Son of Luke Skywalker's sister's husband. Who are you fighting against? Star Wars Family Tree

In this article you will learn:

Luke Skywalker- Jedi Master and Grand Master of the New Jedi Order. Main character Star universe Wars. Luke's story consists of Canons ( original story from films) and Legends (history from books written before 2014). In this article you can read about both some and others.

Mark Hamill as Luke

Revenge of the Sith

The first time we see Luke is in the movie Revenge of the Sith, where he was just born. His role is insignificant and is played by some little dude.

So Luke was born in medical center Polis-Massa, slightly earlier than her twin sister Leia in 19 BBY, in the year of the formation of the Empire and the extermination of the Jedi. His mother was a senator, and his father was a fallen knight.

Luke's mother died after giving birth and in order to hide the children from the Empire, the Jedi decided to separate them. Leia became the adopted daughter of Senator Bail Organa, and Luke ended up on Tatooine, with his uncle Owen Lars and his wife.

Obi-Wan personally delivered the child to the Lars, after which he settled on Tatooine, taking care of the little boy.

WITH early childhood Luke began to display his Force abilities. His uncle Owen was against it, so he often scolded the boy.


At the age of twelve, Luke dreamed of going to the distant stars, but his uncle tried to make him forget about his dreams. He told the boy about the Clone Wars, lying that his father was just a cargo pilot. Despite this, Skywalker continued to seek adventure, developing his skills in piloting and repairing various devices that he inherited from his father.

In his youth, Luke had the nickname "Worm". The boy had few friends, with some of them he dreamed of entering the Imperial Academy to become a pilot. Best friend Luke was Biggs Darklighter, who left him in 1 BBY to follow his dream.

To all his uncle’s persuasion to let him go, Luke received the strictest refusal.

New Hope

The second time we meet the adult Luke is in the 1977 film A New Hope. In this and subsequent parts, he is played by Mark Hamill. From this moment on, the canonical story of the hero of the universe begins again.

Skywalker's adventures began when his uncle bought two droids and R2-D2. In one of them, Luke discovered a message addressed to Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Going in search of the hermit Ben, the young man learned another story of his father, who, according to Kenobi, was a Jedi killed.

Returning home, Luke found his uncle and aunt killed. Skywalker had no choice but to follow Ben and the droids to Alderaan in order to deliver the R2 droid, which contained the plans for the Death Star, to the rebels.

To get out of Imperial-occupied Tatooine, Luke and Ben hired the brave captain of the Millennium Falcon and his assistant. To pay off Khan, Luke sold his flyer.

On the ship, Ben gave Luke his first lessons in strength, which were difficult for him.

Arriving in the Alderaan system, the team found the planet destroyed. Trying to escape the fighters, the Falcon was pulled by the Death Star. The team successfully escaped from their enemies, and when they found out that Princess Leia was on the ship, they decided to save her. Luke, in the company of Han and Chewbacca, went to rescue the princess while Ben abandoned them.

Having freed Leia, the friends were able to escape from the Death Star only thanks to Kenobi, who sacrificed himself by merging with the Force in a short battle with Vader. Luke was saddened by the loss of his teacher.

Famous bunch

Battle of Yavin

Traveling to the Rebel base on Yavin with Leia, Luke was immediately drawn into the war with the Empire. He invited Khan to stay with the rebels and help them in the battle against the Empire, but he refused.

Luke became a pilot with the call sign Red-5 and the final battle against the Death Star, with the help of Han Solo and the Force, who came to the rescue, destroyed the Empire's superweapon.

Palpatine: « I sense a great disturbance in the Force.»

Darth Vader: « I feel it too.»

Palpatine: « We have new enemy: The young rebel who destroyed the Death Star. I have no doubt that the boy is the offspring of Anakin Skywalker.»

Having destroyed the Death Star, young Luke became a hero of the Alliance, along with his friends Han and Chewbacca.

Luke and Leia

Fight against the Empire

Skywalker continued the fight against the Empire, helping the Alliance. He participated in many battles, was promoted to lieutenant commander and led several missions. Among fighters in space, Luke felt at home, so he often flew missions with the Red and Rogue squadrons. He also took part in battles on earth, witnessing all the horrors of war.

In one of the ground battles, Luke met an old friend, Sunber, who was an imperial officer.

First fight with Vader

The hero's first meeting with Darth Vader took place in 2 ABY on the planet Mimban. Then, in the battle, Skywalker won, cutting off the Sith mechanical arm. This victory was achieved only thanks to the spirit of Kenobi and the Kaiburr crystal, which gave Luke strength.

The Empire Strikes Back

Vision of Skywalker

In 3 ABY, the hero arrived with Rogue Squadron on Hoth, where the Alliance base was located. During one of the reconnaissance missions, Skywalker disappeared in the endless snow of the planet. He was dying when he saw the spirit of Kenobi advising the young man to become Yoda's disciple, on Dagobah. Luke could have died, but he came to the rescue true friend Han Solo.

During the battle for the planet, the Alliance was defeated, leaving their base on Hoth. Luke left his friends on Ben's advice, he went to Dagobah, where he found Yoda and became his student.

