Abstract of the GCD in the middle group for non-traditional drawing “Yellow Dandelions” (tearing paper). Summary of the drawing lesson “Dandelion”

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class for preschool children.

Drawing dandelions with children: step-by-step master class

Tools and materials for drawing dandelions

To draw dandelions you need:

- blue paper for the background,

- gouache paints,

- brush,

- ear sticks.

How to draw dandelions with children: step-by-step description and photos

Step 1

Paint the stems of dandelion flowers with dark green paint.

Step 2

Draw 2 dandelion leaves on stems. Dandelion leaves look like triangles emerging from one another.

Show your child a picture of a dandelion and look at its leaves.

Step 3

Draw circles on the tops of the stems—the cores for the flower. For those flowers that you plan to draw faded, draw grey-brownish cores, and for blooming dandelions - green.

Step 4

Place white dots around the cores of the dandelions - imprints with ear sticks. You can make several dots that break away from the core and fly through the air.

Step 5

Lightly dip the opposite side of the stick into yellow paint and, using light pressure, draw yellow dandelion petals. The movement of the stick comes from the core with pressure and gradual separation.

The drawing is ready! Have a nice summer everyone! Despite the fact that in many regions it is cold and rainy this year, we can be pleased with pictures with such sunny flowers! Good luck in your creativity and have a nice summer holiday!

Here are the drawings that preschoolers produced from this master class. Drawings by Daryana (5 years old) and Vika (5.5 years old).

Summary of the lesson in the middle group on drawing “Dandelion”.

Akhmetzyanova Liliya Rastamovna, teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution of Educational Institution°60 in Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic.
Description of work: This lesson will be useful for middle group preschool teachers, teachers and parents. The child will become closely acquainted with flowers and learn to convey all the beauty of the dandelion.

Target: learn to draw a dandelion.
Learn to convey the characteristic features of a flower (image, structure and shape, its beauty)
Consolidate knowledge about dandelion, learn to distinguish it from other flowers.
Get acquainted with riddles and proverbs about dandelions.
Strengthen the ability to organize your workplace and maintain cleanliness while working.
Cultivate the ability to enjoy your drawing and develop creative imagination.
Objectives of educational areas: knowledge, fiction, artistic creativity, communication, work, music.
Materials: sheets of blue, purple and pink colors (to choose from), yellow and green gouache, napkins, brushes N°2, water, jars, stands.

Benefits: picture of dandelions, live dandelion with leaves, Teddy bear, bag.
Preliminary work: reviewed the manual “dandelion flowers”; smelled fresh dandelion flowers, tasted pollen; we wove a wreath for a doll during a walk; we observed that flowers open at sunrise and close at sunset; read the story “Golden Meadow” by M. Prishvin. Before class, arrange the tables in a “P” formation, place benches in the middle and lay out the necessary materials. Place chairs along the edge of the carpet, set up an easel with a manual, and place Bear on the chair.
Progress of the lesson:
(on the carpet. Children sit on chairs along the edge of the carpet. In front of them there is a chair on which a Bear with dandelions sits, next to a picture of a dandelion.)
Educator: Guys, look who came to us today! Hello, Mishka! I see that you did not come to us empty-handed. What did you bring?

bear: I came to you and saw the sun! I hid it in a bag.
Educator: Bear, can I just take a peek at what kind of sun you brought for the guys?
bear: You can (I look)
Educator: Hmm... do you want to know what Mishka hid there? (Yes!) Then guess the riddle. Just listen carefully!
On the lawn near the forest
Flowers bloomed
Yellow like the sun
On a green leg.
And as soon as they grow up,
They will put on hats.
Soft, airy,
Obedient to the wind.

Educator: (listen to the guys’ answers, then take a dandelion out of the bag) Well done, guys, you guessed the riddle correctly! It's a dandelion!
The sun dropped a golden ray.
The first young dandelion has grown.
It has a wonderful golden color.
He is a big sun, a small portrait.

