What do Chilean women look like? Chilean girls

Manor Conclusion located in the Tver region, if you drive along the M-10 from Moscow to St. Petersburg, and before the city of Valdai and Valdai Lake turn to Borovichi, and before reaching it 50 km there will be the Lykoshino station. It’s not far away, in a hidden corner, on the shore of the forest This castle is located on the lake.

The appearance of the estate is dated late XIX century. It was built for the St. Petersburg architect and artist Alexander Sergeevich Khrenov - after all, picturesque forest landscapes not only promote relaxation, but also influence creativity, so many artists, architects and writers of that time tried to retire and dissolve in nature.

Most likely, the Zaklyuchye was built according to own project Khrenov, however, it is not known for certain whether the architect himself came up with this extravagant ensemble, which to this day stands out from the general array of buildings and more closely resembles medieval castle, rather than a classic city estate.

The main feature of the structure was complete asymmetry. In addition, for the construction of almost all elements of the complex, not only the usual bricks were used, but also massive boulders - this adds an even greater Middle Ages ambiance to the picturesque composition and, along with the different shapes of the roof and turrets, creates a bizarre silhouette.

By the way, many of Khrenov’s St. Petersburg buildings are designed in an eclectic style in a similar asymmetrical manner. By the beginning of the 20th century, many interesting buildings appeared on the territory of Zaklyuchye - main house on a high hilly ridge, a residential outbuilding in the very high point hills, various outbuildings, hunting lodge opposite the pond. In addition to artistic and architectural activities, Khrenov had other hobbies, to which he devoted himself fully. So, in 1904, the estate was replenished with a new building - a stud farm for breeding trotting breeds of horses.

Undoubtedly, the key dominant of the ensemble was the expressive main house - eclecticism with a touch of modernity, framed by an octagonal fountain, flower beds, flower beds and a wall coniferous trees. The facade of the residential building most closely resembles a castle thanks to a faceted bay window with a figured attic, a cut oval window and a neat tower.

Not to say that the Conclusion was destined in its lifetime to become a refuge creative personalities— Alexander Sergeevich lived in the estate exclusively, and even he left the picturesque ensemble closer to Soviet times, exchanging it for the alluring Celestial Empire.

After the owner moved to China, the “medieval castle house” was turned into a pioneer camp. Not only were several new Soviet outbuildings built here, which will not be difficult to distinguish from the general ensemble, but also a number of sculptures were installed - “girls with an oar” and “athletic young people”.

Then Zaklyuchye was turned into a tuberculosis sanatorium, and subsequently partially abandoned. The picturesque ensemble is densely overgrown with forest, and the flower beds have turned into a jungle. In general, the place involuntarily reminds one of the song of the group “King and the Clown” - there is an overgrown park and an old house with boarded up windows, and there are even legends that the estate is haunted, except that there has never been a mysterious, terribly evil old man. By the way, today, according to the census, only 12 people live in the surrounding village.

Citizens planning to migrate are trying to find out how to organize life in the South American country of Chile. To get acquainted with local foundations, customs, and morals, you can come here on a tourist visit and live without a visa for 30 days. For reference: the republic is located in the southwestern part of the continent, off the Pacific coast.

The standard of living in Chile is quite high. The country has a well-developed economy. Budget financing is provided by income from copper exports and investment injections. The unemployment rate here is insignificant, the payment wages stable. Compared to neighboring countries, prices for food, utilities and basic necessities are low.

Living in Chile has one additional benefit - no... high level crime rate, the lowest on the continent. For Russians, this is an excellent place for recreation and wintering. The attitude towards visitors here is friendly. Locals speak in Spanish With a Chilean accent, it can be difficult for an untrained person to understand such an adverb.

How to get a visa?

There are several ways to immigrate for work. The first option is suitable for independent, highly qualified specialists. Their diploma must be obtained or confirmed in the Chilean state. The permit is valid for 1 year, with the possibility of extension.

The second way is to enter with a contract visa. Before moving, the applicant needs to find a vacancy and enter into an agreement with the employer. A visa is issued for 2 years with the possibility of extension.


Through the eyes of Russians, Chilean education leaves much to be desired. In fact, this is far from the case. The Chileans education system funded by the state, private and public educational institutions receive support. Everyone has the opportunity to study here. Only 5% of the population does not enjoy such privileges; the remaining 95% have an education certificate.

