Harry Potter kisses. Kiss Me

The most anticipated kiss full-length series about a boy wizard with a scar on his forehead took place without the participation of Harry Potter. Love affair in two parts of the final seventh film, the Potter series will be built on the relationship between Hermione and Ron, and key moment their love story has already been filmed.

By the final part of the Harry Potter adventures, actress Emma Watson remained the only one of the trio of bosom friends who never had a kiss on big screen. First to be baptized Daniel Radcliffe in “The Order of the Phoenix”, in “The Half-Blood Prince”, Ron also plays the role of a womanizer - however, for the “first contact” the red-haired jokester does not choose Hermione. However, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and millions of fans of the magical saga knew very well where everything was going.

“Rupert and I were very worried. “First of all, because we desperately wanted this moment to finally be captured and left behind, but just because of this, the kiss could look like something unremarkable,” Emma recalls. – This kiss was supposed to express 10 years of tension, riot of hormones and chemistry established between the heroes – and in just one moment. We had to deal with it." “It’s not that we were looking forward to this moment,” corrects his colleague film set Rupert Grint. - Enough strange thing, so that you can still think about it.”

Despite the attempt to take a serious tone in the conversation about kisses, yesterday's teenager Watson, who during the filming of Potter turned from an ugly duckling into a swan bird, still modestly wrinkles her nose. “Kissing in movies is always so awkward,” Reuters quotes the most beautiful girl sixth film. “For some reason, kissing always turns out awkward.”

Daniel Radcliffe was also dissatisfied with his last kiss - so much so that he even asked the audience for forgiveness for it. In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter's attention is completely captured by Ron's sister Ginny. “I watched the film again a couple of days ago and discovered that my lips looked like the lips of a horse when kissing,” laments the performer leading role in film.

The sixth film, “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” can be seen on July 16. The seventh film, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” will be released in two parts: the first is expected by the end of 2010, the second – in the summer of 2011. The creators have not yet revealed in which of them Ron and Gerimone will finally reveal their feelings to each other.

Meanwhile, this final kiss is the only thing fans have left to hope for. Over the years the trio spent on the set, they never once gave reason for anyone to suspect something more between them than friendly relations. Watson, on the eve of the premiere of the sixth film, advised Potter fans to once and for all abandon all thoughts that the titular trio real life will ever tie love ties. “We grew up together and perceive each other exclusively on a related level. So I have to disappoint you: there were no couples in our company,” Emma categorically snapped.

The most anticipated kiss of the full-length series about a boy wizard with a scar on his forehead took place without the participation of Harry Potter. The love affair in the two parts of the final, seventh film of the Potter series will be built on the relationship between Hermione and Ron, and the key moment of their love story has already been filmed.


By the final part of the Harry Potter adventures, actress Emma Watson was the only one of the trio of bosom friends who never had a kiss on the big screen. Daniel Radcliffe was the first to be baptized in “The Order of the Phoenix” - however, the red-haired jokester does not choose Hermione for the “first contact”. However, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, and millions of fans of the magical saga knew very well where everything was going.

"Rupert and I were very worried. “First of all, because we desperately wanted this moment to finally be captured and left behind, but just because of this, the kiss could look like something unremarkable,” Emma recalls. - This kiss was meant to express 10 years of tension, riot of hormones and established chemistry between the heroes- and in just one moment. We had to deal with it." "It's not like we were looking forward to this moment,” corrects his co-star Rupert Grint. “It’s quite a strange thing to even think about.”

Despite the attempt to take a serious tone in the conversation about kisses, yesterday's teenager Watson, who during the filming of Potter turned from an ugly duckling into a swan bird, still modestly wrinkles her nose. " Kissing in movies is always so awkward, - Reuters quotes the most beautiful girl of the sixth film. “For some reason, kissing always turns out awkward.”

Daniel Radcliffe was also dissatisfied with his last kiss - so much so that he even asked the audience for forgiveness for it. In The Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter's attention is completely captured by Ron's sister Ginny. "I watched the film again a couple of days ago and found that my lips look like the lips of a horse when kissing", laments the leading actor in the film.

The sixth film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, will be released on July 16. The seventh film, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,” will be released in two parts: the first is expected by the end of 2010, the second – in the summer of 2011. The creators have not yet revealed in which of them Ron and Hermione will finally reveal their feelings to each other.

Meanwhile, this final kiss is the only thing fans have left to hope for. Over the years the trio spent on the set, they never gave any reason for anyone to suspect anything more than a friendly relationship between them. Watson, on the eve of the premiere of the sixth film, advised Potter fans to once and for all abandon any thoughts that the titular trio would ever be connected by love in real life. " We grew up together and perceive each other exclusively on a related level. So I have to disappoint you: there were no couples in our company,” Emma categorically snapped.

