Draw an illustration for a fairy tale that you can name. How to draw a fairy tale with a pencil step by step

On this page you will find answers to some tasks on literary reading for 2nd grade (program “Planet of Knowledge”).

What kind of silence is there? Continue the series of definitions:
silence alarming, sad, sorrowful, lonely, depressing, piercing

List the objects you know made from birch bark. Box, casket, picture, basket, souvenirs (dishes, samovar).

Come up with and write comparisons:
leaves flew from the trees like birds feathers
the black highway ran into the distance, twisting like a snake, a thread, a spiral
a rainbow stretched over the ground like an arc, a rocker, a colored ribbon
the grasshopper chirped in the grass, like a cricket, an alarm clock, a magpie
the flowers looked at the sun, as if they were saying thank you to him, smiling, declaring their love

Continue the sentences:
Autumn leaves flew in the wind, like birds flying south, feathers
The clouds floated over blue sky like ships on the sea
Streams of rain flowed down the window glass like streams, a waterfall, tears running down the face, narrow rivers

M. Prishvin wrote: “I hear the autumn leaves whispering.” Write down what they might have whispered.
We are flying away from mom in the fall.
How sad it is that autumn has come.
Winter is coming soon.

Name the flowers that can be found in the forest at the beginning of autumn. Oregano, forest geranium, St. John's wort, tricolor violet, ozhika.

Write what the flowers “told” you.
About how clearly the sun shines.
How nice it is in the summer.
Come out for a walk.
Look how beautiful we are.
What a pity that autumn has come.

K. G. Paustovsky “Farewell to Summer”

1. Write what feelings K. Paustovsky’s story “Farewell to Summer” aroused in you. Sad, sad, I wanted summer back.

3. Write a story about what you saw one autumn day when you left the house. The proposed questions can become a story outline.
Today is September 20th. In the morning I went out for a walk in the yard. The weather was bad. It was drizzling. The sky was overcast with gray clouds. The ground was damp, strewn with fallen leaves.
My friend Vova came up to me. He, like me, was sad that summer was over.

4. Look at the illustration for the story by K. G. Paustovsky “Farewell to Summer” on page 18. Write down lines from the story that can be a signature to it.
It's the saddest time in the village. The last birds hid under the eaves.

Write the names of fairy tales you know, in which plants and animals help people. “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (goldfish), “Little Khavroshechka” (cow), “Po pike command"(pike), "Geese-swans" (apple tree).

Tom Thumb

1. Divide this fairy tale into parts. Label them and write down the names of these parts.
A little boy about the size of a finger helps the priest.
The little boy was sold.
Wolf and little boy.

2. Compose and write down a little fairy tale about a puppy or chick.
The puppy was running in the yard. A chick was flying above him. At the same time, the puppy and chick saw a crust of bread. Before the puppy had time to grab the crust of bread, the chick deftly grabbed the crust from under his nose in its beak and flew up to the roof of the house. Small, but the chick is smart! But the puppy still didn’t worry, he ran after the chick onto the roof. Even grief is not enough for him.

Write the names of the ones you know folk tales O lazy people. “At the command of the pike” (Emelya), “A Tale about Laziness” ( soviet cartoon), “Morozko” (Marfushenka Dushenka), “Cinderella” (stepmother of Cinderella and her daughter).

Cuckoo (Nenets folk tale)

Write how the children felt when they ran after the cuckoo that their mother had turned into.
Fear, anxiety, sadness, sadness, pain, remorse.

Three daughters (Tatar folk tale)

1. Write what the mothers were like in the fairy tales “Cuckoo” and “Three Daughters”.
“Cuckoo” is patient, hardworking, kind, caring.
“Three Sisters” - caring, hard-working.
2. Draw an illustration for a fairy tale, which can be called “The Punishment of the Sisters.”
Draw a turtle and a spider.

Apart is bad, together is good (Mordovian folk tale)

1. Write what each brother did.
The carpenter built, the blacksmith forged metal, the plowman sowed grain.

How friendship is tested (Lezgin folk tale)

1. Write down the words of Alisker’s mother that seem most important to you.
If you meet a man older than you, call him father. If you meet someone equal in age, call him brother...

