Cool cards about summer. The floor is lava

12/16/2017 at 15:55 12/12/2018 at 15:38

At the end of the year it is customary to sum up the results. This time we did not make a selection by category, but tried to compile the most objective rating of popular memes. Our list is partly based on the results of research and, but this data reflects only the most misunderstood and, as a result, the most searched words and expressions in search engines.

Many memes have undeservedly remained out of attention. It may seem that some of them have already been forgotten, but this is not so. The real indicator of popularity is not the frequency of requests on the Internet, but the number of hits to specific memes in online creativity. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to calculate, but it is quite obvious that all participants in our rating continue to circulate in the media space. And some even went offline and became truly popular. Memepedia presents: The 20 biggest memes of 2017.


A gray, shapeless creature with the head of an elephant seal captivated RuNet users at the very beginning of 2017. Originally created as the personification of a person sitting in a hospital queue, waiting for everything in the world.

The secret to the success of this meme is simple: it reflects a part of life that is understandable and familiar to absolutely everyone. People who are accustomed to living in anticipation recognize themselves in Zhdun and smile, looking at the cute, slightly clumsy creature.

Zhdun became not just a meme, but also a brand: in July, CD Land acquired the rights to use it in Russia and the CIS. And in October on VKontakte and Megafon for illegal use. It is still unknown how the proceedings ended.

The cook salts the meat

A charismatic chef from Turkey has won the hearts of Internet users with his elegant manner of salting meat. A video from his Instagram went viral around the world in January, and the chef’s signature gesture became a meme.

Realizing his popularity, Nusret began posting similar videos on Instagram. And in February, Leonardo DiCaprio came to his restaurant in Dubai. And Goekce also salted the meat for him.

On the bottom

The victory in the “Hype of the Year” nomination undoubtedly belongs to. An ordinary 17-year-old girl from Ulyanovsk, who accused a guy of rape, appeared on air federal TV channels dozens of times. Now the guy is serving a sentence in a colony, and as a cameraman on Channel One, he sells advertising on social networks, continues to go to various TV shows and is preparing to become a singer.

After a series of broadcasts on Channel One, at the suggestion of Diana, he was born new meme. - this is not only a corporate gesture and a definition of the amount of drink, but also a telling indicator of the standard of living in the country.


Love Russian people blaming all troubles and problems on others led to the transformation of the image of the “universal enemy.” If previously Barack Obama was such a person, then in 2017 he was replaced by oppositionist Alexei Navalny. A meme with a distorted photograph of Vladimir Putin and an inscription appeared in the spring in one of the VKontakte public pages and instantly spread throughout the RuNet.

Very soon the phrase took on a life of its own and became part of oral speech. The meme started the fashion for erratics. And this year the format of distorted pictures with crazy inscriptions has developed into a whole genre.

The expression “blat Navelny” means the desire to shift responsibility for one’s mistakes onto someone else who frankly has nothing to do with the problem. And writing the surname of a presidential candidate with an “e” adds a significant amount of irony to the message, expresses disdain to him or just a desire to joke.

So damn

This meme is the most shining example about the popularity of the word “blat”. A bird with hands, which is still confused with a kiwi, appeared in May 2017 on VKontakte public pages, and then spread throughout the Russian-language Internet. The pose of the dissatisfied cashier that was seen in the picture simply suggested something conversational and everyday. And it became such a phrase.

The meme became an excellent reaction to everything incomprehensible and unpleasant. In some cases, he personifies expectation, but, unlike the humble Zhdun, this expectation is rather of a very irritable and impatient person.

Glowing Brain

Rapper Gnoyny (Glory to the CPSU) defeated Oksimiron himself in the battle and began to hype under the slogan “Antihype.” It's gotten to the point where an "underground" rapper sits on the jury music show on STS and with the king of pop Philip Kirkorov.

Agutin and the red button

Another bright meme of 2017. The violent emotions on the face and the musician’s sweeping gesture during the filming of the show “The Voice” were loved by netizens.

With approximately the same feeling and despair, we ourselves accept thoughtless or very complex solutions. It’s funny that Agutin himself didn’t really understand how popular the meme with him had become: “The main thing is that I don’t harm anyone, even, as I understand it, it’s the other way around,” Leonid commented.

"Balloon lovers"

At the beginning of June, the teenager released a video in which he very aggressively criticized people who are sure that the Earth is a ball, and called them “balloon lovers.” The guy relied on the flat Earth theory, popular in narrow circles. The video caused laughter among most viewers; they could not understand whether the teenager was joking or speaking seriously. The word “balloon lovers” went among the people and became a meme.

