Whitney Houston death story. The cause of death of Whitney Houston's only daughter has been revealed

Pregnant women and their families usually expect one answer from an ultrasound examination - what is the sex of the child. For an obstetrician-gynecologist, a research method is necessary to promptly identify impaired blood flow during pregnancy and abnormal fetal development.

The management plan and delivery tactics depend on this. To understand the mechanisms of the disorder, it is necessary to consider the capabilities of the circulatory system between mother and child.

Structure of the uteroplacental blood flow

Mother and child are connected not only by the placenta, but also complex system blood vessels. Therefore, all joint blood circulation is usually divided into levels that cannot exist in isolation, but work only in combination.

  • The central part of the system is the placenta. It ensures the “absorption” of products from the maternal blood through the villi that have grown deep into the wall of the uterus. At the same time, the blood of mother and child does not mix. Several rows of special cells form a hematoplacental barrier, which is a serious obstacle to substances unnecessary for the fetus. Through it, the waste blood returns to the mother's venous system.
  • The second part of the blood flow consists of the branches of the uterine arteries. If before pregnancy female body they are in a collapsed state and are called spiral, then from a period of 1 month they experience a loss of the muscle layer that can cause spasm. And by four months, the arteries transform into full-fledged trunks, filled with blood and heading to the placenta area. It is this mechanism, useful for feeding the fetus, that can turn out to be fatal during uterine bleeding: the walls of the vessels can no longer contract.
  • The vessels in the umbilical cord form the third pathway of blood flow. There are 2 arteries and a vein here. They connect the baby with the placenta and form the fetal-placental circle. Reduced blood flow at this level causes the most severe damage to the fetus.

How is placental circulation disrupted?

Poor blood flow associated with the placenta is called placental insufficiency. It can occur at any stage of pregnancy in two forms.

Acute appears suddenly, even during childbirth, and does not depend on the duration of pregnancy. The fetus falls into a state of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), which threatens its death.

The main pathological mechanisms of this condition:

  • premature placental abruption;
  • heart attack due to thrombosis.

Chronic often complicates the course of pregnancy after 13 weeks. Symptoms appear in the third trimester. The mechanism of formation is early aging of the placenta due to the deposition of fibrin on the villi.

As a result of changes in the structure of chorionic villi (placental tissue), the functioning of the hematoplacental barrier ceases, metabolic processes between the maternal body and the fetus are disrupted

Negative consequences in such conditions, depending on the degree of violation, can lead to inevitable death of the fetus.

Causes of blood flow disorders during pregnancy

Various reasons can cause disruption of uteroplacental blood flow. These include common maternal diseases:

  • pathology of the neuroendocrine system (diabetes mellitus, diseases thyroid gland and adrenal glands, changes in the hypothalamic region of the brain stem);
  • lung diseases (emphysema, bronchial asthma);
  • violations in cardiovascular system caused by developmental defects, the consequences of hypertension, a tendency to hypotension;
  • renal pathology (chronic nephritis, pyelonephritis, especially in the stage of renal failure;
  • anemia (anemia) associated with deficiency of iron and vitamins;
  • conditions accompanied by increased blood clotting contribute to increased thrombus formation in the vessels of the placenta;
  • acute and exacerbation of chronic infectious processes cause corresponding inflammation in the placenta, vascular edema and reduction in blood flow; in the first trimester this can result in miscarriage.

Pathology of the uterus creates local conditions for inadequate blood flow:

  • any changes in the layers of the uterus (myometrium, endometrium);
  • malformations (for example, “bicornuate”, “saddle-shaped” uterus);
  • underdevelopment (hypoplasia);
  • tumor formations from muscle tissue (fibroids), especially in a primiparous woman over the age of 35; at a younger age, small fibroids help compensate for blood flow.

The causes of insufficient blood flow include unfavorable conditions during pregnancy in the following cases:

  • multiple births;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • preeclampsia;
  • breech presentation of the fetus;
  • pathological placenta previa.

The risk of impaired blood flow occurs when:

  • previous abortions;
  • maternal smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • constant nervous environment associated with social or everyday unsettlement;
  • violation proper nutrition women.

Types of chronic placental insufficiency

Depending on the development of consequences for the fetus and the ability of the mother’s body to adapt, 4 forms or stages of chronic placental insufficiency are distinguished:

  • compensation - the mother’s body fully protects the fetus by improving blood flow through other pathways, and the child does not feel a lack of oxygen, develops normally, is born on time and develops well;
  • subcompensation - the mother is not able to fully compensate for the lack of nutrition, and the fetus lags behind in development, there is a risk of complications and congenital defects;
  • decompensation - accompanied by a complete disruption of the adaptation mechanisms, normal pregnancy is impossible, the fetus develops serious defects that are incompatible with viability, and death in utero is very likely;
  • critical - due to severe changes in the structure of the placenta, further gestation of the fetus is impossible, inevitable death occurs, any treatment is ineffective.

