TV presenters of the Ren TV channel are women. Famous Russian TV presenters: list


This is a big holiday for any Catholic, which is usually celebrated on June 13th. Saint Anthony is considered to be the patron saint of lovers, all animals, as well as people who despair on the path of life.

A little about life

St. Anthony of Padua is the most respected and significant of all Catholic saints. With baptism he was named Ferdinandt, at the age of fifteen he went to church, where he received a good education, and became a priest, and then decided to become a Franciscan, the locals began to call him Anthony. He had a very good knowledge of biblical beliefs and knew how to win over his listener. At his sermon there were people gathered great amount believers. He preached in many countries and soon became the organizer of the educational system in the Order. Lived out his life in Italian city Padua, where he died on June 13, 1231. He was remembered not only for being the best priest, but for being a great miracle worker. The Lord performed many miracles with his hands. He could help even the most desperate sinners, guiding them to the right way. Not a single person who had the opportunity to meet Anthony doubted for a second that he was truly a holy man. A year after his death, he was canonized by Pope Gregory IX himself.


Around the eighteenth century, people who lost life values They went with requests for help to St. Anthony in prayers so that he would direct them on the right path. Addressed prayers and asked for help in family matters. In the city where he was last years life, there is a tradition of going to church on Fridays and Tuesdays, because it was on this day of the week that he passed into another world, and on Tuesday there was a burial. In churches they made a tradition of collecting funds, called “St. Bread.” Anthony,” people donated to the needs of the poor. Afterwards, rumors about the miracle worker spread to other countries. In honor of Saint Anthony, many churches and chapels were built in the cities of Russia and Ukraine and even Belarus. The relics of the saint are located in the Italian town of Padua, located in the basilica that was built in his honor. This place is one of today's the most important places Franciscan centers of spirituality. The place where the relics of St. Anthony are kept is considered one of the most famous shrines. Today, people from all over the world come to pray to the saint, so that he will help them find and take the right path in life, find the right solution. Millions of pilgrims from all over the world visit this every year Holy place. The main thing is that a person has faith, then he can count on help.

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The most cheerful month in Portugal is undoubtedly June, when a series of holidays in honor of the most revered saints - Santos Populares - begins. Basil, sardines, concerts and marches. What happens in June in Lisbon and the history of the feast of St. Anthony?

The honor of opening noisy festivities falls Santo Antonio. The day when he is revered is June 13, but already on the eve of June 12, festive festivities take over the streets of Lisbon and the brightest night of the year arrives Noite de Santo António.

The next to take up the baton is the second largest city in Portugal - Porto, where they celebrate the day on a grand scale on the night of June 24-25 São João do Porto holiday dedicated to John the Baptist. The festive parade closes on June 29th, St. Peter's Day São Pedro, which is celebrated in different towns of the country: festive processions and concerts in Sintra, Évora and Porto de Mos and other cities of the country.

All holidays are accompanied by street parties, concerts, cheerful crowds, beer, wine, and delicious Portuguese food.

In this article we will tell you more about what happens in Lisbon in June. Just a few years ago in June, only one day was noisily celebrated in Lisbon - June 13th. However, the capital's residents were so captivated by the holiday that it all turned into a whole month of street festivities. The most enchanting holiday, like the cherry on the cake, is still St. Anthony's Night, but let's talk about everything in order.

Who is Saint Anthony

Born in Lisbon, between 1191-1195. on the street Pedras Negras, next to the Se Cathedral. Was brought up in noble family and his name was Fernando de Bulhões. On the site of the house where he was born and spent his childhood, there is now Igreja de Santo António, the relic of the Saint is also kept there.

In youth Fernando asks permission to join the Order of St. Augustine in the church Igreja de São Vicente de Fora. He later moves to the city Coimbra, where he studies theology. His search for enlightenment leads him to the Franciscan Order. Fernando takes name Antonio, in honor of the hermit Santo Antão, and devotes himself to preaching the holy scriptures. Especially after moving to Italy.

In Rimini in Italy, Saint Anthony tried to preach the Holy Word to the heretics. He was so successful that even fish listened to his sermons.

Saint Anthony is one of the most popular saints in catholic church. His images can be found in Portuguese, Italian, Brazilian churches, as well as in the south of France. There was a time when the image of St. Anthony was printed on Portuguese escudos.