2. Write what kind of friend you would like to have?
Loyal, not greedy, kind, responsible, sympathetic.

Come up with it a little story(story), in which the words of the proverb “live and learn” can be used.
My friend Vova caught a cold and stayed at home and didn’t go to school. But I really wanted to play with him and came to visit him. The next day I had a fever, a cough, and a sore throat. You can't communicate with people who have a cold. You can get infected. Live and learn.

Write the names of fairy tales about the heroes of which you can say: “a friend is more valuable than money”, “a good brotherhood is better than wealth.”
"Crocodile Gena and his friends", " Winnie the Pooh and that’s it, that’s it, that’s it.”

Workbook No. 2

Brothers Grimm "The Brave Tailor"

Write what qualities the tailor discovered during his travels.
Boastfulness, arrogance, self-confidence, ingenuity.

H.-K. Andersen "Ole-Lukoje"

sleep sweetly - sleep soundly, have good dreams
sleep dead asleep- sleep in such a way that you won’t wake him up

2. If you have read other Andersen fairy tales, write their names.
"Flint", "Little Klaus and Big Klaus", "The Little Match Girl", " The Snow Queen", "Thumbelina", "Wild Swans".

3. Name your favorite character from Andersen’s work.
Thumbelina, soldier (from "Flint"), Little Mermaid, tin soldier.

Brothers Grimm "Little Men"

1. Explain the meaning of the expressions:
clear conscience - when there is nothing to hide;
a wealthy person is a rich person.

2. a) Write your fairy-tale answer to the question: “Why did little people appear in the tailor’s house?”
To help the tailor sew boots.
b) Write the names of literary works and films about little people.
“Tom Thumb”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Gulliver in the Land of Lilliputians”, “Little Mook”.
c) Draw your loved one little man- hero literary work or a movie.
We draw a boy the size of a finger.

Tamara Gulik
Drawing class in senior group“Illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”

Lesson topic: "Illustration for the fairy tale "Kolobok"

Goals and objectives: learn to convey in a drawing scenes from a work familiar to children, create an expressive original image and choose the most appropriate ones fine arts. Reinforce the concept of horizon line, background and background. To develop attention, cultivate interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Materials and equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok”; album sheets, colored pencils, colored wax crayons for each child.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys!

A fairy tale comes to visit us -

We can visit a fairy tale

See what's going on

And become artists.

Guys, do you want to visit a fairy tale? (children's answers)

2. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, name the fairy tales that you know (children's answers).

That's right, there are fairy tales that were invented by the people, which do not have any one author; in the old days, fairy tales were not even written down, but were passed on orally, that is, grandparents told them to their grandchildren, and grandchildren, when they grew up, told them to their children and grandchildren .

Look, guys, what book I found (show). Guess what it's called? (reads a few lines from a fairy tale).

That's right, this fairy tale is called "Kolobok". But look, there is not a single illustration in this book. Would you be interested in reading or watching such a book? (children's answers).

Of course, it’s more interesting when a book of fairy tales contains beautiful drawings They are also called illustrations, and the artists who draw these pictures are called illustrators.

Guys, do you want to be illustrators yourself?

I invite each of you to be an artist and draw illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok”.

3. Explanation and demonstration by the teacher.

Let's remember the characters of this fairy tale (children's answers)

In the background you can draw a hut in which grandparents live. The hut is far from us, so we draw it small. And on foreground you can draw a bun. You can draw not only a kolobok, but also one of the animals that he has encountered.

1) First we draw the horizon line - the line where the sky and earth “converge”. (show on the board).

2) Now let’s draw a beautiful hut. The hut is in the background, so it will look small. (Show)

3) Then draw Kolobok. It should be round, like a ball. (Show). Kolobok – main character fairy tales, he sings a song, and looks at the path along which he rolls and at those who meet him along the way. He has eyes, a nose, a mouth, etc. (Demonstration) If you draw one of the animals, you also need to draw them large. (draw the children’s attention to the visual material).

4) Then we’ll draw the road along which Kolobok is rolling. (Show)

5) To make the drawing bright, rich, colorful, you can draw trees, grass, flowers. (Show)

Independent work of children. If any of the children have difficulties in the drawing process, you can help with questions and additional demonstration of the drawing method.

4. Summing up.

Guys, what fairy tale did we visit today?

What is the name of the profession of people who draw illustrations for fairy tales?