What degrees of blood flow disturbance does placental insufficiency cause?

A comparison of clinical manifestations and ultrasound examination results made it possible to distinguish 3 degrees of blood flow disturbance between mother and fetus.

The first is characterized by minimal changes at the uteroplacental level, provides a “reserve” of time of about a month for treatment and full recovery without consequences, there are 2 types:

  • Ia - only the uteroplacental blood flow is reduced, with the fetal-placental blood flow unchanged. It manifests itself as a delay in fetal development in 90% of cases.
  • Ib - fetal-placental circulation suffers, but the uteroplacental circulation remains normal. Delayed formation and development of the fetus suffers somewhat less (in 80% of cases).

The conclusion is issued after examining all components of the fetal blood flow

The second is that the disorder occurs both at the level of the uterine and umbilical vessels; hypoxia can be fatal to the fetus.

Third - blood circulation indicators are at a critical level, it is even possible that the direction of blood flow is reversed (reverse).

For clinicians, such a classification provides an opportunity to accurately determine the level of disorders and choose the most appropriate treatment tactics.

Symptoms of impaired blood flow

If the impaired blood flow is compensated, then the woman does not feel any abnormalities, but learns about them only after the examination.

Pronounced manifestations occur in acute form and chronic decompensation:

  • the motor activity of the fetus increases sharply or completely disappears (at 28 weeks, normal development is accompanied by ten movements per day), this symptom requires immediate contact with an obstetrician-gynecologist;
  • a slow increase in abdominal circumference, detected during monthly examination and measurement in the antenatal clinic (associated with excessive formation or lack of amniotic fluid);
  • late toxicosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • large weight gain;
  • swelling in the legs;
  • the appearance of protein in the urine.

The most dangerous thing is bleeding from the vagina. This sign can be regarded as beginning placental abruption. You must not delay in providing medical care.


The most complete picture of blood circulation between the uterus and the fetus is obtained through Doppler ultrasound, which is performed on all women three times during pregnancy.

The technique allows:

  • measure blood flow by the speed of movement of the formed elements;
  • determine its direction in arteries and veins;
  • record changes before clinical manifestations.

The effect is based on the properties of ultrasonic wave reflection and is completely safe for the child and mother.

All changes are recorded on the monitor, measured with special sensors, and can be photographed in the required format.

By comparison with normal indicators, a conclusion is made about the degree of pathology. Violations can be detected at any level, in the vessels:

  • umbilical cord,
  • uterus,
  • fetus

The doctor has time to prescribe treatment and check it at the next examination.

A type of Doppler ultrasound is Doppler ultrasound. It is prescribed for:

  • maternal concomitant pathology;
  • suspected premature aging and disruption of the placental barrier;
  • signs of high or low water;
  • preliminary data on intrauterine growth retardation, the formation of congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • presence of genetic diseases in the family;
  • clinical symptoms of fetal hypoxia.

The examination can reveal:

  • thinning of the placenta;
  • increase in growth area;
  • intrauterine infection.

The method of long-term inpatient monitoring of the degree of fetal hypoxia allows you to see the results of using medications

Treatment of pathology

Treatment takes into account the pathogenesis of disorders. To achieve results it is necessary to influence all links:

  • For mild microcirculation disorders, Chofitol (with a mineral-herbal composition) is prescribed; in more cases expressed cases- Actovegin, Petoxifylin.
  • If a mother’s tendency to form blood clots and disrupt the aggregation properties of blood is detected, then drugs such as Curantil, Trental are indicated. They can improve blood flow through the vessels.
  • If low blood pressure is detected, Venofundin, Stabizol, ReoHES are used.
  • Vasodilators - No-spa, Eufillin in injections - eliminate spastic contraction of blood vessels.
  • It is recommended to reduce the tone of the uterus with the help of Magnesia, the drug Magne B6, this acts as an antihypoxic way to improve blood flow.
  • A group of vitamins with antioxidant action eliminates Negative consequences(vitamin E, ascorbic acid).

Medications are prescribed by a doctor. If necessary, the woman is offered hospitalization. This allows:

  • provide bed rest;
  • Constantly monitor the progress of pregnancy.

If there is an effect of conservative treatment, the woman independently carries to term and gives birth to a child. If there are no results, doctors may decide on early caesarean section. In the third stage, only surgical delivery is indicated.

What to do to prevent blood flow disorders?

Gynecologists urge women at risk to prepare themselves for pregnancy in advance and prevent unplanned conception.

