Tips to help reduce subcutaneous fat to normal. How to get rid of visceral belly fat for men and women

Are the last grams of fat stubbornly refusing to go away? Use the tricks below to say goodbye to fat once and for all!

Nowadays, the fight against excess weight and body fat requires great diligence and ingenuity. With some techniques and some creativity, you can lose fat faster than you imagine.

1. Push yourself a little. Replace your routine cardio exercises with more intense workouts. Boost your metabolism and burn fat in one of the four most common ways.

2. Prioritize sleep. According to University of Michigan research, people in their 20s and 30s tend to sacrifice sleep in favor of other concerns. Turn off your bedroom equipment (such as laptop, TV, mobile phone) and try to go to bed early. Even 2-3 minutes of quiet meditation before bed has a positive effect.

3. Get up and leave your desk. Swedish research shows that going to the gym during your lunch break can help you lose fat. You will be more productive in the office than your colleagues who neglect exercise. Try to pay more attention to walking while working and meeting people from different departments.

4. Monitor your stress levels. There is a direct connection between stress levels and weight gain. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your stress levels throughout the day. Practice stress-relieving techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation.

5. Stay positive. Replace negative thoughts (“My thighs are so big!”) with positive thoughts about the capabilities of your body (“I can run 1 kilometer in three minutes!”). According to a study published in the international journal Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, girls who mentally created an ideal body image lost three times more body weight than those who did not.

6. Fill your thoughts with orange tones. Fill your diet with carotene-rich foods such as carrots and sweet potatoes. These products will make you slimmer and give your skin a healthy, natural glow, according to research by scientists from the UK.

7. Get vitamin D from salmon, skim milk, eggs, shrimp and cod to support fat burning from muscles. The daily value of vitamin D is difficult to obtain from food, so you should talk to a dietitian about adding new foods to your diet.

8. Use olive oil instead of butter, avocado salads instead of cheese, and salmon instead of steaks. Replacing saturated fats with healthy fats in your diet for at least two years reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes by 14 percent, according to a study by the Cochrane Library.

9. Replace white rice with brown rice. Eating one bowl of fiber-rich brown rice at least once a week can reduce the risk of developing colon polyps (growths that can become cancerous) by 40%, according to a study from Loma Linda University.

10. When dining, use a large fork. Using a larger fork causes people to eat less than they would otherwise.

smaller forks, suggests a study published in the journal Consumer Research.

11. Avoid instant packaged oatmeal. Thus, your body will avoid excess salt, sugar and artificial flavors. Instead, add protein, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, potassium, vitamin A, fiber and niacin to your diet, advise scientists from Bethany Thayer, RD.

12. Do you bake? Replace half the vegetable oil with shredded pumpkin or applesauce. By substituting half a cup of vegetable oil, you save 900 calories.

13. If you want to remove excess fat and build a lean, pumped-up body, do squats and lunges first during training. The best results are displayed in those muscle groups that are trained first. At the beginning of a workout, you can perform the maximum number of repetitions and exercise technique, unlike exercises at the end of a workout, suggests the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.

14. Drink three to six cups of green tea every day. Catechins and caffeine make this popular drink a natural fat burner. Start your morning with a cup of green tea! Try our recipe here.

15. You need to chew your food longer. People who chew their food 40 times before swallowing consume 12 percent fewer calories than people who chew their food just 15 times, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

16. Taste the food. Rushing down food when hungry leads to extra grams of fat, especially in middle-aged people, a study from New Zealand shows.

17. Pay for purchases in cash. If you use a bank card to pay for your purchases, you'll likely spend $30 more than you planned, including $6 on unhealthy food, according to Consumer Research magazine.

I’ll take off my rose-colored glasses and give you really working tips that I have personally tested.

There are many articles on the Internet like “ How to lose weight in a month for summer», « How to lose weight without getting your butt off the couch», « How to quickly remove your belly, spending 5 minutes a day on it"and other fascinating stories. People believe in them because they want a beautiful body quickly and without much effort, time and money. They click, click and click again on sweet headlines, after which they receive a dose of information slop of strange or trivial advice that does not work. Or they are so vague that the first attempt to implement them in practice leads to a stupor due to new questions arising.

