Beautiful birthday cards for woman and dad. Card for dad

Congratulations format:

A loving father is always a symbol of reliability, masculinity, and decency for his offspring. He will definitely come to the rescue, give practical advice, without hesitation he will lend his shoulder in difficult times, and rejoice at the children’s successes. Dad's birthday is a significant date for household members. All family members, young and old, try to congratulate the head of the family. Modern technologies make it possible on such an important day to express joy to your father on his birthday and express wishes dear person. Virtual congratulations from a daughter, son, containing beautiful pictures, warm lines, the hero of the occasion will watch with great pleasure several times, and proudly demonstrate to friends and colleagues. Such a message is guaranteed not to be deleted; it can delight the recipient for a long time and evoke in him a whole range of vivid emotions.

Congratulations in verse and prose:

A small child cannot yet send congratulations to his dad on his own. His mother will be happy to do this for him. It is enough for the baby to point his finger at the virtual illustration he likes. A beautiful card with images of funny animals, birds, an elegant bouquet, will be sent to the father and husband on his birthday, balloon. A succinct congratulatory slogan or sincere lines of poetry will be an excellent addition to the picture chosen for dad. For older children, it is not a problem to draw an illustration on any topic, however, they often prefer to select and download ready-made ones for free funny cards with inscriptions for the birthday father. A girl can choose a touching card from her daughter with charming flowers and containing heartfelt poems. The son will certainly try to please the hero of the occasion with a picture depicting a medal awarded to the best father in the world, funny soldiers, and a super hero. Children grow up and become parents themselves. A beloved father and grandfather still needs attention, support, care, and respect from those closest to them. He will be pleased to receive heartfelt Happy Birthday greetings from children in pictures. Such a message, sent with love, may be more valuable to dad than the most luxurious gifts. A humorous message or a touching illustration will suit an older man. It all depends on the nature of the addressee. Some people like congratulatory words written in bright letters. Some people prefer to receive postcards on the theme of fishing or outdoor recreation. For godfather Don't forget about the godfather. This person is not a blood relative, but he is connected with the child by inextricable sacred bonds. The godfather will be flattered and delighted if an email message containing touching text and carefully selected pictures. You should definitely congratulate your father! Every father strives to spend his birthday with his children. If for some reason he cannot be with his family on such a significant day, do not be upset! Dispatch greeting card will be a demonstration of love, respect, devotion to the father. Well, if the birthday boy is nearby, it’s still worth pampering him with a congratulatory picture with wishes of happiness, good luck, joy and longevity!

IN On his birthday, dad wants to hear about how his children need him, no matter how old they are. It is imperative to demonstrate to him that you greatly value his support, help, and recommendations that he gives you. Thank him for what he gave you in early years- protection, a sense of confidence, for the way he raised you, he spared no effort and time. All this can be expressed in words, written on a postcard, or it is possible to find a suitable congratulation in verse for such an occasion. Moreover, a man will appreciate such attention, since, first of all, he always remains your dad - a person who understands you. Don't forget about good wishes, which are very pleasant on the day of birth.

You are my best father
The strongest, the nicest and the dearest.
Smart, patient and powerful,
Know, daddy, I am always with you.
Happy Birthday to You,
I want good health - quite often it is not enough.
I want joy - under no circumstances does it interfere,
I want good luck - let it come more often,
And of course happiness. ©

Beloved father, happy birthday,
Now we all congratulate you.
May you always be lucky in everything,
We want it honestly and from the heart.
May the angel always protect your life,
Let true friends not forget,
And may success, tenderness,
A good laugh never leaves you. ©

Saying thank you is not enough
We owe you a huge debt.
May the Almighty give you great health, father,
We want the whole family to be big.
Let the generosity of years not become a burden,
Let the spring not dry up the soul.
Let the future protect you
We want only joyful days, we are alone. ©

Daddy's favorite! From a pure soul,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you on your birthday.
You are the most beautiful, dear person,
May your life continue for a long, long time.
May success and happiness come to you,
And let them forget their troubles and sorrows.
Thank you, our dear, for living,
And you, like an angel, protect us from troubles. ©

I adore you, father, know my dear,
I want a lot of happiness on your birthday!
You are the best, the most dear,
And let the mood be good
Now and forever! I want
More power, euphoria, success,
Don't be sad, my dear, under any circumstances,
More positivity, happiness, laughter!

Happy birthday to dad,
I want youth and happiness!
Life will shine like the sun!
Scatter happy sparks!
There is no better daddy in the world!
There is champagne, love and light!
Even more fun troubles
Your month will bring you as a gift!

Our precious daddy,
Now the priceless holiday has come,
We honestly congratulate you,
Every one of your dreams came true,
To have health like a bull,
And the bills crunched loudly in my hands,
So that you can have a joyful time with your mother,
And not suffer any losses,
We wish you a long life,
And fruitful dates by candlelight!