Since Luke was already old, learning the Jedi art was difficult for him, but his potential was enormous.

One day, Yoda sent the hero into a cave where the Dark Side of the Force languished. Luke saw himself there in Vader's armor. In the cave, Skywalker saw Solo and Organa captured in Cloud City. Without completing his studies, he decided to go to save his friends.

Yoda and Luke

Losing a hand and the terrible truth

Luke arrived in Cloud City late. Khan was placed in carbonite and handed over, and everyone else became hostages to the Empire. Sensing Vader in the Force, Skywalker found him and fought him. This time, without outside help, Luke was expected to fail. The Dark Lord cut off the hero right hand and tried to persuade him to the Dark Side by revealing the terrible secret that he was his real father.

Darth Vader: « Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father?»

Luke Skywalker: « Quite enough! He said you killed him!»

Darth Vader: « No. I am your father!»

Having learned the truth, Luke rushed into the mine, refusing the Sith. He latched onto the flying city's antenna and was soon picked up by Leia on the Falcon, who contacted him through the Force. The Falcon crew lost Solo, but gained a new legendary pilot, Lando Calrissian.

Like his father earlier, Luke lost his right arm, which was replaced by a cybernetic prosthesis.

Superweapon "Tarkin"

A new mission for Luke and his crew on the Falcon was the destruction of the Tarkin superweapon. Vader, who was on the station, expected the arrival of the Jedi and wanted to capture him, but the attempt on his life spoiled the Dark Lord's plans. The Falcon successfully completed the mission, flying away from the station when Vader followed in his personal starfighter. After the destruction of the Tarkin, Vader was the only one who survived. To remove the Sieve from the tail, Luke poured coolant into space, which turned into an ice wall and Vader fell into it.

Shira Bree

After becoming commander of Rogue Squadron, Luke fell in love with a pilot named Shira Bree. But in one of the battles he accidentally shot her down, for which he was removed from his post as commander. Having taken up the investigation of this case in order to be reinstated in his position, the hero learned that Shira was an agent of the empire. (The girl survived, becoming half a cyborg known as Lady Lumiya).

To make himself a sword, Luke went to Tatooine to Kenobi's old hut, where he assembled a sword with a green blade.

Return of the Jedi

In 4 ABY, Skywalker learned that Han Solo was on Tatooine with Jabba. Luke arrived at the Hutt's palace when half of his team had already been captured: Leia, Chewbacca and two droids. To free his friends, the hero had to fight a terrible rancor. The hero almost died in the jaws of the Sarlacc, yet showed everyone his Jedi abilities.

Saving Leia

After saving his friends, Luke returned to Yoda to complete his training, but found the old master dying. Dying, Yoda declared Skywalker a Jedi Knight and told the secret of whose twin sister was Leia Organa.

Returning to the Rebels, Luke went on a mission to Endor to disable the field generator protecting the second Death Star, which the Empire was building in orbit of the planet.

Sensing Vader's presence, Luke himself surrendered to the Imperials, after which he came face to face with himself. They tried to seduce Skywalker dark side Forces, but the young Jedi held on, trying to bring his father back to the light. Vader, reading his son's thoughts, began to threaten the conversion of his sister Leia, after which Luke showed the preconditions for the dark side by starting the battle and cutting off Vader's hand. Skywalker stopped the battle when he saw his father's right mechanical arm similar to his own (the vision on Dagobah when Luke saw himself in Vader's armor). The Emperor ordered Vader to be killed, but Luke refused.

Palpatine used Force lightning to kill the Jedi, but Vader could not watch his son die. Returning to the light, Anakin Skywalker sacrificed himself and threw the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor.

Luke fulfilled his dying father's wish to remove his mask, looking at the first and last time on his burned face. Anakin merged with the Force, and Luke took his body, which he cremated on Endor after the Alliance's victory.

The Force Awakens

As you already know, Dinei canceled the entire written history of Star Wars and continued making “similar” films. So, Luke Skywalker appeared in the 7th film, The Force Awakens.

After the overthrow of the Emperor, Luke reportedly began rebuilding the Jedi Temple and recruiting Padawans. One of his students was Ben Solo, the son of Leia Organa and Han Solo.

For many years, he taught his students the art of the Jedi, until Ben, captivated by the story of his grandfather Darth Vader, decided that this path was better for him. He became a member of the Dark Knights of Ren, taking the name and joining the First Order, the remnants of the Empire, killing all of Luke's Padawans.

Skywalker was disappointed by such an oversight that he decided to go into exile.

For many years, Luke was confined to the first Jedi temple on an island on a distant planet until the Millennium Falcon arrived on the island, carrying a young Force-sensitive girl who returned Luke his sword, lost on Bespin.

After the war

The legends begin after Part 6 of the film “Return of the Jedi”, before the purchase of the studio by Disney.

After the Emperor's death, Luke continued to cleanse the universe of the remnants of the Empire. His first student was Kiro, an Iskalonian whom he met on the planet Iskalon.

In 8 ABY, Han Solo and Luke's sister Leia got married, and in 9 ABY, Organa Solo became pregnant with twins and. A year later she gave birth to another child.