One of the problems is the availability of information. There is too much of it and separating the wheat from the chaff is not an easy task. If there is no personal experience and understanding of at least the basic principles of how the body works, then any content seems good, useful and working. This is how rewrites and translations of simple foreign materials on the topic of fitness, which lie on the surface, multiply on the RuNet. Really important information is hidden in mailing lists, boring studies, thematic forums and other nooks and crannies of the Internet, often paid for.

There is also a lot of interesting content in textbooks, but who reads them (preferably in the latest edition), who spends hours digging through the far corners of the Internet? Only fans who are truly passionate about what they do. I've been digging deep into this area for six years now. First, for the sake of applying the acquired knowledge on yourself, and then in professional activities. We don’t live by gadgets alone, as they say.

Below is a selection of tips based on personal experience that will help you avoid a number of unpleasant mistakes, save your nerves, health and, perhaps, not stop in the middle of the journey and bring your plans to the end. That is, getting yourself in order and then maintaining your body in good physical shape on an ongoing basis.

Forget about mono- and other extreme diets and projects - they work, but the results are sad

Diet " 600 kcal per day», « Buckwheat», « Kefir», « On fruits and dandelions", projects like " Crazy drying"and analogues - they all give results, but they are not quite as expected. Remember the old movie from 1997 " Wish Granter"about a demon who fulfilled the demands of his clients in a very straightforward manner? For example, if a prisoner wanted to go behind bars, no question! He came out... piece by piece, squeezing right through the bars. It’s about the same with the mentioned diets and activities.

You really lose weight quickly and see excellent results on the scale. Then look in the mirror, and there is fear and horror. Men expected a muscular, lean body with abs, women - beautiful, seductive forms, but in the end they received skin, bones and fat. Yes, yes, the fat has not gone away, but the muscles are being lost. Along with the muscles, glycogen (muscle fuel) leaves, and with it water. This is your beautiful result on the scales and your sad result in the mirror.

Why does this happen, why does the fat not leave its homes, while the meat “burns”? It's simple - any mono-diet, any extremely fast weight loss project involves a sharp reduction in calories below the basic metabolism (the amount of energy that the body requires to support its vital functions, without taking into account physical activity). It is assumed that the body will take the missing kilocalories from its reserves, that is, from fat. But it is under stress, unexpected hunger has set in, we urgently need to save on all fronts and accumulate energy reserves (fat) even faster from any available sources.

Savings occur due to the disabling of certain functions, including reproductive (sexual desire disappears, libido is almost zero), a decrease in brain activity (lethargy, drowsiness) and getting rid of energy-consuming tissue. That is, from the muscles. In the latter case, the body kills two birds with one stone - it saves energy (the fewer muscles, the less resources are needed to support them) and at the same time receives the elements missing due to a bad diet: amino acids for the renewal and restoration of internal organs and energy resources to support life and even some kind of physical activity.

Only one problem is described above in a simplified manner. The second, no less dangerous, is excessive stress on the central nervous system(the need to withstand wild hunger, perform strange sets of exercises, in general, constantly suffer), which ultimately ends in a breakdown. A person squeezed himself tightly for a month and a half, lost 5-10 or more kilograms (let me remind you that this is mainly active cell mass, not fat), it seems like he achieved a result, now he can relax. And let's eat in three throats. As a result, the lost kilograms are returned, and even with a reserve. And these are not muscles, because they can only be restored by effectively working with weights and having a balanced diet. This is fat. As a result, body composition became even worse than before dieting or cutting: less muscle, even more fat.

But I have not yet mentioned the problems that arise on “fat-free” diets, the deterioration of the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and teeth. The fact that muscles are the only tissue in the body that is able to “burn” fat or, to put it more correctly, use it as energy. But there are fewer of them. The loss of active cell mass leads to a decrease in the caloric intake needed to support basal metabolism. You don’t have to look far for examples; just visit any forum of women who are always losing weight on diets and read the first discussion threads. There are a lot of messages like " I don’t know what to do - I eat 800-1000 kcal a day, I’m hungry all the time and at the same time I’m getting fat».

As a result, a person ends up in a vicious circle - he loses weight, loses muscle, breaks down, gains fat again, then loses weight again, breaks down again, gains fat again, there are fewer and fewer muscles, and more and more health problems. That's why forget about mono- and other extreme diets and projects, if you really want to see a beautiful result in the mirror, and not just on the scales.

Prepare for summer in the fall, or at least in the winter

People underestimate long-term initiatives and overestimate short-term ones. Speaking from the perspective of the topic of the article, a person is much more willing to believe in the possibility of losing 15 kg in a month than in real body recomposition in 4-6 months.

