Pokhabov what a season. "Four castes: who are you?"

Who else but Scorpio can withstand a boring Virgo man. Both of these signs love long thoughts and conversations that are unlikely to interest anyone else. Scorpio loves to delve into himself, and Virgo loves to delve into others, so they easily find mutual language. Scorpio gives Virgo what he lacks most - support.

Virgos are cowardly by nature, it is difficult for them to make decisions on their own, and even if they finally do, it is even more difficult to take active action. Scorpio has no problems with fears; sometimes, on the contrary, she is too bold and rushes headlong into the pool. The Scorpio woman helps her Virgo man, pushes him, and takes on tasks that are too difficult for him. As a result, the Virgo man becomes much more successful thanks to his chosen one. Scorpio receives inner peace from Virgo. It’s hard for her to trust someone, but in Virgo she finds a reliable partner for life; he is not prone to deception and betrayal, which is why Scorpio feels calm and confident with him.

But there is, of course, a fly in the ointment: they both love to criticize. If Scorpio is more prone to self-criticism, then Virgo likes to criticize the actions of others and sees nothing wrong with this; this can hurt the feelings of the vulnerable Scorpio and offend her. Scorpio should understand that Virgo is doing this thoughtlessly, not trying to offend her at all, he simply cannot do otherwise, but she can try to explain to him why she is not pleased with this, Virgo will readily enter into dialogue and sort everything out.

  • Sexual compatibility

If their desires coincide at a particular moment, then sexual relations promise to be intense and passionate. Scorpio has no problems with this, she is always ready for sex and is full of emotions and experiences, but Virgo sometimes has periods of reflection when it is better to leave him alone and let him calmly philosophize. At such moments he is not interested in sex, even in its best manifestations.

  • Compatibility in friendship

These friends can easily be called gossips. Don’t feed them bread, but let them wash everyone’s bones and discuss last news, therefore friendship between them is quite possible. And although Scorpio’s social circle will not be limited only to Virgo, this will not affect their relationship in the least; on the contrary, it will provide additional food for discussion.

Scorpio man + Virgo woman: compatibility in love

Having met Virgo, Scorpio finds a quiet haven for himself. Virgo attracts Scorpio with her prudence and sharp mind, she does not do anything spontaneously and carefully considers all her actions; such thoughtfulness is not typical for Scorpio, he is more impulsive, which does not always play into his hands. In turn, Virgo receives reliability and protection from Scorpio. The Virgo woman is not like those women that Scorpio usually likes; she is not scandalous, has a calm disposition and strives to bring peace and stability to the life of her chosen one.

However, Virgo has bad habit, she loves to correct and teach everyone, but Sagittarius will not like this turn of events. Virgo will have to understand that she will not be able to control her Scorpio even in the best scenario; the most she can hope for is that Scorpio will consult with her in making important decisions. Virgo may seem a little cold to Scorpio, but that is her temperament and the main thing is that Scorpio understands this and comes to terms with it. If Scorpio takes it into his head to deliberately provoke Virgo into emotions, she may simply walk away from such a relationship.

  • Sexual compatibility

Scorpio is a very passionate partner, he gives his partner love and tenderness and wants to receive the same in return. Opening up to Scorpio, Virgo cannot always completely liberate herself, but this does not bother the man; on the contrary, he seems to achieve her every time, he likes the note of chastity inherent in Virgo and he gladly plays along with her.

  • Compatibility in friendship

They understand each other well, there is some kind of attraction between them. Scorpion a real man, who will always come to the rescue and help the fragile Virgo woman. In turn, Virgo will be spellbound to listen to the stories of her friend and sincerely experience all his adventures with him. She will always help him with sound and thoughtful advice and will not ask for anything in return.

Hello, Dear friends. Today we will talk about unique person, who is engaged in healing and psychic practice, helps people believe in themselves, develop hidden abilities, motivates and encourages action. He wrote several books and became the winner of the seventh season of the “Battle of Psychics” program.

Have you already guessed what we are talking about? Well of course it is Alexey Pokhabov and the books of the young magician deserve special attention. Are you interested in learning even more interesting and amazing facts? Then, welcome!

Early biography The magician is not at all distinguished by special events. Born in 1983 in the city of Achinsk, which is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Alexey lived ordinary life. I was brought up in a normal, average family, my father was an electrician, my mother an engineer, I went to school, went to college, at one time worked as a DJ on a local radio, and then...

At the age of nineteen, during the time of his stormy student youth, Alexey Pokhabov against the backdrop of experiences personal(breakup with his girlfriend), was in a state of prolonged stress. One night he experienced a very strange sensation, it was like a trance.

It was as if his soul had left his bodily shell and then returned, and he clearly felt it. Since then, Alexey Pokhabov has discovered his superpowers.

