History of origin and interpretation of the name Carlos. Excerpts from the book “Revolutionary Islam” by Carlos Jackal

What does the name Carlos mean? For a long time, people have been interested in the meaning of this name. What happens if you name your child Carlos? After all, each of us is given a name at birth that accompanies us throughout our lives. Even after death, it is customary to indicate information about the person on the memorial. And what is constantly with us cannot but affect our character and behavior. So let's go back to the secret of the name Carlos.
Scientists, philosophers, astrologers - they all struggled for centuries, trying to decipher male and female names. Nowadays, many books have been published with the meanings and secrets of the name Carlos, and the list is constantly updated, as new proper names appear over the years, and old ones go away and are forgotten. By the way, in ancient times, babies were given names that were even scary to pronounce. This was done specifically to ward off evil spirits. Later in Rus', children were called by two names, one was pronounced only in church and was hidden from everyone. It was believed that Carlos is the name of a guardian angel who will protect a person all his life. Today there is a special fashion for names. Many mothers and fathers carefully choose the name of their future baby, turning to Old Slavonic lists. Some people first study the meaning of the name, and only then choose the appropriate one. And there are fewer and fewer people who come up with names themselves. Here everything is limited to the flight of your imagination. But then determine the character of the owner unique name There will be phonetics - sound combinations and syllables. IN meaning of the name Carlos there are many ancient roots and sources that today are irretrievably lost...

Carlos Alberto Tevez- football player Carlos Alberto Tevez - Argentine football player, winner of the Libertadores Cup and Intercontinental Cup 2003. Born on February 5, 1984. Carlos Alberto Tevez became the best football player of the year three times in a row South America(2003-2005). Olympic champion 2004. Since August 2007, English player football club Manchester United. Despite his short stature, Tevez is very jumping and plays well with his head, has a strong and well-placed kick with both feet. Tevez is often compared in his playing style to Maradona due to his technicality, speed and dribbling. Carlos Boozer- basketball player He is a professional American basketball player. Represents the interests of the Utah Jazz team in the NBA national league. Carlos Calvo- historian Argentine historian and diplomat. Born in Buenos Aires on February 26, 1824. Carlos Castaneda- writer Carlos Castaneda can easily be considered one of the greatest mysteries of the twentieth century. All that is known for certain about him is that he is the author of ten best-selling books and the founder of the Cleargreen company, which now owns the rights to creative heritage Castaneda. Everything else is nothing more than assumptions, if not speculation. Carlos Queiroz- football player He achieved his main successes with cantera and “polished” his sports biography at Manchester United. At the English club, he proved that he could also lead a team consisting of world-class stars.
Short form of the name Karl. Karlushka, Karlusha, Karlunya, Chuck, Charlie, Callie, Carly, Litush, Karlan, Carletto, Carlino, Kari, Karchi, Karus, Karuk.
Synonyms for the name Karl. Carlos, Carlos, Carlos, Carlo, Karol, Karoly, Karolos, Karol, Karel, Charles, Charles, Charles, Sherlas, Carolus.
Origin of the name Karl. The name Karl is German, Catholic, Greek.

The name Karl has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Karl has ancient Germanic roots and comes from “karl”, meaning “man”. The name originally came from the Old Norse language, where “karl” meant “ free man" Many kings of European dynasties bore this name. The name of the monarch, his title - king - comes from the name of the first German emperor Charlemagne.

In different European countries the name Karl was adapted to phonetics of a given people. So in England, Karl will be called as Charles (Charles), in France - Charles, in Spain - Carlos, in Portugal - Carlos (Carlos), in Italy - Carlo, in Romania - Karol, in Hungary - Karoly, in Greece - Karolos, in Poland - Karol, in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands - Karel, in Ireland - Sherlas.

According to the second version, the name Karl is Ancient Greek origin and means "brave".

In Russia, the name Karl has become a household name. They resorted to it in two cases, when they called visitors from Europe, mainly Germans, and also if the person was very vertically challenged. It was from these two components that the word “dwarf” appeared in the Russian language; Empress Elizaveta Petrovna called the court jester Karlush. From the name Karl, the surname Karlov appeared in Russian.

Female names derived from the name Karl are widespread in Europe. So from the name Karl the name Caroline appeared, and from French Charles– Charlotte.