Guys, what can you tell Mishka about this flower? Look at the picture, remember our walks. Is the flower alive? Why?
Children: Dandelions can be used to make wreaths. A flower is alive because it breathes, eats, grows, reproduces.
bear: (crying) I also want to weave a wreath, but I only have one flower.
Educator: Oh oh oh! Trouble! Guys, what should we do? Mishka wants to weave a wreath, but he only has one flower...
Children: We need to help Mishka! Let's draw!
Educator: Bear, the guys say they can draw a dandelion. Then we will have a whole field of dandelions and you can weave a wreath. Guys, Mishka, look at the dandelion. What does it consist of? (Show a picture of a dandelion) The stem is like a stick, the color is green.

The leaves look like a Christmas tree.

The flower is round, yellow, like the sun.

In the old days they said: “The golden dandelion is the dear son of the sun.” Does a dandelion look like the sun? (Children's answers)
Educator: Bear, now the guys will show you how to draw dandelions. Let's go to the tables.
(The children stood next to the tables. The chairs are on the carpet)
Educator: (showing hand, bending one finger at a time)
1) Guys, what are we going to do? (paint)
2) What will we draw on? (On sheets of paper)
3) What are we going to draw with? (paints, brushes)
4) What do I draw first, what then? You speak, and I will draw. Guys, look at me! (I draw according to their words)
5) What did I get? Bear, look at the dandelion I drew for you! A lush, bright flower, a long thin stem, like arrow-shaped leaves! He grows in a field and enjoys the warm sun.
bear: Oh thank you! I really like this drawing! So bright and cheerful!
Educator: Guys, look at the benches. There are brushes, napkins, green and yellow paint, and paper. But paper of two colors - choose for yourself which clearing your flower will grow in - morning or evening. And don’t forget, the table is clean, the table is clean, I’m clean too! Please take everything you need and stand at the tables. Let's check if everything is on your tables. Green and yellow paint, brush, napkins, jar of water, sheet of paper. Well done!
Now take the chairs. Is everyone seated? Look at me. The bear is waiting for beautiful and neat dandelions from you. Draw carefully, take your time! (Children draw) Have everyone drawn stems and leaves? (Whoever draws the fastest, ask to draw another stem or leaf) And now, while our paint is drying, let's imagine that we are in a clearing.
(Finger gymnastics “Flower”)
A dandelion grew in a clearing (join hands, depicting a bud)
On a spring morning I opened the petals (open hands, spread fingers)
Beauty and nutrition to all petals (spread and join your fingers to the rhythm of the words)
Together they give roots underground! (Move your fingers - roots)
Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals. (clench your intertwined fingers tightly)
They fall asleep quietly, their heads hang down...

Guys, now the paint has dried and we can draw the flower itself.
(To those who finished earlier) Now go up to Mishka and tell me in which field your flower grows - in the morning or in the evening, and how you drew the dandelion, how it turned out. (Place the finished works on the windowsill to create 2 fields of dandelions, morning and evening.
bear: What a beauty!!! How many lush, bright dandelions have now bloomed in our field! Under the sun! I can definitely weave myself a wreath now! Thank you guys very much!!!

Program content:

Continue to introduce children to representatives of the plant world of their native land.
Expand and clarify knowledge about dandelion.
Learn to choose figurative words.
Introduce children to the concept of “medicinal plant”.
Develop auditory perception.
To cultivate an emotional response to the beauty of a flower, describing it in poetic form.
Promote the development of a caring attitude towards living nature.


Pictures of dandelion.
Yellow cardboard circles depicting the sun (3 pcs).
Ball-shaped pieces of cotton wool and a dandelion model made of green paper and yellow napkins.
Yellow gouache, green-tinted sheets of paper, drawing equipment.

Preliminary work:

1. Observing dandelions.
2. Learning the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova.

Wears a dandelion
Yellow sundress.
When he grows up, he will dress up
In a little white dress:
Light, airy,
Obedient to the wind.


