How to draw Hermione Granger with a pencil. Learn how to learn

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Here I will show you how to draw Hermione Granger. Just four steps and you will have a portrait. But first I want to brag that this is one of my favorite young girls from movies. And I myself dreamed of going to Hogwarts and living in the same room with her. Just kidding, I could live with such a girl not only at Hogwarts. Do full review I won't mention Hermione, the only thing you should know is that she has brown eyes and brown hair. I don't know if you have brown pencils. I don’t have those, so I draw in black and white.

How to draw Hermione Granger with a pencil step by step

Step one. We take a piece of paper type A four and set it vertically, in other words, in book format. Let's sketch a girl. Step two. Let's start drawing Hermione from the eyes. Then it is important to do beautiful hair and face shape. Step three. Shade the hair and draw a smile. It turned out a little like Mona Lisa. Do you know what kind of person this is? If yes, give it a like, dude. Step four. Darken the pupils and add shadows to the hair. Hermione Granger's portrait is ready:

Here I will show you how to draw Hermione Granger. Just four steps and you will have a portrait. But first I want to brag that this is one of my favorite young girls from movies. And I myself dreamed of going to Hogwarts and living in the same room with her. Just kidding, I could live with such a girl not only at Hogwarts.

I won't do a full review of Hermione, the only thing you should know is that she has brown eyes and brown hair. I don't know if you have brown pencils. I don’t have those, so I draw in black and white.

How to draw Hermione Granger with a pencil step by step

Step one. We take a piece of paper type A four and set it vertically, in other words, in book format. Let's sketch a girl.

Step two. Let's start drawing Hermione from the eyes. Then it is important to make beautiful hair and face shape.

Step three. Shade the hair and draw a smile. It turned out a little like Mona Lisa. Do you know what kind of person this is? If yes, give it a like, dude.

In this tutorial I will show you the entire process of creating fan art using Hermione Granger as an example. First we will prepare black and white drawing, and then fill it with bright colors.

Hermione is my favorite character from the Harry Potter series. I decided to draw her in cartoon style, based on the image that was created in the films. At the same time, I will try to reflect Hermione's intelligent and quick-witted personality in her facial features and posture.

Now let's move on to the drawing process itself!

1. Draw a black and white head

Step 1

Let's create a new document. I prefer to work in A3 size so that I can print the work. You will find this format in the window for creating a new document in the section Print(Seal). In old versions of Photoshop you need in the dropdown menu Preset(Set) select InternationalPaper(International paper format), then a list with the required format will appear just below.

Step 2

I like to experiment with different brushes that other artists share or that I find on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver, but most From time to time I use standard round Photoshop brushes - hard and soft.

By the way, if you have already updated to Photoshop CC 2018, you probably found new set brushes from Kyle Webster, which are widely used professional artists. To get them, activate the tool BrushTool(B) (Brush) and open the brush shape selection panel. Next, click on the gear-shaped button and select GetMoreBrushes(Get more brushes). Here you can download Photoshop CC 2017 brushes by clicking on the button LegacyBrushes(Compatible brushes). All brushes will be added as separate items at the bottom of the list.

If you accidentally deleted a brush, you can always restore the set using the menu item RestoreDefaultBrushes(Restore brushes).

Step 3

Let's fill the background layer with 50% gray. Next we will work using only shades of gray. This will allow us to focus on shape and lighting, without being distracted by the selection and combination of colors.

Having finished with the black and white options, we will move on to the next stage and start applying colors. In this case, we will already have drawn all the light and shadow areas and all we have to do is select color palette. I find that this process is more convenient and consistent, and also helps to understand many aspects of drawing related to form and materials. Let's get started!

Create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), take BrushTool(B) (Brush), select a hard brush from the standard Photoshop set and create a rough sketch of the character. At this stage I am not distracted by details and try to concentrate on general outlines. Now our task is to create a balanced composition and a dynamic pose, while the lines should be smooth and the proportions correct.

Step 4

In the layers panel, select the layer with the sketch and switch its blending mode to Multiply(Multiply), also reduce Opacity(Opacity) up to 30%.

Let's create another new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N), then take LassoTool(L) (Lasso) and select the head along with the ear and neck.

