How to create a training program in the gym. What muscle groups will be involved?

FitKis Club! My name is Vitaly Okhrimenko and today you and I will try to figure out how to structure a workout in the gym.

By the way, I’m only a little bit, but yesterday I was so overeating and ate too much barbecue at my mom’s birthday party. I'll probably have to make a new hole in the belt...

Well, I got distracted, I promise I won’t do this again, from now on it will only be on topic. So, what do we need in order to properly build a workout in the gym?

Determine your training goal

The training program will depend on what goals you have in front of you. Now I will describe possible goals, and you will choose which ones best suit yours.

Possible Goals of Weight Training

  • Gaining muscle mass and strength
  • Gaining “clean” muscle mass.
  • Increased strength without adding mass.
  • Losing weight.
  • Relief of the figure.
  • Correction of some figure flaws.

Decide for yourself what you want from training in the gym and move in the right direction.

How to build a workout based on your goals

Please forgive me, but today I will not describe in detail each individual point. Now I’m simplifying the introductory course to muscle building: it’s more convenient for me, and it’s easier for you to understand. So, let’s look at the three most common tasks that jocks face when they come to the gym. Let's look at how to build a workout in the gym for mass, strength and relief (classics of the genre) as examples.

How to build a mass training session

If the goal of training in the gym is primarily to increase muscle mass, then we are guided by the following principle:

The training should consist of 70% of and 30% of. 3-5 sets of each exercise, 6-10 reps per set.

When gaining weight, you need to absorb large amounts of carbohydrates and protein; fats should also not be neglected. Proteins form muscle mass, carbohydrates maintain energy levels, and fats (more precisely, cholesterol contained in fats) help increase the production of testosterone A. When gaining muscle mass, you need to be prepared for the fact that, in addition to muscle mass will increase and the level of body fat will increase. It is almost impossible for a straight person to gain muscle mass without adding excess fat on the sides. Steroid drugs can help make weight gain more pure, but they carry so much negativity... As for me, weight is not worth health. Well, let everyone decide for themselves.

Which sports nutrition to choose when gaining weight

Gainer, protein, vitamins.

How to build a strength workout

In general, mass and strength are very closely interrelated. By gaining mass you will certainly become stronger, and by increasing strength you will certainly increase mass. But still, there are some differences in the structure of the training program. When the main goal of the training cycle is to increase strength, you need to build training according to the following recommendations:

Small number of exercises: 3–6 per workout. All exercises are basic, they are also multi-joint. When adjusting your training to increase strength, you need to spread three exercises from the golden trinity of bodybuilding (, and) over three training days. For each exercise from the golden three, add several basic exercises to one training day; sometimes you can end the workout with one isolating exercise.

When working on strength, it is advisable to build a workout so that the entire muscular system works within one workout. I once compiled free training programs for my readers, and so there is a program for Sanya Sabegatulin, this is a classic example of a strength training program.

Which sports nutrition to choose when working on strength?

Creatine, gainer, amino acids.

How to build a workout for relief

Relief training is aimed primarily at combating excess fat. Just as when building muscle mass, it is necessary to add fat, and when fighting fat, muscle mass is certainly lost. Nothing can be done, unfortunately. Although despite this, before starting to build a workout, it would be useful to review your diet. We increase the protein content, reduce fats and carbohydrates.

Important: You shouldn’t go on a critical diet with a complete rejection of any component. This is harmful to both health and the results of the training program.

We choose high-intensity training, with a large number of approaches, repetitions and exercises themselves. The division of the exercise is approximately equal: 50% basic 50% isolating. If in the previous two points it is advisable to do cardio, then when fighting excess fat, cardio is a must! When the goal of training is muscle relief, then we plan the training according to the following scheme:

Split training with two muscle groups. For each group we take 3-4 exercises of 5 approaches. The first and second exercises are basic, the subsequent ones are isolated. We do basic reps for 7–10 reps, isolated reps for 10–15. Training is frequent, every other day, maximum two.

Which sports nutrition to choose for relief

Protein, vitamins, fat burners

General rules for building a workout

No matter what your weight training goals are, there are a set of general rules for building your workout.

