Scenario circus material (middle group) on the topic. Riddles about the circus for children of different ages Aerialists in the circus riddles for children



RIDDLES about "Circus"

Everyone is looking at the middle
There is magic in the middle:
There the eccentric took out the bunny
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing there...
Of course, you've been there. (Circus)

He waves his wand -
Predators are dancing.
Face frowns -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a traffic controller?
No, it's... (trainer)

Any item in my hands
As if under a spell.
Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!
Here he is again!
Now there, now here, now there, now there!
And there are so many balls to count!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And it’s very strange
Why am I getting them again...
From your pocket! (Magician)

The ring is on fire, it's burning
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight he fluffed up his mane
And he wagged his tail playfully.
Answer: Leo

“Woof-woof,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front paws he
Stands on a narrow board
And with an apple on his head.
Answer: Dog

A juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on one paw, on one
He is very nice and funny.
Answer: Elephant

He used to sleep in a den,
The circus invited him.
He lifts weights -
A circus performer is strong.
Answer: Bear

There are acrobat kittens here,
There are also kitten clowns.
Over the head - somersault,
So there's a cat here...
Answer: circus


The tongue is our circus performer,
The highest class will show us
1. He and I will go to the circus now,
We open the door wider,
Let's smile broadly
Very clever and easy!
Fence smile
2. We are greeted by a kind elephant,
He pulls his long trunk.
The elephant is famously trained,
Learn to twirl your trunk!
3. Fred the tiger licked his lips,
He's looking forward to breakfast and lunch.
Delicious jam
4. He’s hurrying towards us on horseback
A dashing circus horseman!
5. Clown Petya is like a ball
Jumps for teeth from above!
He cleverly made the bridge,
A true champion.
6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
He is very interesting to us.
He lay on the nails,
Without even moving, “ah!”
7. The circus performer can prance,
Train animals and birds,
And spin on the trapeze
And dance on a tightrope
8. Wind shovel Goodbye, we say
And let's wave one, two, three!

“And now in the arena there are boa constrictors
And they quietly hiss at everyone.”
Let's sizzle with them.
(Children run their fingers over the boa constrictors and hiss “SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”).

“A trapeze artist is like a bird
Having fun under the circus big top.
To make it more fun for him,
Let’s blow on him harder.”


1. Circus of animals.

Show me quickly
A real circus of animals:
How the foxtrot dances to us
Clumsy hippopotamus
The monkey is tumbling
A bear is driving a car;
Like a nimble white ball,
A bunny is jumping around the arena.
And in the end, everyone, like artists,
They bowed low to the waist.

2. After each verse, the children show what this or that circus performer is doing.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're walking on a tightrope
We won't fall for anything.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're juggling balls
Throw them with us.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
An expert at doing magic tricks
Illusionist and magician.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Strongmen in the arena
The weights squeeze like rolls.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
The clown is rushing into the arena,
The spectator laughs merrily.


"About the Circus (ABC)"
Lev Yakovlev

The acrobat is jumping and agile,
He galloped non-stop.
I cleaned my trousers at a gallop,
I read the magazine while running,
As he galloped, he washed his hands
And off to dinner!


I saw a picture at the circus:
One artist lay down on his back
And kicks without a miss
Tosses the cups around.
And when I assembled the service,
Threw a spoon for an encore!

Hippopotamus on a trampoline

Here I climbed onto the trampoline
The timpani are beating...
This is a terrible moment
For the unfortunate trampoline.


There is only one wheel.
And he’s wearing a saddle - and that’s it!
Not afraid of risk


Throws a gymnast
The gymnast looks
Like a gymnast from a gymnast
Flying towards the gymnast!

The horse runs at full speed,
There's a dashing horseman on horseback,
Crawls under the horse
Tumbles on it
Fun, clever...
Oh yes horse riding!

Trained dog

In a well-mannered dog
There's no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples,
Jump over barriers
Bring balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.

Camel riding

On the camel's hump
It's not easy to sit
But it's high
And apparently far away!

Christmas tree in the circus

The robbers are galloping
Three of us on a bull.
The Snow Maiden is spinning
On the horizontal bar.
Santa Claus is flying
On a rocket...
No Christmas tree
In the world!

He throws the rings up
He set off fireworks:
Five, and six, and seven rings,
And twelve at last!
Surprised around:
- How does he have enough hands?


Called "mirror"
In the circus there is a paper circle.
Can jump into the "mirror"
Only a fearless artist.
If there is a hole in the “mirror”,
They shout to the daredevil: “Hurray!”

Is it in Moscow?
Is it in Prague?
Is it in Madrid?
Who's at the circus

Icarian Games

To throw my son up,
Dad gave him a kick.
The son returns:
- Dad, give me one more time!

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The coals were eaten by the unfortunate yogi!
Don't be afraid, children,
This is Petya the clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - made of rope,
Looking out of the basket
Cobra made of rubber!

Tightrope walker

He rode on a tightrope
Tried to do a somersault
I barely fell...
I frayed people's nerves!

Clown Red,
Clown White,
Clown coward
And the clown is brave,
Clown Bom
And clown Bim,
Clown can
Be anyone.
For their tricks
We shout:
Only a villain clown
Never happens!

Their jumps are light and precise.
A lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

Knife Thrower

If your hands are shaking, don't touch
This sharp long knife -
First stop trembling
And then you throw it!

Musical eccentrics

One plays the saw
Another is playing on a broom
The third plays on the wood,
And everyone stands on their heads!


