Galkovsky hunting lodge of George 5. General synopsis or system of opinions

Direction: Period: Main interests: Significant ideas:

the concept of “hegemon-subhegemon”, the concept of “crypto-colony”, the concept of “the limit of optics” in the history of the state

Influenced: Influenced by:

Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky(born June 4, Moscow) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.


My father was an engineer, my mother was a dressmaker, my ancestors were of clergy. In 1977 he graduated from German special school No. 51. He tried to enter the university four times. Worked at the plant named after. Likhachev as an adjuster of dust collection equipment. He also worked as a laboratory assistant at the Academy of Armored Forces named after. Malinovsky.

In 1980 he entered the evening department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1986. He couldn’t get a job; he made his living by illegally publishing and selling banned literature.

In 1987 he wrote the philosophical novel “Endless Dead End”.

In 1988-1989 he collaborated with Alexander Morozov’s samizdat magazine “Paragraph”. For some time he enjoyed the patronage of Vadim Kozhinov, who in 1990 got him a job in the magazine “Our Contemporary” (Galkovsky left there a year later with a scandal, and in 1991 he helped publish a fragment of “The Endless Dead End” in the magazine “Soviet Literature.”

Other fragments in 1991-1992 were published in Litgazeta, Novy Mir, Continent and other publications. The New World also published the article “Soviet Poetry” (1992, No. 5) and the script for the film “Friend of the Ducklings” (2002, No. 8). In the early 1990s he taught at the Moscow Theater Lyceum. He also participated in commercial projects.

After a series of polemical articles in 1992-1993 (“Underground”, “The Broken Compass Shows the Way”, “Eliminating the Shortcoming”, “Stuchkin’s Children”), he refused to cooperate with the Russian (in his terminology, “Soviet”) press, accusing it of persecuting his creativity.

A certain number of texts have been written about me as a writer, usually in all kinds of textbooks and scientific aids. And there two “problems” are constantly being solved: am I a postmodernist or not, and which direction of postmodernism do I belong to. What does it matter? This is “neither mind nor heart” nonsense.

No, to write the TRUTH:

“Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky, Russian writer. Because of his social and ethnic origin, he was boycotted by the authorities of the USSR and then the Russian Federation all his life. Despite his obvious literary abilities, he has still not been able to publish a single book of his. Gained fame thanks to the Internet. However, a systematic campaign is being waged against Galkovsky on the Internet, portraying him as a mentally ill person and a brawler. Meanwhile, it is known that Galkovsky is a balanced and sociable person with a university education, a teetotaler, and the chairman of the bloggers club.”

Characteristics of creativity

Galkovsky’s philosophical, journalistic and artistic prose is characterized by the aesthetics of the fragment, the ironic play on “someone else’s word” (in many ways, these features go back to V.V. Rozanov, one of the central characters of “Endless Dead End”). The surrounding world is contrasted with a vulnerable, but at the same time omniscient “I” relating to it with irony (“Odinokov” in “Endless Dead End”, “Galkovsky” and “Dmitry Evgenievich” of later texts), the image of the father is also important for Galkovsky’s world. Galkovsky’s philosophy is largely “metaphilosophy”; an important role in it is played by the understanding of the philosophizing of previous eras, especially Russian religious philosophy; he treats the philosophizing of the Soviet era with constant contempt.

The style of Galkovsky’s later works is characterized by a number of constant metaphors and images (“octopuses”, “mushrooms”, “aliens” - crypto-colonialists; “Jewish Murzilkas” - anonymous in LiveJournal, “spread out on the tatami” - a favorite pastime of the Soviet secret services). Since the mid-1990s, Galkovsky has been interested in online computer games and the Internet in general. The novel “Endless Dead End” was constructed as a hypertext long before the era of information technology.

Historical theories of Galkovsky

Galkovsky's historical concept briefly boils down to the following. The Russian Empire is an enlightened, strong state, a representative of the European principle. The reason for its crisis and death lies, firstly, in the incomplete subordination of the Asian elements (peasantry and “gypsyism”) by European civilization; secondly, in the activities of Great Britain, whose secret services used hostile social, ethnic and religious groups (Asian minorities, including Jews, Old Believers, uneducated lower strata, etc.) to undermine the government and army in Russia and destroy the Russian state. Galkovsky attaches great importance to the role of Great Britain in world politics during its heyday, as well as in the modern era. According to him, many states are and are "crypto-colonies", - officially sovereign, but actually subordinate to the powerful state. Dmitry Galkovsky lists, in addition to the countries of the British Commonwealth, as crypto-colonies of Great Britain, many other states, including the Soviet Union and post-Soviet countries. There are only three “full-fledged” players left since the Second World War: in addition to the sub-hegemon of Great Britain, this is the world hegemon of the USA, and France , which, due to the sophistication of its elite, managed to maintain political capital and complete independence even after the defeat and German occupation. The political status of all other states in the world varies from “junior ally” to “colony”.

Galkovsky treats the Soviet system (both “Leninist-cosmopolitan” and “Stalinist-nationalist” model) and the KGB as a combination of “Asian” and “peasant” elements with contempt: he views Soviet philosophers, scientists, and writers mainly as charlatans. The last chance to return to the times of the Russian Empire was, according to Galkovsky, missed with the collapse of the Soviet Union; now the Russian nation has finally degenerated into a new entity that has no more in common with the pre-revolutionary one than Latin Americans have with the Spaniards; The current system in Russia is also similar to Latin America.

Galkovsky also considers it possible for a large-scale falsification of world history and its artificial lengthening: for example, the creation of “ancient” languages, in which pseudo-ancient texts can then be produced, he considers the works of the Church Fathers and information about Viking voyages to be fabricated; considers the discovery of birch bark documents to be scientifically untenable. Galkovsky considers the 15th century to be “the limit of optics,” that is, more or less reliable modern European history. With all this, he, in general terms, recognizes the reliability of the history of Ancient Greece and Rome (adjusted for the imperial propaganda of Rome, later (XV-XIX centuries AD) distortions and simply lost data). The main issue, in his opinion, is not the authenticity of the history of the period from the 5th century. BC e. according to the 5th century n. e., and the question of continuity between Renaissance Europe and late Rome. Separately, we should consider the gradual transformation of the Eastern Roman Empire into the Ottoman Empire - the “combat” history of the Ottomans, including the siege and capture of Constantinople, is a lie.

Theoretically, Galkovsky’s historical concept was formulated by him in several postulates: .

  • When a population can grow exponentially, it must grow exponentially.
  • The state is a hierarchy of policies, the first stage of the state is the union of policies, and the primary form of state life is the polis.
  • As soon as the right diplomatic relations are formed, a world community arises with a rigid hegemon-subhegemon opposition.
  • The hegemon defines the historical era and creates the dominant historical concept of his time.
  • The story of a defeated hegemon is always an evil caricature.
  • Democracy is a natural and therefore the most ancient state of human society.
  • The fantastic level of church history is 100%.
  • Any state history is automatically aimed at maximum aging, maximum increase in territory, population, level of economic and cultural development of a given state.
  • Political economy is not a science, but the economic interests of the “producing country” disguised as scientific knowledge.
  • A political party is a social corporation designed to improve the social position of its members by legal (or relatively legal) means and using demagogy as a disguise.

Characteristics of world wars

  • The First World War is a “primitive military conflict.”
  • The Second World War was, first of all, an ideological war.
  • The Third World War was an almost bloodless war of human-built mechanisms.
  • The fourth world war is a war of computer programs.

