Georgian names and their meaning. Georgian names - music of ancient Georgia

Male and female Georgian names are very diverse. They absorbed the entire history of the people and became best illustration its long and thorny path to self-determination. Many of the beautiful Georgian names have foreign origins and meanings. They appeared as a result of close communication between Georgians and the peoples of neighboring powers (Russia, North Caucasus, Iran, Armenia, etc.). These merged into the national naming system, making it even more diverse, interesting and attractive.

Origin of Georgian names for girls and boys

Taking into account their origin, male and female Georgian names can be divided into three groups.

  1. Names borrowed from other peoples. Many of them appeared as a result of cultural exchange with Eastern Slavs. Some ancient Georgian names were drawn from Western languages. No less serious imprint on modern system The naming of Georgia was left by the culture of the Persian and Arab peoples.
  2. Original Georgian names. They were drawn from pre-Christian folklore.
  3. Biblical names. Their appearance is associated with the spread of Christianity in Georgia (5th century). This category includes Orthodox Georgian names for girls of Hebrew, Roman and Greek origin.

Top popular Georgian names for boys

  • Vakhtang. Has Persian roots. Translated into Russian it means “wolf body”.
  • Grigol. Georgian version of the name Gregory = "cheerful".
  • David. The name is of Hebrew origin. Translated it means “beloved”.
  • Zurab. Georgian version of the Persian name Sukhrab = "ruby".
  • Iraklia. From the name Hercules = “glory to Hera.”
  • Kakha. Translated from Georgian = “Kakhetian”.
  • Nikoloz. Georgian version of the name Nikolai = “conqueror of nations.”
  • Saba. Arabic name. Translated as “light breeze” / “captive old man”
  • Sando. Variant of the name Alexander = “protector”.

Rating of modern Georgian names for girls

  • Ani. Corresponds to the first letter of the Georgian alphabet.
  • Ketevan. The Georgian version of the name Ekaterina = “purity”.
  • Leah. From the Hebrew "sad".
  • Nana. Translated from Georgian = “tender” / “kind”.
  • Nino. Variant of the name Nina = “youth”.
  • Sofiko. Georgian version of the name Sophia = "wisdom".
  • Suliko. Translated into Russian it means “soul”.
  • Tamriko. Georgian version of the name Tamara.
  • Tinatin. Translated from Georgian = “glimmer of the sun.”

The meaning of native Georgian male and female names

The original most beautiful Georgian names for boys and girls have ancient origin. Many of them are legends and fairy tales (Chichiko, Gogol, Mlegiko, Tsira, etc.). Some traditional Georgian girls' names arose as word forms from adjectives, nouns and common nouns (Mindra, Badri, etc.). Enough most of these names continue to be used today.

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on a person’s character and destiny. Actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and condition, strengthens health, removes various negative programs unconscious. But how to choose the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are cultural interpretations of what male names mean, in reality the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, preventing the child from developing. Astrology and numerology for choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate over the centuries.

Christmastide calendars of holy people, without the consultation of a seeing, insightful specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Georgian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features name, negative traits name, choice of profession by name, the influence of a name on business, the influence of a name on health, the psychology of a name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, life goals and the type of a particular child.

The topic of name compatibility (and not people’s characters) is an absurdity that turns interactions inside out different people internal mechanisms of influence of a name on the state of its bearer. And it cancels the entire psyche, unconscious, energy and behavior of people. Reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal impact. For example, Vazha (courageous, knight) this does not mean that the young man will be strong, and bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken his health, block his heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, another boy will be helped to solve problems of love or power, which will make life and achieving goals much easier. The third boy may not have any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Georgian names for boys in 2015 are also a misconception. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make their fate easier. You can only focus on a specific child, the deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a man's name, as a program of the unconscious, sound wave, vibration is revealed in a special bouquet primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys a child, then no matter how beautiful, melodious with the patronymic, astrologically accurate, blissful it is, it will still be harmful, destroy character, complicate life and burden fate.

Below are a hundred Georgian names. Try to choose several that you think are most suitable for your child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the name’s influence on fate, .

List of male Georgian names in alphabetical order:

Abo - in honor of the holy martyr Abo Tbileli, who converted to Christianity
Auto is the heart of the motherland
Anton - warrior, leader
Avtandil - the heart of the homeland
Amiran - ruler, tall
Archil - correct, open
Alika - protector
Aliko - protector
Alex - defender

Badri - full moon, ideal creation
Baram - exorcist of the demon Veretre
Beso - son of his beloved wife, son of the right hand
Besarion - wooded gorge
Berdia - bestowed by God, gift of the Lord
Berdo - given by God, a gift from the Lord
Bitchiya - youth, boy
Bijo - young
Bichiko - boy

Vano - God's mercy
Vaso - royal
Vakhtang - wolf body, wolf
Vazha - courageous, knight
Vepho - tiger