Silk-maned horse
Dancing on the playground.
The rider is beautiful
Dancing on a horse.

There are countless hoops on it:
Ten, twenty, twenty six,
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, she's playing hide and seek?
We still see the heels!

Plastic sketch

Maybe this guy
Tie like a shoelace.
There's only one thing that worries me -
What if he can’t unravel?

Roller skaters

No ice -
No problem.
Bruises -
They dashingly draw videos
Noughts and crosses!

Why is he so strong?
How does the baby play ball?
Only such a strong man
This ball is on the shoulder:
Silver, new,
One hundred kilogram!

Plates on canes

In the arena, on canes
The plates are spinning... Ah!..
Deep plates
Yes, the fragments are small!

Trapeze for an elephant

Why an elephant
Doesn't fly well?
There's just no trapeze
For her complexion.


Tamer stomp his foot!
Leva snorted - look, what...
Tamer slap the whip!
Leva doesn't care...
Tamer crack the whip!
Leva waved his tail...
The trainer gave me a pie...
Leva did a somersault.


The magician turned
A man in a crocodile.
The hall froze in surprise.
Seryozha stood up and said:
- Auntie, do it back.
It's unpleasant for a person!

He is greater than everyone, he is taller than everyone,
He boldly walked out on stilts,
He took off from the throwing board,
Landed... roared!
But why should he cry?
Because he's a bear.

If you want to mope,
It's better not to come to the circus.
Hates circus blues.
The circus is not to my liking.

Circus cat

The more often the cat
Eating fish soup
The more peaceful your life


When he closes his mouth
His stomach sings.
When he opens his mouth
His stomach is silent.
It's a shame that at the same time
He doesn't sing a duet!

Often, often, clearly, clearly,
Heels rattling,
A tap dancer tap dances
And dances “cha-cha-cha”!

What is a tent?
It's like a sieve!
It's pouring out
Poodles and balls
Dancing girls
Jumping boys
The red clown is writhing,
Spinning and teasing
Well, we want to laugh
We love it all!
Carry on, big top!
No one will go home!

Click like a clown

Red caught White
Like a butterfly in a net.
White caught Red,
Like a fish on a hook.
Red - BANG!
And White - BANG!
Bumps have grown on their foreheads!

The tamer is strict, and yet
He is a big good guy at heart.
They're similar in the alphabet
Hard sign to soft sign.

The letter “Y” is very offensive,
The letter is stricken with grief:
- Why can’t you see me?
In the word "CIRCUS",
At least I can hear?..
There are "JUMPERS" -
So the letter “Y” in circus!


Three coils
He climbed
On reels
And not at all
Don't get annoyed
What coils
They're leaving!

Jewelry work

He walked on a tightrope
And he held a dagger on his forehead,
He carried a vase on a dagger,
And on it lay a tray,
And on it is a glass of compote...
Jewelry work!

Clown tongue

What kind of laughter? What kind of scream?
The clown stuck out his tongue.
Very rare languages
They are so big!



RIDDLES about "Circus"

Everyone is looking at the middle
There is magic in the middle:
There the eccentric took out the bunny
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing there...
Of course, you've been there. (Circus)

He waves his wand -
Predators are dancing.
Face frowns -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a traffic controller?
No, it's... (trainer)

Any item in my hands
As if under a spell.
Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!
Here he is again!
Now there, now here, now there, now there!
And there are so many balls to count!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And it’s very strange
Why am I getting them again...
From your pocket! (Magician)

The ring is on fire, it's burning
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight he fluffed up his mane
And he wagged his tail playfully.
Answer: Leo

“Woof-woof,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front paws he
Stands on a narrow board
And with an apple on his head.
Answer: Dog

A juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on one paw, on one
He is very nice and funny.
Answer: Elephant

He used to sleep in a den,
The circus invited him.
He lifts weights -
A circus performer is strong.
Answer: Bear

There are acrobat kittens here,
There are also kitten clowns.
Over the head - somersault,
So there's a cat here...
Answer: circus


The tongue is our circus performer,
The highest class will show us
1. He and I will go to the circus now,
We open the door wider,
Let's smile broadly
Very clever and easy!
Fence smile
2. We are greeted by a kind elephant,
He pulls his long trunk.
The elephant is famously trained,
Learn to twirl your trunk!
3. Fred the tiger licked his lips,
He's looking forward to breakfast and lunch.
Delicious jam
4. He’s hurrying towards us on horseback
A dashing circus horseman!
5. Clown Petya is like a ball
Jumps for teeth from above!
He cleverly made the bridge,
A true champion.
6. In the arena - a famous yogi,
He is very interesting to us.
He lay on the nails,
Without even moving, “ah!”
7. The circus performer can prance,
Train animals and birds,
And spin on the trapeze
And dance on a tightrope
8. Wind shovel Goodbye, we say
And let's wave one, two, three!

“And now in the arena there are boa constrictors
And they quietly hiss at everyone.”
Let's sizzle with them.
(Children run their fingers over the boa constrictors and hiss “SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”).

“A trapeze artist is like a bird
Having fun under the circus big top.
To make it more fun for him,
Let’s blow on him harder.”


1. Circus of animals.

Show me quickly
A real circus of animals:
How the foxtrot dances to us
Clumsy hippopotamus
The monkey is tumbling
A bear is driving a car;
Like a nimble white ball,
A bunny is jumping around the arena.
And in the end, everyone, like artists,
They bowed low to the waist.