Step 5

Select a light gray color and use PaintBucketTool(G) (Fill) fill the selection with this color.

Now remove the selection (Ctrl+D) and use a texture brush to adjust the shape of the head. For this I used the Ultimate Charcoal Pencil brush from the set DryMediaBrushes(Dry brushes).

Don't forget that we can select the head shape again at any time by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on the layer thumbnail in the Layers panel.

Tip: I think you may have noticed that in Photoshop CC 2018, some brushes cannot be used as an eraser (E). However, the brush tool (B) can also be turned into an eraser if the option on the top panel Mode(Mode) switch to Clear(Clear). This way you can draw and erase with the same tool, simply by switching between modes Normal(Normal) and Clear(Clear).

Step 6

Let's make the head a little darker than the background. To do this, select the layer with the head and go Image-Adjustments-Brightness/Contrast(Image - Correction - Brightness/Contrast). Install Brightness(Brightness) to -48.

Step 7

Next, for the layer with the head, block the transparent pixels by clicking on the button at the top of the layers panel Locktransparentpixels(Keep layers transparent). Thanks to this, we will draw only on the area filled with color, without touching the transparent pixels outside the boundaries of the head.

Take a soft round brush (B) and use a dark gray color to begin applying shadows along the contour of the jaw. Then we move to the right side of the head to make it look more voluminous.

In the layers panel, turn on/off the visibility of the sketch layer to remember where the main elements of the face are. Add a soft, rich shadow around the eyes.

Step 8

We darken the ear and use the same soft brush to add details on the inside. Reduce the diameter of the brush (key [) and draw thin eyelids around the eyes. This way we can add sharp lines while keeping the shadows soft.

Step 9

Now let's draw the mouth. To start, use a very small soft brush to darken gray draw the basic shape of the mouth. You can also use a hard brush, but make sure that the edges of the strokes are not too jagged or rough.

Add volume to the lips using subtle highlights and shadows to highlight the contrast of the darkest details.

Step 10

Create a new layer and go to the nose. Using a small, soft, dark gray brush, apply the base shape. We draw the nostrils and draw the arched lower contour of the nose.

Step 11

We increase the diameter of the brush, choose more light shade gray and add a light shadow along the contour of the nose.

Next, use a light gray color (almost white) to draw top part nose First we apply a clear line, then reduce the opacity of the brush and add a blurred highlight, emphasizing the roundness of the nose and volume. Increase the contrast of the dark and light lines and add a translucent drop shadow under the nose.

Step 12

By using LassoTool(L) (Lasso) select inner part ear and on a new layer fill it with dark gray color. I think you noticed that for each character detail I create a new layer. This helps me make my work easier, and if necessary, you can combine several layers into one at any time using the Ctrl+E key combination.

Step 13

Create another new layer on which we will draw the eyes. By using LassoTool(L) (Lasso) select the eyeball and use the tool PaintBucketTool(G) (Fill) fill it with light gray color. Without removing the selection, add shadows along the contour of the eye with a soft brush to make the eyeball look more rounded.

Deselect (Ctrl+D) and use a hard, dark brush to paint eyelashes on a separate layer.

Step 14

Using the same hard dark gray brush, paint the iris of the eye. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the thumbnail of the eyelash layer in the Layers panel to load its selection. After that, hold down Shift+Ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the iris layer to add it to the selected area. Having finished with the selection, add halftones with a soft round brush.

Another way to quickly select multiple shapes is the MagicWandTool(W) ( Magic wand). Simply click on the desired element, then hold down the Shift key and add new areas to the selection.

Using a hard brush, draw the eyebrows. Try to draw smooth lines and give the eyebrows an interesting position so that the character's face expresses emotion. Hermione is a smart, resourceful and quick-witted girl, so I tried to reflect these qualities in her facial features.

Switch the brush mode to Clear(Clean) and draw several times along the inner tips of the eyebrows to draw individual hairs.

We highlight eyebrows using MagicWandTool(W) (Magic Wand) or hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer thumbnail, then use a soft light gray brush to paint soft highlights on the inside of the eyebrows.

Step 15

Let's add more life in the girl's eyes. By using LassoTool(L) (Lasso) create a couple of blurred shapes with rounded edges on the irises and draw with a soft brush light color by allocation. Small brush white add small bright highlights.

