What is the cannibal called? Countries where people still eat people

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Cannibalism is perhaps the most important taboo in different cultures. Most reasonable, sensible people have never thought about eating the flesh of another person. This normal people and it doesn’t even occur to me; moreover, the thought itself causes nausea and disgust. Of course, there are certain situations in which eating human flesh is the only way to survive, not to die, but there are others, more alarming, horror stories about when a person becomes a cannibal for no apparent reason other than the fact that he simply enjoys the taste human meat. The following cases of cannibalism are not for the faint of heart, read at your own risk. But you need to know this, since all the stories took place in real life. So what are some people capable of? Read and be surprised!

Stella Maris Rugby Team

On a cold October day in 1972, a plane en route to Uruguay carrying a rugby team crashed on an unidentified mountain between Chile and Argentina. Several of the best search teams were sent to the crash site, and after an 11-day search, the team was written off and presumed dead. Miraculously, some members of the team were able to survive; they were without food or water for more than two months. But this is due to the fact that they still had food. The team was forced to eat the bodies of their comrades who died near them. Having gained strength, two men (Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa) went hiking in the mountains and finally found help. Of the 45 people who were on board the plane, only 16 managed to survive and go through all these unpleasant ordeals.

Chief Ratu Udre Udre

This leader, who lived on the island of Fiji, is considered the most scary cannibal in the history of all mankind. According to his son, he ate nothing but human flesh. When he had at least some “food” left, he hid it for later and did not share it with anyone. Its victims were mainly soldiers and prisoners of war. Udre used stones to keep track of how many bodies he ate. It is believed that Udre Udre ate approximately 872 people in his lifetime. His beliefs about the benefits of cannibalism are not entirely clear, but nevertheless Udre Udre is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as “The Worst Cannibal.”

Reverend Thomas Baker

This man was part of a group of missionaries who worked in the Fiji Islands, where cannibalism was rampant in the 1800s. The situation was too shocking for many missionaries: men and women were killing and eating people, with the main victims being those who were defeated in battle. Some were even forced to watch as their torn limbs were consumed by their conquerors. Despite the terrifying surroundings, the missionaries remained unharmed. That's how it was until Reverend Thomas Baker did not venture further into Fiji's largest island with a group of other missionaries. The tribe that lived in the area killed and ate his entire crew. Then the tribe experienced a period of poor harvests and mysterious deaths, which they attributed to the curse placed on them by the God of the Christians for having eaten one of His chosen ones. They tried everything to get rid of this curse, including the fact that they even invited Baker's relatives and held traditional forgiveness ceremonies.

Richard Parker

In 1884, the ship Mignonette, which sailed from England to Australia, was shipwrecked. Four crew members managed to survive and continued to sail aboard the four-meter lifeboat. Nineteen days did not pass without a trace. They were without food or drinking water and began to resort to cannibalism. Richard Parker was the youngest - he was only 17, he had neither a wife nor children, he had no one to return to. He was also of heavy build, so the other three decided to kill and eat Parker in order to satisfy their hunger a little and prolong their lives. Five days later, the boat washed ashore and the three men were eventually convicted of murder and cannibalism. They were later released, but only after the jury sympathized with their situation.

Alfred Packer

The Gold Rush sent many American prospectors west in search of riches in the late 1800s. One of these enthusiasts was Alfred Packer. The man and five other "companions" set out for Colorado in search of gold, but the situation turned dire when Packer came to a nearby camp to report a storm that had recently passed. He claimed that his comrades had gone in search of food and had not yet returned. You can probably guess from the title of this article what really happened to his missing comrades. Of course, Packer was the one who sought food and found it in the flesh of his companions. After living on the run for nine years, police caught up with him and Packer was sentenced to 40 years in prison. He was released in 1901, and while in prison he reportedly made radical changes to his lifestyle. He became a vegetarian.