Dandelion structure


Progress of the lesson:

Spring has finally come into its own, and no matter how angry winter is, its time is over. Spring is often called the blooming time. Why do you think?

Guess the riddle:

Dandelion riddle

Burnt in the dewy grass
Golden flower.
Then it faded, went out
And turned into fluff.

This is a dandelion. Which words in the riddle told you the correct answer?
Dandelion is one of the first to appear in spring, like a yellow sun in young green grass.

Didactic exercise “Listen carefully”

Children are encouraged to listen carefully and clap their hands when they hear the word “dandelion.”
Dandelion, sofa, trailer, dandelion, drum, dandelion, boy, dandelion.

Dandelion is a wild flower because no one cares for it.

Dandelion grows almost everywhere:
On your high leg,
Rising to the heights
It grows on the path too,
Both in the hollow and in the grass.

Psycho-gymnastics “Dandelions”

(Performed to music)

Imagine that you are little dandelions. The warm rays of the sun warmed the earth. You are small sprouts, very weak, fragile, defenseless. But now the spring sun has warmed up, and small sprouts begin to grow quickly. Your leaves have grown, the stem has become strong, you are reaching for the light, the sun. How good! A small bud appeared on the stem. It grows, swells, and finally unfurls its petals. At first the petals seem a little wrinkled, but then they straightened out, and everyone around saw a fluffy yellow flower, like the sun. We have seen dandelions many times, and now let’s look at this flower in the picture. It shows the dandelion large, large, so we can see it better. (Show picture).

What is the name of this flower? What parts does this plant consist of? Show where its leaves, stem, flower, roots are. What color are its leaves and stem? Flower? Where does the flower grow? So what is it called?

In the morning, in a sunny clearing without a clock, you can find out the time. At 5-6 o'clock the sun rises and the dandelions open. By evening, the yellow lights go out and close. The dandelion loves the sun so much that it does not take its eyes off it - it turns its flower head after it.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Sun and Dandelion”

The sun will rise in the east in the morning - the dandelion looks to the east.
(Children look at the yellow circles - “sun” in accordance with the text).

At noon the sun will rise high, high - the dandelion will raise its head up.
In the evening, the sun will begin to decline towards sunset - and the dandelion lowers its gaze after it and closes its flower.

What can a dandelion be compared to?

Didactic exercise “Choose a word”

Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...
Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

But dandelions are not always yellow and look like the sun. Time passes, and the yellow petals are replaced by white fluff.

Golden and young
In a week he turned gray.
And in two days
My head is bald.

The white fluffs are seeds. The wind blows, the seeds scatter far, far in different directions. They fall to the ground and sprout. New flowers appear.

Breathing exercise “Blow on a dandelion”

On a bright sunny day
A golden flower blossomed.
Light breeze blowing -
Our flower swayed.
A strong wind is blowing -
Petals are worried.

Children blow on dandelion petals with different strengths and observe the intensity of the movement of the petals.

White fluffy ball
Showed off in an open field.
Blow on it lightly
There was a flower - and there is no flower.

Then they blow on the dandelion cotton wool without puffing out the cheeks.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. A medicinal plant is a plant that is used in medicine for treatment. Dandelion leaves and roots are used to treat cough and improve appetite.

And people make very tasty jam from dandelion flowers.
And it's not just people who use dandelions. Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They eat dandelion sweet nectar. And the bees then make dandelion honey from it - thick and fragrant.

Physical exercise “Dandelion”

Dandelion, dandelion!
(They squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is as thin as a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say “sh-sh-sh-sh-sh”)

Dandelion stamens
They'll scatter in a round dance
(Hold hands and walk in a circle)

And they will merge with the sky.

On green grass, yellow dandelions are very beautiful. Although there are a lot of them, you shouldn’t pick them. Dandelions will not stand in a vase; they will immediately droop. And a wreath of dandelions will quickly lose its beauty. This is described in the poem “Flower”. Listen:


Flower in the meadow
I broke it while running.
Tore off,
What for -
I can't explain.
In glass
It stood for a day and withered.
How long would he stand in the meadow?
(V. Viktorov)

Let's not pick dandelions and preserve beauty. And the bees will thank us for saving the flowers for them.