Men named Karl are people with pretensions; they are talented in many areas of art. Karl is a strong, uncontrollable personality. Knows how to be convincing, influences others without forcing the psyche. The appearance of these men: a rough face with intelligent, friendly and cunning eyes, usually misleads others, which helps create an aura of mystery around these individuals.

Possessing the gift of persuasion and the ability to capture the most complex movements human soul, Karl himself is completely uncontrollable and poorly controlled. This man is monogamous and suffers greatly if his feelings are not reciprocated. Karl is a multifaceted nature, has subtle intuition and organizational talent.

He may be talented in many areas. He has a rare gift of persuasion, he knows how to influence others in such a way that he completely subordinates them to his influence. Very often his appearance is surrounded by an aura of mystery - Karl’s intuition is too strong; his insight into the undercurrents of the human psyche sometimes seems uncanny. Karl is kind and generous, he is an excellent leader and a good owner. He is generous spiritually, well versed in finances, but rarely thinks about the well-being of himself and his loved ones.

Those with the name Karl are characterized by a penchant for business. Most of them are very strong personalities who prioritize practicality and material gain. They are used to constantly doing things, without rest or breaks. Karl doesn’t get anything in life for nothing – he has to fight for everything. However, it is among them that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve his goals, Karl stops at nothing and achieves his goals at any cost and by any means.

In the family, the owner of this name is always the leader. By nature, Karl is not inclined to make many friends. His main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if he is caught by a long streak of failures, she may break down, withdraw into herself and lose all interest in life. Karl is a good host. Thrifty, prudent, tight-fisted, able to save money.

Karl's birthday

Karl celebrates his name day on January 5, January 7, January 28, March 2, June 3, July 7, July 13, August 12, September 11, September 18, September 19, September 26, September 29, October 19, October 21, November 3 , November 4, November 22, December 1.