Genatsvale - friend
Geronti - an old man, oldest
Gia - farmer
Gogi - brave
Giorgi - farmer
Gogita - farmer
Gocha - old man, small
Guram - exorcist of the demon Veretre

David - beloved
Dato - beloved
Daniel - Judge of God
Jano - lover, with a burning heart
Jansug - lover, with a flaming heart
Janiko - lover, with a flaming heart
Jumber - young lion
Dursun - remaining

Zaza - old man, old man
Zviad - arrogant, arrogant
Zurab - red gemstone

Iago - following someone
Elijah - the fortress of the Lord
Elijah - the fortress of the Lord
Irakli - hero, glory of Hera
Heraclius - hero, glory of Hera
Ivane - God's mercy

Kakha - from Kakheti, winner
Koba - follower

Lado - owner of the world
Lasha - light, light
Levan - lion
Lomi - lion
Leo - lion
Leon is a lion
Lefter - free
Luke - light
Lucian - light
Lucia - light

Malkhaz - prince
Mamuka - sunrise
Mgeliko - wolf cub

Nicholas - the conquering people
Nikoloz - the victorious people
Nicandro - winner of husbands
Nugzar is very young

Otar - fragrant, medicine
Otia - fragrant, medicine

Pavle - small, small
Pavlia - small, small
Pavliko - small, small
Petre - stone, rock
Patria - stone, rock
Petia - stone, rock
Peta - stone, rock
Peto - stone, rock
Petroua - stone, rock
Petua - stone, rock

Revaz - great, outstanding
Rezo - great, outstanding
Reziko - great, outstanding
The height of a hero
Born - a martyr
Rustam - hero, mighty

Saba is an old man deprived of his freedom
Sergi - tall, highly respected
Sergo - tall, highly respected
Sergia - high, highly respected
Soso - addition, increase
Sula - soul
Suliko - darling

Tamta - dedicated to God, strong, courageous
Tamazi - twin
Tamaz is a strong rider
Tariel - Hero King
Tengiz - great, strong
Temur - iron
Timur - iron
Titus - honor, honor
Titia - honor, honor
Titiko - honor, honor
Tito - honor, honor
Tornike is the winner

Khvicha - brilliant, shimmering
Chichiko - little man

Shalva - peace
Shavela - peace
Shaliko - peace
Shalika - peace
Shaluta - peace
Shota - fire
Shukri - farmer

Iago - following someone

Remember! Choosing a name for a child is a huge responsibility. A name can greatly make a person’s life easier, but it can also cause harm.

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child strong name, which would improve the child’s weak qualities, support him throughout life, and protect him from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be better, more successful, more efficient and have less problem situations in life.

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Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Like almost any people, Georgians have traditional names, religious and borrowed from other languages.

Children born in rural areas were given their original names, for example: Mgelika - “wolf cub”, Badri - “fidget”.

Under the influence of Byzantium, church names having Jewish and Greek origin. This:

Names borrowed by Georgians are also quite common:

  1. Among the Eastern Slavs:
    • Vladimeri (Vladimir).
    • Iagora (Egor).
  2. Ingush: Jokola.
  3. Ossetians: Tatash.
  4. For Europeans:
    • Maurice.
    • John.
    • Edward.
    • Carlo.

Naming traditions for boys

When choosing a name for their baby, Georgians are guided by the following principles:

  • give the child the name of one of the relatives (grandmother, grandfather) to demonstrate their respect for the older generation;
  • choose a name by church books(Georgian calendar);
  • they give the name that the parents like and goes with the surname;
  • generate the child's name from the names of the mother and father (a rather rare option).

Some parents, guided modern trends give their children the names of their loved ones cinematic heroes or characters from books.

List of all modern variants alphabetically and their meanings

Sweet-sounding Georgian male names are the following:

