Interview with Kristen Stewart in Russian. Kristen Stewart: “Sometimes I am driven by an inexplicable force

Stewart walks down the hallway of a Los Angeles hotel like wild cat, instantly attracting attention. It is impossible to take your eyes off the cold gaze of her signature smoky eyes - you feel hypnotized. After five minutes, she answers questions very thoughtfully, choosing her words carefully. You can feel how a real flame flares up inside this fragile woman when she declares her life principles. It was this hidden passion that captivated famous directors and an audience of millions.

Cashmere cardigan, Chanel; cotton T-shirt, vintage; jeans, belt, everything - American Apparel; sneakers, Vans

PHOTO Matt JonesMhortense Manga STYLE

Four years after the success of the Twilight saga, which made her a superstar, and a high-profile split from co-star Robert Pattinson, Stewart returned to independent cinema. Today, the former teen idol is one of the most recognizable actresses of her generation. World-famous directors make wishes so that Kristen agrees to take part in their next project. Need proof? This year she starred in Woody Allen's High Life, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival; and the release of the mystical project “Personal Shopper” by Olivier Assayas and war drama"Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" by Ang Lee.

Fiery temperament, spectacular appearance, the zenith of world fame - the fashion world could not resist a real star. Karl Lagerfeld was one of the first to be fascinated - for three years now Kristen Stewart is the face of the House of Chanel. In 2015, a mini-film by the Kaiser of Fashion with her participation opened a show in Rome, and earlier this year the actress became the ambassador of the Eyes Collection 2016 makeup line of the French house. And indeed, it’s hard to imagine a better frame for her eyes.

Jacket, Chanel; Plume earrings, white gold, diamonds, Chanel Fine Jewelry

PHOTO Matt JonesMhortense Manga STYLE

ELLE Karl Lagerfeld sometimes comes across as a very cold and even arrogant person. Tell us about your collaboration.

K.S. Yes, I understand what you are talking about. There really is something majestic about it. But when you work with him, he hides it very skillfully. Karl is incredibly nice and talks to everyone. As far as I understand, his main desire is to convey information. He is a source of knowledge. Especially when it comes to us young people. Every time I'm around him, I feel like he wants to teach me something. He talks about artists individual details, facts that you are not even aware of. He might say, “You should read this book...” or “You remind me of this person...” Not everything revolves around fashion. He just a real artist in everything.

ELLE Which one dark makeup you choose your eyes every time - is this a way to protect, protect yourself from the world around you?

K.S. Certainly. Usually I choose dark colors, when you are tired, wary or simply not in the mood. Sometimes while getting ready for a red carpet, my makeup artist will say, “We should do something light today, your outfit calls for it. Will be cool!" And I answer him: “No, I can’t stand it!” I think we need to have a good time!” (Laughs.)

ELLE In the film “Personal Shopper” by French director Olivier Assayas, you play a personal stylist, and two years ago in his film “Sils Maria” you played the role of the star’s assistant. Does Assayas always see you as an assistant? Doesn't he want you to be a movie star?

K.S. Maybe! (Laughs). Hard to say. Olivier doesn't talk much about his work. He is quite stingy with explanations, he likes it when people have to figure out a lot of things themselves. This is his way of making films - it sort of becomes a catalyst for the thought process.

Jumper, Chanel; Coco Crush rings, white gold, Chanel Fine Jewelry; Boy-Friend watch, Beige gold, Chanel

PHOTO Matt JonesMhortense Manga STYLE

ELLE What is this film about?

K.S. This movie is not about a profession, but about people and their relationships. It's a ghost story about a young woman in Paris who mourns the death of her brother. In the process, you understand that the heroine’s story is a search for self-identification: she hates herself and her way of life, but she is fascinated by beautiful clothes. There's something creepy about her work, but she's obsessed with it. She constantly asks questions: “Why are we here? What is the meaning of our life?

ELLE Did you discover anything new about yourself thanks to this role?

