Short and interesting facts. Short, unusual facts (1 photo)

It always seemed to me that my grandparents had good family. Although it was clear that her grandfather loved her very much, and her grandmother loved her not so much, but she respected and cared for her. A few years after my grandfather’s death, my grandmother came up to me and asked me to find her old friend on the Internet, to find out whether he was alive or not. I was surprised, and later it turned out that this acquaintance was her boyfriend, with whom she had quarreled and married my grandfather out of spite. From her look, I realized that she had loved that man all her life.

In childhood great joy It was the onset of autumn and the harvest at the dacha. Small, small potatoes, green tomatoes and other vegetables remained on the ground. I sat down in the middle of an empty garden bed and made a fire between two bricks. An old saucepan was placed on them in which soup was cooked. With vegetables and herbs, just like the real thing!

It's fucking infuriating. I'm leaving for another country, saying goodbye to people, and I haven't found one guy I was pining for a few years ago, and he was just friends. best moment to confess your feelings. We decided to have a romantic farewell, sex, everything. The day before leaving, we met again, I gave him some things. In the end, they dispersed almost silently and that was it. I could wish you some luck, ghoul.

Sister best friend very thick. I’ve known her since childhood, I’ve been losing weight all my life: sports, diets, pills. As the fashion for body positivity came, she calmed down and fell in love with her body. But it drips into the minds of those around them that they are under the influence of Hollywood and magazines. We sit with a friend, watch a movie and eat. She comes up and starts her song: “What? Salad? Why not pizza? You have been brainwashed by diets.” She snatched the cucumber from my hands and stomped over to her room with a giggle.

I was 12 and she was already 15. I fell in love with her school event, and she is my best friend's sister. The three-year difference scared me; for a long time I was afraid of misunderstanding on her part. At 16, I began to actively maintain contact, sending her letters almost every day. After a long silence on her part, a mutual declaration of love followed. She saw her half in me for a long time, but I didn’t notice this because I was fixated on age. Now I’m returning home, and she’s already waiting for me there.

I met a boy with a very unusual name- Nectary. Pretentious names have not been surprising for a long time, but Nektary is something new. I asked how the parents chose this name? It turned out that his father gave his mother a nectarine at the market; he really liked her.

The ex-boyfriend whined about anal sex for a long time. To all my arguments that it is unhygienic, it can injure the anal passage, it hurts, and I just don’t want to, there was only one answer - “Oh, we’ll be careful.” But one day he read that by having anal sex, you can become infected with HIV, and even a condom does not provide 100% protection. We did not return to this topic again. She did not say that it is impossible to become infected from an HIV-negative partner.

I found a phone under a bench in the park and called last number, the woman answered, we talked, and asked to bring the phone to the address. It wasn't far to go, so I decided to carry it over. An old lady opened the door for me - white hair, slender, sweet. I gave the phone, it was her husband’s phone, he lost it in the park, they invited me for tea, but I couldn’t refuse. When leaving after tea, in gratitude I received a jar of homemade jam, a jar of homemade honey and the meadow tea they had collected, it was very nice.

She spent her entire youth in the stables. It was happiness. I adored horses. But it’s all over, and I’ve been out of the saddle for six years. Suddenly, at the dacha, dad put out a wardrobe that was in one of the rooms on the veranda. Now I sit and look at this closet - old wardrobe, photographs of horses are glued to the door, I look at it and feel like I’m in a stable, in a rest room, when all the horses are fed and there’s half an hour to drink tea. I had a good time there. I want to visit my mentors.

When I was abroad with a girl, we came up with this game: you need to public place, where there is a small chance of meeting Russians, telling each other out loud the most obscene things about themselves. For example, I’m talking about how I licked a guy’s ass, and she’s talking about how she sucked off a homeless man in a garbage dump. You can go into as much detail as your imagination allows. Whoever turns around and laughs first is the loser. Adrenaline, excitement!)

