Brotherly peoples - for peace! Kayal readings. A Word about Igor's Campaign Kayal Readings

On May 16, in the village of Pogorelovo, Belokalitvinsky district, Rostov region, the now traditional Kayal readings were held. The event is dedicated to the heroic victory of Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky over the Polovtsian Khan Konchak. According to legend, this historical battle took place here.

Despite the periodic downpour, the event, as before, attracted several thousand spectators. Among them, in addition to residents of the Don, there were representatives of Belarus and Ukraine, as well as many constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This year, the Kayal Readings were also attended by guests from new constituent entities of Russia - the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

On the same day, a friendly football match took place in the city of Belaya Kalitva between the Government of the Rostov Region and the State Council of the Republic of Crimea, dedicated to the anniversary of the reunification of the peninsula with Russia, as well as the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

For all visitors to the Kayal readings, kitchens of the peoples of the world worked, military history clubs and creative groups performed, and everyone could purchase products of folk craftsmen.

As always, the most long-awaited and spectacular part of the event was the reconstruction of the battle between Prince Igor’s troops and the Polovtsians.

Photo 1. Warm-up before the battle

Photo 2. Grand opening of the Kayal readings. Raising friendship flags.

Photo 3. Speech by the founder and organizer of the event V.V. Lukyanov.

Photo 4. Performance of creative groups

Photo 5. Performance of creative groups

Photo 6. Event participants

Photo 7. Event participants

Photo 8. Spectators

Photo 9. Memorial cross

Photo 10. Event participants

Photo 11. Battle

Photo 12. Battle

Photo 13. Kalitva River

Isn’t it time for us, brothers, to start talking about Igor’s campaign, so that in an ancient speech we can tell about the deeds of the daring prince?

From time immemorial, these territories have attracted people with their fertile lands, cozy corners of nature, and extraordinary landscape. And now, among the just over four hundred people who inhabit the small village of Pogorelov, Belokalitvinsky district, there are descendants of fraternal peoples. Kayala, Kayala readings. What it is? It can be heard here and there in the crowd of guests arriving from all directions. Kayala is a river that is now called Kalitva. In the distant times of the Middle Ages, when, according to one of the legends, Prince Igor came to its shores, it was just as deep and beautiful.

This year the holiday, for which guests from all over Russia and abroad come to the Pogorelov farm, is taking place for the 16th time. The International Kayal Readings are dedicated to the monument of Old Russian culture “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”. The holding of such events is an example of the formation of platforms for international communication and the preservation of historical memory.

The start of the grandiose events was given at the farm church. Welcoming words from the honored guests, the organizers of the project - the leadership of the Association for International Social and Cultural Cooperation of Social Scientists "Our World", and now, in a couple of minutes, the delegation goes to the exhibition of children's art works "Young Talents of the Fatherland". The project for this exhibition at Igor’s Field began to be implemented five years ago. At first, the paintings were hung on the wall of the House of Culture; later, through the efforts of local residents, a corner was opened for the exhibition. Today, the work of pupils of children's assistance centers from Volgodonsk, Tatsinsky, Belokalitvinsky and other districts of the Rostov region is presented here. Through children's creativity, the world can be seen with different eyes, say the meeting participants.

Valentin Tsembal has been coming here for more than 12 years in a row. The path from Zaporozhye this time was not easy. The ataman was examined at the border for about 4 hours.

Valentin Tsembal, ataman of the glorious army of Zaporozhye and Nizovoy: “Given the situation that we have in our country...”.

Valentin Tsembal will not refuse such trips from Dnepropetrovsk in the future, no matter what. After all, a person who comes from distant lands has a fateful relationship with the places of Prince Igor’s campaigns.

Valentin Tsembal: “Twelve years ago I was invited here to a celebration...”