K.S. I felt incredibly lonely during filming, as my character deliberately withdraws from the world around her. Plus she has a problem - a heart murmur, she is always one step away from death. Even the most insignificant scenes, which were not emotionally overloaded, were difficult for us. I was truly exhausted! You look at my face on the screen and understand that you can’t achieve such an effect with makeup alone. I looked terrible!

ELLE But that didn’t bother you too much...

K.S. Not at all! It was even funny! This is exactly the borderline state that I needed. It helps you feel alive. I feel sorry for those who say, “You take your work too seriously. Exhale and relax...” I don’t want to exhale! When my character is close to death in a movie, I really begin to appreciate own life. If I weren’t filming, I would be looking for this feeling in other ways. Playing is difficult, it's a thankless job. Sometimes you ask yourself: “Why do I need all this?” But I don’t want to live any other way.

ELLE Do you feel that after the next European project you have become even closer to France?

K.S. It so happened that my most fruitful working relationships were with the French. We get along great with the Chanel people... Oh, that sounds so Parisian! (Laughs.) But this is the honest truth. There is something noble in all French projects that I really like. People don't necessarily need to describe grayness Everyday life to sell the story. One of the facets of art is curiosity. Many of my favorite actors, such as Sean Penn or Jodie Foster, admire French cinema.

ELLE Have you ever been told that you look something like a French woman?

K.S. I was in France just a few days ago, and one of my friends said: “You suit Paris very well, and it suits you!” It sounds corny, but it's true. I feel good in this city, my performance improves here. I lead a sedentary lifestyle in Los Angeles, but when I get to Paris, I immediately grow wings. This city inspires me a lot.

ELLE What do you think about your career? Do you feel like you've reached its peak?

K.S. I feel happy. Most of my peers are still trying to find their place in life, to understand what they want to do. I am very proud that I had the opportunity to work with great directors. I feel both exhilarated and exhausted. Over the past two years, I managed to star in five films - this is a very short period of time for such a workload. If previously I managed to star in one such film a year, I already felt incredibly in demand. Now mine the main problem- the inability to slow down and get out of this flow. Actor play It instantly sucks you in, you can’t stop. If I wanted to, there would be no free time in my schedule for the next five years.

ELLE You play the guitar, write poetry, and are a big fan of rock and roll. Would you like to become a musician?

K.S. I really love playing the guitar. I’ve been killing time this way during filming for many years now. I just recently started learning the drum kit and, I must say, I have succeeded a lot in this. (Laughs.) I would like to have my own group, but I don’t like singing. I'm not a showman. It would be nice to find someone who will work with me on vocals. That would be funny. I like to pick Right words- there is nothing more pleasant than the realization that you have found an apt expression. But this is not an easy task, especially when you are creating poetry. The problem is that I write about very difficult things...

ELLE You've said that being a celebrity is very difficult, especially after your breakup with Robert Pattinson and the worldwide publicity that the relationship received. Do you still think so?

K.S. I'm used to fame, but it wasn't easy for me. Celebrities have a lot of problems too, don't think I'm complaining. Popularity radically changes your whole life. But I don't take it as personally as I used to. Once you realize that all the hype around celebrities is just part of an industry that makes money from it and is run by insensitive people, you begin to relate to it more easily.

K.S. I think yes. It seems to me that our generation is more flexible and loyal. This came out not too long ago and it's great! Besides, I'm not afraid of anything, I don't care about rumors. But I wouldn’t want love affairs to become the only definition of my personality. People attribute a lot of things to me. It's like an endless "book of feedback and suggestions." Many people think they know everything about celebrities, which, of course, is not true. No one has any idea what's really going on in my life. I don’t hide from anyone, the paparazzi constantly take pictures of me. But at the same time, I never wash dirty linen in public. I last man who would do this.

ELLE You don't want to be a teen idol, but you don't want to be associated with an indie actress either...