Rules for constructing training:

  1. It's better to start with basic exercises.
    Basic exercises should start the workout, and isolation exercises should help refine the muscle being trained.
  2. First free weights, then machines.
    We start the training with exercises with a barbell and dumbbells, and end with exercise machines.
  3. From large to small muscle group.
    The only exception to this rule is pumping the upper body first, and then the lower body. If, for example, you plan to train the pectorals and quadriceps, first pump up the chest, and then do exercises on the legs. In any case, the blood is better focused in the lower part of the body. Training your upper body first will allow more blood to flow into these muscles.
  4. Start with lagging muscle groups.
    Beginners shouldn’t worry about this at all. For beginners, all the muscles are lagging behind. But if you have already pumped up, and at the same time you see that some muscles are lagging behind, it’s time to adjust them. For example, if your goal is to tone up your biceps, and according to the training plan you have your back and arms that day, you need to start training with the biceps. I think it's clear.

Warm up, workout and cool down

When thinking about how to build a workout in the gym, you need to remember about and, in this way we prepare our body for hard and at the same time productive work. And most importantly, thanks to the warm-up, we reduce the chance of getting injured during training.

After the workout itself, you should definitely do a cool-down. These simple and easy exercises help prepare the body and nervous system for rapid recovery. But the main thing is not even that, the main thing is that Cooling down helps reduce unpleasant muscle pain after exercise. This pain is usually called sore throat.


Well, we’ve looked at the main principles of training. Today's article turned out to be a little shorter than those that I usually write. Perhaps in the future I will write a more detailed course about this. And today, as a bonus, I’m throwing in examples of composing and.

Well, if you are lazy to figure all this out on your own through long trials and errors, if you feel sorry for wasting your own health on practice, you can always order an individual training program.

And that's all I have for today. Alas, it’s not possible to answer how to build a workout in the gym in one article. But if you are not looking for easy ways and want to learn all the basics on your own, then be sure to subscribe to updates. I assure you that a lot more interesting and useful material on this topic will be published on this blog. Check out this interesting video for the track:

Arivederchi friends, see you soon on the pages of FitKiss. I wish you good luck and success in sports!

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

Most beginners, when they come to the gym, often start doing heavy basic exercises without having a sufficient level of training for this. On the other hand, there are those who from the very beginning accustom themselves to training on machines, without paying due attention to free weights. However, these two categories of novice athletes are united by incorrectly constructed training programs, which they often write for themselves. In this article we will analyze the best training programs in the gym for beginner athletes.

Training goals

Before starting to draw up any program, it is necessary, first of all, to decide on the goals that the future program should achieve. Training goals can be both physical body parameters (strength, endurance) and external ones (muscle mass, relief, weight loss, etc.). At the same time, physical parameters are trained mainly through strength exercises, and external parameters require not only a special training regimen, but also compliance with the correct diet. This is their key difference. It is a mistaken belief that only with the help of training programs can you increase muscle mass, improve your appearance, or ensure effective burning of excess fat.

At the initial stage of training, your training goals will not be particularly important, but after completing the basic stage of training, you will have an idea of ​​​​what programs to use and what parameters to work on improving. Therefore, the stage of defining training goals is key.

Introductory stage of training

This stage is a must-have for any novice athlete. The fact is that at first neither the muscles nor the cardio-respiratory system of the body are fully prepared for serious stress. In addition, you yourself are unlikely to know the limit of your physical capabilities. Therefore, the introductory stage of training includes work on all major muscle groups in minimal intensity and minimal volume.

The total duration of the introductory stage is 4 weeks.

Workout #1 (Monday)

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 2 15
Standing biceps curl 2 15
Push-ups (from the floor or parallel bars) 2 maximum
Wide grip pull-ups 2 maximum
2 15-20

Workout #2 (Wednesday)

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 2 15
Sitting chest row 2 15
Leg press 2 15
Standing arm extension on a block 2 15
Bending arms on a block while standing 2 15

Workout #3 (Friday)

Basic stage of training

At this stage, we will have to train according to split schemes, that is, on each training day we will specifically train two specific muscle groups. Basic period training is more intense and voluminous, and also provides greater load on the main muscle groups.

