Stylish summer hats. Fashionable and stylish bows with a hat: you will be irresistible. Avant-garde women's hats.


In the fashion shows of 2017, almost every fashion designer has a hat. These are miniature berets, boaters, top hats, caps. Eyes just scatter from the variety.

However, do not forget that fashion is fashion, and individual characteristics figures have not been cancelled. Therefore, to begin with, we will share with you a few tips for choosing hats, and only then we will begin to consider fashion trends.

  1. Choose a hat according to your height. Miniature girls are contraindicated in wide-brimmed models: you can become like a floor lamp or a mushroom. Fields should never exceed the width of the shoulders. Chubby, on the contrary, should avoid small models.
  2. The hat should fit the facial features. narrow face fit flat hat with a wide brim. In 2017, it will be straw hats. Owners of a round face should take a closer look at the models, which differ in the fields bent up.
  3. Do not forget about the harmony between the headdress and the clothes under which you pick it up. You can combine a hat with a scarf and gloves. And you can, on the contrary, choose under outerwear.
  4. The hat should be your size: it should not squeeze your forehead or, on the contrary, hang freely.
  5. "Sit" the hat to the level of the eyebrows. When walking, you will instinctively raise your head and straighten your shoulders, which is damn beautiful.

Well, now let's move on to learning what hats are in fashion in 2017. Let's say right away that designers are well aware that all women are different, so they created models that are suitable not only for fashion models on the catwalks, but also for us, real women.

What colors are relevant in the next season?

Most fashion shows were held under the hats of the following colors:

  • calm pastel watercolor shades;
  • bright geometric prints;
  • natural flowers repeating the texture of flax, leather, straw;
  • prints to match the main outfit.

As you can see, in the summer of 2017 there is a fashion for hats that do not attract too much attention to themselves with color, but you can play around with the images. Also pay attention to and .

What form will be fashionable?

Firstly, you should definitely try on hats with small fields that will not cover your face too much, but only emphasize its beautiful features. There is almost no decor in such hats, they are simple in shape and can complement any look without drawing too much attention to themselves.

Secondly, if the height and shape of the face allows, buy a soft wide-brimmed hat, which will instantly turn you from an ordinary woman into a mysterious stranger, who languidly looks out from under the felt waves. There are quite a lot of such women's hats in the photo of spring-summer 2017. Apparently, the designers decided to recall the romantic 70s. Do not forget that such a model looks more advantageous with your hair pulled back than if you loose curls over your shoulders.

Thirdly, next summer you should definitely get a soft linen or cotton Panama hat. This will complement well light dress, jeans, loose soft trousers, chiffon overalls and any other summer clothes. That is why she takes pride of place among the fashionable women's hats of 2017.

Finally, neither we nor the designers could deprive everyone of their favorite straw hats. They will be relevant in several versions. For lovers beach holiday wide-brimmed models that hold their shape well are suitable. These are the ones that make you want to walk along the sea coast in a flying dress and hold the brim so that the hat is not blown away by a gust of wind. You can also take a closer look at boaters, which got into our wardrobe thanks to French rowers. The cylindrical crown and short flat brim of such a hat will suit almost any girl. The main thing is to choose the right clothes.

Details are extremely important

As we have said, this season is fashionable simple shapes with a minimum of decor. However, if you cannot imagine 2017 without a summer women's hat with fittings, you can afford small deviations.

  1. These are tassels and fringe returned from the past. They take place in small quantities on cotton and felt hats, but, perhaps, will be superfluous on straw.
  2. These are rigid hoops at the junction of the head with the fields. They are acceptable in any hats.
  3. Tulle, tulle, short veils. An attribute of small hats that will immediately turn you into an elegant lady.
  4. Hats in retro style. These are the same cowboy, musketeer, pirate models with one or two fields turned up. In the photo of fashionable hats for the summer of 2017, you can find a combination with Cossacks and long skirts or jeans. Remember that the image should be bright and bold.

Knitted hat - forget or wear?

Also, if you really want, you can choose a knitted hat made of thin cotton threads. The color variety of such models always makes fashionistas lose their temper: blurry watercolor colors, rich floral shades, pastel shades, deep dark and bright white threads. You can buy at least a few dozen of these hats and choose them according to the rest of the image.