Alexey believes that such astral travels began for him already at the age of six, but then he did not attach any importance to it.

After the “night trance,” Alexey began to consciously develop his psychic abilities, work on himself, and improve himself.

Later, while watching the program “Battle of Psychics” on TV (and he did not miss a single episode), Alexey Pokhabov easily managed to guess the solution difficult tasks. Having discovered this phenomenon, the future magician signed up for the casting of the program... Then everything went as if on a well-trodden track, Alexey easily became the winner of the seventh season!

The magician likes the music of Justin Timberlake and films starring Mel Gibson.

His favorite books are the works of Robert Monroe and the head of the Atlantis magic center, Boris Moiseevich Monosov.

He does not like to talk about his personal life, because he believes that it is purely personal and does not concern anyone. He is absolutely right about this.

Alexey Pokhabov is a lawyer by training. He believes that everyone can reveal their previously dormant extraordinary abilities and capabilities. He wrote several books on this topic, which we will discuss below, and organized the Arcanum personal development center.

Personal Development Center

In 2009 Alexey Pokhabov founded the Arcanum personality development center in Moscow. The purpose of creating the center was to help people develop internal transformations and energetic transformations of their personality. The center selects people predisposed to extrasensory perception for the purpose of further development.

Alexey himself and other employees of the center conduct various seminars, practices, internal and correspondence trainings. What is all this for, you ask! This is necessary to improve quality own life, improving health, achieving goals with the help of consciousness, in a word, in order to be able to self-realize and be happy!

Alexey claims that any person is capable of achieving any heights through the development of his own personality. His books have been written about this, which we will tell you about.

Books of the magician

"Four castes: who are you?"

is the first book written by Alexey in 2012. The author is in it accessible language conveys to the reader the meaning of magical practices, using examples of tarro cards to reveal secret knowledge, talks about how all people are divided into four archetypes. As the author himself writes, this book makes you change all your ideas about life, or leaves you completely indifferent. It probably depends on what caste the reader belongs to.

"Four Castes 2.0"

is a revised first edition of the book “The Four Castes: Who Are You?” Additionally, the author talks about his research in the world of esotericism - what it is, what it consists of. Dispels the illusions of the paranormal and esoteric. After which you will be able to distinguish the deceiving magician from the true owner of the abilities.

is the author’s second book, written in 2013. In this book, as Alexey himself admits, he described in such detail the tactics of interaction with external forces of the world (arcanas) that he even becomes afraid for his readers. Why? Yes, because even a person previously uninitiated in this knowledge will be able to apply it in practice and achieve colossal results and changes in his life. So, for those who are afraid of change for the better, this book The author himself does not recommend reading it. And he wishes everyone else a fascinating read and good practice in using magical abilities.

- the third book, published along with the second book “Vertical Will” in 2013. This is a kind of collection of the author’s notes over four years. The book is an excellent motivating tool. After reading, a desire for action, change, and development arises. This is a kind of description of the world as the author himself sees it. The book contains notes on completely different topics, which worried the magician at one time or another in his life. Alexey Pokhabov is not only a talented psychic, but also a completely extraordinary person who has his own opinions on for various reasons. He wrote this book as a gift to his fans and students.

EBook: 249.00 rub.

Who among us has not watched at least once in our lives? Russian show"The fight of extrasensories"? Indeed, this project is very popular, no matter what they say. There is active debate on Internet forums. Some people argue that everything in the battle is real, while others say that it’s just a show. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle? Be that as it may, there were psychics in the show who were not forgotten, but on the contrary, after the show they became even more popular. One of them is Alexey Pokhabov, who, although he showed average results, still won in one of the seasons. After all, the audience for this show is mainly female. But let’s not talk about this topic. Let’s talk better about whether Alexey Pokhabov is on the VKontakte social network. However, before that, let's remember the most Interesting Facts from the biography of a psychic.

Biography of a psychic

  • Lyosha was born in 1983, in Achinsk - a small town in Russian Federation. Alexey's father is an electrician, his mother is an engineer.
  • Alexey is a lawyer by training. However, he did not engage in this business and went to work on the radio.
  • It was when Alexey was working as a radio DJ that a very strange incident happened to him - the so-called out-of-body experience. Which, it seems to me, is simply special condition brain, and not a “way out”. Ultimately, Alexey joined one of the occult schools (SMA) and developed psychic skills.
  • Alexey took part in the show “Battle of Psychics” (season 6) and, as we already said, won. Although they still write on the Internet that his opponent was stronger. But after a fight they don’t wave their fists, right?
  • Alexey has now organized his own training center "Arcanum" and is successfully earning money and authority in the near-magic environment, because he produces real psychics!
  • Lyosha Pokhabov released a book with a marketing title: “Four castes: who are you?” Part of it is information rewritten in other words from the ShMA occult school, and the other part is a biography. Why it is needed there is unclear.
  • Today Alexey, as befits a businessman, lives in the capital.
  • He doesn't like to talk about his personal life. What is known is that he has a lot of fans. It’s not for nothing that some people jokingly call his training center the “Housewives Club.”

