Julia from Basta on VK. Rapper Basta

Long live women's figure skating - delightfully unpredictable!

The free program of the second stage of the Grand Prix series in Laval seriously shook up the protocol. Russian fans were more than rewarded for staying up all night - Elizaveta Tuktamysheva defended her leadership in the fight against the daring Japanese, and Evgenia Medvedeva proved to the whole world that she is capable of brilliant skating even without Tutberidze.

Getting out of your usual image and truly renewing yourself is a colossally difficult task. But Zhenya can handle it. After the free program at Skate Canada, there was no doubt about it. Fans of the former Medvedeva should get used to the idea that the two-time world champion has changed. Now she is different - not better or worse, but simply different.

Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva commented on her performance at Skate Canada, where she took third place.

“Today was not my best performance, there were a lot of mistakes. There are still three weeks until my next Grand Prix in France. And in three weeks I need to do a huge amount of work.

I want to improve my skating and focus on technique, spins and jumps. In France, I need to win in order to definitely get into the Grand Prix final,” Medvedeva said.

“Today I felt like wild animal. When you feel sorry for yourself, it's terrible. Both for the psyche and for the whole organism. I am very grateful to Brian Orser for helping me with psychology. Very grateful!” – Golden Skate quotes Medvedeva as saying.

Biography of Evgenia Medvedeva

  • Biography of Evgenia Medvedeva
  • Childhood and youth
  • Figure skating
  • Personal life of a figure skater
  • Childhood and youth

    Evgenia was born in Moscow in November 1999. Father Arman Babasyan is an entrepreneur from Armenia, the girl’s mother is a former figure skater. Evgenia got the surname Medvedev from her maternal grandmother. Mom determined her daughter's future when she brought the 3-year-old girl to the figure skating section.

    Since then, Evgenia Medvedev has been in sports. Judging by the biography of the figure skater, she did not have the usual childhood with dolls and games with the yard children, but Zhenya never wanted to leave the difficult activities at the skating rink.

    Evgenia Medvedeva's first coach was Lyubov Yakovleva. When she left for maternity leave, the young figure skater ended up with Elena Selivanova. In 2007, the parents decided to transfer their daughter to Eteri Tutberidze’s group. According to Zhenya, at the age of 8 she was still a “raw” figure skater who had a lot to learn. And Eteri Georgievna made a lot of efforts to turn the diamond into a diamond.

    Evgenia Medvedeva

    At the age of 9, Evgenia Medvedeva already knew that everything future life- This is figure skating, a sport. The girl never dreamed of becoming anything other than a figure skater.

    Figure skating

    When the girl turned 8, Eteri Georgievna Tutberidze, a wonderful coach and teacher, appeared in her life, and at the same time she worked with Yulia Lipnitskaya, who was a year older. In the hands of an experienced coach, Evgenia began to turn into a real skating rink queen. Surprisingly, Zhenya and Yulia never became friends. Evgenia doesn’t like to be compared to Lipnitskaya, but she respects her rival.

    Around the age of ten, according to Evgenia, her childhood ended - then she realized the seriousness of what she was doing. After two years of hard work, the 12-year-old figure skater officially joined the Russian national team.

    A couple more years and she became a junior, making a brilliant debut at the Junior Grand Prix in Latvia. The performance brought her victory with a score of 169.52 points. The girl beat out her compatriot Maria Sotskova and American Karen Shen.

    Despite the workload, the girl managed to be an excellent student at school. She especially liked history and biology. At the beginning of 2017, the girl said that she wanted to finish 10th and 11th grade as an external student.

    Sports career of Evgenia Medvedeva

    Already at a young age, Evgenia Medvedeva had an impressive track record of victories. After her first performance at competitions in Latvia, first place awaited her in Poland (179.96 points), but a serious struggle at competitions in Japan ended in bronze (163.68), and the Russians Maria Sotskova and Serafima Sakhanovich beat her.

    In 2014, performing at the Russian Figure Skating Championships, she took 7th place among adult skaters and 4th among young athletes. In the spring of the same year, she reached the final of the Russian Cup, where she took second place after Anna Pogorilaya.