Education is received in several stages:

  1. Preschool preparation (up to 6 years of age). There are two age groups: nursery – from 3 to 24 months.
  2. A basic level of. This is a mandatory stage in mastering the program in core subjects. It lasts 8 years. For the first four years, children study the first level program; from 10 to 14 years old, the second stage of education lasts.
  3. Post-basic stage. This is a college education during which children must prepare for entering a university. This is a certain narrow specialization for which the child has a craving and ability. This program is also required.
  4. Higher education:
  • Study begins at the Training Center. After graduation, after 2 years of study, you can find a job in your specialty.
  • The second stage is a vocational institute. After this, they receive the rank of a highly qualified technician and can continue their training.
  • The third stage is the university. There are three scientific degrees - bachelor, master, doctor of science.

Pre-school-post-basic levels are under the control of the Ministry of Education, issues of the activities of universities are under the jurisdiction of the educational council. Since studying at universities is expensive, the authorities have provided a system of crediting it. With good academic performance at school, the student can count on a budget education with a stipend.


Prices in Chile are reasonable, if we take into account the American indicator. Chilean Peso – National currency. For example, bread costs about 500 pesos = 30 rubles, 1 liter of milk - 600 pesos = 38 rubles, 1 kg of apples - 520 pesos = 33 rubles, a bottle of wine - 3000 pesos or 190 rubles, a pack of cigarettes - 1900 pesos = 110 rubles.

The price for real estate is determined taking into account the location of the property. The more prestigious the city and area, the higher the cost of rent and purchase will be. A one-room apartment in Santiago will cost $50,000, the highest in the country. You can rent the 1st apartment here for 400, the 2nd for 450-500, the 3rd for 600-900 dollars.

Pros and cons of staying in the country

The main advantage of life here is a stable economy and a decent level of social security for citizens. The main advantages include:

  • the highest rates of economic development in South America;
  • favorable climate;
  • loyal migration legislation;
  • affordable housing costs.


  • unfavorable crime situation, high crime rate;
  • bureaucratic essence of the state;
  • increased seismic activity in the region.

Reviews of emigrants who have chosen this place for a long stay will tell you about all the positive and negative aspects of life in the Chilean state.

Work in Chile for Russians

There are many immigrants from the CIS countries who want to work in this region. Newly arrived foreigners receive social support from the authorities here. But it is worth remembering that highly qualified specialists are in greater demand here. The level of remuneration depends on the qualifications of the specialist and his work experience.

The most popular here:

  • administration specialists;
  • managers;
  • builders;
  • miners;
  • web designers.

People without qualifications often realize themselves in the agricultural industry. They are also employed in textile production, mining, and woodworking enterprises. Among the visiting men there are many builders, couriers, and laborers. Women without qualifications may be offered a position as a secretary or waiter. The competition for Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians here comes from people from Argentina and Peru.

Well, to get a well-paid job you need qualifications, which can be confirmed by recommendations from employers, good portfolio, certificates and certificates. You can increase your chances by learning two languages ​​– Spanish + English. The services of programmers who speak Java, Oracle and Unix are in demand here. The development of the mining industry contributes to the employment of engineers.

You can get a job either through a personal meeting with an HR manager or HR, or through an online interview.

Wage level

The annual income of the average Chilean is $12,000, taking into account all deductions and taxes. The minimum wage here is $300, this income is received by employees who do not have a specialty. A qualified specialist can count on three times the minimum salary. Engineers here earn about 2,000 thousand, consultants are paid about 1,500 thousand.


Along with traditional medicine, medicine is practiced and popular in this country. unconventional methods treatment. The medical system is well developed. Private and government agencies well funded and developed. An insurance system is provided in both structures, but in public hospitals the prices are slightly lower.

You can see a doctor here without an appointment. People can contact branches at their immediate place of residence. One treatment costs about $70. An x-ray costs $20. You need to pay 2,000 thousand dollars to go to hospital. But in this case, the patient can count on the consultation and help of a doctor, and all the necessary medications. Pharmacy points operate around the clock and are distributed throughout the area.