Albert Fish

He was not only a cannibal, but also a serial killer and rapist who abused children. He was so feared that he is remembered by nicknames such as the Brooklyn Vampire, the Gray Ghost and the Moon Maniac. The exact number of victims is unknown, but many claim that Fish committed about 100 murders, although only three incidents indicated his involvement. He specifically targeted, maimed and killed people with mental disabilities (children and the elderly) because he felt that no one would look for them. After writing a letter to the parents of 10-year-old Gracie Budd, whom he kidnapped, killed, and then partially ate, Albert was eventually caught and sentenced to death. And the clue was precisely his horrifying letters that he wrote to Gracie’s parents, where he told them about what he had done to their child.

Andrey Chikatilo

The Rostov Butcher, aka Andrei Chikatilo, was a serial killer, rapist and cannibal who killed people in Russia and Ukraine. He confessed to killing more than 50 women and children between 1978 and 1990. After Chikatilo was caught and arrested, police noticed a strange odor coming from the pores of his skin. This rotten smell was reminiscent of human flesh. And everything immediately fell into place. He simply ate some of his victims so as not to leave any traces or clues. He was executed on February 14, 1994. The investigation and subsequent trial resulted in the resolution of more than 1,000 unrelated crimes, including murder and sexual assault.

Alexander Pierce

Alexander Pierce is a mixture between a survivor and a natural-born cannibal. After another escape from an Australian prison in the early 19th century, he and eight other escapees trekked through the forests of Tasmania before realizing they didn't have enough food. After long wanderings, several prisoners were eaten, but Pierce and the other two prisoners managed to survive, since they were the best. But he soon killed and ate the rest of the escapees, and was eventually caught and sent back to prison. But soon he managed to escape again with another prisoner, and you probably guessed that he also first killed him and then ate him. This time, when Pierce was caught, body parts of another fugitive were found in his pockets. Soon Alexander Pierce was sentenced to death penalty and hanged in Hobart on July 19, 1824 (promptly 9:00 am). His last words were: “Human flesh is very tasty. It tastes better than fish or pork.”

From the man who cooked and ate his own finger to the man who found his victim online, discover some of the worst cases of cannibalism.
Attention: It is better not to read this post for the faint-hearted and impressionable!

1The Japanese man who cooked and served his own genitals for $250 a plate

In 2012, a man in Japan removed his genitals and then marinated them before cooking them for five paying people. 22-year-old Mao Sugiyama, who is asexual, voluntarily agreed to have them removed. However, the illustrator took his frozen penis and scrotum home from the hospital and threw a gloomy party.

He charged guests $250 for the opportunity to eat a portion of his genitals in Tokyo, Japan. They were garnished with mushrooms and parsley. Before eating, guests listened to a piano recital and took part in a group discussion on the topic.
Mao, who goes by the nickname NS, initially considered eating his own penis - but decided to serve it to others instead. He prepared his penis himself, under the supervision of a chef. Using Twitter, he offered to cook his own penis for the evening's guests for 100,000 yen. However, he ultimately decided to split the "dinner" between six people.

A total of 70 people attended the event, which took place in the Suginami area of ​​Tokyo. While five people ate Mao Sugiyama's genitals, the rest of the event guests ate beef or crocodile meat. Among the people who managed to "feast" on his genitals were: a 30-year-old couple, a 22-year-old girl, a 32-year-old man and 29-year-old Shigenobu Matsuzawa, a professional event organizer.

2The Australian woman who killed her ex-husband and served it to his children as dinner

Katherine Knight, the first Australian woman to be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of appeal, had a history of violent relationships. She knocked out one of her dentures ex-husbands and slit the throat of another husband's eight-week-old puppy right in front of him. The rift in his relationship with John Charles Thomas Price became public after he filed a lawsuit for a "preventive violence order" against Knight.

In 2000, she stabbed Price 37 times with a butcher knife before skinning him and hanging his skin on a meat hook in her living room. She then beheaded him and placed his head in a pot on the stove, baked the flesh taken from his buttocks, and prepared vegetables and sauce as a side dish to serve to Price's children.