And now I propose to organize an exhibition of our illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” (exhibition of drawings).

This is the illustration we got for the fairy tale “Kolobok”. Invite the children to look at all the drawings, and if the children wish, let them say who liked which drawing best and why.

Thanks to parents and educators, fairy tales become children's first books. It will be interesting for children to learn how to portray the characters of their favorite fairy tale or scene from a magical story.

How to draw an illustration for the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof”?

If you need winter tales, then “Silver Hoof” is ideal. See how to draw a scene from this interesting story Bazhova.

First draw a house. Draw two parallel vertical lines that will soon become the corners of the house. Draw two lines on top that will turn into the roof.

Since the fairy tale “The Silver Hoof” is winter, draw a roof and snow on it. Then draw walls and windows. One will have shutters. Explain to the children why these elements are needed.

To show the presence of snow, draw a wavy line near the bottom of the house.

There will be a silver hoof goat on the roof of the house. First it needs to be depicted schematically. To do this, draw three slightly uneven circles. The top one will soon become the head, the second will turn into the front, and the third will become the back of the animal. Connect the pieces and then draw around this diagram to define the character more clearly.

Draw in the missing details. Erase auxiliary lines. Don't forget to draw one of the front hooves so that it is raised. Draw horns, eyes, ears, nose, legs with hooves. Mark several points on the roof of the house. Soon they will turn into precious stones.

Now you need to draw the Christmas trees. After all, the house is located in the forest. Draw a few lines to show how fluffy the snow is. Draw stars and a month in the sky.

Here's how to draw the fairy tale "The Silver Hoof" with a pencil. If you wish, then color your masterpiece. Draw snowdrifts and snow on the fir trees using white, blue, and gray paint. Then you will see where the shadow is. Behind one of the snowdrifts you can draw a girl who is watching such a miracle. Make the house and characters more vibrant and add some color environment. The painting is complete.

Illustrations for the fairy tale “Kolobok” step by step

Show your child how to draw the characters in the story.

  1. First you need to draw a circle in the lower left corner. Inside it draw eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose. This main character fairy tales "Kolobok"
  2. On the right, draw a hare, but first, a schematic representation of it. To do this, draw an oval big size, which will become the torso.
  3. The head is pear-shaped as it is positioned in profile. Ears, hind legs, tail oval. And the front paw consists of two small ovals, so you can see that it is bent.
  4. At the next stage, unnecessary lines are removed. Then add strokes to the hare to show what kind of coat it has. In some places, leave lighter spots so that it can be seen that there is less shadow here.
  5. Kolobok yellow color. Color it this way, make the mouth red, and indicate the blush orange. You can draw grass and a forest landscape.
  6. For the next illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, you will first need to depict two details. The upper one is pear-shaped with a snub nose, and the lower one is oval.
  7. Now draw two round ears at the top, and four paws below. At the third stage, outline the features of the muzzle, claws, and erase the excess. At the end, draw the Bear with a brown pencil, and his tummy and inner part ear - yellow.

The next illustration for the fairy tale “Kolobok” is visible in the picture.

The image begins with drawing geometric shapes. This is an oval that will soon become a body. Place it horizontally. A little higher and to the left, draw a slightly elongated circle, which you will turn into a muzzle. To do this, complete the drawing sharp nose and two triangular ears.

Then draw the tail and paws. In the third stage, outline the chest, tummy, eyes and tip of the tail. Don't forget to erase the extra lines. Then all that remains is to paint the fox red, leaving a little white around the chest, belly and tip of the tail. And make the bottom of some paws darker.

“The Gray Neck” - illustrations for the fairy tale

Introduce children to this fairy tale. Because this story awakens best feelings, brings up kindness in children. Drawing a duck is not difficult, especially since this skill will certainly be useful to kids in the future. After all, sometimes they will need to portray this bird.

Drawing step by step is not difficult. First you need to draw a small circle and a figure that looks like a horizontal drop. Now add a beak to the head, which is shown to the left. The wing almost follows the shape of the body. Draw an openwork edge on it, just like on the tail, to show that these are feathers. Then draw the nostrils, eyes, make the feathers on the chest more ribbed.

In the next step, this will allow you to color this part so you can see it's a duck Gray neck. The breast and wing are the same color. Draw the beak and paws in orange, and the head and body of the bird in light brown.