Alternative medicine

The services of healers and healers are popular in this area. But in order to help people, you need to have a license for the appropriate type of activity. Previously, candidates are trained in their craft. Most of healers are hereditary healers who adopt experience and knowledge from their predecessors.

People from the CIS countries who are planning to migrate to countries with a stable economy, good environmental conditions and reasonable prices want to know about the peculiarities of life in Chile.

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Chile is one of the developed countries in Latin America, where about 13% of the population lives below the poverty line. The country is one of the leaders in productioncopper, although one of the big disadvantages is the excessively frequent earthquakes. There is a widespread patriotic mood in the country and everyone is proud that he was born here.Chileans are avid football fans and love their national team very much. 70 percent of Chileans profess Catholicism. Lives in the countrythe only tribe of Indians Mapuche that no one has been able to conquer.
Chiliek, rightly called South American precious stones and some of the most beautiful representatives of Latin women. There are many people living in Chile various women from European appearance to indigenous peoples.Almost all Chilean women educated, because from childhood parents spend their financial wealth on the education of their children and try not to save on it. IN Chilean families As a rule, there are many children.
Beautiful Chilean women almost ideal in every sense: they are smart, free-thinking, and have a degree of modesty and shyness.In Chile you can find different types of women: from white-skinned and blue-eyed blondes to dark-skinned and sultry brunettes.
IN Top 17 most beautiful Chilean girls famous ones entered Chilean actresses, models, singers and winners of national and world beauty contests,having Chilean roots, living both in Chile and abroad.

17. Belen Montilla(born June 24, 1983) - Miss Universe Chile 2006, Miss Latin America Chile 2007 / Reina Hispanoamericana Chile 2007.

16. Vanessa Ceruti / Vanessa Ceruti- Chilean model, actress and Miss Universe Chile 2011. Model competition winner Elite Model Look Chile 2004.

15. Cote de Pablo / Cote de Pablo(born November 12, 1979, Santiago, Chile) - American actress Chilean origin. Series:"NCIS: Special Branch", "Trial by Jury", "Memorial Service for Ransom Pride."

14.Kenita Larrain / Kenita Larrain(born October 16, 1973, Santiago) is a Chilean model, TV presenter and socialite.

13. Marie Ann Salas / Marie Ann Salas(born 1985 Santiago de Chile) - Chilean model and Miss International Chile 2007. At the Miss International competition she entered Top 15.

12. Constanza Silva(born 1988) - Chilean model and Miss World Chile 2006.

11. Renata Ruiz / Renata Ruiz(born May 9, 1984) - Chilean model. Model competition winner a Elite Model Look Chile 2001. Later she took part in international competition where did you become First Vice-Miss. Winner Miss Universe Chile 2005.

10. Jocelyn Osorio / Jocelyn Osorio- Chilean actress and model. TV series: “How I Met Your Mother”, “The Mentalist”, “Cartel War”.

9. Gabriela Pulgar / Gabriela Pulgar(born 1989) - Chilean singer, finalist of the TV Show “We Are Looking for Talents”. WinnerMiss World Chile 2011, at the Miss World 2011 competition entered the Top 20.

8. Celine Reymond / Celine Reymond(born August 11, 1980, Santiago) - Chilean actress, series with her participation: “Mr. Affection”,“First Lady”, “Unique”, etc.

7. Javiera Diaz de Valdés(born June 30, 1981) - Chilean actress. Famous TV series: "Pussies and Nuts", " Luxurious women", "First Lady", etc.

6. Ana Luisa König / Ana Luisa König(born October 5, 1990 Santiago) - Chilean model and Miss Universe Chile 2012. Model competition winner Elite Model Look Chile 2008.

5. Constanza Piccoli(born November 19, 1992, Santiago de Chile) is a Chilean actress and singer. Famous TV series:“The family living next door”, “I am in command here”, “One for two”, etc.

4. Camila Stuardo- Chilean model. Miss Earth Chile 2011, Miss World Chile 2012 (Top 6) And Miss American Continent Chile 2012.

I moved to Chile, one might say, for love. I met my boyfriend, a Chilean, two and a half years ago in Thailand. First, he followed me to Russia, and then, after visiting him in Santiago and meeting his parents and friends, I decided to move in with him. This, of course, turned out to be a big shock for my family, but they accepted my choice.