Luckily, police discovered the creepy dinner before the children arrived home.

3Punk rock man ate his own finger after he lost it in an accident

David Playpenz from Colchester, Essex was involved in a motorcycle accident in which he injured his arm. When he showed his hand to the doctors a few days later, one of the fingers was black, and they said the finger needed to be amputated. Playpens agreed to the procedure and then asked doctors to give him the amputated finger so he could take it home. “Of course!” said the doctors, who had no idea what he was going to do with him.

As it turned out, 30-year-old Playpenz, who made leather furniture, had always been interested in cannibalism. “I've always wondered what human flesh tastes like. But it's taboo. It is impossible to be a cannibal - it is illegal. And then I realized that no one would drag me to court for eating my own flesh. I decided to cook my finger and eat it. Then my curiosity would be satisfied."

He happily photographed this significant moment for subsequent generations, preserved the bones and posted the entire event on his Facebook page, including a photo of the welded finger. Needless to say, Playpenz received some mixed reactions from his friends, but he was right about one thing - apparently, he would not be charged with any crime.

4. The cannibal who found his victim online

The horrifying story of how a cannibal tracked down a person who had agreed to be eaten online and ate him would be enough to discourage anyone from using the Internet. Armin Miewes has harbored dreams of killing and eating humans since he was 12 years old. He said he once imagined himself sticking his high school friend into a barbecue grill and "slowly roasting him."

It took him 29 years and 430 email contacts for his dream to come true.

He searched for willing victims in chat rooms such as "Gourmet", "Cannibal Cafi" and "Eaten Up", posting an advertisement "looking for young, well-built men between the ages of 18 and 30 - for slaughter." The 41-year-old computer specialist eventually contacted 43-year-old Bernd Brandes. The Berliner, who was also a computer specialist, sold his car, wrote a will and took a day off from work to deal with what he called a "personal matter". He went to Meeves' home in Rotenburg, central Germany, where the couple agreed to cut off Brandes' penis.

Meeves cooked it with garlic, salt and pepper in a frying pan before both men ate it. He then filmed himself stabbing Brandes in the chest with a 30cm knife. “It was an indescribable feeling for me,” he admitted to police. He then cut approximately 29 kilograms of flesh from the body, which he labeled as "rump, steak, fillet, ham and bacon." He put all the parts in the refrigerator and kept them there for 7 months, taking out the parts from time to time and making a barbecue out of them in his garden.

His first course was thigh steak cooked with garlic and muscatel wine, with a side dish of fried potato balls. vegetable oil and Brussels sprouts. He washed it all down with South African Cabernet. “I can’t even tell you how much the flesh tasted like pork,” Meavis told police. Police officers who searched his library found cookbooks on the subject of cooking human flesh among a video collection of Walt Disney cartoons. The books included recipes for making “penis in red wine” and “breaded young man’s liver.”

Meeves, who was arrested thanks to a tip from another contact who refused to be eaten in last moment, will be convicted under the article “premeditated murder”, since cannibalism is not on the list of crimes in Germany.

Source 5The Naked Cannibal Who Was Killed By Police While Chewing Another Man's Face

In 2012, many television networks broadcast a story about how in Miami, Florida, police shot and killed a naked man who was literally eating the face of another naked man lying next to him on the side of the highway. One witness to this horrific incident described what he saw as “the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life.”

Rudy Eugene was killed by a police officer after he refused to move away from Ronald Poppo, who was left fighting for his life in hospital after being critically injured. The disgusting incident happened just off the MacArthur Causeway, almost on the doorstep of the Miami Herald building, and the newspaper's security cameras captured the entire event.

The police officer approached the man after a bystander signaled him with his hand and ordered him to move away from the man whose face he was eating. After he refused to follow the police officer's orders, the officer was forced to open fire and, according to witnesses, six shots were fired. Witness Larry Vega said, "I told him to back off, but the guy just kept eating the other man's face."

After the officer's colleagues called him a hero, Sergeant Altarr Williams, chief of the Miami Police Department's homicide unit, said people can be extremely dangerous without a gun.

