Rara avis open criticism. What is criticism

The impact of ethyl alcohol on a person’s psycho-emotional state has been known since ancient times, as has alcohol itself. They drink alcohol to relax and calm down. However, after a glass or two, someone comes into a complacent mood, while others fall into a state that can be described as alcoholic aggression.

Causes of aggressive behavior while intoxicated

Scientists have conducted studies that examined the possible causes of aggressive behavior in the state. As a result, several theories have been put forward.

  1. Return to primitive state
    Ethyl alcohol is toxic to the body and has a strong effect on the cells of the central and peripheral nervous system. Penetrating into the brain, alcohol provokes massive death of its neurons. The ability to control one’s actions and analyze one’s own and others’ actions decreases. A person cannot fully assess the situation and respond adequately. Our brain is a complex structure that has undergone various transformations during evolution. The ancient brain was the very first to form, it makes us similar to representatives of the animal world, and is responsible for instincts, unconditioned reflexes and emotions. The human brain cortex occupies more than 40% of its total volume, which is not found in any other representative of the earth's fauna. Most the cortex makes up the neocortex - new brain. This structure is everything that we acquire throughout life, all knowledge and skills, including the ability to self-control. Under the influence of ethanol, the inhibitory functions of the cortex are weakened, and the ancient subcortical parts of the brain come to the fore, forcing a person to react and think quite primitively , including demonstrating aggression. For our ancestors, such behavior was normal and served as a guarantee of survival, and the acquisition of the neocortex during evolution made us “civilized.” Under the influence of alcohol, the control of the new brain is weakened, and the person returns to a primitive state, where only force can resolve emerging issues.
  2. Intoxication
    There are other theories that explain aggression during alcohol intoxication. According to one of them, a person begins to demonstrate such behavior at a certain stage of alcohol intoxication. At the first stage of intoxication, people feel uplifted and experience slight euphoria. Continuing to drink, a person falls into a state of despondency, apathy, and becomes irritable. It is in the second phase of intoxication that, according to psychologists, aggressive behavior can manifest itself.
  3. Distorted Perception
    According to another theory, aggression manifests itself in a drunk in response to an external irritating factor. Moreover, it can be both real and misinterpreted due to perception distorted under the influence of alcohol. Old grievances may resurface, and a person may experience jealousy, anger, and irritation. Under the influence of negative emotions, any provocation from others is taken as an impetus to demonstrate aggression. Do not forget that others may also be intoxicated and react inappropriately. This is how people find a reason to insult or fight, as they say, “out of the blue.”
  4. Mental lability
    In addition, reception alcoholic drinks can provoke an outburst of negative emotions in people with a labile psyche, prone to impulsive actions, conflict-ridden people, and those with other characteristics of character and behavior.

Factors influencing manifestations of aggression while intoxicated

It has been proven that people who are dependent on alcohol are more likely to demonstrate aggressive behavior while intoxicated. Drinking alcohol by a person who does not suffer from alcoholism rarely leads to aggression. Even able severe intoxication he does not show negative emotions, but, as a rule, goes to sleep.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

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The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

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In alcoholics, as a result of constant ethanol poisoning, massive death of neurons occurs. In the second and third stages of addiction, there is a decrease in intellectual abilities and moral degradation. Such people radically change their ideas about what is permissible and what is unacceptable; they can commit any crime without thinking about the consequences.

In addition to alcoholism, the following conditions can affect the tendency to aggression:

  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • mental disorders characterized by deviant behavior;
  • character traits that are not a deviation from the norm (impulsiveness, quarrelsomeness, rudeness);
  • low culture, lack of education, low level of intelligence;
  • state of being strong nervous tension, depression.

Types and dangers of alcoholic aggression

As a result of the weakening of the inhibitory functions of the cerebral cortex under the influence of alcohol, a person is not able to predict the consequences of his behavior, and therefore can commit any illegal actions. Psychology reviews different kinds aggressive behavior:

  • physical – a person commits violent acts against others using force;
  • verbal – a drunk insults others, shouts, provokes others;
  • altruistic - a distorted perception of what is happening forces a person to protect someone from danger, and sometimes in the absence of a real threat;
  • directed towards oneself, and not outward - a drunk person tries to harm himself; this type includes suicide attempts while intoxicated, drunk driving.