When I was 5-6 years old, I went to the village to visit my grandmother. We were walking down the street, not far from the house I saw a cow and shouted: “Grandma, how many pussies does a cow have?!” She still can’t forget this story, although more than 15 years have passed))

We had a teacher at the university. Relatively young (about forty), handsome, married either for the third or fourth time, all of his wives were his former students. The current student at that time was in her fifth year. After the exam, we once watched a massacre. The wife threw herself at the student who was making eyes at him, and she yelled: “You’re old already, you’ll finish university soon, he new wife needed!"

when I was six, my family and I went to England. Dad was on a business trip, Mom dreamed of seeing London, and they promised to show me the Queen. I lost sight of my mother at the mall. My English was bad, and I went up to everyone and said: “I have a dog. I like apples. I want to see the queen.” While my mother was looking for me shopping center, I was looking for the queen. The seller tried to take me to security, but I resisted - the queen was needed. The charwoman became queen and was given a crown. Even the mop didn't bother me.

In the 90s, a family lived on our street; their father was a thief in law. They, like all criminals, were believers. His son was about my age, he often changed cars and raced them. He had a large brass cross with Jesus hanging on a chain in his salon. One day he had an accident. The car was good, the airbags deployed, he should have survived. Only it was the cross that pierced his head.

When I ride the subway, I always look at the people around me and imagine that we are in a situation where I and the people from the carriage must survive some kind of disaster. And I imagine how each of them will behave. Who will panic, who will become a killer, who will die immediately, and who can save everyone. And then I assess our chances of survival.

I love my boyfriend, but he is very lethargic when it comes to sex. He has a 10 cm penis, so he doesn’t like regular sex, he despises blowjobs, anal is “only for whores,” according to him, and he also can’t do cunnilingus, because he’s embarrassed to look at a vagina. That's why I've been having sex with "Mr. Penguy" for six months now. Mr. Penguy is his finger on which he draws a penguin and then fucks me. And that’s not all: in order for him to turn on, during mating with my finger I have to sing the song from the advertisement “I love Mr. Penguy”...

Got married in a foreign country. Wedding Dress I sewed in my homeland, it came by parcel. And the mirrors in full height No! They tried both the camera and the bathroom mirror, to no avail. And it dawned on me! Fitness club! There are mirrors all over the wall, and classes are only in the morning and evening; during the day it is empty. I made my way into the hall, dressed up, heels, veil, I looked at the length... Now I am a legend, because when they entered the hall, I started laughing. And the bride is in the hall with weights, and the echo carries hysterical laughter - this is a kick-ass horror.

Who knew that Honeymoon V Asian country will end in a burning nightmare. I am a spicy lover to the point that I always have butt cream on hand. Somehow, after a nice dinner, I feel like my stomach is twisting, apparently I’m not used to so much pepper. My husband, having drunk a couple of glasses of red, inopportunely wanted me “both here and there.” Half an hour later I had to call a doctor; his “sausison” turned red. The whole vacation without sex. The husband is offended. I have diarrhea from “spicy” foods, but I tried so many new dishes.

My mother has a talent for choosing men. At the age of 18, she ran away with my dad into the wilderness and gave birth to me. Three years later, she realized that life in the village was not for her and ran away back to the city. I met a man. Everything seemed to be fine, but then it turned out that he was a terrible drunk. He beat us and forced us to go get him vodka. Soon my mother became pregnant with my sister. She had to work at the market until the end, while this asshole was screwing everything up. Five of us lived in grandma's two-room apartment. Patience ran out after he almost strangled his mother with a wire from the intercom. We just took him and moved him to his mother. Then my mother met another one man. He is a Muslim, so my mother also changed her religion, wears a hijab, does not eat pork, and all that stuff. She is only 42 years old, I wonder what will happen next.

I fly often and almost every time, bitch, I see: the plane has landed, the sign says “fasten your seat belts”, they announce that business class will be the first to leave and ask you to stay in your seats. Half of them climb, push, stand in line, and spend 10 minutes freaking out that they didn’t get out. Children run up behind them, parents sit them down, children scream - they need it too. And so on through the flight. What kind of education can we talk about if adults are still sheep? And then they are indignant that the children are yelling!

Kissed a guy for the first time. He, apparently, had seen enough movies, so when he kissed me, he took my leg under the knee to make the kiss beautiful (when a guy lifts a girl’s leg and touches her butt so passionately). But he forgot about the difference in height. And since he was much taller than me, he did not calculate his strength and grabbed my leg too tightly, I hit my head on the curb with all my might. The date was the first and last. I was afraid that sex with such a circus performer would end in intensive care.

