The best aerial and circus gymnasts. A day in the life of aerial gymnasts

During the flight, everyone will be able to feel free and easy. Aerial gymnastics helps to remove any boundaries and soar in the air. The so-called invisible wings make it possible to fly effortlessly and feel happiness and goodness.

Aerial gymnastics

This type of sport is mainly used in circus acts. In addition to aerial gymnastics on the ring, aerial gymnastics on the ring is also popular. This option requires more additional training and professionalism. The combination of canvas and ring looks quite interesting. But this is only for the viewer, and the gymnast himself puts too much effort into this matter.

As you already understood, to this genre These include numbers where there are projectiles and devices suspended at a certain height. There are options with swinging movements, as well as with rising and falling tricks on canvases that look quite interesting for both adults and children.

This sport requires a certain precision and concentration. You definitely need to be good at this own body and not make any mistakes. Gymnasts take a lot of risks, as they can get really serious injuries with subsequent complications, and in some cases, death. Therefore, without the required level of training, you should not try to perform tricks intended for more experienced athletes.

Aerial gymnastics itself improves the skills and abilities of an average person and surprises ordinary people. In appearance, this is simply something unrealistic and unfeasible, as many viewers say. Genre on this moment is the most spectacular and bewitching. Dexterity and courage are the main features of athletes, who, first of all, should surprise ordinary people.

Air curtains

Of course, like any other sport, aerial gymnastics with canvases has its own standard apparatus. The canvases are made from fairly dense material, and their length is about 9 meters. In most cases, the length is determined by the height of the desired room. They have a special fastening system that allows them to stay on the ceiling quite well during any jerks, strong swings, and so on. The density of the fabric holds the weight of the gymnasts well and, accordingly, is selected separately for each. Acrobatic and gymnastic elements are performed by athletes professionally at their level.

The canvases themselves can consist of both regular material and stretchy material. The non-stretching one is used for tricks by beginner gymnasts, but the second option was created for more experienced ones. The choice of cloths is very important for gymnasts. There must be certain criteria:

  1. Pleasant to the body, the fabric should not cause irritation or allergic reactions.
  2. Sliding should be moderate. Materials that are too slippery will make it difficult to perform tricks.


Certain preparation is needed in absolutely any sport. Of course, aerial gymnastics on canvas also needs this. Photos of beginner gymnasts and professional ones have certain differences in the complexity and performance of tricks. In this matter, initial preparation has special meaning and there is no way to do without it.

To begin with, you should pay attention to the choice of studio or school in which the gymnast will train. Teachers are circus performers, professional gymnasts and so on. Each coach is independently obliged to find an approach to each future gymnast, taking into account all his characteristics, abilities and, most importantly, his desire to train.

Indoor ceiling height educational institutions must be more than 3 meters. Only this height can guarantee safe training for adults and children. There must also be specialized mats in each room. And in order to professionally hone your skills, you need mirrors on the walls.

Positive sides

Athletes for whom aerial gymnastics has become a part of their lives have extraordinary photos. This can be either footage from regular training or from performances. Every person will enjoy captured moments of any tricks, especially when they are done by a professional photographer.

Definition aerial gymnastics associated primarily with grace, art, grace, sophistication and flexibility. Thanks to tricks and exercises, each gymnast works hard on his own muscles, strengthening them and creating relief. The back muscles stretch over time, and with this comes a great stretch for the entire body.

Attracting people

Aerial gymnastics most often attracts spectators in the circus. Here they show gorgeous flights over the dome, which delight the audience. And the versatility of the aerial gymnastics genre itself surprises people.

Since the mid-19th century, visitors circus performances paid attention to such tricks, but nowadays everyone more people They dream of repeating everything they see on their own. The canvases are now the most in demand, so many ordinary gymnasts want to experience own strength in the air.

on canvases

There is also an air one and it is no less popular. These activities give children an unforgettable experience; they make them believe in miracles and the infinity of their own possibilities.

