KVN station sports team. KVN team "Sports Station": composition, participants, team captain, creation and performances

The presenter and director of one of the most popular television programs, which has become a national game played in Israel, Japan, and Australia, is the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. President of the International KVN Union and creative association"AMiK".


Decree of the President of the KVN MS on the ban on plus phonograms.

Decree of the President of the KVN MS “On participation in non-KVN television projects.”

Rules and instructions for the work of official MS KVN leagues

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In KVN, everything happens differently from normal people. Although normal people have their own reasonable traditions. For example, textbooks are republished every year, corrected and supplemented each time.

This book has already gone through three reprints. And this is not the limit, comrades! After all, KVN changes along with our lives, which means the process of improvement is endless!

The most amazing thing is this book, most of which was written six or seven years ago, KVN members continue to read and even claim that reading this still implies not only historical interest, but also practical benefit.

Our days

Today's KVN is as different from the KVN of 50 years ago as the first television receivers with a lens are different from modern devices with a flat screen, dolby surround sound and other bells and whistles. But still. Where did it all start?


The history of the KVN team "MIEMP Station Sportivnaya" from the lips of the participants themselves.

Hello guys!
Ivan: Hello!
Lesha: Hello!
Kostya: hello!
Vova: Don't get sick yourself!
Dima: E-hey-hey!

- And the first question: what do you expect from this interview?
Lesha: Well... we wanted, well... to win or something.
Vania: Yes! Yes! Win interviews with everyone in the world!!
Dima: E-hey-hey!

- Fine. Guys, how did the KVN team “MIEMP Station Sportivnaya” appear?
Kostya: Maybe I'll start?
Vania: I think no! You weren't even there then!
Dima: Uh...
Vania: Shut up!
Lesha: So I'll start! It all started back in 2002 (suitable music playing). IN Pedagogical Institute physical culture decided to create a KVN team to participate in the prefect's cup of the southwestern district of Moscow. As a result, a team was assembled, assembled from two faculties, in which Dima and I ended up. Everything was fine until we realized that the screen itself was not going anywhere.
Ivan: And then I appeared!
Kostya: Go crazy important activity!
Vania: Everything is important in KVN!
Lesha: Do not quarrel! So, everything was fine. But we understood that without a name the team would not go far.
Dima: Why did we want to sail somewhere?
Vania: Shut up!
Lesha: There were options to be called Sunny, Children of Lieutenant Schmidt, UPI, but all these sounds were not new. Since all team members were athletes and studied at a sports university, we realized that the name should be related to sports.
Dima: And then I suggested calling ourselves “Ball Station”!
Lesha: We kicked the ball right away, but you can’t kick the “station” so easily! And then we looked at each other and said three to four: “Sportivnaya Station”! And they took the stage at the South-Western Administrative District Cup. It was at this cup that we were noticed by the presenter and editor of the cup, Evgeniy Donskikh (RUDN University). After winning the cup, we realized that we needed to move on. But since our university was unable to provide us with financial support for a trip to the Sochi festival...
Dima: We cried...
Vania: But Zhenya Donskikh said, don’t despair, and invited us to the MFUA team, the leader of which at that time was he and Vera Zborovskaya (MGSU women’s team). Not realizing that these people would become Mom and Dad for us, we went to Sochi!
Dima: Hey!
Lesha: The result of the 13th Sochi festival (2003) for our team was getting into an increased rating and an invitation to the Moscow Student League, where we played as the “Sportivnaya Station”, and as the “MFYuA team” in the Voronezh League “Start”! It’s not for nothing that this league is called “Start”; it was there that, together with Dad and Mom, we took the first step into the big KVN. By the way, Anatoly Vasilyevich Shulik and Valentin Ivanov, the editor of the league, taught us how to correctly implement what was born in our heads. For which we thank them very much! As a result, we became Vice-champions, losing in the final to the team from Lipetsk “Lipetsk Metallurgists”.

- So what?
Dima: Nothing!
Vania: And here we are at the 14th Sochi festival (2004), where after a successful performance we got to the gala concert of the Sochi festival with the performance “Christmas tree”, where we assembled a Christmas tree using jokes. Result of the festival: First League (Tyumen), where, probably due to lack of experience, we were eliminated from the first game.
Dima: Hey!
Vania: We are crying again.
Lesha: After this game we were so worried that we even fell apart. And so the four of us were left, Me, Dima, Lesha and Rosita...

