Coworking is a new type of office real estate. Main requirements for the premises

In the lexicon modern businessmen You can increasingly hear the concept of “coworking” - what is it? The idea of ​​shared offices, where each specialist can rent workplace came to Russia from the West for several hours or months and is steadily gaining popularity. Why is coworking space the future, and is it possible to make money from it?

Why and who needs coworking spaces?

What is a “coworking center”? Currently, this concept, derived from the English co-working - “ collaboration" - denote large offices equipped with certain equipment, where each specialist or group of specialists can rent a workplace.

« Wikipedia reports two meanings of the foreign concept “coworking”:

For the purposes of this article, we will use the first meaning of the term - collaboration space different people, and in this space they can work both on one project and independently of each other.

Shared offices are used by employees and entrepreneurs working on temporary joint project.

Coworking areas are in demand by several categories of workers. First of all, they are necessary for freelancers, that is, specialists working remotely.

Freelancers most often work from home, but sometimes they need a change of environment, use some special equipment, meet other specialists - coworking is ideal for all these purposes.

Shared offices are used by employees and entrepreneurs working on a temporary joint project - for example, developing a website or application, organizing an event, and so on. Using a coworking space allows you to significantly save on office rent, avoid the need to enter into an agreement with the owners of the premises, take care of the availability necessary equipment and payment of utilities.

Benefits of working in a coworking space

Shared offices are a fairly new trend. It has been developing in the world since 2005, in Russia - for the last 6-7 years. It's pretty new form work, which is currently only available in big cities and gradually comes to small ones. Meanwhile, everyone who has encountered a coworking space notes an impressive list of opportunities it opens up:

  • work in a comfortable environment;
  • refuse to rent your own office and purchase equipment that is required irregularly;
  • organize a meeting with colleagues, hold a meeting, discuss a project in a calm “working” environment;
  • resolve any issue with the involvement of other specialists;
  • overcome creative crisis or stagnation through a change of environment;
  • make new acquaintances and business contacts, find customers and performers;
  • stay focused on work while traveling by using a coworking space in another city.

How much do visitors pay for a “shared office”?

The most common form of payment for a coworking space is the purchase of a membership. A month of visiting a joint work zone in Moscow will cost from 8 to 20 thousand rubles, in the regions - about 6 thousand rubles. An hourly payment is also provided - from 250 rubles, or subscriptions for other periods (for a week, 10 days) - from 1 thousand rubles.

Choosing a good space for coworking is quite difficult.

Opening a coworking space - what you need to buy and how much money you will have to invest

Let's look at a sample business plan for opening your own coworking space, or rather a list of what you will need to open your own space and how much it will cost. Of course, the costs of opening a center in different regions Russia will be significantly different.

In addition, individual entrepreneurs can find ways to optimize opening costs or even develop their own innovative approach to this matter. We will present only the most general and significant provisions regarding creating your own coworking space.

Premises - how to choose and not make a mistake

At least half of the success of the entire enterprise depends on the premises. Choosing a good space for coworking is quite difficult. It must have a whole set of specific characteristics:

  • large area, preferably from 200 square meters;
  • convenient location, good transport accessibility;
  • proper communications, a sufficient number of electrical connection points;
  • freshly renovated, unique design;
  • availability of air conditioning and ventilation systems;
  • good lighting.

The list of requirements for a coworking space is very extensive. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a ready-made space and immediately move into it - most likely, renovation will be required. A coworking space will not suit a standard office interior with white or gray walls and the same furniture. People come here, among other things, for a change of scenery, which means they need the author’s modern design, good furniture, cozy atmosphere.

The cost of just renovating the premises, its long-term rental and the purchase of furniture is unlikely to be less than 1 million rubles, and in large cities - much more. A high-quality, memorable interior will attract customers: the first visitors will post photos beautiful place on their social networks and attract new ones.

Modern people love unusual places that will revive them social media. A “photogenic” interior will create a “wow” effect and ensure a flow of visitors - if not for work, but at least for photographs. Therefore, it is not worth saving on this expense item.

