The most beautiful Chilean women. Get married and go live in Chile

There are many places on our planet that amaze with their beauty. Their visit leaves an unforgettable impression and a desire to visit there again. Such places include many islands. In this review we have collected best islands in the world.

1. Maui

Maui is the best island in the world! It is located in the Hawaiian archipelago. It was once formed by two shield volcanoes. Between them there is an isthmus. The volcano located to the west is more ancient. The young eastern volcano is called Haleakala. The area of ​​the island is 1883.5 km². About 150 thousand inhabitants live here. The largest population center is called Kahului. The island of Maui is home to famous modern resorts. The city of Hana is famous for its pristine natural beauty. Those interested can get into the tropical forest of the Needle Valley or into the cactus desert. At the foot of the Haleakala volcano there is a beautiful beach with white sand and coconut palms. There are many waterfalls, rivers and streams. The exotic garden contains numerous representatives of local flora. The film "Jurassic Park" was filmed here. Maui has all the conditions for a good rest.

Santorini is one of the most beautiful and most romantic islands in Greece. It is different from other islands geological history associated with a volcanic eruption. In 1650 BC. part of the crater was under water, and the remaining part formed a sheer cliff. This is the pearl of the Aegean Sea - the island of Santorini. There are a huge number of beaches on its territory. The swimming season lasts from May to November. There is a marina in the village of Athinios. From here you can reach Fira, the administrative center. The picturesque city has many streets, blocks, and arches. Tourists will be interested in visiting museums. They contain sculptures, portraits, dishes and other interesting excavations from different historical eras. In Ancient Thera you can see the home of Ptolemy the Benefactor, theaters and sanctuaries, houses and many other buildings from different historical times. Honeymoons and weddings are often celebrated in Santorini. This beautiful island has all the conditions for lovers of beach and active recreation.

Next on the list of the best islands in the world is Jamaica. The island state, with an area of ​​slightly more than 1000 km², is located in the Caribbean Sea. This is one of the Greater Antilles, part of the British Commonwealth. For those who love a relaxing holiday in nature, Jamaica will be the most suitable option. The island attracts tourists with its unique culture and the pristine world of the tropics. It is best to visit Jamaica in winter, as the rainy season runs from May to October. There are many rivers on the island, the largest being the Rio Grande. Tourists really enjoy traveling on bamboo rafts and admiring nature. You can surf the waves Caribbean Sea. The Blue Lagoon is a fabulous place. In the Luminous Lagoon you can swim and see the extraordinary blue-green shimmer of microorganisms. You can swim in Dolphin Bay with these smart and agile animals, and also see other representatives of marine fauna. There are many more in Jamaica most interesting places for tourists. Everyone can find entertainment to their liking.

4. Providenciales

You can enjoy the gentle sun, feel the touch of blue waves and lie on a white sandy beach on the islands of the Turks and Caicos archipelago. They are located in the Atlantic Ocean. This is UK territory. Along their coastline there are mangroves. The predominant vegetation of the islands is palm trees and flowering shrubs. The land area is surrounded by coral reefs. There is a rich marine fauna here. The islands do not have any architectural landmarks, but there is a lot to see. Excursions to a shellfish farm or limestone caves are very interesting and educational. Providenciales is the highest island of the archipelago. This is the most popular resort. They call it "Provo". There are no large settlements here. Several small villages form the business center of the island. Tourists love to visit Chalk Sound National Park, a shallow lagoon with rocky islands. On the beaches of the island you can not only swim and sunbathe, but also play sports, including its marine species. The ruins of old plantations, an underwater cave, a “pirate reef”, and a picturesque village are noteworthy.