Choice correct position body during sleep helps fetal blood flow

If you are already pregnant, it is recommended:

  • avoid emotional and physical overload;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • organize nutritious meals for the pregnant woman;
  • monitor daily walks and stay in a ventilated room;
  • do special gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga exercises;
  • control body weight, carry out monthly weighing and measurement of abdominal circumference;
  • It is considered more beneficial to sleep on the left side; this position reduces pressure on the inferior vena cava, which runs to the right of the uterus, but in some cases, with stagnation in the kidneys, sleeping on the right side improves the outflow from these important organs.

Modern diagnostic methods and approaches to the management of pregnant women make it possible to prevent severe disorders. However, many possibilities depend on the woman herself and her desire to have a healthy heir.

Emergency care in obstetrics and gynecology
Severe forms of late gestosis

The following main clinical forms are distinguished:
· Nephropathy;
· Preeclampsia;
· Eclampsia.

1. pathological weight gain;
2. increased blood pressure;
3. vascular asymmetry of blood pressure;
4. swelling in the legs, anterior abdominal wall, and face;
5. deficiency of fluid secretion;
6. manifestations from the outside nervous system(memory loss, motor restlessness, insomnia or drowsiness, lethargy, irritability).
Urgent Care:

2. Antihypertensive therapy:

-papaverine hydrochloride 2% 4 ml, dibazol 0.5% 5 ml i.v.
3. Transportation of the patient to the central district hospital. Informing the central district hospital about the upcoming transportation of the patient, coordinating the upcoming transportation. If necessary, call an obstetrician-gynecologist for yourself.

1. increase in blood pressure more than 170/110 mmHg. (by 30-40% compared to the initial level before pregnancy);
2. headache, heaviness in the forehead and back of the head;
3. flickering “goosebumps”, fog before the eyes;
4. excited state, anxiety or lethargy, stupor;
5. nausea, vomiting, pain in the hypogastric region;
6. generalized or local edema;
7. hearing loss.
Urgent Care:
1. inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a dropper system for intravenous administration of solutions.
2. infusion therapy
-glucose solution 10-20% 200 ml.
3. Anticonvulsant therapy
-seduxen 1-2 ml IM or Relanium 1-2 ml IM
4. Antihypertensive therapy:
- clonidine 0.01% 1 ml IM or 0.075 mg tablet. Sublingual or nitrocor (nitroglycerin) 0.5 mg tab. Under the tongue at intervals of 20 minutes. Until blood pressure stabilizes or Corinfar (nifedinine) 10 mg sublingually
-magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml IV or 4% solution 200 ml IV drip.
5.no-spa 2% 2-4 ml i.v.
6. Informing the Central District Hospital about a seriously ill patient.
7. Calling specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, according to indications - ophthalmologist, neurologist).
8. With the arrival of specialists, the issue of further management tactics is resolved.

1. Pre-convulsant period:
-small twitching of the eyelids, muscles of the face and neck;
-frozen, motionless gaze;
-eyes are fixed in one direction;

2. Period of tonic convulsions:
-the head leans back, the body stretches;
-the face turns pale, the jaw clenches tightly;
- the pupils dilate and go behind the upper eyelid;
-duration 20-30 seconds.
3. Period of clonic convulsions:
- continuous clonic convulsions spreading from top to bottom to all muscles of the body;
-breathing is difficult or absent, the jugular veins are tense;
-pulse is not detected;
- face purple-blue;
4. Period of seizure resolution:
-breathing is restored, slow and deep;
-foamy discharge from the oral cavity;
-the face turns pink, the pupils narrow;
- pulse is determined, tachycardia followed by bradycardia.
Urgent Care:
1. Anticonvulsant therapy:
-Relanium 2-4 ml IV or Seduxen 2-4 ml IV
2. Antihypertensive therapy:
-nitrocor (nitroglycerin) 0.5 mg tab. Under the tongue at intervals of 15-20 minutes or clonidine -0.075 mg tablet. Sublingual or nitrocor (nitroglycerin) 0.5 mg tab. Under the tongue at intervals of 20 minutes. Until blood pressure stabilizes or Corinfar (nifedinine) 10 mg sublingually
-magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml i.v.
3.Infusion therapy:
-glucose solution 10-20% 200 ml intravenous drip
4. Prevention of asphyxia due to retraction of the root of the tongue - the jaws are unclenched with a mouth expander, the tongue is held by a tongue holder, sanitation of the upper respiratory tract.
5. Calling specialists (obstetrician-gynecologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, according to indications - ophthalmologist, neurologist).