And now I suggest you draw dandelions on these green lawns (tinted sheets of paper). But before we start drawing, let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A dandelion grew in a clearing,
(Join your hands, depicting a “bud”)

On a spring morning I opened the petals.
(Open your hands, unclench your fingers)

Beauty and nutrition to all petals
(To the rhythm of the words, spread and connect your fingers)

Together they give roots underground!
(Join your hands with the backs of your hands, move your fingers - the “roots”)

Evening. Yellow flowers cover the petals.
(Clench your intertwined fingers tightly)

They quietly fall asleep, their heads hang down.
(Put your hands on your knees)

Drawing “Dandelions in the meadow”

Children draw with yellow gouache on tinted (green) sheets of paper.
After finishing the work, the drawings are laid out next to each other on the floor - “dandelion meadow”.

The colors suddenly became like flowers,
Lighted up everything around!
In a new yellow sundress
Dandelion meadow.

Master class on drawing for children 4-6 years old “Dandelion”

Ostanina Victoria Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution DS KV "Raduga" SP "Silver Hoof"
Target: Drawing using an unconventional technique.
Tasks:- get acquainted with an unconventional drawing technique - the “poke” method;
- develop creative abilities;
- learn to be careful when working with gouache.
Purpose: This master class will be useful for educators, additional education teachers, and primary school teachers. It can also be used by creative people and parents who independently study with their children.
Description: The master class gives you the opportunity to draw your own flower – a dandelion. Does not require special artistic skills. A detailed description and step-by-step photos will make the drawing process easy and effective.
Materials: A4 sheet, gouache, water glass, cotton napkin, brush No. 5 bristles, brushes No. 3, No. 5 (goat, squirrel).

Summer! Summer! Summer is around!
So many bright colors, fragrant herbs and colorful flowers. The beauty of the Ural nature is simply mesmerizing!
Sineva cornflowers,

sunny beauty of dandelions,

delicate white daisies!!!

So many fragrant herbs, chattering grasshoppers and buzzing dragonflies...

Today we will draw... A riddle will tell us what we draw!
“In childhood, with a yellow head,
In his youth, completely gray-haired,
But there is no such thing as old,
He flies away in white fluff! (E. Telushkina)
Of course it's a dandelion!

He's so handsome!

Dandelion is familiar to us as a small sun and white fluff.

And if you blow on it, it will fly apart.

And its seeds scatter far around.

You and I will draw a dandelion like this:

Or maybe not exactly like that, let’s add some white dandelions!

For work we need a white sheet of paper, gouache, three brushes: ordinary squirrel brushes No. 3 and No. 6, and hard bristles No. 5, a glass of water and a cloth napkin.

We will draw the stem and leaves in the usual, familiar way. But the flowers are made using an unconventional method - the “poke” method. This method is used for drawing furry animals, flowers, images of snow, fireworks. It is unusual in that before starting to paint you should not dip the brush in water; this is a dry method of painting. We immediately dip a dry brush into gouache, it is most suitable, but we must remember that the gouache should be thick and not dry. You only need to dip the tip of the brush into the gouache. We hold the brush strictly vertically, apply the design by applying the brush to the sheet, as if “poking” into it. Hence the name - the “poke” method. We make the first “poke” on an additional sheet so that subsequent “poke”s are of a uniform color. The space designated for the flower should be filled evenly, placing the “pokes” close to each other, trying not to leave gaps and without overlapping them. And one more little secret: the end of the brush needs to be trimmed a little so that it is flat, not rounded or sharp, but straight. Then the “poke” will be fluffier. I suggest trying it on an additional sheet, making a few pokes, filling out an imaginary form.
Have you tried it? Then go ahead! Towards creativity!