2. After each verse, the children show what this or that circus performer is doing.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're walking on a tightrope
We won't fall for anything.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
We're juggling balls
Throw them with us.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
An expert at doing magic tricks
Illusionist and magician.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
Strongmen in the arena
The weights squeeze like rolls.

We have a lot of fun at the circus,
We laugh and laugh.
The clown is rushing into the arena,
The spectator laughs merrily.


"About the Circus (ABC)"
Lev Yakovlev

The acrobat is jumping and agile,
He galloped non-stop.
I cleaned my trousers at a gallop,
I read the magazine while running,
As he galloped, he washed his hands
And off to dinner!


I saw a picture at the circus:
One artist lay down on his back
And kicks without a miss
Tosses the cups around.
And when I assembled the service,
Threw a spoon for an encore!

Hippopotamus on a trampoline

Here I climbed onto the trampoline
The timpani are beating...
This is a terrible moment
For the unfortunate trampoline.


There is only one wheel.
And he’s wearing a saddle - and that’s it!
Not afraid of risk


Throws a gymnast
The gymnast looks
Like a gymnast from a gymnast
Flying towards the gymnast!

The horse runs at full speed,
There's a dashing horseman on horseback,
Crawls under the horse
Tumbles on it
Fun, clever...
Oh yes horse riding!

Trained dog

In a well-mannered dog
There's no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples,
Jump over barriers
Bring balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.

Camel riding

On the camel's hump
It's not easy to sit
But it's high
And apparently far away!

Christmas tree in the circus

The robbers are galloping
Three of us on a bull.
The Snow Maiden is spinning
On the horizontal bar.
Santa Claus is flying
On a rocket...
No Christmas tree
In the world!

He throws the rings up
He set off fireworks:
Five, and six, and seven rings,
And twelve at last!
Surprised around:
- How does he have enough hands?


Called "mirror"
In the circus there is a paper circle.
Can jump into the "mirror"
Only a fearless artist.
If there is a hole in the “mirror”,
They shout to the daredevil: “Hurray!”

Is it in Moscow?
Is it in Prague?
Is it in Madrid?
Who's at the circus

Icarian Games

To throw my son up,
Dad gave him a kick.
The son returns:
- Dad, give me one more time!

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The coals were eaten by the unfortunate yogi!
Don't be afraid, children,
This is Petya the clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - made of rope,
Looking out of the basket
Cobra made of rubber!

Tightrope walker

He rode on a tightrope
Tried to do a somersault
I barely fell...
I frayed people's nerves!

Clown Red,
Clown White,
Clown coward
And the clown is brave,
Clown Bom
And clown Bim,
Clown can
Be anyone.
For their tricks
We shout:
Only a villain clown
Never happens!

Their jumps are light and precise.
A lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

Knife Thrower

If your hands are shaking, don't touch
This sharp long knife -
First stop trembling
And then you throw it!

Musical eccentrics

One plays the saw
Another is playing on a broom
The third plays on the wood,
And everyone stands on their heads!


Silk-maned horse
Dancing on the playground.
The rider is beautiful
Dancing on a horse.

There are countless hoops on it:
Ten, twenty, twenty six,
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, she's playing hide and seek?
We still see the heels!

Plastic sketch

Maybe this guy
Tie like a shoelace.
There's only one thing that worries me -
What if he can’t unravel?

Roller skaters

No ice -
No problem.
Bruises -
They dashingly draw videos
Noughts and crosses!

Why is he so strong?
How does the baby play ball?
Only such a strong man
This ball is on the shoulder:
Silver, new,
One hundred kilogram!

Plates on canes

In the arena, on canes
The plates are spinning... Ah!..
Deep plates
Yes, the fragments are small!

Trapeze for an elephant

Why an elephant
Doesn't fly well?
There's just no trapeze
For her complexion.


Tamer stomp his foot!
Leva snorted - look, what...
Tamer slap the whip!
Leva doesn't care...
Tamer crack the whip!
Leva waved his tail...
The trainer gave me a pie...
Leva did a somersault.


The magician turned
A man in a crocodile.
The hall froze in surprise.
Seryozha stood up and said:
- Auntie, do it back.
It's unpleasant for a person!

He is greater than everyone, he is taller than everyone,
He boldly walked out on stilts,
He took off from the throwing board,
Landed... roared!
But why should he cry?
Because he's a bear.

If you want to mope,
It's better not to come to the circus.
Hates circus blues.
The circus is not to my liking.

Circus cat

The more often the cat
Eating fish soup
The more peaceful your life


When he closes his mouth
His stomach sings.
When he opens his mouth
His stomach is silent.
It's a shame that at the same time
He doesn't sing a duet!

Often, often, clearly, clearly,
Heels rattling,
A tap dancer tap dances
And dances “cha-cha-cha”!

What is a tent?
It's like a sieve!
It's pouring out
Poodles and balls
Dancing girls
Jumping boys
The red clown is writhing,
Spinning and teasing
Well, we want to laugh
We love it all!
Carry on, big top!
No one will go home!

Click like a clown

Red caught White
Like a butterfly in a net.
White caught Red,
Like a fish on a hook.
Red - BANG!
And White - BANG!
Bumps have grown on their foreheads!

The tamer is strict, and yet
He is a big good guy at heart.
They're similar in the alphabet
Hard sign to soft sign.

The letter “Y” is very offensive,
The letter is stricken with grief:
- Why can’t you see me?
In the word "CIRCUS",
At least I can hear?..
There are "JUMPERS" -
So the letter “Y” in circus!