  • Badri- "full moon". This boy has a heightened sense of justice. He persistently achieves his goals and rarely renounces his own principles.
  • Berdia- “given by God.” A serious, sometimes even gloomy boy. Rarely needs the approval of others. Loves loneliness.
  • Vakhtang- “wolf body”. Little Vakhtang is a reliable friend and a real support for his parents. He is honest, open and inquisitive.
  • Vaso- “royal”. A boy named Vaso has been showing his talents since childhood. It could be music, painting, theater. In any case, this child is naturally gifted and comprehensively developed.
  • Genatsvale- "Friend". A brave, independent, inquisitive boy. Able to independently make serious and thoughtful decisions.
  • Gotcha- “old man”. Willful, sometimes selfish. Rarely needs support and approval. Able to achieve a goal thanks to his willpower.
  • David- "Darling". Sociable, friendly and obedient boy. Very attached to his mother. He needs her love and support all his life.
  • Janiko- “in love.” Romantic nature, dreamer and inventor. He has a very fine mental organization. Needs to strong patrons, which could be parents or friends.
  • Ilia- “the fortress of the Lord.” Secretive, withdrawn, sometimes seeming too gloomy. He likes to listen more than to talk. Knows how to think logically and make informed decisions since childhood.
  • Irakli- “hero”. Brave, independent, but very careful and economical. Will never share with strangers or those in whom he is not sure. Does not forgive insults.
  • Kakha- “winner”. A born leader: decisive, responsible, resourceful. Knows how to be responsible for his words and actions.
  • Koba- “follower”. The bearer of this name is a reliable friend who you can always rely on. He does not betray and hates traitors. Koba will always tell you to his face if the person himself or his actions seem outrageous to him.
  • Lado- "owning the world". Little Lado, despite his mobility and restlessness, rarely causes inconvenience to his parents. He gets sick a little, studies well and respects his elders.
  • Levan- "a lion". Levan grows up calm and not capricious. He studies well, helps his parents around the house, and shows interest in sports and science.
  • Malkhaz- “prince”. Malkhaz has natural charisma, so he is loved and appreciated in society. Knows how to easily and naturally get out of any situation. Has well-developed intuition.
  • Mamuka- "Sunrise". Cheerful, active, honest. He easily finds friends and just as easily breaks up with those who, in Mamuka’s opinion, are not worthy of his attention.

Otar – “medicine”. Flock with youth hot-tempered, capricious and demanding. It is difficult to surprise him with anything and not easy to calm him down. But the name Otar carries a powerful energy charge. Bearers of this name are successful in business and career.

  • Pavliko- "small". A sympathetic boy who is always ready to help. Balanced, honest, friendly.
  • Peto- "stone". He has a vulnerable and unstable character. Needs a reliable friend and a strong family.
  • Revaz- “great”. In appearance, Revaz may seem overly strict and even gloomy, but at heart he is a kind, open and very affectionate boy. Values ​​his family and friends.
  • Rustam- “hero.” Little Rustam is the brightest and most extraordinary boy in any company. He has natural artistry and knows how to win the attention of society.

Sula- "soul". Sula seems quiet and inconspicuous. He listens more than he talks. But Sula is only like that in appearance. This is a true leader who knows how to lead and make responsible decisions from a young age.

Khvicha– “brilliant.” Khvicha strives to always and everywhere be in charge. He feels great potential in himself and from childhood he patronizes all the weak.

Chichiko - “little man”. Chichiko is a kind and sweet boy. His parents love him for his flexibility and hard work, his friends love him for his selflessness and openness.

  • Shaliko- "world". Shaliko is a lively and disorganized baby who finds it difficult to sit still and focus on one thing. He needs to be everywhere and everywhere. Loves books, but rarely shows them off great success learning.
  • Shota- "fire". Shota is demanding of both himself and those around him. This is a little idealist who is persistent in achieving his own goals and does not set himself before anything.

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Georgi-Georgi-The male name George has Greek roots and comes from the word “georgos”, which means “farmer”, “farmer”. By character, Georgy is a balanced, active, friendly and slightly cold-blooded person. As a child, he is usually a slightly reserved, obedient and very smart boy who looks at the world through the eyes of an adult man.

Levani-Levan-Lev- This is the name in literal translation means white. From a very young age, Levan will grow up as a calm, balanced, incredibly friendly and always obedient child. This is practically the dream come true of almost all parents! He is always active and cheerful, very flexible and selfless, in addition, he easily finds mutual language with all peers, often avoiding quarrels and of course not creating conflicts.

Nodari-Nodar-"exceptional". People named Nodar are distinguished by their courage and independence. In childhood, this manifests itself in the form of pronounced self-will and excessive curiosity even for a child. With age, such a person acquires qualities that allow him to occupy a leading position in the team: determination, responsibility, resourcefulness, speed of reaction. He rarely needs support, but he himself provides it only to those in whom he sees real potential.

Temuri-Timur-means “iron”. The name Temur endows its owner with a character indicator that fits the definition of “a thing in itself.” Such a person is not particularly sociable even in childhood. Knowledge interests him only as a reflection of his own inner world. In 9 cases out of 10, the owner of the name Temur becomes a “class specialist” in any one field. But even then his skill - logical conclusion internal search. And – the basis of self-satisfaction.

Amirani-Amir- a derivative of the name Amir “ruler”. Amirani (ამირანი) - in Georgian mythology - a god-fighting hero, main character epic "Amiraniani". The name Amiran symbolizes a person’s tendency towards continuous movement. “Egoza” and “fidgety” in childhood, it practically does not change with age: the love of changing places, the inability and unwillingness to appreciate stability in any form often become the cause of loneliness. But loneliness is not a burden. On the contrary, it is often perceived as an obligatory attribute of freedom, which is for such a person the only way existence, the basis of motivation, a “fetish”.