2. Complete the black and white version of the drawing

Step 1

Having finished with the face, we can add new details. Create a new layer above the head and use LassoTool(L) (Lasso) draw a bang, which we fill with dark gray color. Go back to the head layer and use a soft brush to add a light shadow under the bangs.

Step 2

Create a new layer for the sweater and fill it with dark gray.

For convenience, turn on the visibility of the sketch layer to add shadows along the outline of the sweater and the book that the character is holding in his hands.

Step 3

Now on a separate layer we will draw the hand. By using LassoTool(L) (Lasso) we create a selection of the hand and fill it with a light gray color. Then we either block the transparent pixels, or leave the selection on and start adding shadows, highlights and detailing the fingers, adjusting the diameter of the brush as we go for more thorough detailing.

Tip: try to use references when drawing the body. Even if it's cartoon character, all stylized features must first be based on real anatomy and only then simplified. You can find many suitable photos on the Internet, but the best reference is you! So keep a mirror handy and check it periodically.

Step 4

Next, on a new layer, using a lasso, draw the cuffs on the sleeve. Draw shadows to make it more voluminous, and on a separate layer (place it under the sweater layer) add the inner part. We make it darker to emphasize the depth. At the end we draw a round button.

Step 5

Now create a layer for the book and place it between the layers with the hand and the sweater. First we create a basic rectangular shape, then cut out where the hand is holding the book.

Without removing the selection from the book, add a mask to the layer by clicking on the button Addlayermask(Add Layer Mask) at the bottom of the Layers panel. Now that we have the mask active, we take a lasso and select the outline of the hand, and then use PaintBucketTool(G) (Fill) fill the selection with black. Black color on a white mask hides, and white, on the contrary, restores. With a regular brush (B) we can adjust the mask by switching between black and white colors.

Switch to the book layer (a thumbnail of the checkerboard texture layer) to continue painting shadows, highlights and adding details using a round brush.

Step 6

Draw the top edge of the book, filling it with light gray and adding dark and light page lines. Create a new layer and decorate the cover. I decided to write the word "Charms" on it in a cursive style using a hard round brush. By using shadows between the strokes we can give the letters a three-dimensional effect.

Step 7

Using a lasso, we create a base for the magic wand and fill it with very dark shade grey. We draw ornate decorations and add volume with a soft brush.

I advise you to find a reference with a floating feather and try to draw it in a simplified style. I didn't draw the feather particularly carefully, because it is too small and later we will partially apply lighting effects to it.

Step 8

Turn on the visibility of the sketch layer and draw a skirt. Place the skirt layer under the book and sweater. Use a hard brush to add folds, then switch to a soft one and apply light and shade.

Step 9

Using a lasso we create the silhouette of a leg. Without removing the selection, add shadows with a soft brush, then draw the shoe with a hard brush.

Having finished with the leg, duplicate (Ctrl+J) it and press Ctrl+T to activate the free transformation mode. Rotate the copy and move it to the top according to the sketch.

Step 10

On a new layer, which we place below all other details of the character, we draw the hair.

Go to the layer with the bangs, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the thumbnail of this layer to load its selection. Above, create a new layer and, without removing the selection, add light and dark hairs on the bangs with a hard brush.

I also added a texture brush to the bangs to add more detail. For this I used the Graphite Control brush from Kyle's Drawing Box.

Step 11

We do the same with the rest of the hair: add texture and draw individual hairs.

Step 12

The last thing we'll add is rim lighting, which will make the character look more three-dimensional and separate him from the background.

First, select several layers of the same type (for example, all layers with hair or all layers related to the head: nose, mouth, etc.) and group (Ctrl+G) them.

Next, select the group with hair, hold down the Alt key and click on the button at the bottom of the layers panel CreateNewLayer(Create a new layer). As a result, a dialog box will appear. We check that opposite the parameter UsePreviousLayertoCreateClippingMask(Use previous layer to create clipping mask) was checked. Enter any name and click OK. Now we have a layer attached to the hair group - a clipping mask. Clipping masks only work within the element they are attached to. This is roughly the same as blocking transparent pixels, but it affects the entire group, not just a single layer.