6. A German tourist who was “eaten by cannibals” on one of the Pacific islands

A 40-year-old German tourist named Stefan Ramin, who had traveled to the Pacific island of Nuku Hiva, has gone missing and his remains were reportedly found near an extinguished fire belonging to a tribe that suspected of cannibalism. Mr Ramin stopped on the island during a sailing expedition with his 37-year-old girlfriend Heike Dorsch in 2011.

He met a guide, Henri Haiti, who took him ibex hunting, a widespread tradition on Nuku Hiva, 1,496 kilometers northeast of Tahiti and near the equator. However, when the guide returned alone, he told Miss Dorsch that there had allegedly been an accident before attacking her and tying her to a tree.

Miss Dorsch managed to escape and notify local authorities, who began to look for the guide, at the same time a DNA test was carried out on the remains found near the fire, which were believed to belong to a person. Among the finds found scattered around the fire were human bones, teeth, a skull jaw and partially melted pieces of metal believed to be tooth crowns.

7. Russian cannibals who ate their own brother

In 2009, two cannibals ate their brother's remains for six months in an attempt to cover up his murder. Brothers, 28-year-old Timur and 23-year-old Marat, admitted to killing their older brother Rafis, as well as eating him in one of the central Russian cities - Perm.

The police became suspicious when the brothers reported Rafis missing, but could not give clear information about their brother. After searching the brothers' house, the police discovered Rafis's skeleton, which the brothers completely cleaned of flesh and buried in the garden. Timur said he ate his brother because he did not want to go back to prison, where he served ten years for killing his neighbor.

“Yes, we decided to eat it. I didn’t want to go back to jail, so we cut off his head and buried it, and cut his body into pieces and kept it in the refrigerator,” Timur said. “We cooked and ate it for six months,” he added.

Timur, 28, said he blamed his brother for going to jail last time, after Rafis turned him in to the police for murder. Timur also added that younger brother, Marat, took his side in the dispute.

8The Two Men Who Ate Their Dead Friend After Getting Lost In Siberia

Having said goodbye to their families, the four men, in excellent spirits, got into their jeep and set off on a long-awaited vacation trip. They chose as their destination a land from another time, an essentially unexplored corner eastern Siberia, teeming with bears and wolves, where people rumored to have seen animals like Bigfoot and where only the most desperate explorers dared to go. What subsequently happened to the four Russian travelers is a mystery that is only now slowly beginning to be revealed. The story of their four-month ordeal both captivated and disgusted readers.

Two men returned home alive, one went missing, and the fourth man, 44-year-old Andrei Kurochkin, was found dead under strange circumstances. At first everyone assumed that he simply died due to the extreme cold. But then the horrifying truth began to emerge. Police discovered that his body parts had been eaten away and that his flesh had most likely been eaten best friend Alexey Gorulenko and another fellow adventurer, Alexander Abdullayev, so as not to die of hunger.

Abdullayev, 37, insists they ate Kurochkin only after he died of natural causes. However, the police don't think so and have launched a murder investigation.

9The Chef Who Slow Cooked His Wife

On the night of October 18, 2009, David Viens and his wife Dawn had a terrible fight. Unable to control himself, he taped her mouth shut and tied her legs. He claims that he did this so that she would not “drive around the city under the influence of drugs, drunk from cocaine and alcohol.” The next day, discovering that Dawn had died from suffocation with a gag, right in that bound form, in which he left her, he panicked. This in itself is terrible... but this is just the beginning. Instead of simply calling the police and turning himself in, David came up with a disgusting way to dispose of the body.

At the time of Don's untimely death, David was working as a chef and owner of Thyme Cafe in Torrance, California, which is located in the South Bay region of Los Angeles. In an interview with detectives, David said: “I just cooked it slowly, and it all happened on for four days." David packed his wife's 47kg body into a container, using a heavy weight to keep it from floating in the boiling water. He mixed the cooked flesh with food scraps and poured everything into a waste pit located in the kitchen of his Thyme Cafe. He put other remains that couldn't be cooked into trash bags and threw them away.