Sub-hegemonic concept

Galkovsky is the author of the “sub-hegemonic concept”. According to this concept, in geopolitics, along with a clear hegemon dominating on a global scale, there is the so-called. “sub-hegemon” is a state entity that is next in power to the hegemon, inevitably conflicts with it in all aspects and strives to take its place.

Hegemon-subhegemon table illustrating the concept:

Years Hegemon Subhegemon Note
before 1527 Italian Pentarchy (Duchy of Milan, Republic of Venice, Republic of Florence, Papal States and Kingdom of Naples) Spain - France The sub-hegemon is not clear; Spain and France compete.
1527 Spain - France Spain - France Capture of Rome. The hegemony of the Pentarchy has been defeated, Spain and France are competing.
1559 Spain France Following the Italian Wars
1640 France Spain During the Thirty Years' War, Spain is defeated, Portugal secedes, and an attempt is made to secede Catalonia.
1701 France England Opening the question of the Spanish inheritance means pushing Spain away from the position of sub-hegemon and replacing it with England.
1789 England France The French Revolution disrupts governance in France and allows it to be ousted from its position of hegemon.
1814 England Russia Following the Napoleonic Wars
1856 England France Following the Crimean War
1871 England Germany Following the Franco-Prussian War
1918 England USA Following the First World War
1945 USA England Following the Second World War

At the moment, out of 193 countries in the world, only three countries pursue a completely independent policy - the USA, Great Britain and France. The status of the remaining countries varies from "junior ally" to colony. The Federal Republic of Germany has a special status, as it is the arena of struggle between the three powers. The economic development or military power of a state actually has little effect on its status - for example, Japan is a crypto-colony of the United States, and huge China is a crypto-colony of Great Britain.


Galkovsky's work received a lot of critical attention in the 1990-2000s; reviewers, not agreeing with the writer on everything, as a rule, assessed his work as an outstanding phenomenon. Thus, the editor-in-chief of “New World” Andrei Vasilevsky, in a review of the “Basic Text” of “Endless Dead End”, notes that “Endless Dead End” (“notes”) is “one of the most significant (I won’t say the best) books written in Russian language in the 80s,” “not a cultural monument, but rather a kind of natural phenomenon,” notes Galkovsky’s ability to “create his own special, almost magical “Galkovsky” space (something akin to Tolkien’s Middle-earth), within which Galkovsky turned out to be completely invulnerable.” . Vasilevsky considers the publication of the “main text” not as successful as the previously published text of “Endless Deadlock”.

In a review of “The Broken Compass,” a critic of “Znamya” sees “no small cultural evidence of our time,” “the private enterprise of an honest man,” supports Galkovsky’s positive program, but criticizes him for “a well-developed and thoughtful method of literary provocation.”

Main works




Electronic texts

  • WIG Galkowsky - integral archive of Galkovsky's texts
Language(s) of works Russian School/tradition Russian philosophy Direction religious philosophy (early years), philosophy of history, philosophy of language, analytical philosophy, political philosophy, conspiracy theories Period Modern philosophy Main interests history of ideas, epistemology, ethics, sociology, metaphysics Significant Ideas the concept of “hegemon-subhegemon”, the concept of “crypto-colony”, the concept of “the limit of optics” in the history of the state Influenced Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, René Descartes, David Hume, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Vasily Rozanov, Vladimir Nabokov Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky on Wikiquote


The philosopher's grandfather is an honorary citizen of Odessa, and his grandmother is a housewife. [ ] Father is a design engineer, mother is an outerwear tailor and fashion designer. Sister - editor, legal adviser. The ancestors were of spiritual rank. In 1977 he graduated from school with in-depth study of the German language No. 51. He worked at the plant named after. Likhachev in the same workshop with Leonid Yakubovich. He also worked as a laboratory assistant at the Academy of Armored Forces named after. Malinovsky.

In 1980 he entered the evening department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1986. He couldn’t get a job; he made his living by illegally publishing and selling banned literature.

In 1987 he wrote the philosophical novel “Endless Dead End”.

In 1988-1989 he collaborated with Alexander Morozov’s samizdat magazine “Paragraph”. For some time he enjoyed the patronage of Vadim Kozhinov, who in 1990 got him a job in the magazine “Our Contemporary”, and in 1991 helped publish a fragment of “The Endless Dead End” in the magazine “Soviet Literature”.

Other fragments in 1991-1992 were published in Literary Gazette, Novy Mir, Continent and other publications. The New World also published the article “Soviet Poetry” (1992, No. 5) and the script for the film “Friend of the Ducklings” (2002, No. 8). In the early 1990s he taught at the Moscow Theater Lyceum. He also participated in commercial projects.

After a series of polemical articles in 1992-1993 (“Underground”, “The Broken Compass Shows the Way”, “Eliminating the Shortcoming”, “Stuchkin’s Children”), he refused to cooperate with the Russian (in his terminology, “Soviet”) press, accusing it of persecuting his creativity.

According to the results of a survey conducted by the site Openspace, in which more than 40 thousand votes were cast, Galkovsky took 12th place among the most influential intellectuals in Russia.

On May 5, 2018, Galkovsky began running his own YouTube channel, through which he popularizes ideas already expressed earlier in his LiveJournal, as well as new ones.

A certain number of texts have been written about me as a writer, usually in all kinds of textbooks and scientific aids. And there two “problems” are constantly being solved: am I a postmodernist or not, and which direction of postmodernism do I belong to. What does it matter? This is “neither mind nor heart” nonsense.

No, to write the TRUTH:

“Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky, Russian writer. Because of his social and ethnic origin, he was boycotted by the authorities of the USSR and then the Russian Federation all his life. Despite his obvious literary abilities, he has still not been able to publish a single book of his. Gained fame thanks to the Internet. However, a systematic campaign is being waged against Galkovsky on the Internet, portraying him as a mentally ill person and a brawler. Meanwhile, it is known that Galkovsky is a balanced and sociable person with a university education, a teetotaler, and the chairman of the bloggers club.”


Wife Galkovskaya Natalya Vyacheslavovna, three sons - Georgy, Gennady (10/5/2015) and Denis (09/2/2018), .

Characteristics of creativity

Galkovsky’s philosophical, journalistic and artistic prose is characterized by the aesthetics of the fragment, the ironic play on “someone else’s word” (in many ways, these features go back to V.V. Rozanov, one of the central characters of “Endless Dead End”). The surrounding world is contrasted with a vulnerable, but at the same time omniscient “I” relating to it with irony (“Odinokov” in “Endless Dead End”, “Galkovsky” and “Dmitry Evgenievich” of later texts), the image of the father is also important for Galkovsky’s world. Galkovsky’s philosophy is largely “metaphilosophy”; an important role in it is played by the understanding of the philosophizing of previous eras, especially Russian religious philosophy; he treats the philosophizing of the Soviet era with constant contempt.

The style of Galkovsky’s later works is characterized by a number of constant metaphors and images (“octopuses”, “mushrooms”, “aliens” - crypto-colonialists; “Jewish Murzilkas” - anonymous in LiveJournal, “spread out on the tatami” - a favorite pastime of the Soviet secret services). Since the mid-1990s, Galkovsky has been interested in online computer games and the Internet in general. The novel “Endless Dead End” was constructed as a hypertext long before the era of information technology.

Historical theories of Galkovsky

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Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky
Birth name:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Date of Birth:
Date of death:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

A place of death:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

A country:
Academic degree:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Academic title:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Alma mater:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Language(s) of works:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Main interests:
Significant ideas:

the concept of “hegemon-subhegemon”, the concept of “crypto-colony”, the concept of “the limit of optics” in the history of the state

Influenced by:

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).