Three coils
He climbed
On reels
And not at all
Don't get annoyed
What coils
They're leaving!

Jewelry work

He walked on a tightrope
And he held a dagger on his forehead,
He carried a vase on a dagger,
And on it lay a tray,
And on it is a glass of compote...
Jewelry work!

Clown tongue

What kind of laughter? What kind of scream?
The clown stuck out his tongue.
Very rare languages
They are so big!

Larisa Badaeva

Program content.

Educational objectives:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge on the topic “Circus”.

2. Improve motor skills in children:

Throwing a large ball up and catching it after clapping your hands;

Balance - walking on a rope with a bag on your head;

Jumping on two legs over sticks (height 30 cm);

Climbing into the hoop from bottom to top;

Riding a scooter;

Throwing small balls into the basket with the right and left hands.

Wellness tasks:

1 Improvement of the emotional background.

2. Continue to develop children's communication skills.

Educational tasks:

1. Instill in children a respectful attitude towards people of different


2. Foster in children a sense of friendship and mutual assistance.

Methods: Verbal, visual, practical.

Techniques: Game motivation, surprise moment, artistic expression, musical accompaniment.

Integration of areas: “Physical Education”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Socialization”.

Material and equipment:

Sports equipment: 3 landmarks, rope (start-finish line, 3 large balls,

3 ropes, 3 sandbags, 3 gymnastic poles, 3 skirts, 6 flat gymnastic poles, 6 bars, 3 hoops, 3 scooters, 3 bear hats, 3 tiger baskets (with tiger hats, small balls according to the number of relay participants (30 -36 pcs., 2 water bottles, double box and multi-colored scarves for tricks.

Audio speakers and a CD with music for musical decoration, balloons and children's crafts (drawings and applications) for decorating the hall.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the professions of people performing in the circus: juggler, tightrope walker, clown, magician, trainer.

Looking at illustrations depicting circus performers, watching videos about the circus.

Children's applications "Cheerful Clown" and drawings "Circus tent" for decorating the hall.

The hall is beautifully decorated with Circus themed illustrations and balloons.

Children, accompanied by the song “Love the Circus” (music by O. Feltsman, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky) enter the hall and line up in 3 lines in a letter

Host: Circus! Circus! Circus! The circus is great!

It's festive and bright everywhere!

Cheerful laughter rings here!

I invite everyone to visit!

Today we open the doors of the circus,

We invite all guests to the performance

Come have fun with us

Come and become our friends!

Today I invite you to a circus performance. And you will be artists! Ready?

Children's answer.

Children come out and read poems about the circus.

1 child:

Laughing, bright,

Wonderful, groovy,

With colorful lights,

Dressed up with balls.

3rd child:

There are wonderful musicians here

In big green bows.

Jugglers, acrobats,

They fly on ropes.

5th child:

The fakir swallows the sword!

That's courage and bravery!

And the clown gives laughter,

Smiles and success!

2nd child:

Great show.

Which surprises everyone

It arrived, it stomped,

It came, it came.

4th child:

Dogs, cats, bears,

Lions, tigers and monkeys,

And next to them is an elephant -

Strongman and champion.

6th child:

And the children will clap

On the circus planet

At least twenty-three hours straight.

Oh Circus! You are a fabulous parade!

Host: Do you know that in order for us to be so interested in the circus, artists have to train a lot? I suggest you warm up properly before starting the competition.

The warm-up begins, stand up and straighten your back.

Warm-up “Radiant Sun”.

Host: Now you are ready for circus competitions. I ask the captains to introduce their teams.

Captain of the first team (gr. No. 4)

Welcome to the team

Whole team: Orange!

Captain: Our motto:

The whole team: We are like orange slices

We are friendly and indivisible.

We dream of receiving a prize,

Hey enemy, watch out!

Captain of the second team (gr. No. 6) The team welcomes you

Whole team: Kapitoshki!

Captain: Our motto:

The whole team: We are the best guys

Success awaits us today

We love to clap our hands

And our name is Kapitoshki!

Captain of the third team (gr. No. 9) The team welcomes you

Whole team: Nuts!

Captain: Our motto:

Whole team: You can't crack our nut

We will be the strongest!

Clever and brave

Fast, skillful!

Presenter: All our children are cheerful and vigorous.

But it's time to start sports competitions.

The teams are lined up and ready to compete

The march sounds and the teams step to the starting line

Presenter: We ended up in the circus arena,

And in my hands there is a magic ball,

He laughs, jumps, plays,

He won't run away from me.

Who in the circus can throw objects and not drop them? (juggler)

Relay No. 1 “Jugglers”

The teams line up.

The player standing first in the line has a large diameter ball.

At the teacher’s signal, the player throws the ball up and claps his hands, catches it with both hands, passes it to the next player, and so on.

The last player in the line also tosses the ball and makes a clap, and then passes it to the right.

When the first player has the ball again, he raises it above his head and says: “Ready!” The winning team is determined.

The daredevil walks, laughs, and never stumbles.

He can't trip - there's a rope under the dome!

He can walk on a tightrope, like on the Arbat,

Walk and turn and run back!

Relay race No. 2 “Rope walker”.

At the teacher’s signal, walk along the rope with a stick in your hands and a bag on your head.

At the end of the path, remove the bag from your head and run back to the finish line.

Pass on the relay attributes and stand at the end of the team.

The winning team is determined.

Presenter: In a well-mannered dog

There's no time for a fight.