Time of occurrence and clinical forms of obstetric hemorrhage
1st half of pregnancy:
- disturbed ectopic pregnancy;
- disrupted intrauterine pregnancy;
- hydatidiform mole;
-cervical pregnancy;
- neoplasms of the genitals.
2nd half of pregnancy:
- late abortion;
- placenta previa;
- premature detachment of a normally located placenta;
- uterine rupture.
during childbirth
- premature placental abruption;
- placenta previa;
- uterine rupture;
- violation of the separation and release of the placenta;
- rupture of soft tissues of the birth canal;
- rupture of varicose veins of the genitals.
early postpartum period:
- retention of parts of the placenta in the uterus;
-hypo- or atony of the uterus
- uterine rupture;
- trauma to the soft tissues of the birth canal.
late postpartum period:
- placental polyp.
Disturbed intrauterine pregnancy

Abortion in progress
1.presence of doubtful and probable signs of pregnancy
· Dyspeptic disorders - nausea, vomiting, drooling, changes in appetite;
· Functional disorders of the nervous system - irritability, tearfulness, increased sense of smell and hearing, isolation;
· Changes in the field of substances - deposition subcutaneous fat, pigmentation of the nipples, areola, white line of the abdomen;
· Appearance of pregnancy scars.
· Cessation of menstruation;
· An increase in the size of the uterus, a change in its normal shape and consistency;
Breast engorgement
· Congestion - bluish coloration of the mucous membrane of the vaginal opening, its walls, and the vaginal part of the cervix.

3. spotting bloody discharge from the genital tract;
4.increased uterine tone during palpation.
Urgent Care:
1. Antispasmodics:
-magnesium sulfate 25% 10-20 ml with novocaine 0.25% 5 ml IM
-no-spa 2-4 ml IM or halidor 2.5% 2 ml IM
2.Transportation of the pregnant woman to the central district hospital, accompanied by a paramedic or honey. sisters.
Abortion in progress

1.presence of doubtful and probable signs of pregnancy;
2. pain in the lower abdomen and lower back of a cramping nature;
3. profuse bleeding from the genital tract;
4.increased uterine tone
Urgent Care:

3.G glucocorticoids:

4.Transportation of the pregnant woman to the central district hospital, accompanied by a paramedic or honey. sisters.
5. If there are contraindications, call a specialist yourself.
Incomplete abortion

1.presence of signs of pregnancy:
2.pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature:
3.indication of the passage of clots from the genital tract:
4.heavy or moderate bleeding from the genital tract:
5. On vaginal examination, the uterus is of a soft consistency, smaller in size than the expected gestational age.
Urgent Care:
1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2. Infusion therapy - plasma replacement solutions:
-refartan 400 ml IV or Refartan 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopoliglucin 400 ml IV
3.G glucocorticoids:
-prednisolone from 90 to 2000 mg IV depending on the severity of the condition

6.Transportation of the pregnant woman to the central district hospital, accompanied by a paramedic or honey. sisters.
7. Contracting drugs:
-oxytocin 5 units in 250 ml saline. Solution 20 drops intravenously. in a minute
Hydatidiform mole

1. bleeding from the genital tract;
2. the presence of multiple bubbles with transparent contents in the vaginal discharge;
3. the size of the uterus does not correspond to the gestational age (exceeds);
4.tight elastic consistency of the uterus;
5. abdominal pain;
6. severe nausea, vomiting;
7.absence of reliable signs of pregnancy at 20 weeks. and more.
Urgent Care:
1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2. Infusion therapy - plasma replacement solutions:
-refartan 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopolyglucin 400 ml IV
3.G glucocorticoids:
-prednisolone from 90 to 2000 mg IV depending on the severity of the condition
4. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
5. Taking blood for compatibility.
6. If the patient’s condition is satisfactory and there is minor bleeding, the pregnant woman is transported to the Central District Hospital, accompanied by a paramedic or honey. sisters.
7. In case of hemorrhagic shock - provide emergency assistance, call a specialist yourself.

Placenta previa

1.uterine bleeding in the 2nd half of pregnancy, bright spotting;
2.absence of pain;
3.lack of tension in the uterine wall;
4.fractional repeated bleeding;
5.arterial hypotension;
6.iron deficiency anemia;
7.high location of the presenting part;
8. significant mobility of the presenting part;
9.during auscultation - noise of placental vessels above the womb;
10. The patient’s condition corresponds to the volume of blood loss - assessment of the clinical symptoms of hemorrhagic shock.
Urgent Care:
1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2.Infusion therapy:
- polyglucin 400 ml i.v.

3.When normal level Blood pressure administration of drugs that reduce uterine tone:
-magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml i.v.

4. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
5. Taking blood for compatibility.
7. Call a specialist yourself.
8. With the arrival of specialists, further tactics are determined.
Premature detachment of a normally locatedplacenta

1.light form:
- detachment of less than ½ area of ​​the placenta;
- placental bleeding less than 500 ml;
- discomfort in the lower abdomen;
-hemodynamics does not change;
-fetal heartbeat does not change;
Incomplete relaxation of the uterus.
2.Medium degree:
-detachment of less than ½-1/2 area of ​​the placenta;
- placental bleeding less than 500 ml - 1000 ml;
- prolonged abdominal pain, mainly on the side of the detachment;
-local pain, asymmetry, tension of the uterus;
- changes in fetal heartbeat.
3.severe degree:
-detachment of more than 50% of the placenta area;
-placental bleeding less than 1000 ml or hidden;
-sharp pain in the uterine area, first above the detachment site, then along the entire surface;
-the uterus does not relax, is dense, asymmetrical in shape;
- hemodynamic disturbances;
-increasing symptoms of hemorrhagic shock;
- intrauterine fetal death;
-the appearance of symptoms of coagulopathy - bleeding from injection sites, nosebleeds and other bleeding.
Urgent Care:

1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2.Infusion therapy:

-glucose solution 10-20% 400 ml i.v.
3. At a normal blood pressure level, administration of antispasmodics:
-solution of magnesium sulfate 25% 10 ml i.v.
-no-spa 2-4 ml IV or papaverine 2-4 ml IV
4. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
5. Taking blood for compatibility.

8. With the arrival of specialists, further tactics are determined.
Bleeding in the afterbirth and early postpartum period

1. rupture of the soft birth canal;
2.partial tight attachment of the placenta;
3.partial true placenta accreta;
4.strangulation of the separated placenta;
5.hypo-atony of the uterus;
6.retention of parts (lobules) of the placenta.
Urgent Care:
1.Empty your bladder.

3.Infusion therapy:
-refartan 400 ml IV or stabizol 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopolyglucin 400 ml IV
4. During manual examination of the uterine cavity, massage of the uterus on a fist (massage is carried out for no more than 6-10 minutes), in the postoperative period, intravenous administration of contractile agents - methylergometrine 1 ml, oxytocin 5 units drip for 2 hours. at a speed of 25-30 drops. in 1 min.

7. Call a specialist (obstetrician - gynecologist, anesthesiologist - resuscitator, clinical laboratory assistant).
8. For ruptures of the soft birth canal - restoration of the integrity of the birth canal - suturing the ruptures.
9.If there is a defect in the placenta and membranes:

-coldness in the lower abdomen;
- intravenous drip administration of contracting drugs.
10. If there are signs of placenta separation - elongation of the outer segment of the umbilical cord by more than 10 cm, the end of the umbilical cord does not retract into the uterus with a deep breath, the uterus takes on an elongated shape and deviates to the side.
-use of external methods for releasing the placenta
Abuladze's method is to take the anterior abdominal wall in a longitudinal fold and invite the woman in labor to push.
Genter's method - gradual pressure on the tubal angles of the uterus with the back surface of the hands clenched into a fist.
-if these methods are not effective, manual separation of the placenta;
-coldness in the lower abdomen;

11.For bleeding without signs of placenta separation:
-manual separation and release of the placenta;
- subsequent massage of the uterus on the fist;
-coldness in the lower abdomen;
- intravenous drip administration of contracting drugs.
If true placental attachment is detected, stop manual separation of the placenta and carry out infusion therapy until specialists from the Central District Hospital arrive
12. For hypo-atonic bleeding:
- manual examination of the uterine cavity;
-massage of the uterus on a fist for no more than 6-10 minutes;
-coldness in the lower abdomen;
Infusion therapy with the introduction of reducing agents before the arrival of specialists from the Central District Hospital
Uterine rupture

1. Threatening uterine rupture:
- violent labor, unproductive painful contractions;
- restless behavior of the woman in labor;
-sharp thinning and pain of the lower segment;
-high oblique position of the contraction ring;
Lack of advancement of the presenting part;
Purulent-septic diseases

Uncomplicated infected abortion

1.increase in temperature above 37.5 C;
2.one-time chill;
4.pallor of the skin;
6.pain in the lower abdomen;
7.bloody or bloody-purulent discharge from the genital tract, moderate or profuse.
Urgent Care:
1. Medical support for transportation.
2.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
3.Infusion therapy:
- stabizol 400 ml IV or refartan 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopoliglucin 400 ml IV
- Ringer's solution 400 ml i.v.
4.Desesitizing therapy for the prevention of infectious-toxic shock

5. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
6. Taking blood for compatibility.
Complicated infected abortion

1.increase in temperature above 38 C;
2. chills with an increase in temperature to 40 C, despite antipyretic treatment, sweating;
3. general severe weakness;
4.tachyocardia more than 100 beats. in min.;
5.tachypnea 22-25 per minute;
7.lethargy or euphoria;
8.nausea, vomiting;
9.muscle pain;
10.pain in the lower abdomen;
11.discharge from the genital tract is bloody, purulent, purulent, putrid with a foul odor.
Urgent Care:
1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2.Infusion therapy:
- stabizol 400 ml IV or refartan 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopoliglucin 400 ml IV
- Ringer's solution 400 ml i.v.
3.Desesitizing therapy for the prevention of infectious-toxic shock
-pipolfen 2 ml i.m. or suprastin 2 ml i.m. or tavegil 2 ml i.m.
4. Glucocorticoids:

5. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
6. Taking blood for compatibility.
7. Call a specialist (obstetrician - gynecologist, anesthesiologist - resuscitator, clinical laboratory assistant).
8. With the arrival of specialists, further tactics are determined.
Infectious-toxic shock

1.suddenly occurring pyrogenic reaction (hyperthermia 39-40 C);
2.tachyocardia with thread-like pulse (up to 130-150 beats per minute);
3.arterial hypotension (maximum pressure below 80 mHg);
4. chills, myalgia, heavy sweats;
5.cold, pale, sometimes slightly or severely jaundiced skin;
7.excitement, confusion;
8.vomiting, diarrhea;
Urgent Care:
1.Inserting a needle into a peripheral vein, connecting a system - a dropper for intravenous administration of solutions.
2.Anti-shock therapy.
3.Infusion therapy:
-refartan 400 ml IV or stabizol 400 ml IV or polyglucin 400 ml IV or reopolyglucin 400 ml IV
- Ringer's solution 400 ml i.v.
-glucose solution 10-20% 400 ml i.v.
4. Glucocorticoids:
- prednisolone from 180 to 2000 mg IV, depending on the severity of the condition.
5.Desesitizing therapy for the prevention of infectious-toxic shock
-pipolfen 2 ml i.m. or suprastin 2 ml i.m. or tavegil 2 ml i.m.
6. Pain relief:
-analgin 50% 2 ml iv or baralgin 5 ml iv
7. Determination of blood group and Rh factor.
8. Taking blood for compatibility.
9. Call a specialist (obstetrician - gynecologist, anesthesiologist - resuscitator, clinical laboratory assistant).
10. With the arrival of specialists, further tactics are determined.
Providing emergency care to children
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Indications: absence of breathing and heart contractions, heart rate less than 30 per minute.
1. place the patient on a hard surface (floor, table, etc.)
2.set the head strictly along the midline
3. clean and straighten the airways (clear the oropharynx with a finger wrapped in gauze or a handkerchief, throw back the head and straighten the airways, move the lower jaw forward (so that the lower teeth go beyond the upper teeth and fix the lower jaw with the middle finger or insert an air duct).
4. At the same time, begin artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV) “mouth to mouth” or using an Ambu bag, closed heart massage and drug treatment (intravenous atropine 0.1% - 0.1 ml per year of life, adrenaline 0.1% - 0.1 ml per year of life, calcium chloride 10% - 1.0 ml per year of life).
Chest compression is carried out by squeezing the lower half of the sternum, the width of one finger, along a line drawn below the nipple. In infants it is performed with two fingers, in children with the heel of the palm. Compression frequency 100/min. For 1 breath, 5 compressions. The effectiveness of compressions is assessed by pulse. In infants, the pulse is palpated on the brachial or femoral artery, in children on the carotid or femoral artery. If the pulse is less than 60 per minute. Full CPR is recommended due to ineffective cardiac output.
The basic life support procedure must continue without interruption until signs of life have returned.
Method of performing mouth-to-mouth ventilation.
· Block the exit from the nose - rhythmically blow air into the mouth 30-40 times per minute and at the same time ensure that the chest expands rhythmically
· Insufflation should be carried out alternately with closed cardiac massage; you cannot simultaneously inflate air and press on the sternum.
Method of performing closed cardiac massage

A modern person cannot help but know who Whitney Houston is (biography below). After all, it's worldwide famous singer and a film actress, a legend, about whose life there were constantly a wide variety of rumors and speculations. Her music, film roles and video clips became masterpieces on which several generations of people who were partial to the work of the famous performer grew up. Whitney's life was not sweet, it was filled with all those "charms" that are characteristic of the rich and outstanding personalities: drugs, alcohol. In the prime of her life, in a hotel room, where no one close or dear was nearby, death took her. Everything happened quietly, the woman did not feel pain. But half the world's population suffered a painful shock! And it is still so difficult to come to terms with such a tangible and terrible loss...

Prerequisites for a musical career

Whitney Houston (Whitney Houston is a singer whose biography is replete with scandals) was supposed to become an artist, this was destined for her from birth. This simply could not have happened. To understand why, you should get to know the family into which she was born.

So, Emily Drinkard, the mother of the future superstar, as a girl was a member of a family gospel group called the Drinkard Sisters. Emily performed with Dionne Warwick's band. Later, this couple created a group, which consisted of four people. Throughout the 1970s, she worked in this ensemble and studied solo career simultaneously. Sissy (Emily) recorded three records and performed with such figures as Elvis Presley and Aretha Franklin. John Houston, the father of Whitney Houston (her biography is described in our article), was his wife’s manager. But when Whitney was born, John left his career and became a housewife. Emily continued to tour. Naturally, being someone else other than a singer was not possible in this family. Moreover, Whitney’s family encouraged and inspired her, contributing in every possible way to the development of her talent. The family supported their daughter in everything and, as best they could, helped her ascend to the Olympus of world musical art.