Mag VKontakte

Now let’s talk seriously about whether Alexey Pokhabov is on VKontakte. Yes, there is a page, which is also officially confirmed. In addition, there is Alexey’s group on the social network, where you can even personally ask him a couple of questions that may relate to both extrasensory perception and the life of a magician in general.

Psychic in VKontakte -

Alexey Pokhabov, who became the winner of season 7 of the “Battle of Psychics,” has a simple, but interesting biography. There were no magicians or psychics in his family.

In the article:

Pokhabov Alexey - biography of a psychic

Alexey Pokhabov was born on November 28, 1983 in Achinsk. His mother worked as an engineer, and his father as an electrician. There were no fortune tellers, witches, or other people with a special gift in the Pokhabov family. Today the psychic lives and works in Moscow, the magician’s activities are related to esotericism, magical practices and the development of abilities. Alexey is engaged in both helping people and training those who want to. He moved to the capital after serving in the army, which he completed after receiving a higher education.

Pokhabov Alexey

I noticed the manifestation of extrasensory abilities back in childhood, but did not give the gift special attention. By the age of six, Lesha realized that he could leave his physical body and then return. Future psychic I decided that the skill was just a dream. Alexey Pokhabov could not immediately believe in something that, according to most people, does not happen.

Alexey had to experience the next awakening of his gift at the age of 19. The reason was a strong emotional shock caused by the first relationship with a girl, which ended in a very difficult, difficult break for the guy. The psychic fell into depression and, amid stress, managed to leave his body again at night. Alexey was shocked, and then remembered that this had already happened in childhood.

The future winner of the “Battle of Psychics” began to develop paranormal abilities. His comrades decided that the gift was a consequence of depression or even drugs, but this did not stop Alexei.

Later in the interview, the psychic will say that he developed the gift on his own. The magician worked hard to develop his abilities, and now considers this path possible for every person. The clairvoyant draws parallels with playing sports: just as a person can work on his body and health, he can also influence his mind. Alexey does not consider himself special and believes that anyone can develop abilities and become a psychic.

When Alexey Pokhabov found out that he had a gift, he began to meet and communicate with people who had common interests with him. The psychic exchanged experiences, received and gave advice, developing his own abilities and helping like-minded people. It is known that the future clairvoyant studied at the school of extrasensory perception of Boris Mamonov.

In the biography of Alexei Pokhabov there is a place not only for paranormal things. The guy graduated from higher education educational institution and received legal education, paid attention to his career.

winner of season 7 of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexey Pokhabov

The winner of season 7 of the “Battle of Psychics” did not work in his specialty. Alexei for a long time was a radio DJ. After moving to Moscow, Pokhabov was engaged in the sale of mobile phones and was a sales manager. The career of a psychic was started after participation and victory in the project. Financial situation young man, judging by rumors, the cost of the car and the possibility of opening your own center is normal.

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov does not like to talk about his personal life. The man is young and has an attractive appearance, and is popular among women. Rumor has it that Alexey recently met his soulmate, but there are no rumors about a wedding yet.

Alexey Pokhabov - predictions

When Alexey Pokhabov was asked to make a prediction about the crisis, the psychic quoted Alexander Revv from Comedy Club:

Alexey Pokhabov said that he does not know when to expect the end of the crisis in Russia. The clairvoyant avoids large-scale predictions, and can only believe that he will have to wait about five years. The psychic advised the residents of the country not to wait for the problems to end, but to try to establish comfortable living conditions during the crisis.

Regarding world catastrophes, Alexey gave a clear and understandable prediction: they will not happen. In 2014, the magician promised Russia a war on its territory.

The winner of the “Battle of Psychics” also spoke out about Michael Jackson. Alexey was often asked the question whether Michael Jackson really died or faked his death, wanting to take a break from fame. The clairvoyant is sure that great singer dead. Pokhabov believes that half a century of such a colorful life of Michael Jackson wore out the artist as if he had lived for centuries. Pokhabov is not sure of the cause of the celebrity’s death, but suggests that it could be skin cancer.

Alexey Pokhabov in the “Battle of Psychics”

Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey Pokhabov participated in the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” and became the winner of the show. The psychic considers victory solely the result of his own labor, because the magician developed the gift, spending attention, energy and time on it.

The clairvoyant does not use tools and does not consider surroundings a necessity. Alexey Pokhabov relies only on own skills and sensations, considering consciousness to be the main tool of a true clairvoyant, although he agrees that talismans and other magical things are endowed with power.