    In the 14/15 season, she was applauded as a gold medalist by the stadiums of Barcelona and Tallinn, where the Junior Grand Prix were held. At the Russian Championships 2015, she was among the winners for the first time, albeit with a bronze place, and at the national junior championship she became the winner.

    At the end of 2015, the skater moved to the adult group and immediately won the Ondrej Nepela Memorial competition in Bratislava. Without having time to rest, she flew to competitions in Milwaukee, where she took first place in the Grand Prix of the adult league. And this is just the beginning - then resounding success awaited her in Barcelona and again the first step of the championship of her native country.

    February 2016 brought new successes - again gold at the European Championships, which was held in the Slovak Republic. A month later, 16-year-old Evgenia Medvedeva won the Grand Prix final and received the long-awaited title of World Champion at the World Championships in Boston (March 23 – April 8, 2016).

    In Boston, the young figure skater set a world record in women's single skating, receiving a record amount of points for the program - 223.86 (73.76 for the short program and 150.10 for the free skate).

    It seems that this athlete is destined to beat the world and own records by the number of points in singles. In 2016, she improved her own performance three times and unofficially broke world records. During the year, she took prizes in competitions in Canada, France (Paris and Marseille) and Russia.

    At the beginning of 2017, Evgenia became a two-time European champion (in the Czech Republic), breaking personal and world records a couple more times, as well as a world champion based on the results of the championship in Finland.

    Personal life of a figure skater

    In the summer of 2018, Evgenia was registered as her lover former soloist“Fidget” by Christian Kostov. The young man participated in the show “The Voice. Children”, represented Bulgaria at Eurovision 2017. The young people met on a program dedicated to this song competition. As the guests of the event later said, only people who are truly in love can hold hands and look at each other like that.

    Zhenya is adored in Japan, and she is also a fan of everything Japanese: literature, fashion and anime. So, for one of the demonstration performances, Evgenia chose a song from the cartoon Sailor Moon, and once again surprised her “colleague” Moa Asadeh by reading her a poem in Japanese. On her Instagram you can often see drawings from fans from the Land of the Rising Sun.

    Evgenia Medvedeva spends a lot of time in in social networks– Instagram and Twitter. She loves the works of Arthur Conan Doyle and the British series about Sherlock Holmes with Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.

    Lives at Evgenia's house French Bulldog named Jerry.

    In Finland, where the Grand Prix stage is taking place, Alena Zagitova had no equal. In the image of the searing Carmen, she amazed both the jury and the audience. Alina was in the lead by a wide margin. In second place is also an athlete from Russia - Stanislava Konstantinova. Another gold medal went to the duet of Natalia Zabiyako and Alexander Enbert.

    Everything was clear even before the grades were announced. The red ballerina in a charming tutu has grown up and turned into the unstoppable Carmen. But unlike the fiery gypsy, Alina Zagitova disarms not with cunning, but with bone-crushing technique. In the free program, she perfectly executed her signature cascade of two triple jumps.

    A significant five-point gap over her competitors appeared after the short program. To the music from The Phantom of the Opera, Alina created an incredibly gentle and feminine image, proving that she is not only technically skilled, but also very artistic.

    But here the same cascade of two triples did not work out. He was first in the program and, apparently, Alina did not have time to cope with her excitement. After all, this is the first official tournament after the Olympic season. The skater didn’t leave herself any time to accelerate. After the complete emotional devastation of winning the Olympics, after the disastrous World Championships, where she came only fifth, after the changes that had begun in her body - Zagitova grew five centimeters in a year - it was so important for her to show that she did not intend to give up the title of the best.

    The Grand Prix in Helsinki is one of the most stellar in the entire series. Two Olympic champions are performing here. In addition to Alina Zagitova, there is also a superstar among men - Japanese Yuzuru Hanyu.

    When he stepped on the ice, he got the impression that the competition was taking place in Japan - there were solid white and red flags in the stands. To his fans, Hanyu is a god. After the short program he left his opponents far behind. The audience gave him a standing ovation for several minutes and made it rain with plush Winnie the Poohs, the skater's longtime mascot.

    And he himself was impressed by Zagitova’s performance. Hanyu specifically stayed to see what she had in store for the new season.