- What about Rosita?
Vania: Rosita came to us from MFYA. This is the only person in our team who left the MFYA for us, but left with us.

-Have you formulated everything correctly?
Dima: Not really, of course, but we continue.
Vania: Since we were alone again, we continued to play our favorite KVN at the faculty games of our university, of which we became champions for two years in a row. There, at the faculty games, we found our Vovka from the “Likbez” team and invited him to join our team.
Vova: That's how I came into being.
Lesha: That same year, our friends, the team of “guys from our backyard” in the city of Mytishchi, invited us to try our hand at being part of their team. We agreed and went to Minsk. After playing one game, we did not find our place in their team and decided to part ways amicably.
Vania: But we did not leave there empty-handed. Dmitry Soloviev and Kostya joined us.
Kostya: Yeah.
Dima: Now we are a gang!
Lesha: And with this fighting squad we decided to try our hand at the same Prefect Cup of the South-Western District. Having won the cup:
Dima: We cried.
Lesha: But this time from happiness. After that, a KVN-like calm came for us. Many of us graduated from college, and it was necessary to move further in education. Vanya and I entered graduate school at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law, where the KVN team once existed. It was within the walls of the institute that we met Mila, the team director, and Egor, our sound engineer. Thus, our team found its home, in which we live to this day.
Kostya: We joined forces and went to Sochi (2005) as the KVN team “MIEMP Station Sportivnaya”.

- It’s terribly interesting, so what, so what?
Dima: Well? What? Let's go and arrive. Everything is logical!
Vova: The 15th Sochi festival was fun.
Dima: Which is also logical, mind you!
Vania: We really wanted to get into the tower.
Kostya: Thus, we got into the Euroleague. Minsk city. It is from this season that we understand that we can’t go anywhere without diamonds, and someone accidentally cut off Vanya’s trousers. The team's emblem also appeared - a horse! It symbolizes intelligence, wisdom, dynamic strength, agility, and quickness of thought. But, to be honest, we first came up with this emblem, and only later did we find out what it means. This is how the team's style emerged.
Vova: We really enjoyed playing in Minsk. This is a very beautiful and hospitable city. As they say, like the city, like the league.
Vania: This season was significant for us, we became vice champions of the Euroleague, losing to the team "Vdrebezgi" Minsk, we met editors Leonid Kuprido and Yuri Kruchenko, we had our first fans who support us now. And it was precisely this year that the Sportivnaya station opened in the Minsk metro. This is the gift the local authorities gave us.

- And you went to Sochi?
Dima: Well, we first stopped at home, and then we actually went to the city of Sochi.
Kostya: So, Sochi (2006). This is our first time doing a full-length performance. We are very happy about this and, according to tradition, we want to go to the tower again.
Vova: So, Premier League!! It so happened that in the Premier League season, without losing a single game, we became champions. Automatically earning the right to play in the KVN Major League. For this we thank our fans, editors Mikhail Gulikov and Valentin Ivanov, known to us from the Start league, and Evgeniy Donskikh, who, as you can see, has also achieved certain successes in parallel with us.
Vania: And already in the rank of Premier League champions we arrived in Sochi (2007).
Lesha: And now our dreams of the Major League have become reality.
Dima:(crying) Well, finally!
Kostya: At the 18th festival, we again find ourselves in a full-length performance and begin preparations for one-eighth of the Major League of the International KVN Union of the 2007 season (then the most appropriate music from the movie Rocky plays, the guys shrug their hands and make lips).

- Thanks guys!
All: You're welcome, Alexander Vasilievich...

MIEMP, Sportivnaya Station
All names are fictitious, coincidences with real names and characters - an accident!

KVN team composition Sportivnaya station- composition, participants, best video.

From: Moscow, MIEM Moscow Institute of Economics and Management
Sponsor: MIEM administration

KVN team Sportivnaya Station - composition throughout its existence: Dmitry Kozhoma, Ivan Pyshnenko, Konstantin Obukhov, Alexey Nikiforenko, Vladimir Porubaev, Rosita Evtukh.