Illustration for the fairy tale “Dereza Goat”

This skill will also come in handy when you need to draw a mother from a fairy tale.« Seven kids." As you can see, this character's head is oval and slightly turned down. An elongated triangle with a beveled top emerges from it.

Since the arms lie on the chest, at this stage you need to make them oval. Next you will add the tassels and outline the sleeves. Draw the lower and upper skirt, apron. Then draw the horns, ears and the base of the headdress. Don't forget to draw the hooves.

How to draw the Little Mermaid - step-by-step illustrations for the fairy tale

This skill will definitely come in handy when you start reading the fairy tale of the same name to your child. To draw the Little Mermaid, use the step-by-step photos provided.

First draw a rounded head. To then maintain symmetry when drawing facial features, draw a vertical stripe, but not all the way. At this stage draw the neck and body up to the waist. On the next one, using the previously drawn line, draw symmetrical eyes, and below - the nose and mouth. Draw the tail. Then remove the extra features and make your face more expressive. Draw the hair and scales on the tail. Show your child how to color the mermaid so that she turns out so bright.

How to draw the fairy tale “The Golden Key”?

This is also easy to do. Draw a round head, in the place where the shoulder will be located - a small circle. Mark the line of the body. This curve will help create the back and the leg that is slightly behind. Draw the second one at a short distance.

Draw this character's cap. To draw Pinocchio further, draw his eye and ear. Draw hair that looks like shavings. Dress this character in shorts and a jacket. Give him the golden key. All that remains is to add colors, after which the picture is completed.

The second character in the fairy tale The Golden Key is Karabas Barabas. To draw it, first draw a round head, with a powerful body located just below. We don’t draw a neck, then the figure of Karabas Barabas will appear even more massive.

Draw a semicircular line in the belly area so that you can see where the shirt ends and the trousers begin.

Draw the arms, legs, then the beard and face of this negative character. All that remains is to decorate it.

Here's how to draw a fairy tale" Golden Key"

How to draw Father Frost and Snow Maiden step by step?

In anticipation New Year's holidays this skill will be very relevant. After all, children at school will probably be given such a task. They can portray Father Frost and Snow Maiden to make a card and give to parents or friends.

  1. Let's start with Santa Claus. Draw a narrow triangle, which will soon turn into his fur coat.
  2. At the top, instead of a point, draw a semicircle, which will soon become a face. Draw it in the middle vertical line so that facial features are symmetrical. From above, draw the edge of the cap and itself. Draw the collar, sleeves, staff and beard.
  3. To draw Santa Claus further, in the second stage add his facial features, mittens, and make his beard more fluffy. Mark the places where the felt boots and belt will be.
  4. In the third picture this character becomes more and more realistic. Show that the edge of the fur coat is fluffy. To do this, you need to make the lines more intermittent in these places. Modify your beard in the same way. All that remains is to paint Santa Claus's robe and paint his pink cheeks. Now we move on to the image of his granddaughter.
  5. To draw the Snow Maiden, first also draw a triangle, but at the top, instead of an acute angle, draw a neck, head and schematically depict a hat. Since the face of Santa Claus's granddaughter is turned to the left, move the vertical line here, which will help make it more symmetrical.
  6. Then draw a horizontal line to get an idea of ​​where the eyes will be located. Below draw the nose and mouth. Draw the girl's hands and muff. Make this accessory more fluffy, as well as the edges on your fur coat and hat.
  7. Draw a hairstyle and facial features. To draw the Snow Maiden further, all that remains is to decorate her. Usually this girl sports a fur coat and a blue hat.

How to draw Baba Yaga?

When a child draws an illustration for a fairy tale, he may need to depict this character as well.

  1. First, sketch this granny. The circle will become the head, the oval will become the hunched back. Draw it a little lower long skirt, and at the top draw a hooked nose.
  2. Grandma's chin is elongated. This will be visible in the second picture. Draw her hand, slippers, eyes, this will need to be done in the second stage.
  3. On the third draw the hair, a scarf with ties at the top. Mark where the apron and sleeves are. At the next stage, draw Baba Yaga’s lower tooth, apply the design to the slippers, and outline the fingers.
  4. All that remains is to decorate this character. You can draw a mortar with a broom, as well as a stick and a wooden plate.

