study in the regional center. The boy had a hard time being separated from his mother, but he understood that he needed to study further and that his family had hopes for him. The family lived poorly, and his mother could not send him money. Children at school played chica for money, and the boy decided that if he won, he would not only be able to buy food for himself, but also send it to his mother. He had a good eye and accuracy. Often he got it from grown-up boys, but he could still buy milk and bread for himself. At school he had no problems with his studies, except for French, he was unable to pronounce. The young teacher began to leave him after lessons, but the boy ran off to play. One day, having caught him playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna decided to have a serious conversation with him. From a conversation with him, she realized that the boy was forced to play in order to feed himself. She begins to study with him separately, invites him to her home. He tries to feed him and surround him with care and attention, but he refuses out of pride and embarrassment. Then the teacher invites him to play the measuring game with her for money. She plays along with him, and so that the boy does not notice this, she pretends that she is cheating. One day, the school principal accidentally catches them doing this activity. Without understanding the situation, he fires the young teacher. But the teacher did not forget about her student, she sent him parcels with food, one of them contained apples, the boy had only seen them in the picture before. He remembered this story for the rest of his life, and he remembers Lydia Mikhailovna with gratitude.
  3. Post-war Siberian village. It has a school with only four classes. In fifth grade they go to study in a neighboring village. Here comes the only boy from the entire village, he wants to study. He is excellent in all subjects, but he has trouble with French, poor pronunciation. He lives on private apartment. The mother sends groceries with a passing car. But his master’s children eat them. Very hungry. The boy began to play for money with local kids so that he could buy a half-liter can of milk every day with the money he won. He won constantly, he was beaten for this and kicked out of the game. The French teacher invited him to her home, supposedly for extra classes, tried to feed him, but he refused to eat, he was proud. She sent him a parcel with food, but he guessed that it was from the teacher and did not eat the food. Then she began to play with him the same game for money, like with boys, so that the guy could buy milk, otherwise he would die of hunger. And the school director found them playing. Nightmare, teacher plays gambling with a student!. AND poor girl fired from school. These events are real, there was such a teacher for a living good writer Valentina Rasputina. He remembers it with gratitude all his life. and wrote this wonderful story. Read it.
  4. Lisa, the fact is that THIS story is IMPOSSIBLE to retell THIS story so that its essence reaches you.
    It can be understood, remembered and felt only when you personally read it. Out of laziness, you can even read the summary, but by yourself!
    If you are too lazy to search, I suggest: Google Valentin Rasputin “French Lessons”.
  5. The boy was poor, but smart. But I didn’t know French. He went to study, but he began to earn money illegally and then the teacher took pity on him and gave him something to eat, but he didn’t accept it and she left
  6. The hero of the story, the boy Volodya, comes from the village to study in the regional center, where the eight-year-old is located. Life is difficult for him, the post-war period is hungry. The boy has no relatives or friends in the area; he lives in an apartment with someone else's aunt Nadya.

    The boy starts playing chica in order to earn money for milk. At one of the difficult moments, a young French teacher comes to the boy’s aid. She went against all the rules in place by playing with him at home. The writer talks with love and respect about her philanthropy and unshowy courage.

  7. The hero of the work is an eleven-year-old boy who lived and studied in the village. He was considered brainy because he was literate, and people often came to him with bonds: it was believed that he had a lucky eye. But in the village where our hero lived, there was only an elementary school and therefore, in order to continue studying, he had to go to the regional center. In this difficult post-war time, during a period of devastation and hunger, his mother, in spite of all misfortunes, gathered and sent her son to study. In the city he felt even more hungry, because in the countryside it is easier to get food, but in the city everything needs to be bought. The boy had to live with Aunt Nadya. He suffered from anemia, so every day he bought a glass of milk for a ruble.
    At school he studied well, with only straight A's, except for French, he was not good at pronunciation. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to him, winced helplessly and closed her eyes. One day our hero finds out that he can earn money by playing chica, and he starts playing this game with other boys. However, he did not allow himself to get too carried away by the game and left as soon as he won a ruble. But one day the other guys didn’t let him leave with the ruble, but forced him to continue playing. Vadik, the best chica player, provoked a fight. The next day, the unfortunate village boy comes to school all beaten up and Lydia Mikhailovna is told what happened. When the teacher found out that the boy was playing for money, she called him for a conversation, thinking that he was spending the money on sweets, but in fact he was buying milk for treatment. Her attitude towards him did not immediately change, and she decided to study French with him separately. The teacher invited him to her home and treated him to dinner, but the boy did not eat out of pride and embarrassment. Lidia Mikhailovna, a fairly wealthy woman, was very sympathetic to the guy and wanted to surround him with at least a little attention and care, knowing that he was starving. But he did not accept the help of the kind teacher. She tried to send him a parcel of food, but he gave it back. Then Lidia Mikhailovna, in order to give the boy a chance to have money, comes up with a game of measuring. And he, thinking that this method would be fair, agrees and wins. The school director considered playing with a student a crime, seduction, but never really figured out what made the teacher do it. The woman is leaving for her home in Kuban, but she has not forgotten the boy and sent him a parcel with food and even apples, which the boy had never tried, but had only seen in pictures. Lidia Mikhailovna is a kind and selfless person. Even after losing her job, she does not blame the boy for anything and does not forget about him.