    “She is no longer a child, she is already becoming an adult, and perhaps she is not yet used to it. I understand her perfectly and wish her good luck,” said Yuzuru Hanyu.

    The opening of the tournament was the sports duet of Daria Pavlyuchenko and Denis Khodykin. This is their first senior start - and immediately third place. The second was only 0.16 points short. Another of our couples - Natalya Zabiyaka and Alexander Enbert - was second after the short program. In the free program they told a story of healing love and left no chance for their competitors - gold. And this despite the partner’s unexpected mistakes. He fell from what seemed to be a completed jump and threw his partner along some unexpected trajectory.

    Competitions among dance duets are currently ongoing. And here we also have every chance to climb to the top step of the podium. According to the results of the first day, our incredibly fiery Alexandra Stepanova and Ivan Bukin are in the lead. The ice was crumbling from their bullfighting. The opponents are lucky that they will be skating their free program to the elegant blues.

    Born: 04/20/1980

    Country Russia

    Nicknames: Basta Oink, Basta Bastilio, Basta, Noggano, N1NT3ND0

    Groups: “Street Sounds” (1996), “United Caste” (1997), “Bratia Stereo” (since 2011), “GlaZ” (2011)

    Collaboration: Guf, QP, “Triagrutrika”, “AK-47”, Smokey Mo, Lyon, Kazhe Oboyma, Group Nerva, Scryptonite, Boombox, City 312, Maxim, Tati, Slovetsky, Roma Zhigan, Godfamily, Rem Digga

    Complete biography of Basta

    Rapper Basta - aka Noggano and N1NT3ND0. Currently, Vasily Vakulenko never ceases to delight us with his new tracks. Which, in turn, affects its popularity on the Internet. His activities are not limited to his rap career, he is also a composer, actor, director, producer, and TV and radio presenter.

    He is the owner of a label called "Gazgolder", which was created in 2007, as well as a presenter on Next FM. We should also mention his program (Hip-Hop TV) on “Gazgolder”, which he hosts together with another rapper under the pseudonym Kupe.

    April 20, 1980 is Basta’s date of birth. Born into a military family in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Since childhood he went to music school, and he himself studied at school No. 32. After some time, Vasily entered the music school, where he began to be interested in Hip-Hop art. At the age of fifteen, he could already read his rap. A couple of years later (at 17), he recorded his first track, which was called “City”. This date can also be called the beginning musical career one of the most popular Russian rappers - Basta.

    Elena Pinskaya 2009 became Basta’s wife. Exact date The wedding was on June 12, but he got married on June 11, respectively. In winter, or rather on December 4, 2009, a daughter was born, whom they named Masha. On January 21, 2013, their family was replenished with another girl, who was named Vasilisa.

    Few people know, but before their high-profile pseudonyms: Basta, Noggano, N1NT3ND0, Vasily Vakulenko was Basta Oink.

    “Since childhood, they called me Piggy, because I scattered everything in unclear places,” says Basta.

    The then young rapper used this pseudonym in the group “Psycholirik” (since 1997). At that time it was the composition of “Caste”. For his group at the age of 17, he wrote the song “City”, which was included in the album “First Strike”.

    The proposal to rename “Psycholirik” to “Casta” came from Basta, and the leader of the group, Vladi, without hesitation, agreed to do it. "First Strike" was re-recorded and made business card new group called "Caste".

    In 1998, Basta recorded one of his most famous songs- “My game”, which, I think, is also known to you. It also marked the beginning of his solo career.

    Vasily did not spend long at the music school in the conductors’ department. In 1996, he already had his first song - “My City” and a group - “Street sound” (which translates as “street sounds”).

    Also in 1996, a rap movement began to emerge in Rostov, which over time became one of the strongest rap movements in Russia. Basta did not stand aside, observing this process; he himself took part in the so-called Rostov Caste (a young association of rappers), which over time acquired the name popular group"Caste".

    Vasily Vakulenko is also famous in lyric poetry. It was this genre that he chose next to write his rap tracks. The above-mentioned “My Game,” as I already said, has become very popular. This track became popular not only in Rostov, but even went beyond Russia. " star fever? No, she didn't show up. Drugs and older friends appeared, real hooligans,” Vasya recalls. “I can say for sure that this song has saved me more than once. Sometimes they wanted to take a life, but when they found out it was me, they left me alone.”