Tariel-Tariel- rising Sun. Tariel values ​​friendship very much. This is very reliable person, whom you can trust. Tariel demands a similar attitude towards herself from the people around her. He communicates with many, but only allows a few into his personal territory - those of whose honesty of intentions he is absolutely sure. Betrayal and hypocrisy do not forgive. I am always ready to help people in trouble, and to support not only in word, but also in deed. “Summer” Tariel is very sociable and loves to argue. He always prefers to defend his point of view as the only correct one. He likes public Works, because they allow Tariel to feel that people need him.

Romani-Roman-Romeo(Romani is more often perceived as the feminine form of the name Roman-Roman, strong, strong). Somewhat closed and suspicious in childhood, Roman opens up to mature years. He is characterized by sociability, he can captivate people with him, ignite them with his idea. Roman is capricious and always acts in accordance with his own considerations. Enterprising, in difficult situations he maintains composure and the ability to act. Roman's disadvantage is a lack of perseverance and patience. It is difficult for him to concentrate on something for a long time, he loses interest in the matter as soon as elements of routine appear in it. Failures do not frighten Roman; on the contrary, they give him sportive anger.

Roberti-Robert- The name is of ancient Germanic origin and means “Brilliant, unfading glory” (from the Germanic roots hrod, “glory”, and beraht, “brilliant, bright”). A sociable and good-natured boy. In childhood, the meaning of the name Robert is revealed by a certain isolation and poise. Looks like his mother, inherits from his father a strong character and hard work. Surrounded by many friends, endowed with an excellent sense of humor and wit. Generous and kind, good-natured and friendly. Often you become an unspoken leader in a company, without really trying to lead those around you.

Arturi-Arthur- The name Arthur is of Celtic origin. Translated as big bear.
Children named Arthur are calm and balanced - a great joy for parents. Their behavior is always excellent, everyone is happy with them and they do not cause any trouble. IN school time, their character begins to change, Arthur becomes a little hot-tempered and begins to show stubbornness. Externally and internally, they are very similar to their mother. Show interest in drawing and numismatics.

Alberti-Albert-Abo- The meaning of the name Albert is “noble”, “bright”. little Albert is usually an introvert, polite, sentimental, and delicate. This is a boy with developed intuition and rich inner world. Acquaintance with harsh reality can lead him to nervous shock, so parents should be attentive to his life problems. Albert is capable of selfless actions, but a little proud and self-confident. This is a dreamy nature: during lessons at school, Albert, instead of solving mathematical problems, often mentally travels through the Amazon jungle. But at the same time it is easy for him exact sciences. Can become an excellent journalist, mathematician, teacher, bank employee. Albert is often fascinated by everything related to religion and the occult. An adult Albert may be hampered in life, including matters of the heart, by his indecisiveness and excessive sentimentality.

Ruslani-Ruslan- meaning - lion. Ruslan is not a very often used name. However, if the baby is christened this way, he will grow up to be a strong, healthy and self-confident boy. Ruslan's character has many traits inherent in a graceful lion. Ruslan is fearless, he clearly knows which path will lead him to his intended goal. He is beautiful from birth, and most often his appearance is the embodiment of natural male beauty and power. Ruslans are often interested in all kinds of strength sports. As a result of hard training, these men become impeccable handsome men and conquerors of women's hearts.

Igor-Igor- The name has Scandinavian origin from the word “var” and means “militancy, strength.” As a child, Igor tries to find a company in which he would constantly play. He can’t afford to change this company, because he wants to be a leader, but he doesn’t have the necessary qualities for this. Igor can understand problems very well, never panics, he is balanced, but makes high demands on others. Igor has the ability to become successful person and have a good career. He needs a guide showing general direction, but does not offer an exact route to follow. The best compass for him can be his mother. It is she who has that reserve of patience and the necessary approach to Igor to help him succeed.

Arseni-Arsen-Arseni- The male name Arseny has ancient Greek roots and means “courageous”. Boys with this name are kind in nature and do not cause much trouble to their parents. They study well and practically do not conflict with their peers. Arseny is very sensitive and vulnerable, sociable, however, at the same time, not everyone can be called a friend. They are capable of studying music, but they do this solely under pressure from their parents.

LUKA-Luka- the name Luke means "Light" or "Luminous One". The meaning of the name Luke for a child allows us to conclude that a person is naturally endowed with the gift of foresight, intuition allows him to make error-free decisions in the most crucial life moments. This quality allows you to gain financial independence early. At first glance, the interpretation of the name is associated with difficult character, this is a delusion, you just need to come to terms with its shortcomings, which are significantly less than positive qualities. Special meaning has the opinion of his father, whom he tries to imitate in everything. A touching relationship with a mother cannot go unnoticed and arouses the admiration of others.