Oseeva is good. Review of V. Oseeva’s story “Good

Literary reading lesson

in 2nd grade

Teacher primary classes Zagvozkina Valentina Viktorovna

Topic: V.A. Oseeva. "Good"

Lesson type: lesson on studying and initially consolidating new knowledge

Goals of the teacher's activities. Create conditions for familiarization with V. Oseeva’s story “Good”, promote the development of forecasting skills

Planned educational results.

Subject: they will learn to perceive a work by ear, draw up a story plan, retell it according to plan; explain moral meaning story, correlate proverbs with the main idea.

Meta-subject: cognitive: use additional and reference books to find the necessary information; regulatory: master the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives educational activities communicative: actively used speech means for solving cognitive problems.

Personal: developed through literary works a holistic view of the world in its unity and diversity.


Cultivate honesty and a sense of responsibility for one’s actions, a kind attitude towards people, and a desire to help people.

Equipment: interactive whiteboard, computer.

Textbook " Literary reading» 2nd grade, 2nd part L.F. Klimanova, V.G. Goretsky, M.V. Golovanova, pp.93-94; Presentation.

During the classes

I. Motivation for learning activities.


Take your desk neighbor's hand and smile at each other.

How did you feel?

What's your mood?

II. Updating knowledge.

1.Checking homework. -What story were you working on at home? -Who is the author of this story? -Make a plan for this story.

1. “Lena, give me one paint, please.”

2. “The bench was empty...”

3. “Soon I’ll run away completely…”

4. “Give me a green pencil.”

5. “Take me, please...”

6. “There is such a magic word...”

7. “Give me a piece of pie, please.”

8. “I will never touch your paints again...never...never...will!”

2. Students work independently.

Examination. (No. 2, No. 6, No. 1, No. 7, No. 5, No. 2).

Who is this story about?

What happened to Pavlik?

How did the old man know about this?

3. Task. Select the episode that relates to the story " Magic word».

C lead#3

Slide number 4. Check and complete the next task.

Examination. Answer #3.

How did you guess?

Who actually performed the “miracles” in the story?

Do you know why the magic word has such power?

Slide number 5.

4. Reading proverbs.

Define general theme proverbs (About kindness).

Choose similar root words for the word kindness. (Good, kind, ...).

Choose a synonym for the word good. (Good, useful, positive,...).

Slide No. 6

Conclusion. The main idea is that if you are kind to people, then they will also be kind to you - “Goodness is rewarded with kindness,” magic words really exist.

Statement of a problematic question.

What is kindness?

Students' answers. Let's turn to explanatory dictionary Ozhegova.

Slide No. 7

Each of you has a small piece of kindness, like a little sun. A kind person is one who loves people, helps them, and feels comfortable everywhere with such a person. The love of a kind person, a kind word, his help warms like a gentle spring sun.

III Studying new material.

Slide No. 8

Today we will read the story “Good” by V.A. Oseeva

1. Predicting text by title.

What do you think this story is about? Think about what the boy dreams of?

As you read, notice all the good things.

Set tasks for our lesson

Students: Get acquainted with the story, learn to read expressively.

And analyze the content of the story.

2. Primary reading of the story.

Checking for understanding.

What's good about the story? ( Good thoughts, good wishes.)

What was not very good about the story? (A boy's actions.)

What kind of things did Yura dream of?

What did he really do?

How does this characterize the boy?

Should we wait for trouble, or can we find good things in ordinary life?

Could Yurik become your friend? Why?

What advice would you give to Yura?

What other proverbs, besides the one printed in the textbook, are suitable for this story?

3. Reading by role with preliminary preparation.

How many characters in the story?

Does Trezorka have words? (Yes, that’s what he thinks, as if he wants to say.)

And the words addressed to your sister, nanny and dog? (Roughly, sharply.)

IV. Physical education minute.

V. Continuing to study new material

1. Selective reading.

What was the weather like that day?

What did the boy want to do?

What did the mother advise the boy?

2. Dividing the story into parts.

Part 1. Yurik woke up.

Part 2. Sister's request.

3rd part. Nanny's request.

Part 4. Trezorka wants water.

Part 5. Mom's advice.

VI. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Name good qualities person.

What should a person be like?