Meeting Mara Jade

The Empire had no intention of giving up its positions, so the war with the remnants continued even after Palpatine's death.

A new problem was Admiral Thrawn, who tried many times to capture the Jedi and often succeeded. So, running away from Thrawn, Luke met smuggler Talon Karrde and his assistant. Luke did not know that Mara was the Emperor's right hand and wanted to kill the Jedi. Despite her strong desire to take down Skywalker, Jade had to work side by side with Luke.

The crisis in the galaxy forces Luke and Mara to undertake many missions together. Little by little they began to develop friendly relations. Skywalker saved the girl from death more than once and even taught her the Force.

Return of Palpatine

In 10 ABY, Luke arrived on Coruscant while it was under attack by Imperial forces. While fighting on the surface, Luke ended up in a ship transporting Jedi prisoners, which transported him to the planet Byss, where Skywalker was surprised to see Emperor Palpatine alive. Palpatine's spirit survived and was infused into the copy's body.

Feeling the Emperor's limitless power, Luke agreed to become his servant. With no chance of victory, Skywalker was going to destroy evil from within. Luke neglected the main instruction of Master Yoda - he underestimated the power of the dark side.

Leia did not allow Luke to completely go over to the dark side. Having learned some of the secrets of the dark side, Skywalker fought Palpatine and won.

New Order

The Republic needed the Jedi Order and Luke became the founder of the Praxeum on Yavin, beginning to accept small Yurlings for training.

Among the talented students, Luke singled out Kip Durron, who had enormous potential. However, Kip was soon influenced by the spirit of Exar Kun and turned to the dark side by attacking Skywalker. In this battle, Luke's spirit was separated from his body, plunging the Jedi into a comatose state. Only after Kun was destroyed was Luke able to come to his senses.

Returning to the light, Kip was given into the hands of Skywalker, who was supposed to judge him for the destruction of Carida, but Luke left the young man alive. Durron subsequently became a prominent Jedi of the New Order.


Skywalker had many affairs, but not one of them made it to marriage. It seemed that Luke was destined to be alone all his life, but a new joint mission with Mara Jade brought the Jedi and the former imperial agent closer than ever. Skywalker proposed marriage to Jade, to which she agreed. Ten years after their first meeting, the couple got married in the capital of the Republic.

War with the Yuuzhan Vong (Legend)

In 25 ABY, the Galaxy was mired in a brutal war with the previously unknown race of the Yuuzhan Vong. The Jedi were the first to take this blow... and lose.

At the very beginning of the war, a friend of the Luke and Han families, Chewbacca, died.

Birth of a son

Another problem for Luke was the illness of his wife, infected with an unknown virus. Despite the illness, Mara still gave birth to Skywalker's son, who was named after Obi Wan Kenobi.

Dark times

The Jedi have become again central figure, when the Yuuzhan Vong demanded their surrender in exchange for peace. Many simply turned away from the defenders, wanting to send them to their deaths. So, the Senate issued an arrest warrant for Skywalker and his wife. However, Kyp Durron tricked the Republic fleet by destroying the Yuuzhan Vong worldship, ending the truce.

The Yuuzhan Vong understood that they could control the Galaxy only after destroying the Jedi, so they created voxins - predators designed to kill Jedi. To destroy the voxins, 17 young Jedi went into battle. In this struggle, Luke's nephew, Anakin Solo, died.

Although the voxins were destroyed, the Yuuzhan Vong captured the capital of Coruscant.


The Republic was soon transformed into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Luke and his son went on a journey to the Unknown Regions, in which they had to find a solution to the conflict with a hostile race. So, Skywalker and Ben found the intelligent planet Zonama Sekot, which they persuaded to help in the war.

Zonama Sekot made a direct jump to the Coruscant system, where it caused confusion and chaos among the Yuuzhan Vong warriors and priests, and raised the heretics to revolt.

Occurred in 29 ABY final battle for Coruscant, which the Jedi won by convincing the Yuuzhan Vong to surrender.

After the victory, Luke gathered the surviving Jedi and set them on the path of service to the Force.

After leaving Zonama Sekot, Luke heard the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi for the last time.

The war was over. Luke founded the Academy on Ossus, and a few years later he accepted his son Ben into it for training, whose teacher was Jacen Solo.

New War (Legend)

By 40, the Galactic Alliance began to resemble the Empire, forcing the Jedi to work for them. To show their power, the Alliance started a war with Corellia. This war divided the Skywalker and Solo families, who found themselves on opposite sides of the barricades.

At this time, Jacen Solo, lured by Lady Lumiya, fell to the dark side. Luke felt this in power, although he did not yet know that it was his nephew. Skywalker suspected that the man in his vision was Jacen and was worried about his son, who was still his apprentice, but Mara convinced her husband that Solo was the most best teacher. To make sure that there was no dark side in Ben, Luke fought a duel with him.

Luke and Mara began to better monitor their son, whom Lumiya had designs on. They began to suspect Jacen more and more, wanting to separate him from Ben. But he could deftly explain every trap that his nephew set for the Skywalkers.