Proper zoning largely determines how busy a coworking space will be.

Zoning in a coworking space - work, negotiations, coffee break

Proper zoning - dividing a room into zones depending on the purpose of their use - largely determines how fast a coworking space will become. As a rule, coworking spaces have the following zones:

  1. Working. This is the main area for which most customers come. Workplaces are created here, computers, tables, and office equipment are installed.
  2. Negotiation room. This is an area where customers and contractors, as well as specialists working on the same project, can discuss the details of cooperation. There should be tables, comfortable sofas or armchairs. It would be wise to isolate the meeting room from the work area so that the noise does not disturb those who work independently.
  3. Recreation. There is a water cooler, coffee machine, kettle, snacks, possibly a TV or game console. The presence of such a zone is important because it extends the time clients visit the coworking space.
  4. Restroom. Toilet and in rare cases shower cabin.

It would be wise to involve an interior designer in the zoning and design of different zones. If this is not possible, you can study the experience of successful collaboration spaces in other cities and transfer it to your project.

What must be in a coworking area

Each coworking area may have its own specifics, although it will be expressed for the most part in interior design and zoning. The basis of each zone will be the same:

  1. Computers and laptops, from 10 pieces. Many professionals working in coworking spaces bring their own laptops, but there are often cases when clients need to rent them. With the average cost of a laptop being 20 thousand rubles, the purchase will require 200 thousand rubles. The more advanced equipment you plan to purchase, the more impressive this amount will be.
  2. A large number of electrical connection points, as well as a variety of extension cords, surge protectors and adapters.
  3. Wireless high speed internet. This is a very important component, for which at least half of the visitors come to the center. You will have to spend from 10 thousand rubles on a powerful router, and several thousand rubles monthly on paying for the Internet. You should not save on this expense item, since Bad Internet will scare away all visitors and ruin the reputation of the establishment.
  4. Desks, chairs, armchairs and other furniture. Some people prefer to work at a desk, some prefer to work on the couch. The coworking organizer must form different variants comfortable workplaces.
  5. Office equipment - printers, scanners, graphics tablets or multifunctional devices. You can spend 10-20 thousand rubles.
  6. Water coolers, kettles, coffee machines and refrigerators. Not the most necessary, but an important part of a coworking center, helping to extend the stay of clients. The amount of expenses will directly depend on the wishes of the owner of the space; on average, 5-10 thousand rubles are enough.

A more advanced coworking area is equipped with conference rooms with microphones, and even shower rooms. The owners of some centers equip the spaces with TVs and game consoles, but for now in Russia this approach will be more of an exception to the rule. First and foremost, a coworking space is a place to work.

Thus, the total costs (we do not count furniture) for equipping a coworking space with the minimum list of necessary equipment will be 250 thousand rubles. There is no point in saving on equipment, since the comfort of work for visiting clients depends on it.

The coworking area is of interest to a fairly wide audience.

Is it necessary to hire employees to maintain a coworking center?

Another cost item will be employees. As a rule, 3-4 administrators are enough to maintain a coworking space, who will maintain order in the areas and sell subscriptions. It would be good if these same specialists could be involved in cleaning the premises. If not, you need to hire a cleaner for hours.

Coworking spaces do not require a dedicated technician for maintenance. However, it is important to enter into a contract or at least an agreement with some technical assistance center in order to quickly resolve problems with equipment or the Internet if necessary.

To pay for the labor of 3-4 administrators in the regions of Russia it will cost an average of 60-80 thousand rubles, in Moscow it will be much more expensive. The wages of hourly cleaners will not exceed 5-6 thousand rubles, as well as the wages of lump sum technical specialists.

Total cost of opening a coworking space

From all that has been said above, it follows that opening a coworking center will have to spend at least 1.5 million rubles, and most likely much more. Perhaps individual entrepreneurs will be able to find opportunities to save money, but you shouldn’t get carried away with it. Otherwise, coworking will be no different from a regular office, and potential clients will remain at home.