Using a soft white brush, carefully apply contour highlighting to the right side of the hair.

Step 13

Add a clipping mask to each group with elements on which we plan to add rim light. For convenience, I marked the position of the light source with a small sun.

Step 14

Using a soft brush, apply a shadow under the character so that he does not float in the air.

Now add an adjustment layer at the very top of the layers panel. At the bottom of the layers panel, click on the button Createnewfilloradjustmentlayer(Create a new fill or adjustment layer) and select Brightness/Contrast(Brightness/Contrast). We increase the brightness and contrast of the picture to make the result look more attractive.

3. Fill the picture with flowers

Step 1

Now that the black and white version of the drawing is ready, we can start filling it with colors! Let's start with the background. Opening the panel Color(Color) and select purple For foreground and peachy pink for the back.

Take the tool GradientTool(G) (Gradient) and draw vertical line to fill the background with a linear gradient. All gradient parameters can be specified in the top panel.

Step 2

Above the groups with gray elements of the picture, create a new layer and switch its blending mode to Color(Chromaticity).

Find the layer with the head and, while holding down the Ctrl key, click on the thumbnail to select it. Hold Shift+Ctrl and click on the thumbnails of the arms and legs layers to add them to the selection.

On the layer created above, fill the selected areas with a pinkish-orange color.

Step 3

Let's do the same with the eyes, hair, book, clothes and other elements. Hold Ctrl and click on a group of layers to select it, then on a new layer in blending mode Color(Color) Fill the selection with color.

Instead of creating separate layers for each part, you can use just one.

By using GradientTool(G) (Gradient) I filled the book with nice purple and pink flowers.

Step 4

Now create a new layer in blend mode Overlay(Overlay), on which we will increase the brightness with color, thereby making the illustration more vibrant.

Tip: If we look at the color palette human face, then we note that it is divided into color zones: yellow on the forehead, red on the cheeks, nose and ears, blue on the lower jaw and a little around the eyes.

Select the head and apply color areas with a soft brush. Notice how vibrant and vibrant the illustration became after switching to blend mode Overlay(Overlap).

Step 5

Let's move on to the hair. Create a new layer in blend mode Overlay(Overlap) and add a reddish-brown tint.

Step 6

Now let's work with the book cover. I want to add some gilding. Take the Dry Brush from the standard M Brushes set and paint over the selected area with dark orange and bright yellow colors, trying to create an embossed effect.

Step 7

Duplicate (Ctrl+J) the layer with the inscription and move the bottom copy a little lower and to the right. Fill it with dark purple to create a shadow effect.

Use a light yellow color and use a hard brush to paint highlights along the outline of the letters.

Step 8

To make the character look more interesting, let's draw freckles. To do this, take the Spatter Bot Tilt brush from Kyle's Special Effects Brushes and reduce its opacity so that the result is translucent.

Step 9

Now let's add a glow to the feather! To do this, create a new layer in blending mode. Screen(Lightening).

Using a soft brush, paint a white glow in a circular motion. You can also add sparkles around the feather or other interesting effects.

Step 10

For this we can use, for example, an adjustment layer SelectiveColor(Selective color correction). Experiment with dark colors on your menu Colors(Colors) and add blue tones in the shaded areas.

Our magic illustration ready with Hermione!

Great job!

I hope you enjoyed the lesson and learned a thing or two interesting techniques, which will be useful in future projects.

What You'll Be Creating

In this tutorial, we'll walk through the entire process of drawing Hermione Granger fan art from scratch, coloring it in grayscale and then bringing the illustration to life with vibrant colors.

Hermione Granger is my favorite character from the Harry Potter series. I decided to draw her in cartoon style, based on her image from the film. At the same time, I tried to convey traits of intelligence and savvy in facial features and posture.

Let's begin the process of creating this illustration together!

1. How to draw a head in black and white

Step 1

Let's create New document. I prefer to work in the format A3 to print it later. You can find a sample A3 In chapter Stamps while creating New document.

Step 2

I like to experiment with different brushes that other artists share or ones I find on Envato Elements or GraphicRiver, but mostly I use standard brushes Adobe Photoshop, which are available by default - hard round brushes and soft round brushes.