The basic stage of training will include 2 training programs - one is intended for beginners at an intermediate level, the other for beginners at a lower intermediate level.

Below the middle level This is understood as a level of fitness at which an athlete can perform basic exercises with his own weight - pull-ups and push-ups, at least in an average number of repetitions (at least 6-8).

Below average is understood as a level of fitness at which the athlete cannot perform exercises with his own weight (pull-ups, dips) or performs them in a small number of repetitions (less than 6).

The total duration of the basic stage is 8 weeks.

Training frequency - 3 times a week.

Basic complex for beginners of the INTERMEDIATE level

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Wide grip pull-ups 3 maximum
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 12
Bent-over barbell row 3 12
Crossovers on the upper blocks 3 15
One-arm dumbbell row 3 15
2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15
Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated dumbbell press 3 12
3 15
Leg press 3 12
3 15
3 12

Workout #3 (Friday): Biceps + Triceps + Abs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Barbell curl 3 12
Dips 3 maximum
Close-grip pull-ups 3 maximum
Close grip bench press 3 12
"Hammer" standing 3 15
Standing arm extension on a block 3 15
Twisting with body rotations 2 15
Reverse crunches 2 15

Basic complex for beginner athletes of BELOW INTERMEDIATE level

Workout #1 (Monday): Chest + Back + Abs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Bench press 3 12
Upper pulley to chest 3 12
Dumbbell Bench Press 3 12
Bent-over barbell row 3 12
Crossovers on the upper blocks 3 15
3 15
Twisting with body rotations 2 15

Workout #2 (Wednesday): Shoulders + Legs

Exercises Approaches Repetitions
Army press 3 12
Seated dumbbell press 3 12
3 15
Leg press 3 12
3 15

Workouts at home is a wonderful opportunity to work on improving your body without spending a lot of money on a personal trainer in a fitness club. Also, training at home helps you rationally and effectively use your free time, devoting enough time to your family or hobby, rather than spending it on the long journey to the club. Many girls, especially young mothers on maternity leave, try to lose weight and tone their muscles on their own, training using numerous videos on the Internet and in particular my videos, and to my great joy they are doing great! Home workout programs, which I shoot specifically for a female audience, are more universal and suitable for most of my subscribers, but, of course, not all. Each body is individual, and if there are any diseases or health contraindications, then not all exercises may be suitable. When it comes to more intense training, there can be a lot of these restrictions. Today I would like to try to teach you, dear girls, how you can make up your own home workout program, taking into account your individual figure characteristics, as well as possible contraindications. Also, at the end of our training, I will provide you with several, as a clear example of how to build your home workouts. So, let's begin.

Variety of home workouts

The first thing I want to say is, of course, about the numerous options workouts at home. What I love about home training is that at home you can come up with any training program that comes into your head. Fantasize - I don’t want to, it’s called =) I will highlight only the most basic types of training that can be done at home:

1. Strength training with your own body weight.

2. Strength training with additional sports equipment (dumbbells/bodybar/ball/weights/elastic bands).

3. Cardio training.

4. Interval training and high-intensity training (HIIT, Tabata, etc.).

5. Plyometric training.

6. Pumping training.

Based on these types of training, you can create different training programs for girls with different goals and wishes.

Let's start looking at each type of training in order so that you can form a specific idea about each of them and their effectiveness for you personally.

Strength training with weights own body

Strength training with your own body weight- This is performing physical exercises without additional weights. Bodyweight exercises make your core and stabilizer muscles stronger, which means you'll have better body control.


When we talk about strength training with your own body weight in a calm, measured mode, it is well suited for girls who are just starting to get acquainted with fitness, and, of course, for young mothers after childbirth. I will talk about other types of strength training without weights further, and they will already be for a different category of girls.