Bali is one of the most famous and best islands in the world. The island is located in Indonesia, it is part of the Malay Archipelago. Its area is 5800 km². This resort can be visited at any time of the year, but the most favorable time is June-August. Wealthy tourists prefer the southwestern part of the island. Here are the best hotels, service at high level, a lot of entertainment. The most famous resort in Bali is Kuta. Its snow-white beaches are famous all over the world. The city is bustling with life. You can relax more calmly in the resort town of Legian, as well as in the Canggu area. This is a small village with its own local flavor. The elite resorts of the island are Jimbaran and Nusa Dua. For surfers, Uluwatu is ideal. Sanur is famous for its quiet resort town. It’s convenient to relax here with children and people will feel calm old age. The Hanging Gardens Hotel is famous in Ubud. You can stay in one of the expensive villas. Vacationers can choose beaches according to their taste. Some people prefer a calm sea, others want to swim in high waves. Among the attractions in Bali are the Royal Palace, Monkey Forest, GWK-park, cave bats, rice terraces and much more.

6. Mallorca

The most beautiful island in the Mediterranean Sea is Mallorca. This is the largest island in Balearic archipelago. Its area is 3640 km². The Mediterranean climate is conducive to relaxation in winter and summer. Many celebrities have been here. In Mallorca a large number of beaches. Here you can not only have fun, but also play sports. Holidays in Mallorca will especially appeal to nature lovers. Visiting nature reserves and parks will leave no one indifferent. There are many interesting sights on the island. For example, the Arta Cave, Galatzo Park, Alfabia Gardens, the historical village of Fornaluch, the Church of St. Eulalia and many others. You can visit glass and art museums. Eat Archaeological Museum. Large selection of excursions. The oldest resort in Mallorca is Arenal. It is famous for its variety of entertainment. For a family holiday, Palma Nova, Paguera and Cola d'Or are suitable.

Mauritius is a fabulous place and one of the most beautiful islands in the world. The island nation is located in the Indian Ocean east of the island of Madagascar. You won’t immediately find this small dot on the map. The authorities are trying to curb the flow of tourists, as it increases every year. The first favorable impressions begin already at the airport. Modern terminals, the opportunity to make a variety of purchases, friendly staff - all this contributes to the popularity of this place. The resort is very colorful, with its ancient culture. To the east is Deer Island. This is a place for those who love to communicate with nature. There is excellent service, high-class hotels, golden beaches, and various entertainment. The colorful dunes of Chamarel are stunning. The Botanical Garden of Pamplemousses showcases the extraordinary flora of Mauritius. Unforgettable wedding ceremonies are held on the island. This is a fabulous place for lovers, families with children, and everyone.

8. Phuket

This is not the first year that Phuket has been one of the sought-after resorts for travelers. This is one of the best islands in Thailand. There are excellent beaches, clean sea water, affordable prices. You can retire to a quiet lagoon, visit a traditional temple or have fun to your heart's content. The architecture of the streets of Phuket is amazing. There are interesting sights. IN temple complex towers a 45-meter statue Big Buddha. Many tourists strive to get to Wat Chalong. Interesting Old city Phuket Town. Opens from Sarasin Bridge great review to Phang Ga Bay and access to the sea. The island has day and night markets and shopping centers. Anyone interested in Thai boxing can go to the stadium in Patong. Tourists can enjoy theatrical performances and performances, all kinds of shows. Museums, parks, botanical gardens, waterfalls and much more can be seen by vacationers here.

9. Bora Bora

Bora Bora is one of the most beautiful islands in the world. It is part of the Society Islands archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. Bora Bora is of volcanic origin. There are coral reefs around. The most famous attraction of the island is the lagoon. Her undersea world rich and varied. Here you can see a large number of species of stingrays. The instructor will help you feed the sharks and barracudas. You can travel around the island along a 32 km long ring road. It is better to take the excursion with a guide. You can climb the most high peaks islands, visit ceremonial sites. The island has beautiful beaches and luxury hotels. In this place you can relax peacefully.