Miracles of St. Anthony

One day, when Anthony was preaching, standing on the ocean shore, fish swam to listen to him. There is even a tile canvas dedicated to this cathedral Lisbon.

He restored an entire field of wheat that had been trampled by the crowd that followed him.

He miraculously protected the listeners of his sermons from the rain.

Engrafted amputated leg to a young man.

When heretics poisoned the Saint's food, trying to test his holiness, he made the sign of the cross on the food and did not get poisoned.

The image of Saint Anthony is usually depicted with the boy Jesus in his arms, this happened due to the fact that during one of the sermons the boy Jesus appeared next to him.

When was he canonized?

His canonization turned out to be one of the most record-breaking. After the death of Antonio, the church in the city of Padua became a pilgrimage center: people from different corners came for help, after an incredible number of healings, the bishop asked Pope Gregory IX to begin the process of canonization. Saint Anthony was canonized on May 30, 1232.

700 years later, in 1946, Pope Pius XII proclaimed Saint Anthony Teacher of the Church.

Why is June 13th celebrated?

Saint Anthony died on June 13, 1231 in Italy, in the place Arcella, Near Padua. His body was buried in the church Santa Maria Mater Domini in the city Padua. 40 years after construction was completed Basilica of Santo António, his tomb was opened and it was stated that the saint’s language had not undergone any changes. Which, in the eyes of believers, served as further proof of his holiness and the fact that he was a preacher from God. The tongue of Saint António was placed in a reliquary.

Anthony of Padua or Saint Anthony of Lisbon?

In fact, we are talking about the same Saint. Saint Anthony was born and raised in Lisbon and lived and died in Padua. In Italy they consider him one of their own, in Portugal no one doubts that the Saint is from Lisbon. But the best answer to this question was given by Pope Leo XIII: "This is the Saint of the whole world". And it’s true, Saint Anthony is revered in many countries of the world, not only Catholic, but also Muslim.

Saint Anthony was and is the people's Saint. He was treated with great familiarity, which led to various incidents. For example, if the request was not fulfilled, the image of the Saint was subjected to peculiar punishments: the image with the Saint was placed face down on the floor and pressed down with a stone. They buried him in the ground and took the figurine of the baby Jesus from his hands.

It was believed that punishment would speed up the process of fulfilling the request. This was explained by the fact that Saint Anthony in his youth wanted to die a martyr’s death for his faith. Some traditions arose from this, for example, in Brazil, girls of marriageable age took the boy Jesus from the statue of St. Anthony and returned him only after they got married.

Is Saint Anthony the patron saint of Lisbon?

The answer to this question is not simple. The main patron of the Patriarchate of Lisbon is São Vicente de Saragoça(Saint Vincent of Saragossa), while Santo Antonio is the main patron of the city of Lisbon. Saint Anthony is also the second patron saint of Portugal.

Traditions for celebrating St. Anthony's Day

This holiday is celebrated on a larger scale than New Year, and is a day off. Over the years, the celebration has developed its own traditions: Marchas Populares(people's parade), Casamentos de Santo Antonio(the wedding of St. Anthony), integral attributes of the holiday - ceramic pots with manjerico(a type of basil), bright garlands decorating the city, and the most main symbol- grilled sardines, which are cooked on every corner, so much so that the haze covers the city.

Recently, sardines are not only fried, the holiday is preceded by a competition for the best and unusual design of these fish, in which professionals and amateurs from all over the world participate. The winning sardines become symbols of the holiday; they are printed and decorated in the city.

Why sardines? This is a question we get asked very often. The answer is actually simple: by this time the sardines have reached the desired size and have managed to gain a sufficient amount of fat. Before cooking, sardines must be seasoned with coarse salt, allowed to brew a little, and then placed on a grill over properly heated coals.

The fat from the fish begins to render out, making the sardines juicy. People from all over the world fly in to enjoy this dish. It seems that after centuries of celebration, the Portuguese have some kind of gene that is responsible for properly prepared sardines.

Another essential attribute Saint Anthony's Day in Lisbon - bush manzherika, known as the “lovers plant.” The fragrant, green spherical basil bush decorates the streets, bars and restaurants of Lisbon in June.

According to tradition, young people give this plant to their loved ones. The bush is usually decorated with a love message. Giving a manzherika is like declaring your love.