Luke and Mara wanted to find Lumiya and destroy her. Luke fought her in more than one fight, but she always escaped.

Death of Mary

Soon, Mara learned that Jacen gave Ben a task - to kill the head of the Corellian rebels, which he completed. For that, Jade wanted to kill Solo. She met him in a duel, in which she was killed with a poisoned dart. After her death, Jacen proclaimed himself Darth Caedus.

Luke was distraught with grief. He believed that his wife was killed by Lumiya, whom he soon found and executed.

Mara was buried on Coruscant, where her killer was also present, fearing to be discovered. As Jacen stood next to Luke, Mara's body merged with the Force. Skywalker took this sign incorrectly, deciding that he had to make peace with Solo.

Peace reigns

In the end, when the galaxy began to brew another crisis featuring a new Sith Lord. Jacen Solo revealed his true identity - Darth Caedus.

Luke once again embarked on a mission to free the world from a tyrant. But defeating Caedus was destined for Jaina Solo, the sister of the Sith Lord. The Galactic Alliance of the new tyrant was defeated. Peace reigned in the Galaxy again.

Skywalker was not immortal. In old age, the Grand Jedi Master merged with the Force, leaving his mortal body. continues to break down the controversial Star Wars moments. The topic of the next review is the kiss of Luke and Leia in Episode V, as “Circle of Power” tells us. Comlink". Read on for the translation of the article.

Star Wars has had its fair share of controversial moments from the very beginning, whether it's Luke and Leia kissing or the destruction of Alderaan. In my column, I strive to defend controversial authors, ideas, and characters to the best of my ability. My intention is to shed light on these problems and find a reasonable explanation for them.

This month's theme is Luke and Leia kissing in ESB.


Chewbacca, Han, Leia and the droids visit Luke in the sick bay. Han and Leia exchange barbs about their unacknowledged feelings for each other. Han states that Leia expressed her true feelings for him. Leia calls him names “unwashed nerfpas”. Khan objects that his words are too close to the truth. Leia chides Han for not knowing everything about women, then cups Luke's scarred face in her hands and passionately presses her lips to his as Han frowns on in the background. Luke grins and places his intertwined fingers behind his head. Han frowns even more, and he and Chewbacca leave.

We later learn that Leia and Luke are twins. George Lucas broke the ultimate taboo: incest in Star Wars! *chokes*. Are Leia and Luke guilty of incest? In general, yes, but they kissed without knowing that they were brother and sister. To explain this, a little background is needed.

In ROTS, Anakin Skywalker pledges allegiance to Emperor Palpatine, leading to a confrontation with Padmé and Obi-Wan on Mustafar. After an intense duel, the charred Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader, and Padme goes into labor (after which she dies), and Luke and Leia are born. Witnessing the Emperor's depravity and treachery, Obi-Wan and Yoda separate the twins to protect them. Luke goes to Tatooine, where he lives with the Lars family, and Leia is adopted by the Alderaanian senator Bail Organa, and she becomes a princess.

Many years later, Luke and Uncle Owen buy Artoo and Threepio on Tatooine. Luke watches Princess Leia's message to Obi-Wan Kenobi and comments that she is beautiful. He decides to save the princess. After a series of events, Luke and Leia meet.

Leah notes: “Aren’t you short for a stormtrooper?” and Luke says: “I am Luke Skywalker. I came to save you". Twins who know they are twins do not need to introduce themselves to each other.

This is a meeting of strangers.

The infamous kiss scene occurs in ESB, but in the same film, the audience is given a hint regarding Luke and Leia. When Luke discovers that Darth Vader is his father, he finds himself stranded on Bespin and, hanging from a weathervane, calls out to Leia. Leia hears him, senses that he is in trouble, and shows Lando the way to Luke's weather vane. This allows us to conclude that she and Luke share not only a special connection, but also sensitivity to the Force.

However, both are unaware of this until Yoda, on his deathbed, tells Luke that he had a sister in ROTJ. The ghost of Obi-Wan confirms this, and Luke realizes that Leia is his sister. Later Luke tells Leia:

“You're wrong, Leia. You have this power too. In time you will learn to use it, just like I did. Strength runs deep in my family. My father has it. I have it. sister. Yes. It's you, Leah."

It is then that Leia and Luke together experience a unique moment of understanding that they are brother and sister. This does not happen in the ESB where the kiss takes place. Actually, Leia and Luke's kiss has more to do with the relationship between Han and Leia than between Luke and Leia. Leia's intention is to prove to Mr. Nerfpas that he doesn't know everything about her, and to do this, she kisses her brother and friend Luke.

The reaction “Ugh!” arises not from the characters, but from us. If you watched the Prequel Trilogy first, then after ROTS you already know about them family relationships, which creates dramatic tension. If you watched the Original Trilogy first, the dramatic tension only emerges upon re-watching. The viewer has the opportunity to look from all points of view, which the characters themselves cannot, hence the need for paper bags and toothbrushes.

Luke and Leia simply don't know what we know. Considering that Luke and Leia had never dated before ANH, a kiss is almost inevitable since they are close friends and it is likely that they might find each other attractive. (cm. “Shard of the Mind's Eye”).