10. Fernando de Noronha

Fernando de Noronha, with an area of ​​18 km², is located in the Atlantic Ocean and is part of the volcanic archipelago of the same name. It is the only inhabited of all these islands. The archipelago with superb beaches, beautiful landscapes, unusual flora and fauna is popular place recreation. Its visits are limited, since the island is under protection to maintain a favorable environmental situation. The climate is tropical, with distinct two seasons. Good weather in Fernando de Noronha lasts from September to February. The rest of the time it is usually rainy. Natural world The islands are rich and varied. There are even endemic bird species. Diving enthusiasts will plunge into a magical world here. This is perhaps the most ideal place in the world for diving and surfing. Tourists enjoy going on a cruise along the Brazilian coast. On the island of Fernando de Noronha you can enjoy peace and quiet. There are no resorts or large hotels here. The jungle is adjacent to the rocks, the purest sea water, cozy beaches, friendly residents. The island's infrastructure is well developed. Getting to the island is not easy, and it is not cheap. Places must be reserved in advance. But this is not at all surprising, considering Fernando de Noronha is one of the best islands in the world.

Surely many have dreamed of a luxurious vacation on the islands. Which of them are the most beautiful and popular among tourists?

So, the top 10 best islands in the world:

- a real paradise on Earth, which they sing about and talk about with rapture. This island belongs to French Polynesia and is located in the South Pacific Ocean. Bora Bora is located right in the center of a stunning blue lagoon, surrounded by many small islands that seem to be scattered across the water. What attracts tourists?

Almost everything that can be seen and felt here: warm, crystal pure water, mild climate (it’s warm here all year round), white sand of numerous beaches, tropical forests, stunningly beautiful orchards, mountain ranges of Otemanu and Pahia peaks, orchid plantations, grottoes and even ancient temples.

Tourists here are accommodated in bungalows located directly above the blue water of the ocean. Entertainment lovers will be able to enjoy surfing, fishing, and diving. And although the island is popular, not everyone can afford a trip here.

is the largest Greek island and one of the most visited in the world. Crete is washed by three seas at once: the Ionian, Libyan and Cretan. There is, perhaps, everything that tourists need. Fans of active recreation will be able to play football or volleyball, go surfing or diving, and simply stroll around the island.

Those who prefer complete relaxation will be able to lie on the snow-white beach and enjoy the clean and warm sea water. In addition, the island can also provide cultural enlightenment, because there are incredibly many ancient buildings, some of them are historically significant. Both family and romantic holidays are available. Fun lovers will also be satisfied, as night entertainment is also available.

3 . No less popular is the island, which is the third largest in the entire Mediterranean Sea. The territory is divided into three main parts. Most of them belong to the Republic of Cyprus (this is where tourists go), about a third is occupied by the Republic of Turkey Northern Cyprus, and just over 2% belongs to the UK.

The island has incredibly clean air and a very mild climate. Almost everyone will be satisfied. Firstly, you can just lie on the beach and enjoy the gentle rays of the sun and warm water. Secondly, it's incredible here. beautiful nature with its majestic mountains and interesting relief. Secondly, Cyprus is a historical place containing numerous ancient architectural monuments and the most amazing structures.

Thirdly, there are many outdoor activities available. Fourthly, Cyprus is in full swing and night life. Many who have been here come to the island again, since it is simply impossible to see everything in one trip.

4. Easter Island is located in the South Pacific Ocean and belongs to the territory of Chile. This place is considered one of the most remote, but at the same time populated, so getting here is not easy. And yet distance does not scare anyone. And tourists do not come here to just lie on the beach (although such recreation is available).

Many are attracted by the history of this place, shrouded in mystery. The main attraction of Easter Island is the huge stone moai statues about 10 meters high. It is still unknown how they got here. There are 200 of them in total, and they are all built along the coastline and facing the water. Another calling card of this place is the volcanoes. This is an incredible and mesmerizing sight!

– there are many islands, but it is simply impossible to single out one and call it the best. If you want to take a break from the bustle of the city and forget about all your worries and problems, then go here. Yes, traveling on a boat is an expensive pleasure, but you will definitely remember it for the rest of your life.

This is a stunningly beautiful and romantic place. Surprisingly, there are no dangerous or poisonous animals on the islands. You won’t see dogs here either; keeping them is simply prohibited. The underwater world is very diverse and rich, and anyone can see it. Tourists are accommodated mainly in water bungalows, but there are also budget hotels on the islands, although there are not many of them.