Famous people named Karl

  • Charles I the Great ((742/747/748 - 814) King of the Franks from 768 (in the southern part from 771), King of the Lombards from 774, Duke of Bavaria from 788, Emperor of the West from 800. Eldest son of Pepin the Short and Bertrada Laonian. After Charles’s name, the Pipinid dynasty was called the Carolingians. Charles received the nickname “The Great” during his lifetime.)
  • Karl Heinrich Marx ((1818-1883) German philosopher, sociologist, economist, political journalist, public figure. His works shaped dialectical and historical materialism in philosophy, the theory of surplus value in economics, and the theory of class struggle in politics. These directions became the basis of the communist and socialist movement and ideology, receiving the name “Marxism.”)
  • Peter Carl Faberge ((1846-1920) Russian jeweler. The most famous jeweler of all time. The founder of a family company and a dynasty of jewelry masters. He is the creator of the world famous Faberge eggs, which are highly valued by collectors around the world.)
  • Karl Bryullov ((1799-1852) great Russian artist, painter, monumentalist, watercolorist, draftsman, representative of academicism)
  • Carl Gustav Jung ((1875 - 1961) Swiss psychiatrist, founder of one of the areas of depth psychology, analytical psychology. Jung considered the task of analytical psychology to be interpretation archetypal images occurring in patients. Jung developed the doctrine of the collective unconscious, in the images (archetypes) of which he saw the source of universal human symbolism, including myths and dreams (“Metamorphoses and Symbols of Libido”). The goal of psychotherapy, according to Jung, is the implementation of individual individuation. The concept has also become famous psychological types Jung, divided by attitude (extroverted and introverted) and by a combination of functions (“thinking”, “feelings”, “sensory” and “intuition”). In connection with Jung's death, a generalizing work with a systematized conceptual apparatus. Nevertheless, his ideas aroused and are arousing interest in the world, and the followers of his method - Jungian psychologists - continue to develop his methodology in relation to the analysis of phenomena of the human psyche. Jung also influenced cultural studies, comparative religion, and mythology.)
  • Charles I ((1600-1649) king of England, Scotland and Ireland from March 27, 1625. From the Stuart dynasty. His policy of absolutism and church reforms caused uprisings in Scotland and Ireland and the English Revolution. During the civil wars, Charles I was defeated, was tried by Parliament and executed.)
  • Karel I, Charles IV ((1316-1378) king of Germany, the Czech Republic from 1346, Holy Roman Emperor from 1355)
  • Charles V Habsburg ((1500-1558) King of Germany (Roman King) from 1519 to 1520, Holy Roman Emperor from 1520 (crowned in 1530 in Bologna by Pope Clement VII), King of Spain (Castile and Aragon) from 1516 year (under the name of Charles I). The largest statesman Europe first half XVI century, who made the greatest contribution to history among the rulers of that time. Charles V – last man, ever formally proclaimed Roman Emperor, he is also the last person to celebrate a triumph in Rome.)
  • Carlos (Charles) I Martyr ((1863-1908) King of Portugal (1889–1908), belonged to the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, officially considered a representative of the Braganza dynasty. Carlos I became the first Portuguese king to die violent death, since the time of Sebastian I, who ruled back in the 16th century.)
  • Carol (Charles) I ((1839-1914) prince (“domnitor”) of Romania (1866-1881), and then from 1881 the first king of Romania, from the German Catholic house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (relatives of the Protestant dynasty of Hohenzollern that reigned in Prussia), son Prince Karl Anton)
  • Karl Georg Maassen ((1769-1834) Prussian statesman, minister of finance; did a lot for the implementation of the German customs union)
  • Karl Zaleman ((1849-1916) Russian philologist-Iranist, academician St. Petersburg Academy Sciences (1895), director of the Asian Museum of the Academy of Sciences (since 1890))
  • Karl Friedrich Abel ((1723-1787) German composer and viola da gamba player)
  • Karl Kellner ((1851-1905) occultist. He was a talented chemist who already at the age of 22 made a name for himself in scientific world. Kellner made a series important discoveries in such industries as paper production, synthesis of artificial precious stones, photography, electrochemistry, etc. In addition, he was an avid student of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, yoga and alchemy. Kellner traveled extensively throughout Europe, America and Asia Minor. Kellner was considered one of the best experts on yoga in Europe and in 1889 even published a textbook on this subject. In parallel with Masonic research, Kellner was actively involved in alchemy. Kellner's death was mysterious. According to the official version, he died of blood poisoning and “permanent poisoning” - shortly after an accident and explosion in his laboratory. Others believe that death occurred after Kellner took the homemade Elixir of Life.)
  • Karl May ((1928-1993) German football player, 1954 world champion)