Anyone familiar with psychology knows that the scenarios “suggested” by our parents have a big impact on life. As a child, my mother often shouted that I needed treatment, that I would definitely end up in a psychiatric hospital. There is an example in the book when the mother told two brothers the same thing - one became a psychiatrist, the other was put into treatment. I graduated as a psychologist, I don’t work in my specialty (currently creative profession) and year by year I understand more and more that I have a mental illness, and my condition is getting worse.

I don’t remember the painting at my wedding. I remember how we drove up to the registry office, walked up to the painting hall, held hands, the door opened and that was it. The next memory is on the street at the registry office. And the most unpleasant thing is that I look at the photos in the hall and don’t remember these moments. I didn't drink at all. Six years passed, we got divorced, but I still don’t remember that moment.

Mom worked at a factory as a painter. She loved to play tricks on her colleagues: she would put screws in men’s pockets, or put grass in their shoes, or something else. She wasn't the only one who did this - it was their way of distracting themselves from boring everyday days. No one was offended, everyone had a normal sense of humor. One day my mother was picking up her work clothes from work, came home, and there was a brick wrapped in her clothes! The weight was dragging me and I didn’t even think that something was wrong.

I got a job and after a while I began to notice suspicious actions on the part of my boss. Sometimes he called him on the road, sometimes he called him just like that. I'm always suspicious of men, but I didn't like this one right away. And she turned out to be right. On one of his trips, he stopped in the forest, tried to seduce me and “buy” me, promising to provide for me in exchange for my body and improve the relationship. And this was repeated often, she always refused. I quit, I ignore him and I’m afraid that I will meet him, or that he will find me.

I'm a cameraman. When I was a student, I was invited to do a part-time job, shooting porn. Paid more than for a month of work local channel. I have never seen anything less sexy in my life, the desire disappeared for a long time. The most vivid impression- after the fifth take, the girl’s ass is smeared with foundation around her hole, “otherwise it looks bad on camera.” And next to her, the man who just fucked her shows photos of his dog and son on his phone.

Looking through Soviet movies, I am very jealous of the children who lived in the 70-90s. Their friendship can be called strong and real. They, unlike us, managed without newfangled gadgets, and all because free time they spent time outside no matter what the weather was like. Go to the skating rink in winter, go to the river in summer, picnics in spring, and go to the forest in autumn. I wish I could have lived in that time.

I live in a city of goodness and prosperity. On the street where I moved from, there lives a very unusual lady over 50: nuclear red hair below the waist, black clothes, boots, spikes and other paraphernalia. The local grannies didn't like her. No husband, only son and German Shepherd, with whom she could walk for hours, until during her departure there was a fire (the TV caught fire), in which the dog died from carbon monoxide. The lady began to leave the house less often, but then something terrible happened again: her only son committed suicide by jumping from the roof of a ten-story building because the girl refused to marry him. I thought the neighbor would be completely desperate. After a while, I noticed that she goes out four times a day to feed the stray cats, of which our yard is full. And not with leftovers, but good meat or food. When I think about this woman, my self-confidence awakens. Under such terrible circumstances, completely alone, she survived this grief and directed her strength to a good cause, instead of falling into despair. Regardless of the severity of the circumstances, I will endure everything, and as long as such people exist, a person will have faith in himself.

After sex, the guy and I were fooling around. We decided to jokingly come up with a name for his penis. We settled on "Private" tank. She said that I would promote him to lieutenant if he tried.

There were times when I received decent money, therefore, I could always give some things to my sister already ex-husband. They were leaving somewhere, leaving her to look after the apartment and feed the cat. I arrived once, couldn’t find the new shoes my sister gave me, a month later I found out that she had taken them without asking to wear them, and I already thought that I had accidentally thrown them away. But it came to a head when I saw my red shoes on her friend while looking through photos on social networks.