(115 in total) are located in the Indian Ocean. This place will become a real paradise for couples in love seeking privacy, as well as for those who prefer a relaxing beach holiday and want to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world. Initially, the islands belonged to pirates, then became part of France, then were transferred to Great Britain and only gained independence in 1976.

Since the development was influenced by Asia, Europe, and even Africa, the culture of this place is unique and multinational. About 40% of the territory belongs to the protected area, so you can see almost virgin nature here, untouched by man.

- an island state and unique place allowing you to forget about everything. There are especially many surfers, divers, and natural travelers here who dream of learning all the secrets of this world.

Sri Lanka is about 1000 kilometers of snow-white beaches with fine sand, coastal reefs of unusual shapes, an amazing underwater world with colorful fish and other rare inhabitants, coconut palms, ethnic performances, night picnics, tea plantations (here, by the way, they make the best in the world tea), botanical gardens, temples, ancient city, located right in the jungle and other amazing and pleasant things.

The underwater world is especially amazing. Tourists will be able to explore underwater caves and rocks, as well as sunken ships.

– an Indonesian island ideal for a romantic or relaxing beach holiday. Here you can enjoy the crystal water and white sand of numerous beaches and the gentle rays of the sun, stunning nature, incredible architecture, as well as active recreation and youth entertainment.

On the island you will see jungle thickets, mountain waterfalls, huge rice fields, extinct volcanoes, as well as numerous Hindu and Buddhist temples. The people are incredibly cheerful and friendly, they are constantly celebrating something here. The doors of hotels for every taste and every budget are always open for tourists. In addition, if you have long dreamed of going surfing, you can do it here.

This piece of paradise is known to many thanks to films and cartoons. Today, almost everyone knows that a trip to this island will definitely be memorable and will give you a lot of fun. positive emotions. Of course, here you can plunge into a stunning world, unlike the ordinary one.

If you are looking for luxury, then you have nothing to do here. But if you are attracted by the exotic and everything incredible and amazing, you will definitely enjoy it. The island contains a great variety of different species of animals from lemurs, bats, reptiles to beavers, muskrats and small rodents. But not only the flora is diverse, but also the fauna. Overall, this is a stunning place, one of the most popular among exotic lovers.

– a place for those who dream of unity with nature. This is a real nature reserve, one of the most interesting in the world. The islands (19 in total) belong to the territory of Ecuador, but are located approximately 1000 kilometers from it.

This wonder of the world appeared about 6 million years ago under the influence of underwater volcanic eruptions. Tourists who decide to go here will definitely not regret it, because here you can see a lot of interesting and amazing things, for example, rare species animals, cactus forests, incredible insects and a variety of plants. By the way, it was this place that prompted Charles Darwin to develop and study the theory of evolution.

These were the most amazing, beautiful and popular islands.

The islands are undoubtedly the most popular holiday destinations on the planet. These are paradises, with beautiful beaches, exotic and untouched flora and fauna. Where else can you better relax from the hustle and bustle of life? So let's find out what they are.

Located in the Laccadive Sea, in the southwest of Sri Lanka, the Maldives is a true tropical paradise, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world for a luxurious holiday.

It has clear water and beautiful white sandy beaches. If you love underwater beauty, be sure to visit Maaya Thila - the most popular and exciting dive site in the Maldives.

2. Bora Bora

Bora Bora is part of French Polynesia. With an area of ​​almost 30 square kilometers, Bora Bora consists of an inactive volcano, surrounded by a lagoon, separated from the sea by a large coral reef. It is also surrounded by small islands covered with palm trees. It can undoubtedly be classified as the most beautiful island in the world. It ticks all the boxes of a paradise: a favorable climate, white sandy beaches and clear, turquoise waters.

Bora Bora can easily be described as the center of a romantic universe, where luxury resorts are dotted with overwater bungalows, thatched villas, and a legendary atmosphere.