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Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

[[Lua error in Module:Wikidata/Interproject on line 17: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value). |Works]] in Wikisource
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
Lua error in Module:CategoryForProfession on line 52: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).

Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky(born June 4, Moscow) - Russian philosopher, writer and publicist.


My father was an engineer, my mother was a dressmaker, my ancestors were of clergy. In 1977 he graduated from German special school No. 51. He tried to enter the university four times. Worked at the plant named after. Likhachev in the same workshop with Leonid Yakubovich. He also worked as a laboratory assistant at the Academy of Armored Forces named after. Malinovsky.

In 1980 he entered the evening department of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, from which he graduated in 1986. He couldn’t get a job; he made his living by illegally publishing and selling banned literature.

In 1987 he wrote the philosophical novel “Endless Dead End”.

In 1988-1989 he collaborated with Alexander Morozov’s samizdat magazine “Paragraph”. For some time he enjoyed the patronage of Vadim Kozhinov, who in 1990 got him a job in the magazine “Our Contemporary” (Galkovsky left there a year later with a scandal), and in 1991 helped publish a fragment of “Endless Deadlock” in the magazine “Soviet Literature”.

Other fragments in 1991-1992 were published in Literary Gazette, Novy Mir, Continent and other publications. The New World also published the article “Soviet Poetry” (1992, No. 5) and the script for the film “Friend of the Ducklings” (2002, No. 8). In the early 1990s he taught at the Moscow Theater Lyceum. He also participated in commercial projects.

After a series of polemical articles in 1992-1993 (“Underground”, “The Broken Compass Shows the Way”, “Eliminating the Shortcoming”, “Stuchkin’s Children”), he refused to cooperate with the Russian (in his terminology, “Soviet”) press, accusing it of persecuting his creativity.

A certain number of texts have been written about me as a writer, usually in all kinds of textbooks and scientific aids. And there two “problems” are constantly being solved: am I a postmodernist or not, and which direction of postmodernism do I belong to. What does it matter? This is “neither mind nor heart” nonsense.

No, to write the TRUTH:

“Dmitry Evgenievich Galkovsky, Russian writer. Because of his social and ethnic origin, he was boycotted by the authorities of the USSR and then the Russian Federation all his life. Despite his obvious literary abilities, he has still not been able to publish a single book of his. Gained fame thanks to the Internet. However, a systematic campaign is being waged against Galkovsky on the Internet, portraying him as a mentally ill person and a brawler. Meanwhile, it is known that Galkovsky is a balanced and sociable person with a university education, a teetotaler, and the chairman of the bloggers club.”


Wife Galkovskaya Natalya Vyacheslavovna, two sons - Georgy and Gennady (10/5/2015).

Characteristics of creativity

Galkovsky’s philosophical, journalistic and artistic prose is characterized by the aesthetics of the fragment, the ironic play on “someone else’s word” (in many ways, these features go back to V.V. Rozanov, one of the central characters of “Endless Dead End”). The surrounding world is contrasted with a vulnerable, but at the same time omniscient “I” relating to it with irony (“Odinokov” in “Endless Dead End”, “Galkovsky” and “Dmitry Evgenievich” of later texts), the image of the father is also important for Galkovsky’s world. Galkovsky’s philosophy is largely “metaphilosophy”; an important role in it is played by the understanding of the philosophizing of previous eras, especially Russian religious philosophy; he treats the philosophizing of the Soviet era with constant contempt.

The style of Galkovsky’s later works is characterized by a number of constant metaphors and images (“octopuses”, “mushrooms”, “aliens” - crypto-colonialists; “Jewish Murzilkas” - anonymous in LiveJournal, “spread out on the tatami” - a favorite pastime of the Soviet secret services). Since the mid-1990s, Galkovsky has been interested in online computer games and the Internet in general. The novel “Endless Dead End” was constructed as a hypertext long before the era of information technology.

Historical theories of Galkovsky

Galkovsky's historical concept briefly boils down to the following. The Russian Empire is an enlightened, strong state, a representative of the European principle. The reason for its crisis and death lies, firstly, in the incomplete subordination of the Asian elements (peasantry and “gypsyism”) by European civilization; secondly, in the activities of Great Britain, whose secret services used hostile social, ethnic and religious groups (Asian minorities, including Jews, Old Believers, Balts, uneducated lower strata, etc.) to undermine the government and army in Russia and destroy the Russian states. Galkovsky attaches great importance to the role of Great Britain in world politics during its heyday, as well as in the modern era. According to him, many states are and are "crypto-colonies", - officially sovereign, but actually subordinate to the powerful state. Dmitry Galkovsky lists, in addition to the countries of the British Commonwealth, as cryptocolonies of Great Britain, many other states, including the Soviet Union and post-Soviet countries. There are only three “full-fledged” players left since the Second World War: in addition to the sub-hegemon of Great Britain, this is the world hegemon of the United States, and France, which, due to the sophistication of its elite, managed to maintain political capital and complete independence even after the defeat and German occupation. The political status of all other states in the world varies from “junior ally” to “colony”.

Galkovsky treats the Soviet system (both “Leninist-cosmopolitan” and “Stalinist-nationalist” model) and the KGB as a combination of “Asian” and “peasant” elements with contempt: he views Soviet philosophers, scientists, and writers mainly as charlatans. The last chance to return to the times of the Russian Empire was, according to Galkovsky, missed with the collapse of the Soviet Union; now the Russian nation has finally degenerated into a new entity that has no more in common with the pre-revolutionary one than Latin Americans have with the Spaniards; The current system in Russia is also similar to Latin America.

Galkovsky also considers it possible for a large-scale falsification of world history and its artificial lengthening: for example, the creation of “ancient” languages, in which pseudo-ancient texts can then be produced, he considers the works of the Church Fathers and information about Viking voyages to be fabricated; considers the discovery of birch bark documents to be scientifically untenable. Galkovsky considers the 15th century to be “the limit of optics,” that is, more or less reliable modern European history. With all this, he, in general terms, recognizes the reliability of the history of Ancient Greece and Rome (adjusted for the imperial propaganda of Rome, later (XV-XIX centuries AD) distortions and simply lost data). The main issue, in his opinion, is not the authenticity of the history of the period from the 5th century. BC e. according to the 5th century n. e., and the question of continuity between Renaissance Europe and late Rome. Separately, we should consider the gradual transformation of the Eastern Roman Empire into the Ottoman Empire - the “combat” history of the Ottomans, including the siege and capture of Constantinople, is a lie.

Theoretically, Galkovsky’s historical concept was formulated by him in several postulates: .

  • When a population can grow exponentially, it must grow exponentially.
  • The state is a hierarchy of policies, the first stage of the state is the union of policies, and the primary form of state life is the polis.
  • As soon as the right diplomatic relations are formed, a world community arises with a rigid hegemon-subhegemon opposition.
  • The hegemon defines the historical era and creates the dominant historical concept of his time.
  • The story of a defeated hegemon is always an evil caricature.
  • Democracy is a natural and therefore the most ancient state of human society.
  • The fantastic level of church history is 100%.
  • Any state history is automatically aimed at maximum aging, maximum increase in territory, population, level of economic and cultural development of a given state.
  • Political economy is not a science, but the economic interests of the “producing country” disguised as scientific knowledge.
  • A political party is a social corporation designed to improve the social position of its members by legal (or relatively legal) means and using demagogy as a disguise.

Characteristics of world wars

  • The First World War is a “primitive military conflict.”
  • The Second World War was, first of all, an ideological war.
  • The Third World War was an almost bloodless war of human-built mechanisms.
  • The fourth world war is a war of computer programs.