K.S. My position on popularity is ambiguous. There are people obsessed with fame. But I will never be able to understand this. But at the same time, I appreciate the degree of fame that allows me to bring my work to such large quantity of people. You become closer to humanity, which in itself is amazing. I wouldn’t want to act in films that no one will see. I never hide behind my characters, I really want to show myself, bare my damn soul, discover something new inside and put it into the film. But I wouldn’t like to flaunt my personal life - only my feelings.

ELLE What's special about being an actor?

K.S. Sometimes when you pick it up good book, you get the feeling that you are reading your own thoughts that you have never voiced before. This is a moment of self-discovery. Acting is like that. When you get used to a character, you imagine that you have lived through his experience. You can learn from his experience, there is no need to repeat it in reality. It's like they give you the opportunity to live several lives.

ELLE You said that “acting can teach a woman to say no.” What did you mean?

K.S. Be a part creative team always fun. I always tell kids who want to become actors, “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” Of course, sometimes it's good to be guided and made to feel responsible, but at the same time, it should always be your decision.

She is modest and generally a “good girl.” In her brown eyes there is purity and light. And an all-consuming love that you can’t cope with... However, all this is Bella Swan from the “Twilight Saga”. And Kristen Stewart, who played her, is completely, completely different...

Text: Yana Schwartz

What kind? Oh, no one will answer this question for a long time, including Chris herself. There are several reasons. Firstly, a girl at 20 is still a “flower”, what a “berry” she will be will become clear in five years. Secondly, Stewart is already secretive. No revelations to journalists. If he agrees to an interview, he gets off with general phrases. In response to sharp questions, he only flashes his green eyes and briefly chops: “No comment.” Yes, yes, and her eyes are not the same color as Bella Swan! Together with Robert Pattinson, who played the main male role in Twilight, she had to put on contact lenses before filming to become brown-eyed. This is how meticulously the novel by Stephenie Meyer was filmed! Since the author wrote that the young vampire and his beloved have brown eyes, that means no “Stuart” green or “Pattinson” blue!.. Perhaps this is how you need to approach things if you want to succeed. With Twilight, in any case, everything turned out great. And worldwide. It was earned by both the film itself (the fourth film, “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn,” is already in full production) and the actors who played in it, primarily, of course, Kristen and Robert.

Here again these two are side by side...

But let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Let’s just say that in the last three years, Kristen’s antics have literally made her fans’ heads spin! The actress commits actions that are difficult to explain (she doesn’t even explain!) and which completely break her bright image that was formed earlier. But at the same time, for some reason, a new one does not emerge. The swell is solid, not a girl! You read publications about Stewart - and the first thought: she drinks blood, a fidgety, from several good guys at once, maybe out of youthful frivolity, or maybe out of a completely mature calculation - it turns out to be some kind of PR! But then doubts come: maybe he doesn’t drink at all, and the villainous reporters are slandering the poor girl?.. In general, this Stewart is a dark horse. The “flower” is either charming and harmless, or carnivorous, and what will happen next, we repeat, hardly anyone knows. Except for mom and dad...

Family scandal

John Stewart always thought his wife Jules had an overactive imagination. But she put up with it because it benefited her work - her wife wrote scripts entertainment programs and series for the FOX TV channel. John also produced and staged various shows there. In general, their family was rightfully called creative. And the children - three sons: Cameron and two adopted ones, Taylor and Dan, and daughter Kristen - showed obvious humanitarian abilities. It was too early to think about the future of the Stuarts Jr., but John hoped to guide them in the right direction with his father’s wise hand. I saw the boys as lawyers or doctors. Not TV people! It's enough that he and Jules are boiling in this hellish cauldron. And his daughter?.. He naively believed that the secretive and proud Kristen would definitely choose some serious profession. In ten or twelve years. And here it is for you! Yes, the girl always loved to go with him and Jules to the studio - she would sit in the corner while her parents were working, staring. In general, like all children. Did he think that his daughter was already hatching an insidious plan - to become an actress? Filming, scenery, costumes, spotlights - this is what poisoned her fragile soul. However, what a scandal this eight-year-old “artist” threw at him and Jules...