Recomposition is a gain of muscle mass with simultaneous loss of fat. This is possible for beginners who have just entered the gym, are ready to work there with weights, and at the same time work in the kitchen and on the treadmill.

With a reasonable approach, in 4-6 months you can really change yourself for the better, and radically. I demonstrated an example of this approach in the series of articles below:

Change your lifestyle gradually, rather than abruptly break it

We are all living people and subject to weaknesses. It is impossible to set yourself a specific program and then follow it sharply and rigidly. If you want long-term results, smoothly change your habits and lifestyle - everyone can do this.

Any habit, whether good or bad, is developed over a period of three weeks or more. On average it is 21-35 days.

If you decide to bring yourself back to normal, start by giving up liquid calories (store-bought juices, sweet soda), replacing them with mineral water, and stop eating starchy foods and sweets at night. Let it be carrots, cottage cheese with the addition of a sweetener, fitness jelly (900 ml of milk + 80-90 g of protein + 50 g of gelatin + 7-8 tablets of a sweetener based on sodium cyclomate), a piece of meat and vegetables, scrambled eggs - there are a lot of options. We lasted like this for about ten days, and then the tension subsided - I no longer crave cola and I don’t want to gobble up everything that isn’t nailed down in the evening. After three weeks, the new routine will become a habit for you.

Then eliminate alcohol and start balancing your diet based on proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eliminate more “harmful” foods from your diet, hold out again for three weeks or a little longer - here’s another good habit you’ve acquired.

And so on by analogy - we move slowly, but diligently, day after day. In parallel with the examples described above, start playing sports. The principle is still the same - at first it’s hard, unusual, you fall out of your comfort zone, but after 3-4 weeks you get involved, and it’s practically not annoying anymore.

If you try to make a bunch of changes in your life suddenly, it’s not a fact that your central nervous system will withstand it, and you won’t give up everything in a month.

Don't neglect weight training

When a person intends to lose excess weight, the result he imagines is not the numbers on the scale, but a beautiful body shape. So, the form is built through muscles, which can only be obtained through intelligent work with weights. This applies to both men and women.

Dear girls, if you think that Victoria Secret models, beautiful actresses, pop stars have such pleasing bodies only thanks to diets and advances in plastic surgery, then I hasten to disappoint you. All this is work with weights against the backdrop of a reasonable, balanced diet. The same mentioned Victoria Secret models, before going on the podium, work like hell for four months in the gym. These thin girls squat with a barbell on their shoulders equal to their own weight, pull the same weight in the Romanian deadlift (they reach this result gradually, gradually increasing the weight of the weight from workout to workout) and perform many other exercises with heavy pieces of iron.

But few people talk about the behind-the-scenes described. Because no one is interested in it. The average person wants to see a beautiful picture and believe that this can be achieved easily and quickly with the help of “magic” surgeries, pills and injections. This makes it more pleasant to dream and easier to justify your inaction.

Finally, a few basic principles of working with weights for it to have an effect:

  • If you hit the gym for the first time or after a break of a month or more, before moving on to splits (breaking down the training week into individual muscle groups), do 12-20 workouts in FullBody mode (three times a week with a day of rest between workouts), working from large muscle groups to small ones (legs, back, pectorals, deltoids, arms, abs).
  • At each FullBody workout, gradually increase the weight of the weight (from 1-2 kg to 5-10 depending on the exercise and muscle group), doing 2-3 working sets (+ a couple of warm-up sets before them) of 8-12 repetitions. If you were able to perform three working sets of 12 repetitions with the new load, increase the working weight again.
  • Every 2-4 months it is advisable to change the training program, as the body adapts, and during this time you usually approach your maximum weights.
  • Having approached your personal maximum in weights, when changing the training program, roll back the load a little (by 20-30%) so that the joint-ligamentous system and the central nervous system can rest. Upon reaching the peak in strength training, it is good for a couple of weeks to switch to working with 50 percent weights of the one-repetition maximum for 12-15 times and with average intensity (rest 1.5-2 minutes between approaches). It turns out to be a kind of active rest, which is much more effective than simply giving up training for 1-2 weeks.

Cardio is just an addition, not the basis for losing weight.

