How to properly create a children's wardrobe: tips for mothers. What is included in a basic children's wardrobe?

When the baby first goes to kindergarten, life in the house changes instantly. It goes without saying that a decent amount of free time is freed up for mothers and grandmothers, but additional troubles arise - you have to adapt to the baby’s kindergarten regime, and in addition, take care that he goes out “in public” in decent shape. And, if you can wear a not-so-new dress at home, you can change your child’s clothes at any time, then you need to approach the wardrobe of a newly-minted kindergartener seriously and take several points into account.

Charmantate. On the other hand, architects recognize that it would not make sense to install a closet for every family member. It is advisable to install a closet next to the parents' room, and this place should serve the parents more than the children. For little ones, it makes more sense to place their own wardrobes in their rooms.

A hallway intended for adults should be at least 4-5 square meters. Therefore, the wardrobe decision often involves one of the most liberal and flawed “decisions” that must be made when building a home. It is, at first glance, completely isolated from civilization, in fact, just a few hundred meters from the highway. Not knowing that it was here that young Wajda, Zydrunas and their daughters created their own life and here, these places are not found.

Convenient wardrobe for a child

Of course, it’s a miracle how good they are denim overalls with buttons, fasteners, rivets. But such clothes, just like fluffy, easily soiled dresses, are not entirely appropriate in kindergarten.

Firstly, the child inevitably gets dirty, secondly, he has to undress and dress, thirdly, in kindergarten he constantly plays, is in motion, and he should be comfortable. Therefore, when choosing clothes, it is best to pay attention to knitted sweaters and jumpers, trousers and skirts with elastic, which can be easily and quickly taken off and put on.

A wardrobe is a piece of furniture that is quite difficult to discard. And not only for logistical reasons, but also for practical ones - although this furniture may be aesthetically dated, its function is still excellent. The most rational solution is to simply update the cabinet.

Walking through individual residential areas, the eye is still tripped by three-story stone piles, reminiscent of several decades fashion trends. Nowadays, people are more rational, they calculate how much it costs to maintain a house, so they often prefer modest houses.

Neatness when using children's wardrobe

From the very first days, you need to teach your child to be neat, so make sure that the clothes are inexpensive, but always clean, not torn, not wrinkled. Now, fortunately, there are a lot of fabrics that do not require ironing, and this is just great - there is usually no time to stand for hours with an iron.

Cork flooring is less known species wooden floor. Like any other wooden floor, this coating has its advantages and disadvantages. So is it worth trying in your home? Here are the pros and cons of cork flooring. Wood floors today are no longer simply cut from logs, dried planks that have been used by mankind for centuries. By using modern technologies exist Various types wooden floors, which differ in appearance, durability and installation features.

The most common are solid wood and multi-layer wood floors. We asked the experts about the different types of wood floors and how to choose the best option for your home. The bathtub is characterized by an ideal condition for shellfish colonies, since the most humid, unventilated and warm rooms are best suited for these fungi. Mud baths not only look aesthetically unattractive, but can also be hazardous to human health. It releases harmful compounds that are carcinogenic, can cause allergic diseases and stimulate various lung and respiratory diseases.

Dressing your child in snow-white clothes is also not worth it - in the evening you will definitely be upset because of the stains from the compote that cannot be washed off. Children are children, do not make life difficult for either the child or yourself.

No fuss if you have a wardrobe

If the house is not in order, then the morning can become very, very unpleasant. Clothes that haven’t dried out from the evening, socks and panties that have gone to no one knows where - this means nervous searches, tears, a spoiled mood since the very morning. You shouldn't get into situations like this. It is very good if the baby has five sets of clothes - from Monday to Friday. In the morning, you get a pile of clothes, put on everything clean and fresh - and no fuss. You can prepare these shots over the weekend.

So, how do you stop this parasite from appearing in the bathroom and how to fight it? Homes are places where we want to feel calm, relax and avoid external noise. Properly installed home audio insulation has two main benefits: it prevents unwanted outside sounds and allows you to create an oasis of your own silence or sounds inside - listen to music freely, enjoy movie sound effects and not worry about expressing emotions during the neighbors' sports competition.