And the following happened. In the school performance for Christmas, the daughter was given a small role - either a sorcerer or an angel. She mentioned it casually over dinner a couple of weeks ago. When the performance took place, alas, he and his wife were busy at the studio and could not come. But among the audience were their boys, and they did not express any particular enthusiasm for their sister’s stage debut. And suddenly this sweaty fat man, a casting agent, suddenly appeared at their house and said: “Your daughter is a talent! She definitely needs to register with our acting agency. I guarantee there will be roles!” It turns out that he was at the performance, and Kristen's performance amazed him. What could a father answer, whose plans did not include having an artist daughter? - “Thank you, but we refuse.” Before he had time to utter these words, Chris flew into the room, like a little fury (it turns out, she was eavesdropping, the scoundrel, on an adult conversation), and immediately - tears, screaming! And not even a request - a demand: “Take me to the agency!” I calmed down only when he promised to think about it. To think - but not to agree... And when the passions subsided, the agent left and all the children, including the crying Kristen, fell asleep, Jules started her song about the “magic of numbers.” You see, she had a presentiment that the coming year 1999 would become a turning point in the fate of their daughter. Like, nine is the most important number for her, born on April 9, 1990. In general, my wife’s imagination ran wild, she almost world fame began to prophesy to the child! And he, John Stewart, realized: he would have to give in...

Strange graduation

But Chris had a sad secret that she hid from her parents. Only the brothers knew that their little sister was being bullied by her classmates. “They had such entertainment - to come up to me and say: ugh, how disgusting you are! - the actress told reporters many years later. “I didn’t understand why they did this, and I suffered.” The boys (all three of them a little older than Chris) wanted to soap the necks of the main offenders, but their sister forbade them to do so. Out of pride - they say, I can handle it myself. However, the bullying continued, and Chris hated school fiercely. Therefore, the brothers suspected that she became an artist in order to skip classes under the pretext of auditions, auditions, and filming. They were partly right, because as soon as the girl was offered her first full-fledged role in the melodrama “Safety of Things,” she began to convince her parents that now the most reasonable thing was to transfer her to home schooling. And she convinced me. That is, already at the age of 11, Chris left the hated educational institution. This happened in 2001. And in 2009, right on film set In the third part of the “Twilight Saga”, she finally received a high school diploma. “I know it's a little late, but I just graduated with honors! - the actress said in an interview. “On this day, I was filming the graduation scene in Eclipse and I told the crew: “Hey, guys, I’m actually graduating from high school, and I won’t have another graduation!” Can you take a photo as a souvenir - for me, not for Bella?” And it turned out like this: the extra actor shakes my hand and hands me a certificate. And I, as expected, am in a robe and cap.”

...However, we digress. Directors seriously paid attention to Chris in 2002, after the release of the film Panic Room. She got into it, one might say, by accident. Originally the role of Sarah, daughter main character, was intended for another girl actress. But after many upheavals, during which the performer leading role Nicole Kidman replaced Jodie Foster, and Stewart was also on the list. She was chosen by the twice Oscar-winning Foster herself, who was amazed by their external resemblance. And after the premiere, critics also noted how similar Chris’s performance was to Jodi’s performance in her youth. It was a very flattering comparison. And Chris still names Foster among his few idols...

After Panic Room, Stewart began acting every year, often in several films at the same time. Some roles and films were more successful, others less so. Among the latter was the psychological teenage drama “Speak.” She never came out wide screen, was only shown on television, although it received positive reviews. In this film, Chris played a very difficult role - the girl Melinda, who stopped communicating with people after being raped. Deal with adversity and return to normal life helps her in the plot true friend David. This guy was played by the handsome, dark-haired, burly Michael Angarano.