Early years

Whitney Elizabeth Houston came into this world on August 9, 1963. She was born in New Jersey, Newark. Her family was quiet, loving, and believing. In a word, ideal, where everyone understood and supported each other. Therefore, when 15-year-old Houston's parents announced their divorce, it was a real shock for her. The girl stopped smiling, she lost faith in people.

Houston Whitney's solo singing, biography, life story, whose work is incredibly interesting, people first heard when she was only 11 years old. It happened in the Baptist Church" New Hope", which the Houston family attended and where Emily held a position music director. In that day young singer performed the song Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah. Whitney remembered the audience's reaction for the rest of her life. At the end of the performance, everyone present began to applaud and cry furiously. The girl’s voice and singing were so impressive and incomparable. Now Whitney simply had to become a world pop star. After all, God gave her an amazing talent, for which she must thank him.

Start solo career and modeling business

Whitney Houston's biography is not only about concerts and tours. This is also work in slightly different areas. But first things first. WITH musical career the girl was helped by her older brothers - Gary and Michael. Mike was the tour manager. He did absolutely all the work, from installing equipment to organizing the team. Gary, along with his sister, appeared on stage as a backing vocalist. Whitney felt the support of her family; she felt comfortable and warm with them. And at the same time she was not overcome star fever, and she did not become arrogant, as often happens.

In addition to everything, the charming Whitney had every chance of making a career in the modeling business. Whitney Houston's biography also contains this fact. The girl was spotted in the following American publications: Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, Glamor and Young Miss. The girl ended up filming for these magazines absolutely by accident, without planning such a turn in her destiny. Modeling career gave the woman the opportunity to try herself as a film actress. But all this did not stop her from making music and giving solo concerts.

Clive Davis in the Life of Whitney

The biography and episodes of Whitney Houston's life are closely connected with the name of Clive Davis. This man was once president record company Arista Records. In 1983, he heard Houston sing for the first time and signed a contract with her without any hesitation. He completely took the star under his patronage and wrote a clause in the contract that if it happens that he has to leave the company, then Whitney must also do this. Davis protected his ward from the evil intentions of competitors and began to lay the foundation successful career performers. But recognition did not come immediately.

The cooperation of the partners was extremely successful due to the fact that Clive truly believed in the singer’s talent. Whitney worked tirelessly, but her producer was not idle: he was looking for best poets, who would write only the most hit compositions for her. Singer Whitney Houston, whose biography is incredibly interesting, worked with such songwriters as Linda Creed, Peter McCann and other world-famous authors. The songs of these people were included in Whitney's first album, which she released in active collaboration with Davis.

First album

Whitney Houston's first album (her biography is described by many authors) was released on February 14, 1985. The album was produced by Michael Masser, George Benson-Kashif and Narad Michael Walden. It took Davis two years and $250 thousand to create this brainchild.

The success of the album was stunning. The record, called Whitney Houston, sold 14 million copies. In America, this album became the best-selling debut disc in history. Among all solo albums, which were published by African-American female singers, this one had greatest success. It spent 14 weeks at number one on the charts and whole year was a member of Tor-40. In 1986, Whitney's disc surpassed Madonna's records in terms of sales.

Chronology of creativity

In 1987, Whitney Houston, a biography whose years of life might still have continued if not for a fatal incident, released her second record. She saw a world called Whitney. This disc achieved no less success than its predecessor. Some songs from the collection took first place in various charts. The third disc, released in 1990, was called I'm Your Baby Tonight. It sold eight million copies. In 1992, Whitney Houston made her acting debut. Her biography says that the star starred in the film “The Bodyguard” in leading role. In this famous film she appeared with Kevin Costner. Main song from the tape I Will Always Love You brought the artist even greater popularity. The period from 1992 to 1998 was the highlight of Houston's career. Then the singer continues to work hard on creating soundtracks, records, videos and actively tours.

Personal life

One cannot ignore the star’s personal relationships, without which Whitney Houston’s biography would be incomplete, short, like her life, but rich and vibrant. Her life has never been perfect, especially in her relationships with men. Before the girl turned 25, she had only a few fleeting romances. The engagement with the famous Eddie Murphy became the largest love adventure During this time. But Murphy was too respectable for Whitney, and she decided to break off her relationship with him. Houston wanted a passionate, bold man next to her, perhaps one who would show his strength towards her. That guy turned out to be Bobby Charles Brown. Worldwide fame He was brought by regular scandals, a career as a gigolo, hooligan antics and the name of his wife Whitney Houston. No one could understand how a woman like her could throw in her lot with this klutz. Houston met her future husband at the age of thirty, when he was 25 at the time.