What advice would you give Yura?

What good things can you do every day? Will you expect rewards for these actions?

What tasks did we set for our lesson?

Poem by I.N. Gavrilova “Just Do Good.”

(read by a pre-prepared student)

And Kindness walks nearby.

We can barely hear her steps.

But leaves trace she,

We see it in good deeds.

And we don't need to call her,

She always notices everything.

She doesn’t think what to do with her time,

After all, she does not choose the measure for good.

She does not expect a reward in return.

She is glad that you are happy.

And it will gather smiles and your views into a bouquet...

Its fruits are like fresh flowers.

She is in a hurry to give warmth,

So that there is light for everyone in the world.

And he spins around in his affairs faster,

May we be kinder to you

VII. Homework. Page 93-95 expressive reading by role.

Draw an illustration for the story “Good”.

During the classes:

I. Org. moment

We all know, the bell rang, let's start our lesson!

II. Setting up for a lesson

    Literary reading lesson. - In order to gain knowledge in the classroom and be able to use it, we need certain personal qualities. Which?

IN attention, diligence, desire to work amicably, actively, respecting the opinion of the speaker, not hesitating to express one’s opinion on issues that arise.

III. Preparing for work

1) Warm up the speech apparatus

Frosty winter morning
At dawn the birch trees ring.

Why are tongue twisters needed? (To pronounce all the sounds of the language correctly. Speech improves)

    What rules for reading tongue twisters do we know? (First you need to read slowly, then at a normal pace, and then quickly.)

I read with my children.

    Speak in a whisper slowly, pronouncing each sound. Now read at your normal pace. Now try to read quickly.

Checking homework.

    what work did we study in the last lesson? Who remembers the author of this work?

I read the questions:

What is the boy's name?

What was in the old man's hand?

What's the girl's name?

Who baked the pies?

What was the old man sitting on at the beginning of the story?

Who did Pavlik ask to take him on a boat ride?

Where did Pavlik find his grandmother?

What did grandma bake?

What was the old man drawing on with his umbrella?

What did Pavlik ask Lena?

What did Pavlik want to ride?

Where did Pavlik put his hand when he asked his brother to take him for a ride?

What did Pavlik call the old man?

What magic word did the old man say?

    Learning new material.

Today in class we will continue our acquaintance with the work of V.A. Oseeva.

    Creativity of V. A. Oseeva

Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva was born in 1902. in Ukraine. She studied at the drama department of the Kyiv Institute of Arts.

In 1923 The Oseev family moves to Moscow. At the age of 35 she begins to publish her books. Her poems, fairy tales, short stories for kids included in the collections “Red Cat”, “Magic Word”, “Father’s Jacket”, “A Simple Thing”.

Young Oseeva worked as a teacher in children's colonies for street children. She worked as a teacher for 16 years, helping children regain joy and become worthy citizens of the country.

    Guys, who are homeless children? (A person left unattended, living on the street, homeless.)

The merits of Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva in educating the younger generation did not go unnoticed. In 1951 she received Stalin Prize for the story “Vasyok Trubachev and his comrades.” This is a trilogy. Based on Part II, the film “Trubachev’s Detachment is Fighting” was created.

Oseeva lived to be 67 years old.

For the children reading her books, she wrote this letter.

Dear Guys!

- Did you like the story?

I answered:

- Don't know. I didn't think about him.

Mom was upset.

Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes my own. And since this helped me in life, I wrote short stories for you to make it easier for you to learn to read and think.

V. Oseeva. (From the preface to the book:

Oseeva V. Three sons. M.: Children's literature, 1975.)

What did V.A. Oseeva want to teach children?

What, who are her stories about, did you guess? (About children, their good and bad deeds)

What work will we get acquainted with in class today, read (on the slide)?

Can you guess what this story might be talking about?

What does the word “good”, “good” mean? (This means that it is worthy, decent, a person with exemplary behavior is said to be good.)

2. Work on the story “Good”

1) Primary reading of the story (teacher)

I will read the story, and you notice all the good things in this story.

P Yuri grew up in the morning. I looked out the window. The sun is shining. It's a good day.

And the boy wanted to do something good himself.

So he sits and thinks:

“What if my little sister was drowning and I saved her!”

And my sister is right here:

Take a walk with me, Yura!