People with alcohol addiction, as a rule, have many problems: in the family, at work. Drinking alcohol exacerbates a negative perception of life and contributes to the outburst of suppressed emotions. Such people seek solace in alcohol, but in reality they only make more problems.

According to statistics, the most severe and brutal crimes committed while intoxicated. A person whose actions are dictated by the ancient brain is guided only by instinct, negative emotions, while completely unable to adequately assess the possible consequences. Law enforcement officials have noticed that the more brutally a crime is committed, the more likely it is that it was committed under the influence of alcohol.

Police statistics show that the most common people who are intoxicated are:

  • commit attacks and violent acts against others, display sexual aggression;
  • cause material damage, damage property that does not belong to them;
  • terrorize family members both mentally and physically.

At the same time, men are more prone to demonstrate aggressive behavior. This makes the situation even more dangerous for the drinker’s family, since males have greater physical strength. If the husband and father are prone to aggressive behavior while intoxicated, it is necessary to look for ways to deal with such manifestations.

How to calm an aggressive alcoholic

The difficulty is that distorted perception and inability to adequately assess what is happening make it difficult to explain to a drunk person the danger of his behavior. Verbal influences do not bring results. Appealing to conscience is useless, insisting on treatment, convincing is also useless.

Psychologists advise using one of the behavioral strategies to calm an aggressive drunk person.

The listed methods can help temporarily, once. This behavior works against verbal aggression, but will not help if the drunk is prone to violent actions.

If there is a problem of alcoholism, then it needs to be solved radically.

Treatment of aggression during alcohol intoxication

Treatment is necessary when alcohol use and aggressive behavior become recurrent. In this case, it is very difficult to overcome the addiction on your own.

Decision-making must occur soberly, since a person needs to fully understand the problem. The difficulty is that people dependent on alcohol do not believe that they are sick and do not intend to be treated. Therefore, it is very important to convince a person that only stopping drinking alcohol will save his family from destruction and will allow him not to lose his job.

If an alcoholic does not give in to persuasion, continues to drink, behave aggressively, and cause moral and physical suffering to his family, then you can try medications that reduce the craving for alcohol. They can be bought on the Internet or in a pharmacy and given secretly from the drinker. The effectiveness of such treatment is controversial, since such methods do not always help.

Perhaps the following facts will help convince the aggressor to give up alcohol:

  • every fourth traffic accident in Russia occurs due to the fault of a drunk driver;
  • two thirds of crimes are committed by drunk people;
  • Excessive alcohol consumption causes severe damage to the central nervous system and liver, 80% of which are fatal.

Treatment is carried out by an experienced narcologist who will select a therapy program. The choice of technique depends on the degree of alcoholism, duration of abuse, age and general condition of the alcoholic. Treatment is carried out both with the help of medications and with the use of psychotherapeutic techniques.

Support from family and friends is of great importance. They must take an active part in treatment and support the person morally. After all, if a person behaves aggressively while intoxicated, then they are interested in getting rid of him alcohol addiction, first of all, members of his family.

Very often, relatives of someone suffering from alcoholism are faced with the fact that a calm, good-natured person, after taking a certain amount of alcohol, becomes aggressive, begins to make trouble, and may resort to assault.

Alcoholization is a fertile ground for the implementation of aggressive actions. This is due to the disinhibiting effect of alcohol, with the fact that a person who is intoxicated is unable to adequately control his behavior. Alcohol intake leads to a decrease in prognostic functions and the development of psychopathological disorders, which in turn leads to changes in behavior.

Aggression is understood as behavior that is aimed at causing psychological or physical harm, up to and including the destruction of the object that caused the attack of aggression.

Aggression occurs as a response to stress, physical or psychological discomfort, or a state of frustration. Aggressive behavior may pursue the goal of increasing one’s own status through self-affirmation.

It is customary to highlight following types aggression: physical, verbal, direct, indirect, instrumental, altruistic, auto-aggression.