By the way, if you have already updated to Adobe Photoshop CC 2018, you will receive a set of brushes from Kyle Webster that are widely used by professionals in the creative industry. You can find them by opening the panel Brushes(click right click when selected Brush Tool (B)) and going to Settings > Get more brushes. Here you can also download all the brushes from Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 by clicking on Legacy brushes. All sets will be added as separate folders at the end of the list.

If you delete something and want to get it back, you can always do so by clicking on “ Restore built-in brushes" in the same menu.

Step 3

Let's fill it out Background layer 50% gray. We will paint everything in black and white using only grayscale. This will help us focus on the shapes, creating volume with light and shadow, without being distracted by searching for colors with the Eyedropper Tool.

After achieving the desired black and white result, we will move on to the next stage and color everything. In this case, we already have all the highlights and shadows we need, so we can turn our attention to the colored areas and color palette. I find this workflow convenient and systematic, and it also helps me understand a lot of things about shapes and materials while drawing. Let's try!

Create New Layer (Shift-Control-N) take Brush Tool (B), select a hard round brush from the collection Common brushes. Let's create a rough sketch of our character. I don't pay attention to details at this stage, trying to concentrate on the overall silhouette. I make sure that the entire composition looks balanced, the poses are interesting and dynamic, the lines are smooth, and the proportions are correct.

Step 4

On the panel Layers select the layer with the sketch, set it Blend Mode on Multiplication and reduce Opacity before 30%.

Let's create New Layer (Shift-Control-N). Take Lasso Tool (L) and select the head, ear and neck.

Step 5

Take light gray on the panel Colors And Using the Fill Tool (G) fill the head shape with a uniform color.

Now head and use a texture brush to secure the edges of the head. I use Charcoal pencil Kyle from the set Dry media brushes.

We can always select the shape again if necessary by clicking Control on the layer in which the desired shape is located.

Advice: As you may have noticed, in Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 some brushes can no longer be installed Using the Eraser Tool (E). However, you can go to the top control panel and change Mode the brush itself on " Clear" This way you can draw and erase with the same tool, switching between Normal mode And Cleansing mode.

Step 6

Let's make the head shape darker than the background. With the head layer selected, go to Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and move the sliders to set Brightness on -48.

Step 7

Now Block transparent pixels layer with the head - this way we will only draw inside the filled area, without intersecting the edges of the head.

Take a soft round brush and start creating dark gray shadows along the jaw. Move along the right side of the head, making it more three-dimensional.

On the panel Layers Toggle the visibility of the sketch on and off to see where the main facial features are located. Add soft, dark shadows around the eyes.

Step 8

Darken the ear and use the same soft brush to add detail on the inside of the ear. Reduce the size of the soft brush to add fine details and fine lines around the eyes, creating eyelids. This way we can add distinct lines while keeping the shadows soft.

Step 9

Now let's draw the mouth. First paint the main shape with a very small, soft, dark gray brush. We can also use a hard round brush, but make sure the edges don't get too rough and rough.

Finish off the lips by adding soft highlights and shadows to highlight the contrast of the darkest lines.

Step 10

Let's create New Layer and let's move on to the nose. Start shaping the shape with a small round dark gray brush. Draw a nostril and move along the bottom of the nose, creating an arched line.

Step 11

Increase the brush size, take a light gray color and add a soft shadow along the edge of the nose.

Next, we will shape the upper part of the nose by adding a light gray highlight (almost white). Create a defined, light edge along the top of the nose and then lower Opacity brushes to add a softer and wider highlight, emphasizing the roundness of the nose and its volume. Increase the contrast between the darkest and lightest lines, then finish off the nose by adding a translucent teardrop shadow at the bottom.

Step 12

Using the Lasso Tool (L) select the inside of the ear and fill it with dark gray color New layer. As you may have noticed, I create a separate layer for each element. This helps me stay flexible in my editing so I can always Merge (Control-E) layers later if the file becomes too heavy.

Step 13

Now create another layer where we will depict the eyes. Using the Lasso Tool (L) draw eyeballs and fill them with light gray using Fill Tool (G). Keeping the selection, use a soft round brush to add shadows along the edges of the eyes, making the eyeballs spherical and three-dimensional.

Deselect (Control-D) and take a hard round brush more dark color to draw eyelashes along the edges of the eyes on a separate layer.