    He tried to record his entire difficult life in his albums. “In 2002, my friend Zhora extorted money from his mother, and we bought a computer. Vadik QP mixed the first demo for the future album.” By chance, these tracks came to Bogdan Titomir, who suggested moving to Moscow in 2004. For what and his colleagues agreed.

    A couple of years later we already had the opportunity to listen new album Basta, which is called “Basta 1”. At the same time, we can also see the “Autumn” video, which began to be played on TV. From the very beginning, Noggano began working with Gazgolder, the most closed club in Moscow at that time. Basta has not yet rushed to take part in rap parties. Soon Vasya met such rappers as Smokey Mo and Guf.

    “One day I approached Guf at a concert, he remembered “My Game,” and he and I decided to do a cover version, which was released on the album “Basta 2,” says Vasya.

    The breakthrough in his career happened after the filming of “City of Roads,” which was presented by Centr. Here his popularity expanded greatly; he was already known not only in Moscow and Rostov, but also in neighboring countries.

    After this event, Vasily began to be nominated for various awards, nominations, etc. Released in 2007 next album called “Basta 2”, which stood out for its diversity. 2 releases were released under the pseudonym “Noggano”, the third release was released as a famous rap artist in Russia. The well-known tracks: “Urban”, “The Sun is Not Visible”, “Rostov” and “California” were heard more than once at Basta’s concerts and were very popular.

    2012 was marked by the recording of cover versions of Mikhey and the track “Mama”. A video clip was shot for the latter, which I suggest you watch:

    This year Basta also performed at a big concert dedicated to memory Micah.

    In 2012, Noggano appeared in a video about HIV discrimination.

    Not so long ago, or rather on April 20, 2013, Basta released 4 solo album, in which we can see rappers such as Smokey Mo and Rem Digga. The same no less popular people and groups: singer Tati, “Nerves” and Green Gray, etc.

    Last year, another event took place in Basta’s biography: the “Basta+” concert, which took place at the “Green Theater” in Gorky Park. The day before, a collection of the same name was released, which included songs from different periods. It is also worth noting a couple of songs that are included in this collection, but have not been heard anywhere before.

    On July 20, Basta took part in the filming of the film “Vladimir Mayakovsky. The third odd one,” where he performed the poet’s poems. On the occasion of Erik Bulatov’s eightieth birthday, the “Culture” TV channel showed the film “Spring in Florence,” for which Vasily wrote the music.

    In November, photos of Basta with rapper Smokey Mo appeared, which showed the filming of a new video for a joint track. You can find these photos on Instagram or in the next news.

    So. Basta is one of best rappers 2013 according to Time Out magazine. His album called “Basta 4” is one of the leading albums in sales in Russia. 2014 - Noggano announced his new work - the third album, which he promises to release soon.

    Basta, aka Noggano, is a popular Russian rapper and musician. Real name Vasily Vakulenko. The artist was born on April 20, 1980, in Rostov-on-Don into a military family. Besides secondary school studied in music. At the age of 15, I tried to write rap for the first time and formed my own group. He entered the school for the conducting department. But after finishing the first year, he left because it became clear that his area of ​​interest... Read all

    Basta, aka Noggano, is a popular Russian rapper and musician. Real name Vasily Vakulenko. The artist was born on April 20, 1980, in Rostov-on-Don into a military family. In addition to the general education school, he studied at the music school. At the age of 15, I tried to write rap for the first time and formed my own group. He entered the school for the conducting department. But, having completed the first year, he left because it became clear that his area of ​​interest lay far from the school program.

    At the age of 17, he recorded his first track “City”, at the age of 18 the song “My Game”, which became so popular that the whole of Rostov and the south of Russia listened to it. From that moment on, Basta began performing concerts in Rostov and along the entire Black Sea coast, in the Krasnodar Territory, and in the cities of the North Caucasus.

    Then Basta disappeared from large stages for several years. In 2002, one of his friends suggested that Basta set up a studio and write music. It was a turning point year when everything started from scratch. Then new tracks were written, and the concert activity.