Types of exercises with weights own body:

1.On the upper body (arms, chest, back):

  • different types of push-ups
  • hyperextension
  • squats
  • swing your legs
  • gluteal bridge
  • lunges

3. Ab exercises

  • types of twists
  • types of planks (classic, side, etc.)
  • exercises for the lower part of the abs with lowering and raising the legs
  • setups, etc.

Training with additional sports equipment


Training with additional equipment is suitable for both beginners and well-trained girls. It all depends on the weight of the burden. For beginners, you need to use smaller weights, for example, dumbbells from 1 to 2 kg, a body bar - 2-4 kg, leg weights of 1 kg, and for an already advanced level you can take heavier weights: dumbbells 5-8 kg, body bar 8- 10 kg, leg weights 3-5 kg.

These workouts affect our body in the following way:

strengthen muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones, improving their joint function;

increase metabolism, causing a hormonal response in the body (release of growth hormone, testosterone, adrenaline, etc.);

improve cardiac function;

increase the level of good cholesterol in the blood, etc.

Types of exercises with additional weights:

1. On the upper body (arms, chest, back):

  • lateral raises with dumbbells
  • lifting a bodybar/dumbbells in front of you
  • bodybar/dumbbell press from the chest/overhead
  • raising arms while lying on the floor

2. On the lower body (legs and buttocks):

  • squats with bodybar/dumbbells/elastic band
  • swing your legs with weights on your legs
  • gluteal bridge with bodybar/elastic band
  • lunges with dumbbells/bodybar
  • deadlift with bodybar/dumbbells

Cardio workout

Cardio workout- this is a type of physical activity in which the main source of energy is aerobic glycolysis, i.e. oxidation of glucose with the further release of fatty acids and their combustion as energy, in simple words: during fat burning as the main source of energy.


Cardio training is suitable for all girls, with the exception of those who have the following contraindications:

  1. Back problems (kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, herniated discs, spinal injuries)
  2. Problems with knees and joints (arthritis, arthrosis, meniscus damage, gout, osteoporosis, previous surgeries, etc.)
  3. Pregnancy (in this case, jumping rope is prohibited, but light running is possible).
  4. Phlebeurysm
  5. Damaged tendons and ligaments
  6. Headache
  7. Hypertension.

Effects of cardio training on the body:

have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, increasing the volumetric stroke of the heart and improving blood supply to all organs and tissues;

increase metabolism due to increased blood circulation;

increase immunity;

relieve stress;

improve sleep quality;

trigger the fat burning process in your body.

Types of cardio workouts:

1. Jumping rope

  • classic two-legged jumps
  • scissor jumps
  • with high knees
  • jumps “overlapping”, etc.

2. Jumping exercises without a jump rope

3. Running in place

Plyometrics and interval training

The essence of plyometric exercises is to use the maximum number of muscle fibers when performing exercises in the shortest possible time. The idea is to maximize your metabolism by alternating exercises at a high-intensity pace with short rest or low-intensity exercise.


Explosive and intense training is suitable for girls who have been involved in sports for a long time and have good physical fitness and endurance. For pregnant girls who also have cardiovascular diseases, knee and back problems, these workouts are contraindicated.

These two types of training:

develop muscle strength, speed and endurance;

force the body to work almost to the limit of its capabilities, which helps it burn a large number of calories in a short period of time;

They use mainly red (fast) muscle fibers, which are responsible not only for muscle strength, but also for muscle relief.

Types of plyometric exercises:

  • Squat Jump
  • Jumping lunges
  • Jumping 180 degrees with a squat
  • Burpee
  • Plank “legs together and apart”, etc.

Pumping training

Training program for girls, built on the principle of “full amplitude + “shortened” (pumping) is one of the most effective programs at home using either light weight or no weight at all. Here, exercises performed in full amplitude (for example, deep squats) are combined with exercises performed in a shortened amplitude, which is ½ or ¼ of the movement of the full amplitude (spring). What does it mean? This means that we do several repetitions of the same movement over and over again without stopping. For example, we squat down and spring back into the squat for several repetitions. Due to this connection, a kind of muscle pumping occurs, during which the muscle is filled with blood, the release of anabolic hormones increases, and the process of fat burning occurs many times faster. I talked in more detail about pumping training and its benefits in the article, I recommend that you read it.