1. When you fly on an airplane, your hair grows 2 times faster.
2. Human DNA is 30% identical to lettuce DNA.
3. Sneeze with with open eyes impossible.
4. Global warming will deprive humanity of beer.
5. People with blue eyes are more sensitive to pain than others.
6. Bees can count to four.
7. If you scream at a glass of water for 80 years, you can boil it.
8. A cockroach lives without a head for 9 days, after which it dies of hunger.
9. In Windows, you cannot create a folder called “Con”, which is the word Bill Gates was called as a child.
10. If Coca-Cola had not been tinted, it would have been green.
11. The film Titanic cost more than the Titanic itself.
12. Salvador Dali drew the logo for Chupa Chups.
13. Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.
14. Chaplin took third place in the Chaplin look-alike competition.
15. Children grow faster in the spring.
16. A cat sleeps 70% of its life.
17. Most robberies happen on Tuesdays.
18. If a shark swims upside down, it can fall into a coma.
19. A frightened person sees better.
20. OK is the most popular word in the world.
21. A snail can sleep for 3 years.
22. The Alaska flag was created by a 13-year-old boy.
23. Most often in English libraries stealing the Guinness Book of Records.
24. One day - February 18, 1979 - it was snowing in the Sahara Desert.
25. In Siena, Italy, you can't be a prostitute if your name is Maria.
26. There are no clocks in Las Vegas casinos.
27. No sheet of paper can be folded in half more than seven times.
28. American Airlines saved $40,000 by removing just one olive from the salads served to first class passengers.
29. Venus is the only planet solar system, rotating counterclockwise.
30. On average, 100 people die every year from choking ballpoint pen.
31. It is anatomically impossible for a person to lick his own elbow.
32. Every day, US residents eat 18 hectares of pizza.
33. Almost everyone who read this text tried to lick their elbow.
34. The nose grows throughout a person’s life.
35. In Russian and English languages there is no word for the back of the knee.
36. Tongue imprints are individual for all people.
37. More living organisms live on the body of one person than there are people on Earth.
38. One hair can support a weight of 3 kg.
39. If you add up all the numbers on a casino roulette wheel, you get magic number 666.
40. Coca-Cola Company for a long time I couldn’t find my name to sell in China. The fact is that the Chinese pronounce the name of this drink as “Kekukela”, which means “Bite the Wax Tadpole”. The company was forced to go through 40,000 variants of the spelling of its trademark before choosing “Coku Cola”, which means “Happiness in the Mouth”.
42. In the archives in Smithsonian Institution In Washington, D.C., two identical snowflakes were found preserved in a refrigerator.
43. If you have one nostril closed for 72 hours, you will slowly lose the ability to see colors. (Your gaze will instantly return to normal state when you release the nostril.)
44. Clouds cannot move southwest.

List of short extraordinary facts, which you did not know or guess about. Read and surprise your friends with new discoveries!

Modern world is developing so quickly that we can rarely be surprised by how scientific discoveries, and the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

However, you will be surprised if you find out that things you had no idea about exist.

And there are quite a lot of them.

And, if you subscribe to the “Success Diary” news, you will be the first to learn useful and interesting information.

Short extraordinary facts about our world

Our world is full of mysteries that, God willing, at least our great-grandchildren will be able to solve.

And even though a person imagines himself to be the crown of civilization, this world knows how to keep its secrets and never tires of astonishing arrogant homo sapiens.

Don't believe me? I'm sure these short extraordinary facts will convince you otherwise.

  1. Beer lovers beware!
    Global warming could take away your favorite drink.
  2. Sahara - desert, heat and all that?
    But no! It even snows here, more precisely, on February 18, 1979.
  3. Planet Venus is a real rebel.
    She prefers to rotate counterclockwise.
  4. For some reason, harmful clouds do not want to move in the southwest direction.
  5. Nature can create two identical snowflakes, although it was long thought that this was impossible. The evidence is stored in a cold storage archive at the Smithsonian University (Washington, Columbia, USA).

Short unusual facts about a person

Of course, everyone has studied anatomy and therefore at least approximately knows how a person works and what the features of his body are.

I thought so too, until I found out how many secrets are hidden behind the phenomena that are familiar to us.