One late November evening, a single lamp was burning in the Hogwarts library. This was done by Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. More precisely, Hermione was studying, and Harry was half-sitting, half-lying next to him and waiting for his friend. This year they have become closer than ever. Perhaps this is due to the fact that their mutual friend found himself a girlfriend, or maybe somewhere at the subconscious level they understood something. Although these two are just Good friends, between whom there can be nothing more than friendship, of course.

Hermione sat and diligently copied something into her already rather large report from some dimensionless old book. Harry did his thing a long time ago homework and now he was simply waiting for the release of his friend. It was completely silent, only the fire crackled in the lamp and the rustling of the pages being turned.

"Kiss me," Harry said.

Hermione could have expected anything from her friend, but not this. In order to understand whether this was true, the girl even looked up from the book. But to her surprise, she did not notice any changes in her position or facial expression. Therefore, having realized all the arguments of reason, she came to the conclusion that it was just her imagination and Harry had just sat and remained silent all this time.

They walked to the prefects' dormitory in silence. Granger had almost forgotten what she heard. But one phrase changed everything.

“Good night, Hermione,” Harry said goodbye to his friend and somehow emphasized the girl’s name in a special way.
-Good night, Harry.

Hermione Jean Granger was not destined to sleep that night. While Harry walked her to the prefects' room in absolute silence, she didn't even remember his words in the library, but here was his farewell and wish Good night turned everything upside down. His voice in her head kept her awake. She managed to think and change her mind a lot during these sleepless hours.

In the morning, the girl took a contrast shower and, as if nothing had happened, with her usual mood, headed to the common room for breakfast. That night she decided that everything she heard in the library last night was just a figment of her own bad imagination. Her diligence in her studies and some worries about the fact that she still does not have a boyfriend made themselves felt in such strange shape. Everything was logical and correct.

“Good morning, Harry,” the girl said quite normally.
-Good morning, Hermie.
-Where's Ron?
-He's with Lavender. They have some urgent business in... in the old classroom.
-Yes, he has no time for us now.
-Well, he's now the STAR of the school Quiditch game and he has a girlfriend. It is unlikely that he will want to spend time in our dull company that does not admire him... - there was so much sarcasm in his statement.

This one phrase of his made Hermione smile and for a while forget about the obsession that settled in her head tonight. The effect did not last long. Throughout the next day, Hermione kept throwing different glances at Harry. Who would have thought that the best student at school would behave so strangely because she just imagined it. But everything would have been fine if she had not seen such glances from her friend addressed to her.

The world was going crazy, and so was Hermione. She spent the whole day as if in a dream. She was constantly thinking about something and analyzing something. But none of her friends noticed any special changes in her behavior. Only Harry seemed to have drawn certain conclusions and continued to lead the conversation as if nothing had happened. regular line your behavior with your friend.

This evening the Gryffindors went to the library again to learn more. This time the entire “Golden Trio” decided to do their homework together. But as soon as the silhouette of Lavender Brown appeared between the shelves, the trio broke up. Ron immediately gathered his things and left his friends faster than lightning.

Yesterday's scenario was repeated today. Hermione began to think seriously about her mental health. She had another sleepless night ahead of her. For two days in a row, something strange happens to her in the library. For some reason, it seems to her that her friend is asking to kiss him. But this is not logical. There was no way Harry would do that to her. After all, he considers her only a friend, and she is something like his ward, who must constantly be protected from bad influence. But these strange “mirages” made the girl take a completely new look at her friend. Now the school's main smart girl was pondering the question: "Would she like to kiss Harry Potter or not?" Of course, there were many more questions. But the search for answers was interrupted, albeit short, but still by sleep.

Hermione spent the third day of her madness trying to take a closer look multifaceted personality young Mr. Potter. Of course, her attentive gaze did not escape the fact that he also too often turns his gaze to her person. But the girl again tried to attribute these facts to accidents and coincidences. And now the same plot was repeated for the third time.

Hermione threw herself back into her studies, and Harry again waited for her to finish her assignments so he could show her to the prefects' room. And again she felt this stupid request. The third time a coincidence turns into a pattern. But even now Hermione decided to attribute everything to a game of imagination. But she didn't take into account the "Harry" factor. It was he who made this mirage more and more realistic.

Today they walked through the dark corridors of Hogwarts at night under the invisibility cloak. They were no longer children, so in order to fit under the robe, they had to cuddle as close to each other as possible. This time it didn’t seem to Hermione, she really felt somehow hot next to Harry...

Saying goodbye at the prefects' room, Harry again said his signature:
-Hermione, kiss me.

He pronounces these three words in a special way. She didn't notice it before, but now something has changed. She did not have the strength to restrain her impulse. She sharply pressed her lips to his and did not break the kiss for several tens of seconds.

My breathing was ragged, my feelings were confused, my thoughts were boiling.

“I thought you didn’t hear,” the young man said, a little out of breath.
“I thought I heard it,” the girl answered him in the same tone.