She needs to solve examples,

Jump over barriers

Bring balls in your teeth

Dance on two legs.

Relay No. 3 “Trained dogs”.

Teams stand in columns at the start-finish line.

At the teacher’s signal, the children standing first put on skirts, jump to the sticks on the bars (2 sticks, jump over them on two legs, jump to the hoop, climb into it from the bottom up, say “woof!”, run back, pass the skirt to the next participant and stand up to the end of the column.

Competition "Riddles about the circus."

He throws balls into the air.

We know for sure: he will catch everything,

Not a single one will drop

He's the only one in the circus. (Juggler)

The ring is on fire, it's burning

The gymnast flies through the ring,

In flight he fluffed up his mane

And he wagged his tail playfully. (A lion)

He waves his wand -

Predators are dancing.

Face frowns -

The lion will jump into the ring.

What is he, a traffic controller?

No, this. (Trainer)

He walks on a tightrope

Not afraid that he will fall.

It won't fail without insurance.

Everyone loves it. (tightrope walker)

A juggler performs on stage

He throws balls with his trunk

Standing on one paw, on one

He is very nice and funny. (Elephant)

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What's that funny fellow called? (Clown)

Look, three bears

In caps and dresses

On beautiful scooters

They're rolling around the arena!

Relay No. 4 “Trained Bears”.

Teams stand in columns at the start-finish line.

At the teacher’s signal, the children standing first put on bear hats, ride a scooter to a landmark and return back, passing the scooter to the next participant.

Host: It’s good for tigers to live in the circus.

There is time for both sleep and games.

We recently had lunch

They brought a bucket of cutlets.

And now it’s right under our noses

The trainer waves a stick.

Hush, uncle, into our mouth

It's better not to lay your head down.

Relay No. 5 “Feed the Tiger.”

Teams stand in columns at the start-finish line.

At the teacher’s signal, the children standing first run to the hoop in which small balls lie, throw the ball into a basket decorated with a tiger cap, return back and pass the baton to the next participant.

Host: Any object is in my hands

As if under a spell.

Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!

Here he is again! Now there, now here, now there, now there!

And there are so many balls to count! Look, they're gone!

Where can I get them? And it’s very strange

Why am I getting them again? Out of your pocket (Magician)

Of course, I’m not a magician, I’m still just learning....

But I’ll still show you a trick, my friends.

Tricks with multi-colored water and scarves in a double box to the song “The Wizard Suleiman” from the fairy tale “Little Muk”.

Presenter: You are water, my dear light,

Make yourself from light blue!

You are water, the light is beautiful,

Make yourself from light to red!



Guys, today we visited the circus.

You were all very good artists!

Did you like the performance?

The jury announces the results of the competition as a whole.

Friendship wins!

A ceremony is held to award diplomas and sweet prizes.

To the music of a circus theme, the children say goodbye and leave the hall.

Celebration in elementary school “The circus has come to us!” Scenario.

Matveeva Svetlana Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9, Ulyanovsk.
Description of work: I bring to your attention material that is aimed at organizing leisure activities for primary school children. This material will be useful to primary school teachers and after-school teachers. It is recommended to do preliminary work for the event in advance.
Target: create a festive atmosphere and evoke positive emotions.
- introduce children to the history of the circus, as well as the professions of circus performers;
- to educate children in the ability to show positive emotions, have fun and bring joy to their friends;
- create a favorable microclimate at the holiday.
Preliminary work: decorating the hall (classroom), designing an exhibition of drawings “I love the circus” and essays “In the circus I would like to be ...”, preparing reports and presentations, preparing and rehearsing numbers for the holiday, purchasing special paints and brushes for applying makeup, purchasing wigs, noses and ties for the competition, making commemorative booklets, purchasing souvenirs (it is advisable that they remind you of the circus: soap bubbles, glow sticks, wind-up toys, etc.), learning poems, purchasing tickets to the circus.

Progress of the event:

Presenter: Hello, dear children and dear adults!
Everyone is looking at the middle
There is magic in the middle:
There the eccentric took out the bunny
From your pocket.
There's a dancer under the dome
She flew away like a tit.
The dogs were dancing there...
Of course, you've been there.
What is this, guys? (Circus).
Music is playing.
Presenter: Of course it is CIRCUS! Circus is one of the most ancient, widespread and popular forms of art. Today we are waiting for a Journey to the Circus! It is the circus that brings extraordinary fun and joy into the lives of children. Bears riding bicycles, tigers jumping into flaming rings, acrobats masterfully performing the most difficult stunts, etc. – all this brings indescribable delight not only to children, but sometimes to us adults as well. Today holiday “The circus has come to us!”.

This is followed by a presentation or report by children about the history of the circus.
Approximate content:
Circus– from the Latin word for “circle”, refers more to racing than to other forms of entertainment.
Man has always loved to be entertained. In Ancient Greece, for example, there were chariot races, in China there was a “snake man”, in Egypt there was a wild animal trainer. Over time, the idea of ​​combining these and other entertainments in the circus appeared in Rome.
Circus art is much older than the Roman spectacles that attracted thousands of spectators. For the first time (3500 BC) it appeared in China. Chinese circus performers mainly demonstrated balancing act, acrobatic and gymnastic performances, as well as juggling. It is these numbers that the Chinese are famous to this day. The Chinese circus is a spectacle in which performers demonstrate incredible body flexibility. In Ancient China, circus art was represented by the performances of acrobats who maintained balance while performing complex exercises: in the Chinese circus there were no acts involving animals.
In turn, ancient Roman circuses - monumental structures for several thousand spectators - were primarily places for competitions of horse-drawn carriages. Later, after the invention of the folding circus tent, traveling circus troupes appeared.