Basil is very delicate, so that the plant does not wither, you cannot smell it; in order to feel the aroma, you must carefully run your hand over the green leaves and bring your hand to your nose. Girls who received such a gift must take care of the plant until next year.

In many areas of Lisbon, special areas are being created for celebration -. A stage is set up there, additional areas for preparing food are installed, and it is in such places that folk festivities take place.

If previously such zones were created only in ancient areas, such as Alfama, Madragoa and Mouraria, today there are at least several places in almost every area. Concerts will be held there not only on the night of June 12-13. Throughout June, from Thursday to Sunday, there will be music, wine poured into glasses and grills smoking.

We have prepared a map for you where you can find your nearest Arayal, check the opening days and indulge in the street fun.

Saint Anthony is also the patron saint of lovers.

There is a legend according to which a girl from poor family turned to Anthony with a request for help: she wanted to marry her neighbor Philip. The problem was that the girl had no dowry. This request greatly touched the Saint, and he said that it was best to leave it in the hands of the Lord. But in secret, Saint Atony began to keep the donations of believers.

When the required amount had accumulated, Saint Anthony put the money in a bag and wrote a note “This is the dowry that will enable the bride to get married.” and threw it into the poor girl's house.

Following the tradition of helping couples walk down the aisle, each year the municipality of Lisbon organizes St. Anthony's Weddings for couples who cannot afford the ceremony.

To be among the lucky ones, you need to submit an application. Needless to say, the number of applicants every year goes through the roof, because the wedding takes place in the main cathedral of Lisbon on June 12 at 12 a.m. This event is even broadcast live on television.

This is a costume carnival that brings together different areas of Lisbon.

The idea of ​​this parade is to show the unity of the soul of the Alfacinha (Lisbon people) with the feast of St. Anthony. The tradition began in 1932. Only 3 districts took part in the first parade: Alto do Pina, Bairro Alto and Campo de Ourique.

By 1934, the number had increased to 12 districts and eight hundred participants, and about 300 thousand people watched the parade. The tradition of marches either stopped or was resumed, but since the 80s it has existed continuously, and every year this event becomes more colorful and large-scale.

Traditionally, the parade takes place on June 12th. But preparations begin long before X-Day. Everyone participates in the parade: from young to old.

In a few months they begin to prepare costumes and their performances, both musical and choreographic. They try to keep it secret from competing areas in order to be unique and inimitable.

You can see all the riot of colors and imagination on the evening of June 12 at 21:00. The parade starts from Marquis of Pombal Square. There are stands along Avenida da Liberdade, tickets for which must be purchased in advance. You can watch the marches for free to take your time best places people gather along the fence several hours before the start.

Night of St. Anthony

The peak of the holiday is the night of St. Anthony, when it seems that the whole city is awake. Narrow streets Alfas are filled with people, so densely that a trip on tram 28 at rush hour will seem like entertainment.

Only lazy people don't fry sardines. Locals they pull out their small barbecues and fry fish right next to the entrance.

If you are going to stroll through the old districts of Lisbon this evening, then be prepared for the smell of fried sardines to become your perfume for the coming evening. This is an indescribable atmosphere of a simple and bright holiday that Lisbon residents wait for all year.

Program for the celebration of St. Anthony's Day in Lisbon (Festas de Lisboa)

V different parts cities
Collective exhibition of the thrones of St. Anthony As last year, the proposal to revive the tradition and create thrones of St. Anthony was joyfully received by both children and adults. On the 4th and 5th, a special exhibition-competition will be held in the city, but many of the works will remain on view to the public until the end of the holidays.

Largo do Intendente, Campo Mártires da Patria, Time Out Market
Atlantic Swing Festival Swing vintage music festival and dancing will take place under the theme "What We Dance is Life". Dance masterclasses, music and a lot of dancing await you.

St. George's Castle, 22:00
Fado at the castle Popular fado singers will give free concert in the castle. Ticket distribution at the box office on the day of the concert will begin at 20:00. The number of tickets is limited. This year each of the concerts will be special.

Tagus River, 19:00
Regatta Sails of Lisbon Sails of Lisbon is the most popular regatta in Portugal. In 2016, 80 sailing yachts will take part in the competition. The regatta will continue after sunset. It will be an unforgettable spectacle that can be watched from the shore.