Of course, these classes, like the adult program, always include a warm-up before starting to perform tricks. Group classes will allow you not only to get the support of others, make new acquaintances, but also to learn additional tricks where several people are involved. Self-confidence increases with each new activity, and fear and shyness recede further and further.

Comfortable and safe training rooms are present in almost every gymnastics center, but you still need to choose carefully. The criteria are exactly the same as for adults. And then not only the child, but also the parents will receive a lot of positive emotions.

IN modern society Almost all genres of aerial gymnastics are becoming very popular. If quite recently only professionals and circus performers could master this art, today it is available to everyone. And here age and initial physical training do not play a big role. It is enough to have the desire and desire to learn. The most elegant genre, which is preferred quite big number women - these are classes on aerial canvases. You can learn to soar gracefully in the air and at the same time perform complex gymnastic elements in dance studios.

What are air curtains?

Aerial sheets are a sports equipment that is used in aerial gymnastics. They are a very dense material up to 9 m long, depending on the height of the room. The aerial sheets have a special system of attachment to the ceiling, which makes it possible to perform quite complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements. Canvases are made of stretchable and non-stretchable material. The first type is mainly used by professionals in their field. The second one is more suitable for beginners in this genre. When choosing canvases, it is necessary to take into account some features, namely, they should not only be pleasant to the body, but also not slip too much, allowing you to make a high-quality element in a static state, and not burn the body at the time of performing such elements as cliffs, sliding, and flips.

The aerial sheets have a special system of attachment to the ceiling, which makes it possible to perform quite complex gymnastic and acrobatic elements on them.

Initial training

Aerial gymnastics requires a lot of work and effort. If you still want to learn air curtains, then it is recommended to first choose a specialized studio, school, where the teachers are either circus performers in this genre or professionals in their field. Any coach must find an approach to his ward depending on his characteristics.

The second thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a school is the premises. It must have high ceilings of at least 3 m in height. Only with such dimensions can you safely carry out training and perform gymnastic elements. Equipment also plays a role in the choice last role. In addition to the fact that the fastenings must be durable, the room must contain mats, which provide a certain insurance during training. To hone your skills, you need mirrors.

The first lesson is based on familiarization with safety precautions when working with air curtains. Further, depending on the level physical training women, the instructor determines the degree of load and training tactics.

Conducting classes

Each aerial training session begins with a warm-up, warming up the muscles and hands. Only after this do they move on to instructing the simplest elements. When the first stage is mastered, work on your own body begins. What does it mean? Firstly, the student and the trainer perform various types of stretches. Secondly, strength exercises so that the body can withstand stress at height. When a beginner reaches amateur status, the instructor begins to hone the skill of his elements.

Personal experience

In time, such training can take from 1.5 to 2 hours. Most often, classes are either individual or group (4-8 people). In the second case, the couple works on one suspension alternately.

Why are aerial training necessary?

The most important thing is that aerial gymnastics is grace, elegance, art, sophistication, lightness, flexibility. The above is just the minimum of what such activities give every woman. Thanks to aerial work, a person constantly works on his muscles. By stretching the muscles and back, you gain flexibility and grace.

In addition, aerial exercises involve absolutely all muscles. No other sport can boast of such a feature. Thanks to these workouts, the body becomes more elastic, posture is developed, and the muscles of the arms, legs, buttocks, and back are strengthened. This is also a great way to reset excess weight. This statement is due to the fact that such training requires a large number of energy, nutrition and hard work.

Having mastered the art of aerial painting, you can please your loved ones with your talent at demonstration performances or family corporate events. Many girls attend such classes to perform in nightclubs, which Lately is no less popular than dancing.


It is simply impossible to call aerials a “type of sports equipment”, looking at the beauty and grace of this sport. Two canvases, the width of which varies from one to one and a half meters, when used skillfully, allow you to perform elements demonstrating incredible strength and plastic. Whether the fabric is stretchy or non-stretchable depends on the athlete’s level of training. Canvases have long gone beyond the circus arenas and taken their rightful place among multiple trends dance studios. The dance school “Anix Dance” in Moscow was no exception, where aerial classes are a separate culture and an independent direction.