Soundproofing walls are a very important thing, but when living in a multi-story building, Special attention care should be taken to ensure proper installation of the pads. The child spends most of his time in his room, where he sleeps, plays, studies, stores everything important to him. Thus, one room should have four zones: sleep, games, learning, storage. With the age and mask of the child, the layout of these zones lies.

Such a necessary “spare spare” in a child’s wardrobe

Make sure that your baby always has a spare set of clothes in his locker, even if not a complete one. At least spare tights, socks, panties. You never know what happens - it gets dirty, wet, torn. Let such little things not cause your child grief - he should always have the opportunity to change clothes.

Another important aspect is that over time a roommate's needs, wants and interests change, even a couple of years ago, a room that brought a lot of joy may or may not be bigger. Therefore, it’s definitely not worth investing crazy amounts of money in children’s room and interior furniture. However, the main children's furniture - bed, computer desk, wardrobe - should be very good quality, as they will be available for several years. It is advisable to buy furniture from a child.

If they are built from separate modules, it will be easier to combine, modify or complement the interior when a neighbor grows, changes her needs or has a sibling. In the children's room best views- light, pastel colors, subtle patterns wallpaper For small child There is a quiet sitting area, so keep the baby's bed as close to the window and door as possible. Take care of your child's chest for clothes, wipes, body care products and toys. It's very convenient to have the chest of drawers installed along with the bed and development table - everything will be at your fingertips when you bring your baby.

These are the basic rules for enrolling a child in kindergarten. And be sure to check that he always has everything he needs and special occasion, both for the pool and for physical education.

But it’s more about school, but I was thinking about Vikushka.

Vikushka is almost 4 years old, and in some places I probably take a hyper-responsible approach to her wardrobe, but it seems very important to me, because a person grows, absorbs information about how it should be, about color harmony, about proportions, etc. and on myself too. I wasn't very good at it. WITH artistic taste maybe it’s more or less nothing like that, and it was praised in the art, but for some reason I basically didn’t think of applying all this in practice - to clothes, and not to still lifes. Yes, in the 90s in my city there was absolutely nothing to use. Chinese things from the market initially did not fit into the idea of ​​harmony. It was only in the 11th grade that I made a discovery for myself (logically, of course, I understood this, but then I suddenly realized) that those things that are photographed in magazines - they, it turns out, exist in reality, you can try them on and buy them myself - I saw the window display of the Mango store in Moscow. Until then, pictures from magazines seemed to me somehow abstract beauty, from parallel world. So, to be honest, I always dressed like shit, even though I tried to put it together as best I could. But what can you think about it if you have only one pair of boots and one jacket, and all this is not what you would like, but what was in decent quality. In the last couple of years, I think I dress normally. It’s still like we’re crawling to “stylish” in Africa.

The bed can be saved, which can be converted into a large bed when the child grows up. In the case of children's furniture, it is most important that they comply with hygiene standards that prohibit the use of harmful toxic substances. Select only required certificates. Infant furniture should be made of natural wood and organic, non-allergenic materials. It is very important that the soft parts of the upholstery are made from natural fabrics and are easy to remove and wash.

Children of this age thrive on warmth, jumping, running and volleying, so leave as much room as possible for active work. Children's room furniture should be durable in design so that it does not deform from mechanical stress, without any sharp edges or protruding screws so that young ladies do not get sick.

Therefore, it seems to me that all this should be instilled in little people at once - so that later they do not have to hastily catch up, learning basic things at a fairly advanced age, as I am doing now. Of course, not to the point of insanity, because things are just things, even if they aestheticize environment, but a person should still have the right to make his own choice (even if it is wrong), he should try some combinations himself (even if they are crappy - but how else can you understand that they are crappy?), experiment on your own (otherwise where would creative solutions come from?) etc.

If the room is small, additional furniture will be available in safe and light-emitting furniture. Ideal choice is furniture with wheels. Rugs can be fitted with tables, drawers, cabinets, children's chairs, drawers and even children's beds. Systemic, mobile furniture is one solution, especially if you can easily climb them. When the room is in a chest, transforming furniture will be available: a pull-out table, a chair-mattress, a folding bed. Install a drawer under the bed or buy a bunk bed that has a desk, closet, and shelves.