My first impression of Santiago was related to the weather: I arrived at the beginning of autumn and discovered that despite the fact that this is Latin America (where it seemed that it should be warm), in the evening the temperature drops very strongly and sharply. During the day it can be 28 degrees, and at night 10. The Chileans made fun of me: they really like to have parties on the street (they generally adore gatherings), and when the local girls stood in light blouses, and I sat wrapped in three warm blankets, everyone laughed and they said: “She’s Russian, why is she cold?”

From the personal archive Our heroine living in Chile

The only thing I knew about Chile was that it was economically developed country Latin America. My expectations on this matter were confirmed. However, adapting was not easy. I think it's always difficult to start living in another country. Different culture, different people. There is misunderstanding on both sides. Everything, of course, comes down to the language barrier and unusual manner of communication.

Many things here work completely differently than in Russia. This, of course, does not mean that everything is correct in Russia, but not here (or vice versa).

Now I rather like the climate of Santiago. I don't need to wear boots or a hat, it hardly rains here and the sun practically shines all year round. This is probably why people are so relaxed and in no hurry. Everything about them is wonderful, and they themselves are extremely pleasant. Chileans almost never get angry, and even if they don’t like something, they try not to show it. They are almost never outraged by the service in a restaurant or hotel. There is no such thing as “outrage” among them.

All these advantages have back side. Yes, in Latin America people are very relaxed - and this makes them terribly unpunctual. And they can easily come to a meeting 30 minutes late, and this is almost normal.

Chileans don't know how to say no.

For example, when interviewing for a job, they will never tell you: “You know, you are not suitable for us” or “You are not what we are looking for.”

People will say to you, “This is amazing. You are the one we need. We will definitely call you." And they will never call. According to the Chileans themselves, this is because they are afraid of offending people.

Despite their outward openness, they are actually very closed. Since I moved to Chile, I have had good friend from Russia, an American friend and not a single Chilean.

Jose Luis Stephens/Shutterstock Cable car to San Cristobal overlooking panoramic view in Santiago de Chile

It also seems to me that Chileans eat poorly. They eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of sparkling water. At work, on playgrounds for children or on film sets for actors, when you are offered a drink, they almost always hand you a Coke first (although everyone pretends to watch the amount of sugar and gives you a diet one). It's free, but you have to beg for water, often there is none at all.

I, unlike many Russians living in Chile, work in my specialty. My specialty is ballet dancer and choreographer. True, I had to retrain: I’ve been studying Russians all my life folk dances and dances of the peoples of the world, but here I switched to Latin American dances. I have worked in several television projects as a ballet dancer, I star in commercials, most often dance ones, I work as a model in morning show Channel 13, I give dance lessons. For me that's all - new stage career, and I'm very happy with it.

Matyas Rehak/Shutterstock Street market in the Bellavista district of Santiago, Chile

In Russia, I would never become a model with a height of 166 cm, but here it is possible. In Chile, blondes and girls with Slavic appearance are treated very well.

Clothes here are very expensive. In addition, it is difficult to choose. The style is completely not mine - there is very little feminine, and the colors are dark. Everything is like winter, even in summer. Fashionable things here are much more expensive than in Moscow. At the same time, in Santiago for clothes and household appliances Argentines come, and all this is even more expensive for them.

Housing prices are moderate. For example, renting an apartment in the center costs, translated into rubles, 25 thousand; this is a studio apartment with one bedroom of about 32 sq. m. m. For 30-35 thousand you can rent the same apartment in a green, quieter area. Downtown Santiago is not the best location. There is a lot of gas pollution, noise, and a large number of doesn't save the parks.

Medicine is completely paid and very expensive. Monthly medical insurance costs 6 thousand rubles, and it covers 80% of visits to one specialist. That is, we still pay 20%. An appointment with a doctor without an insurance policy costs 3, 4, 5 thousand rubles, depending on the specialist.

In Chile great amount visitors from nearest countries, not very wealthy.

Russians are considered Europeans who come to relax.

Shutterstock Street in Santiago de Chile

I know many of our compatriots who managed to open their own businesses here, but many, even with an education, cannot get a job. They have to graduate from a university in Chile to even become a secretary.