« If you want to lose weight, run" - it’s familiar, isn’t it? Unfortunately, just running, cycling and other aerobic activity along with a balanced diet will not give the desired result - losing excess weight while simultaneously acquiring a beautiful shape.

It really burns fat, but in the process it burns muscles too. The body gets rid of everything that it does not need, that is superfluous. To run long distances you don't need a lot of muscle, but you do need energy. You overdid it with the load, your heart rate jumped above 150-160 beats and remains at this level, you run for more than an hour - this is too much stress for the body and it switches to more efficient fuel - your own muscles. It is easier for it to convert amino acids into energy than fat. This is a more efficient source of energy allowing you to work more intensely.

If reasonable aerobic exercise is a complement to weight training, then they complement each other, forming a synergistic effect.

Strength training releases adrenaline and norepinephrine, which release fatty acids from fat cells and enter the bloodstream. From there they are delivered to the muscles (mitochondria), where they are used as energy during non-intense aerobic work. But if there is no cardio, then fatty acids will float in the bloodstream and return to their usual places on the stomach, thighs, buttocks and other loin parts of the body.

In addition, strength training allows you to preserve muscle while getting rid of fat, and beginners also manage to build up meat in the process against the backdrop of a calorie deficit. The main thing is to have enough protein in your diet.

Don't chase quick results if you want long-term results

With a reasonable approach to losing excess weight and improving your shape, in the first couple of months there may be no changes at all on the scales (except for moments when a person is, in principle, very obese and weighs 100-110+ - in this case it is trivial due to leveling Fluctuations of 5 or more kg occur in the water-salt balance). But there will be changes in the mirror (recomposition of the body - more muscles, less fat) and in general well-being. You will stop reacting negatively to sudden weather fluctuations (headaches, weakness), you will have more energy, and your overall quality of life will change for the better.

Muscles become toned, a strength base is developed, a reasonable and balanced diet is formed, healthy habits and a new rhythm of life are developed. Already at this stage you won’t want to return to old habits, because we quickly get used to good things, even if we have to work hard to achieve this good thing. This is temporary until another habit is developed.

At this stage, a person is already ready to switch to a more complex training and nutrition regimen that is aimed directly at burning fat. This could be a protein-carbohydrate alternation (PCA), a keto-rotation diet, a low-carb diet, and other options for manipulating macronutrients in order to deceive the body and get into peak shape.

Yes, yes, you read that right. To force the body to really quickly burn fat, and even remove it from places of accumulation and storage (stomach, sides, thighs, buttocks), you will have to be cunning with nutrition and training. Keep glycogen depots depleted, force the production of lipolytic hormones, force the muscles to work to the limit so that the body does not even think about using them, sometimes acidify the body to spur the release of growth hormone, and so on. This is a topic for a separate, rather long conversation.

The essence of this part of the article is that with maximum metabolism and when all the conditions for effective fat burning are created, it actually burns up to 1 kg per week. I checked this in my own practice. If the weight falls faster, it means that muscles have been used up. All this happens with a balanced diet of fat and protein. All manipulations are performed with carbohydrates.

The result of this approach is a minimum of body fat, maximum muscle, increased basal metabolism and a beautiful overall shape. Even if you achieve this not in one four or six month cycle, but in two or three, the final result will be an order of magnitude better than after any mono-diet or project like “Mad Drying”. The most important thing is that you can maintain good shape without straining too much. After all, you have already formed a new way of life that has become familiar.

Start from nutritional supplements, not from calorie content

The basis of a balanced diet is consuming macronutrients in the required quantities, and not mindlessly cutting calories. Proteins and fats are practically unchanged values ​​in any diet, even the wildest one. All manipulations are carried out with carbohydrates, because they are replaceable with other macronutrients. Protein, saturated and unsaturated fats cannot be replaced with carbohydrates.

When playing sports, it is recommended to take 1.5-2 g of protein per kg of body weight for women and 2-2.5 g of protein per kg of body weight for men (more is possible), 0.7-1 g of fat per kg of body weight (preferably not exceed this limit). As for carbohydrates, 3-4 g per kg of body weight is usually sufficient. If you do not engage in sports, then you can consume 0.5 g of protein per kg of body weight less.