But in order to save myself and my child’s nerves, and so that I don’t have to get into arguments about whether it can be worn or not, I try to decide all this at the purchasing stage.

There are very good posts on how to create a rational wardrobe. The author is a fashion designer and image specialist, so everything is explained very clearly, simply and clearly: post about a rational wardrobe for a boy, post about rational wardrobe for a girl. And of course, in in a broad sense, it's not just about children's wardrobe, there are principles that can be very easily applied to your own.

Double bunk bed is the best solution when living together with two children. Light in the play corner is very important, and moody lamps always brighten up a child's room. Poor lighting not only affects the eyes, but also creates a gloomy mood. In some cases, it is better to avoid fluorescent lamps, especially if the child is very active and difficult to attract attention. It is better to hang an adjustable lamp, install small lamps on the ceiling, walls or furniture.

The children's room also has storage space for items with playful storage in children's closets or chests. Even the smallest room will have wall space for shelves, colorful boxes, and pockets for stuff to hide - so you can hide miniatures without them getting damaged. Children will be able to hang their clothes before going to bed on play hangers for children's rooms. It is necessary to use furniture consisting of furniture: adapt the space under the bed, store things on shelves, drawers, etc.

I tried this scheme on Vikushkovy things, it turned out to be very convenient.
I started very small, with three main colors: white + cool pale pink + fuchsia(it’s clear that these are the most common colors in children’s stores, so the choice was dictated mostly by laziness, but they still look good on little bunnies):

When setting up a student's room, focus on a table with the right height or computer desk, roller coasters and proper lighting. Of course, it's best to set up your study area as close to natural light as possible. For books and school supplies you will need extra drawers or even containers for drawers, different shelves for width and size, and cabinets for children's rooms. Your efforts will not be in vain: well equipped workplace will stimulate the student’s desire to study well and achieve the greatest achievements in school.

In addition to the ideas for a rational wardrobe, I formulated for myself personally a few clarifying rules.

Firstly, baby a lot of places climbs, draws, grabs something, can easily spill juice or stain clothes with hands in berry juice, etc. etc., and besides, it grows quickly, so clothes are mainly bought completely budget friendly- sometimes it happens that there is enough stuff for one exit, and then a stain appears, but it would be somehow strange to forbid a child to climb and explore. That's why I buy everything as inexpensive as possible, but at the same time, of course, cute. From what is suitable for Vikushka, these are mainly Sela, Lindex, HM, even Modis (they have much better clothes for children than adults), I really like LC Waikiki, which recently opened here. Recently, I even stocked up on ketai stuff from the market - such an opportunity came up - but, of course, I chose very harshly.

The elderly child was already thinking about bringing his friends into his room. This meeting and seating area can be converted into a former play corner, soft toy, playful fur coats or poufs. Designers recommend painting the walls of a children's room in neutral shades, leaving bright colors, drawings and drawings left to detail. However, you won't miss any wall or part of it with colorful wallpaper or photo strips. Ask the room owner what kind of room he likes - bright or quiet colors.

In general, children should be included as early as possible in the selection of their furniture or other interior elements. This will not only help develop aesthetic taste, but will also allow the child to feel independent and a true owner of his property. The interior design of the room should create a comfortable atmosphere and reflect the child's personality. And in this regard, the furniture system for the children's room is very useful. The elements that make them up are in tune with each other and create a harmonious whole.

And from the first it turns out naturally second- through experience, I came to the conclusion that One capsule is most convenient(the original post suggests two, but I think it’s too complicated, at least for me, I’ll explain why below), in one color and style, otherwise it is very difficult to select sets when things constantly break down and you have to look for and buy new ones, during the day every now and then you have to replace something (fell here, spilled here, tore there), sets are preferably multi-layered (remove something , wear something, sleep in the kindergarten) well, if at the same time you still have to think about color matching, then this is a brain explosion.

What do you need to know when installing a children's room?