The Seychelles is an archipelago in the Indian Ocean consisting of 115 islands. It is one of the most popular tourist destinations and boasts beautiful tropical beaches and spectacular wildlife. Fans of outdoor activities will always find diving, sailing, fishing and other exciting activities in this magnificent corner of the world. In short, surrounded by pristine warm waters and landscaped rock formations, Seychelles is perfect for your holiday or wedding!

The island of Bali in Indonesia is the westernmost of the Lesser Sunda Islands and is located in the chain between the islands of Java and Lombok. This Paradise Island known as one of the most enriched parts of the world. Bali is a true blend of culture and art, unique landscapes and tropical beaches. Known as the "Island of the Gods", Bali is famous for its cult of god worship, which is reflected in the existence of beautiful temples and reinforced by the friendliness of its people. The average temperature on the island is 30 degrees, and there are mainly two seasons: the rainy season (from October to March) and the dry season (from April to September).

5. Mnemba

With whites sandy beaches and crystal clear waters, Mnemba Island is one of the most beautiful in the world. Situated on the north-eastern coast of Unguja, Mnemba boasts around 150 species of fish and breathtaking underwater beauty that can be enjoyed while diving. Visiting this amazing place, be sure to explore the coral gardens.

Located in the South Pacific Ocean, exactly between South America and Australia, this magnificent island is formed by volcanic eruptions and punctuated by coral reefs. Tahiti is a tropical island ideal for diving and more.

Cebu is located in the Philippines and is the main province of the same name. This is a beautiful tropical island with narrow coastlines. Most resorts in Cebu offer a wide range of water sports activities such as windsurfing, kiting, diving and snorkeling. Its resorts also offer many adventure tours where you can see the stunning Kavasan Falls, fishing villages and some beautiful churches.

Santorini is a Greek island of volcanic origin located in the southern Aegean Sea and, according to legend, may hide the secret of Atlantis. This is an island of awe-inspiring beauty! Moreover, its vibrant nightlife has made it one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Its beaches contrast with huge cliffs, small ports with typical restaurants and white houses that invite everyone to enjoy the tranquility of one of the most unique islands in the Aegean Sea.

9. Italy, Sicily

located in the central part Mediterranean Sea, and is the largest island here. This is the home of Mount Etna, which is one of the most active volcanoes worldwide and the tallest active volcano in Europe (10,890 feet). With amazing beaches, breathtaking coastal scenery, inland valleys and majestic high mountains, Sicily is a popular tourist destination among tourists from all over the world. globe. Numerous recreational activities are offered here, including horse riding, caving, mountain biking, and rock climbing.

10. Ko Lipe, Thailand

Ko Lipe is the smallest, secluded island in Thailand, hidden in the waters of the Andaman Sea. It consists of three main beaches: Sunrise Beach, Sunset Beach and Pattaya Beach, forming a boomerang shape. Koh Lipe is so small that you don't even need to rent a vehicle as you can simply walk around it within one hour. This island is not yet very developed, the tourism industry is only growing, making it a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Keep in mind that fishing is prohibited here since Koh Lipe was included in the Tarutao National Marine Park. But you can enjoy snorkeling or diving. If you are a good swimmer and really want an adventure, swim around the island or from one to another.

Moorea is an island of volcanic origin, located in French Polynesia and covered with lush vegetation of palm trees and pineapple plantations. This island is known for its tranquility, delicious pineapples, gorgeous white beaches and a variety of coral and underwater creatures.

This is the most beautiful Hawaiian Island, with minimally developed infrastructure. Here you will find breathtaking scenery, lush greenery, towering waterfalls, beautiful rock formations in the ocean. It has been the scene of dozens of films. A heavenly place for solitude, more words No.

Without any doubt, this is one of the most aesthetic and idyllic islands in the world. A 30 minute flight from Tahiti, it is ideal place for those looking for peace. The colorful waters of this peaceful and quiet island rival those of neighboring Bora Bora. With moderate tourism, Hua Hin retains an authentic Polynesian atmosphere, adorned with white sandy beaches, coral desert islets surrounded by a bright blue lagoon.