The Monk Anthony, the greatest ascetic, the founder of desert life and the father of monasticism, who received the name Great from the Holy Church, was born in Egypt, in the village of Koma, near the Thebaid desert, in 251. His parents were pious Christians noble birth. From his youth, Anthony was always serious and focused. He loved to visit church services and listened Holy Bible with such deep attention that he remembered what he heard for the rest of his life. From his youth he was guided by the commandments of the Lord. Saint Anthony was about twenty years old when he lost his parents, and he was left with a young sister in his care. While attending church services, the young man was imbued with a reverent feeling for those Christians who, as narrated in the Acts of the Apostles, sold their estates, and laid their price at the feet of the Apostles. Having heard in the church the Gospel words of Christ addressed to a rich young man: “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor; and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow Me” (Matthew 19:21), Anthony perceived them as being said to him personally. He sold the estate left to him after the death of his parents, distributed the money to the poor, left his sister in the care of pious virgins in the monastery, and left parents' house and, settling not far from his village in a poor hut, he began an ascetic life. With the labor of his hands he earned food and alms for the poor. Sometimes the holy youth visited other ascetics who lived in the surrounding area, and tried to receive instruction and benefit from each. He turned to one of the ascetics for guidance in his spiritual life. During this period of his life, the Monk Anthony was subjected to severe temptations from the devil. The enemy of the human race confused the young ascetic with thoughts, doubts about his chosen path, longing for his sister, and tried to persuade Anthony to carnal sin, but the monk kept his firm faith, constantly prayed and intensified his deeds. Anthony prayed that the Lord would show him the way of salvation, and a vision was shown to him. The ascetic saw a man who alternately prayed and began to work - this was an Angel whom the Lord sent to admonish His chosen one. Then the monk established a strict order for his life. He ate food once a day, and sometimes once every two or three days; spent all nights in prayer, indulging short sleep only on the third or fourth night after continuous vigil. But the devil did not abandon his tricks and, trying to frighten the saint, appeared in the guise of monsters, but the saint, with unshakable faith, protected himself with the Life-Giving Cross. Finally, the enemy appeared to him in the form of a terrible black youth and hypocritically admitted himself defeated, hoping to persuade the saint to vanity and pride. But the monk drove off the enemy with prayer. For greater privacy, the saint settled far from the village, in a tomb. On certain days his friend brought him meager food. And here the demons, attacking the ascetic with the intention of killing him, inflicted severe beatings on him. However, the Lord did not allow Anthony to die. The saint’s friend, who brought food according to custom, saw him lying dead on the ground and carried him to the village. The saint was considered dead and preparations began for burial. But Reverend late at night regained consciousness and begged his friend to carry him back to the tomb. The firmness of Saint Anthony was stronger than the tricks of the enemy. Taking the form of wild animals, the demons again tried to force the saint to leave his chosen place, but he again drove them away by force Life-giving Cross. The Lord strengthened the strength of His saint: in the midst of the struggle with the dark forces, the monk saw a bright ray descending towards him from the sky and exclaimed: “Where were You, merciful Jesus?.. why didn’t you come to heal my wounds from the very beginning?” The Lord replied: “Anthony! I was here, but I waited, wanting to see your courage; now, after you have firmly stood the fight, I will always help you and glorify you throughout the world.” After this appearance, the Monk Anthony stood up healed from his wounds and ready for new exploits. At this time he was 35 years old. By purchasing spiritual experience In his struggle with the devil, the monk decided to go into the depths of the Thebaid desert and serve the Lord in complete solitude with work and prayer. He asked the ascetic elder (to whom he addressed at the beginning of his monastic journey) to retire with him into the desert, but the elder, having blessed the monk for a new, hitherto unknown type of feat - hermitage, due to the infirmity of old age, did not dare to accompany him. The Monk Anthony went into the desert alone. The devil tried to stop him, throwing jewelry and gold in front of the saint, but the saint, not paying attention to them, passed by. Having reached one mountain, the monk saw some abandoned fenced building and settled in it, blocking the entrance with stones. Same true friend brought him bread twice a year, and there was water inside the fence. The monk accepted the food brought in complete silence. The Monk Anthony lived in complete solitude and constant struggle with demons for 20 years and finally found peace of mind and peace of mind. When the time came, the Lord revealed His great ascetic to the people. The monk was to instruct many laymen and monks and guide the monks. Those gathered at the fence reverend's people They dismantled the stones blocking the entrance, penetrated to Saint Anthony and asked to take them under his leadership. Soon the mountain on which Saint Anthony labored was surrounded by a whole belt of monastery monasteries, and the monk lovingly instructed the inhabitants, teaching the spiritual life of those who came to the desert to save themselves. He taught, first of all, constancy in the feat undertaken, an unrelenting desire to please the Lord, a generous and selfless attitude towards the labors incurred earlier. He urged not to be afraid of demonic attacks and to drive away the enemy with the power of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. In 311, the Church suffered a test - a cruel persecution of Christians, initiated by Emperor Maximian. Wanting to suffer together with the holy martyrs, the Monk Anthony left the desert and came to Alexandria. He openly served the martyrs in their captivity, was present at the trial and interrogations, but the torturers did not even touch him! The Lord was pleased to preserve it for the benefit of Christians. At the end of the persecution, the monk returned to the desert and continued his exploits. The Lord gave His chosen one the gift of miracles: the monk cast out demons and healed the sick with the power of his prayer. The multitude of people who came to him interfered with his solitude, and the monk went even further, into the so-called “inner desert,” and settled on the top of a mountain. However, the brethren from the desert monasteries found the monk and begged him to visit their monasteries at least occasionally.