The only part of Dawn's body left was her skull. In an interview, David explained, "It was the one thing I didn't want to get rid of in case I wanted to bury him somewhere." So where was the skull then? He stated that he put the skull in the attic of his mother's house, but when investigators combed the area later that day, they found nothing. This apparently wasn't the first place connected to David that investigators turned upside down in search of evidence. In 2001, the Thyme Cafe was turned upside down, but they never found anything. Now we know exactly why the police were unable to find Dawn's remains. Her body was slowly boiled to a pulp and thrown into a mud pit.

During the interview that was conducted with David in March 2011 and later used in his murder trial, his voice was strikingly calm. David listened to the recording of his story in the courtroom, along with the jurors, who were clearly amazed and disgusted. The interview was conducted while David was in hospital following his suicide attempt after learning he was a suspect in Dawn's disappearance. Apparently he jumped off a 24 meter hill... because that's what innocent people do.

10. The cannibal mother who fed her son's flesh to relatives

In 2008, an eight-year-old boy was skinned and his flesh was fed to his relatives after his mother kept him locked in a basement. Sinister Klara Mauerova, a member of a dark religious cult, wailed in court as she confessed to torturing her son Ondrej, and his ten-year-old brother Jakub.

The court also heard allegations against relatives who partially skinned eight-year-old Ondrej and then ate raw human flesh. The boys described how their mother and relatives put out cigarettes on their skin, beat them with belts and tried to drown them.

Disgusting child abuse was discovered when a man in Brno Czech Republic, installed a baby monitor with a monitor to look after his newborn baby. However, the monitor caught an image from exactly the same monitor located next door, and showed how one of the victims was completely beaten undressed and tied him with a chain in the basement.

Apparently, Moerova installed this monitor to enjoy the suffering of her victims while drinking tea in her kitchen. The man immediately called the police, who freed the boy, his brother and, as it seemed to the police, a 13-year-old girl. At the time, police officers did not realize that the "13-year-old girl" who was officially adopted was actually 34-year-old Barbora Skrlova, one of the children's tormentors.

Moerova admitted to abusing her children, but said her sisters Katerina and Skrlova forced her to do so. All three were members of a cult known as the Grail Movement, which claims to have hundreds of followers in the UK and tens of thousands of followers around the world.

Greetings my dear readers! Gentlemen, in this article “What is cannibalism: known cases cannibalism” information is not for the faint of heart. The topic is unpleasant, but many are interested in learning the history of this horror.

Cannibalism - what is it?

Anthropophagy - (from the Greek anthropos man and phago eat), cannibalism, is usually identified with necrophagy (corpse-eating) and cannibalism. The word "cannibals" as an association with cannibals comes from the Carib or Canib tribes who lived on the islands of the West Indies.

The discoverers of America were the very first Europeans to encounter cannibalistic peoples. Although European newcomers, in order to justify the extermination of the Indians, often exaggerated their cannibalism. But it is still known that even in Mexico, a country of ancient developed civilizations, they consumed human meat.

For example, the Mayans ate the body of someone who sacrificed himself to the gods by jumping from a high pyramid. The German Erich Wustmann was told in the 1950s that the Huitoto Indians of Colombia still eat their dead enemies.

Cases of cannibalism

Eromanga Island

The Island of Martyrs was the name given to the island of Eromanga in the Pacific Ocean, north of Australia. So many missionaries were killed here cannibalistic tribe Vanuatu in the 19th century At the end of 1839, two Britons came ashore here - John Williams and John Harris.

Islanders armed with spears came out to meet them. The captain of the missionary ship subsequently reported: Harris, who had moved further from the shore, was immediately knocked down and beaten with sticks. Williams turned and ran towards the sea. They caught up with him. They hit him with a spear and then finished him off with a bow. Both missionaries were eaten.