  • Physical aggression is expressed by the use of physical force.
  • Verbal aggression manifests itself verbally.
  • Indirect aggression is directed at a hostile person in a roundabout way.
  • Direct aggression is directly directed against someone or something. Instrumental aggression is a means to an end.
  • Altruistic aggression is aimed at protecting others from someone else's aggressive actions.
  • Auto-aggression manifests itself in self-accusation, self-deprecation, self-harm, even suicide

The German psychiatrist G. Ammon developed the idea of ​​three forms of aggression, closely related to personality traits and intrapersonal qualities of the individual. These include:

  • a constructive form that is socially acceptable, expressed in the individual’s ability to resist harmful influences.
  • a destructive form associated with violation of moral and ethical standards, deformation and destruction of relationships with others. With this form, deviant and delinquent behavioral components are present. Important role played by personality disorders (psychopathological, sociopathic, etc.)
  • Deficient form of manifestation of aggression. This form of aggression is characterized by low level social activity, insufficient development of behavioral skills.

Modern research indicates that aggression associated with alcoholism is the result of a complex interaction between sociocultural and individual biological factors. The presence and severity of aggressive manifestations while intoxicated depends on the following factors:

  • pathological personality structure
  • suffered traumatic brain injuries
  • mental illness

The presence of at least one of the above factors in a person when drinking alcohol increases the risk of anger, anger, increased conflict, and impulsive actions. Increases the risk of developing aggressive behavior.

The appearance of unmotivated aggression while intoxicated should be considered as a reason to stop drinking alcohol; if it is impossible to do this on your own, you should seek drug treatment.

Criticism is something that can easily be avoided by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. Aristotle put it so categorically back in his ancient times. That is, criticism is like politics - if you don’t criticize yourself, then someone will criticize you. Every day people are faced with expressing feelings and evaluating the results of not only their actions.

Criticism - what is it?

You can often hear “I can’t stand criticism of myself” or “this critic spoke favorably of the film.” And there are many other phrases in which the word criticism, which comes from the ancient Greek language, appears. Kritikos to the Greeks meant “the art of dismantling.” Criticism is:

  1. Making a judgment about the merits of something.
  2. Blaming, searching for mistakes.
  3. The art of analyzing and evaluating artistic work.

Who is a critic?

A critic is not only a person who judges and evaluates, it is also a specialty. A professional critic analyzes works of art:

  • literary;
  • musical;
  • theatrical;
  • architectural;
  • cinematic.

For him, to criticize is to weigh all aspects - to consider the methods of conveying the material, to evaluate the extent to which the author managed to achieve his goal, whether the chosen means are justified. A good critic has mastery over the subject he is examining. A famous cultural critic was the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. He wrote critical essays on religion, morality, contemporary art and science.

Criticism - psychology

Criticism in psychology - subject great interest. Psychology studies the cognitive and emotional effects of criticism. Psychologists are interested in:

  1. The intentions that people have for criticism.
  2. The impact that criticism has on people.
  3. How people react to criticism and how they deal with it.
  4. Forms of criticism.
  5. Denial of criticism.

For psychologists, criticism is a form of ego defense. They found that people who tended to constantly evaluate others were often criticized during childhood, when it hurt the most. Children under seven years of age in the phrase “you good boy, but this bad behavior"They see only the second part. Any criticism, even very mild, means to a child that he is bad and unworthy.

Is criticism good or bad?

Criticism is good if you have a positive attitude towards it. This is an important life skill. Every person is subject to criticism, sometimes professional criticism. Sometimes it is difficult to accept, but it all depends on the reaction. You can use criticism:

  • in a positive way, which leads to improvement;
  • negative, which reduces self-esteem and causes stress, anger or even aggression.

What kind of criticism is there?

There are many types of criticism. They differ in the scope of use, the method of presentation and perception, and the goals they pursue. Criticism happens:

  1. Aesthetic. About beauty and ugliness, taste and bad taste, style and fashion, the meaning and quality of a work.
  2. Logical. An idea, argument, action, or situation that makes no rational sense.
  3. Actual. About the lack of sufficient evidence.
  4. Positive. About positive but ignored aspects. Often people only see the negative side of something, so there is a need to highlight the positive. Often used for self-defense and justification.
  5. Negative. About what is wrong and meaningless. Expresses disapproval, disagreement and highlights shortcomings. Often interpreted as an attack.
  6. Practical. About the beneficial effect.
  7. Theoretical. About the meaning of the ideas on which practice is based.