When I first re-watched the OT on DVD, I didn't see the movie from the perspective of Luke and Leia's relationship. I thought it would be better if Leia wasn't Luke's sister; Luke's sister should have been someone else, as suggested in the original ESB script written by Leigh Brackett. I think it would change the dynamic between Han, Luke and Leia and the very heart of the saga's story: the Skywalker family.

Now I think the kiss scene has a purpose. She reveals that Yoda and Obi-Wan's plan worked. For all my irritation with the Gungans and the “As the World Turns” soap opera style dialogue in PT, the reasons why Luke and Leia needed to be separated are made quite clear, as are the politics surrounding their birth. The Emperor has a tendency to corrupt children (Mara Jade, Anakin Skywalker, Lumaya, etc.) and turn them to the dark side, so protecting Luke and Leia from him was simply necessary.

Of course, the Emperor eventually learns that the Skywalker twins have grown up and are able to make their own decisions and resist the dark side and its manipulations more actively than children would. Just as importantly, they can now rely on each other for help...and an unexpected ally.

I imagine Luke's love for Leia gives him the strength to bring Darth Vader back to the light and fight the Emperor, and he strives to protect her, just like in ANH. Darth Vader sees the bright side and saves his son, leaving a message for his daughter before dying:

Anakin:“Now go away, son. Leave me alone".
Luke:“No, you will come with me. I will not leave you here, I will save you.”
Anakin:“You've already done it, Luke. You were right... you were right about me. Tell your sister... that you were right..."

Next time you watch ESB, remember that Luke and Leia's kiss is not done for the purpose of incest, but as a kiss between friends. friends. The moment may be awkward, but it proves that Obi-Wan and Yoda's plan to protect the Skywalker twins prevailed over the Emperor's machinations.

(Luke Skywalker)

A moisture farmer who did not know his parents, who at the age of 18 became the savior of the Rebel Alliance. He freed Princess Leia from the Death Star, after which he destroyed this huge space station at the Battle of Yavin. Three years later, he led Rebel forces in a desperate attack during the Battle of Hoth, then put his life and his future as a Jedi on the line to save his friends from the Imperials on Cloud City. He also developed a plan to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. However greatest achievement Luke is that he convinced his father to turn away from the dark side. This feat ended the Emperor's terrible reign and allowed Anakin Skywalker to rest in peace.

Race: Human.

Height: 1.72 meters.

Planet: Tatooine.

Affiliation: Alliance.

First appearance: "New Hope".

Full biography

Luke's past, unlike many of his friends, is surprisingly well explored. The son of Anakin Skywalker, who later became the brutal Darth Vader, Luke was separated from his mother and twin sister immediately after birth. To protect the children, Obi-Wan Kenobi entrusted Luke to Owen and Ber Lars, Tatooine moisture farmers, and Luke's sister, Leia, became the adopted daughter of Alderaanian senator Bail Organa. For the next 18 years, Luke worked on a moisture harvesting farm, unaware of his origins or true father, nor about the existence of a sister.

Already in early years Luke became an accomplished pilot, training in his T-16 hopper in the treacherous Beggar's Canyon on Tatooine, where he shot down womp rats with stun guns. He quickly became friends with Biggs Darklighter and a group of young men, including Tank, Fixer, Camie, Windy and Deak. The friends spent a lot of time together at Tosche Station in Anchorhead. Biggs and Tank eventually escaped Tatooine and entered the Academy - Luke could only dream of leaving the desert planet.

However, when he was 18, his life changed dramatically after meeting the droids C-3PO and R2-D2. The latter kept in his memory a holotape with a beautiful princess who was looking for Obi-Wan Kenobi, a powerful Jedi knight known to Luke in the form of the crazy hermit Old Ben. At Ben's house, Luke learned that his father was a Jedi Knight who was betrayed and killed by Darth Vader. Ben also gave Luke Anakin's lightsaber and suggested they go together on a mission to Alderaan. Luke refused, not wanting to give up his obligations to Owen and Beru.

Unfortunately, upon returning home, Luke discovered that his adopted aunt and uncle had been killed by stormtroopers searching for R2-D2 and C-3PO. Luke realized that fate itself had brought him to Kenobi so that he could teach him how to use the Force. Two humans and two droids agreed to travel to Alderaan aboard the Millennium Falcon, a starship owned by smuggler Han Solo and the Wookiee Chewbacca. However, when they arrived at their destination, they discovered that Alderaan had been destroyed by a huge Imperial battle station, the Death Star.

After the Falcon was captured by Imperial forces, Luke risked his life several times to save Princess Leia. Unfortunately, he also had to witness the death of Obi-Wan at the hands of Darth Vader in a fierce lightsaber duel. Kenobi's dedication allowed his friends to escape, and the Falcon traveled to Yavin 4. There, Luke joined the Rebel Alliance and met Biggs again. The blueprints stored in R2-D2's memory were analyzed, and General Dodonna discovered the Death Star's only weak point: a small ventilation shaft opening into one of the recesses on the surface of the battle station. Biggs, Luke, Wedge Antilles and other brave pilots flew to storm the Death Star.