In bed with a vampire

She is 13 years old, he is 16. The most classic scenario for first love! It happened to Michael - that's for sure. He always flew to filming as if on wings. How faithful knight, dragged Chris’s bag behind her, was thrilled when she dozed on his shoulder during breaks. And when the film was shot, he moved from his native New York to Los Angeles, closer to Stewart. I even started surfing when I found out that it was the favorite sport of my green-eyed girlfriend. She seemed to really enjoy all these displays of affection. Yes, and Michael too.

The guy began to visit the Stewarts' house, walked her favorite dogs with Chris - collie Oz and mongrels Jack and Lily, admired her beloved cats - Jella and Max (although he never really respected cats), helped Chris improve in playing the guitar, went with her to clubs and shopping. In those years, even reporters did not dare to attribute closer relationships to teenagers, they only noted: “Stewart and Angarano are having an affair!” The paparazzi don't seem to have captured any of their kisses. But photos were published: Michael is carrying Kristen on the back of his neck, and they are both having a lot of fun. Indeed, a classic teenage novel in which the guy is sincerely in love, and the girl is bathed in this love.

Several years have passed. Both he and she continued to actively act in film, however, in different paintings. And when the opportunity arose, we met again. The fans were touched: what a constancy of feelings. Actually, Chris’s invitation to the main role in “Twilight” did not promise changes in her relationship with Michael. However, everything immediately took a strange turn.

Stewart was the first person cast by director Catherine Hardwicke for the role. She didn’t even have any special rivals. The same cannot be said about Robert Pattinson. Before him, Hardwick looked through 500 applicants to embody the image of the vampire Edward Cullen. It is not known whether the director forced Chris to act out with each of these young men. love scene, to understand whether I hit the mark with my choice, but with Robert it turned out that way. The Briton had just arrived from England when he ended up... in Catherine Hardwicke's bed. It was in the house and on her bed that the auditions took place: a scene of passion between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen. Katherine was pleased and approved Robert for the role. She later admitted: “I told Robert: don’t even think about having an affair with her! Chris isn't eighteen yet. They'll put you in prison! And the filming of the first part of the “vampiriad” was done without passion and muzzles.

An offer of marriage

But then something strange began to happen. The same Catherine Hardwicke told reporters that Chris herself admitted to her: they say that she has a “relationship” with Pattinson, and it began while working on the second part of the saga. Why would the director lie? But in all the rest, I must say, quite in rare cases, when the newspapermen managed to press Stewart with the question: “Is it true that you and Robert are having an affair?”, the girl invariably answered: “We are connected only by friendship.” And Pattinson echoes her. Meanwhile, they are constantly seen together. A certain Diane Nutley, supposedly Robert's aunt, trumpeted to the whole world that her nephew and Chris secretly flew to Paris - there Robert introduced the bride to his parents. So why was it necessary to reveal the secret? And a certain Gordon Rael, who called himself a friend of the couple, told the newspapers: “The guys are already looking for a house in which they intend to live together. Chris wants it to be spacious and beautiful.” And another friend of Pattinson, who wished to remain anonymous, said that Robert, tired of Chris tossing between him and Michael, demanded that the girl finally make a choice. There are no comments from the “main characters” themselves. At the same time, they are found either kissing at a concert of the Kings of Leon group, or having dinner by candlelight at Cecconi's restaurant... By the way, this meal took place after the MTV Movie Awards ceremony, at which Stewart and Pattinson won in the categories “ Best Actor", "Best Actress" and... " Best kiss"! How can one not decide that there is no smoke without fire?

So poor Michael came to this conclusion. Therefore, he rushed to the set of the third part of “Twilight” in Vancouver and proposed to Chris. She refused. Or rather, she asked me to wait - they say, I decided to get married only after 25 years. This is how one of Angarano’s friends commented on this story: “Michael agreed. He loves Kristen so much that he would do anything for her. And she doesn’t believe that there is anything between her and Robert. It would be too mean." However, a few months later, reports appeared in the press about the breakup of their relationship. Michael was the initiator. Apparently, the guy was desperate to understand the feelings of his beloved Chris. Or learned something that others don’t know.