If we talk about acceptable models, then these can be, for example, miniature hats with a minimum of decor and neatly twisted small fields. You can also choose a hat with starched, clear sides of a small size. This will create a more rigorous image, despite the fact that the material is by no means businesslike.

Finally, light air knitted hats with wide soft brim. This will help create the image of a mysterious charmer who hides her shyness under openwork waves.

Summer, sun, sea, beach - words that delight the soul. Every woman strives to prepare for the beach season as best as possible: to tidy up her figure, various accessories for relaxation, among which, of course, a beautiful and functional headdress. An original, well-chosen hat can transform a lady, make her real lady. Designers have already managed to present beach hats in 2016, but it remains for us to carefully study the latest novelties and choose among them what suits the type of figure, skin color, eyes and swimsuit.

To be truly stylish, you need to understand latest trends beach fashion. Fashionable hats this year are not as bright as in past seasons, but no less charming.

Experts in the world of style and beauty offer us such hats

1. In calm pastel watercolor shades.

2. In bright geometric prints, marine and animalistic (zebra, leopard) style.

3. With flowers made of linen, leather, straw.

4. With a pattern to match the main outfit.

Fashionable forms of beach hats

1. Soft, wide-brimmed, similar to those worn in the 70s.

2. Panama from natural materials(cotton, linen, etc.).

3. Wide-brimmed headwear, cylindrical crown, straw boater.

4. Small airy knitted hats.

5. Cowboys, pirate or musketeer models.

8. Bowlers.

When choosing a beach hat, it is important to remember that in 2016 it is not customary to wear summer hats with a lot of details. The simpler, the better, but you can afford to fool around a little and buy a model with tassels or fringes that are fashionable today. No less relevant are hoops made of rigid material, which are attached at the junction of the head and fields. In moderation, modest jewelry made of ribbons, beads, sequins is acceptable.

How to choose your beach hat

In order for the hat to emphasize your irresistibility, you should pay attention to some tricks.

1. Girls with short stature do not need to buy wide-brimmed hats. Large ladies, on the contrary, should not opt ​​for small hats.
2. For narrow faces, flat wide-brimmed beach hats are suitable, and chubby beauties will be irresistible in a headdress with edges turned up.
3. It is important that the beach hat harmonizes in color with other details of the image (swimsuit, pareo, sandals, bag, etc.).
4. Girls should pay attention to the size of the headgear: so that it fits perfectly, and does not hang out and does not cause discomfort in the forehead and ears.
5. The material of the hat must be breathable, so hot days easier to protect yourself from overheating.

Choosing a beach hat is a serious matter, it is as important on vacation as a swimsuit. Thanks to successful model, you will become even more beautiful, you can from the scorching summer sun.

And one more tip: wear a hat at the level of the eyebrows. So you, without noticing it, will carry yourself, raising your head up and straightening your shoulders. Men, what can I say, even ladies, will not be able to take their eyes off a woman with such a majestic posture.

In 2017 women hats finally and firmly occupied the position of the most fashionable. But quite recently, a train of conservative and even aging headdresses stretched behind them ...

But everything changed at the moment when new ones reigned in fashion. global trends femininity and elegance, in which it is the hat that acts as indispensable. But more about everything.

Trends 2017: trendy hats

Strict selection criteria fashionable style no, the designers offer to show the personal taste and imagination of each of us. But you should choose only the model that is ideal for appearance. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that it is the selection for the type of face that is one of the most difficult points of choice, and some still fail to find their model ...

But this season has practically eliminated this problem, fashionable hats - 2017 are actual styles for any type of appearance, and most importantly styles.

A real fashion remake can be considered the return of classic trends, in which the tone is set by ideal proportions felt models with fields. If you already have one - immediately get it out of the closet, if not - take a closer look at the ideas of leading designers.

The 2017 hats in these photos are great examples of the ever-living classics:

There is one “but”, the classic hat style of 2017 will be relevant only if the model is made of expensive and high-quality material, for example, the thinnest felt. This season's collections offer a very conservative selection of colors - black, gray and beige. In them, as a rule, strict and elegant silhouettes. But the choice will not become a contradiction bright shade- for example, red - it also sets off the silhouette well. The principle of the design idea is simple - the color does not interrupt the classic style. A more democratic range, by the way, is very extensive in other styles of stylish hats for 2017.