Pumping workouts at home with light weights are suitable for absolutely all women of any age and with any level of training.

So, we've looked at the most common types of workouts that you can use when creating your own. home workout programs. And it is not at all necessary to use only one type of training; the beauty of home training is that you can experiment as you want and come up with your own unique workouts that will combine several types of training at once. So, firstly, it is much more interesting to exercise, and secondly, changing strength elements to cardio or plyometric exercises to strength exercises will have a very positive effect on both your results and the general condition of the body.

Now let's move on to the more practical part of our question and find out HOW TO COMPLETE YOURSELF TRAINING PROGRAM AT HOME?

  1. The first thing you must do is determine in what order and what you will do during your training, that is, determine the sequence of the training process.
  2. And the second step is to choose (if necessary write down) the exercises that you will do during your workout.

Sequence of the training process

When we talk about any workout, we must remember the main parts of which it consists, but depending on what type of training we choose, the number of these parts will depend. For example, let's take classic strength training. Its sequence should be like this:

  1. Main part – 45-60 min
  2. Cardio* – 10-30 min
  3. Stretching – 5 min

*This stage is desirable, but if it is not possible to do cardio after strength training, then you can do it on a separate day.

If you decide to do plyometric or interval training, then the sequence remains the same, but with some changes in the duration of the main part and cardio.

  1. Warm-up and joint gymnastics - 5-7 min
  2. Main part – 15-40 minutes
  3. Cardio* – 10-20 min
  4. Stretching – 5 min

*There may not be a cardio component after the main part, or you can leave it. It all depends on the duration of your workout and its intensity. The longer and more intense your main part is (35-40 minutes), the more likely it is that you simply won’t need to do cardio after it, since you will already be training very intensely. But if your workout only took 15 minutes and the intensity was moderate (not at your maximum), then it probably makes sense for you to do another 20 minutes of light cardio at the end. There is no single template here; you should always focus on your feelings and take into account the goal that you want to achieve with these workouts.

Principles of home training

When you make your own home workout program, then you need to approach this issue responsibly and think carefully about the structure of the training, as well as the number of approaches and repetitions of each exercise. Doing exercises “from scratch” you will not be able to achieve the desired goals and achieve good results, no matter how much you train.

Basic rules when creating a training program:

  1. Determining the working muscle groups that you will work during your workout (for example, back and chest or buttocks, legs and abs);
  1. Choice of exercises;
  2. Determining the rep range or time to complete the exercise (for example, 20 reps or another option: 40 seconds of work and 15 seconds of rest);
  3. Thinking in advance about modifications (variations and complications) of your exercises during training:

The principle of “shortened amplitude” (pumping)

Using Statics

Changing working weight

Increasing intensity, etc.

Using these simple rules, you can very competently structure your training process and get the most effective results from it.

Now, let's move on to look at a few training programs for girls at home using different techniques and principles.

Training program for girls using the pumping principle

This workout is most suitable for girls who have a pear or hourglass figure type, as it is mainly aimed at working out problem areas such as thighs, buttocks and triceps.

Type of training: circular. In total you need to do 3 circles of 7 exercises. There is no rest between exercises, rest between circles is 2 minutes.

Working muscle groups: legs, buttocks and triceps.

Number of repetitions: from 15 to 40.

Inventory: dumbbells 1-3 kg, jump rope.

  1. Squats – 15 and 10, 3 springs at the lowest point.
  2. Extension of arms from behind the head while sitting – 15 and 10, 3 springs at the bottom
  3. Back lunges – 15 and 15, 3 springs each (first we lunge with our right foot, then with our left)
  4. Reverse push-ups from the bench – 12-15
  5. Pulling the leg back in a knee-elbow position – 20 and 15, 3 springs at the top point (each leg)
  6. Close grip push-ups from knees – 12
  7. Leg swings lying on your side – 20 and 20 with 3 springs at the top (first with the right leg, then with the left)

Rest – 2 minutes.

Repeat the entire complex 2 more times.