1. Let's make the background. We need brush No. 5, blue gouache, water. Wet the sheet with water using a brush and apply the color evenly. We try to leave the edge of the sheet white on all sides - this will be the frame.

Let the sheet dry. The background is ready.
2. Place the sheet vertically. With brush No. 3 we draw the stems.

3. Now the leaves. First we draw the outline.

Now let's fill it with color.

4. Now we will draw a yellow dandelion. We need a bristle brush and yellow gouache. Don’t forget the features of the “poke” method and start drawing a flower. Remember, the brush is positioned strictly vertically in relation to the sheet! And “poke”, “poke”, “poke”!

Here is our living sun!

5. Draw a fluffy dandelion with white gouache.

And another fluffy one.

Let's decorate the leaves with a thin brush along the contour.
The work is ready!

You can draw other versions of the dandelion.

This is how they look together.

And here is a field of dandelions.

My kids immediately noticed these works on the wall in the group and wanted to draw too!
I want to present you the best work! It was performed by Ekaterina Ermakova. She is only five years old, but she did her job completely on her own!
This is her dandelion!!!

We created a mini-exhibition in the group!

From experience working in the 1st junior group in the summer.

An unconventional drawing technique to help the teacher (in this case, we stayed in the group because of the rain) An ordinary dishwashing sponge can help us create original and amazing paintings. Painting with a sponge is an excellent solution for those children who are not yet able to skillfully hold a brush in their hands, and not all kids like to get their hands dirty with paint. Learning to paint with a sponge is simple: put the required amount of paints of different colors on the palette and try to paint over a large outline drawing with a sponge. Show your child how to apply paint to paper with a sponge.: touch abruptly or spread widely.

Unconventional drawing technique"Dandelions"


Teach children to draw with a sponge on the Dandelion template

Teach children to distinguish colors and name them correctly

Form the correct posture in children when drawing

Enrich children's artistic experience

Develop fine motor skills of fingers

To cultivate children's interest in drawing, a positive emotional response, and accuracy when performing

Introductory part

Q: - Guys, look out the window - it’s raining (draws the children’s attention to the flowerbed on the playground).

Guys, look at the yellow flowers growing in the flowerbed. What are they like? - (Children’s statements). The teacher sums it up - these flowers are yellow, like the sun.

Reading the poem “Dandelion” by E. Serova

Wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up, dress up

In a little white dress

Physical education minute. The teacher shows the movements according to the text and invites the children to repeat them.

Wearing a dandelion (sit down)

Yellow sundress (arms above head in the form of a circle-sun)

He will grow up and dress up (we rise slowly, arms to the sides)

In a little white dress (spring)

Q: Guys, the sun gives us warmth, it warms us with its rays. Warms trees, bushes, birds, animals and us. But now he's gone. Where is it? Where was it hidden? - Children's answers. The teacher sums it up - the sun hid behind a cloud.

Q: So that we don’t feel sad without the sun, I want to teach you how to draw dandelion flowers. Will you draw with me? - Children's answers. The teacher invites the children to sit at the drawing tables and corrects their posture.

Main part

On the easel there is a picture of a dandelion (the teacher draws the children’s attention). On the tables, each child has a sponge, a template and a palette with paint (the teacher draws the children’s attention to the sponge and explains what the children will paint with).

Q: - Guys, look, your dandelions are completely white (the teacher pays attention to the patterns).

Look at the picture. What color are the stems and leaves of a dandelion? - Children's answers. The teacher explains how to paint the stem and leaves on a template with a sponge.

Look at the picture. What color is a dandelion's cap? - Children's answers.

The teacher changes the paint and sponges and explains how to paint the hat on a template.

The teacher helps children if necessary.

Final part

Q: - So we got dandelions. Guys, what did we do? - Children's answers.

Did you enjoy painting with a sponge? - Children's answers.

The teacher praises the children and, together with the children, displays the drawings at the exhibition.

Q: Guys, we got our hands a little dirty. What to do? - Children's answers. The teacher sums it up: you need to wash your hands.