Team style: Frontman Dima Kozhoma and artist Vanya Pyshnenko stand out in the team.

photo of the members of the KVN team "Sportivnaya Station"

Team awards and victories:

2010 - Presidential KiViN from A.V. Maslyakov -
- 2011 - Silver medalists and finalists of the major league of KVN 2011 (the guys were not able to take the championship, losing it in 2011 to the SOK team from Samara)

A little history:

November 2002! Prefect Cup of the South-Western Autonomous District of Moscow! Even then, the team managed to reach the finals and compete with worthy and strong opponents, the KVN teams of RUDN University, GANG and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Then there was a merger with the MFYUA team, and after some time, the guys became friends with lawyers, after which they even began to call themselves MFYUA.
The first thing the united team had a chance to experience was the Sochi Festival 2003... More experienced KVN members provided assistance and support to the team. Then the guys, of course, were not in the thick of things, since they lived a little far away, but this did not stop them from entering the list of teams with a higher rating and getting the right to start the season in one of the central leagues of MS KVN.
The team played its first season in three leagues.
In the Moscow Student League MS KVN, the team "Sportivnaya Station" played for their home university, but, by coincidence, they had to refuse to participate in the semi-finals, and the season in this league for the team from PIFK ended prematurely.
The second league in which the guys took part (but as MFYuA) was the Moscow Debut League. Having won the quarterfinals, the team reached the 1/3 finals of the Festos League and already reached the semifinals there.
And back in October 2003, the team "Sportivnaya Station", PIFK, was invited to participate in the interfaculty KVN Cup of Moscow State Pedagogical University 2003 - 2004. And in May 2004, at the final of this cup, they became the undisputed champions.

Watch the best and funniest video from the KVN team "sports station" online:

The Mayans predicted the end of the world and Dima decided to deal with the jury and shouted to Ernst “MTV!”

They said on TV that tomorrow is the end of the world and so it began. The husband calls his mistress and the wife also asks to see them. The son said that he smokes. The cop gives out money. Zyatek came to his mother-in-law to see it in person.
And the guy leaves his girlfriend because she is a stupid chicken.
And Dima ran to the jury and began to drink their water and dance in front of Guzman.
And MTV meant - We Admire You, Powerful Television You're in charge, can you leave now?

And then they showed a video from 2061 where they are already old and then the forever young Maslyakov appears and tells them that the guys look good))

STEM with a star (Yulia Kovalchuk) - an ordinary house, entrance, elevator. Dima stuck in an elevator with Kovalchuk

As president, Medvedev likes to make unexpected visits to various establishments.
So here, in the History of Russia lesson, the teacher called a poor student to the blackboard and then President Medvedev unexpectedly entered the class and the poor student immediately became an excellent student, heading for a medal!

Dress rehearsal for an unexpected inspection of President D.A. Medvedev (this can only happen in Russia), an incident in a pharmacy and electronic thermometers that are not in the pharmacy.

STEM: In a small apartment, on Pirozhkov Lane, building 22. Two robbers are “cleaning” the apartment and then she came in school teacher son of the owner (chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate).

The most best jokes from the team of KVN station Sportivnaya:

A saleswoman of lingerie most often hears from men the phrase: “Well, about the same as yours.”
A boy was found with his head torn off and a cigarette in his hand - father said, father did!
Trust in God, and don’t make a mistake yourself. Last night, priest Vasily crushed two gopniks with a censer.
Locksmith Safronov's liver prevents him from turning a hula hoop.

On Leningradskoe Highway, Alyonka chocolate costs $200 per hour.

Team TV broadcasts:
- KVN Birthday 2006
- Premier League 2006
- Major League 2007
- Major League 2008
- Major League 2009
- Summer Cup 2010
- Voting KiViN 2010
- Major League 2011
- Opening of the KVN house 2013

KVN team "Sports Station" - team composition and photos of participants:

Dima Kozhoma

Date of birth: 02/18/1981

At first, Kazhoma played in the KVN team FC “Burevestnik”, but after he was injured, he did not play for 3 years.
Favorite movie - Cocaine
Favorite food - I hate McDonald's!!
Since 2010, he began writing jokes for the KVN team "Team of Bataysk".

The KVN team "Sportivnaya Station" was formed in 2002 year. It brought together students from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy.

The name was not invented by chance! “Sportivnaya” is the name of one of the Moscow metro stations where team members often met before rehearsals.

Its first season ( 2003 year) the Moscow “Sportivnaya Station” is held not in the capital, but in the Voronezh league called “Start”. This league is mainly for young KVN teams. Still the guys show there high level and occupy second place!

Next year ( 2004 ) the team plays in the EuroLeague KVN (Minsk). Unfortunately, EuroLeague did not give in on the first try and the guys were defeated. But, we returned to Minsk in 2005 year and easily took second place!