Meanwhile, the girl energetically gives reasons for new gossip. For some reason, she began to smoke a pipe and appear in public in such a manner that the words “alcohol” and “marijuana” began to appear next to her name in tabloid articles. And then she appeared on the pages of newspapers at the moment of a hot kiss with... Dakota Fanning, a friend and colleague in the “vampiriad”. It was then that the journalists remembered Kristen all her admiration for Jodie Foster and her overall resemblance to her. She, as you know, does not hide her lesbian preferences.

Today, the fog around Kristen Stewart's bright image is not dissipating, but on the contrary, it is only becoming thicker. Just recently there were reports that she left Robert and is now dating his best friend, British actor Tom Sturridge. Maybe she finally fell in love for real? Or, having chosen the path of acting as a very little girl, she prefers only to play in life?..


Kristen Stewart: VAMPIRE GIRL
Do you understand why everyone loves this book so much - “Twilight”?
Yes. I understand people who are literally obsessed with this book because it is truly addictive. You get immersed in it very quickly and can’t tear yourself away.
When you read the novel, what scenes did you want to be sure to include in the film?
This film contains some truly iconic moments. For example, the recognition of Edward (the vampire with whom the heroine Kristen Bella is in love - Ed.) who he really is. He shows Bella his true face which shines and glitters in sunlight, and he is ashamed. Bella looks at Edward and thinks that she has never seen anything more beautiful in her life, and he is ashamed! What a scene!
Do you have anything in common with your character Bella?
Bella - very life character. This is probably also why all the girls are so passionate about Twilight. You read a book and easily imagine yourself in the heroine’s place. The story develops very realistically, and you understand that Bella is a living person. She experiences everything that any 17-year-old girl experiences. I also feel like a pretty normal girl, so we definitely have something in common.
What traits of Bella do you particularly like?
Her independence and self-confidence. She goes through life her own way, she accepts things as they are, does not overestimate or fear them. Even when something incredible happens, Bella just lets it happen. In this sense, she is stronger than Edward. Because he suffers, he believes that he is behaving incorrectly, he is afraid of hurting, he is trying to avoid Bella. And she seems to be telling him: “You can’t run from yourself all your life!”
Is it true that Rob Pattinson proposed to you?
Yes. I mean, I don’t know how serious he was, but he is.
How did this happen?
Yes, somehow it goes without saying... We spent a lot of time together, we went through so much... Noah, actually, I’m already dating another guy, so I’ll have to refuse him. (Laughs.)
By the way, what kind of guys do you like? Is there any type of personality that is especially attractive to you?
It's so funny that everyone asks about this! To an ordinary person On the street you wouldn’t ask such a question, since I’m an actress, that means it’s in the order of things... Well, okay. I think a lot of women are attracted to guys who are weaker than themselves. We want to console them and show motherly care. On the other hand, all women are attracted to what they cannot have, the effect of the forbidden fruit is triggered. Tell us that we cannot have something, and we will strive for it. I think I have both of these qualities, but I don’t know for sure...
Do you like vampire-type men?
Yes, I love vampires! They are incredibly sexy.
Why do you think so?
Probably because the classic purpose of a vampire is to lure a victim into a state of complete submission, to the point where he can drink her blood or even kill her and she won’t mind at all. There's something sexy about it - when you give yourself completely to something or someone
and completely...
But this is all theory. What if you met a vampire in real life, what would you do?
In the context of our story, I would watch what I think about, because vampires can read minds! Although this does not apply to me. Bella has a special power that prevents vampires from looking into her head. And if you meet a vampire, try to think about something good.
Were you really scared during filming?
You mean: wasn't I afraid that Rob would bite me after all? No, because there were a hundred people constantly around us! (Laughs.)
Your heroine is a schoolgirl, partly still a child. Who do you feel more like: a teenager or an adult woman?
I am 18 years old. This is a provocative question! (Laughs.)
They won't sell me drinks at the bar, but at least I can drive a car. I think that when a person realizes himself as an individual, he can be considered an adult. I've always had this awareness somewhere inside, and now that society has recognized it and I have a little more rights, I'm very happy!