“A fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.”
Michael Bulgakov

  1. Human DNA is almost the same as that of lettuce leaves.
    Well, at least 30% identical to them.
  2. Staying at altitude accelerates hair growth.
    For example, when you fly on a plane, your curls grow twice as fast.
  3. Try sneezing with your eyes closed.
    What didn't work out? For some reason, no one can do this.
  4. Holders blue eyes bad luck. All of them have a low pain threshold.
  5. Human babies grow most rapidly in the spring.
  6. Frightened people begin to see better.
  7. Never chew ballpoint pens!
    Every year 100 people die because of this.
  8. Want to lick your elbow?
    But no! This is anatomically impossible.
  9. The nose grows little by little throughout human life.
    Well, why not breasts, for example? 🙂
  10. Most of those who swallowed this text tried to reach their personal elbow with their tongue.
    And you?
  11. The unfortunate back side of a human knee.
    There is no name for it in many languages, including English and the one in which I write.
  12. A person can be identified not only by fingerprints, but also by tongue.
  13. But this fact really scared me: we are home to more diverse organisms than there are humans on the entire planet.
  14. Each of our hairs is a real strongman: it is capable of holding a weight of about 3 thousand grams.
  15. If one nostril of a person does not breathe for 72 hours, then he begins to lose the ability to distinguish colors.
    Once the ability to breathe is restored, the color discrimination function returns.

Short unusual facts about animals and plants

I don’t know about you, but I love to look at extraordinary animals, admire incredibly beautiful landscapes, and admire the vitality of plants.

You can learn so many incredibly interesting things about our little brothers.

  1. We know that bees are examples of hard work.
    However, they are also incredibly smart.
    At least they can count to four.
  2. It turns out that the joke “I need my head because I eat in it” is not a joke at all.
    A cockroach can live perfectly well without a head.
    He dies not from the loss of such an important organ, but from the fact that he is not able to eat. Simply put, from hunger.
  3. Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.
    And why is it so incredibly sour?
  4. Sharks, never swim belly up, otherwise you will end up in a coma!
  5. Everyone wants to be lazy, because these animals spend 70% of their lives sleeping.
  6. A snail can hibernate for 3 years.

Strange, but truly extraordinary facts

Here I include discoveries that are sometimes striking in their stupidity, but that does not make them any less interesting.

  1. An experiment for patient slackers: if you scream at a glass of water, after 80 years you will be able to boil it.
  2. Bill Gates had a strange nickname as a child: Con, which he disliked so much that he made it impossible for all Windows users to create folders with that name.
  3. The real color of Coca-Cola is green.
    It is specially darkened using dye. For what?
  4. The favorite day of robbers is Tuesday, it is on this day that they most often commit mischief.
  5. The winner of the “Most Popular Word in the World” contest was “OK.”
  6. Publishing houses in England, please print enough copies of the Guinness Book of Records, librarians are tired of complaining that this is the book most often stolen by readers.
  7. Women with the name Maria in the city of Siena (Italy) are not allowed to engage in prostitution.
    Eh..they deprived the unfortunate girls! 🙂
  8. You won’t find a single watch in a Las Vegas casino, except perhaps in the hands of visitors.
  9. It doesn’t matter how large a piece of paper you take, you still can’t fold it in half more than 7 times.
  10. American Airlines managed to save $40,000 by putting one less olive in the salad of passengers flying first class.
  11. If you collected all the pizza that Americans eat every year, you could plant 18 hectares of land. What a harvest that would be!
  12. The sum of all roulette numbers is the devil's number: 666.

Extraordinary short facts about art

I think after studying them, you will never again claim that art is boring.

  1. Building the Titanic is incredibly expensive. But also more than millions was spent on making a film about him.
  2. Chupa Chups are incredibly cool candies. The logo for them was drawn by Salvador Dali himself.
  3. Once, when the peak of Charlie Chaplin's popularity reached its apogee, it was decided to hold a competition for his doubles.
    Chaplin decided to take part for fun and... took 3rd place.
  4. A thirteen-year-old teenager won the “Create the Alaska State Flag” competition, and his project is still used today.
  5. The Coca-Cola Company had to work hard to sell its products in China.
    The Chinese pronounced its name as “Kekukela” (bite the wax tadpole) and it is not surprising that few people wanted to buy such a strange drink. Top artists different directions struggled with writing the name “Coca-Cola” in Chinese.
    40 thousand options were rejected.
    The winning name was “Koku Kole”, which translates as “happiness in the mouth”.