Emergence and development

Steven Santos in his book “Just a Circus” says that the very direction of aerial acrobatics on canvases represents the latest type of aerial art. It dates back to 1959, when one of the students presented her graduation project using a large piece of fabric. Until 1995, the paintings were forgotten, until Isabelle Vaudel performed her number, which was later included in the program worldwide. famous Circus Du Soleil.

Another opinion says that aerial acrobatics has its origins in belt gymnastics, which originated during the Qing Dynasty in China. Be that as it may, since then aerial gymnastics on canvas has become one of the most spectacular sports. Strength, grace, entertainment, combined in one performance, will not leave indifferent even the most sophisticated connoisseurs of beauty.

Working on aerial surfaces

Tricks on canvases

All elements performed on canvases are divided into three main groups:

  • Lifting is the main method that allows you to perform tricks at high altitudes;
  • Wrapping is a static pose in which the gymnast wraps himself in a cloth, giving the body the required position (splits, hanging, rolling);
  • The stall is perhaps the most spectacular trick in aerial acrobatics. After preliminary wrapping, the gymnast breaks from the height, spinning.

A special feature of such a projectile as air sheets is the material, working with which can leave burns and painful marks. Therefore, having chosen aerial acrobatics as your hobby, pay special attention training uniform. This should be an elastic T-shirt, leggings and socks. The shape should fit securely to the body without impeding movement.

Aerial canvases in Anix Dance

The studio is recruiting groups for aerial acrobatics classes. We will teach you unimaginable tricks, help you believe in yourself, in your strength and uniqueness. Most of The students who came to our studio to “try” stayed with us forever. Aerial acrobatics allows you to develop:

  • strength;
  • flexibility;
  • spatial orientation;
  • self-confidence and own abilities.

To start training, call the phone number listed above, or leave a request for a trial lesson on the main page of the site. Our operators will help you choose a direction and suggest a class schedule.

We know how to teach you to fly!

Flight of a free bird into the sky

Not knowing the fear of heights, she does not need boundaries,

She hovers under the dome

Flying effortlessly

It was as if God had given her invisible wings.

Aerial gymnastics includes circus acts performed on apparatus or apparatus suspended in the air, using cables or other fastening devices. Aerial gymnastics routines are performed both on apparatus fixed in place (static), and on apparatus that swing, move in a circle, and also rise and fall up and down.

The specificity of the genre is based on the demonstration of unusual skills in controlling one’s body, exceeding the abilities of the average person, and going beyond the ordinary. Risky stunt is king circus art, therefore, aerialists, sometimes risking not only injury, but even their lives, try to perform spectacular and sometimes the most desperate stunts in order to show limitless possibilities human body and spirit. It is not for nothing that this genre is considered the most spectacular and fascinating in the circus show. Aerialists demonstrate strength, agility and courage that are inaccessible to the average spectator. Another reason for the popularity of aerial routines is based on the desire of spectators to “tickle their nerves”, to feel the danger that awaits the gymnast. No wonder there is set phrase"death act", which is associated with working without insurance, and is a source of pride for any aerialist. This is an elite and exclusive art that captures the hearts and makes the audience applaud in admiration for every beautiful trick performed in the air. Aerial gymnastics performed by graceful girls are especially attractive in this sense. The lovely creatures not only have beauty and plasticity, but also sometimes show complex, powerful elements in the air.

Performance trapeze artists associated with a large and painstaking preparatory work, which is sometimes invisible and unfamiliar to the common man. Everyday rehearsals, calluses, bruises and injuries make this work truly heroic. Unfortunately, the economic crisis has not escaped the circus arts, and therefore, in order to constantly stay in shape, the artist needs to train daily and thus often pay for expensive rent on his own stage area, make costumes and original aerial props at your own expense. But, despite this, they continue to create and improve their art.