1 stop

Go away, don't stop me from thinking!

My little sister was offended and walked away.

And Yura thinks:

“If only wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them!”

And the nanny is right there:

Put away the dishes, Yurochka.

2nd stop

-Do you think Yura will fulfill the nanny’s request? Why?

Clean it yourself - I have no time!

The nanny shook her head. And Yura thinks again:

“If only Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out!”

And Trezorka is right there. His tail wags: “Give me a drink, Yura!”

3 stop

-What do you think, did Yura give Trezorka something to drink?

Go away! Don't bother thinking!

Trezorka closed his mouth and climbed into the bushes. And Yura went to his mother:

What good thing could I do?

2) Checking primary perception.

Did you expect the story to end like this?

The story is called "Good". What do you think is good about the story? How can you call it in one word? (thoughts, desires)

Is there anything in the story that you didn’t like? (Yura's actions)

3) Reading a story to children

- Now let’s carefully read the whole story and highlight what Yura was thinking about, what was he dreaming about?

Open your textbooks. We read in parts.

4) Gymnastics for the eyes .

After reading, let's do some eye exercises. They stood near their desks.

Up-down, left-right. We close our eyes and open our eyes wide.

Imagine that your nose has become long and you can draw with it. We close our eyes and eyes closed draw something good, beautiful.

5) Analysis of the work. Selective reading:

So, how attentive were you while reading, can you answer my questions?

Tell me why the boy Yurik wanted to do something good?

What time of day does the story take place?

What was the weather like that day? Find and read these lines.

Read what Yura dreamed about at the beginning. (What if my sister was drowning and I saved her).

There is also the word sister. How do words differ from each other? sister And sister?

- What can you say about his dream: is it good or bad? ( Good)

What did he dream about next? Read it. (If wolves attacked the nanny, and I would shoot them)

What can you say about this dream?

Read what else did Yurik dream about? (If Trezorka fell into a well, and I would pull him out)

- What can you say about this dream?

So, conclude what dreams did Yura have? (Yura had good dreams)

- Now let's look at his actions.

Find in the text and read the conversation between Yura and his sister.

What good deed could Yura do for his sister? ( Take a walk with her)

What did he do? ( He offended his sister)

How did he hurt her? ( I rudely drove her away)

How did he talk to his sister? ( Rough)

What did he say to his sister when she asked him to go out with her? ( Go away don't bother me to think)

- Guys, when do we ask not to be disturbed? ( When you are busy with something)

Was Yura busy? ( No, he was just thinking)

Read the dialogue between Yura and the nanny.

What good deed could Yura do for the nanny? ( Remove dishes)

- What did he do? ( Offended the nanny)

How did he talk to her? ( Rough)

What did he tell her? ( I have no time)

And when do we say that we have no time? (When we have a lot to do)

- Did Yura really have a lot to do? ( No, he just sat and thought)

Read how Yura communicated with Trezor. What did Trezorka allegedly want to tell Yura?

What good deed could Yura do for Trezor? ( Give him something to drink).

What will he do with Trezor? ( I drove him away)

Draw a conclusion: what were Yura’s actions?

Yura's thoughts and desires were good, but his actions were bad.

How do you imagine Yura, was he a bad, angry boy? ( No, he just didn’t know how he could do good)

What advice can you give Yura? What good could he do?

What advice do you think Yura’s mother gave?

V. Oseeva wrote this story a long time ago. When the story was published for the first time, it ended like this: “What good thing could I do?” - Yura asks. And the mother answers: “Go for a walk with your sister, help the nanny, give the dog a drink.”

Why did Oseeva change the ending of this story in the next edition? (So ​​that the children themselves can guess what Yura needs to do.)

Yes, guys, good things need to be done in action, not in thoughts. I hope you really help your family. Our physical session is called “Helping Mom.”

5) Physical exercise

Together we help mom -

We wipe away dust everywhere.

We are now washing clothes,

Rinse and wring out.

Sweeping everything around

And run for milk.

We meet mom in the evening,

We open the doors wide,

We hug mom tightly.

(Imitative movements according to the text.)

6) Work on Yura’s characterization

Let's continue the conversation about the main character of the story - Yura.

Did Yura want to do something for himself?