A stone's throw from the exhibition, the opening of a monument in honor of the residents of the Pogorelov farm who heroically died during the Great Patriotic War. The memorial was consecrated by Bishop Korniliy of Volgodonsk and Salsky. His words are addressed not only to the exploits of 70 years ago. The clergyman also recalls the times of the Middle Ages. This is no coincidence. Unite disparate territories, unite against a common enemy, fight for peace, as Igor Novgorod-Seversky did. Many of the participants in the Kayal readings are confident that the principles of the ancient Russian prince can be implemented today.

Mikhail Bespalov, First Deputy Ataman of the Cossack military society “The Great Don Army”: The most important thing is to be in unity... Chairman of the “Union of Belarusians of the Don” Vladimir Bantsevich has lived in the Rostov region for quite a long time. But Vladimir Nikolaevich spent his childhood in Belarusian Polesie.

Vladimir Bantsevich, chairman of the regional public organization “Union of Belarusians of the Don”: “Then there were very difficult times, after the devastation, people flocked here as if to Virgin Lands... Speaking for the cause of uniting peoples, Vladimir Bantsevich brought to life the idea of ​​peace and the preservation of historical memory.”

Vasily Lukyanov, head of the organizing committee of the International Kayal Readings: “We must honor the memory...”.

The socio-ethnic center “Igorevo Pole” is located in wide open spaces. From year to year, the organizers of the Kayal Readings project hold sports games, exhibitions, and performances by cadet corps here. And now, children from seven Cossack schools and students of the Belokalitvinsky Cadet Corps named after Platov became participants in shooting and flanking. Young Army members assemble and disassemble machine guns. The head of Donts, Dmitry Suvorov, was also invited to judge the competition using the GTO system. Shakhtynets heads the Cherkasy division of this Cossack youth organization.

Dmitry Suvorov: “The guys showed good results, received prizes…”.

According to one version, it was in these places that the battle between the squad of Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky and the Polovtsian Khan Konchak took place.

The campaigns led by Prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians are interesting. Almost always he won victories, but on the banks of the Kayala River the Russian army encountered the main forces of the enemy. The prince was captured, but he was able to escape. It was this campaign that served as the basis for the creation of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

So that the four suns do not sparkle,

Illuminating Igor's army,

There will be thunder on Kayal today,

Rain and lash with arrows!

Tatyana Kutko, representative of the equestrian club “Cavalry” (Kamensk-Shakhtinsky): “We are making our way into the enemy’s camp, I am an archer...”

Kirill Borodavchenko, representative of the Cossack club “Stanitsa” (Rostov-on-Don): “Today I represent the side of the Polovtsians...”.

Reconstruction of ancient events embodied in speeches at public events is only the tip of the iceberg, admits Kirill Borodavchenko. The main goal of participating in such projects is to reproduce a real historical battle of the Middle Ages. The battle is what is called “full contact”, without restrictions. Of course, in such a battle it is unacceptable to strike with swords.

Kirill Borodavchenko: “This is the opening of the season...”

Anna Pokidysheva, representative of the “Wolf Squad” club (Armavir): “Everything is being brought out, sources are being looked for...”.

Our husbands are engaged in reconstruction, says Anna. Initially, wives came exclusively to support their warriors. They offered to participate - I liked it. Now they will definitely come here more than once, the representatives of the fair half of the Rosichs promised.

Anna Pokidysheva: “This is the history, the traditions of our ancestors...”

Body, shoulder pads, biceps, underarmor clothing, helmet, gloves. This is the main set of armor for each participant in the battle.

The armor that I’m wearing now is called “Torzhok”. It is assembled from steel plates that are found in the area. Weighs about 8.5 kilograms and this is only part of the warrior’s attire. In total, he wears up to 30 kilograms of armor in battle.

This is exactly how much Alexander Ozerov’s vestments weigh. It is made of millimeter-thick steel, which increases reliability, but does not improve maneuverability. Despite this, you need to manage not only to run fast, but also to dodge enemy attacks.

Alexander Ozerov, representative of the Galician Dvor club (Krasnodar): “This is armor from the 13th century...”.