We would not have included Maxim in this selection if the hype around the flat Earth theory had not continued. In September American rapper decided to prove to the whole world that our planet is actually shaped like a plate. Even the appeals of the astronauts convinced him.

The Russian TV channel REN-TV, which on September 25 on this topic, also became the mouthpiece of flat Earth supporters, and users again remembered Maxim Ozherelyev.

The floor is lava

The children's game, familiar to residents of Russia and the CIS as “Keep your feet off the ground,” was transformed into a popular flash mob in 2017. At the instigation of British bloggers, the whole world began making videos in which people were asked to climb somewhere with their feet as quickly as possible, imagining that the floor or ground was boiling lava.

The photo with the jumping guy, who spreads his legs wide in the air, became the most popular personification of this challenge and turned into a meme. And later - according to a pattern already familiar to us - a separate phrase became a meme.


The word of the year for meme lovers was the mysterious one that came to Russia with the rapper. It comes from English slang from the rapper crowd esketit, which in turn means let’s get it (“let’s get it”, “let’s stir it up”). But as a meme, “eshkere” exists in RuNet with a different meaning.

Due to the fact that thousands of schoolchildren began to repeat Face, this word very quickly lost its original meaning and turned into a meaningless chant. Therefore, today “eshkere” is rather a sign of a narrow-minded mind. It is in this context that it most often appears in various memes.

Easy-easy, riltok, sync about it

Came into widespread use thanks to rappers. This time, two people distinguished themselves: Oksimiron, who said these words during the battle with Gnoiny, and Gnoiny himself, who began to repeat them after his opponent as trolling.

Unlike “eshkere”, these speech constructions have a clear meaning. For example, “easy-easy” is a translation from the English easy-easy (“whoa-whoa, take it easy”). "Riltok" - real talk ("in kind"). And “think about it” is translated as “think about it, think about it.”


One of the most controversial memes of 2017 was girls and boys called . In September, anonymous people from Dvacha drew attention to young girls with bright short hair and languid looks who love to go to exhibitions, read smart books and drink wine from bags.

The discussion of the phenomenon went beyond the image board; many saw such “vinishkas” among their friends. It has become common on social networks to ridicule their clothing style, pseudo-intellectual hobbies and arrogant tone of communication.

Some netizens, including people who received the title “vinishko,” do not agree that this is some kind of separate subculture- after all, the attributes named by dvachers are suitable for many modern young people.

We looked at the income of pop performers at resorts

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Summer is in full swing only according to the calendar. Due to bad weather and unwarmed seas, there are significantly fewer tourists at the country's Black Sea resorts, where the stars collected the main fees. Organizers of concerts in Crimea and the North Caucasus complain that the beaches are half empty, but the beginning of the touring season in Russia traditionally coincides with the beginning of July, when resort towns The majority of tourists arrive in the country. According to the promoters, for last years they don’t remember such a disastrous “discovery.” Even the “Hands Up!” group, which was crowded with vacationers in Lately. Therefore, the organizers had to urgently reconsider their plans: cut the number of concerts and abandon some. And bet only on those artists who are guaranteed to attract spectators to their performance.


It probably won’t surprise anyone that every summer Philip Kirkorov reigns in the south. The singer is a record holder this year. This summer, Philip Bedrosovich has visits to the Black Sea coast almost every two weeks with a large-scale show “I”: from the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus to the Crimea there are complete sell-outs; showers, as it turned out, do not bother Kirkorov.

Grigory Leps decided to focus on August and the Velvet season- he will travel with concerts from Crimea to Sochi, and the organizers of the performances predict a high turnout at all events. Good chances for summer training camps with Stas Mikhailov, Lolita and Kristina Orbakaite. Traditionally, vacationers will be able to sing along to the “Turetsky Choir” and spend a romantic evening in the company of Ani Lorak’s songs.

But there are practically no stars who have recently emerged in show business on the southern coast. Everything is not bad except for Yegor Creed. Alexander Panayotov plans to gather young talent from the Sochi “Festival” - in a month we’ll see if the attempt will be successful. “Summer chess debutante” Anita Tsoi, who has never performed on the seas before, will come to the south twice.

Vacationers who prefer Russian rock have little choice this season. Diana Arbenina and the group “Night Snipers”, “Bi-2” will ride around the resorts, and unexpectedly for many, the group “Aria” with a symphony orchestra will give a big concert at the Sochi Festival.