Can his imagined actions be called heroic?

Who is a hero? (A hero is someone who has accomplished a feat.)

Who is Yura really thinking about? Does he really think about his loved ones - his sister, his nanny, Trezorka?

(He thinks about himself. Yura dreams of being praised, wants to become famous.)

Do you think it’s possible to do something good when you think only about yourself and not about other people?

On your desks there are pieces of paper with different personal qualities person. Turn it over and place it closer to you. You will work in pairs. You need to select and note those qualities that correspond to Yura’s character. Whose couple will be ready, show your readiness.

Courageous +


Naughty +



thinking about himself +


Caring +

      Let's check what you chose and why this particular quality.

V. Lesson summary. Reflection.

So, we read and analyzed the story.

Why do you think V. Oseeva wrote the story “Good”? (So ​​that children do good deeds.)

Remember what good deeds you did recently?

    Will you expect a reward for your actions?

I'm always ready for everyone
Do good deeds.
Having done such an act,
I say - Yes Yes Yes!

Will we respect our elders?

Shall we plant a tree? ---Yes!
Shall we help mom? --Yes!
What about dressing my brother?

Shall we take care of the cat? --Yes!
Shall we pour crumbs for the birds?

Let's take care of a friend? ---Yes!
And will we water the flowers in the flowerbed?

Will we always be kind?
Who will tell me"

-Yes! Yes! Yes!

I wish you to do only good deeds and deeds. - Remember that “Life is given for good deeds.”

All stories by V.A. Oseyeva’s books are interesting and instructive. I recommend reading them.

VI. Homework

Retelling the text.

Interesting - not interesting

Not tired - tired

Happy with yourself - not happy with yourself

I tried - I didn’t try

I was worried in class - I wasn’t worried

VII. Grading

Educational institution: Municipal budget educational institution average comprehensive school p. Tyr Tyrskogo rural settlement Ulchsky municipal district Khabarovsk Territory

Locality: Tyr village Khabarovsk region Ulchsky district

Type educational material: Methodological development of a literary reading lesson in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in 2nd grade on the topic: “V. Oseeva "Good"

Item: Literary reading

UMK: "Harmony"

Subject: V. Oseeva "good»

Lesson type: lesson of initial presentation of new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to V. Oseeva’s story “Good”

Lesson objectives:


Contribute to the formation of a holistic idea of ​​the main idea of ​​the story;

Promote the formation and development of educational and information skills: read fluently, consciously and correctly, find in the text keywords, allowing you to characterize the hero;

Create conditions for expressive reading;


To develop communicative and speech skills when working with the text of a work of art; develop emotional responsiveness when listening and reading a work;


Upbringing moral feelings and ethical consciousness: to promote unity children's group, establishing friendly relationships in a team based on mutual assistance and mutual support, students’ awareness of the value of friendship, support, and mutual assistance;

Nurturing hard work: respect for work and creativity, careful attitude to the results of one’s own work and the work of other people, awareness of the value joint activities;

Planned results training and formation of UUD:

Subject Skills:

Make an outline of the text using illustrations;

Meta-subject skills:


Complete a training task based on the algorithm;

Adequately evaluate the results of implementation educational task;


Determine the theme and main idea of ​​the work and justify your opinion;

Select a proverb for the work and justify your choice;


Adequately interact in pairs and in groups when completing an educational task;

Personal skills:

Show an emotional and value-based attitude towards the hero of a work of art;


Textbook O.V. Kubasova “Literary reading” 2nd grade, part 3, Smolensk “21st Century Association”, 2012

Exhibition of books by V. Oseeva;

Working methods: technology of critical thinking, appeal to personal experience.

During the classes:


- Guys, in order to gain new knowledge in today’s lesson, we need the same character qualities as a bee. Name them! ( hard work, mutual assistance, friendship, attention, patience, diligence)

- We take all these qualities with us to class, they will be very useful to us.

Updating knowledge and setting educational tasks.

Today in class we will get acquainted with a new piece. The author is already familiar to you from the works you have studied. Make up his last name using letters.(SLIDE 1)

Consider the exhibition of books by V. Oseeva.(SLIDE 2) What books are you familiar with? (“Good hostess”, “All together”,“Watchman”, “Who punished him?”, “Bad”)

Have we read all the works in literary reading lessons? (No. Work by V. Oseeva “good"We haven't read it yet.)

