Nikolai Efimovich became the new head of the television and radio broadcasting organization of the union state. We change for you

The question of trust in the famous showman Igor Ugolnikov, who is responsible for information policy in the Union State of Russia and Belarus, will be raised at the next Council of Ministers on March 16 in Brest, said Secretary of State of the Union State Pavel Borodin. Ugolnikov has been chairman of the Union State Broadcasting Organization since May 2006.

The Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State (TRO Union) was created in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus of January 22, 1998. This treaty granted it the right to broadcast programs of the Union of Belarus and Russia and resolved issues related to ensuring its activities.

On October 16, 1998, the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia approved the Charter of the Union's Broadcasting Organization, and also approved the Concept of Broadcasting and Information Policy of the TRO.

By the decision of the Supreme State Council of the Union State of June 27, 2000, it was renamed the Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State.

The Charter of the TRO, brought in accordance with the Treaty on the Establishment of the Union State, and the composition of its board were approved on February 10, 2004 at a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Union State. Funding for TRO was opened in 2000.

The main directions of work of the TRO of the Union in accordance with the Charter of the organization are: further strengthening the relations of brotherhood, friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the member states of the Union State, deepening the integration of two friendly countries, preserving and developing the historical and cultural community fraternal peoples, Creation favorable conditions for the functioning of a single information space, increasing the international authority of the Union State.

In the process of work, the TRO of the Union actively interacts with the Permanent Committee of the Union State, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the Embassies of Belarus in Russia and Russia in Belarus.

In collaboration with creative teams other television companies and radio stations in Russia and Belarus, TRO Union produces thematic television and radio programs and documentaries. TRO Union presents its products at international festivals and exhibitions.

On September 25, 2007, the Russian-Belarusian satellite TV channel TRO began broadcasting, the main founder of which is the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State. The TRO channel was created with the aim of improving information support for the construction of the Union State.

On October 18, 2007, the official opening of the representative office of the Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State took place in Minsk. The representative office coordinates the activities of the TRO of the Union in Belarus, carrying out its work in cooperation with the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus and representative offices of the Union State bodies in Minsk, with national television channels, the Belarusian Telegraph Agency, the National Press Center, leading print media of Belarus and the Union State.

I am glad to see you on the new website of the updated TV channel of the Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State. I hope we like each other. On September 25, 2017, the TRO TV channel, which now bears the name BelRos, turned 10 years old. We are still far from coming of age, but we have already grown out of “short pants”. And we stand firmly on our feet: thanks to our predecessors, who created TRO from scratch, laying the foundation for Union TV. But we need to grow further and move forward to become more competitive in the modern information space. To answer everything modern challenges socio-political, social and cultural agenda. Therefore, we announced a complete rebranding, without which a further qualitative breakthrough is impossible.
So that you go to our website, turn on the BelRos TV channel, tune in to the Union radio and can confidently say: yes, this is what we need, this is our own TV (radio, website), understandable and close. This is what unites us, brings us closer and even makes us closer. And we will try.

BelRos (TRO) has completely new TV program, in which you will also find the talk show “I have a question!” with a discussion of topical problems of integration, and a “Conversation with the Secretary of State” about the most vital things in union life, and “Brotherly Kitchen”, and the program “Our People” - interviews with the most popular politicians, writers and artists. And daily best allied news from constant updating every few hours. And who else, besides us, will tell you about your rights as citizens of the Union State! Where else will you learn about our common tourist routes and vacation spots, and plunge into the secrets of Belovezhskaya Pushcha and Belarusian castles! New films and series have been purchased, film screenings of the “golden fund” of Belarusfilm are planned, good documentaries are being produced at our request, which are now rarely seen anywhere: there is even a partner documentary film festival “Eurasia.doc”. In general, we have an abundance of plans, creativity and new ideas. Be with us! We make the television of the union's dreams!

History of the TV channel

On September 25, 2007, the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State began its own broadcasting on satellite television channel TRO. The creation of the channel made it possible to significantly improve information support for the construction of the Union State. The most important task TRO - dissemination of objective information about the political, economic and socio-cultural life of the Union State. The main components of the channel's broadcasting are information and information - analytical programs. The channel's program package also includes journalistic and cultural educational programs, documentaries, the best Russian and Belarusian films. The TV channel broadcasts around the clock. Today, the channel's potential viewers are about 64 million residents. Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and CIS countries.

On September 25, 2017, the TV channel of the Union State “TRO”, after a rebranding, begins to go on air with a new design and under a new name - “BelRos”. At the same time, the channel’s previous logo remains on air for now, so that viewers can see: the TRO channel has new stage in development. The founder of the channel is still TRO Soyuz (Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State).