  • Karl Ludwig Sigmund ((1810-1883) syphilidologist, has a doctorate in surgery and a master's degree in eye diseases and obstetrics. In 1848, he traveled on behalf of the government to the East to clarify the issue of the plague and quarantines; the result of this trip was a work in which Sigmund pointed out the need to revise the police law on the plague of 1837 and radically change quarantines. As a result of Sigmund’s efforts, a model department for syphilitics was set up in Vienna, where he introduced more simplified methods of treatment.)
  • Karl Mannheim ((1893-1947) German and British philosopher and sociologist Jewish origin, one of the founders of the sociology of knowledge)
  • Karl Barth ((1886-1968) Swiss Calvinist theologian, one of the founders of the so-called dialectical theology; his “Church Dogmatics” in 13 volumes became a significant event in the Christian world of the 20th century)
  • Karel the Elder of Zherotin ((1564 - 1636) Czech philanthropist and patriot from the Zherotinsky family. Traveled a lot, spent some time at the court of Henry IV; returning to his homeland, he devoted himself to serving the interests of the Czech people's party. After the Battle of Belogorsk, he sold his estates and left his homeland .)
  • Karl Davydov ((1838-1889) Russian composer and cellist, director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1876 - 1887))
  • Karl Vocht (Vogt) ((1817-1895) an outstanding German naturalist, zoologist, paleontologist, doctor (he worked for a significant part of his career in Switzerland and France); also known as a philosopher, a representative of vulgar materialism (Vocht’s philosophical views are set out in his natural science works))
  • Carl Edward Sagan ((1934-1996) American astronomer, astrophysicist and outstanding popularizer of science. Sagan was a pioneer in the field of exobiology and gave impetus to the development of the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence. He gained worldwide fame for his popular science books and television mini-series " Space: a personal journey". He is also the author of the novel "Contact", on the basis of which a film of the same name was made in 1997.)
  • Carl Rogers ((1902-1987) American psychologist, one of the creators and leaders of humanistic psychology (along with Abraham Maslow). Rogers considered the “self-concept” to be a fundamental component of the personality structure, which is formed in the process of interaction of the subject with the environment social environment and being an integral mechanism of self-regulation of his (the subject’s) behavior. Rogers made a major contribution to the creation of non-directive psychotherapy, which he called "person-centered psychotherapy.")
  • Karl Theodor Jaspers ((1883-1969) German philosopher, psychologist and psychiatrist, one of the main representatives of existentialism)
  • Karl Seifert ((1829 - ?) German engraver)
  • Karl Seifert ((1809-1891) German landscape painter)
  • Carl von Ossietzky ((1889-1938) radical German pacifist, anti-fascist and 1935 Nobel Peace Prize laureate)
  • Sir Karl Popper ((1902-1994) Austrian and British philosopher and sociologist. One of the most influential philosophers of science of the 20th century. Popper is best known for his works on the philosophy of science, as well as social and political philosophy, in which he criticized the classical concept of the scientific method , and also vigorously defended the principles of democracy and social criticism, which he proposed to adhere to in order to make it possible for an open society to flourish. Karl Popper is the founder of the philosophical concept of critical rationalism.)
  • Karl Ludwig Henke ((1793-1866) German amateur astronomer)
  • Carlo Ceresoli ((1910-1995) Italian football player, goalkeeper, 1938 World Champion)
  • Carlo Zecchi ((1903 - 1984) Italian pianist and conductor)
  • Carlo Gadda ((1893-1973) Italian writer)
  • Carlo Durselen ((1926-2006) German sculptor)
  • Carlo Pisacane ((1818-1857) Italian revolutionary)
  • Carlo Maderna ((1556-1629) Roman architect, student of his uncle, Domenico Fontana. Among his buildings are known in Rome: the facade of the Church of St. Susanna, which is the first example of facades with two or more built on top of each other, so widespread in the 17th century, orders, the Mattei di Giove Palace, the fountains in St. Peter's Square and partly the Barberini Palazzo, completed by Bernini and Borromini. He immortalized his name mainly by the completion of the construction (1605-1613) of St. Peter's Cathedral.)
  • Carlo Maratta (Maratti) ((1625-1713) Italian artist and a Baroque architect who belonged to the Roman school of painting)
  • Carlos Bianchi ((born 1949) Argentine football coach, former footballer, striker. Five times became the top scorer in the leagues of France and Argentina. Five times recognized as the best coach of the year in South America. Currently works as a columnist for ESPN.)
  • Carlos Plummer (Honduran football striker, the most popular football player in the world in 2009 according to the International Federation of Football History and Statistics (IFFHS). In the media he is sometimes called the “living legend of Honduran football.”)
  • Carlos Senamor (famous Spanish racing driver, two-time world rally champion (1990, 1992) and 4-time vice world champion (1991, 1994, 1995 and 1998). Winner of the 2010 Dakar Rally (Argentina-Chile-Argentina). Nickname - "Matador".)