Now you will learn how to draw beautiful postcard for a birthday step by step with a pencil. Birthdays happen only once a year, and for some people it can happen twice, there are many different circumstances and reasons for this. A birthday is always fun, joy, gifts and a birthday cake, what would you do without it? I came across this picture by chance and really liked it, a teddy bear with a cake.

And this is what we should get.

We draw an oval at a slight angle, draw a curve in the middle (show where the middle of the head is), then draw the muzzles and nose, all also in the form of ovals, only of different sizes.

We paint over the nose, leaving a large highlight, then we draw the eyes and mouth, then the ears and eyebrows. Erase the auxiliary curve and we must draw lines for sewing the head, it goes almost in the same place, only we need to draw from the middle of the nose to the middle of the mouth, from the middle of the head to the middle of the nose, only not to the nose, but to the muzzle, and the curve under the muzzle.

Let's draw the body.

One leg.

Then the second leg, erase the part of the previous leg that is in this one. Further to the left side of the head at the level of the neck, which we cannot see, draw a plate.

We draw three parts on the plates, the higher it is, the smaller it becomes. Erase all the unnecessary lines (part of the bear's head) that are in the cake. We draw the front paw that holds the plate. Step back a little from the contour of the body to the left and from the head down - this is the beginning of the arm.

We draw the cream with elongated wavy movements from the top of each cake.

Draw the second arm, which is only slightly visible, and the stitching lines on the body and paws. I showed with a dotted line that there is only one curve, but there is no need to draw a dotted line, this is for visualization, so that part of the seam is not unclear where it is.

Now let's move on to the background, here you can stick whatever you want. It's our birthday, and on this day there are a lot of things. I attached one ball with a rope to the bear’s ear. And the hearts and circles are for beauty, so that the background is not empty, and if it’s all painted in color, it will be absolutely beautiful. That's it, the drawing for the birthday of your mother, grandmother, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, friend is ready. You can also give this drawing to your mother on March 8th.

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Photo gallery: Birthday gift for dad - options for crafts from children

Birthday - significant date for every person. It is customary to give gifts to close relatives. The kids are trying to prepare something unusual and touching for dad. Kids don’t have the opportunity to buy an expensive and useful gift, but with their own hands they can easily make something memorable that their father will certainly like. The son can design a craft from plasticine, and the daughter can prepare a postcard or a cute drawing.

What to give dad on his birthday?

What present can a child give to his dad on his birthday? Only at first glance it seems that the range of options is very limited. In fact, the prospects are much broader. It is not at all necessary to give a practical, useful gift. The father will be pleased to receive something that turns out to be an expression of love, gratitude, warm and reverent attitude.

Small child can create an original craft under the guidance of his mother. An excellent solution would be:

  • photo collage;
  • album with family photos;
  • video clip shot by a baby;
  • a book with pictures and wishes.

From your son or daughter, present your father with hand-crafted phone stands, tablet cases, clay figurines, sand paintings or natural materials. A child can decorate a T-shirt for the birthday boy. IN in this direction You are encouraged to create as much as you like, without limiting the child’s imagination in any way. In any case, the father will be pleased to receive a gift imbued with children's love, care and attention.

DIY birthday card for dad - several options

Most often, dad is presented with original handmade cards for his birthday. Both the daughter and the son can perform the festive composition on their own. In order not to make a mistake with the present, when decorating it it is worth taking into account the preferences, tastes and hobbies of the birthday person.

If your father loves to travel, it would be a great idea to create a gift for him with a boat. To work you need to prepare colored paper:

  • blue;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • turquoise;
  • blue.

From it you need to create the contours of the sea. You will need to glue a blue template onto the base. The part is fixed to it blue color. Then you can attach another template in a turquoise shade. At the top of the composition you need to glue fragments imitating seagulls and the sun.

The most important step is creating the boat itself. There are two options here. The vessel can be decorated using the origami technique. If the child is very small, then with the help of his mother he can put together a boat from several multi-colored pieces of colored paper.

On a note! To make the present truly bright, colorful, and original, it is worth reminding the baby about the windows, anchor, sails and other small details.

Postcard in the form of a shirt or vest

A postcard for your father will turn out to be original if you make it in the form of a shirt or vest. A sheet of colored paper needs to be folded in half. A small strip is cut off from the top of the back. Next, a collar is made, for which folds are made in the cuts in the middle in both directions. You need to make a tie separately from a textured material, after which it is simply glued to the composition.

If you are forming a card in the form of a vest, then in the center of the workpiece you just need to make a deeper V-shaped cut. You can form a pocket in the inner part of such a congratulatory composition. It’s great if the child makes a small note with good, sincere wishes and puts it there.

You can decorate a postcard you created with your own hands with stickers, sparkles, fabric, pockets, ribbons, buttons, collages from family photos.