Disadvantages of business when opening a coworking area

The coworking area is of interest to a fairly wide audience: from freelancers to businessmen who want to negotiate with customers or performers in a comfortable environment. However, how profitable and profitable will the business be? The following disadvantages may hinder profits:

  1. The need for a very significant initial investment. Opening a coworking space will require costs of one and a half million rubles, but their recoupment is questionable. Using the same funds, you can successfully open a more profitable cafe or store.
  2. Low demand. In the regions of Russia, coworking is still gaining momentum, the demand for it is not so high: there are few specialists working remotely, businessmen are accustomed to holding business meetings in cafes or restaurants.

IN provincial cities there is no shortage of cheap space for office rental, and the few remote workers used to working at home, in a cafe or in the library. The need to pay for a workplace does not appeal to the majority of potential clients, which is due to the low incomes of the population as a whole.

How much can you earn

The profit volume of a coworking space directly depends on the number of visitors and subscriptions sold.

With the average price of a subscription in the regions of Russia about 6 thousand rubles, to earn 100 thousand rubles you need to sell at least 17 subscriptions - this is not so little for provincial cities where the demand for coworking has not yet matured.

Obviously, to increase profits, the owner of a coworking space must find some ways, otherwise it will not be possible to recoup even the initial investment.

Opening a coworking space in small town- a very risky business.

So, it's decided. You leave the office for free and become a freelancer. The imagination paints rosy pictures: you wake up early in the morning, slowly brew coffee, prepare a light breakfast and sit down to work. Nothing and no one distracts. Negotiations with customers and colleagues via email or instant messengers. No sudden deadlines that irritate bosses. After lunch, a walk and back to work. In the evening, time for family and friends.

And now we will tell you what will really happen. The family wakes up with you in the morning, and in its absence the neighbors from above or the builders from the next apartment. Noise, din and any other factors distracting from work begin. Your morning coffee gets cold while you help feed and dress your baby. The afternoon walk is ruined by the fact that you were constantly distracted. And the evenings turn from “family” to purely “work”.

You have two ways to solve this problem:

  1. Organize your work at home so that nothing can distract you. Arrangement personal account, sound-absorbing headphones, educating family and neighbors.

    Is this possible?
    - Certainly
    - It's complicated?
    - Incredible.

  2. Find a work space outside the home. The first freelancers huddled in coffee shops and shared offices in business centers, but now it is much more convenient to use the services of coworking spaces. Now they are opening in all major cities.
Coworking spaces are spaces created just to make you feel comfortable working in them. This is not an office whose main purpose is to provide you with a workplace. The creators of such spaces strive to make their sites as convenient as possible for the person who is engaged in own business. For individuals there are tables and chairs, for teams there are rooms with boards and everything you need. For presentations and training, you can rent a meeting room or conference room. In our experience, work productivity in a coworking space is one and a half to two times higher than at home or even in an office.

War is war, but lunch is on schedule. In offices, everyone often eats at their desks or raids nearby cafes. It's inconvenient and wastes your time. Almost any coworking space includes an excellent kitchen where you can heat up or even cook food, as well as treat yourself to free tea, coffee and cookies.

For those who like complete immersion in work with short-term shutdowns for sleep, capsule hotels are set up in coworking spaces. There is no need to explain what this is, just look at the photograph.

In general, you can even live in coworking spaces. Many beginning freelancers feel this way about their new place of work, thereby running the risk of running into negativity from their colleagues. There are certain rules in coworking spaces that are highly advisable to follow:

1. Keep quiet

Your very important call, which can dramatically change your life and bring huge income, is completely unimportant to others. This is not an office where colleagues will listen with bated breath to your negotiations. And the people around you with headphones probably aren't listening. Heavy Metal at maximum volume.

So, if you have an important conversation, go out somewhere or occupy a meeting room. Respect your colleagues and they will respect you.

2. Do not occupy the meeting room for more than the planned time

If you need a meeting room and you realize that the meeting or Skype call is going beyond the originally scheduled time, then try to reschedule the conversation. You've almost certainly already been occupied by other people who have made appointments with the client.