In the updated broadcast schedule, the viewer will see a line of programs own production about the life of the Union State, new documentaries and cycles, as well as a fresh selection of feature films, including from the Golden Fund of Belarusfilm

News release times change: 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00 - original releases; 24.00, 03.00, 06.00, 09.00 - repeats. Weather forecasts, exchange rates and other relevant mini-formats will also be broadcast.

We tried to diversify the informational, cultural and entertainment picture of the day so that every viewer could find programs to suit their taste. The rebranding of “TRO” was carried out with the goal of making the channel modern, dynamic and competitive.

The TRO TV channel is included in the packages of the largest cable operators in Moscow: Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS), Akado-Stolitsa CJSC, Centel CJSC and Company 2Com LLC, ROSTELECOM OJSC, NSK CJSC (TRicolor TV) ,JV Kosmos TV, Minsk. The TRO TV channel entered the distribution network of large Russian companies ZAO NTV + and ZAO NKS (National Cable Networks), as well as many Belarusian cable operators.
Broadcasting network development service for the TV channel "TRO"

Broadcasting organization of the Union State

Chairman – Igor Ugolnikov Moscow

The television and radio broadcasting organization of the Union State was founded in 1998 in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The main task of the organization is information support for the construction of the Union State.

Priority areas of activity of TRO of the Union:

‣‣‣ further strengthening of relations of brotherhood, friendship and cooperation between the member states of the Union State;

‣‣‣ deepening the integration of member states of the Union State;

‣‣‣ creating favorable conditions for the functioning of a single information space, ensuring freedom of speech mass media;

‣‣‣ preservation and development of the cultural identity of the peoples of the member states of the Union State, mutual enrichment of cultures, comprehensive harmonious development of the individual;

Behind last years TV and radio programs of TRO Union were presented on the air of the following channels: “Nationwide Television”, “First”, “Capital Television”, “Belarus-TV”, “First National Channel of the Belarusian Radio” (Republic of Belarus); “Russia”, “TV Center”, “Culture”, “Zvezda”, “Ren-TV”, radio “Mayak”, “Radio Rossii” and “Voice of Russia” (Russian Federation).

Since September 2007, the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State began its own broadcasting on the satellite television channel TRO.

TRO is an information and journalistic channel. The TV channel broadcasts informational, analytical, journalistic, cultural and educational programs, as well as documentary and art films. The daily broadcast volume of the TV channel is 24 hours.

On October 18, 2007, the official opening of the representative office of the Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State took place in ᴦ. Minsk. The representative office coordinates the activities of the TRO of the Union in Belarus, carrying out its work in close cooperation with the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus and representative offices of the Union State bodies in ᴦ. Minsk, with national television channels, the Belarusian Telegraph Agency, the National Press Center, leading print media of Belarus and the Union State. Head of the Union's TRO Representative Office in ᴦ. Minsk - Vasily Manyuk.

On April 2, 2009, on the Day of Unity of the Peoples of Belarus and Russia, the website of the Union State Broadcasting Organization and the TRO TV channel began operating on the World Wide Web.

Newspaper "Belarus-Russia Union"

Newspaper ʼʼSoyuz. Belarus – Russiaʼʼ has been published since 1999 and is periodical Council of Ministers of the Union State. Published weekly as a notebook attachment in the newspapers “Sovetskaya Belorussia” (Republic of Belarus) and “Rossiyskaya Gazeta” (Russian Federation). Distributed in all regions of Belarus and Russia with a total circulation of about 650,000 copies.

The priority topics of the newspaper are coverage of the activities of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, the Council of Ministers of the Union State and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the implementation of union programs, the creation of conditions for real equality of citizens of Belarus and Russia in the field of education, labor, medicine, pensions and others social spheres. One of the main thematic areas– development of effective direct connections between individual enterprises and entire regions of both countries. Special attention on the pages of the “Union” is devoted to culture, sports, life coverage ordinary people in the Belarusian and Russian outback.

The Minsk and Moscow editions of the Soyuz work in close contact with the Permanent Committee of the Union State, using the potential of the leading publications of our countries - Sovetskaya Belorussia and Sovetskaya Belorussia Russian newspaperʼʼ, which have enormous authority among readers, as well as great creative and technological capabilities.

Belarusian and Russian journalists publish their articles on the pages of the Union.

Newspaper "Union Assembly"

Official publication of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia. In Belarus it is published as a supplement to the “Narodnaya Gazeta” (circulation 30 thousand copies), in Russia - separate publication(300 thousand copies).