Step 14

Using the same hard, dark gray round brush, paint the pupil. Then press and hold the key Control on the eyelash layer to highlight them, and while holding Shift-Control Click on the pupils to add them to the selection. Keeping the shapes selected, paint inside with a soft round brush, adding shades.

Another way to quickly select multiple shapes is to use Magic Wand Tool (W) by clicking on the desired areas while holding Shift to add additional highlights.

Using a hard round brush, draw in the eyebrows. Try to make the lines smooth and the shape of the eyebrows interesting to give the face a certain expression. Hermione is smart, resourceful and quick-witted, so I will try to portray her personality through her facial features.

Switch Mode brushes on Cleansing and make a few strokes across the eyebrows to add individual hairs and make the eyebrows more detailed.

Click on eyebrows Using the Magic Wand Tool (W) or by holding Control, click on the eyebrows layer to select them and use a soft round brush of light gray color to add a soft highlight closer to the outer part of the eyebrows.

Step 15

Let's add more life to our character by working on her eyes. Using the Lasso Tool (L) Draw some rounded shapes on top of the pupil and brighten them with a soft round brush. Add small, light highlights with a small white brush.

2. How to color a character in black and white

Step 1

Now that the face is ready, let's add more elements. Create New layer d for the hair on the top of the head and Using the Lasso Tool (L) draw the bangs. Fill it with dark gray. Then go back to the head layer and add a soft shadow on the forehead using a soft round brush.

Step 2

Create New Layer for the sweater and fill its silhouette with dark gray.

Turn on the visibility of the sketch and add shadows of a darker color along the edges of the sweater and along the edges of the book that Hermione will be holding in her hand.

Step 3

Now let's draw the hands on a separate layer. Using the Lasso Tool (L) draw the silhouette of the hands and fill them with light gray. Now either Block transparent pixels layer with the hands, or select them and add shadows, highlights and details to the fingers by changing the size and opacity of the brush.

Advice: Always use references when drawing body parts. Even if it is a cartoon character, all stylized features are always based on real anatomy and then simplified. There are plenty of photographic examples online and on PhotoDune, but the best living example is you, so keep a mirror handy.

Step 4

Using the Lasso Tool (L) Create a shirt sleeve cuff on a new layer. Make it more three-dimensional and add the inside of the cuff on a separate layer, placing it under the sweater layer. Make this part darker to emphasize volume. Complete the cuff by adding a round button.

Step 5

Now create a layer for the book and place it between the hand and sweater layers. Create a square silhouette and cut out the part where the hand is holding the book.

With the book layer selected, click on the " Add a vector mask" at the bottom of the panel Layers. Now that the mask is selected, Using the Lasso Tool (L) draw a silhouette of a hand and fill it with black using Fill Tool (D). Black on a white mask makes the filled area invisible. We can change the created shapes on the mask using Brush Tool (B) and switch between black and white colors for drawing or erasing.

Click on the book layer (checkered thumbnail) to switch back to painting and continue adding shadows, highlights and details with the round brush.

Step 6

Add the top of the book, filling it with light gray and adding darker and lighter lines for the pages. Create New Layer and decorate the cover of the book. I decided to draw the word "Spells" freehand using a hard round brush. I make the letters more three-dimensional by painting some of their parts in a darker color.

Step 7

Now Using the Lasso Tool (L) Let's create a silhouette of a stick and fill it with a very dark gray color. Create patterned elements and add volume to the details with a soft round brush.

Find a sample of a floating feather and try to make it as simple as possible. I don't spend a lot of time on this element because... it will be very small and partially covered by the highlight effect that we will add at the end.

Step 8

Turn on the visibility of the sketch layer and draw a skirt, placing the skirt layer under the sweater and book layers. Add folds with a hard round brush and finally add shadows and highlights.

Step 9

Using the Lasso Tool (L) draw the shape of the leg. Add soft shadows with a soft round brush and, selecting the foot, paint the shoe with a hard dark gray brush.

After completing the leg creation Copy (Control-J) layer with foot and click Control-T For Free transformation. Rotate the leg copy and attach it to the body according to our sketch.

Step 10

Now let's add hair by placing a new layer under all other layers.