Sub-hegemonic concept

Galkovsky is the author of the “sub-hegemonic concept”. According to this concept, in geopolitics, along with a clear hegemon dominating on a global scale, there is the so-called. “sub-hegemon” is a state entity that is next in power to the hegemon, inevitably conflicts with it in all aspects and strives to take its place.

Hegemon-subhegemon table illustrating the concept:

Years Hegemon Subhegemon Note
before 1527 Italian Pentarchy (Duchy of Milan, Republic of Venice, Republic of Florence, Papal States and Kingdom of Naples) Spain - France The sub-hegemon is not clear; Spain and France compete.
1527 Spain - France Spain - France Capture of Rome. The hegemony of the Pentarchy has been defeated, Spain and France are competing.
1559 Spain France Following the Italian Wars
1640 France Spain During the Thirty Years' War, Spain is defeated, Portugal secedes, and an attempt is made to secede Catalonia.
1701 France England Opening the question of the Spanish inheritance means pushing Spain away from the position of sub-hegemon and replacing it with England.
1789 England France The French Revolution disrupts governance in France and allows it to be ousted from its position of hegemon.
1814 England Russia Following the Napoleonic Wars
1856 England France Following the Crimean War
1871 England Germany Following the Franco-Prussian War
1918 England/France USA Partnership between England and France (within the League of Nations) following the First World War.
1945 USA England Following the Second World War

At the moment, out of 193 countries in the world, only three countries pursue a completely independent policy - the USA, Great Britain and France. The status of the remaining countries varies from "junior ally" to colony. The Federal Republic of Germany has a special status, as it is the arena of struggle between the three powers. The economic development or military power of a state actually has little effect on its status - for example, Japan is a crypto-colony of the United States, and huge China is a crypto-colony of Great Britain. Since 1917, the USSR has been a crypto-colony of Great Britain, and since 1991. Russian Federation and CIS countries.


Galkovsky's work received a lot of critical attention in the 1990-2000s; reviewers, not agreeing with the writer on everything, as a rule, assessed his work as an outstanding phenomenon. Thus, the editor-in-chief of “New World” Andrei Vasilevsky, in a review of the “Basic Text” of “Endless Dead End”, notes that “Endless Dead End” (“notes”) is “one of the most significant (I won’t say the best) books written in Russian language in the 80s,” “not a cultural monument, but rather a kind of natural phenomenon,” notes Galkovsky’s ability to “create his own special, almost magical “Galkovsky” space (something akin to Tolkien’s Middle-earth), within which Galkovsky turned out to be completely invulnerable.” . Vasilevsky considers the publication of the “main text” not as successful as the previously published text of “Endless Deadlock”.

In a review of “The Broken Compass,” a critic of “Znamya” sees “no small cultural evidence of our time,” “the private enterprise of an honest man,” supports Galkovsky’s positive program, but criticizes him for “a well-developed and thoughtful method of literary provocation.”

Main works

Write a review of the article "Galkovsky, Dmitry Evgenievich"




  • LJ-author - Dmitry Galkovsky in LiveJournal
  • - server by Dmitry Galkovsky
  • - old website of Dmitry Galkovsky Publishing House
  • - new website of Dmitry Galkovsky Publishing House
  • - site about the work of Dmitry Galkovsky
  • - quotes from the works of Dmitry Galkovsky on the social network VKontakte.

Electronic texts

  • - integral archive of Galkovsky’s texts (up to ZhZh900)