The newspaper has been published since 2000, aimed at covering the activities of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, cooperation between the Parliaments of Belarus and Russia, the activities of union and national public organizations, propaganda of public initiatives for further integration of two fraternal countries and peoples. The newspaper provides various constructive points of view on this or that problem in the life of the Union State.

The pages of the “Union Assembly” are a kind of discussion club in which politicians, scientists, parliamentarians, and ordinary readers express different, often polar, points of view about political, economic, social processes, taking place in the vastness of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

Television and radio broadcasting organization of the Union State - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Broadcasting Organization of the Union State" 2017, 2018.

Union State Television famous Russian journalist, a native of the Gomel region Nikolai Efimovich took over two months ago. He told the SV observer about the reform of the main Russian-Belarusian media resource

Photo from personal archive


- New leadership almost always means change. What's next for the channel?

- Why exactly this date?

Firstly, from September on all channels after the summer lull, new season. And secondly, on September 25, TRO turns ten years old. A beautiful date, a good reason to start a new stage in the life of Union television.

We must pay tribute to the former team, which was headed by the famous producer and director Igor Ugolnikov for many years. When they started, there was simply no Union TV channel as such. The broadcasting organization had only a certain amount of airtime on radio and TV in the two countries. But this approach did not justify itself. As a result, a separate Russian-Belarusian channel appeared with its own concept and technical base.
But life does not stand still. The existing SRW of the Union has reached its ceiling. To respond to current challenges - informational, political, and economic - a serious reset, a powerful breakthrough is required.

- How does TRO look after the restart?

Modern, attractive, dynamic, balanced. At the same time, we strive - in the very in the best sense this word - to promote the experience of union construction. And yet - it should be TV that you want to watch.

Every day on Russian channels they discuss hot relations with Ukraine, but is Belarus less important for Moscow?! TRO is the only media resource that daily and fully covers the life of the Union State, talks about our history and culture, about our common future. We have our own unique information niche. And this must be actively used.

However, the level does not yet reach not only the central channels, but also, say, the interstate television and radio company Mir, the main television channel of the CIS. We are not going to set ourselves the task of catching up and overtaking large channels. This is pointless, given such a meager budget ration as that of TRO. And according to the charter, we do not have the right to place advertisements.

Although, it seems to me, it would be quite logical to promote union products on our airwaves. “BelAZ”, “MAZ”, tractors “Belarus”, delicious meat and dairy products... And the union sanatoriums and rest homes, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Braslav lakes, agricultural estates? This will only strengthen the union economy, a single tourist space, and work for the positive image of our Union. In this matter, I hope for the support of the deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly, our Standing Committee.


- What is the channel’s audience today?

Technically, we have 64 million potential viewers. The figure is, of course, pleasing to the eye and ear. But the number of potential viewers can include everyone who is connected to digital television... I recently installed a new digital TV package at home so that Belarusian channels would be present there - there are so many names, more than 160: this is possible from morning to evening click the remote control! In such a television sea, finding your niche and your viewer is very difficult. We need to become a really recognizable channel, with a real audience.

Today TRO is present in all major national networks in both countries. In Belarus there is a social package of TV channels, for access to which you do not have to pay. We set ourselves the task of getting there. And not just, as they say, through pull, but by offering necessary and interesting new content. After all, we were destined to be included in the social package. Firstly, TRO is the only union television resource (who else if not us!), and secondly, there is a very warm attitude towards our channel in Belarus.


What will you name the boat...

- If the TRO is being updated on all fronts, maybe the name should be changed?

This is the first question my colleagues and friends ask me. The current name - TRO - stands for "Television for the sake of society." But I would like people to immediately understand that this is Belarusian-Russian television, which brings us closer, unites us, simply makes us closer. So we are looking for a bright, catchy word that would give rise to such associations.

The simplest thing that comes to mind is Soyuz, but such a channel already exists in Yekaterinburg, and even with a representative office in the capital. So we'll brainstorm and hopefully by September we'll have a new name, a new logo and design. And, of course, a new website. Without it, it’s generally difficult to imagine normal channel promotion.



- How will the channel change?

Within the budget, TRO does not have the capabilities of its own production: but this is just a common thing, almost all modern TV channels resort to outsourcing in one way or another. The question is how the partners work, what quality of production is offered.

Remember last week: a meeting between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko is taking place in St. Petersburg, and there is a terrorist attack in the metro. These two events dramatically change the information picture of the day.

But we could not immediately broadcast footage from St. Petersburg, because this is how the work of the company that makes news for us works: for many years in a row they were focused on non-operational stories. What kind of Union TV channel is this if it cannot promptly show the main newsmakers of the Union State?! That day we really got on each other’s nerves, but we achieved our goal: in the late afternoon, current materials from St. Petersburg appeared on the air. And even later - a report on the negotiations between the presidents...