Today, not only “male” styles are recorded in the “classic” styles, but “fedors” with narrow fields and a high crown - there is a choice for any type of face. At the same time, the designers themselves, when collecting sets for the catwalks, try to avoid total images. And this means that it is not necessary to wear such a hat with classic things.

Pay attention to how the combinations with fashionable hats-2017 are selected in these photos:

Fashionable felt hats-2017 feminine styles

Be romantic and sophisticated (especially in ordinary life) is becoming more and more difficult every day. But it is this trend that runs the fashion industry today. The more interesting are the models in the "retro" style, which were presented by almost all the leading fashion houses, from Tom Ford to Chanel.

What hats are in fashion? One of the most interesting and explosive ideas of the model's season is almost a direct quote from the style of the 70s, perfectly adapted to today's trends. And do not forget about the word "chic" in the title - such models themselves are deprived of their former naive rusticity, and they should not be combined with things in the same style.

But the ideal feminine styles of such hats in the fashion of 2017 remained the same. Rounded, not "hard" and geometric, like classic options models, the tulle is complemented by wide and soft fields. Such fashionable felt hats - 2017 literally cover half of the face, creating a veil of mystery.

These models are widely represented both in winter and summer collections: from sesal or the finest Italian straw. It is with them that we are offered to complement absolutely neutral images - such a hat will create its style itself.

The decor of fashionable women's hats-2017 is designed in a bright and feminine way - buckles, textile flowers, large rhinestones and even feathers. Smart and a little defiant - that's what these models look like. Their only drawback is that they are ideal only for tall girls, and they hide height for miniature ones. But, in order not to pass by such a tempting trend, it is enough to complement the image with a stylish one on the platform and then fashion idea will be fully supported.

Pay attention to women's hats - 2017 in the photo below - each of them is an example of design ideas:

Another style of hats of the 2017 season is also “retro”, but much earlier, represented in the collections by “cloche” or “bell” models. Miniature models with a soft rounded crown and narrow brims were directly borrowed by designers in the 20s of the last century. The silhouette is absolutely modern and perfectly meets the romanticism and femininity of the images.

By the way, it is distinguished by amazing versatility and suits almost everyone. But, as in the general trends of 2017, cloche hats are designed in noble materials and restrained aristocratic color scheme. At the forecast shows of this season, they were complemented by outfits with classic coat masculine cut and feminine trapeze models. The solution is as elegant as it is stylish.

Stylish women's hats-2017 from leading designers

In 2017, in trends with light hand leading designers returned elegance - in best sense this concept. So, the first requirement for a headdress is noble and expensive. appearance. Such models fit perfectly and decorate everyday and everyday outfits, becoming an accent part of the image.

In addition to classic styles with fields and models in the spirit of retro, cap hats are in trend this season. Namely, variations on the theme of jockey caps or officer's caps. It is difficult to call them feminine, but they perfectly support the game, in which one, but piquant detail gives the image of sexuality and originality. It is caps that are a worthy answer to the question “what hats are in fashion?”

In 2017, these models belong to the youth and even avant-garde style, so the choice of colors and materials is much richer. First of all, this colored skin original shades. Black color, in combination with strict forms, looks rather trivial, besides, it suits few people. The designers preferred mixed shades blue-green spectrum, shades are also relevant genuine leather- from rich chocolate brown to pale beige.

Along with thin and plastic leather, suede is very relevant, the material itself is beautiful and noble. Its combinations with leather always look original and unusual. At the same time, designers try to subtly select materials of the same color and shade; this combination best of all beats a rather complex style.

An important condition for an impeccably fashionable look in such a model is the right outfit. In no case should he be sustained or - this simplifies the image and deprives him of femininity. Romantic or classic things in combination with such caps are the most relevant fashion solution.

Beach and urban straw hats-2017

Another fashion revelation of the season was the return to trends straw hat. In 2017, she is not only the main accessory of beach looks, but also part of the urban style. In fashion, voluminous models with wide brims and an expressive crown not only shelter from the sun, but also add mystery to the image.

The most refined and elegant models are created from the thinnest straw - such models do not bear even the slightest hint of the "country" style. Moreover, both urban and beach straw hats are designed in exquisite colors. A natural shade is used extremely rarely, and, most often, in combination with an active decor - voluminous flowers or draperies. But the main range of such models - from gently pastel shades to black, which is usually difficult to fit into summer outfits.