  • Carlos Scarone ((1888-1965) Uruguayan footballer, forward)
  • Carlos Delfino (Argentine basketball player, 2004 Olympic champion)
  • Vittorio Vidali ((1900–1983) pseudonym - Carlos Contreras; Italian anti-fascist, Comintern worker, participant civil war in Spain, member of the Italian Parliament from the PCI. In 1948-1954 - General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Free Territory of Trieste.)
  • Carlos-Ernesto Murillo (Panamanian professional boxer, competing in the Light Flyweight category, is the WBA world champion)
  • Carlos Parreira (Brazilian football coach, the only coach to lead teams at the World Cup six times; in 1994 he led the Brazilian national team to victory at the World Cup in the USA)
  • Carlos Reygadas (Mexican film director, multiple winner of national and international awards and festivals)
  • Carlos Llompart (Spanish tennis player, the first Spaniard to become world number one)
  • Carlos Sherman ((1934-2005) Belarusian translator from Spanish, writer, human rights activist and honorary vice-president of the Belarusian PEN Club ( international association writers, whose goal is to protect writers' rights, fight for freedom of speech and personality). Sherman translated the works of several Belarusian writers and poets (such as Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala, Rygor Borodulin, Vasil Bykov) and the Belarusian and Russian works of Lorca, Neruda and many others, wrote poetry in Spanish.)
  • Carlos Iaconelli (Brazilian racing driver)
  • Carlos Ghosn (President and CEO Renault and Nissan companies. He gained fame in connection with the brilliant implementation of a plan to bring Nissan out of a severe crisis.)
  • Carlos Belo (bishop of the Roman Catholic Church, who together with José Ramos-Horta received in 1996 Nobel Prize peace "for their efforts to achieve a just and peaceful resolution of the conflict in East Timor." He is a member of the monastic congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco and the Portuguese Order of Liberty.)
  • Jose Carlos Pace ((1944-1977) Brazilian racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 world championship. He took part in the 73rd Grand Prix of the Formula 1 championship. The track where the Brazilian Grand Prix is ​​currently taking place, as recognition his success, bears his name.)
  • Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Secretario (former Portuguese footballer, right back; now works as a coach)
  • Carlos de Carvalho Veiga (first democratically elected Prime Minister of Cape Verde (1991–2000))
  • João Carlos Marighella ((1911-1969) Brazilian politician, leader of the Brazilian Communist Party (BCP) until 1967, founder and leader of the Action for National Liberation (ALN), writer, “father of urban guerrillas”)
  • Károly Huszar de Szarvár ((1882-1941) Hungarian conservative politician, journalist)
  • Károly Botvay ((1897-1958) Hungarian scientist)
  • Károly Botvay ((born 1932) Hungarian musician)
  • Károly Lotz ((1833-1904) Hungarian artist of German origin)
  • Károly Ferenczi ((1862-1917) Hungarian impressionist artist, one of the leading representatives of the Nagybany school of painting)
  • Károly Güttler (Hungarian swimmer, one of the strongest breaststroke swimmers in the world from the late 1980s to the early 2000s. Two-time vice-champion Olympic Games, two-time medalist of the world championships, champion and multiple medalist of the European championships. Former world record holder in the 100m long water breaststroke.)
  • Karol Stryja ((1915-1998) Polish conductor; in 1979 stood at the origins International competition conductors Grzegorz Fitelberg in Katowice, in 1980 he became one of the founders of the International Carl Nielsen Performing Competition in Odense. In particular, he recorded all the vocal and symphonic works of Karol Szymanowski, including the opera “King Roger”.)
  • Karol Stanislaw Radziwill ((1669-1719) Great Chancellor of Lithuania)
  • Karol Stanislaw Radziwiłł, “Pane Kokhanku” ((1734 - 1790) voivode of Vilnius)
  • Károly Schranz (Hungarian-American violinist, second violin of the Takács Quartet since its founding in 1975, according to music critic New York Times Jeremy Eichler - " musical soul quartet")
  • Karol Mikuli ((1819-1897) Polish virtuoso pianist, composer, conductor and teacher, founder of the Galitsky Musical Society in the city of Lviv)
  • John Paul II ((1920-2005) before enthronement - Karol Józef Wojtyła; Pope, Primate of the Roman Catholic Church (1978–2005). Beatified on May 1, 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. In 1978, the 264th Pope John Paul II became the first non-Italian pope to be elected to the Holy See in 455 years (Adrian VI, who became pope in 1523, was Dutch by birth), one of the youngest pontiffs in history, and the first pope of Slavic origin.)
  • Karol Jelski (Polish artist and sculptor who worked in late XVIII- XIX centuries in Lithuania; representative of classicism)
  • Karol Kurpiński ((1785-1857) Polish composer, wrote operas in the national spirit (26 in total), which were popular great success, melodramas, ballets, church instrumental and piano works, author of the melody of the revolutionary song “Varshavyanka” (1831))