We are currently negotiating with partners who will supply us with modern, timely news and produce a high-quality information and analytical program based on the results of the week. The broadcast network will be radically updated: socio-political, journalistic programs, and entertainment line-up.

- Will there be room in it for the good things that are now on the channel?

Of course, the best of the previous team’s work will remain: one of TRO’s features, for example, has always been interesting documentaries. Now we have a lot of proposals from people who make decent documentaries. We will expand this line, plus update content for family viewing.

- Will you interact with other allied media?

Where should we go?! I myself headed the newspaper “Union Veche”: we all, as they say, came out of the same overcoat. But seriously, today the Union State sets itself the task of fully developing a single information space. We will have a “Press Club” program (the name is still working) - once a week we will invite journalists from other allied media. It is very important not just to talk about the successes of integration and blood ties between our countries. Analysis, including critical analysis, is required in order to move forward effectively.

Help "SV"

TRO is a 24-hour public information and journalistic television channel. It can be watched as part of satellite packages in Russia and Belarus, as well as online on the Internet. The task of TRO is to disseminate objective information about the political, economic and socio-cultural life of the Union State.

Nikolai Efimovich is a professional journalist, educated at the Faculty of Journalism of BSU in Minsk. He was his own correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda in Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, since 1997 - works at Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moscow. He worked his way up from editor of the economics department to first deputy head of the most popular newspaper in the Russian Federation and editor-in-chief of the Soyuznoe Veche newspaper.

Nikolai Efimovich is not only the organizer of the process of creating media, but also remains an actively writing journalist. Many readers remember his publications about Maya Plisetskaya, from which the book “Maya Plisetskaya: the most candid interviews great ballerina."

The theme of the Union State is very close to Nikolai Efimovich - he himself is from Belarus, he headed the newspaper "Union Assembly" and became one of the organizers of the Russian-Belarusian expert club, which became a noticeable phenomenon in the socio-political life of the Union State. Nikolai Efimovich collaborates with the magazine “Union State” and actively participates in Belarusian media forums in Minsk.


  • Television and Radio Broadcasting Organization of the Union State (TRO Union) was created in accordance with the Treaty between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus of January 22, 1998. On September 25, 2007, the Broadcasting Organization of the Union State began its own broadcasting on the TRO satellite television channel.
  • The most important task of the TRO is the dissemination of objective information about the political, economic and socio-cultural life of the Union State. The main component of the channel's broadcasting is information and information-analytical programs. The channel's programming package also includes journalistic and cultural-educational programs, documentaries, and the best Russian and Belarusian films. The TV channel broadcasts around the clock. Today, the potential viewers of the channel are about 64 million residents of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and the CIS countries. The TRO TV channel is included in the packages of the largest cable operators in Moscow: Mobile TeleSystems OJSC (MTS), Akado-Stolitsa CJSC, Centel CJSC and Company 2Com LLC, ROSTELECOM OJSC, NSK CJSC (TRicolor TV) ,JV Kosmos TV, Minsk. In the near future, the TRO TV channel will enter the distribution network of large Russian companies ZAO NTV + and ZAO NKS (National Cable Networks), as well as many Belarusian cable operators.
  • In the process of work, the TRO of the Union actively interacts with the Permanent Committee of the Union State, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, the Embassies of Belarus in Russia and Russia in Belarus.

Efimovich Nikolai Alexandrovich
  • Born on November 7, 1960 in Belarus - in the Gomel region.
  • In 1978 he graduated from Milevichi high school in the Gomel region and entered the Faculty of Journalism of the Belarusian state university In Minsk. After graduating from university, from 1983 to 1991 he worked as a journalist in Belarusian and Russian media.
  • Since 1992 - Komsomolskaya Pravda’s own correspondent for Kursk, Belgorod and Oryol regions, since 1994 - own correspondent for Nizhny Novgorod region. In February 1997, he was transferred to the staff of the central editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda in Moscow as editor of the economics department.
  • Since 2007, deputy editor-in-chief, since 2013 - first deputy editor-in-chief of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
  • Since June 2015 Chief Editor newspaper of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia “Union Veche”. Since March 2016, in connection with the entry into force of the Belarusian quota for the position of editor-in-chief, he became the first deputy editor-in-chief of the “Union Veche”. On his initiative, a Russian-Belarusian club of experts was created at the newspaper, which became a noticeable phenomenon in the socio-political life of the Union State.
  • Married. Wife Irina works as an analyst in the government unitary enterprise"Moscow House of Books". The daughter is an employee of the Faculty of Journalism of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

Photo: Mikhail Frolov