Before the project, Alexey had been a fan of the show for a long time. The psychic watched all 6 seasons of the “Battle of Psychics”, tried to complete the tasks while watching the program on TV. As a result, the clairvoyant realized that he passed most of the competitions on a par with other magicians, witches and psychics.

When Alexey Pokhabov became convinced that there was a chance to prove himself in the “Battle of Psychics,” the magician decided to participate in the project. Before going to the casting, the psychic did not make winning the main goal. The clairvoyant was going to test his abilities in practice, to find out whether he could really cope with the tasks. Reasons included curiosity, the desire to gain new experiences, and the development of gifts in new environments.

Alexey Pokhabov admitted that The most difficult tests were those that involved choosing between several options. The magician believes that the reason for failures during the “Battle of Psychics” tasks is a lack of practical experience in using clairvoyant abilities and unpreparedness for certain situations. The tasks related to things and photographs of people were most successfully completed.

Alexey Pokhabov easily found the man in the trunk of the car, not considering the test difficult. The psychic senses the energy of death well: tasks that were associated with death did not seem difficult to him. For example, during the test associated with the death of Zhan Sagadeev, the accuracy and reliability of what was said by the clairvoyant amazed the relatives of the deceased musician.

At first, the absolute leader among the participants in the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” was, from whom Alexey took the palm. There was a change of leaders after completing a task related to a hidden child. Alexey completed the test in 15 minutes, but Ilona Novoselova was unable to find the child. Bakhyt Zhumatova, with whom the psychic also had to compete, failed the task.

Results audience voting became an important reason for Alexey Pokhabov’s victory. The magician scored 64% and was ahead of Bakhyt Zhumatova and Ilona Novoselova. The winner believes that participation provided an extraordinary experience due to the complex and interesting tasks. The victory inspired the magician to create his own

Alexey Pokhabov considers the main tool of any psychic to be his consciousness, and his abilities to be a special biological state of the body that can be learned.

Biography of Alexey Pokhabov

Alexey Pokhabov was born on November 28, 1986 in the small town of Achinsk Krasnoyarsk Territory V ordinary family: Father was an electrician, and mother was an engineer. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, but never worked in his specialty. At the end of the first year, he got a job as a DJ on a local radio, while simultaneously studying extrasensory perception at the school of Boris Mamonov. After finishing his military service, he moved to Moscow, where he began selling mobile phones, reaching the position of manager. At this time, I carefully followed all the seasons of the “Battle of Psychics,” going through tests with them. Having convinced himself that he was no worse at it than the project participants, he submitted an application himself. After winning the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexey founded the Center for the Development of Psychics, where he conducts seminars, helps people understand themselves, develop their abilities and manage personal energy.

Psychic abilities of Alexey Pokhabov

First extrasensory abilities, which manifested itself at the age of six as an exit from the body, Alexey did not attach any significance, explaining it as a dream. At the age of 19, after breaking up with his girlfriend, in a state of severe depression, a strange incident happened to him, in which he managed to leave his bodily shell and return to it. This became a decisive factor in the life of the future magician, after which he became seriously interested in esotericism, began to look for like-minded people and develop his abilities. Alexey himself does not believe that he has any supernatural gift, in his opinion, every person is able to develop the gift of clairvoyance. Alexey can easily find a person and determine whether he is alive or dead. In his opinion, the energy of death is very bright, and it is impossible not to feel it. During the project, the most difficult tasks for Alexey were guessing tasks, but giving out information was not difficult. Most of all, he was remembered by the audience when in 15 minutes he was able to find a boy in a huge estate, which the other participants could not cope with. Also, the winner of the project easily described the cause and details of Zhan Sagadeev’s death. According to the voting results, Alexey received more than 64% of the audience’s votes, unexpectedly beating the project’s favorite Ilona Novoselova. His goal is to teach people to overcome their problems on their own through managing their strength and understanding that a person’s life is a projection of his consciousness outward. At his Arcanum development center, Alexey conducts seminars on the following topics:

  • Personal power;
  • Out-of-body practices;
  • The magic of love;
  • Lucid dreaming;
  • The magic of money, etc.

Possessing an amazing ability - the ability to explain, Alexey wrote the following popular books in an accessible language:

  • “Four castes. Who you are?";
  • "Vertical will";
  • "The Philosophy of a Magician."

Alexey believes that the only effective help is teaching people to understand themselves, the world and their abilities in it.

Website and pages of Alexey Pokhabov on social networks

Alexey believes that every person has enormous potential, which he can reveal with effort. You can find information about the psychic himself, videos and photos with him on Alexey’s personal website, where you can ask him a question, read reviews about his work and leave your review. There is a lot of information on the Arcanum Center website. Official pages