Avant-garde women's hats

Special attention deserves avant-garde or author's models, which are usually created for catwalk looks, but in real life extremely impractical, and besides, they require special selection for the type of person. Nevertheless, it is they who set the main trends of the season. The most daring for women's hats in 2017 is asymmetry. It is usually used in models with wide brim - the reception looks original and at the same time elegant.

For those who appreciate the golden mean in fashion, designers have prepared many decor ideas. Along with the original color, it is the decor that emphasizes the shapes and makes the model unique. Most actual style this season - a little "harsh" and even teenage. Metal fittings, spikes, rivets, chains combined with feathers or artificial flowers.

Moreover, the trend is not considered frankly youthful, but is addressed to everyone who creates their own unique style.

How to wear women's hats in 2017-2018 and photos of stars in hats

What to wear with women's hats in 2017? The main secret: no matter what style the model has, she does not need to select a “pair” in the outfit, neither stylistic nor color.

The most relevant solution would be to mix several stylistic decisions in one outfit. For example, a classic will look great paired with a slightly studded model. aggressive style. And the cap - complete with feminine and delicate.

In many ways, this style is set not only by catwalks, but also by celebrities. In 2017, movie stars and popular music. Let's not forget that the most talented and fashionable stylists work with many of them. Therefore, it is enough to find a similar type of appearance among celebrities, and borrow a few ideas. Especially in the selection of style and compatibility of the image.

Fashionable hats 2017-2018 are rightfully considered a key accessory.

There are no strict stylistic "taboos" - this is evidenced not only by the huge selection of styles and colors. Designers offer us to play with images and models according to our own rules.

And hats are not just fashionable and bright summer accessories. They must also fulfill their original function. headdress in summer period must meet several requirements, because to get sunstroke or you can overheat both on the beach and in the city.

Women's beach hats: we decide on the style

The first step is to decide what you are going to wear this accessory with. If you decide to buy a hat for the beach and at the same time wear it for walks and excursions, then universal model neutral colors. It is better to choose a purely beach option for a swimsuit or a pareo. There are several types of beach hats that will be relevant in the new season.

  1. . Very feminine and stylish accessory. This model perfectly passes air and does not allow the head to sweat, while it perfectly protects from the scorching sun. Small models with short brim are popular among young people, and wide-brimmed exquisite beach hats are held in high esteem by older ladies.
  2. Youth linen panamas will also be very relevant this summer. This material allows you to make sports and concise models, as well as hats for real ladies.
  3. Pay attention to panamas and hats with embroidery. Beach hats with decorative elements in the form of an appliqué will perfectly complement light dresses or floor-length sundresses.
  4. For admirers sports style or casual style, beach hats made of textile with short brim are suitable. Country models or military-style panamas will also perfectly complement jeans with a T-shirt.

How to choose beach hats?

To find the perfect headdress, it is not enough to combine it with other details of clothing. First of all, pay attention to facial features, skin tones and hair. Girls with round face you can safely bend the brim of the hat, but a narrow face will look better in a Panama hat with wide sides lowered.

The presence of interesting and bright accessories in a casual look is the key to a fashionable sensation, known to both designers and simple followers of fresh trends. For example, without the most hats different forms and size is not enough for any show, because designers have long understood how such a simple detail can transform an image.

What are the fashionable summer hats 2017 should be in every woman's wardrobe, and with what things should they be combined? It is about this that we will now discuss in detail.

The most popular beach hat options

Fashionable beach hats of 2017 are a stylish accessory that not only complements the ladies' look, but also reliably protects from the sun. In the new summer season, wicker models with both wide and narrow fields are predominantly popular. Woven hats in the coming summer will be combined with swimsuits, and with dresses, and even with a sporty style.

What other beach models will not go unnoticed by fashionistas in 2017? These will be:

When choosing an accessory for a beach holiday, a person should think not only about the external attractiveness of such a model, but also about ease of use. So, for example, fashion designers suggest abandoning beach hats with excessively large fields, since they look a little ridiculous in combination with swimsuits. It is also better to choose wicker or straw hats, as they allow air to pass through, promote its circulation, but do not allow overheating in the sun.