Despite the next place No. 2, the team received a very valuable prize— invitation to the KVN Premier League! And this means a new level, television broadcasts and huge prospects!

TO 2006 year, “Sportivnaya Station” has become a fairly experienced KVN team. The humor was of high quality, the presentation was well-structured, the images were completed and... they became Champions of the KVN Premier League!

The prize is a ticket to the KVN Major League!

However, the level of the “Tower” is so high that the experience of previous leagues does not matter here! IN 2007 This year the guys failed to reach the top of the season. However, they became the Champions of the Higher Ukrainian KVN League!

But the treasured “Tower” didn’t show itself to the kids for another three years! Attempts to "assault" 2008 of the year, 2009 And 2010 years were unsuccessful! The highest result is the semi-final stage of the KVN Major League and the “Presidential KiViN” at music festival KVN.

Only in 2011 "Sportivnaya Station" reached the finals of the KVN Major League, but took second place there!

In 2012, the guys no longer had any humorous strength left and the KVN team “Sportivnaya Station” stopped performing in the official leagues of the Club.

Sports station: composition of the KVN team

  1. Dmitriy Kozhoma- captain, author and actor;
  2. Ivan Pyshnenko- author and actor;
  3. Konstantin Obukhov- author, actor and team director;
  4. Alexei Nikiforenko- author and actor;
  5. Vladimir Porubaev- author and actor;
  6. Alexei Yurin- author and actor;
  7. Dina Nikitina- team administrator;
  8. Daria Ovchukova-Suvorova- team props manager;
  9. Ksenia Barabanova- team props manager;
  10. Rosita Eutuchus- team administrator;
  11. Katerina Nikiforenko- concert director.

Despite the end of his career in KVN, the “Sportivnaya Station” team did not cease to exist! The guys still perform concerts in different cities Russia and neighboring countries!

Dmitry Kozhoma and Ivan Pyshnenko have been permanent residents since 2014 Comedy Club, and their teammate Konstantin Obukhov works at Comedy Club Production as a creative producer.

The guys from the “Sportivnaya Station” team managed to do something simple!

The team that was supposed to become the champion of the Major League of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. On January 10, 2018, she turned 15 years old. Who are we talking about? About the KVN team "Sportivnaya Station". The composition of this company, its life before and now, victories and losses, and history - this is all that worries so much those who have seen at least one performance of the guys.

History of creation

Despite the fact that the team’s birth year is considered to be 2003, it appeared much earlier. The KVN team “Sportivnaya Station” appeared at the Pedagogical Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. Three team members studied there - Kozhoma, Pyshnenko and Nikiforenko.

Interesting fact! Kozhoma and Nikiforenko were friends since childhood. They fondly remember the times they played football together. However, after a long break in communication, they met again only at the university.

In 2002, the university announced recruitment to the KVN team. This was done to participate in the Southwestern Cup administrative district and as many as 40 people responded.

Team name

The members of the “Sportivnaya Station” team did not immediately come up with such a cosmic name. There were also options to call yourself “Sunny.” There was an option to appear before the public as the team “Children of Captain Schmidt”.

Some believe that the word “station” in the name is related to the metro station, which has a similar name. However, in reality we're talking about about the space station.

The second part of the title is not a slogan for life. So the composition of the Sports Station team decided to pay tribute to the faculty where they all studied

First performances

For the very first performances, the team practically did not invent their own jokes. They took them from magazines and newspapers. This approach seemed quite normal to the team.

In the semi-finals of their first game, the Sports Station team took only third place, but this did not prevent them from reaching the finals. But even there fortune did not smile on them.

However, this could only seem so at first glance. It was at that game that the guys made friends who played important role in the formation of this “machine” of humor.

Start of team formation

There are only three left from the very first team - Dmitry Kozhoma, Ivan Pyshnenko and Alexey Nikiforenko. The rest of the “Sportivnaya Station” participants are guys from other teams.

So, after participating in the Sochi festival in 2003, the composition of the KVN team “Sportivnaya Station” was supplemented by a person from the MFYA team. Unfortunately, their own university did not have the funds to finance the team’s performances. So, a girl appeared in “Sportivnaya” - Rosita Evtukh.

From there the team went to play in the Central League “Start KVN”. There, Konstantin Obukhov performed in the competing team. In the finals of the Start League, the guys took second place and next year We rushed to the Sochi festival again. Already there they received an invitation to play in the First League.

After they were eliminated by another 1/8, the KVN team “Sportivnaya Station” was replenished with another newcomer - Vladimir Porubaev.