How to draw a knight, a princess - step-by-step illustrations for a fairy tale

  • There are magical stories where these characters appear. To draw a fairy tale with their participation, let's start with an image of a girl.
  • Draw her round head, thin neck, body and bell-like skirt. To depict facial features, first draw auxiliary lines.
  • Draw hands and hair. In the next step, add a dress pattern. You can steal it with bows. Make your hair voluminous and your eyes more expressive.

If a child draws, then he can “dress” the princess at his own discretion. After all, girls love to come up with outfits.

All that remains is to draw the crown and fan and you can start drawing the knight.

Draw two figures that will become his ammunition. The top rectangle is the helmet. In the next picture you can see that you need to finish drawing the arm and legs. Gradually add new touches. Draw protection for the knees and elbows. All that remains is to decorate this hero and rejoice at how quickly you were able to draw a knight.

Often based on fairy tales cartoons. This also applies to the next hero.

How to draw Winnie the Pooh step by step?

Draw an oval. He will repeat the figure of this character. Divide it in half with a horizontal line. Draw a semicircle at the top, and right below it draw two eyes and a nose. Also draw a characteristic pattern here, which you will then use to mark the areas around the eyes. Draw ears and paws.

This is how to draw an illustration for this fairy tale with a pencil step by step. You see what needs to be highlighted with a simple pencil, and which areas should be left white.

It's very interesting to do this creative work. You can add other features to the drawings, draw heroes magical stories against the background of a forest, a palace.

See how to draw an illustration for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess.”

And if you need to draw the heroes of the fairy tale “Turnip”, then watch the second master class.

They gave us a fairy tale! Illustrators who brought our favorite heroes to life. A guide to books, style, techniques and life stories.

Ivan Bilibin

Graphics master, creator special type illustrated book, “the first professional of the book” - as experts call him. His example is a science to others; many generations of not only illustrators, but also graphic designers sought inspiration in Bilibin’s work.

“The Frog Princess”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Marya Morevna”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” - it’s worth finding your favorite books from childhood on the shelf to be convinced - beauty!

Style. You can recognize Bilibin’s works from a large format thin notebook book with large color drawings. And the artist here is not just the author of the drawings, but also of all decorative elements books - covers, initials, fonts and ornamental decorations.

Elena Polenova

The Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve still houses books illustrated by Elena Polenova. Sister famous painter Vasily Polenova, although she was associated with the bohemian “Mamontov circle” - artists, performers, architects, was always interested in the folk, peasant. She was inspired by fairy tales; in her letters to friends, heroes of folklore are mentioned, for example: Grandma Fedosya is a master of inventing funny tales.

Style: The main thing in Polenova’s landscapes is attention to “little things”: herbs, flowers, mushrooms, insects. She tried “to be transported back to that distant childhood when, listening to this story, I imagined miniature monasteries and cities in the forest, built, so to speak, on a mushroom scale, in which these amazing creatures live and act.”

Yuri Vasnetsov

“The Stolen Sun” by Korney Chukovsky, “Cat’s House” by Samuil Marshak, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by Pyotr Ershov - we present the heroes of all these books thanks to the drawings of Yuri Vasnetsov .

Style: The artist was inspired by the elegant Dymkovo dolls and bright roosters; the traditions of lubok and folk fantasy had a noticeable influence on the illustrator’s work.

Detail: Book graphics was only part of Vasnetsov’s creativity. IN paintings he showed himself to be a very great master, who combined folk culture and high aesthetics.

Vladimir Konashevich

Vladimir Konashevich gave us the opportunity to see Doctor Aibolit, Tyanitolkay, little Bibigon, Little Humpbacked Horse and the wise men who sailed on the sea in a thunderstorm. Talking about how he comes up with drawings, Konashevich admitted: “There are artists who invent and think with a pencil in their hand... I am an artist of a different kind. Before I take up a pencil, I have to find out everything in advance, mentally imagine a ready-made drawing in all the details..."

Style: For an artist working with children's books, one talent for drawing is not enough; a second talent is needed - kindness. Konashevich’s world is just like that, a world of kindness and dreams. The artist created recognizable style in the design of fairy tales: bright images, ornate patterns, vignettes, “live” composition that captivates not only children, but also adults.