The brutal Battle of Yavin killed most of Luke's fellow pilots. Darth Vader almost killed Luke himself, but Han Solo came to the aid of young Skywalker. Approaching the vent, Luke heeded the words of the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, turned off the guidance computer and, relying on the Force, fired two proton torpedoes that destroyed the Death Star.

Over the next few years, Skywalker became an important member of the Rebel Alliance, completing many missions and achieving the rank of commander. He founded Rogue Squadron with Wedge and later held off Imperial forces attacking Hoth's Echo Base while the Rebels evacuated. After the Battle of Hoth, Luke traveled to Dagobah, met Jedi Master Yoda there, and devoted himself to training in the Jedi arts under his tutelage. The training was challenging, requiring Luke to develop both his body and his mind. Yoda feared that Luke might succumb to the dark side due to his impulsiveness.

During his training, Luke had a vision of his friends in danger on Bespin, Cloud City. Despite Yoda's warnings, Luke left Dagobah to rescue Han, Leia, and Chewbacca. As a result, he fell into a trap set by Darth Vader. During a desperate duel, Vader cut off Luke's right hand and revealed to him the truth about his parents. Vader invited Luke to join him and rule the galaxy, but Luke refused and jumped into one of the seemingly bottomless reactor shafts Cloud City, preferring certain death to the dark side. Miraculously, Luke survived and was picked up by the Millennium Falcon.

On next year Luke returned to Tatooine and made a new lightsaber using notes found in Obi-Wan's house. He was also the subject of an assassination attempt by Prince Scizor, the head of the criminal organization " Black Sun".

That same year, Luke developed a plan to rescue Han Solo, who was frozen in carbonite and delivered to crime lord Jabba the Hutt by Boba Fett. Jabba did not listen to reasonable arguments, and Luke and his friends destroyed the Hutt criminal cartel. When Han was saved, Luke returned to Dagobah to the dying Master Yoda. Yoda confirmed that Vader was his father, but insisted that Luke fight the dark lord one more time. In addition, the spirit of Obi-Wan appeared and told Luke that Leia was his twin sister.

Luke eventually surrendered to Vader in order to save Anakin Skywalker from the dark side. Vader did not give in and delivered Luke to the Emperor on the second Death Star. Vader and Luke clashed again, and the dark lord learned of Leia's existence. Luke attacked him and cut off Vader's right arm. However, despite the Emperor's instigations, he did not kill his father. Angered by the young Jedi's willpower, the Emperor attacked Luke with blue Force lightning. In anguish, Luke called out to his father, and eventually Anakin Skywalker came to the rescue. Forgetting his own wounds, Vader threw the Emperor into the Death Star's reactor. Vader briefly outlived his former master, but before his death, Luke saw his father's face for the first and last time.

After the Battle of Endor and the destruction of the second Death Star, Luke played important role in transforming the Rebel Alliance into the New Republic. He fought against the reptilian Ssi-ruuk invasion at Bakura, followed Han Solo and Leia to the planet Dathomir, fought the forces of Grand Admiral Thrawn, resisted the attempts of the Emperor's former aide Mara Jade to kill him, and finally took on a crazed clone Jedi. who also cloned Luke.

Ten years after the Battle of Yavin, Skywalker attempted to destroy dark side Strength from within. He agreed to become the reborn Emperor's apprentice, but gradually succumbed to Palpatine's power on the planet Byss. Fortunately, Leia flew there and saved him from seduction. Together the twins destroyed Palpatine's clone. Soon after this, the Emperor returned again - and was defeated again.

In his many adventures, Luke discovered that there were many Force-predisposed beings scattered throughout the galaxy. He decided to gather and train a new army of Jedi knights and for this purpose founded the Jedi Academy in the Great Massassi Temple on Yavin 4. However, Luke did not know that the evil spirit of Exar Kahn, a dark Jedi of antiquity, lived in the temple. Kahn killed one of the students, corrupted another to the dark side and almost killed Luke, who was saved only by the combined forces of his students.

In addition to completing numerous missions for the New Republic, Luke searched in vain for details about his mother. One day he found the Jedi Callista and fell in love with her, but Callista had her own destiny. Luke also became close to Mara Jade, his possible killer, and now a powerful owner of the Force.

Luke continues to teach at his Jedi Academy, teaching the Solo children and Chewbacca's nephew Lubakka. He frequently goes on missions for the New Republic and is always ready to respond to threats to his friends and allies.

Behind the scenes

Like all major characters, Luke went through many changes before becoming a farm boy from Tatooine. In early drafts of Star Wars, Luke Skywalker is a seasoned general fighting Imperial forces. In this incarnation, the general becomes the protector and teacher of Annikin Starkiller, the son of Skywalker's friend, Kane. In this version, Annikin is very similar to the character Luke will become. After several revisions, the young and ruff Ennikin became known as Luke Starkiller, and his teacher and protector became General Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Luke's character became more and more defined, becoming more innocent and fledgling with each sketch. At one point, Lucas considered changing Luke's gender, but the concept of the character remained the same. Finally, shortly before filming began, he revised Luke's name again, replacing "Starkiller" with the familiar "Skywalker".