Radio appearances

An excerpt characterizing Galkovsky, Dmitry Evgenievich

He was radiant and fresh, as if he had already broken me, as if his biggest dream had already come true... I hated his confidence in himself and his victory! Even if he had every reason for this... Even if I knew that very soon, by the will of this crazy Pope, I would leave forever... I was not going to give in to him so easily - I wanted to fight. Until my last breath, until the last minute allotted to me on Earth...
- So what did you decide, Isidora? – Dad asked cheerfully. – As I told you earlier, this determines how soon you will see Anna. I hope you won't force me to take the most brutal measures? Your daughter deserves her life not to end so early, isn’t it? She really is very talented, Isidora. And I sincerely would not want to cause her harm.
– I thought you had known me long enough, Your Holiness, to understand that threats will not change my decision... Even the most terrible ones. I may die without being able to bear the pain. But I will never betray what I live for. Forgive me, Holiness.
Karaffa looked at me with all his eyes, as if he had heard something not entirely reasonable, which surprised him very much.
– And you won’t feel sorry for your beautiful daughter?! Yes, you are more fanatical than me, Madonna!..
Having exclaimed this, Caraffa stood up abruptly and left. And I sat there, completely numb. Not feeling my heart, and not being able to hold back my racing thoughts, as if all my remaining strength was spent on this short negative answer.
I knew that this was the end... That now he would take on Anna. And I wasn’t sure if I could survive to endure all this. I didn’t have the strength to think about revenge... I didn’t have the strength to think about anything at all... My body was tired and didn’t want to resist anymore. Apparently, this was the limit, after which a “different” life began.
I really wanted to see Anna!.. To hug her at least once goodbye!.. To feel her raging strength, and to tell her once again how much I love her...
And then, turning around at the noise at the door, I saw her! My girl stood straight and proud, like a stiff reed that an approaching hurricane is trying to break.
- Well, talk to your daughter, Isidora. Maybe she can bring at least some common sense into your lost mind! I give you one hour to meet. And try to come to your senses, Isidora. Otherwise, this meeting will be your last...
Karaffa did not want to play anymore. His life was put on the scales. Just like the life of my dear Anna. And if the second did not matter to him, then for the first (for his own) he was ready to do anything.
– Mommy!.. – Anna stood at the door, unable to move. “Mom, dear, how can we destroy him?.. We won’t be able to, Mommy!”
Jumping up from the chair, I ran to my only treasure, my girl, and, grabbing her in my arms, squeezed as hard as I could...
“Oh, mommy, you’ll choke me like that!” Anna laughed loudly.
And my soul absorbed this laughter, like a person sentenced to death absorbs the warm farewell rays of the already setting sun...
- Well, mommy, we’re still alive!.. We can still fight!.. You told me yourself that you’ll fight as long as you’re alive... So let’s think about whether we can do something . Can we rid the world of this Evil.
She supported me again with her courage!.. Again she found the right words...
This sweet, brave girl, almost a child, could not even imagine what kind of torture Caraffa could subject her to! In what brutal pain her soul could drown... But I knew... I knew everything that awaited her if I did not meet him halfway. If I don’t agree to give the Pope the only thing he wanted.
- My dear, my heart... I won’t be able to look at your torment... I won’t give you to him, my girl! The North and others like him don’t care who will remain in this LIFE... So why should we be different?.. Why should you and I care about someone else’s, someone else’s fate?!.
I myself was frightened by my words... although in my heart I perfectly understood that they were caused simply by the hopelessness of our situation. And, of course, I was not going to betray what I lived for... For which my father and my poor Girolamo died. Simply, just for a moment, I wanted to believe that we could just pick up and leave this terrible, “black” Karaffa world, forgetting about everything... forgetting about other people unfamiliar to us. Forgetting about evil...
It was a momentary weakness of a tired person, but I understood that I had no right to allow even that. And then, to top it all off, apparently unable to withstand the violence any longer, burning angry tears streamed down my face... But I tried so hard not to let this happen!.. I tried not to show my sweet girl into what depths of despair my exhausted, pain-torn soul...
Anna sadly looked at me with her huge gray eyes, in which lived a deep, not at all childish sadness... She quietly stroked my hands, as if wanting to calm me down. And my heart screamed, not wanting to humble myself... Not wanting to lose her. She was the only remaining meaning to my failed life. And I couldn’t allow the nonhumans called the Pope to take it away from me!
“Mommy, don’t worry about me,” Anna whispered, as if reading my thoughts. - I'm not afraid of pain. But even if it was very painful, grandfather promised to pick me up. I spoke to him yesterday. He will wait for me if you and I fail... And dad too. They will both be there waiting for me. But it will be very painful to leave you... I love you so much, mommy!..
Anna hid in my arms, as if seeking protection... But I couldn’t protect her... I couldn’t save her. I didn't find the "key" to Karaffa...
- Forgive me, my sunshine, I let you down. I failed us both... I couldn't find a way to destroy him. Forgive me, Annushka...
An hour passed unnoticed. We talked about different things, without returning to the murder of the Pope, since we both knew perfectly well that today we had lost... And it didn’t matter what we wanted... Caraffa lived, and that was the worst and most important thing. We have failed to free our world from it. Failed to save good people. He lived, despite any attempts, no desires. Despite everything...
– Just don’t give in to him, mommy!.. I beg you, just don’t give up! I know how hard it is for you. But we will all be with you. He has no right to live long! He's a killer! And even if you agree to give him what he wants, he will still destroy us. Don't agree, mom!!!
The door opened, and Karaffa stood on the threshold again. But now he seemed very unhappy about something. And I could roughly guess what... Caraffa was no longer confident in his victory. This worried him, since he only had this last chance left.
- So, what have you decided, Madonna?
I mustered all my courage not to show how my voice was trembling, and said quite calmly:
– I have already answered this question to you so many times, Holiness! What could have changed in such a short time?
There was a feeling of fainting, but, looking into Anna’s eyes shining with pride, all the bad things suddenly disappeared somewhere... How bright and beautiful my daughter was at that terrible moment!..
-Are you crazy, Madonna! Can you really just send your daughter to the basement?.. You know perfectly well what awaits her there! Come to your senses, Isidora!..
Suddenly, Anna came close to Karaffa and said in a clear, ringing voice:
– You are not a judge and not God!.. You are just a sinner! That is why the Ring of Sinners burns your dirty fingers!.. I think it is not by chance that you are wearing it... For you are the most vile of them! You won't scare me, Caraffa. And my mother will never submit to you!
Anna straightened up and... spat in Dad's face. Caraffa turned deathly pale. I've never seen anyone turn pale so quickly! His face literally turned ashen gray in a split second... and death flashed in his burning dark eyes. Still standing in a “tetanus” from Anna’s unexpected behavior, I suddenly understood everything - she was deliberately provoking Karaffa so as not to delay!.. In order to quickly decide something and not torment me. To go to her own death... My soul was wracked with pain - Anna reminded me of the girl Damiana... She decided her fate... and I couldn’t help. I couldn't intervene.
- Well, Isidora, I think you will greatly regret this. You are a bad mother. And I was right about women - they are all the offspring of the devil! Including my poor mother.
- Forgive me, your Holiness, but if your mother is the offspring of the Devil, then who then are you?.. After all, you are flesh of her flesh? – I asked, sincerely surprised by his delusional judgments.
- Oh, Isidora, I have long ago exterminated this in myself!.. And only when I saw you, my feeling for a woman awakened in me again. But now I see that I was wrong! You are just like everyone else! You are terrible!.. I hate you and people like you!
Caraffa looked crazy... I was afraid that this could end for us in something much worse than what was planned in the beginning. Suddenly, suddenly jumping up to me, Dad literally shouted: “Yes” or “no”?!.. I’m asking you for the last time, Isidora!..
What could I answer to this deranged man?.. Everything had already been said, and I could only remain silent, ignoring his question.
- I give you one week, Madonna. I hope that you will come to your senses and feel sorry for Anna. And myself... - and grabbing my daughter by the arm, Caraffa jumped out of the room.
I just now remembered that I need to breathe... Dad stunned me so much with his behavior that I couldn’t come to my senses and kept waiting for the door to open again. Anna mortally insulted him, and I was sure that, having recovered from the attack of anger, he would definitely remember this. My poor girl!.. Her fragile, pure life hung by a thread, which could easily break at the capricious will of Caraffa...
For some time I tried not to think about anything, giving my fevered brain at least some respite. It seemed that not only Caraffa, but along with him the entire world I knew had gone crazy... including my brave daughter. Well, our lives were extended another week... Could anything have been changed? In any case, at the moment there was not a single more or less normal thought in my tired, empty head. I stopped feeling anything, I stopped even being afraid. I think this is exactly how people who went to their death felt...
Could I change anything in just seven short days, if I failed to find the “key” to Caraffa for four long years?.. In my family, no one ever believed in chance... Therefore, hope that something will unexpectedly bring salvation - that would be the child’s wish. I knew that there was nowhere to wait for help. Father clearly could not help if he offered Anna to take her essence, in case of failure... Meteora also refused... We were alone with her, and we had to help ourselves only. Therefore, I had to think, trying not to lose hope until the last moment, that in this situation it was almost beyond my strength...
The air began to thicken in the room - North appeared. I just smiled at him, without feeling any excitement or joy, because I knew that he had not come to help.
– Greetings, North! What brought you again?.. – I asked calmly.
He looked at me in surprise, as if not understanding my calmness. He probably didn’t know that there is a limit to human suffering, which is very difficult to reach... But having reached even the worst, he becomes indifferent, since there is no strength left even to be afraid...
“I’m sorry I can’t help you, Isidora.” Is there anything I can do for you?
- No, North. Can not. But I will be glad if you stay with me... I am pleased to see you - I answered sadly and after a short pause, added: - We got one week... Then Caraffa, most likely, will take our short lives. Tell me, are they really worth so little?.. Are we really going to leave as easily as Magdalene left? Is there really no one who would cleanse our world, the North, of this inhumanity?..
– I didn’t come to you to answer old questions, my friend... But I must admit - you made me change my mind a lot, Isidora... You made me see again what I had been trying hard to forget for years. And I agree with you - we are wrong... Our truth is too “narrow” and inhumane. She strangles our hearts... And we become too cold to correctly judge what is happening. Magdalene was right when she said that our Faith is dead... Just as you are right, Isidora.
I stood there, dumbfounded, staring at him, unable to believe what I was hearing!.. Was this the same proud and always right North, which did not allow any, even the slightest criticism of its great Teachers and its beloved Meteora? !!
I didn’t take my eyes off him, trying to penetrate his pure, but tightly closed from everyone, soul... What changed his centuries-old opinion?!. What prompted you to look at the world more humanely?..
“I know, I surprised you,” Sever smiled sadly. “But even the fact that I opened up to you won’t change what’s happening.” I don't know how to destroy Karaffa. But our White Magus knows this. Do you want to go to him again, Isidora?
– May I ask what changed you, Sever? – I asked carefully, not paying attention to his last question.
He thought for a moment, as if trying to answer as truthfully as possible...
– This happened a very long time ago... From the very day Magdalene died. I have not forgiven myself and all of us for her death. But our laws apparently lived too deeply in us, and I did not find the strength within myself to admit it. When you came, you vividly reminded me of everything that happened then... You are just as strong and just as giving of yourself for those who need you. You awakened in me a memory that I had been trying to kill for centuries... You revived the Golden Mary in me... I thank you for this, Isidora.
Hidden very deep, pain screamed in Sever's eyes. There was so much of it that it flooded me completely!.. And I couldn’t believe that I had finally discovered his warm, pure soul. That he was finally alive again!..
- North, what should I do? Aren't you scared that the world is ruled by such non-humans as Caraffa?..
– I have already suggested to you, Isidora, that we go again to Meteora to see the Lord... Only he can help you. Unfortunately, I can't...
For the first time, I felt his disappointment so clearly... Disappointment with my helplessness... Disappointment with the way he lived... Disappointment with his outdated TRUTH...
Apparently, a person’s heart is not always able to fight what it is accustomed to, what it has believed in all its adult life... So is the North - it could not so easily and completely change, even realizing that it was wrong. He lived for centuries, believing that he was helping people... believing that he was doing exactly what, one day, would have to save our imperfect Earth, would have to help it finally be born... He believed in goodness and in the future, despite to losses and pain that I could have avoided if I had opened my heart earlier...
But we are all, apparently, imperfect – even the North. And no matter how painful the disappointment may be, we have to live with it, correcting some old mistakes and making new ones, without which our Earthly life would not be real...
– Do you have a little time for me, Sever? I would like to know what you did not have time to tell me the last time we met. Have I tired you with my questions? If yes, tell me and I will try not to bother you. But if you agree to talk to me, you will give me a wonderful gift, since what you know, no one will tell me while I am still here on Earth...
– What about Anna?.. Don’t you prefer to spend time with her?
– I called her... But my girl is probably sleeping, because she doesn’t answer... She’s tired, I think. I don't want to disturb her peace. Therefore, talk to me, North.
He looked me sadly and knowingly in the eyes and quietly asked:
– What do you want to know, my friend? Ask - I will try to answer everything that worries you.
– Svetodar, Sever... What happened to him? How did the son of Radomir and Magdalena live his life on Earth?..
The North began to think... Finally, taking a deep breath, as if throwing off the obsession of the past, he began his next exciting story...
– After the crucifixion and death of Radomir, Svetodar was taken to Spain by the Knights of the Temple to save him from the bloody clutches of the “holy” church, which, no matter the cost, tried to find and destroy him, since the boy was the most dangerous living witness, and also , the direct successor of Radomir’s Tree of Life, which was supposed to someday change our world.
Svetodar lived and learned about his surroundings in the family of a Spanish nobleman, who was a faithful follower of the teachings of Radomir and Magdalene. To their great sadness, they did not have their own children, so the “new family” received the boy very cordially, trying to create for him as comfortable and warm a home environment as possible. They called him Amori (which meant dear, beloved), since it was dangerous for Svyatodar to be called by his real name. It sounded too unusual for someone else’s ears, and it was more than unreasonable to risk Svetodar’s life because of this. So Svetodar became Amory’s boy for everyone else, and only his friends and his family called him by his real name. And then, only when there were no strangers nearby...
Remembering very well the death of his beloved father, and still suffering cruelly, Svetodar vowed in his childish heart to “remake” this cruel and ungrateful world. He vowed to devote his future life to others to show how ardently and selflessly he loved Life, and how fiercely his deceased father fought for Good and Light...
Together with Svetodar, his uncle, Radan, remained in Spain, who did not leave the boy night or day, and was endlessly worried about his fragile, still unformed life.
Radan doted on his wonderful nephew! And he was endlessly frightened by the fact that one day someone would definitely track them down and end the valuable life of little Svetodar, who, even then, from the very first years of his existence, was destined by a harsh fate to carry the torch of Light and Knowledge to our merciless, but so dear and the familiar, Earthly world.
Eight intense years have passed. Svetodar turned into a wonderful young man, now much more like his courageous father, Jesus-Radomir. He matured and became stronger, and in his clear blue eyes the familiar steel tint that had once flashed so brightly in the eyes of his father began to appear more and more often.
Svetodar lived and studied very diligently, hoping with all his heart to someday become like Radomir. The Magus Isten, who came there, taught him Wisdom and Knowledge. Yes, yes, Isidora! – Noticing my surprise, Seever smiled. - the same Isten you met in Meteor. Isten, together with Radan, tried in every possible way to develop Svetodar’s living thinking, trying to open the mysterious World of Knowledge for him as widely as possible, so that (in case of trouble) the boy would not remain helpless and would be able to stand up for himself, coming face to face with an enemy or losses.
Having once said goodbye to his wonderful sister and Magdalena, Svetodar never saw them alive again... And although almost every month someone brought him fresh news from them, his lonely heart deeply missed his mother and sister - his the only real family, not counting Uncle Radan. But, despite his early age, Svetodar even then learned not to show his feelings, which he considered the unforgivable weakness of a real man. He aspired to grow up to be a Warrior like his father, and did not want to show his vulnerability to others. This is how Uncle Radan taught him... and this is what his mother... distant and beloved Golden Maria asked in her messages.
After the senseless and terrible death of Magdalene, Svetodar’s entire inner world turned into pure pain... His wounded soul did not want to come to terms with such an unfair loss. And although Uncle Radan had been preparing him for such an opportunity for a long time, the misfortune that came hit the young man with a hurricane of unbearable torment, from which there was no salvation... His soul suffered, writhing in impotent anger, because nothing could be changed... nothing could be returned back. His wonderful, gentle mother left for a distant and unfamiliar world, taking his sweet little sister with her...
He was now left completely alone in this cruel, cold reality, not even having time to become a real adult man, and not being able to properly understand how to stay alive in all this hatred and hostility...
But the blood of Radomir and Magdalena, apparently, did not flow in vain in their only son - having suffered his pain and remaining just as persistent, Svetodar surprised even Radan, who (like no one else!) knew how deeply vulnerable the soul can be, and how hard it is sometimes given returning back, where those you loved and for whom you so sincerely and deeply missed are no longer there...
Svetodar did not want to surrender to the mercy of grief and pain... The more mercilessly his life “beat”, the more fiercely he tried to fight, learning the ways to the Light, to Good, and to the salvation of human souls lost in the darkness... People came to him in a stream , begging for help. Some longed to get rid of the disease, some longed to cure their hearts, and some simply strove for the Light that Svetodar so generously shared.