I repeat, regardless of your diet, keep protein and fat within the standards mentioned above, as these are the building and plastic materials of your body. If you need to reduce calories, then bring carbohydrates to 3-4 g per kg of body weight, reducing their amount by 10% weekly, so as not to plunge the body into stress and not provoke a feeling of hunger and wild gluttony in the evenings. In the video below I explain in detail how to bring your nutrition back to normal depending on your goals (muscle gain or weight loss):

Do a body composition analysis (bioimpedance) to see real results

Do you want to really see what this or that diet, a new training and nutrition regimen gives you? Do bioimpedance before the start and then after a month or two. But we are not talking about household scales with contact plates - they are extremely inaccurate. It is better to carry out this analysis in a hospital or medical center on a stationary machine.

Your relatives will start sabotaging you, be prepared for this

« Dear, you’ve somehow become emaciated - eat some cake», « My friend, don’t worry, a glass of beer won’t ruin your diet», « Oh, honey, we fried pancakes for Maslenitsa, and you have protein days; eat a pancake, forget about your diet for a day“... It will happen, believe me and be prepared for it. We must treat such events with understanding.

When a person begins to change for the better, family, friends and friends are the first to notice. Some may ignore it, but for others this process will begin to strain them mentally. Especially if you yourself have problems with excess weight. You understand that you need to do something, but you lack desire, willpower, or something else, but then a loved one or loved one found the strength in themselves and began to change. Yes, it’s hard for him, yes, he has to limit himself, but there is a result. A result that hurts your eyes and makes you sabotage your loved one. Therefore, in the end, it may happen that you either have to pull yourself up to his level and in the process go beyond your comfort zone, or you simply become not interesting to him.

At the same time, for people who have begun to get their body in order, I strongly advise against harassing their family about sports and a healthy lifestyle. Simply ignore the attempts described above. Smile, nod, and continue to knead the chicken breast with buckwheat, play sports, and stick to the chosen direction.

Does your family not recognize your food? OK! Cook for yourself separately - it won’t take much time. In I told you how to maintain a diet regimen without much stress. But over time, your relatives will gradually begin to switch to your food. My wife didn’t have time to prepare dumplings or fry potatoes, but in the refrigerator there is bulgur, baked chicken breast and a green salad - okay, since we can get by on them. Wow, this is quite tasty!

This is exactly what happened in my family and my children and wife gradually switched to a balanced diet. In addition, I took my wife to the gym and in 4.5 months, under personal supervision, she lost 8 kg (71.5 → 63.5 kg with a height of 168 cm), acquiring really good athletic shape. Then keeping fit for five months with dietary restrictions, but training 2-3 times a week was the same. Weight increased by 1.5 kg. Now the next stage of reasonable drying and the goal is 60 kg by summer. This is how, by my example, I infected my dearest person with sports.

Don't ignore sports nutrition and supplements, but use them wisely

  • Whey Protein(it will help you get the required amount of protein, it’s convenient if you don’t have time to eat normally, it makes it easier to maintain a diet; in I described how to use the supplement effectively).
  • Omega-3(in particular, the fatty acids DHA and EPA, which are responsible for many functions in the body and are usually not enough for the balance of Omega 3-6-9; by the way, we get Omega-6 and Omega-9 in sufficient quantities from ordinary foods, including vegetable oils, plus Omega-9 is synthesized in the body; most often there is a lack of Omega-3, which should be replenished with fish in the diet or capsules).
  • Multivitamin complexes(during physical activity, the body’s use of vitamins and microelements increases, which are catalysts for almost all biochemical processes; I recommend reading).

There are no easy or quick ways, but not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance

The faster you lose weight, the faster you will gain back the lost weight, and even with an increase. This rule works 95% of 100% of the time. The remaining 5% are people with an iron will who withstand all adversity and ultimately come to really reasonable weight loss plans, restore lost muscle mass and build new ones, and ultimately get high-quality physical shape and a new life.

In turn, any person can bring themselves back to normal, significantly improve their appearance and overall health. The main thing is not to rush, but also not to sit around waiting for a miracle. Big results come from the small actions you take every day. As the Chinese say: “ Even a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" You have read this article, which means you have already taken the first step. Now do the second one - throw sweatpants and old sneakers in your bag and go to the gym, and then to the grocery store - for buckwheat, chicken breast, herbs, all sorts of sauces and seasonings so that it all tastes good to eat.

But seriously, this is just a small but important touch to this article, indicating that the author is not only a theorist, but also a practitioner. Everything that I talked about above and described in my other articles was tested in personal practice.