170 years after those events, the inhabitants of the island apologized for the actions of their ancestors to the descendants of the eaten John Williams.

His great-great-great-grandson, 65-year-old Charles Milner-Williams, and 17 members of his family were invited from Britain to the island Republic of Vanuatu. The islanders bowed to the guests. And then they acted out a skit that once again reminded us of the story with the missionaries.

Finally, Vanuatu stated that the apology ceremony relieved them of ancient curse. They don’t say which one.

Cannibalism was a sacred act. It’s not just that he took and ate his neighbor for lunch. Everything was accompanied by rituals and had sacred meaning. Often this was a way to defeat the enemy, to gain his strength. John Williams was eaten, perhaps because he embodied the threat of invasion European civilization.

James Cook

People ate people in many parts of the world not out of hunger, but out of belief. Allegedly, by consuming human meat, you will take possession of its qualities - courage, strength, intelligence, authority. And first of all - vital energy.

James Cook was an English naval sailor, explorer, cartographer and discoverer, Fellow of the Royal Society and Captain of the Royal Navy.

The “great white leader” James Cook, who was eaten by the Hawaiians 230 years ago, had enough of all these traits. A head without a lower jaw and 10 pounds of meat - less than 5 kg - are all that remains of English navigator. And even then, the aborigines did not give it to the captain’s companions immediately, but after several salvos from the ship’s cannons.

Pedro de Valdivia

For cannibals, the parts of the body that were eaten had their own hierarchy. In 1553, in modern Chile, the Spanish army, led by Pedro de Valdivia, was defeated in a battle with the Araucan Indian tribes. He himself died, and each Araucanian leader ate a piece of the heart of the enemy commander.

Pedro de Valdivia (1497-1553)

Because the courage of the killed, which is concentrated in the heart, must go, first of all, to the leaders. The warriors were satisfied with pieces of the Spaniard’s body. At cannibal feasts, the Araucanians often cut meat from still-living captives.

Then, they believed, all the qualities of their victim would certainly pass on to them. The warriors of the Pancha tribe in the Magdalena River valley, in present-day Colombia, considered it an honor to be eaten. “You are such a weakling that they will never kill you to eat your meat and become a great warrior,” they reproached the coward.

Cannibalism Papua New Guinea

A real reserve of cannibalism - the island New Guinea. It's populated Papuan tribes. “Women, like men, eat human flesh, and nothing remains of the victims, since both the penis and the vagina are consumed.”

Traveler Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay wrote about this in his diaries. About cannibal meals in New Guinea in the 1870s.

Human meat, the natives told him, tastes like pork. But the Papuans, Maclay notes, give priority to human meat. The Erempa tribe had the greatest fame as cannibals on the Maclay Coast. It was distinguished by the custom of eating all those killed after wars, regardless of gender and age.

Papuans from the interior of New Guinea still organize ritual meals today. They practice cannibalism and secret terrorist magical unions of “lion people”, “leopard people”, “crocodile people”, and the like, common in countries tropical Africa.

Cannibalism has not disappeared among some other tribes in remote regions. globe, who are little affected by globalization.

Michael Rockefeller

23-year-old Michael Rockefeller, the son of billionaire Nelson Rockefeller, traveled along the southern coast of New Guinea with the Dutchman Rene Wassing and two Papuans in 1961. It then belonged to Holland. Michael collected materials for the New York Museum primitive art.

Rockefeller brought iron axes to the Papuans from the Asmat tribe, which lives in the swampy jungle. This is a terrible weapon for people who live in Stone Age conditions. Having set them against neighboring tribes, the American wanted to film primeval battle.

One day, when the anthropologists were sailing past the mouth of the Eilanden River, their catamaran capsized and the engine stalled. Rockefeller and both Papuans swam to the shore. No one has seen them since then.

Michael Rockefeller and the Papuans

Wassing could not swim and was later picked up by a Dutch seaplane. The shore that Rockefeller and his Papuan guides reached was inaccessible swamps in the jungle. The investigation that was carried out subsequently gave several versions of the death of Rockefeller and his companions.