Euroleague KVN in Minsk

Although the guys already tried to play in this League in 2004, despite the loss, they took the risk again and were not disappointed. In 2005 in Minsk they easily took second place. But what's good about that?

Some might have thought that this was just another second place finish. But in fact, it was precisely such attempts that made the team more experienced, which allowed them to accept invitations to participate in the KVN Premier League.

KVN Premier League

An already formed team went to participate in the television project. Almost until the very end, the guys stayed together like one family.

Ivan Pyshnenko became the captain of the Sports Station team. He always showed himself to be bright and very talented actor. No one on the team ever doubted the correctness of this choice.

He was always the face of the team and it was he who became the captain of the team when it got into the television version of KVN. However, this, as before, was only a necessity due to the rules of the project. Basically, the team made all decisions together.

In the Premier League, the guys won all the games. Thus, they got the most Grand Prize- ticket to Major League.

First participation at HSE

The first year was difficult for the entire composition of the KVN team “Sportivnaya Station”. Photos from that time provide clear evidence of this. With each game the guys became more and more lethargic and therefore were eliminated in the quarter-finals.

At this stage the team did not break down again. They took a risk and took part in the Ukrainian Higher League. There they performed their iconic numbers “Fathers” and “Snegirek”. This is what made them favorites Ukrainian viewers and, naturally, the winners.

Financial difficulties

In 2008, the team lost its sponsor. In order to continue playing in KVN and not miss the season, the guys had to look for an opportunity to earn money. But their efforts did not help them get further than 1/4.

In 2009, Alexey Yurin came up with the famous act “Loader”. He allowed the guys to reach the semi-finals.

The entire KVN team "Sportivnaya Station" took part in the event, dedicated to the Day birth of KVN. However, in the overall standings the guys were on last place, but it didn't break their spirit.

The brightest season

In 2011, the guys got a good sponsor. Then it was decided to try again to conquer the KVN Major League.

In order to reach the top, the team changed their style. Surprisingly it worked. Each game ended in first place. Except the one that was final.

“SOK” from Samara beat “Sportivnaya Station” by only 0.2 points. Yes, the team never became a champion. In one interview, they were even indignant that their humor was worth the victory.

Team chip

Everyone remembers the team's signature farewell. Many people ask what this final exit means.

In fact, the guys just really love famous painting John Avildsen with Sylvester Stallone in leading role- “Rocky.” That's where the music comes from.

And waving your arms and screaming is a way to throw out emotions. Each participant shouts something different. So, Ivan often shouted: “Lelik, let’s all sit down!”, and Rosita: “Puck.”

Life after KVN

Since 2012, the team no longer played in the official leagues of the club, although they pleased with their appearance on special projects and as assistants for younger teams.

The guys had families, children, their own television projects. Moreover, you can easily find their own website on the Internet, where they offer their services as MCs for weddings and other events.

Moreover, the guys are always happy to help raise corporate spirit. To do this, they offer their services as teachers and organizers of corporate KVN - interesting looking team building.

Personal life of the team actors

In total, the team consisted of 11 people, 6 of whom were active actors. They have not embodied themselves in anyone on stage. But what do we know about them? Let's look at the biographies of the three most famous of them.

Dmitry Kozhoma. Born in Moscow in 1981. He was always a simple and open guy. After KVN he participated in several interesting projects, including “Laughter in big city"(STS) and "Vyshka" (Channel One). Since 2014, together with his friend Ivan Pyshnenko, he has been resident Comedy Club. Until 2016, he said that he was single and free, but then cute photos with his girlfriend began to appear more and more often on his Instagram page. Who she is is still unknown.

Ivan Pyshnenko. Also a native of Moscow. Born January 25, 1982. His parents always supported their son’s hobbies and did not interfere with his development. Often his image on stage is completely opposite to what Ivan is like in life. As for his personal life, he has a wife, Olga, and in 2013, the couple had a son.

Konstantin Obukhov. This young man was the team director, and now he is creative producer Comedy Club Production. There is practically no information about his life. It is known that since February 14, 2009 he has been married and happily married.


When the guys started playing in KVN, most of them were barely 21 years old. Their parents may have decided that humor is not something a grown man should do. But we see that the guys weren’t just doing what they loved. They really succeeded at it.

So parents must trust their children, and young people must move towards their goals. “Sportivnaya Station” was a small university team that eventually became famous not only throughout the country, but also beyond its borders.