Whitney Houston: biography. Children, husband

The day Houston married Brown, her mother cried. Nobody approved of this marriage. But this is not the worst thing. The terrible thing was that Bobby beat his wife incredibly. The first time he raised his hand to her was after she filmed with Kevin Costner. Later, he threw her out of the car at night along with their three-year-old daughter Christina. The family was going to a concert. Spouses in Once again They had a fight, and Brown, in a rage, kicked his wife and child out into the street. At night, the young mother had to “vote” in order to catch a car and still get to the performance. Whitney, who had an only daughter, Christina, seemed to enjoy regular fights and enjoyed them. Otherwise, how to explain what is so successful woman Have you endured this tyrant all your life? During their marriage, Whitney had many problems with drugs, health, and voice; her career either declined or rose to the top again. And also beatings, many severe and terrible beatings...

Whitney Houston: biography. Cause of death

The actress sometimes broke up with Bobby Brown, then got back together. And it is unknown how everything would have turned out further if not for Whitney’s death. Official reason- drowning, the diva died all alone. This happened in one of the rooms at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. The cause of death was a combination of drugs and alcohol. This is exactly the cocktail the singer drank the day before. On the day of her death, she took a hot bath, fell asleep or lost consciousness (probably her heart could not stand it) and choked on water. Mary Jones, Whitney's aunt, was the first to discover the star's body. Whitney Houston's biography (farewell to the legend took place in her native Newark) ended as quickly as her career began.

See off the star last way

Everyone was able to see off the superstar on his final journey to his small homeland. The farewell ceremony took place in the Baptist church, where young Whitney once performed. Among those present were only the artist’s closest friends and relatives. A week after her death, Houston's funeral took place. The diva was buried next to her father's grave. But in the minds of millions of people, the star continues to live, remaining just as young, beautiful, talented and cheerful, just as alive. And most importantly, her songs still delight people all over the world, which means that Houston continues to live.

In mother's footsteps

It seems that Whitney Houston's daughter, whose biography is described above, almost repeated the fate of her mother. The unconscious girl was found by her boyfriend, Nick Gordon. Bobbi Kristina lay in a filled bathtub and did not breathe. Upon arrival at the call, doctors performed artificial respiration on her and took her to the hospital, where they were forced to put her into an artificial coma. There were many rumors about why this happened to the Whitney heiress. Some claimed that the attack was provoked by Nick's regular beatings. Other versions are related to the fact that shortly before the tragedy the girl got into a car accident, received many bruises, and in the end what happened happened.

The queen of soul and rhythm and blues, owner of a unique mezzo-soprano, Whitney Houston did not live to see 50, but managed to go down in history as one of the most successful performers in the world, and the hit “I Will Always Love You" performed by her became the best-selling single with female vocals.

Whitney Houston (Whitney Elizabeth Houston) was born on August 9, 1963 in Newark, New Jersey. The girl grew up in creative atmosphere- Mother and sisters performed professionally in rhythm and blues and gospel styles. At age 11, Whitney began singing in a church choir and then performing as a backing vocalist. At one of her performances at Carnegie Hall, a photographer from Seventeen noticed her and invited her to film. Whitney became the first black model to appear on the cover of Seventeen.

In 1985, the singer recorded her debut album of the same name, which brought her 7 Grammy nominations and first place on the Billboard 200. The album received rave reviews, mainly due to the diva’s exceptional vocal abilities. Thanks to Whitney's triumph, the road to big stage became open to other African American women, including Janet Jackson and Anita Baker.

In 1992, the film “The Bodyguard” was released, where Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner played the main roles. Houston also produced and recorded the soundtrack, which featured a cover of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You" as the theme song. The soundtrack sold 45 million copies, the single sold 12 million copies. Also, 2 singles “Run to You” and “I Have Nothing” were nominated for an Academy Award.

beautiful and talented singer She was credited with affairs with Eddie Murphy and football star Randall Cunningham, but in 1992 she married singer and actor Bobby Bryan, and this marriage became fatal for her. Bobby had several criminal records and suffered from drug addiction and bipolar disorder. Less than a year later, Whitney's image began to rapidly deteriorate - she appeared at concerts while high, missed interviews, and the police several times brought charges against the couple for illegal drug possession. However, this did not affect the star’s popularity - the album “Just Whitney” took first place in the dance charts and sold 3 million copies. In 2007, after the airing of the controversial reality show Being Bobby Brown, which shed light on domestic violence and drug problems, Whitney filed for divorce from Bobby and devoted herself to creativity and raising her daughter.
On February 11, 2012, the singer was found unconscious in a hotel room. An autopsy determined the cause of death to be drowning in a bathtub due to heart failure and cocaine use.