3. The main thing is cleanliness

In coworking spaces, like in a hostel, you need to clean up after yourself everywhere and always. It is unacceptable to leave any garbage for later. We talked with the client, gave him coffee, signed an agreement, escorted him out... Then come back and clean up after yourself. Once you've had lunch, wash the dishes after yourself. And never store dirty lunchboxes in bags.

4. Take care of your appearance

Of course, no one requires you to wear a suit, but you should also avoid beach shorts and slippers. Coworking spaces are democratic, but you still shouldn’t test the patience of your colleagues.

5. Communicate without being distracting

One of the main advantages of coworking spaces for freelancers is the opportunity to communicate with colleagues. Show them your work, get objective criticism, learn new things, improve. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that the person you want to contact this moment, may be busy with his own project. Quite often, an indicator that a colleague should not be distracted right now is wearing headphones.

The market did not immediately come to ideal coworking spaces, as well as to the rules of behavior in them. The first spaces were opened in former factories or modeled after classic office Open Spaces. As a result, something was always missing. Little space, few meeting rooms, problems with shops and restaurants. After all, some coworking spaces were difficult to get to, and finding a parking space in Moscow is not an entirely trivial task.

Coworking 14: we ate more than one dog

“Coworking 14” is a combination of our own experience and the experience of our colleagues. We studied coworking projects throughout Russia and in ours we implemented everything that a freelancer or a small team could need. Our space is currently the largest in Moscow, the entire 14th floor of the AeroCity business center, which can accommodate 300 people. The location is very convenient, since not all of our clients and their guests have convenient access to the center of Moscow, where other coworking spaces are located. There are no problems with parking or traffic jams.

Coworking 14 is not just tables and chairs in a huge room. We managed to implement all types of spaces for work and leisure: open space, mini-offices, meeting rooms, conference rooms, sleepboxes and showers. We took into account that very often our clients do not have time to run to the store for groceries, and therefore there is a mini-market on the territory of the coworking space.

Of course, the main area of ​​a coworking space is designed for freelancers sitting in a common space. But we took into account that very often they gather in teams based on areas of interest or simply because they know each other. For their convenience, we created “island zoning” using rounded podiums. Moreover, they are located not in the depths of the building, but near large windows.

We also took into account that many freelancers strive to exercise, but often do not have time for it. That's why we have an area with exercise equipment. Any of our clients can use them. Agree, it is not only convenient, but also economical. No need to pay for a subscription to Gym, the cost of which is equivalent to our standard offer.

In addition, our partner, hosting provider RUVDS, provides large discounts on modern cloud infrastructure to all coworking residents. Considering that freelancing is now very often done by developers, such opportunities will be very useful for the development of their startups.

At the same time, let’s talk about the cost of our services. Now there are 3 main tariffs S/M/L (600 rubles/day and from 12 to 15 thousand rubles per month), which give our residents the opportunity to take advantage of all the necessary services to successfully organize their business. Such prices are much more profitable than renting offices in business centers.

We always expect from our clients not only to comply with the rules of conduct in a coworking space, but also feedback. What should be removed, what should be changed, what should be added? We also want to hear advice and objective criticism from readers. We promise that we will listen to everything and make our Coworking 14 ideal for work.

From this publication you will learn what is coworking, what is it for, how do they work coworking centers, what are their main advantages and disadvantages.

As you know, one of the most significant costs is the cost of renting or, especially, purchasing premises. A novice entrepreneur does not always have the financial ability to rent premises. He can work at home, but this is also not always convenient. To solve such problems, coworking arose. What it is – more on that later.

What is coworking?

The term coworking is borrowed from in English(co-working) and in literal translation means “working together.”

– this is a workplace equipped with everything necessary for doing business or a specific job, which anyone can rent for any period (from 1 day to 1 year or more).

Coworking workplaces are located in the so-called. coworking centers - office premises specifically designed for this type of activity. Coworking services are in demand, first of all, and.