There are many types of criticism - it is an integral part of almost all areas human life. But the most famous two types are destructive criticism. Indeed, no matter how many variants of criticism exist, they can all be divided into these two “camps”. The difference between constructive and destructive criticism lies in the way the judgment is presented.

Constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is intended to identify mistakes and help what, where and how to improve. It should be considered useful feedback. When criticism is constructive, it is usually easier to accept, even if it hurts a little. It is important to remember that it can be used to your advantage. Therefore, when releasing criticism towards someone, it is worth thinking about what benefit it will bring. Rules for constructive criticism:

  1. Follow the "sandwich" method: first focus on strengths, then - the disadvantages, and at the end - a repetition of the advantages and possible positive results after eliminating the disadvantages.
  2. Focus on the situation, not the situation.
  3. Make your feedback specific.
  4. Give recommendations on how to do better.
  5. Avoid sarcasm.

Destructive criticism

Destructive criticism hurts pride and negatively affects self-esteem and deprives confidence. Destructive criticism is sometimes simply a thoughtless action by another person, but can also be deliberately mean, and in some cases lead to anger and aggression. Types of destructive criticism:

  1. Bias. The critic does not admit that he may be wrong.
  2. Nebula. The assessment is given without specifics.
  3. Irrelevance. The arguments are irrelevant.
  4. Contempt. Expressing judgments in a rude manner.
  5. Unsubstantiated. Without examples or justifications.
  6. Sweepingness. Rejection of alternative points of view.

How to criticize correctly?

There are two types of critical behavior:

  1. A person objectively weighs the pros and cons, and then makes a conclusion.
  2. The critic makes judgments based on emotions.

The latter is often associated with cruelty. Criticism in this case stems from an internal feeling of dissatisfaction and a continuous effort to resist it. A person who tends to be “emotionally” critical tries to increase their self-esteem by denying the value of another person. Such criticism is based on arrogance and is a relationship killer.

The golden rule that psychologists recommend adhering to is “Respect the person. Focus criticism on the behavior that needs to be changed - on what people actually do and say." In any case, no matter what criticism comes your way, you need to remember that it can be extremely useful if you remember:

  1. Criticism is a form of communication. By accepting criticism, you receive feedback, and with it the opportunity to improve for the better.
  2. Feedback helps you improve. If you always think you're right without getting feedback from anyone, how do you know if you're right?
  3. Correct criticism gives you an advantage. This is especially true in the professional sphere if the client can tell what ideal product or service he needs.
  4. You need to respond to criticism correctly - language is very important. It's better not to get into an argument.
  5. There is no need to take criticism, even if it seems extremely unfair, to heart.

Artists from different countries will answer the question of how to draw historical comics and not screw it up

April 7 at 15:00 at the Museum of Moscow portal “Rara Avis. Open criticism» (rara-rara.ru) as part of the 17th Moscow International Festival of Drawing Stories “KomMissia” is organizing a discussion “How to draw historical comics and not screw it up?”

The meeting will be attended by artist, author of a textbook on comics Ilpo Koskela (Finland), comics artist, Chief Editor comic magazine Aargh! Tomas Prokupek (Czech Republic), artist, coordinator of the project dedicated to Armenian caricature, Badabada Tigran Arakelyan (Armenia), artist and art director of the KomMissia festival Alexey Iorsh (Russia). Moderator - founder and editor-in-chief of the Rara Avis portal Alena Bondareva.

Participants will discuss who draws comics about history and why. Is superficial knowledge about the chosen era enough or do you need to study history in depth? What mistakes do beginning comic book artists make when depicting historical events two hundred years ago? And how to draw what happened just two years ago? Are there life hacks? Is it important, and most importantly, is it possible, to have an unbiased assessment of what happened?

"Historical comics are special genre, requiring from the artist special attention to the details and circumstances of previous eras. Usually work on such a comic is preceded by serious research not only on the Internet, but also in museums, working with scientific literature. Artists painting on historical topics They often “get sick” of material history and at the same time engage in reconstruction and collecting,” noted comics artist and art director of the KomMissia festival Alexey Iorsh.

Moscow international festival hand-drawn stories "Kommissia" (kommissia.ru) - one of the largest domestic comics festivals is held in the Russian state library for young people. The festival has been successfully introducing Russian readers to the ninth art form for several years.