Ilyich Ramirez Carlos was better known as the terrorist Carlos "The Jackal" in the 1970s and 1980s. Acts carried out or organized by Carlos were directed against Israel, Western European states, the United States and “moderate” Arab regimes. IN different time Carlos collaborated with Assad, Gaddafi, Hussein and Castro. There were rumors that he was supported by intelligence agencies socialist countries, including the USSR, where he studied at the Peoples' Friendship University. Carlos carried out terrorist operations in the interests of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Red Brigades, the Colombian organization M-19, RAF, ETA, the Japanese Red Army, the PLO and others.

At the end of the 1980s, Carlos retired from active struggle. After the collapse of the socialist camp he became inconvenient old friends. In August 1994, he was captured by French intelligence services in Sudan. Carlos was tried in 1997 and Carlos was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of two secret agents and a Lebanese man in 1975. At the trial, Carlos declared himself a “professional revolutionary” and after the verdict was announced, he raised his fist in the air and left the courtroom with the words “Long live the revolution!”


Islam is based on five pillars. Based on five ordered requirements: a symbol of faith - a visual proof of belonging to the Muslim community, - daily prayer five times, zakat - an obligatory donation, fasting and a great pilgrimage to Mecca, which it is advisable to make at least once in your life. Another pillar, the sixth, is jihad, which means “effort.”
The meaning of jihad is, first of all, to defeat the evil in one’s soul. It is mainly about the effort of spiritual self-improvement. Secondly, it is a fight against external enemy. The idea that jihad as a form of defense of faith is a fundamental duty of a Muslim is not new: it was advocated back in the 13th century by Ibn Taymiyyah. I myself do not consider myself a warrior of jihad, a soldier of faith, and my activity, by the will of circumstances and the era, is now forced to be reduced to reflection and theoretical constructions.

The distinctive feature of Islam, which makes up its strength as a universal religion compared to all other faiths, is that every Muslim has the duty to spread his faith. Proselytism is a religious duty, but, contrary to popular belief, conversion to Islam is not forced. This is not a totalitarian religion in which a person is deprived of freedom and independent choice. For us Muslims, someone who accepted Islam under pressure will only be a believer in appearance, and the insincerity of his faith will weaken the community as a whole. I think it is extremely important to emphasize this point if we want to understand anything about the relationship between Islam and Western culture- the heritage of Christianity.

I say “heritage,” because Western society is now so de-Christianized, displaying such a spectacle of moral and spiritual emptiness, that it would be absurd to be surprised at the consistent spread and strengthening of Islam. In France, hundreds of thousands of people have already become Muslims. This, by the way, is one of the reasons why the discussion about the spread of Islam cannot be conducted in line with the opposition of North to South or East to West. This is an internal question for all secular “democracies”, which, by the way, in my opinion, have not been secular for a long time, so intolerant, militant atheism has taken root in them.

The same general education theorists who yesterday vehemently opposed wearing the Muslim headscarf in school (and continue to speak out to this day) are today looking for the best way to introduce school curriculum religious education. True, under the guise of studying the history of religions, but they cannot deceive anyone with this.

Fanatical supporters of secularism throughout the twentieth century fiercely fought against Catholicism, not disdaining any means. They humiliated him in every possible way, defamed and reviled him. To this day, Christians who want to remain faithful to the ancient traditions of their faith are even subject to judicial persecution at every opportunity.

Thanks to the influx of immigrants that followed colonization and neo-colonization, France has been a country of dar al-Islam for several decades. Six million newcomers, men and women, Arabs, immigrants from Africa and Asia, settled in this country. Meanwhile, Islam is a religion based on unshakable rules, there is no room for doubt in it, and the Muslim faith has never shunned preaching and conversion.

Mosques and houses of worship are being built everywhere, despite administrative obstacles and the hostility of the authorities. Christian churches are being peacefully converted into houses of worship.
One of the largest mosques was built in Rome. This spiritual conquest is not associated with violence: this is also a reason to think and understand how wrong the idea of ​​​​a clash of civilizations is.

Monotheistic religions are already intertwined; Islam does not threaten anyone. Examples of people sacrificing their lives for the sake of faith, the decline of Christianity, mixed marriages, the rejection of the immorality inherent in a commercial society, the corruption of morality - all this sufficiently explains why Islam is steadily taking root in the very heart Western society. The “clash” of cultures and religions implies a certain outsideness, but it does not exist, no longer exists, at least in Europe. In Puritan Judeo-Christian America this is not the case.

Nature, as the physicist Lavoisier said, shuns emptiness; human nature - even more so, and spiritual emptiness is undoubtedly the most terrible of emptiness. The limitations of Marxism revealed themselves in the absence of a saint, since, in essence, Marxism as such is a religion in which the deity is man. If in Marxism comparatively early stage the dimension of transcendence appeared, then, with a high probability, it would now dominate almost everywhere. But that’s how it happened. It was not the ideas that failed, but the people. Unfortunately, not all of them are giants. The ideals are lofty, but rarely does anyone manage to live up to them. Most people, having seized power, are quickly corrupted by it. The same can be said about most bright dreams of justice, which remained dreams...