But they are hypothetical, because none of the Papuans wanted to tell the truth. The Asmat warriors most likely decided that by eating Rockefeller, they would already receive all his amazing things, including the promised axes.

And what good - and the very ability to get them - the aliens get them from somewhere. In any case, billionaire Rockefeller did not have time to film the primitive battle.

Human meat

What is cannibalism? About human meat. By consuming human meat for ritual purposes, some cannibals tried to get maximum gastronomic pleasure.

The German Alexander Humboldt wrote at the beginning of the 19th century. That the Indian tribes of the upper reaches of the Orinoco and Rio Negro rivers South America first they fattened those they were going to eat.

And in present-day Venezuela, an Indian mayor ate one of his women, whom he chose on his plantation. He fed her well so that she would gain fat.

The inhabitants of the islands of Oceania baked their victims in earthen ovens, adding seasonings and local tuber vegetables - yams and taro - as garnishes. In the Fiji Islands, female meat was preferred. The brain, parts of the arms above the elbows and thighs were considered the most delicious.

When the war did not provide enough victims for cannibalistic meals, people were bought from neighbors, who captured more prisoners. During particularly large celebrations, the Fijians baked and ate hundreds of women and girls.

"An enemy's liver brings good luck"

In World War II, an American military tribunal sentenced several high-ranking Japanese officers to death for ritual cannibalism. According to the ancient samurai custom, they ate the liver, always still warm, of American and English prisoners.

In the second half of the twentieth century. it came to the surface that the rulers of some African countries. In particular, the dictator of Uganda (in 1971-1979) - Idi Amin - ate his subjects.

Under his rule, between 300 and 500 thousand Ugandans were killed. 2 thousand of them were allegedly killed by the dictator himself. He started by eating the genitals of castrated men. Then one of his entertainments was to treat his guests to fresh cuttings from the human body.

- I ate human flesh. It is salty, even saltier than leopard meat,” said Idi Amin. In war, when there is nothing to eat and one of your comrades is wounded, you can finish him off and eat him in order to survive yourself...

The emperor of the Central African Empire (now a republic), Jean-Bedel Bokassa, after he was thrown from the throne, it became known that he was especially fond of the meat of students.

Obviously, in this way he wanted to improve his educational level. Subsequently, in court he proved that parts human bodies kept in the refrigerator not for consumption, but for ritual purposes. “The enemy’s liver brings good luck,” he explained. By the way, on the site there are conditions that women in Africa are subjected to.

In Europe, ritual cannibalism existed in prehistoric times. In burials III-I millennium BC. archaeologists find dismembered skeletons, in particular children's skeletons. Herodotus writes that north of the Scythians who inhabited the south modern Ukraine, live androphages, that is, eaters of people.

What is cannibalism (video)

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Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries where tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth that regularly eats human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. Healers also considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in the tribe dies for no apparent reason (illness or old age), they consider it an act of black magic and, in order to protect others from harm, must eat the person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The North Indian Hindu sect of Aghori eats volunteers who bequeath their entrails. However, in 2005, Indian television crews conducted an investigation and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges ( local tradition), and also steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents aging of the body.

Interesting fact: They make really good ones Jewelry from human bone and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Until now, local residents cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only those of enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a ritual of revenge.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare things left over from their victims. You can find examples of such collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.


The Wari tribe ate pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some government missionaries slaughtered almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in Olinda's slums have been prohibitively high since 1994, and outbreaks of cannibalism still occur.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, information appeared from researchers who interviewed local residents, and they claimed that they heard voices that told them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The Leopard Society of Active Cannibals has been eating people since the last century. Until the 80s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating people makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have a following - the Human Alligator community, which does similar things.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in South-East Asia(in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - eating the liver of the enemy.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge organization, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


There are known cases of cannibalism in the Congo, and the latest were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, rebel groups believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: Congolese still believe that human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, it will scare away enemies.