The routine and monotony of show programs and performers are increasingly forcing organizers of various entertainment events turn to the original and delightful genre of aerial gymnastics. A gymnast cannot work to a soundtrack (with the exception of a musical one) because it is real. living art, which does not require confirmation, it is happening here and now, before your eyes. Usage modern trends in art, she helps create mini-performances from many aerial performances, with her own unique image and staging. The people demand “bread and circuses”, you will get all this in full by using aerial acts in your show programs.

Each of us has been to the circus at least once and watched the lightness and grace of aerialists, a show in which grace and plasticity fight the danger of this most difficult act. When the aerialists appear, the audience freezes and enjoys exciting tricks, twists and drops throughout the entire performance. Having seen this magnificent show, people never forget it. Aerial gymnastics includes routines performed on apparatus or apparatus suspended in the air, using cables or other fastening devices. Aerial gymnastics routines are performed both on apparatus fixed in place (static), and on apparatus that swing, move in a circle, and also rise and fall up and down. The specificity of the genre is based on the demonstration of unusual skills in controlling one’s body, exceeding the abilities of the average person, and going beyond the ordinary. Risky stunts are the king of circus art, so aerialists, sometimes risking not only injury, but even their lives, try to perform spectacular and sometimes the most desperate stunts to show the limitless capabilities of the human body and spirit. It is not for nothing that this genre is considered the most spectacular and fascinating in the circus show.

Another reason for the popularity of aerial routines is based on the desire of spectators to “tickle their nerves”, to feel the danger that awaits the gymnast. It is not for nothing that there is a stable expression “death act”, which is associated with working without insurance, and is a source of pride for any aerialist.

Where does aerial gymnastics, which blossomed so magnificently under the circus dome towards the end of the last century, get its origins?

In search of the original source, we must undoubtedly turn to the fairground, the ancestor of many modern small genres. Here, in the middle of the 15th century, as one of the main attractions, we meet a whole brood of aerial tightrope walkers, who in a certain sense can be considered the ancestors of modern aerial acts.

Aerial tightrope walkers showed their skills in city and fairgrounds, working on a rope stretched at great heights between houses, city towers or the banks of a local river. Their performances consisted of a rather primitive nature of solo balancing act, miming small dramatic scenes, and dancing on a rope. Today we have the opportunity to watch aerial gymnasts on rings, trapezes, canvases, belts, loops and much more. This seemingly narrow specialty turned out to be stronger, and yesterday’s amateurs, but today circus masters, have now reached the forefront, and often occupy the red line of posters.

Aerial gymnastics is an elite art and the most spectacular and spectacular genre circus show. Gymnasts and acrobats demonstrate extraordinary strength, agility and courage, inaccessible to ordinary spectators, in risky and desperate stunts.

Many artists even dare to perform complex acrobatic performances blindfolded. They know how to tickle the nerves and provide the attention of guests " fatal numbers” associated with working without insurance. Particularly impressive are the gymnasts who combine amazing plasticity and beauty with complex strength elements.

Aerialist performances

are associated with extensive and painstaking preparatory work, which is sometimes invisible and unfamiliar to the viewer.To look confident and beautiful in the air, artists need to constantly keep themselves in shape. Everyday rehearsals, torn calluses, bruises and injuries make this work truly heroic. The artists pay their own rent for the stage, create costumes, and rent original aerial props. Despite all the difficulties of the profession, they continue to improve their art and create new performances that can give bright, unforgettable impressions to the audience.

To make the performance as bright and unforgettable as possible

A wide variety of scenery, special effects and music are used. Our directors, with the help of modern trends in art, turn many aerial performances into real mini-performances with unique images and staging. They think through every detail - from lighting design and visual effects to choosing the performance style, decorations and costumes. Gymnasts often perform amazing routines in the air using canvases.

You can order a duet of aerial gymnasts or a single performance, colorful numbers performed by a separate artist, as well as the production of a real mini-aerial performance. Call us and we will develop a unique show program with original and unexpected air show performances.