When designing a room, furniture and interior details should take into account the age, gender, taste, temperament and interests of the child. It is recommended to divide the child’s room into zones: rest, games, learning, storage of things. Children's buildings should have plenty of natural light and every area should have impeccable lighting. It is important that the furniture is appropriate for the child’s age and height, is of good quality, durable, comfortable, ergonomic, functional, beautiful and inexpensive. All materials used must be environmentally friendly, environmentally friendly, and practical. The children's room and all items in this area should be easy to clean. Furniture should have smooth structures made of materials that are resistant to moisture and cleaning agents. We'd like to talk about how to plan your dream closet.

As a result - under an ideal set of circumstances - it turns out that you can take almost any thing from the closet and combine it with almost any other thing, and not worry about whether it fits or not - everything should fit at the selection stage. Still, when buying, you have to choose, so why not add color/style to the given criteria?

Although it may seem like a no-brainer, it is indeed a difficult task. No matter where or where you plan to build the cabinet, the key should have everything you need, beautifully and conveniently. So, here are the basic steps to help you organize your home closets wisely.

Decide where the closet will be placed, what the purpose will be and what items will be stored there. Common wardrobe for husband and wife; A wardrobe for him or her; Children's wardrobe; Common wardrobe for everyone; Upper cabinet only; Wardrobe for all items of clothing except outerwear; Wardrobe with or without armrests. The first step is very important. We end up planning one type of closet in the hallway and a completely different bedroom.

Here's how it works for me:

Well, it seems to me that this all works on Vikushka. It's funny how she herself makes some conclusions, that, for example, “I have purple jacket, that means the hat needs to be purple" (and even though I didn’t tell her this and, of course, I myself don’t think that only purple goes with purple, but it’s still great that the child himself compares and does such things in his own little head some own conclusions, that she has some of her own ideas about elementary color harmony).

And recently, I was really proud of how Vikushok herself chose the prints on the dress and skirt - she wanted to dance, and for this, she thinks, she needs a skirt. And so she put her skirt under her dress and came running to me. “I think they fit well - look, here are flowers and here are flowers, here is gray and here is gray,” said the little man. I praised. Let's leave the possibility of combining this dress with this skirt out of the question, the point is not that, but the fact that small man I myself performed a series of logical operations and made some kind of conscious and informed decision. And even if she tries a lot of things, messes up a lot, does a lot completely wrong (in the end she dyes her hair red and her lips black), but a person learns to compare colors, textures and shapes, looks for how to do it beautifully, how to express yourself, after all.

I still don’t know how to make super looks, like the ones from catalogues. Probably, someday I will learn, but this is not the most important thing - I don’t need the person to be a super-duper doll, but simply for everything in the person to be beautiful - both soul and costume)

Now share your thoughts) I’m talking not only to mothers, but to everyone in general - some have nephews, while others just walk down the street and see everything)


(29 comments - ) ioj_v_wokolade

Nov. 6th, 2011 10:18 pm (UTC)

I buy basic things and add them with accessories.. well, yes.. everything is in the same range, it is desirable that things can be replaced, because even though they are small women.. but they are still pigs))))

and I agree with you that we need to start from childhood... not instill in them a wild love for clothes, but taste. because it’s handy. useful skill.


Nov. 6th, 2011 10:41 pm (UTC)

hospday. It’s impossible to read the shit (everything is mixed up there..
I bought her simple comfortable pants for kindergarten.. and matching T-shirts.. namano.. comfortable, without synthetics, and it’s pleasing to the eye.
What am I doing wrong? Is she too fifa for me?))

Of course, the art has spoiled me)) I can’t when the colors don’t match))


Nov. 7th, 2011 04:32 am (UTC)

oh, how complicated it is:) I tried to make a capsule for my child, but there was so much suitable friend It’s somehow impossible to find clothes for a friend for not crazy money. and in Lately I even neglected the compatibility within the set, to my shame: the child crawls on his butt, and therefore, after one day of wear, all the clothes look once and for all as if the poor orphan was dressed from someone else’s shoulder :)
As you get older, you will need to pay more attention to this issue (I wonder at what age do they even notice this...) or at least learn how to dress yourself first :)


Nov. 7th, 2011 06:37 am (UTC)

Well, that’s exactly what I got burned out on. If you don’t buy everything in one store (everything is selected using the example of one), then a selection of good things different colors very limited. So if you go beyond the traditional pink and white, and for boys blue and blue or khaki orange, then the search for things suitable for the capsule becomes a problem.