Cardio: jumping rope - 15 minutes.


Training program for girls using plyometrics

This type of training is suitable for girls who are already familiar with intensive training and who have no contraindications to this type of training (see above).

Type of training: classical training in approaches (x4 - 4 approaches or x1 - 1 approach). Rest between sets – 7 seconds.

Working muscle groups: chest, arms and legs.

Work time: 30 seconds (this is one approach).

Rest: 7 sec.

Inventory: dumbbells 1-3 kg, jump rope.

Warm-up and joint gymnastics - 5-7 min

  1. Stepping up a hill – 30 seconds with each leg in turn (x4)
  2. Burpees with push-ups – 30 sec x1
  3. Scissor plank – 30 sec x1
  4. Raising arms to the sides while lying on your back – 30 sec x4
  5. Squat jump – 30 sec x1
  6. Jumping rope – 30 sec x1
  7. Squat and leg lift to the side - 30 seconds with each leg in turn (x4)
  8. Wide grip push-ups upside down – 30 sec x4
  9. Squat jump with a 180 degree turn – 30 sec x1
  10. Jumping lunges – 30 sec x1


Home workout program for scoliosis

This workout is aimed at strengthening the back muscles. It is suitable for girls who have back problems or pain in the lower back due to a sedentary lifestyle and low mobility.

Type of training: circular. In total you need to do 4 circles of 5 exercises. There is no rest between exercises, rest between circles is 2 minutes.

Working muscle groups: back.

Number of repetitions: from 15 to 20.

Warm-up and joint exercises - 5-7 minutes.

1. Tilt of the body with arms forward – 20

2. Raising your arms forward to the same level as your head and body (standing at an angle) – 20

3. Change of arms while bending over – 20

4. Hyperextension – 15

5. In the boat pose, move your arms straight back along the body - 15


I hope this article was useful to you, and now you know how you can create your own home workout program, taking into account all your problem areas and wishes. If, for some reason, you are not completely sure that you can correctly compose training program, then I am at your service. Write to me by email [email protected], and I will definitely help you realize your goals and get the figure of your dreams!

Sincerely yours, Janelia Skripnik!

If you want to create the perfect workout that fits your goals, daily routine, and training experience, then you should read this article.
Creating a training program can be challenging. And there are a number of reasons for this.

There are many variables to consider: individual characteristics, goals, daily routine, lifestyle, preferences, experience, etc.
There are many schools of thought as to what is best for building muscle and strength, losing fat and improving athletic performance. And many of these opinions contradict each other. It's no wonder, then, that gyms everywhere are filled with people following all sorts of weird and ineffective programs.

Fortunately, however, you don't need a degree in biomechanics and several thousand hours of training experience to create an effective workout.

In fact, you only need to know and apply a relatively small number of principles to get the maximum benefit from regular exercise.

Of all the possible knowledge about diet and exercise, 20% will produce 80% of the results.

And therefore there is no point in discussing all existing splits and methods. Too much information often leads to “inaction by analysis.”

Let's look at the options that work best for most people and daily routines.

An effective training program usually meets the following criteria:

  1. Includes 3 to 6 workouts per week.
  2. Each lesson lasts from 25 to 75 minutes.
  3. Includes both strength and cardio exercises.

So, if you have 4-6 hours a week to train, you're in the game.

If you're short on time, try 2-day and 1-day programs to maintain muscles with minimal exercise.

So, let's look at a few time-tested programs that will help you achieve your goal.

3-day training programs

Push-pull program

It has existed for a very long time and does not lose its relevance due to its simplicity and effectiveness.

Here's what it looks like:

  • Day 1 - Push. On this day you train your chest, shoulders and triceps.
  • Day 2 - pull. On this day you train your back and biceps.
  • Day 3 - legs. I think you know what this means.

In terms of weekly planning, it is best to set one rest day between gym visits, for example:

Monday - push, Wednesday - pull, Friday - legs

Or two days of rest between workouts and leg exercises, for example:

Monday - push, Tuesday - pull, Friday - legs

The picture is clickable

If you use this last schedule, your legs will be fresher on Friday, since the "pull day" includes heavy deadlifts that load the hips.