Georgy Narbut

“From an early age, as long as I can remember,” Georgy Narbut admitted, “I was attracted to painting. In the absence of paints, which I did not see until I got to the gymnasium, I used pencils colored paper: cut out with scissors and glued with flour glue."

The artist, draftsman and illustrator, organizer of higher graphic education in Ukraine, Georgy Narbut, studied with Mikhail Dobuzhinsky and Ivan Bilibin, the latter even said: “Narbut has enormous, literally immense talent... I consider him the most outstanding, the greatest of Russian graphic artists.”

Style. In Narbut’s workshop, brilliant ideas were born and masterpieces were created that changed the history of books in Russia. Book graphics are not just virtuoso technique and refined taste. Narbut's style is always an expressive cover, decoratively designed title page, initial letters and skillful illustrations.

Boris Zvorykin

The artist deliberately avoided excessive publicity, which is why the facts about her biography are so scarce. It is known that he came from the Moscow merchant class and studied at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Zvorykin is considered the founder of the “Russian style” in book illustration and the best decorative graphic artist of the early 20th century. Since 1898, he illustrated and designed books for the Moscow and St. Petersburg publishing houses of Ivan Sytin and Anatoly Mamontov. The artist's first experience in the field of children's books was the book "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" by Alexander Pushkin.

Style. Boris Zvorykin looked for inspiration for his works in Russian antiquity, decorative and applied arts, icon painting, wooden architecture and book miniatures. No wonder he was one of the active members of the Society for the Revival of Artistic Rus'.

Boris Diodorov

Boris Diodorov "revitalized" for us the heroes of Russian and foreign classics. “Tutta Karlsson, the First and Only One,” “Ludwig the Fourteenth and Others,” “Nils’s Amazing Journey with Wild Geese,” “It’s in the Hat” (about the history of headdresses in Russia together with Irina Konchalovskaya) - you can’t list them all: in total the artist illustrated about 300 books.

Diodorov worked as the chief artist of the Children's Literature publishing house, received the Hans Christian Andersen gold medal from the Princess of Denmark, and his works were exhibited in the USA, France, Spain, Finland, Japan, and South Korea.

Style: beauty fine lines. The etching technique, in which a steel needle scratches a design on a varnished metal plate, is quite complex, but only it allows one to achieve airiness and subtlety in execution.

Fools are lucky, which means everyone has a chance to be in a fairy tale. Today we will find out how to draw a fairy tale about the fisherman and goldfish! One day, an amateur fisherman threw a stick and a rope several times into a local swamp called Purgatory, and pulled out a golden Loch Ness monster, which began to speak out of fear. Not knowing how to save her skin, the fish invited the catcher to fulfill any wishes of his choice. Since the fisherman was a representative of the ordinary rural elite with a small house and an old woman, he was the master of the house, and therefore he went to ask his wife everything.

The old woman mistook the old man for a senile man and said: Let the fish make a trough for them, otherwise old Bekha has completely lost her horsepower. When the trough suddenly appeared near the house, the woman realized that she was in the matrix and could do whatever her heart desired. This continued until she wanted to be the queen of the sea, to which the fish showed her a very indecent gesture with its tail and left in an unknown direction, leaving the old woman with a broken trough. Well done for the fairy tale, and whoever listened will see the end. There are different types of wishes that come true:

  • Trial version of the golden fish, which grants only three wishes;
  • A golden shark that grants three dying wishes;
  • The golden octopus, although not a fish, is willing to fulfill several of your needs;
  • A golden wedding ring fulfills the whims of exclusively the female part of the population, but takes away freedom of speech, will and money from men;
  • Having golden hands, you can make wishes with your own hands from any available material;
  • Gold teeth help dentists fulfill their wishes;

All other objects in this world do not fulfill desires. Except for a lot of money. But this is not a desire, but rather a purchase. So believe in fairy tales and grab your pencils and try to draw a fairy tale. It will be fun.

How to draw a fairy tale with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw two circles on a piece of paper, indicating the head of a fisherman and a fish. We will also show the horizon line.
Step two. Let's sketch a fish and grandfather.
Step three. Let's draw the elements of the face.
Step four. Let's add a crown to the fish and a fishing rod to grandfather. Don't forget about the background.
Step five. Let's remove unnecessary lines, correct the contours more thick line. And here's how it should work out.
Try to draw more such fairy-tale characters.