Drawings for Dad's Birthday - congratulatory stories

Another great birthday gift idea for dad is this. children's drawing, created with your own hands. Its plot may be very different, but a family man will certainly be pleased to see an original, colorful composition depicting him and his close relatives.

The child will be able to draw memorable moments from the life of the birthday boy:

  • the appearance of children in the house;
  • wedding;
  • celebration of the occasion;
  • picnic in nature.

On a note! A congratulatory composition depicting the hero of the occasion surrounded by pets will be unusual. This is very touching!

Dad will definitely like and remember the drawing, which is symbolic, bright and colorful.

DIY birthday poster for dad

Another option for a birthday gift for dad is a handmade poster. Crafts in this format can be presented not only on behalf of little children. The gift will make an unforgettable impression even on adult children.

A poster can be created from specially prepared drawings, prepared or printed pictures, cut out from newspaper headlines of wishes. Sweets and photographs from family archive, fragments of memorial cards and letters. Poems will not be out of place in the composition. It’s great if they are written by the household themselves.

The attractiveness of a congratulatory poster for dad is that with its help you can express respect, love, and reverent attitude towards your father.

Every father will be pleased to receive a hand-made postcard from his daughter or son for his birthday, or on February 23rd. A postcard for dad is an excellent and memorable present that remains not only on a shelf or in a frame, but also in the heart.

A postcard in the form of a mosaic is fast, unusual and cute. You can please your father with this product on February 23rd.

The basis should be a regular sheet of A4 paper. Suitable color- white. We bend it in half and get the desired shape.

Now let's get to the interesting creative part - drawing. It is necessary to depict something that has a connection with February 23 - tanks, planes, stars, St. George ribbons and, of course, be sure to depict the dad in military uniform.

It is better to place the main composition on the cover. It is advisable to depict the background and the main character on it. You can place the rest of the items inside the card, but first you need to write a congratulation there so that the mosaic does not overlap it. It is better to write the text by hand, because laying out small letters from paper is not too easy.

The next step is to create the paper pieces. This requires the usual colored paper different colors. Take a piece of paper and tear it into small pieces.

Next, you need to paste over the drawing with pieces. To simplify the creation of a mosaic, you need to apply glue not to each piece, but to the whole piece. It's better to start with background elements, to important elements the compositions looked more impressive.

It is not necessary to try to make each element from pieces of the same color. For example, a tank and clothes can be made in camouflage color scheme, that is, combine pieces of green paper in one piece different shades. You can also make the inscription multi-colored.

All small parts You need to cut it out of paper separately and stick it on the mosaic. If they are too small, you can draw them. This should be done only after the glue has had time to dry, so that the drawing does not “move out”.

Postcard to your beloved dad yourself (video)

Card for dad on February 23rd or birthday with a boat

If your father’s life is somehow connected with the sea, for example, he served in the navy, you can make a postcard with a boat. There are many different variations of such gifts, and if it’s hard for you to imagine what at least one of them might look like, follow the instructions.

The main material is light blue paper, which should be folded in half. At the bottom of the cover you need to glue a blue rectangle with a wavy top - this is the sea. From yellow paper cut out and attach the sun, and from the white one - clouds.

The base of the boat is a brown unequal-sided trapezoid, with a larger base at the top and a sharper and raised corner on the right. The left sail is a triangle of any bright color with a right angle at the bottom right, the lower side of which should be parallel to the top of the trapezoid. Right sail - right triangle, the base of which should be rounded and directed to the right. It should also be located parallel to the top of the trapezoid.

Important details are the helm, windows in the cabins, lifebuoy and flag. The flag can be made of red paper and attached to the top of the starboard sail, the lifebuoy should be on the port sail and the base of the ship, and the windows in the cabins should be on the base of the ship on the right. The helm can be placed near the bow of the ship.

Inside the postcard we draw a sailor on the deck and seagulls. Be sure to add the inscription “Happy February 23” or “Happy Birthday” and a wish, because on such a day it is very important to please the father with good words.

Birthday Card for Dad

A stylish option for a small present for Father’s Birthday is a tuxedo card. It is extremely easy to manufacture, requiring no large quantity material and time.

The base material is black cardboard. If you think this color is too gloomy for a birthday, you can replace it with either brown or blue. Another way to add paint is to paste over inner side cardboard with bright paper.

After the cardboard is folded in half, you need to decorate the cover. First, cut out white paper equilateral triangle. Its base should be shorter than the top of the card. And the distance from its base to the top corner should take up a little more than half of the cover.

Glue the triangle to the cover, base up. Next, you need to make a “butterfly” from black paper and attach it to the shirt in the form of a triangle. Glue a couple of white buttons under the “butterfly”, fill the inner space with congratulatory text, and your birthday surprise is ready!

Watch the video to see how to make a shirt card.