One of the best works of V. Rasputin is the book “French Lessons”, a brief summary of which is offered in the article. It is dedicated to A.P. Kopylova, the writer’s teacher, who for the first time made a teenager think about what kindness, humanity, and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the well-being of another are.

Start of independent life

The narrative is told in the first person and represents the memories of an adult about the most significant days of his difficult childhood.

The action takes place in 1948 in a Siberian village. The main character is an eight-year-old boy, the eldest of three children in the family. The mother had to raise them alone, but, seeing her son’s excellent academic abilities, she decided to send him to the 5th grade at a district school. It was fifty kilometers from home, and therefore the boy, who had never been separated from his family before, felt very lonely there. He lived with a mother he knew, who was also raising children without a husband.

Studying was easy, the only problem was the French lesson. Rasputin (the summary conveys only the main points of the story) noted that his village accent was in every possible way opposed to foreign words. And every time the teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, began to wince and close her eyes in despair.

Chica game

Another problem was constant hunger. The mother donated few products, and they ran out very quickly: either the hostess helped, or her children. Therefore, the hero began to eat all the food at once, and then for several days he “planted his teeth on the shelf.” A couple of times my mother handed over money: not much, but I bought a jar of milk for five days. I often went to bed after drinking boiling water.

The summary of the work “French Lessons” continues with the story of how the hero began to play for money. One day Fedka, the owner's son, took him outside the gardens. There the boys played chica. While the boy had no money, he carefully observed and delved into the rules. And when the village driver brought money from his mother, he decided to try his luck in the game instead of buying milk. At first he lost, and therefore in the evenings he ran to the clearing, took out the hidden puck and practiced. Finally, the hero won for the first time. Now he had money for milk every evening. I didn’t want much - I won a ruble and immediately ran away. This became the reason for the unpleasant story that soon happened in the clearing. Here is its summary.

“French Lessons” contains a story about boys gathering in their gardens. The main one was Vadik - the eldest. He directed the game and did not touch the boy for some time. But one day I stopped him when he was about to leave. Vadik, who stepped on the coin, stated that it did not turn over due to the impact, which means there was no winning. As a result, the hero tried to prove something, and he was beaten.

Difficult conversation

In the morning, Lidia Mikhailovna, who was also the class teacher, immediately noticed bruises on the boy’s face. After class, she left the student to talk. Here is a brief summary of it.

"French Lessons" emphasizes the contrast between the characters. Lydia Mikhailovna was neat, beautiful, and always had a pleasant smell of perfume, which made her seem unearthly to the boy. He walked around in his father’s altered clothes, old teal jackets, which no one else had at school. And now he was answering her questions about where he was spending the money he won. The author emphasizes that the news about milk came as a complete surprise to the teacher.

This incident did not reach the director, which made the hero very happy.

Painful lessons with Lidia Mikhailovna

In the fall, things became very bad for the hero: the driver no longer came, and the bag of potatoes he had brought literally evaporated. The boy had to go outside the gardens again. However, on the fourth day they beat him again, and Lidia Mikhailovna, seeing the bruises on his face, resorted to a trick. She decided to give him an individual French lesson at her home.

Rasputin (the summary does not fully tell how difficult these visits to the teacher were for the hero) notes that the boy was lost in fear and every time could not wait for the end of the lesson. And Lydia Mikhailovna first tried to invite him to the table, and when she realized that it was useless, she sent a package. Having opened the box, the boy was delighted, but immediately realized: where did his mother get the pasta? They haven't been in the village for a long time. And also hematogen! He immediately understood everything and went with the parcel to the teacher. She was sincerely surprised that she could only eat potatoes, peas, radishes... This was the first attempt to help a capable but starving student. We have described its brief content. Lydia Mikhailovna's French lessons continued, but now these were real lessons.

Game of "measuring"

A couple of weeks after the parcel story, the teacher started talking about chick, as if to compare her with the “measurements.” In fact, this was the only way to help the boy. At first she simply told him about how she loved to play “wall” as a girl. Then she showed what the essence of the game was, and finally suggested that we try our hand at “make-believe.” And when the rules were mastered, she noted that it was simply not interesting to play: money adds excitement. So the summary of the story continues.

The French lesson now passed quickly, and then they began to play “the wall”, or “measures”. The main thing is that the boy could buy milk every day with “honestly earned money.”

But one day Lidia Mikhailovna began to “flip.” This happened after the hero realized that she was playing along with him. As a result, a verbal altercation arose, the consequences of which were tragic.

Conversation with the director: summary

“French Lessons” does not end very happily for the heroes. They were so carried away by the argument that they did not notice how the director entered the room - it was located at the school. Stunned by what he saw (the class teacher was playing with his student for money), he called what was happening a crime and did not even try to understand the situation. Lidia Mikhailovna said goodbye and left three days later. They never saw each other again.

In the middle of winter, a package addressed to the boy arrived at the school, containing pasta and three apples from Kuban.

This is the summary of the story, in which the French lesson became, perhaps, the main moral lesson in the hero’s life.