Circus Maximus appeared in the 3rd century BC. It was also the largest: it could accommodate 150,000 people. When the Romans came to the circus, they found themselves in a wonderful entertainment area like never before. They sold sweets and other products there. Admission was free because rulers used circuses to satisfy the people and distract them from public problems and concerns.
There were no organized circuses in the Middle Ages. Troupes of artists traveled from city to city, performing tricks of varying complexity.
The first circus, most similar to the modern one, was created by the Englishman Phillip Astley in 1768.
Thus, from an ordinary performance and man’s love for horses, a circus emerged. In order to attract students and earn more money, Philip began holding demonstrations of his riders. Things went well for him, very soon he was able to build a special building that had a domed roof, an arena, a round auditorium and a stage with an orchestra.
On August 4, 1777, the first circus performance took place in this building, which was then called the Astley Amphitheater. At first, all performances consisted exclusively of numbers with horses. Miracles of training and acrobatics were shown. However, over time, combined performances began to be staged at the Amphitheater, which included both acts with riders and other acts. The first circus programs featured dog trainers, tightrope walkers, clowns, acrobats, pantomime and jugglers.
Other countries also became interested in Astley's idea. Since then, circuses have become a popular spectacle all over the world.

Presenter: Circus is about bright, breathtaking or optimistic performances. Indeed, where, if not in the circus, can you see so many extraordinary personalities with unique abilities, skills and willingness to tirelessly entertain the public? At first glance, it seems that the life of a circus performer is full of carefree and fun, but, meanwhile, his work is very hard work.
Representatives of many specialties work in the circus: trainers, illusionists, clowns, acrobats, athletes, aerialists, tightrope walkers, horse riders and others.
All professions are before your eyes, they are written on a board or hanging on a stand.
Presenter: Each of these specialists requires years of training to master professional skills. Those who are not ready to devote their entire lives to circus art are unlikely to be able to prove themselves in such an area. The circus is not just a place of work for them. For everyone who has chosen serving the circus art as their profession, this is life, this is home, this is family.
A circus performer must have the following qualities:
- perseverance and patience;
- good physical data;
- demanding of yourself and others;
- creative thinking;
- ease at work;
- acting abilities;
- physical endurance;
- willingness to take daily risks;
- lightness;
- the ability to overcome fear and fatigue.
All the qualities are before your eyes,
they are written on a board or hanging on a stand.

Presenter: Let's see if you have these qualities?
Competition "Fun Pantomime". Everyone is invited to participate. A task is given. In 5 minutes you need to come up with a pantomime and show it to all the participants of the holiday. Those who do well and those who guess correctly receive souvenirs as a souvenir.
Sample tasks:
Draw a famous picture, a proverb, a line from a poem known to everyone.
Presenter: The modern circus is, first and foremost, entertainment, so the performance of clowns is an obligatory element of it.

Presenter: Children's favorites - brightly painted actors in huge shoes with fake red noses are designed to make the audience laugh. It's not easy, and often requires a variety of talents - acting, music and gymnastics. The most popular representatives of this group of circus performers are acrobats and mimes - “red” and “white”, whose images are derived from traditional comedy characters - Harlequin and Pierrot.
Next comes the children working in pairs. They apply makeup to each other with special paints. You can invite a professional to the holiday who will help the children, or you can handle it yourself with the involvement of parents.
1 child:
Clown Red, Clown White,
The clown is a coward and the clown is brave,
Clown Bom and Clown Bim,
A clown can be anyone.
Gawking at their tricks,
We shout: “Wow!”...
Only a villain clown
Never happens!
Presenter: Next competition "Clowns dress up".
For this competition, you need to divide into 2 teams, boys and girls, children and parents, etc. The attributes for the competition are already prepared in advance: wigs, noses, ties, bows, etc. At the signal, the teams begin to put on all the attributes of a clown. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins.
Cheerful music sounds. At the end of the competition, children in costumes dance. Some children, who prepared the clown act in advance, act out skits and amuse the guests.
Presenter: There is also dangerous work in the circus.

2nd child:
If your hands are shaking, don't touch
This sharp long knife -
First stop trembling
And then you throw it!
Presenter: Equilibrist and acrobatic performances require extraordinary skill, which comes only as a result of many years of training, as, for example, in acrobatic trapeze tricks under a circus big top, invented in France in the mid-19th century. This requires an accurate sense of timing, dexterity, strength and flexibility of the body. No less difficult numbers are riding a unicycle, which requires an exceptional sense of balance, as well as throwing knives at a target. Every incorrectly performed movement is associated with a huge risk and can threaten the artist’s life.
3rd child:
There are countless hoops on it:
Ten, twenty, twenty six,
Twenty nine, thirty three...
Where is the artist?
There, inside...
Oh, she's playing hide and seek?
We still see the heels!

This is followed by competitions: “Throwing darts”, “Skittles”, “Town”, “Who spins the hoop the longest”, “Who jumps rope the most” and others. All competitions are held with the help of parents. This is followed by gymnastic performances by children, with ribbons, clubs, hoops, balls and other attributes.
Presenter: Guys, I suggest you - Riddle competition “What do I know about the circus?”.
Sample riddles:
Is it in Moscow?
Is it in Prague?
Is it in Madrid?
Who's at the circus
He waves his wand -
Predators are dancing.
Face frowns -
The lion will jump into the ring.
What is he, a traffic controller?
No, it's... (trainer).