Essentially, coworking is something between working from home and working in your own/rented office. Coworking centers are equipped with office furniture, furniture for negotiating with clients, computer and office equipment, high-speed Internet, they have water coolers and coffee machines, that is, everything is like in a traditional office center. The only difference is that completely different people work and conduct business in a coworking center at the same time, whose activities are in no way connected with each other.

The history of coworking began just 10 years ago, in 2005, when an American programmer, together with like-minded freelancers, organized the first coworking center. Since then, this phenomenon has become increasingly popular; today coworking centers are open in most major cities of the world, including many cities in Russia.

Coworking prices.

Surely many people are interested in how much coworking space costs, the prices that coworking centers offer in our conditions. The cost of renting a space in a coworking center greatly depends on the rental period: the shorter it is, the higher the price of coworking space per day. If we take monthly prices, then prices for coworking spaces range from 50 to 500 dollars per month, depending on the city, the specific coworking center, and its equipment.

The cheapest ones are the so-called. “dynamic places” are when a person comes to a coworking center with his laptop and takes up any free space there. The most expensive are separate rooms for holding confidential meetings with clients, with additional services (for example, legal and accounting support for business, secretarial services, courier, etc.).

Benefits of coworking.

Probably many thought: “Why do we need a coworking space if you can work from home in the same way, which is completely free?” This is not entirely true: in a coworking space you can find whole line benefits.

1. At home, “household chores” are always distracting, and for many people they prevent them from concentrating on the work process, and as a result they suffer. The coworking center creates a working environment with no distractions, which further motivates you to perform your tasks well.

2. If the business involves the need to receive visitors, then doing this at home is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous: you never know who will come.

3. When working in a coworking center, there is no need to buy and refill a printer, copier, scanner, fax and other office equipment - there the use of it is included in the cost of renting a space or is paid separately, but it is still cheaper than even using such services in other places.

4. Remote communication is by no means free: a person has to pay, at a minimum, for electricity and Internet services. In a coworking center, this is also included in the cost of services.

5. Coworking is interesting because a person does not remain alone, but works among other people. He can communicate with them, look for like-minded people, and look for joint solutions to problems. Coworking is an excellent environment for acquiring useful business contacts and connections.

The main disadvantage of working in a coworking center is, of course, that this service is paid. However, compared to renting and maintaining a separate similar office, space in a coworking space is always significantly cheaper.

Now you know what coworking is, and you can independently conclude whether this form of workspace organization is right for you or not. Or maybe you will go further and want to build a business by opening a coworking center, who knows...

In any case, I wish you success in all your endeavors. Come to where you will always find interesting ideas to earn money and invest, learn how to competently build relationships with banks, manage a family budget and manage personal finances. See you again!

Free form workspace, when a group of completely different people perform their work in a certain space, rooms or halls.

What is coworking in simple words?

All these people can do work independently of each other, although they are in the same place, or, conversely, get together to discuss common project issues and tasks. Coworking only provides a comfortable and equipped space or room necessary for work. In most cases, coworking centers are visited by freelancers and startupers, in other words, free and independent individuals.

Only in such a relaxed atmosphere can the whole creative potential person.
It is worth noting that coworking centers first appeared in America in 2005, and in Russia they began to develop only in 2008 in Yekaterinburg. The first coworking center in Russia was called “Tower”, but it only lasted for a year. The following centers opened only a few years later, but already in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their activities were enshrined in legislation.

As a rule, coworking areas, equipped with everything necessary from furniture to a coffee machine, are rented for the required period and look like regular office with workplaces, meeting rooms and recreation areas.

Pros and cons of coworking spaces

Coworking centers are not permanent place employment, but allow, if necessary, to obtain the planned income.

After all, a special atmosphere and a sense of freedom bring to work those factors that contribute to greater productivity, unlike working in the office or at home. This is especially suitable for people with creative professions, designers, artists, poets and musicians, since no one is distracted by everyday issues and various little things. But here you can also meet people in strict business suits who make appointments and decide important tasks in places that require an informal setting.