War has been pushed beyond the boundaries of the civilized world. There is interest, but there is no opportunity to wage a war between America against England, Japan against America, and Germany against Poland. There will be no war. There will be an enchanting kaleidoscope of seemingly senseless, but surprisingly well-planned terrorist attacks that will hit the nerve plexuses of the leading countries of the world. Accurate, extremely effective, with a relatively small number of casualties. The authors of the actions will be declared to be races and countries located outside the “zone of eternal peace.” The average person will not even understand what is happening. He no longer understands: either he is made a participant in the Hollywood show “911”, or he is driven around Manhattan after a rolling blackout, which seems to be not a blackout, but a training exercise, then the know-how of a blackout-training in the skillful hands of London police officers smoothly turns into a series well-planned explosions.

This is another surprise of post-nuclear war. The highly specialized actions of the headquarters are not perceived by the population as something meaningful. The puzzle does not fit, the average person sees only a television picture of “disasters” happening here and there, perpetrated by anonymous or semi-anonymous villains. The fighting goes perpendicular to the flow of life and is not noticed by the population outside its epicenter. After all, even in the zone of tectonic faults, earthquakes are a series of disparate episodes that form a single picture of the geological process only in the heads of seismological specialists.


The world created by Galkovsky.

Hurray, comrades, attack! What was especially touching was “ready for military conscription.” :)

And then we still wonder where the crazy “zadumovs” and other sword swallowers come from. Some justification for Duckling is a nice foreign bank account and a basement bomb shelter in Iceland, i.e. Uncle is clearly not crazy when he recommends to people a nuclear war for Putin. You must answer for insults. Yeah.