Extra centimeters in the waist area is one of the problems of overweight people. Anyone can lose belly fat, regardless of gender, age or body structure. The main thing is not to deviate from your goal, giving yourself concessions. The recommendations below will help you get rid of large volumes in the waist.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. Let’s look at how to get rid of it with proper nutrition in detail. The diet should be divided into 5 - 6 meals. Portions should be small. Look at your palm, not including your fingers - that's how much you should eat at a time.

The daily diet must be prepared taking into account the following principles:

Complete rejection of fatty, salty, sweet, smoked, fried foods;

We limit the consumption of confectionery products, white bread, etc.;

We completely exclude fast food, lemonade, and alcoholic drinks;

Cereals, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, berries, fruits can only be eaten until 15:00 in the afternoon;

Avoid sausages, frankfurters, small sausages, and cutlets from the store;

During the day you can eat vegetables, low-fat dairy products, dietary meat (rabbit, chicken breast).

It should be noted that if a man and a woman start eating the same way at the same time, this will ultimately lead them to different results. This is due to the fact that a man’s body consists to a greater extent of “lean tissue”, and it burns fat cells well. Thus, a woman needs to put in a lot more effort to get herself in the right shape.

Consider doing abdominal exercises. All attention during training should be directed to the abdominal area. For some reason, it is widely believed that the most effective abdominal exercise is to lift the body off the floor while lying on your back. It only affects the lower abdominal muscles. During the exercise, the muscles of the lower abdomen remain completely uninvolved, although they are mainly “responsible” for the overhanging tummy.

Lie on your back, raise your legs, place your palms under your pelvis. As you exhale, lift your buttocks off the floor and tighten your lower abdominal muscles. Try to stay on the weight for a few seconds. Inhale and lower your hips to the floor. Do 20 repetitions.

Roll over onto your stomach. Inhale and lift your legs, body and arms up. Take your breath completely. That is, as you inhale, you should feel how your abs tense from the filled air, and as you exhale, how it relaxes. As you breathe, you will see yourself rising higher above the floor, then lowering yourself. Perform the exercise for 30 - 60 seconds. As you exhale, lie down completely on the floor and give yourself some rest.

If you like to run in the morning or evening, this will also help you lose weight around your waist. How to get rid of belly fat with cardio? Run every day for 30-60 minutes, walk more, take the stairs instead of the elevator home. This additional physical activity will help significantly reduce your waist size.

We discussed above how to get rid of belly fat with the help of nutrition and special exercises. It should also be taken into account that stressful situations affect the increase in waist size. The fact is that they produce the hormone cortisone in the body. If during this period there is also a strong production of adrenaline, then the metabolism begins to play a cruel joke on the body. Namely, fat cells begin to be deposited in the abdominal cavity.

Meditation, proper rest and sleep, and the practice of qigong or yoga will help you cope with stress. Choose the most suitable option for yourself. Some women, and even men, like to embroider or knit. These hobbies calm your nerves and allow you to take your mind off a negative external situation. These people claim that embroidery and knitting are like meditation for them.

If you are thinking about how to get rid of belly fat, then feel free to adjust your diet, start exercising regularly at home and try to avoid stressful situations.

American nutritionist David Zinchenko has developed the “Zero Belly” diet, thanks to which you can quickly and effectively get rid of waist fat.

The main idea of ​​the diet is to turn off the fatness genes and turn on the genes for slimness and health. The Zero Belly diet was tested by 500 volunteers: in the first two weeks, some of them managed to lose up to 16 kilograms and 10 centimeters in volume.

8 tips from nutritionist David Zinchenko on ways to get rid of belly fat in 14 days

Zinchenko’s diet is based on foods that can help change your genetic predisposition to weight gain. If you strictly follow the recommendations, the first changes will be noticeable within 2 weeks. The editors of “Me and Fitness” will tell you how you can noticeably lose belly fat in just 14 days.

8 ways to lose belly fat

1. Walk before breakfast

A morning walk works in two directions at once. First, a recent study found that exposure to sunlight between 8 a.m. and noon reduces the risk of weight gain, regardless of a person's activity level, calorie intake, or age. Researchers theorize that morning light synchronizes metabolism and disrupts genes responsible for weight gain, as well as burning existing calories. In addition, a morning walk has a great effect on the functioning of the heart.