Go back to the bangs layer and click on it while holding Control to highlight. Create New Layer and, keeping the selection active, use a hard round brush to add dark and light lines for individual hairs.

Use the texture brush to paint on the bangs layer to make them more detailed. I'm using the Graphite Control brush with low opacity from Kyle Drawing Set to add light textural touches to hair.

Step 11

Do the same with the rest of the hair - add texture and then add individual light and dark hair strands on top.

Step 12

The last but not least detail we can add is a light source, which will make our character even more three-dimensional and make him stand out from the background.

First, select the layers with the same parts (for example, all the hair details or all the layers related to the head - with eyes, nose, etc.) and group (Control-G) them together on the panel Layers.

Next, select a group of hairs by holding Alt, and click on the " Create New Layer" at the bottom of the panel Layers. A window will appear New layer. Check the box " Use previous layer to create clipping mask", change the name of the new layer for convenience and click OK. We now have a linked layer, marked with a small arrow. Such layers allow us to draw within a related area; this works the same as the function " Block transparent pixels", but for the whole group.

Use a soft white round brush to add a light source along the right edge of the hair.

Step 13

Add linked layers to each layer or group of layers that require a light source. I marked the direction of the light with small sun icons as a reminder to myself.

Step 14

Finally, use a soft round brush to create a shadow at the bottom to put our character on the ground.

Now we can add a new one Adjustment Layer on top of all other layers. Click on the icon " Add a new fill or adjustment layer" at the bottom of the panel Layers and add a layer Brightness/Contrast. Enlarge Brightness And Contrast our picture to make it look better.

3. How to color a black and white picture

Step 1

Now that our black and white illustration is ready, let's add some color! Let's start with the background. Open the panel Colors and select purple for foreground and peachy pink for background by clicking on the squares.

Now take Gradient Tool (G) and drag a vertical line onto the background to fill it with a vertical linear gradient. You can check the gradient settings in the top control panel.

Step 2

Create New Layer on top of the gray layer group and switch it Blend Mode on Color on the panel Layers.

Find the head layer and hold Control, click on it to create a selection. Holding Shift-Control, click on the arms and legs layers to add them to the selection.

Fill the selected areas with pinkish-orange color on our new layer Colors.

Step 3

Let's do the same with the eyes, hair, book, clothes and all other elements. Holding Control, click on them in the gray group of layers and fill the selection in new layers in Color mode.

You can either use one layer Colors for all elements, or create a new layer Colors for each individual element.

Here I use Gradient Tool (G) to fill the book with a soft lilac-pink color.

Step 4

Now create New Layer V Overlap mode and increase the brightness of the colors, bringing our character to life.

Advice: If we look at the color map of the human face, we will notice that our face is divided into color areas - yellow forehead, red cheeks, nose and ears, blue lower jaw and a small area around the eyes.

Keeping the selection around the head, use a soft round brush to create areas of color. You will notice that our image becomes more realistic and vibrant if you switch to Overlap mode.

Step 5

Move to the hair and add brownish-red touches to Overlap mode.

Step 6

Now let's work on the book cover. I want to add a little golden color to the lettering elements, so I take the Dry Brush from the standard set M-brushes and paint over the selected area with dark orange and bright yellow colors, creating a golden surface.

Step 7

Copy (Control-J) text layer and move the bottom copy down and to the right. Fill it with dark purple to create a shadow for the letters.

Finally, add bright yellow highlights along the edges of the letters using a hard round brush.

Step 8

Let's make our character cute and add some personality by adding some freckles to his face. Use Spatter Bot Tilt Brush from the Kyle Special Effects Brushes set and change Opacity layer so that it becomes translucent.

Step 9

It's time to make your pen shine! Create New Layer for the glow effect and switch it Blend Mode on Screen.

Soft round brush big size Draw in a circular motion over the feather to create a white glow. You can add little sparkles around it or use other brushes to create special effects.

Step 10

Now we can add Adjustment Layers at the top to adjust brightness, contrast, colors and everything else that helps create a harmonious look and maintain the desired color palette.

Our magical illustration with Hermione is ready!

Great job - we got it done!

I hope you enjoyed following this guide and found some new ones. interesting techniques, which will be useful when creating future works.