(It's worth noting that this problem of hamstring soreness is most acute for beginners because they experience more severe muscle pain than intermediate or advanced athletes).

Chest and Triceps, Back and Biceps, Legs and Shoulders (3 Day Split)

This is a popular program that has stood the test of time.

  • Day 1 - chest and triceps. The triceps are heavily involved in chest training, so it makes sense to train them directly.
  • Day 2 - back and biceps. The back and biceps combination is a mirror image of the chest and triceps, so they are usually combined.
  • Day 3 – legs and shoulders. Obviously these muscle groups are completely unrelated to each other, but that's what's left, so they come together. And they complete the class schedule.

The picture is clickable

Which 3-day schedule is better?

It depends on personal preference and training experience.

If you feel like you need to add strength to your chest and shoulders, a schedule with a separate day for chest and triceps may be a better option. and shoulders separately allows you to train more intensely, allowing you to maximize load progression.

4-day class schedule

  • Day 1 - chest and triceps. This is the same as in the 3-day program.
  • Day 2 - back and biceps.
  • Day 3 - shoulders. The shoulders get their day, which helps give them the extra stress they need to grow proportionately.
  • Day 4 - legs. Leg training is by far the hardest and most grueling, so it has its own day.

Exercise frequency is a big debate these days, and opinions vary widely.

The meaning is this:

Regardless of the frequency of training, you can train your muscles until the load becomes counterproductive.

That is, you can force your muscles to perform a certain number of repetitions each week before the body loses its ability to recover. Whether you do one workout per week for a muscle group or five, it can only handle so much before it goes into overdrive.

Hardly anyone will argue about this. But there's a lot of debate about when it's best to do these weekly reps: in one workout, or split into two, three, or more?

Full muscle training 2 or 3 times a week is more popular these days, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's better.

When you train each muscle group once a week, with enough repetitions, you can achieve impressive results.

A well-planned division into body parts is most suitable for advanced, experienced athletes, as it allows each muscle group to be maximally loaded. When training the same muscle group 2 or 3 times a week, it becomes necessary to combine it with loads on other muscle groups. This makes training harder and it is impossible to give maximum load (progression stops). This also applies to

For example, if you squat with a barbell and then do a deadlift, your performance will be significantly worse than if you perform these heavy exercises on different days.

Another argument against it is that most of us have very limited time (work, family, social obligations).

5 day training program

  • Day 1 - chest
  • Day 2 - back
  • Day 3 - hands
  • Day 4 - shoulders
  • Day 5 - legs

Each session takes about 45 minutes, each muscle group gets maximum stimulation, the muscles and central nervous system get plenty of time to recover, and it fits well into most people's schedule (Monday to Friday with rest on the weekends).

The 5-day schedule makes it possible to add additional approaches to lagging muscle groups.

For example, guys complain about lack of chest growth, so they might add 3 sets of incline presses to day 4 (do it before shoulder training).

For muscle growth and strength

It is most effective to do three 25-minute HIIT sessions per week, in addition to strength training.

Cardio can be done on the day of strength training or on the weekend. But don't forget to take at least one day off completely for general recovery.

To burn fat and preserve muscle

If you are happy with your muscles and just want to lose excess fat, a 3-day training program is best. Just add three 25-minute HIIT sessions per week, but don't forget about 1 day of complete rest.

Main conclusions

Creating a training program requires thought and some calculations, but the results are worth it. You save a lot of time and energy, focus on what works best for your body, and enjoy the process. Don't forget the feeling of satisfaction. In fact, even if you do the worst program in the world, you will eventually reach a point where you are satisfied with the results. The goal of a good program is to achieve this result faster!

So, now you know everything you need to compile! Use this knowledge to your advantage, and if you have questions, ask in the comments below!

Good luck!

The problem of creating a competent training program is relevant for both beginning athletes and “old-timers.” Consistency in program implementation is the key to achieving results within a reasonable time frame. The absence of a program causes rapid disappointment, lack of visible results and loss of interest in classes.