Nov. 7th, 2011 07:14 am (UTC)

So with one store you need to have at least a banal gap nearby. In our country, for example, the only decent stuff is stock, and that’s on the Internet. try to pick it up :) so far I can only scrape together gray-blue options, more or less :)


Nov. 7th, 2011 08:08 am (UTC)

Basically, the stains come off well with the help of Vanish. I throw out the ones that don’t come off. those that survived the operation of the IA are put aside “just in case”
We mainly buy in Finland or online (Gap, Olneyvy, Gymboree, etc.). Gymboree, in my opinion, is the best in quality and design. to be honest, I try to save money, buy during discount periods, up to 10-12 dollars for a T-shirt and up to 10-12-15 $ for pants
but any “insulating knitwear” in large quantities I don’t buy it, there’s no need - it’s warm at home, it’s warm in the kindergarten, etc. enough fleece underneath outerwear if necessary (I don’t wear cotton) and a couple of sweater jumpers “for beauty” during the period when it’s still warm and you can’t go out in a jacket (this season lasts a week or two)


Nov. 7th, 2011 08:11 am (UTC)

this season IA's main color is green - a green windbreaker, a green fleece jacket, a greenish corduroy jacket. Snowboarder's winter kit - green with Christmas trees on an orange lining
black boots with orange insert


Nov. 7th, 2011 08:37 am (UTC)

oh, I have Vanish - like a poultice for the dead (are you talking about the pink liquid one? Or something else?), however, I wash it at 40 degrees, no more. But if you spilled juice in the garden, that is, they didn’t wash it off right away, or some kind of blueberry, then you can consider everything to be a complete mess.

you have a completely different climate after all) the main part of our wardrobe is all kinds of insulating knitwear, here we spend quite a large part of the fall and spring wearing jackets, jeans, blouses, etc.


Nov. 7th, 2011 08:43 am (UTC)

In my experience, liquid is less effective
I sprinkle pink dry. There is also a white one (I don’t really understand the difference between them, I just didn’t have a white one in the store, so I bought a pink one). old juice can clean, but, of course, it does not remove some stains. but what can you do - these are just things
he has more than 10 T-shirts alone
I wash it at 30-40 degrees, otherwise the paint will rub off.

maybe at an older age knitwear will be more relevant, but while you’re digging in the dirt, it’s more practical to wear outerwear for a walk that can be easily washed without washing


Nov. 7th, 2011 09:08 am (UTC)

I'll have to settle for pink for now. simply because it is difficult to select other colors of the right size and reasonable price. I'm already sick of this pink in combination with gray, beige and purple. There are red things, green ones, and even an orange sundress. These colors suit Lesya better. but precisely because of the problem of incompatibility with each other, they rush around less often.


Nov. 11th, 2011 12:06 pm (UTC)

yes, this is a real problem)
although there are two advantages - over time this should become easier, and in rich pink, fuchsia, Lesa is also very good)
In general, I really liked Lesya’s wardrobe last summer - you combined green and fuchsia very stylishly)


Nov. 7th, 2011 10:37 am (UTC)

Damn, my brain also exploded when I read all this :) And until now I hadn’t thought at all about combining something in a children’s wardrobe. The girls' wardrobe is eclectic - I buy something myself + my husband is abroad + they give and give a lot. In short, I proceed from what is already available. Therefore the best option for girls, it’s buying/receiving a suit as a gift right away. That is, blouses + trousers (a T-shirt can be easily pulled down) or a T-shirt + knitted jacket (can be combined with jeans and skirts). Our weather is also such that after windbreakers, overalls of varying degrees of insulation immediately follow. And there, if anything needs to be combined, it’s only a hat/shoes/gloves. And sometimes I forget about it. Today we walked like this: Sonya - lime-yellow overalls (I bought it myself last year) + pink hat (Lenne, given by my sister), boots and mittens. Anka is even cooler: a salmon-green jumpsuit, a crimson hat (not from that opera, but what can you do?), green boots with orange soles and gray mittens. Shurik has the standard jeans, T-shirts, denim sweatshirts, etc. for a boy + a separate suit and shirts for school, which are compatible with each other by default. In short, I still have to work and work in this direction.