One of the participants in the Zero Belly program said that before going on a diet, her heart rate was 112 beats per minute after training, but after a week and a half of morning walks at a fast pace, her heart rate dropped to 96 beats. “It was great not only to notice external changes in the mirror, but also to understand that significant changes are happening to your body,” the girl shared her observations. By the way, thanks to the diet, she lost more than 10 kilograms in 6 weeks.

2. Start your morning with oatmeal

Among all other cereals (of course, also healthy), oats take first place in the amount of protein, fiber, carbohydrates and fats, which are surprisingly easily absorbed by our body. At the same time, its main property is that the absorption of nutrients occurs very slowly, which means that the feeling of hunger will not visit you for a very long time. It is thanks to this feature that oatmeal breakfasts have become very popular in European countries. The craze for fast food among Europeans is just a fashionable trend that quickly passed, and again everyone is returning to healthy food.

Oatmeal helps lower blood cholesterol and feeds beneficial bacteria in the intestines, that is, it maintains the correct microflora. Oatmeal is rich in insoluble fiber, which helps remove fatty acids from the body. Not long ago, Canadian researchers discovered that people who regularly consumed oatmeal had increased levels of ghrelin, a hormone that controls hunger. For example, Zero Belly program participant Isabelle, after six weeks of dieting, saw her total cholesterol levels drop by 25% and her blood glucose levels by 10%.

3. Avocado is a double whammy for belly fat.

Avocados contain a large amount of different fats and virtually no sugar. Thus, one hundred grams of fruit contains about 160 calories. In addition, avocado is rich in vitamins such as A, C, B, E, K and folic acid. This fruit also contains sodium, iron, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium and a lot of potassium. Avocados are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that suppress hunger. Nutrition research has shown that volunteers who ate half a fresh avocado at lunch had a 40% reduction in their desire to eat within a few hours of their last meal. Secondly, the unsaturated fats contained in avocados prevent the deposition of belly fat and help it be broken down and eliminated from the body.

4. Protein shakes

Protein shakes not only help you get rid of fat, they are also a way to have a tasty and healthy snack. However, most popular commercial drinks contain a large number of chemical additives that can affect the digestive tract and cause inflammation and bloating. Therefore, it is best to drink cocktails based on vegetable protein, which will help burn fat, dull the feeling of hunger and help gain muscle mass.

A participant in the Zero Belly program, 29-year-old Brian Wilson, thanks to the cocktails, lost 19 kilograms and 6 inches from his waist in 6 weeks. “I love smoothies, so I immediately added them to my diet and saw results almost immediately. Protein shakes are a great alternative to a scoop of ice cream,” says Brian.

5. The power of citrus water

To remove everything unnecessary from the body, David Zinchenko advises starting every morning with a glass of “spa water.” Making this drink is very simple; you just need to mix chopped lemons, oranges or grapefruits in water. Citrus fruits are rich in antioxidants contained in their peels, which stimulate the natural cleansing of the liver and remove toxins from the body. You should drink at least 8 glasses of this water per day.

6. Reduce your vitamin intake

If you take large amounts of vitamins and probiotics every day, then you will need to reduce the amount. Elevated levels of vitamins in the body lead to obesity and diabetes. Taking a daily multivitamin is certainly good for your health, but you shouldn’t take them according to the “more is better” principle. A recent study found that most commercial probiotic products contain far less beneficial bacteria than advertised.

7. Dark chocolate and berries for dessert

Scientists from Louisiana State University have proven that the antioxidants contained in cocoa prevent excess weight gain and reduce blood sugar levels. The study showed that as chocolate breaks down, fermentation processes begin in the intestines. Thanks to this, anti-inflammatory compounds are formed in the body, which have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. The berries, in turn, speed up the fermentation process, which leads to even greater weight loss.

8. Green vegetables

Green vegetables such as watercress, cabbage, arugula should definitely be in your daily diet. These vegetables contain sulforaphane, which helps remove toxins from the body. And if you add a teaspoon of vinegar and olive oil to this salad, this will help the body absorb fat-soluble nutrients even better.

Zero Belly program participant Kyle Cambridge said he lost about 15 kilograms in weight and 10 cm on his waist in 6 weeks of the diet. “My wife Stacy and I decided to eat a green salad every day and the pounds started to come off. I even had to buy a new belt. But the best part was when my wife hugged me one day and said, laughing, “Now I can freely wrap my arms around you,” Kyle says.