And here is another video with a number of funny and absurd facts that make you smile.

How much short extraordinary facts did you know from this list?

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There are so many interesting things in the world!
1. The fly Goniurellia tridens, discovered in the UAE, has... two more flies on its wings. In this way, the fly protects itself from predators by pretending to be a “flock of flies.”

2. The 1934 $100,000 note is the largest note issued. It was not widely used and was used for various transactions between banks.

3. There are “antivitamins” - substances that suppress the activity of vitamins in the body. For example, thiaminase, found in fish, destroys healthy vitamin B1 (thiamine), necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

4. A couple of years ago, Kiribati was recognized as the fattest country in the world: it has only 100,000 residents and about 82,000 of them are obese.

5. Dinosaur bones exhibited in paleontological museums around the world are not actually bones. Strictly speaking, these are stones, since the bone tissue collapsed millions of years ago, leaving behind an organic sediment. Under the influence of chemical processes, this bone sediment has turned into bone-shaped stone over the years.

6. Once a year, the fishing season comes in Honduras. Between May and July there appears in the sky dark cloud, lightning flashes, thunder rumbles, and heavy rain pours for 2–3 hours. As soon as it stops, hundreds of living fish remain on the ground.

7. The "smell of leather" that comes from leather goods, this is the smell of flavorings. Real tanned leather does not smell of anything.

8. The Basenji or African non-barking dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. The uniqueness of the breed is that its representatives do not bark, but make special sounds, characteristic only of the Basenji, similar to rumbling, but these can only be heard when the dog is excited.

9. In 2003, Shelley Jackson invited everyone to become “pages” of her book. 2,095 volunteers responded to the call, with the words that make up the narrative tattooed on their bodies. The book "Skin" exists only in this form.

10. American entomologist Derek Morley described many unusual behavior in ants. For example, he noted that when an ant wakes up, it extends all six of its legs, as if stretching, and then opens its jaws, as if yawning.

11. About half a billion Chinese have never brushed their teeth. Instead of buying toothbrush and a tube of paste, the Chinese resort to the help of branches and green tea.

12. Fredrick J. Baur was so proud of his invention that he wanted to be buried in it. Baur died in May 2008 at the age of 89, and his children fulfilled this request - his ashes were divided between a pair of urns and ... a Pringles package.

13. In the Middle Ages, farm animals were quite often subjected to human punishment. In 1470, for example, a rooster was publicly burned for allegedly laying an egg.

14. Platinum used to be considered “wrong silver” and was thrown into rivers or seas so that it would not get underfoot. Only later, when jewelers from Spain discovered that platinum can be perfectly alloyed with gold, they began to use it as a jewelry raw material.

15. The total tension of all the strings of a tuned piano is 7 tons (7000 kg).

16. China's Jiankunzhu Mountain ("Southern Sky Pillar"), which inspired some of the landscapes in James Cameron's film Avatar, was renamed by local authorities and has since been called "Hallelujah Avatar!"

17. It’s difficult to say whether American stuntman Evel Knievel was lucky or unlucky. During his life, he performed many motorcycle stunts, but in doing so, he broke 37 different bones in his body and spent a total of three years of his life in hospitals. However, despite this, he managed to live to the age of 69!

18. Disciples of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato once asked him to define a person, to which he replied: “A person is an animal on two legs, devoid of feathers.” However, after Diogenes of Sinope brought a plucked rooster to the Academy and presented it as “Plato’s man,” Plato had to add: “And with flat nails.”

19. Liquid that flows from raw meat- this is not blood. It consists mainly of water, and the presence of the protein myoglobin gives it a reddish tint.

20. To stop the illegal cutting down of Christmas trees in parks before Christmas, the authorities of some cities sprinkle trees with fox urine. It freezes outside and is not felt at all. However, if such a sprinkled Christmas tree is brought home, it begins to spread an unbearable stench that is impossible to get rid of.