Mark Hamill was chosen to play Luke in A New Hope, and he also played him in both sequels. Over the course of the trilogy, he speaks 478 lines of dialogue, more than anyone else (Han Solo only has 360 lines, and Leia only 235). Hamill represented Luke in the radio versions of all three films.

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker is probably the most famous hero Galactic Civil War and a distinguished Jedi Knight of the New Republic. His exploits are legendary, stretching from his humble beginnings as a farmer to his role in the fall of the Empire. Skywalker began fighting the enemies of the New Republic and founded the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. His skills constantly forced the rebirth of Force adepts throughout the galaxy.

Skywalker's father feared Darth Vader, a respected and powerful ruler and at the same time a Jedi. The Emperor foresaw that Vader's offspring would destroy him, and so, after the birth of Luke and Leia, the twins were separated and hidden. Luke was raised by Owen Lars on the planet Tatooine and under the care of Ben Kenobi. He eventually found his way to the old Jedi and ancient teacher Yoda. Yoda was the one who completed his training and proclaimed him a Jedi Knight.

After the final confrontation with his father, Luke continued to increase his knowledge of the Force. He was looking for young students for his academy, trying to rebuild the Jedi Order, with very little information about it. In addition, he trained his sister to use her hidden but powerful talent to understand the Force. Luke Skywalker's achievements were rewarded in the proud tradition of the Jedi Knights.

Michael Kaminski, author of The Secret History of Star Wars"and the owner of the Internet resource of the same name, on professional level is studying the history of the creation of Star Wars. He publishes the results of his research in the form of articles, a translation of one of which I would like to offer you. talks about the draft script for Star Wars Episode V and is called:

Secrets of the First Draft of Empire: The Sister Who Never Existed

Two years ago (the article was written in 2012 - Nexu's note), the first draft of the script for the film "The Empire Strikes Back", written by Lee Brackett, appeared online as a pdf file. There is no doubt that the data that appeared on the Internet was part of the materials that were studied during the writing of the book “The Making of Empire Strikes Back”; a year earlier, the same thing happened with materials on the film “Raiders of the Lost Ark” - just before the release of the book “The Complete Making of Indiana Jones”. The first draft of Empire was particularly valuable: in all likelihood, it was a copy with edits made by Lucas himself. Handwritten notes and corrections are written in pencil or pen over typed text in Lucas's signature style. This probably happened during the period when Bracket was in the hospital.

Some words in the text are filled with the letter "X". At that time (1978) they used typewriters, which, of course, did not have a Backspace key like on a computer. When a typist made a mistake, she had to reinsert a piece of paper, type the wrong word with the characters "XXXXXX" and then continue typing. There is also a possibility that Brackett herself typed the text and corrected it on the fly when more successful formulations came to her mind. In my opinion, both of these assumptions are correct.

Most handwritten edits are superficial and insignificant: a line is rewritten here, a line is crossed out there, a note is added here to explain the essence of the character's character. This kind of thing is common when editing a script that is in the rough draft stage and is the source material for future improvements.

However, the details that Lucas altered or completely removed (the words crossed out in pen, as well as the marks made above the printed lines, are clearly visible) have never previously been reported. For example, the first draft presented in the book Annotated Screenplays looks like a printed version with all the previous edits already included. Thus, we can consider that the script we are considering is the original first draft written by Bracket. It is extremely interesting in its own right: despite the fact that most of the changes made are essentially minor, there is a completely unique area that fans will want to know about early history"Star Wars". This is the original scene between Luke Skywalker and his father.

It was preserved even in Lucas's version of the first draft of the script. As Annotated Screenplays and The Making of Empire Strikes Back indicate, Luke initially summoned the spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Early drafts developed the idea that those in whom the Force flows strongly have the ability to summon the spirits of the dead from another reality. Ben says that he brought someone with him - Luke's father, who [in the script] is referred to as Skywalker. His father tells Luke that he has a sister, but she is hidden on the other side of the galaxy for protection. After this, Luke takes the Jedi oath to his father and swears allegiance to the Jedi brotherhood.

This scene looks exciting on its own - as an alternative option that adds additional color storyline compared to the current ending of Empire. But in fact, Lee Brackett's original version seems even more interesting.

In the version edited by Lucas (and the one from which other editors were likely to build), the dialogue between father and son progressed as follows:

Has your uncle ever told you about your sister?

LUKE: My sister? I have a sister? But why doesn't Uncle Owen...

LUKE: Where is she? What is her name?

This is how all sources describe this scene. But in reality, in original version Bracket had more dialogue, and the sister had a name: Nellith. Luke's twin sister was originally named Nellith Skywalker. If we discard Lucas's edits and notes, then this scene takes on a completely different look. There are several lines filled with the letters XXXX, but the words are quite legible. I marked them with “XX” marks at the beginning and at the end to show those passages that Bracket herself did not want to include [in the script] - or deleted them upon subsequent reflection while typing the text. In some places the sentences are broken, indicating that she was abandoning them and trying again before completing the thought.