Islam is spreading the faster as the authority of the church fades away and real socialism has failed. Islam is a chance for Europe. The Muslim diaspora still occupies a marginal position, but is gradually gaining weight. Demographic changes also contribute to this. Some chain stores have already realized how Muslim customers can benefit them and have begun to take into account the fasting month of Ramadan. annual planning sales Of course, in politically The influence of Muslim peoples is still insignificant. But in this area, as in many others, changes will be rapid and unexpected. They accumulate gradually, imperceptibly, but the day will come when a revolution will break out in the political space. I can still hear how the bourgeoisie will scream, both on the left and on the right, but it will have no choice but to ratify social evolution.

In the United States, Islam is also only taking its first steps, but it is already an organized force with which the authorities have to reckon, especially if its influence grows among the black population, a significant part of which is increasingly being relegated to the position of the subproletariat or even the lumpen proletariat living outside society. In these circles, Islam is a renewal of revolutionary hope, and the war now ending will strengthen faith and strengthen the internal unity of the American community of believers - the leaven of future revolutions...

Islam, as the pinnacle of divine Revelation, was initially a “revolution”, a Revolution of revolutions. And the geopolitical and geocultural upheavals brewing in the near future, the likes of which have no equal in history, will not be slow to reveal this. In less than two centuries, lands from Africa to Central Asia, from the Indian subcontinent to the Atlantic. The rapid spread of Islam testifies to the power of the Word, its ability to ignite the minds and hearts of people, to inspire them to fight for the truth and justice of the divine order...

The last Europeans - those men and women who retained pride in their origins and remained faithful to the heritage of their ancestors - will accept Islam into their hearts. It will be the only way to protect your values ​​from destruction, spiritual heritage many centuries, for those who manage to maintain self-respect and, above all, refuse to slavishly submit to materialistic fetishism.

From this point of view, the war that Islam will have to wage against imperialism is a war, I repeat, not against any people, nation, state. We are fighting against the system, and this system imperceptibly but inexorably pushes a person towards corruption and ontological death. She not only alienates him (in the Marxist sense of the word), does not allow him to become himself, to realize his potential, in a word, to become successful, but also, worse than that, distorts his nature and thereby blocks his path to the formation of Humanity. Capitalism is a dead end. The world is languishing under the yoke of a predatory economy, no matter how much the alarm is sounded. Nobody wants to find out true reasons. The only way out is the spiritual revolution of humanity, which will break the iron hoop of the logic of capitalism...

Resistance to this ossification will be the decisive argument that will force Europeans, still faithful to their traditions and history, to accept Islam. This also applies to those Muslim boys and girls who have succumbed to the false charm of “modernity.” In other words, the revolutionary effort must also be directed within the Muslim community, for which there is always a danger of turning to the cult of the Golden Calf, renouncing the faith for the sake of all forms of idolatry of our days: hedonism, individualism, thirst for artificial pleasures and illusory power. The world that you call “modern” has alienated man from himself and given rise to unbridled shamelessness of morals. I am always amazed when I see how tired and disappointed a significant part of Western youth looks. In the faces of so many girls there is a reflection of a world in which true feelings and ideals are devalued every day. And on the contrary, an unprecedented outburst of resistance to the American war united Europeans with the inhabitants of other continents - and a breath of hope seemed to sweep over the world...

Islam is the religion of the “middle way”. Intolerance is contrary to the spirit of Revelation. The Prophet, this perfect and most humane man, should become a role model for every true believer. Although becoming like the Prophet in one’s life and actions is unattainable for an ordinary mortal. I sincerely believe that the Qur'an is the Word of Allah given to us in Revelation. The Koran, Al-Karim, is its most faithful record, a “statement” compiled from fragments of the Word as transmitted by the Prophet Muhammad at the initiative of the second Rashidi caliph, Omar ibn al-Khattab, from the testimony of the Prophet’s contemporaries, and then written down at the command of the third Rashidi caliph, Othmana ibn Affan. A little later, the philologist Al Hadjad, the Umayyad governor in the city of Kufa (the territory of present-day Iraq), invented special icons - diacritics and introduced them into the sacred text. However, the Word itself should be read and re-read very carefully, depending on the specific, specific conditions of the present moment.

The world is changing and has changed, this is, of course, a banality, but this means that the language, and ideas, and a person’s view of the world. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to give new life to the divine Verb every day by interpreting it in accordance with the reality of the present. Of course, the words of the Story, the Koran, remain the same. For fourteen centuries, the Arabic letters in which the Word was recorded once and for all have not changed. This is the guarantee of stability and adequate transmission of the Word, which distinguishes it from the New and Old Testaments, which were repeatedly subject to distortion in the mouths of translators. Therefore, when speaking about interpretation, I use this term in the same sense in which they say about a musician, that when he performs a piece, he interprets it, that is, each time he reads again and fills the score with life.