By the way, about the venues: if last year there was a crush of artists on them - concerts of performers in the same hall were held two per evening, then this season many dates in concert halls free. This can be explained not only by the low resort activity of Russians, but also by the fact that the owners of well-promoted halls want a lot of money for every sneeze. This means that organizers need to set high ticket prices, risking scaring off the few vacationers. A vacation on the coast costs a pretty penny, and it’s no longer possible to pay 20,000 rubles per family for a visit to a concert of your favorite artist.


An unexpected trend of the current touring season is a very low interest in humor. Neither in Crimea, nor in Anapa, nor in Gelendzhik are there performances of popular comedy artists. In Sochi there will be concerts by “local” Alexander Revva and Mikhail Galustyan, one performance in August is planned for the Stand Up show, and in several cities for the “Improvisation” show. For several years in a row, Komsomolskaya Pravda told how charming clowns from Comedy Woman broke records for the number of summer concerts, and “ Ural dumplings" - according to tour fees in the Russian south. Comedy Woman will not have a single concert on the coast this summer. “Pelmeni” will probably perform in August. Concert organizers talk about a drop in interest in these artists - their concert programs much lower in quality than those seen on TV. And few people want to watch their already favorite performances without decorations and costumes, and even pay for it.


Perhaps the Black Sea coast is tired of the urban romance rushing from every kebab shop year after year, and sometimes the local Rosenbaums perform better original version. But, apart from Katya Golitsyna and Athena, who plan to perform in small halls on the coast, it seems that no one else is welcome there. So far, neither Irina Krug, nor Mikhail Shufutinsky, nor Lyubov Uspenskaya, whose concerts have attracted fans of the genre from year to year, are on the program. Now promoters are hiding and monitoring how tickets for artists are sold, so as not to make a mistake - gone are the days when the profit from one concert in Sochi could buy an apartment.

The abnormally cold start to the summer of 2017 (May in Moscow was the coldest since the beginning of the century) led Russians to assume that the future trend summer season there will be wool swimsuits.

The President of Russia also got involved in jokes about the weather. Speaking at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin, commenting on the US withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement, said that now the bad weather in Moscow you can "dump" on President Donald Trump and “American imperialism.”

President Putin came to the fortune teller and asked:
- Will I continue to be president?
The fortune teller says to him:
- You only have one summer left to be president, then they will choose another one.
“Well,” said the president. - So there will be no more summer...

Here are more examples folk art cold summer 2017:

You can't understand the weather with your mind,
It cannot be measured with a device.
You can't predict the weather -
You can only trust the weather.

There is no bad weather,
Every weather is a blessing...
But frost and snow at this time of year
Maybe frankly for...!!!

Another five years of global warming, and Russia will have a year-round heating season!

The Russian government, having announced the transfer of holidays from the January holidays to May, postponed them along with the weather.

Everyone complains about the weather as if everything else is fine with us...

Now it’s clear why we need Crimea... So that the average temperature in the country becomes higher.

At the beginning of July they predicted heat. The start of July will be announced later.

A group of global warming protesters were covered in snow...

We are giving everyone who survived three months of winter a fourth month as a gift!

In 2017, there is a very fine line between summer and winter fishing.

My wife demanded a summer fur coat... I couldn’t find any counterarguments.

My wife was taking her underwear off the hanger and broke her favorite dress.

Poplar fluff has been used in down jackets this summer.

Teacher: Children, how many of you know what the word “chronicler” means?
- Vovochka holds out her hand: “This means that summer is over. Completely”...

How is the weather in St. Petersburg?
- Rain.
- For a long time?
- Since 1703...

Boy, has the weather been like this in St. Petersburg for a long time?
- I don’t know, I’m only seven years old...

Today the temperature is expected to reach 14-16 meters per second...

The "summer" subscriber is temporarily unavailable.

The Hydrometeorological Center is urgently purchasing coffee grounds...

Forecasters for the weekend promise 30 degrees of heat: 15 degrees on Saturday, 15 degrees on Sunday.

Summer in Russia: “Yesterday my shoulders burned, today my legs froze.”

A new one has appeared in Russia Bad sign- put away warm clothes before June.

Ski resorts in Russia are extending their operations in June.

And by the way, the latter is not a joke at all. According to Interfax, ski resorts in the Khibiny Mountains Murmansk region for the first time in its history, work was extended until June due to the abundance of snow and cold weather. Closing ceremony ski resort took place there only last Sunday, June 4th. But this is not the final end of the season. As the director of the complex said, then “we will look at the situation.”