After all, in the process of working in coworking areas, it is possible to make new acquaintances, borrow ideas, discuss issues that you doubt, and expose your ideas to people from completely different backgrounds. professional areas to get an objective assessment.

It is worth noting that coworking areas are often rented by organizations for their employees. This allows all employees to be on the same page information space and discuss work issues in a relaxed, free manner.

In addition, such joint work, first of all, is a team-building event, which should be considered one of the important components successful business. Companies that care about their employees and are interested in their development personal qualities and skills often resort to such forms of organizing the work process.

Of course, it is worth noting the disadvantages of the coworking system. One of these disadvantages is territorial accessibility. Since coworking spaces are not yet very common within walking distance, you need to spend time on transport to get to it.

At the same time, the absence of a fixed workplace creates a new work environment every day, which will not always be familiar and comfortable. It is necessary to be vigilant in relation to your belongings, since coworking is for the most part public place, which distracts from the main activity.

But despite the above disadvantages, coworking areas are in demand.

Coworking - as a business structure

The main condition for the development of coworking areas as a business direction is customer demand for this type services. For successful business development, it is undoubtedly necessary to take into account the needs of clients, focus on their wishes, make changes to the terms of service if there are claims and complaints, and analyze the services of competitors in this area.

Thanks to this, it is possible to create coworking areas with an ideal working atmosphere, which also includes additional functions, such as rest rooms, meeting rooms, sports complexes, food areas and other vital conditions.

Each workplace has its own price gradation, depending on its equipment and business platform model. When building a business, it is also worth considering socially-oriented services that provide affordable jobs to low-income groups of the population, for example, pensioners and students.

For the opportunity to work in these zones, the client can pay either 1,500 or 25,000 rubles, taking into account tariffs for Additional services. Legal and accounting assistance and even a personal assistant may also be provided. It all depends on the client's wishes.

Coworking starts with planning

Any organizational project activities begins with business planning and the creation of coworking areas is no exception.

It is important to take into account the main aspects of this activity so that the business not only generates income, but also becomes a kind of hobby.

One of decisive roles has a choice of premises. It should be located in a crowded area, not far from a transport hub, have a convenient layout, business style and best meet customer requirements.

To do this, at the initial stage it is possible to rent premises for the provision of coworking services. It is important to take into account that the premises must be relatively new and with high-quality repairs. It is also worth paying attention to the colors of the walls. The tone of the room should be neutral and not distract from the main activities of clients.

Space equipment plays an important role. Tables, chairs, clothes hangers, cabinets with locking devices, chargers, partitions. Substantial part Money will only go towards the initial arrangement of the space. As additional functions, it is possible to organize recreation areas, meeting rooms, dining rooms, and a gym.

Purchase stationery, paper and office supplies are also included in the expense item.
Worth paying Special attention on fixed costs, such as payment of rent, electricity, telephone communications, mobile communications open access, cleaning services, as well as payment wages employees.

Proper planning of expenses and income will allow you to create coworking areas of both budget and prestigious types, depending on your wishes.

Possible profit

Undoubtedly, profit depends on many indicators, including economic situation in the country, but by correctly calculating all expenses and income, you can achieve the desired result. Of course, this requires a lot of effort. But this investment will undoubtedly be returned in the near future.

Of course, it is possible to get big profits by attracting organizations and enterprises by organizing places for their employees in coworking areas. This will increase the volume of services provided and profits accordingly.

It is worth noting that it is quite difficult for one person to organize a coworking center. This requires the efforts of an entire team, including an administrator, a sales manager, a development manager, a designer, a marketer, a specialist in demand research and competitive environment analysis. As a rule, this is 5-8 people.

It is advisable to have personal friends who will help you promote your business free of charge. new business. It is also possible to attract volunteers.

The starting point for profit will begin approximately after six months of doing business. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you have reserved funds in advance to pay for the first expenses, including wages.