You can decorate these hats with a variety of details. Now you can find models decorated with chains, feathers and various pieces of fabric tied in the form of bows. In the process of decorating, it is also worth remembering about the sense of proportion, otherwise even the most fashionable accessory will look ridiculous and clumsy.

If a girl wants to add audacity to her image, she should give preference to wicker hats in cowboy style. Such models look bright, look organic in combination with any clothes, but are especially well suited for creating bright image with jeans or cropped shorts.

Fashionable summer hats for every day

In 2017, designers and fashion fans suggest that ladies use a hat not only as a beach accessory, but also as a bright addition to any everyday look. Fashionable women's hats come in different colors and sizes, but the following models are most often used for everyday wear:

When choosing models for everyday use, a girl should follow approximately the same rules as when choosing a hat for the beach. Here it is important to think about the convenience of everyday wear, and about the nuances of combining an accessory with clothes. So, for example, a wide-brimmed model of beige or black colors will suit and for a combination with jeans, and for going out in a chic dress.

Casual women's hats can be combined with almost any look, but they look especially advantageous with sundresses, dresses made of light fabric, with overalls of different colors. In the summer of 2017, midi skirts will be especially popular, which can also be complemented with a feminine wide-brimmed hat.

Fedora and trilby hats are more suitable for pairing with feminine outfits, such as jumpsuits and dresses. You should choose a hat in a bright but moderate color (for example, red or navy blue), which can be easily combined with absolutely any outfit.

Modern fashion is quite diverse, so girls can shift the focus by combining beach hats with everyday way. Cowboy models made of thick fabric, suitable for addition casual style with sports elements.

You can also safely go to the beach in a trilby hat, which looks spectacular with free-cut sundresses made of light fabric.

Evening options for fashionable hats

By purchasing fashionable hat for the summer of 2017, you should also think about how the accessory will be combined with evening dresses. In the upcoming season, not only straw hats of all colors, but also models with veils reigned on the fashion catwalks. The fashion for hats with veils is resuming, and in 2017 no fashionista can do without such an accessory.

Typically, such a model has no margins in principle, and the veil itself only reaches the chin. Wishing to additionally decorate an already bright hat, designers complement the lace on the veil with a variety of patterns, simultaneously inserting decorative elements into the base of the accessory.

In respect of trendy colors preference should be given to black, white and red hats, which not only look spectacular, but also easily combined with evening dresses. The main advantage of a hat with a veil is that it adds drama and chic to absolutely any outfit.

Ladies more daring may prefer top hats. 2017 is the time of even greater mixing of male and women's fashion. The accents of women's collections are increasingly shifting to the unisex area, so the top hat, which is a traditional male accessory, in the summer of 2017, it will triumphantly enter the number of ladies' accessories.

Cylinders should be chosen with narrow brims and a rounded top. The crown should not be too high, and you can decorate the hat with a contrasting ribbon that goes around the entire surface of the cylinder.

Since this accessory will look extremely bold, a lady should give preference to black or black cylinders. beige colour. Such fashionable hat perfect for pairing with jumpsuits or with evening suits in masculine style.

Fashionable summer hats for men

Fashionable men's hats in 2017 are also quite widely represented on the international catwalks, but here there are much less experimental trends. What hats should men choose for the summer of 2017?

Of course, no fashionista in the coming season will be able to do without the popular cowboy hat. And if ladies prefer models made of dense fabric, then men should stop at wicker cowboy hats, which are suitable for beach holidays and everyday wear. Such a model does not require additional decorative elements, since it already looks good. This accessory should be combined with frayed jeans and loose t-shirts. The main advantage of a cowboy hat lies in the fact that it adds youthfulness to any look, without compromising the degree of male attractiveness.

In the coming season, any hats with historical notes should be abandoned. For example, cocked hats and top hats are almost never seen on fashion runways, while narrow-brimmed hats flooded all the shows.

Choose a bright model unusual color, which will make the image a little more daring and original. By the way, this hat goes well with other accessories, for example, matching scarves, bracelets and other jewelry. A narrow-brimmed hat will help make the beach look unforgettable.

Children's options for summer hats

Children's hats for a girl or boy in 2017 are also quite diverse, but when choosing them, parents should first of all think about the convenience for the child. You should not stop at wide-brimmed models, as it will be difficult for children to wear them, because such accessories can close their eyes and cause great discomfort.