December 10th, 2013

User humbert_2 posted allegedly written by Natalia Galkovskaya's first husband, the duckling Kalenik, "

Original taken from galkovsky in 915. PIROS MANISHVILI

Grigory Chkhartishvili receives the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun. For your great contribution. Chkhartishvili’s literary pseudonym, Akunin, according to him, is derived from the Japanese word “aku” - bastard.
At the beginning of the 20th century, the Polish-Georgian “stole this and that” brothers Zdanevich (“Do you want me to show you your ass? – no! – I’ll still show you”) came up with Georgian primitivism in the form of the magically acquired artist Pirosmanishvili. Who either did not exist at all, or was an ordinary homeless person, and onto the frame of whose biography (reduced to elementary existence) the romantic legend of the “Georgian Henri Rousseau” was built up.

The idea was received with a bang, because for primitivism as such, as well as its derivatives (Dadaism, etc.), mystification was a completely acceptable practice, in some places becoming mandatory. And of course, Pirosmanishvili became one of the pillars of Georgian culture, in turn, according to national traditions, prone to buffoonery and hoaxes.

Pirosmani on the Georgian banknote.
Meanwhile, there is a big difference between the Parsuns Henri Rousseau and Pirosmanishvili. Henri Rousseau was truly a primitivist artist, that is, he painted as best he could, trying to depict artistic reality as believably and as beautifully as possible (from his point of view). With some verbal balancing act, this could be passed off as spontaneity and “the mouth of a baby.” This is not the Zdanevich project. The paintings were painted “primitively”, with a deliberate violation of proportions. Since Asians painted, no protection from possible criticism occurred to them. Therefore, their primitivism was also quite successful, but not at all like the primitivism of fine art, but as the primitivism of counterfeiting and following a template.

Painting by Henri Rousseau. A man honestly tries to draw, but it doesn’t work out very well.

Painting by Pirosmanishvili (depicting, ha-ha, one of the Zdanevichs). A true primitivist would never draw his right hand with such an obvious disproportion, because his goal is to draw correctly and beautifully. Like in photographs, from which figures were often copied. In addition, the landscape behind was painted by a person holding a brush.
The paintings of Henri Rousseau were initially exhibited on the line, shot through by sarcastic critics, and these paintings were defended by literary pens, calculating in advance both the lines of defense and possible counterattacks. The outrage was only the seed of a long European conversation.

Not so Georgia. There the pictures were drawn with the expectation of absolute delight and did not provide for any criticism at all. Even critics of their authenticity. The very fact of the existence of an oriental masterpiece was absolute proof of its genius.

This is the main difference between Eastern culture and Western culture. Eastern culture is fundamentally not designed for dialogue and even the simplest and most naive argument crumbles to the ground. Because the very possibility of resistance does not even occur to the author. Western war is maneuvers, defense and offensive. The Eastern War is a massacre. When on one side there are bashi-bazouks wielding scimitars, and on the other there are unarmed old people and children. Therefore, the war between the West and the East usually turns into a massacre of Asians.

An excellent example of the “Georgian train of thought” is today’s polemics of the great Caucasian scientist Chkhartishvili. Chkhartishvili attacks the Russian Tsar Nicholas II with no less than philippics (see.)

Which, in general, is commonplace to the point of banality. But in this case I’m not talking about the banality of the content, but about the banality of the form. Chkhartishvili fundamentally believes half a step ahead and cannot even imagine that one of the white devils would dare to refute or even ridicule his verdicts. “Patamushta I’m talking like that!”

Since, due to Asian naivety, Chkhartishvili gave a representative selection of cliched nonsense about the “crowned monster”, it is through the example of polemics with his theses that it is easy to show all the far-fetchedness and absurdity of Nicholas’s many decades of watering.

Let me briefly go through the thoughts of the annealing Manishvili:

“Today is a sad anniversary. Exactly 120 years ago, the ruler of Russia became the man who dropped the country into a black hole. There he stands on the left in the corner, so inconspicuous - a little officer who determined the fate of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers, parents, and, in fact, ours too.”

To be honest, I didn’t find the “little officer in the left corner,” but that’s not the point. We are talking about Chkhartishvili’s speech. If the “little man” dropped the country into a hole (apparently a toilet), then this country is very small. Since a Georgian plays the panduri, a strong association is created that the country the Poet is talking about is not Russia, but Georgia.

The squeal continues:

“The formula of this contradictory character, which largely decided the fate of the twentieth century, is a combination of complexes, weak character and stubbornness. For a ruler, this is an explosive mixture. When he ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to announce that society should not indulge in “meaningless dreams”: everything would remain as it was under the unforgettable parent.”

There were no “meaningless dreams”. This is a very, very stupid and very, very old trick of the confrontational under-intelligentsia of the Russian Empire. Alexander III died suddenly, 49 years old. Before this, it was believed that the strongman Alexander had excellent health. Nicholas ascended the throne as a very young man, at the age of 26, unexpectedly. Naturally, in such a situation the question of succession of power arose. And to emphasize that the reins of power were in strong hands, in front of convened representatives of the nobility and public organizations, the young tsar (who had been on the throne for only two months and had not yet been coronated) made a statement that the form of government in Russia remained unchanged. At the same time, the inexperienced Nikolai (this was his first public statement) read the word “pipe” (or “groundless”) as “meaningless dreams of changing the system.”

So what? How many people make mistakes, especially in the first hundred days of their reign? Obama, there, “caught a fly” and nothing. WHY THEY CRY? To adults even after a hundred years. NOT ASHAMED?

And the specific political practice of Nicholas II shows that already at the end of the 19th century his reign was marked by steps towards political liberalization, which continued even after the start of the Russo-Japanese War. Liberalization was thwarted by malicious inspiration from the enemies of Russia, but since it was the main direction, a moderate constitutional system was still formed in Russia, headed by a moderate and far-sighted monarch, who ultimately led DEMOCRATIC Russia to victory in the world war. At the same time, it was clear that democratic freedoms would increase even more after the end of the war. This was indicated by the very nature of power in 1914-1916, when, despite martial law and obvious opposition, parliament was not dissolved).

Chkhartishvili describes the emergence of the constitutional monarchy in Russia with broad strokes of a paint brush:

“But as with an unforgettable parent, it didn’t work out in the new century. Everything creaked, wobbled and crumbled. It was scary. Selfless advisers came up with the idea of ​​a small victorious war. The war turned out to be rather large and invincible, and led to a revolution. The ruler got scared and issued a manifesto with freedoms. There were few freedoms, society wanted more and began to no longer ask, but demand. The ruler got scared - he dispersed parliament and introduced a regime of military-police dictatorship. He was afraid of a war with “Cousin Willie” - and yet he got involved in it. He didn’t know how to command, but declared himself the supreme commander in chief.”

This is a win-win lottery. The cowardly despot started the war out of cowardice. Then, out of cowardice, parliament allowed it. Out of cowardice I dispersed him. Then, out of fear, he started a world war and, (drum roll), frightened by serious military failures, took the post of supreme commander in chief.

This way you can “prove” anything. In general, they prove it.

Hey, Kohl, let me have some ice cream!

What, you chickened out, you freak?

On the! (Fist to cheekbone.)

- (From around the corner.) What, fight? Coward!

A crazy dervish twists the rim of a barrel with a rusty poker:

“The price of throwing has been increasing all the time. Fifty thousand killed in the war with Japan. One and a half million killed in the war with Germany. Between five and thirteen million died in the civil war—historians can’t count them. And those millions who perished during the repressions and wars of the second quarter of the century are also indirect victims of the ruler, who one hundred and twenty years ago took up the tug and turned out to be quite a bitch.”