Russian girls are treated differently. Chileans not only like them, they adore Russian girls. Chileans are fascinated by blue or green eyes. blonde hair. In Chile, girls on the street receive a lot of compliments - but only after you have passed by. A lot of attention is paid to blondes. And in general people here have a good attitude towards Russia, many are interested in Russian history.

And Ukrainians come to Chile for tourism purposes, the legendary and mysterious Easter Island is interesting, many of the tourists simply fall ill with this country and even think about moving here for permanent place residence, although the standard of living here is slightly lower than in Russia, this cannot be said about Ukraine.

In addition to the high crime rate in the country a common occurrence There are also earthquakes, for example, on February 27, 2010, the force of tremors reached 8.8 on the Richter scale. Another danger lurks under the cold sun, despite the average summer temperatures on the beach at 15 degrees Celsius, here you can get a severe burn in 15 minutes; by the way, almost no one in Chile knows how to swim. The ocean is very cold and unpleasant for swimming. The capital Santiago is located at an altitude of over 500 meters above sea level, and it is also not recommended to go outside without sunglasses and headdress. Santiago is a more dangerous city than Rio de Janeiro, more than 10% of the capital's residents are behind Last year were attacked.

Spanish in Chile

Everyone in the country speaks Spanish; to settle down or take a tourist trip to Chile, you need knowledge of this language. Only graduates of private schools in Chile, businessmen or specialists involved in tourism know English well.

Chile's economy is based on agriculture, including winemaking, as well as in the mining sector, which is breaking all records for salaries. However average salary- that's $900 a month, teachers, doctors, economists and engineers get a little more. The average Chilean can afford to go to restaurants, go to resorts and not only local ones, there is the opportunity to quickly buy a car and little by little save money for major purchases. Chile has excellent conditions for running a private business, but competition is also great. People who sold their apartment at home and moved here for permanent residence with their business will probably become bankrupt in one year, so this has its own specifics. Internationally qualified specialists, such as programmers with Spanish and Spanish skills, have a better chance of a bright future. in English, however, such specialists can earn several orders of magnitude more in the USA. Young women also move to Chile with pleasure, but mostly out of hopelessness, having previously met a handsome man through the Internet.

The period of the 2008 crisis practically did not affect this country, since American capital had not entered here before, and the Chileans relied most on their own strength and labor.

Transport in Chile

The cost of a one-time trip on public transport is 1.5 dollars, a liter of gasoline is 2 dollars, toll roads are also popular in Chile, for example, you can drive from one end of Santiago to the other without traffic jams for 13 dollars, the population of Santiago is 7 million people.

Cuisine in Chile

Seafood, including mussels or oysters, predominate on the table of the Chilean family. Chile is a country of exotic fruits; the unusual taste of Chilean wines is appreciated throughout the world. However, the high level of obesity in the population indicates that fast food has made its way to this remote country. Chileans are suffering overweight more than Europeans, but they are still far from the inhabitants of Mexico and the USA.

Chilean families, women, shopping and leisure

In Chile a real cult families, people maintain close relationships with distant relatives. Women in Chile have now achieved equality with men, although their employment rate is somewhat lower than in Europe, they consider themselves the most independent. Much appreciated bright skin, a slim body, we can say that Chilean women are more similar to Europeans than women in neighboring countries. Favorite time escorting the residents of Santiago means visiting huge shopping centers and shopping for the latest European clothing collections.

Chile is famous for its nature; in the summer, Chileans go on vacation to the ocean, and in the winter to the mountains. However, Santiago is sometimes compared to California, but beach holidays are available in the city of Zapallar, this is the local Cote d'Azur.

Chile is a modern country

In the metro in Santiago, free Internet access is available at every station, you can pay for goods and services using your phone, most residents pay for utilities using the Internet, many can be seen on the street or in transport with iPhones or tablets.

Chile has a good healthcare system, both private and public, but prices in private clinics lag far behind the quality.

Chile is a country for retirees

It is profitable to move to Chile in old age, tax system does not impose income tax on pensions and social insurance; other people can come here with their pension without suffering. All other foreign income from capital brought to Chile is not subject to taxes for the first 3 years.

Nature of Chile

There are three in the country climatic zones, you can get a cool and humid climate in the south, Mediterranean in the center and hot desert in the north. A sharp contrast with the exotic nature is added by quite comfortable and civilized cities, from which you can next vacation escape into the wild.