Any item in my hands
As if under a spell.
Here the ball is there, but now it’s not!
Here he is again!
Now there, now here, now there, now there!
And there are so many balls to count!
Look, they're gone!
Where can I get them?!
And it’s very strange
Why am I getting them again...
From your pocket!
The ring is on fire, it's burning
The gymnast flies through the ring,
In flight he fluffed up his mane
And he wagged his tail playfully.
(A lion).
“Woof-woof,” the champion shouts to us.
On two front paws he
Stands on a narrow board
And with an apple on his head.
A juggler performs on stage
He throws balls with his trunk
Standing on one paw, on one
He is very nice and funny.
He used to sleep in a den,
The circus invited him.
He lifts weights -
The circus performer is strong.
All first guessers are given souvenirs.
Presenter: Classic performances are performances of trained animals. The program may include performances of dogs riding bicycles, seals juggling balls, and horseback riding. Particularly popular are numbers involving dangerous animals - for example, bears, lions, tigers and elephants. The sight of a trainer putting his head into a lion's mouth is heart-stopping, but just as thrilling can be the sight of huge elephants standing on two legs like small dogs.

4th child:
In a well-mannered dog
There's no time for a fight.
She needs to solve examples,
Jump over barriers
Bring balls in your teeth
Dance on two legs
Make your bed
And train cats.
Next, the guys who have prepared performances with their pets will perform. (Required with the help of parents). Animals must be safe. If there are children in the class with allergies to animals, then this item should be excluded from the script.
Presenter: There are a lot of interesting things in the circus. Let's watch and listen to our guys. They cooked The section “Did you know?” and tricks.
Example messages:
Under the huge circus tent there are seats for spectators and an orchestra, as well as an arena for the performers.
In the old days, spectators were very attracted to the performances of fire eaters.
Many people believe that showing trained animals is cruel. In order for animals - such as lions - to become obedient, safe and follow human orders, they have to be trained for years using the most ruthless methods. Animals are often kept in inappropriate conditions, such as cages that are too small, where they are unable to move and play freely. Therefore, some modern circuses are returning to Chinese forms of entertainment - without animal performances, only with fantastic acts of superbly trained people.
In addition to the regular circus, there are also “Circus on Water” and “Circus on Ice”, in which circus performers perform tricks in water and on ice skates.
Next, the children perform tricks prepared in advance.
Presenter: And now recitation competition “Poems about the circus”.
Sample verses:
Clown in the circus -
It's a clown!
All the people laugh with him!
He pours tears into three streams,
He's singing under the dome!
Everyone is laughing
He is crying!
Climbs to the tigers for trouble!
I have a big dream:
I'll be a clown!
How is he!

For children's joy
A traveling circus has arrived.
In the singing and in the ringing,
Everything in it is like in the real thing.

The gymnast flies and the horse gallops,
The fox jumps into the fire
Dogs learn to count
A pony comes out to give them a ride.
The monkey hurries to the mirror,
And the clown makes the audience laugh.

At the end the sorcerer comes out,
And in front of all the people
Out of nothing, out of emptiness
The living ones get flowers,
Then, as if for a game,
Throws balls at the audience.
The children's eyes sparkle,
And pigeons are flying into the sky!

My mother and I went to the circus
(I've been dreaming about this for a long time).
We saw different artists,
And I liked the juggler.

Throwing plates in the air
And I didn’t drop a single one!
I just held my breath
I clapped him as hard as I could!

I wanted to try
When I grow up, I will become a juggler.
Practice a little
And then perform in the circus.

I took the plates out of the closet,
And he began to throw it up as he...
But the plates fell on the floor
And they fought, making a ringing sound.

Probably, looking at the juggler,
I overlooked some secret...
Eh, he'll get caught for this soon!..
I don't want to be a juggler!

Their jumps are light and precise.
A lion's roar is like thunder.
Even in the circus, even in a cage
The lion remains king.

The poor yogi lay down on his saber!
The coals were eaten by the unfortunate yogi!
Don't be afraid, children,
This is Petya the clown!
Coals - from carrots,
Sabers - made of rope,
Looking out of the basket
Cobra made of rubber!

Entertainment scenario for middle group children
“The circus has come to visit us!”


  • clarify and systematize children’s ideas about the circus and circus performers;
  • develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements;
  • teach the ability to experience positive emotions and share joy with friends;
  • develop the ability to interact in a team, help each other;
  • develop fantasy and creative imagination;
  • bring children the joy of participating in entertainment.

Integration of areas:physical development, social and communicative development, cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Materials and equipment:decoration for the hall - flags, balls; multimedia presentation, projector; costumes for clowns Zhorik and Yurik; 12 hoops; 3 balls; 2 plastic saucers (or 2 large spoons), 2 tennis balls, 2 plastic buckets; 2 ropes of 3-4 meters; props for magic tricks; balloons and markers according to the number of children; sweet surprise.

Preliminary work:conversation with children about the circus, reading poems about the circus, guessing riddles about circus performers, role-playing game “At the Circus”.

(Slide 1. Music on click)

We are opening the doors of the circus today.

We invite all guests to the performance.

So let's have fun with us.

Come, we'll become friends.

Cheerful laughter rings here!

We invite everyone to the circus!

Clowns run out into the middle of the hall from different sides, open their arms, but make mistakes and run past each other. They turn around and shout to each other, “Hello, Yurik! “Hello, Zhorik!”, they greet with their palms, legs (feet), heads and shout to the guys “Hello!”