I read the Qur'an when I need it, when I seek answers to theological, metaphysical or existential questions... The Qur'an, the highest conclusion of Revelation, the repository of wisdom in its unsurpassed completeness... It is the Mirror of the battle waged by the Prophet to strengthen the divine institutions on earth and subordinate people to the will of the Almighty.

I follow the debates surrounding the teachings of Islam as closely as possible and am absolutely convinced that it is necessary to open the doors of ijtihad, which - historically - have remained closed since the 11th century. For the conditions of modernity, the transformation of society, culture and mentality require that the debate around interpretation sacred texts became a matter of public knowledge, so that it would be carried out by all believers, and not become the work of a few movements, brotherhoods or sects that will reinterpret the meaning of the divine Word as they please, or even for opportunistic purposes.

Moreover: there is not and cannot be a selective reading of Revelation. The Medinan sermon does not exclude or cancel the Meccan sermon. The Koran is not a book of anger or hatred, it is not an instrument of enslavement and suppression, serving to justify what our enemies accuse us of. The duty of a true believer is to wage a persistent and merciless struggle for faith; The word of the Lord is full of love and mercy. Therefore, I am convinced of the expediency of ijtihad as a bearer of truth and driving force Islamic Revolution.

As for the People of the Book, if they do not want to completely disappear from the face of the earth, they will have to rebuild their society on the basis of the Truth. The truth that Muslim education will reveal to them, the truth as such. The truth, or that which perhaps most fully answers it, must gain access to the means mass media, even if she has to go through the enslavement of thought by the false, controlled, biased media, which all, in one way or another, carry out hidden indoctrination. It will be necessary to return to the Christian principle of giving everyone what they deserve in order to restore the intellectual honesty that made the flowering of science and technology possible. Indeed: there is no place for lies in scientific and technical knowledge. Everything is either right or wrong. You cannot agree with the truth of matter, with the laws of physics. If we do not want civilization to end, we must subject information to this requirement of objectivity. Report facts evenly, forgetting about double standards of weight and magnitude, unbiased and impartial. That is, simply follow the principles of universality and equality under any circumstances, in relation to any events without exception or discrimination. In general, it’s enough to be disingenuous with the truth, it’s time to face it - unless those for whom, unfortunately, there is no high morality, are capable of this...

In the same way, education should, first of all, develop the ability of critical judgment in children - and don’t tell me that this is incompatible with the Muslim faith, quite the opposite. This extra method teach a child to be a free individual, to be conscious of himself and to understand what place he occupies in Creation... A society that claims to be democratic will only be able to overcome its internal contradictions, ideological and ideological, if we return to the logic of living life, that which, according to the laws of nature, underlies all things and about which modern man- a depraved animal that has lost its natural appearance - completely forgot. To grow deeper into reality - only at this price will we be able to preserve the light of truth in our souls and carry out a democratic revolution in the name and with the help of faith. Lies in all their manifestations, starting with silence and concealment, are an endless evil for humanity. Lies fuel war. Lies fuel hatred. And often a lie is more attractive than the truth, it is simpler, and we love what is simple, which, alas, does not require any effort or determination from us...

Muslim society therefore needs ijtihad to resist abuse and temptation and to resist the temptation of selective, sometimes distorting, readings of the Qur'an. Ijtihad must be continuous so as not to leave any chance for backwardness and all those regressive tendencies that manifest themselves in a selective or too fanatical interpretation of the Word. Teaching is a living organism, it must be renewed every second, thought needs to be irrigated with the life-giving moisture of reality; otherwise, the thought contained in the text becomes a dead letter, becomes numb and turns to stone. Faith is a continuous exercise, asceticism, as they would say before, and the exercise of the spirit, as the Jesuit Ignatius of Loyola understood it, is not an artificial limitation of faith, but, on the contrary, bringing it to its highest point. The Lord is also the direct experience of action, which is why daily performance of rituals is so important for us Muslims. Every day man must be molded anew into the mold of the divine will, every day he must restore his humanity in the Lord. That is why, with every dawn, one should re-read and reinterpret, fill new life divine Word. That is why Islam - and it is impossible otherwise - is a constant Revolution.

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