Why stop? How many tricks did Nikolai play during the Second World War? What about perestroika? It's his doing. Not Georgian.

The main thing is that Nikolai did harm with a riddle. While I was at the helm, it was on the sly and unnoticed. It even seemed like everything was fine. The economy grew, prosperity, culture developed, and parliament again. And when the fool was removed from the helm, everything fell apart within a year. Who is guilty? Nicholas and the consequences of his reign. As they joked during the stagnation:

Nikolashka is a scoundrel - he ruled for 23 years, but did not prepare food for the Soviet regime.

But this is not enough. What follows next from Chkhartishvili is an incredibly funny thing. The fact is that Georgia belongs to the Eurasian area. On the one hand, this is clearly a state of the Middle East, on the other, a country bordering Europe and inhabited by representatives of the Mediterranean race, who also profess Christianity. Therefore, Georgians have Mamardashvili’s grasp, which, combined with Mamardashvili’s penchant for acting, constantly leads to the creation of imitations of Western dialogue and Western culture. And a significant part of the Georgian intelligentsia consists of Georgian-European mestizos - like the Zdanevichis, or the same Chkhartishvili.

Therefore, the Georgian understands that for gloss and brilliance, there must be dialectics in his reasoning. Suddenly the shrill watering stops, panduri changes to chonguri and the “sincereness” begins:

“The most offensive thing is that the person seemed to be not bad: decent, hardworking, delicate, charming. An ideal husband - loving, faithful, gentle, reliable: A wonderful father: A good, cheerful comrade: Moreover - a great rarity for the monarchs of the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov dynasty - he is also unostentatiously modest. One “George” on the chest, a simple tunic with colonel’s shoulder straps.

Of course, the sincerity ends in the end, because even from such dialectics the Asian skull is bursting at the seams, and Chkhartishvili makes a final verdict on the spiritual qualities of the damned European:

“Nikolai seemed to feel his ceiling: at most he would make an excellent regimental commander. Servant to the king, father to the soldiers. But a man of colonel’s stature cannot be an autocratic ruler of a huge country, especially in modern times.”

Meanwhile, “historian” Chkhartishvili should be clear that “a simple jacket” and a “simple overcoat” are a standard move for the leader of a militaristic state. Just look at how Stalin, Hitler, Churchill, Napoleon, Mao Zedong, etc. dressed.

In addition, the historian should know - this is not God knows what a secret - that Nicholas, so to speak, by virtue of his position had a heap of top ranks in the largest states of the world. For example, he was a field marshal in the British army.

Kaiser Wilhelm with our fool. Lord! And how shameful is it not for the German Majesty to stand with such an idiot! It's a shame. And he was glad, he also put on a German uniform. They gave it to the colonel out of pity - to vilify him. Ohohonyushki!

And finally, about the “Colonel”. Nikolai was a colonel of the Preobrazhensky regiment. The Preobrazhensky Regiment was a Life Guard (that is, a Guard of the Guard). Peter I took the rank of colonel of this regiment in 1706, and the second person in the state, Menshikov, became a lieutenant colonel. In reality, the regiment was commanded by the second lieutenant colonel. From that time on, the Russian emperors were considered as members of the officer community of this military unit:

Gentlemen, officers, being the All-Russian Emperor, I also have a part in belonging to your class.

– What regiment do you serve in, Your Majesty?

In Preobrazhenskoe.

Of course, Nicholas II was not a “colonel” (or, rather, a junior general, since the ranks were higher in the guard) of the Preobrazhensky Regiment from the point of view of the official ladder. He was the CHEF of this regiment, like all Russian emperors.

From the same opera are hypocritical laments about a “wonderful family man.” Nicholas II was not a wonderful family man. Family was a top priority for him. Yes, by temperament, he didn’t run around Copenhagen naked on all fours, like one of his august relatives. But he immediately isolated his wife from participation in political life, and raised his son in strictness - as the heir to the throne. Both were the dynastic standard in Russia and throughout the world at that time. The tsar could not see Alexandra Fedorovna for six months and not even talk on the phone (under the pretext that he did not like this type of communication). He wrote letters - polite and sweet, in English. Letters from a 40-50 year old man in excellent physical shape to his not very healthy and prematurely aged 40-50 year old wife. “Dear, unforgettable Alix. Has our youngest gone away from influenza? I think about you all the time, God willing, at the end of winter I will come and hug you. I miss you incredibly.”

At the beginning of the century, Georgian, Armenian and Jewish Young Turks shed tears about the “wonderful family man” for a very simple reason. Firstly, for an Asian man who is used to humiliating women, beating him with a stick, smearing churek on his face and shaving his head, the one who treats his wife with respect is not a man. Secondly, an essential element of the tales of the Turkish dervishes about the Shaitan King were horror stories about a German queen (like all Hessians, who hated the Second Reich and was raised in England), as well as about a crazy nymphomaniac and her hypnotist fucker (no comments).

And the henpecked king fulfilled all her whims. Until the adoption of Alexei, Rasputin’s son.

Let us return, however, to the dervish and the poker:

“When you ask the question: who is most to blame for the fact that Russia did not stay on the road, but went downhill, the answer seems obvious to me. Of course, the one who was driving and lost control.”

Right. But only in the case of Nikolai (when there was no slope, but on the contrary - a triumph). But, for example, with Kerensky this is not true. Is it his fault that he screwed up? No - Nikolai is to blame. Or Lenin's reign. Nikolai is to blame. And the great Stalin? All my life I struggled with the consequences of Nicholas’s reign; all the mistakes and shortcomings of Stalinism came from the Russian Tsar.

And so on. This is Georgian logic and it is understandable. It's never the Asian's fault. The Europeans around him are to blame, and above all the smartest and most decent ones. With what? Because they exist. If they died, it was because they had the audacity to be. Apart from the will of His Asian Majesty. And the Asian himself - SMART!

But Nikolai, according to Chkhartishvili, is not just guilty, he is doubly guilty:

“He is doubly guilty because he tightly clung to power and did not share it with anyone: neither with the liberal Witte, nor with the sovereign Stolypin, nor with the Duma. Because they are just people, and he is God’s Anointed, and where there is not enough intelligence, Providence will save.”

That white man might stutter:

How is that possible, what about the Duma and the elections, how about a double amnesty for revolutionaries?

But when he sees who is standing in front of him, he will not stutter.

And the dervish on a tricycle rolls further into eternity:

“Thrice guilty, because the Small World, the world of the family, at critical moments turned out to be more important to him than the Big World, and what the hell are you, an anointed one, if your wife and children are more important to you than your subjects? Why would Providence help you like this? As a result, he destroyed the Big World and did not save the Small One.”

Well, at this point people will give up and go about their business.

And Zuda-Eroshka recites from a pulpit made of pressed dung:

“Does his fate evoke compassion? Certainly. Yes, I feel sorry for him, he’s struck by the damask steel, he’s sleeping in the damp ground. But I feel even more sorry for everyone who sleeps in damp ground because of his complexes, weak character and stubbornness. Their names - the vast majority - as they said before, You, Lord, weigh. So I told you who is most to blame - from my point of view. I know that many assess the historical role of the last king differently and will not agree with me. However, let’s check now. And yes, here’s one more thing, otherwise I already have a premonition of where the discussion will turn. These are not thick hints about the current colonel-autocrat. When I want to speak about Putin, I usually do it in plain text. My text is about Nicholas II, let’s talk about him.”

Yes, the discussion will take a different turn. Shouldn't we give the venerable Asian a kick towards his native Tiflis? For the Japanese order to jump ten meters. Tired of it. For a hundred years - VERY!