On March 2, the film “Personal Shopper” starring Kristen Stewart was released on Russian screens. Cinemafia brings to your attention a translation of an interview with the actress.

In the fall, at the New York Film Festival, I was already able to watch Olivier Assayas’ film “Personal Shopper” and even attend a press conference with the participation of the director and leading actress Kristen Stewart. My impressions of the film and a review of the press conference can be read at. In connection with the film's release in Russia, Cinemafia invites you to read Kristen Stewart's interview for The Upcoming portal.

— Did you think that you would work with Assayas again so soon, just two years after the release of the film “Sils Maria”?

- No. But I knew that Olivier liked to work with the same actors and cameramen. So, deep down in my heart, I hoped to film with him again. We obviously worked well together on the set of Sils Maria, and I understood that sooner or later we would do something together again creative project. But I had no idea it would happen so soon! Producer Olivier, Charles Gillibert is mine good friend. It was he who told me that Olivier was working on a new script. It seems that it was in Cannes, when we presented Sils Maria. To be honest, this is the first time I've met someone like this close-knit team, a real team. I didn't want to leave them. It's like we were made for each other! I felt really lucky. And when Olivier invited me to star in Personal Shopper, I admit, I was excited, but not surprised. We really wanted to continue working together in the same composition.

— One gets the feeling that in your person Assayas found not only an actress, but also a person ideally capable of embodying that image modern girl, which he dreamed of showing in his films. Can you say the same about him? That he's the director you've always been looking for?

- Yes, definitely. We both managed to work with a lot of people. But the two of us manage to understand each other without words, which is ideal for our profession. We don't talk that much, but we do hear each other and share common interests, we are equally curious. Working with Olivier is a lot of fun.

— How did Assayas offer you a role in “Personal Shopper”?

“He told me that he was writing a very simple script, and that he was writing it for me, in the hope that I would want to take part in the project. When I received the text, I was very scared, I was afraid to even imagine that I would have to call Charles or Olivier and tell them that such a role was not for me! Fortunately, everything turned out to be completely different. After reading the script I was impressed. It was so different from Sils Maria. Especially for me! It seemed to me that I knew Olivier, but at that moment I could not understand how he came up with a similar story. She opened my eyes to hidden aspects of his personality. It's a very contemplative film. In Personal Shopper, Olivier was able to describe invisible worlds without naming them. I think it's a more personal film than Sils Maria. He is not analytical, but sensual and deeply human. Olivier is a thoughtful and intelligent director, but he was able to express very personal emotions in this film. And that's really great. I didn’t feel that way in him on the set of Sils Maria.

“Personal Shopper” deals with themes atypical for French cinema, such as ghosts and spiritualism, but manages to be quite different from American supernatural thrillers.

- Yes. In Sils Maria, Juliette Binoche's character (Maria) and my character (Valentina) are having a conversation about films. They disagree about a movie they just watched, about mutants in space. Valentina believes that fantasy and Science fiction carry no less truth than many so-called “more serious” films. The use of symbols and metaphors in a movie like this doesn't make it any more superficial. Such films ultimately speak about the same problems and explore the same questions that films that position themselves as psychological explore. It's funny to think that Olivier created New film literally based on a line of dialogue in Sils Maria. In addition, “Personal Shopper” is a genre film, and therefore stands apart from most auteur films. French films. The film is a genre film, but it does not try to scare with ghosts, but instead invites us to reflect on reality. Also, in my opinion, the film puts the most scary question in life: " Am I completely alone or can I get in touch with someone else?«

— What was the most difficult thing about working on “Personal Shopper”?