    Soon one of the demo discs fell into the hands of Bogdan Titomir, who in 2005 brought Basta to the Gazgolder Creative Association in Moscow, where the musician had the opportunity to do what he loved.

    Today Basta hosts the program “ Hip Hop TV" on NEXT radio, collaborates with Gazgolder. IN creatively Over the past few years, Vasily Vakulenko has outgrown “all this hip-hop.” He hasn’t stopped being a rapper, but it’s somehow no longer possible to measure his activities by the scale of his style.

    In his third album, the musician experiments with rock, reggae and bossa nova. Today Basta is equally appropriate at events for fans electronic music like Kazantip or the Sochi music conference SWMC, and on tour in the Russian outback; organic both in the soundtrack to “Antikiller-3” (track “Love Without Memory”), and in the voice acting of the animated series “Ghetto” for 2x2; equally effective both in the expensive “Turn Around” video with a symphony orchestra and in the numerous homemade videos filmed on the Gazgolder stairs.

    (pseudonym - Basta) is a popular Russian rap artist, composer and TV and radio presenter. Famous rapper proved himself not only in music, but also achieved particular success as a screenwriter, director and producer. Also known under the pseudonym Noggano.

    Childhood and youth

    Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko was born in Rostov-on-Don on April 20, 1980 into a military family. His father and mother had nothing to do with the world of art, but, noticing that their son had musical abilities, took the boy to a music school.

    After graduating from secondary school, Vasily Vakulenko decided to continue his path in the world of music and became a student at the local music school, choosing the conducting department. But soon the future rap artist realized that conducting was not something that would be useful to him for self-realization. As a teenager, he showed interest in a new phenomenon for Russia in the 90s - rap culture.


    Still at 15 years old young musician wrote the first rap text. And at the age of 17, Vasily was accepted into the Psycholyric group, which was soon renamed. In his native Rostov, Vakulenko was known as Basta Oink. During this period, a debut rap track called “City” appeared, recorded by Basta.

    The musician celebrated his 18th birthday by writing new song"My game". “City” and “My Game” quickly made Basta famous far beyond the borders of his native Rostov. Gradually, the artist’s compositions become more and more popular.

    From that moment on, the rap artist, together with his friend Igor Zhelezka, who is also a rapper, began touring the cities of the Black Sea coast of Russia. They went on a kind of musical tour around the Krasnodar region and even North Caucasus, performing at a variety of venues. At times, 6-7 thousand fans gathered in stadiums. But everything did not go as Vasily dreamed, and concert activity quickly faded away. The rapper has not performed concerts for several years.

    The creative career of rapper Basta resumed in 2002. Yuri Volos, a friend of Vakulenko, offered to make a studio at home, equipping it with the necessary sound equipment. Vasily, who had long missed creativity, quickly restored his old compositions and wrote new ones. But no one remembered the rapper Basta, and finding a producer turned out to be a difficult task.

    Basta later wrote a song about this difficult period of his life. a telling name"Terrible labels, no chance." By luck, Basta's demo disc ended up in the hands of. The musician liked the compositions of young performers, and he invited them to the Russian capital. In Moscow, Titomir brought Basta and Volos to the studio creative association“Gazgolder”, where rappers were accepted and showed interest in them. In his first year in the capital, Basta created musical material for several discs, but decided not to rush, but to release albums with a time interval.

    2006 turned out to be a breakthrough year for rapper Basta. His debut album “Basta 1” was released, and was positively received by rap fans. This long-awaited success inspired the performer so much that Basta immediately released two new videos entitled “Autumn” and “Once and For All.” He used the Internet to spread quickly. The composition “Mom” also became popular.

    Basta and Guf - "Tea Drunkard"

    In 2007, the album “Basta 2” appeared, which included duets with a singer and rapper and whole line new clips, the most striking of which were “So Spring Cries,” “Our Summer,” “Inner Fighter” and “Tea Drunkard.” In just three months, the rapper's second album sold 50 thousand copies.

    The successful Russian rapper was noticed by American producers computer games from Rockstar Games. Basta's song "Mama" was performed in popular game « Grand Theft Auto IV."