SKYWALKER: You've matured, Luke. I'm proud of you.
(Luke, not knowing how to respond to this, says nothing)
XX I am proud and afraid that you are going into battle unprepared. XX
Did your uncle ever tell you about Nellit?

LUKE: Nellite? No. Who is she?

SKYWALKER: Your sister.

LUKE: XX (unintelligible) XX My sister? I have a sister? But why doesn't Uncle Owen...

SKYWALKER: At my request. When I saw the Empire coming, I sent you both away for your own safety, and separated you from each other.

LUKE: Where is she? What is her name?

SKYWALKER: If I tell you, Darth Vader will be able to extract this information from your mind and use your sister as a hostage. Not now, Luke. When the time comes…
(He looks at his son with a serious look)
Luke. Will you swear the Jedi oath to me?

While there may not be anything terribly exciting about it, we do see that the lost sister's character was fairly well-defined and even had a name. This fact itself is not a surprise: at the 1977 script conference, Lucas and Bracket decided that she, too, had undergone Jedi training and would be featured in the next episode - where perhaps both Skywalker twins would be reunited. Here's how it's described in Annotated Screenplays:

“The concept of Luke's sister was discussed during the script conference: the idea was that Luke's father had two children, and he gave one of them to his uncle and hid the other on the other side of the universe - so that if one of them was killed, then another would have survived. It has been suggested that Luke's twin sister was trained at the same time as him and also became a Jedi Master. As a result, the next episode could involve both Luke and his sister as Jedi Knights" (p. 182).

In the next draft, which Lucas himself wrote, he turned Vader into a father figure by deleting that scene. As Luke flies away, Yoda and Ben discuss that they must now find another - with this this option differs from the final one, where it is said that “there is another one.” In this way, Lucas may have been playing up the return of his sister - which he carried out in the next film, returning to Leia as a means of tying together a multi-layered storyline. It all started with Nellith Skywalker, Luke’s sister, also a former Jedi student.

However, there is a circumstance that must be taken into account in order to explain the removal of this information (about Nellit - Nexu note): the scene as Bracket wrote it did not make sense. Skywalker asks Luke if he knows anything about Nellith, then reveals to him that she is Luke's sister. And then, almost in the next line, Luke asks, “What’s her name?” Skywalker's response is even more puzzling: he says that he cannot say her name, even though he just did. When Lucas erased a piece of text with an episode of naming a name, he brought this scene to a logical form. Because Bracket edited the script as she typed, she may have accidentally made a rewrite that contradicted what was written on the page earlier - changing her mind about when Luke should learn Nellith's name. It is possible that mentioning final version the script about the "other" hope was actually an allusion to Nellith Skywalker, who was supposed to be shown in the next film. I think we will never know about this.

All the events of the film saga are somehow connected with the Skywalker family. It begins with the story of Luke Skywalker. Then it turns out that he had a twin sister, Leia, and his father is Darth Vader, who was previously called Anakin Skywalker. According to rumors, children of Luke and Leia may appear in the seventh part. We decided to show what the Skywalker family tree looks like.

Seven interesting facts about the film

1. The producer and screenwriter of the first episodes (he was also the director of four films), George Lucas, this time acts only as a consultant. He sold the rights to the Star Wars brand to Disney in 2012 for $4 billion. His ideas for the script were not taken into account in the end. And he himself refused the director’s chair: according to him, now there is no such freedom as in the days of the first “Star Wars”.

2. The director of the film, JJ Abrams, kept the details of the script as secret as possible. It is only known that the events take place 30 years after the death of the Death Star, Emperor Palatine and Darth Vader. The war between rebels and supporters of the defeated Empire is still ongoing in the Galaxy. The aging heroes of the first films return to the picture: Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher), Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew).

3. The film will again feature the inseparable robot couple C-3PO (Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2 (Kenny Baker). By the way, Daniels is the only actor who played in seven episodes. Baker - only at six. But he is also in the credits of all parts. So at one time George Lucas noted his important role in the film. It is curious that while in the film these characters are inseparable, in real life the actors do not communicate.

Photo: still from the film “Star Wars: Episode 7: The Force Awakens”

4. Filming took place in several countries at once: in the British Pinewood studio and on location in Iceland and United Arab Emirates. It was the deserts near Abu Dhabi that replaced Tunisia as space landscapes. The budget for the new part is about $200 million.

5. Work on the film was overshadowed by an injury to Harrison Ford - the 70-year-old actor injured his ankle and dropped out of the project for a couple of months. A decoration fell on him unsuccessfully - the door of a spaceship.

6. Han Solo's inseparable partner is the shaggy giant Chewbacca (actor Peter Mayhew's height is 221 cm - Note "Antennas"). Four of his costumes were created for the film. They were mainly made from yak wool, and Angora goat hair was added to the face for softness. Chewbacca's entire costumes were washed only two or three times during the entire filming process - it was too difficult. It was easier to wipe it with a mixture of tea tree oil and alcohol.

7. The premieres of all previous parts traditionally took place in May, but this time the film is released in December. The producers delayed it to better prepare for release.