— I play a lonely, unsociable and extremely sad girl. It was very exhausting to reproduce such an image all the time. Even when we were filming scenes with other actors, I could never really be among them. It was as if they were all ghosts. At that moment I did not consider myself a person in in every sense this word. There could be no interaction between me and others because I didn't really feel like I existed. Because of this, I plunged into an extremely unpleasant painful state. Luckily, I was surrounded by people I love, so I never had to feel alone. I was very lucky. If the atmosphere on the set had not been so positive and friendly, I would definitely have been left exhausted and felt like everything was collapsing around me. In the film, I'm always rushing from one place to another. I am in constant motion. I lost a lot of weight during filming. It was an exhausting process.

Maureen hates both her job as a personal shopper and her rich and famous client. But she can't resist the temptation to try it on fashionable clothes, thereby violating various prohibitions - and gets pleasure from it.

“Maureen is attracted to the same things she hates.” She is worrying personality crisis. I really like that she was not made a feminist, criticizing the superficiality of consumer society. She struggles with herself: Maureen is very attracted to the world where her career is beginning to take shape, but at the same time she is ashamed of this attraction. Sometimes I feel something similar, as we all do to one degree or another. The events of the film are connected with the world modern fashion, but it could have happened in 1930s Hollywood. I don’t know for sure whether things were better or worse then. But people always strive for where everything shines. Like tiny moths.

— “Personal Shopper” takes up the theme of grief. But this is also a story of liberation, a girl trying to find freedom by choosing a very strange path for this.

- Yes. The best periods of my life have always been preceded by misfortune. Moments of peace and bliss often come after disturbing events. You feel more alive if you are faced with death. At the end of the film, even when she didn't find what she was looking for, Maureen was still able to start over.

— How did you prepare for the role of Maureen? How important is it to you? appearance your characters?

- Very important. I wanted people to feel that Maureen is a twin, searching for the same symbiosis that she lost after the death of her brother. So I came up with a very simple, somewhat androgynous look for her. Her appearance also reflects the love/hate relationship between Maureen and the fashion world. Therefore, the choice of clothing was very important. As for preparing for a film, I always read the script once, but then refuse to look at it. This way I learn about new stage directly on the set. I don't need to memorize anything specific for a film. Olivier wanted to start filming a little earlier, so that later I could start filming in the Woody Allen film, where I have the role of a young, charming, feminine and happy girl. But I understood that I would not be able to act in these two films in that order. I realized that after everything I had to go through for the role in Personal Shopper, I would be devastated and not at all likeable! I didn't have to prepare, but I knew where to look for what I needed. I knew where to find the trigger I needed, and all I had to do was pull it. And I was ready to do it for the film.

— You and the “Personal Shopper” film crew worked on the streets of Paris 48 hours before the terrorist attacks on November 13. It's hard not to think about this while watching, the film seems full of tension and disturbing specificity of our times.

— When I watch a film, I tell myself that we all live in our own world, completely absorbed in the things that concern us, and only us. Maureen's attention is so focused on her obsessions that she hardly notices the people around her or her surroundings. She's not actually in Paris, or anywhere else for that matter. It pains me to watch a film in which a character runs up and down Paris, a city that is about to suffer so terribly, and does not experience an ounce of enjoyment. This is very bitter and painful. I hate to say it, but we were really lucky. The day after November thirteenth a new day of filming was supposed to begin, but it was impossible to work. Everything seemed so fake. It's like we were filming in a studio...

— Before you starred in two films with Assayas, what did you know about French cinema?

- I saw several cult paintings, like Breathless (1960) and Jules and Jim (1962). Charles, Olivier and all film crew opened for me new world watching movies and other manifestations of love for cinema. I found a lot of French films on DVD. This is truly a unique experience for American actress- suddenly find yourself part of such a universe. And it's so cool! In Hollywood, everyone shares the same values. Here in France everything is so different and exciting. In the United States, films are made for entertainment and to make money. Auteur or non-commercial films comprise only a very small part of the industry. Ultimately, the directors I like most in the United States are those who share an approach to filmmaking similar to that of European and French directors. In France this approach is not at all the same as in Hollywood. The French are always willing to take risks, while big-budget American films use ready-made and proven plots.