What do you think we will set for today's lesson? (Remember what we know about V. Oseeva, learn to read the work fluently and competently, find out why we are studying this work.)

Look(SLIDE 3) to the tape of the writer’s life and remember by dates about the writer’s life. (Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseeva was born in 1902. in Ukraine. In 1923 The Oseev family moves to Moscow. Since 1937 she begins to print her books. Her poems, fairy tales, and short stories for children were included in the collection “Red Cat,” “The Magic Word,” “Father’s Jacket,” and “A Simple Thing.” Young Oseeva worked as a teacher in children's colonies for street children. She worked as a teacher for 16 years, helping children regain joy and become worthy citizens of the country. In 1951 she received the Stalin Prize for the story “Vasek Trubachev and his comrades.”)

For the children reading her books, she wrote this letter.(SLIDE 4)

What did she want to teach the children? ( learn to read and think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes your own)

Today in class we will continue to get acquainted with the works of V. Oseeva with the story “The Good”. Guess what this story is about? (Fill out the prediction tree on the board)

Comprehension: primary perception and assimilation of new material.

- Teacher reading a story.

Who correctly determined what the story would be about?

What kind of story is this - funny or sad? Why?

What is the name of the main character?

What desire did Yurik once have? (To do something good himself)

What did the boy dream about?

How did he answer his sister, nanny, Trezorka?

Do you think the boy could have done anything? good for people who surrounded him? Why?

Why was the story called “Good”? (Good things must be done in deeds, not in thoughts)

Physical exercise.

We're a little tired

And now everyone stood up together.

Once - we stood up, stretched,

Two - bent, straightened,

Three - three claps of your hands,

Three nods of the head.

For four - wider arms,

Five - wave your arms,

Six - stand straight.

Secondary consolidation of educational material

Read the story in pairs in a chain andnote what was good about him.

What's good about the piece? (Yura’s thoughts, desires.)

What didn't you like? (The boy’s actions. He dreamed of helping someone, but definitely in such a way as to become a hero.)

Can his imagined actions be called heroic? Why?

A heroic deed can be called an act that is performed in difficult conditions, it is kind and Noble act for other people. Assume that I will now fulfill heroic deed, impossible, this is an unplanned act.

Imagine for a second that all of Yura’s dreams come true: her little sister is drowning, and he saves her.

What is your sister experiencing at this moment? (horror, fear)

And what does the nanny, Trezorka, feel?

Who is Yura really thinking about? Why?

What kind of boy do you imagine? From the dictionary(SLIDE 5) pick up the right words. (Rude, harsh, impolite, dreamer)

How many characters are there in the story?

Guys, let’s turn to the text of the textbook: who should read the words after the author’s words: “Yura thinks...”?

Does Trezorka have words? Read it. (What the dog thinks, as if he wants to say)

Task for groups: distribute roles and prepare expressive reading according to roles.

Checking students' assignments and grading.

On page 35 of the textbook there are illustrations for the story. Number the pictures in order and choose a title for each picture.

Collective check of students' work performance.

Yurik woke up.

Sister's request.

Nanny's request.

Trezorka wants water.

Mom's advice.

What happened when you put the pictures in order? ( picture plan)

What happened when you gave each picture a title? (made a verbal plan)

V. Oseeva wrote this story a long time ago. When the story was published for the first time, it ended like this: “What good thing could I do?” - Yura asks. And the mother answers: “Go for a walk with your sister, help the nanny, give the dog a drink.” In the next edition, V. Oseeva changed the end of this story. Why do you think?

What is your relationship with Yura?

What advice can you give Yura?

Which proverb fits our story? Why?(SLIDE 6)


Which learning task did we put on the lesson?

Did we manage to solve the problem?

What does V. Oseeva’s story “The Good” teach?(SLIDE 7)

What good deeds can you do every day?

Will you expect a reward for this?

Homework: Retell the story of V. A. Oseeva.Prepare a story about some good deed of yours.

- Guys, I would like to end our lesson with the words(SLIDE 8)

I want hyou were kind!

Don't forget the magic words!

To kind words

You were talking to your friends!