The application of what principles allows you to create an effective training program?
The fundamental points are:

  • Determining the training goal;
  • Selection of the optimal frequency of classes;
  • Optimization of training duration;
  • Sequence of training various muscle groups;
  • Drawing up a complex of basic elements.

Purpose of training

The factor that determines the remaining elements of effective training is goal setting. Typically, athletes strive to either gain muscle mass or lose weight (burn fat). The frequency of classes, their duration and the set of exercises performed depend on the expected result.

Regularity of training

The regularity of inclusion of basic elements depends on the characteristics of the muscles being pumped. There is a conditional classification of muscles: large - muscles of the back, legs, pectoral, and small - shoulder, calf, forearm.

Large muscles have a long recovery period, so to pump them up, it is enough to train once a week, using a split training system (a method of breaking a training program into parts): intensive training of 1 large group and a couple of small ones. But this approach is more relevant for experienced athletes, but beginners should adhere to a different principle. It is better for them to visit the gym every other day, working out all muscle groups on basic elements. And only then switch to a split training system.

The same approach is also true for those who see losing excess weight as their main goal of going to the gym. In this case, a couple of cardio workouts are added per week or it is recommended to switch to a multi-repetition training scheme: reduced rest time between sets while simultaneously increasing the number of repetitions of an element with a light weight.

Duration of class and break between sets

Both of these parameters depend on the main goal of the training. Large working weights of weights and a small number of repetitions, characteristic of strength training, reduce its time to 45 minutes. Burning fat or building endurance will welcome the increase in duration to 1.5 hours, especially at a low level of training.

The average rest time between sets is 60 seconds. In this case, exercises for muscle growth and strength are performed with a 2-3 minute interval between approaches, and to get rid of excess fat, the pace is increased, reducing the interval to 45 seconds. The standard muscle rest between exercises is 1.5 minutes. But if elements are performed on simulators for isolated groups or training is conducted for small groups, then this indicator is reduced to 60-75 seconds.

The order of training different muscle groups and the selection of exercises

When starting to regularly visit the gym, you should pay great attention to general preparation, so training during this period consists mainly of basic exercises that open it (press, deadlift, squats with a barbell on the shoulders) and finishing isolating elements for small muscle groups. It is allowed to alternate elements according to the location of the muscles: in the lower part (legs) and in the upper part (back and pectorals). There is no point in working the muscles of the upper limbs separately at the initial stage.

For beginners, exercises with weights (barbells, dumbbells) are more effective than their gym counterparts. As a rule, exercise machines are used by those who, for health reasons, cannot perform elements with dumbbells or a barbell, or by experienced bodybuilders who need to carefully work out a separate muscle group. Free weights are the key to getting results for a beginner in a short time.

After six months to a year of regular training, you can start doing it using the split system, working out one large muscle group and a couple of small ones in one lesson. At the same time, an alternation of training and free days is observed, ensuring recovery of the involved muscles.

When switching to split training, questions naturally arise about the joint development of muscle groups. Of course, each specific case will have its own program, but in general it can be presented like this. With three visits to the gym on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the first day after a long weekend, all attention should be given to the group that is more difficult to work out. As a rule, these are the leg muscles, which begin to be pumped with squats, Romanian deadlifts and lunges, then move on to extension on the machine, and complete the training by pumping the abs.

At the next training session (conditionally - on Wednesday), the main attention is paid to working out the pectoral muscles: push-ups, presses with weights at different angles, flyes with dumbbells. This day will be completed with elements for the triceps and deltoid muscles. The last training day of the week is devoted to the back: pull-ups, deadlifts, barbell rows, alternating rows with dumbbells and on blocks, etc. The final exercises of this day are dedicated to pumping up the biceps.

The number of repetitions is directly related to the main purpose of going to the gym: to grow muscle mass, 6-12 repetitions are enough, to get rid of excess fat, their number is increased to 15. At the same time, they follow the rule of decreasing working weights as the number of repetitions increases. Beginners need to initially hone their technique, so they start with a minimum number of repetitions with a minimum weight of the weighting material.