Coworking franchise

For those who are planning to develop a service business in coworking zones for the first time and are afraid of possible failures, you can purchase a franchise from official German companies.
This service is currently developing dynamically, and the proposed concept and well-developed development plan will create all the conditions for the development and profitability of your endeavor.

Features and conditions of working under a franchise

The main feature of working under a franchise is the implementation of most of the organizational issues at the expense of the company:

  • provision of workspace with availability office furniture, office equipment with installed automated systems necessary for work, communications;
  • provision of stationery, paper supplies and other office materials;
  • provision of assistant or assistant services;
  • provision of an organized storage area, a box with a locking device in which it is possible to store personal belongings, including outside of working hours;
  • organization of Halls for conferences, meetings, seminars, master classes, meeting rooms;
  • providing space to foreign organizations that do not have official representative in the city;
  • organization of public places, kitchen service, rest room and room for conversations not related to work issues, personal matters;
  • organization of showers, dry cleaning, gym, vending machines with drinks and food, play areas and much more;
  • organization children's room with the presence of animators and security to organize a smooth workflow;
  • organization of legal and legal services, including lawyers, accountants, tax agents and specialists in other financial professions;
  • organization of marketing support, including lighting of the coworking area in the funds mass media as a famous brand.

At the same time, partner companies can offer franchise package offers in various modifications, both initial and complete. The range of services provided and, accordingly, the cost depend on this.

The experience and knowledge of franchise companies will help budding entrepreneurs get comfortable in the coworking services market and develop their business under reliable protection.

In contact with

IN Lately the number of small companies is constantly increasing. They often occupy several rooms in modern office centers. If a team consisting of specialists from different fields has to work in the same room, then a well-thought-out way of organizing their work is required. One of the popular ones is coworking.

What is coworking?

Nowadays, many people know thatwhat is coworking(coworker) zone. Its translation is coworking. This word implies English version organization of work of people who perform various jobs, in a common area. This plan characterized by a desire to create harmonious communities of residents.

Well-known examples include Philadelphia's Tribe Commons, iHub, Washington's Hera Hub, Paragraph, and Parisian coworking space La Ruche. Reasons for coworking – economic forces. This approach is applied as a knowledge product in the field of economics, which is complemented by non-profit initiatives.

Coworking centers

Individual rental of entire buildings is not economically viable. In this regard, coworking is increasingly being used to organize the work process, which is based on the mutual assistance of employees and the constant exchange of knowledge between people of different specialties.

Modern coworking centers– offices consisting of one to three rooms large sizes. They provide the required number of workplaces with a clear zoning of space into separate “corners” depending on the specialty of the organization’s employees.

Coworking space

Coworking spaceis a place where every willing freelancer has the opportunity to find a permanent location for work, and not just for one month. This area is fully equipped with all the necessary office equipment and all sorts of little things that help make work more efficient. The floor plan involves separating the work area from the meeting room, a relaxation room with a cafe and special areas for training. It requires specialists from several areas to work together.

Coworking as a business

That's it now less people they ask the question “coworking – what is it?”Coworking as a business-model, brings good profit. Coworking centers are not opened for a separate niche type of activity. With skillful management, one premises turns into a source of income for people working in different directions. You need to find a premises and sign a lease agreement with the owner. Investments of funds are small, so sponsorship is not mandatory. The main thing is to assemble a team of professionals who love what they do.

Pros and cons of coworking spaces

ABOUT pros and cons of coworkingwe can talk for a long time. The main advantages of the popular approach to organizing workspace include:

  • Convenience for receiving clients (the office looks solid);
  • Opportunity to save (for freelancers);
  • The coworking center supports the efficiency and productivity of the work process at high level;
  • For third-party organizers, a coworking zone is an opportunity to gather all employees in one place;
  • Tenant payments are a small amount;
  • A freelancer can work for a couple of months or a year or longer;
  • High business profits;
  • Timely payment for work;
  • Accounting services are provided;
  • Legal services;
  • Workers receive useful knowledge at trainings and seminars, the plan of which involves the joint exchange of necessary information that is optimal for the business model;
  • In such offices you will find a friend and ally.