Zhorik: Yurik, there are so many spectators here today! Today we are in an amazing circus!

Yurik: Why is this circus so amazing?

Zhorik: And because there are ordinary circuses, in which the audience sits in the hall, and the artists perform on stage. And in our extraordinary circus there are children both artists and spectators!

Yurik: That's great! Who are we then?

Zhorik : And let the guys guess this:

He's the funniest guy in the circus.

He is a great success.

All that remains is to remember

What is that funny guy called...? (clown)

(Slide 2. Music on click)

Yurik: Let's start the show and present our act!

Playful dance-song with movements “If you have fun, do it like this!”

The clowns show and sing, the guys repeat the movements.

After the number, the children sit down.

Zhorik: Yurik, tell me – are you the smartest?

Yurik: Well, I do not know. Maybe not the most, but definitely smart. And what?

Zhorik: But guess the riddle, and the guys will help you:

He is shaggy and maned,

Long tail and teeth in the mouth.

African by birth

There is a foreigner in our circus.

With a trainer now

This beast is performing. (A lion)

(Slide 3. Click 1 - drum roll)

Zhorik: So, there are trained lions in the circus arena!

(Music for click relay)

Relay game “Trained lions”

The children are equally divided into two teams, each of the clowns in the team is the captain and is the first to show what needs to be done. 5-6 hoops are laid out in two rows, children take turns jumping into the hoops, and the team that completes the relay race the fastest wins.

Yurik tries to put the ball on his head and walk with it, the ball falls, he tries to juggle three balls - it doesn’t work.

Zhorik: Yurik, what are you doing?

Yurik : I want to become dexterous and skillful, like this... this...

Zhorik: Well, who?

Yurik (rubs his head): I forgot... Guys, tell me what kind of dexterous and skillful circus performer he is:

Surprised around:

How does he have enough hands?

Well-known guest performer,

Clever, brave, he...

Children: Juggler!

(Slide 4. Music on click)

Zhorik : Guys, show Yurik how dexterous your hands are too!

Relay competition “Hold the ball”

Children are divided into two teams. Music is playing. The first participant takes a plastic saucer (or large spoon) with a small tennis ball in his hand and tries to bring it to the marked line and put it in the bucket. If the ball falls, the participant returns, the ball is not counted. The team that has the most balls in the bucket at the end of the music wins.

Yurik: Zhorik, are you afraid of anything?

Zhorik: Well... I'm actually very brave, but to be honest, I'm very afraid of the dentist.

Yurik: But not me! I know for sure that if you eat a lot of sweets, your teeth will never hurt, right, guys?

Children: No, they will!

Yurik: Really?.. I didn’t even know... Okay, I’ll eat less sweets and brush my teeth. That's what I'm really afraid of - heights (he climbs onto a chair, tries to get up and immediately climbs down, feigning fear). No, no, don't ask! Afraid!

Zhorik: And in the circus there are such daredevils who are not afraid to walk on a thin, thin rope under the circus dome - these are tightrope walkers!

(Slide 5)

The daredevil walks and laughs

Never stumbles.

He can't trip

There's a rope under the dome!

He can walk the tightrope

Walk like along Arbat,

Walk and turn

And run back!

Zhorik: Guys, let's teach Yurik how to keep his balance and walk on a tightrope.

Competition "Rope walkers"

(Music on click)

Two teams of children take turns walking along a rope laid out on the floor, trying to keep their balance and not leave it. The team that walks the rope faster and better wins. After the children, the clowns pass, Yurik manages to pass, he is happy and thanks the guys.

Zhorik : Yurik, there is also a very interesting artist in the circus - a magician!

This is a real magician and he can do real miracles!

(Slide 6. Music on click)

Hocus Pocus performs!

Magician! Wizard! Magician!!

Hocus Pocus delights

In the circus for adults and children:

He takes it out of his ears

Twenty-five pencils!

Takes it out of his pocket

333 bananas!

From white-white gloves,

Whiter than snow,

Hocus Pocus can do

Snow-white doves.

He quickly takes off his hat:

“Bow to the dear spectators!”

And from this very hat

An elephant enters the arena!

This is what sleight of hand means!

"In the arena of Hocus Pocus,

Master of Magic Science!

Yurik : Is it true? Real miracles! That's great! And I want so!

Zhorik : I can do hocus pocus too!

Shows a “trick” with the thumb “disappearing” from the palm, Yurik is surprised. You can also show simple tricks - “disappearance of a handkerchief”, “wonderful rope”, “magic flower” or “miracle ball” (pieces of tape are discreetly glued to the ball, through which a knitting needle is pierced). Yurik tries to repeat it, but his balloon bursts).

Yurik: Wow! And our guys are also real magicians, and now they will turn our circus into a clearing of fairy-tale animals!

(Slide 7. Music on click)

Competition "Magic Beasts"

Two teams of children draw animal faces on balloons with felt-tip pens - eyes, ears, nose, etc. Both teams win.

Zhorik: Our amazing circus performance is coming to an end. Did you guys like it?

Children: Yes!

(Slide 8. Music on click)

Yurik: You will have these wonderful balloons as a memory of our trip to the circus, and a sweet surprise awaits you in the group!

They performed in the arena, everyone tried very hard,

So that the guests in our hall laugh merrily.

Zhorik: Goodbye, goodbye, we will come to you again!

And today, clap for us goodbye!

Music sounds, children leave the hall.