    Basta - "Graduation" (Slow)

    The composition “Graduation” became one of the main ones in the musician’s career. On social networks, users called it one of the best, suggesting that such a single would be played at every prom in schools for a long time to come.

    In the future, Basta pays more and more attention to working with other representatives Russian show business. Together with the group “Nerves” he creates the video “With Hope for Wings”, which impresses the Russian viewer.

    In 2007, Vasily Vakulenko is recognized not only under the pseudonym Basta, but he also becomes Noggano. Three albums by the rapper were released under this name: in 2008 – “First”, in 2009 – “Warm” and in 2010 “Unreleased”.

    Besides creative biography Basta has been enriched with new pages. In 2008, the musician made his debut in several capacities: screenwriter, director, producer and actor. This happened when he presented his own film “The Tea Drinker”. Basta liked writing scripts so much that they began to appear one after another. Vasily worked as a director in the film “Fairy Tales for Adults.” Now Basta’s creative baggage in the world of cinema is acting work in 12 films, scripts for 5, directing and producing work in a number of films.

    Basta - "My Game"

    Basta is gradually strengthening his collaboration with other rap artists. In 2010 rapper Guf participates together with Vakulenko in the creation new job, and already in November the record comes out in a gray booklet and virtually without a title.

    In 2011, Basta pleasantly surprised fans with a new Nintendo album, which amazed him with the unusual “cyber gang” style, and fans of his work expect other innovations.

    In 2016, it became known that Basta became a mentor fourth season project "", and he was kept company by, and.

    Basta’s collaboration with singer Polina Gagarina was successful. The songs “The whole world is not enough for me without you” and “Voice”, as well as the composition “Angel of Faith”, presented in 2016, were especially remembered by fans.

    In the same year, the album “Basta 5” was released, which became the seventh work in the discography of the rapper, performing under the stage name Basta. After a while, Vasily pleased Noggano’s fans by releasing the disc “Luxury”. Thanks to his income of $1.8 million, Basta was ranked 17th in the list of the richest figures in Russian show business, according to Forbes magazine.

    Basta and Polina Gagarina - "Angel of Faith"

    Vakulenko cooperates with famous musicians in creating new masterpieces. Together with singer Alena Omargalieva, he sang the song “I Rise Above the Ground,” which was greatly appreciated by celebrity fans.

    Fans were also surprised by the rapper’s performance of Soviet songs. Cover version of the lyric song " Dark night", written by composer Nikita Bogoslovsky and poet Vladimir Agatov, became Basta’s unique work.

    Basta - "The Master and Margarita"

    The song “The Master and Margarita” is one of latest works Basty. This single can be classified as a completely different work that has no resemblance to the already familiar compositions. The song was included in the soundtrack to the full-length feature film“Me and Uda. Redemption".

    Among the musician’s works that became part of film projects is the song “Give Mi Money,” which was included in the soundtrack of the crime comedy “Loot,” and a cover version of the song “Paradise Apples,” which was performed in the drama “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". The number of films in which the rapper’s songs are used includes “Motherland”, “Ke-dy”, “Attraction”, “Street”.

    Paulina Andreeva ft. Basta - "Look into your eyes"

    In 2017, together with Basta, he performed a cover version of the hit “Look into your eyes,” which ended the film “Myths.” A video was later shot for the song.

    Fans also expected unique concerts from Vakulenko, which few rap artists dared to do, because fans remember April 2015, when he was the first Russian rapper to perform with a symphony orchestra at the Olympic Stadium, the largest concert venue Russian capital. Therefore, in 2016, Basta organized a concert in the Kremlin Palace, and again with the participation symphony orchestra.

    Basta - "Samsara"

    The artist decided to hold a concert again at the Olimpiyskiy in 2017, and for a 360° view, all the barriers were removed, and the singer appeared before an audience of 36,000 on a stage designed in the form of a boxing ring.

    In 2016, Basta had a conflict with Russian rapper Kirill Tolmatsky, known as. Tolmatsky complained about too loud music in the Moscow club "Gazgolder", which belongs to Vakulenko. Basta reacted on social networks by publishing an angry post regarding such remarks. Publishing a tweet on a microblogging service