The set of armor of a Novgorod warrior of the 14th century is worn by Vladimir Gulevsky. He became a participant in the Kayal Readings for only the second time, and even in this matter he is still considered a novice. But Rosichi acquired the clothes in which the brave men fought long before such trips. And now Vladimir gives recommendations on the selection and manufacture of armor from the position of an experienced reenactor.

Vladimir Gulevsky, representative of the Tanaseich Club (Taganrog): “It all depends on how busy the blacksmith is...”.

There is a unique place in the Rostov region - the site of the supposed battle between the army of Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky and the army of the Polovtsian Khan Konchak. This place is described by the Prophetic Boyan in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (“The prophetic Boyan, whoever wants to create a song...”) and is called the main attraction of the surroundings of the city of Belaya Kalitva in the Rostov region.

In these places, in the area of ​​the Pogorelov farm, the annual International Kayal Readings dedicated to the “Word...” are held.

Let us recall that “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” - the most famous monument of ancient Russian literature and culture in general - describes the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians of Novgorod-Seversky Prince Igor Svyatoslavich in alliance with Vsevolod, Vladimir and Svyatoslav Olgovich (1185).

According to the time of writing, “The Word...” is attributed to the year 1187-1188. The original monument was lost during the Moscow fire in 1812.

Since 2002, the International Kayal Readings dedicated to the monument of ancient Russian history “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” have been held in the Rostov region.

On May 20, 2017, a prayer service will be held in the Pogorelov farmstead; opening of an exhibition of children's art works made by pupils of orphanages and boarding schools; opening of the obelisk to the Pogorelov underground workers; opening of the World of the Horse competition, the village of Kayalskaya (Kayalsky Stan), laying the path of sports fame with the participation of Don football veterans.

Grand opening of the event.

The central event will traditionally be Novgorod-Seversky with the army of the Polovtsian Khan Konchak.

The event program includes:

    awarding the winners of the essay competition,

    tournament “Bogatyrs of Kayaly” (with the participation of Don football veterans),

    festival of folk art masters, master classes,

    national cuisines (special area),

    children's festival of creative groups “Stork.

    competition of school history clubs “Prophetic Boyan”,

    forgotten crafts of the 12th century (ViKov camp),

    Gala Concert.

The holding of the Kayal readings is a striking example of preserving the historical memory of the people and developing the territory of interethnic communication.

Program of events XVI International Kayal Readings May 20, 2017
Pogorelov village, Belokalitvinsky districtRostov region

8.30-9.10 Prayer service (Spiritual-patriotic complex “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”)

09.30 Opening of the exhibition of children's art works "Young Talents of the Fatherland" (orphanages, boarding schools in the Rostov region, National Unity Park).

    10.30 Opening of the obelisk to the Pogorelov underground workers (75 years since the tragic events - above the National Unity Park).

    11.20 Opening of the Horse World competition (above National Unity Park).

    11.50 Presentation of the "Kayalsky Stan" site (crafts, cuisine, creativity of the Don Cossacks) (above the National Unity Park)

    12.20 Reading competition “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

    13.00 Planting a sports alley (National Unity Park).

    13.30 Grand opening of the event (Embankment).

    14.00 Military-historical festival (battle of the squad of Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky with the Polovtsian Khan Konchak).

    15.00 Forgotten crafts of the 12th century (visit to the camp of military history clubs).

    16.00 Children's festival "Stork" (performances of children's folklore groups).

    17.00 Performance by creative folk groups (stage).

    17.30 Demonstration performances of military history clubs (stage).

    18.30 Performance of folk groups.

    19.10 Gala concert with the participation of folk and pop groups.

    And also during the day:

    • Festival of folk art masters, master classes(embankment).

      Animation areas, sports games.

      Summing up the results of the school essay competition.

      Competition "People's Life".

      Tournament “Bogatyrs of Kayaly” (with the participation of veterans of Don football in Belaya Kalitva)

      Competition of school historical clubs “Prophetic Boyan”.

    Prepared using materials from the Readings organizing committee

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