Once again the Monk Anthony had to leave the desert and come to the Christians in Alexandria in order to defend the Orthodox faith from the heresies of the Manichaeans and Arians. Knowing that the name of St. Anthony is revered by the entire Church, the Arians slandered him - allegedly he adheres to their heretical teaching. Arriving in Alexandria, the Monk Anthony publicly, in the presence of the bishop, cursed Arianism. During his short stay in Alexandria, he converted a great many pagans to Christ. Pagan philosophers came to the monk, wanting to shake his firm faith with their speculations, but he led them to silence with simple, convincing speeches. Equal to the Apostles Tsar Constantine the Great (+ 337, commemorated May 21) and his sons deeply revered the Monk Anthony and asked him to visit them in the capital, but the monk did not want to leave his desert brothers. In his reply message, he urged the emperors not to be proud of their high position and to remember that over them there is an impartial Judge - the Lord God. The Monk Anthony spent 85 years of his life in desert solitude. Shortly before his death, the monk told the brethren that he would soon be taken from them. Again and again he taught them to preserve the Orthodox faith in purity, to avoid all communication with heretics, and not to weaken in monastic deeds. “Try more than ever to remain in unity with each other, and mainly with the Lord, and then with the saints, so that after death they will accept you into their eternal blood, as friends and known ones,” - this is how it is conveyed dying word the monk in his life. The monk bequeathed to two of his disciples, who were with him for the last 15 years of his life, to bury him in the desert and not to arrange a solemn burial of his remains in Alexandria. Of his two robes, the monk bequeathed one to Saint Athanasius of Alexandria (January 18), the other to Saint Serapion of Tmunt. The Monk Anthony died peacefully in 356, at the age of 105, and was buried by his disciples in a secret place made famous by him in the desert.

The life of the famous ascetic, St. Anthony the Great, is described in detail by the Father of the Church, St. Athanasius of Alexandria. This work of Saint Athanasius - the first monument of Orthodox hagiography - is considered one of his best writings; St. John Chrysostom says that this life should be read by all Christians. “This narrative is of little significance in comparison with Anthony’s virtues,” writes Saint Athanasius, “however, from this you can conclude what kind of person he was. man of God Anthony. WITH youth and until such an age, he observed equal zeal for asceticism, neither because of his old age was deceived by expensive foods, nor because of the weakness of his body did he not change the appearance of his clothes, but he did not suffer harm in anything, his eyes were healthy and unharmed and he saw well . Not a single tooth fell out, but they only weakened in the gums due to the old man’s advanced years. He was healthy in arms and legs (...). And what was said about him everywhere, everyone was amazed at him, even those who had not seen him loved him - this serves as proof of his virtue and God-loving soul. monastic, 2) Seven messages to monasteries - about the desire for moral perfection and spiritual struggle and 3) Rules of life and admonitions to monks.

In 544, the relics of St. Anthony the Great were transferred from the desert to Alexandria, and then, after the conquest of Egypt by the Saracens in the 7th century, to Constantinople. From Constantinople in the X - XI centuries. The holy relics were transferred to the diocesan district of Vienne, and in the 15th century - to Aris (France), to the Church of St. Julian.

News is information program, which is one of the main ones on each channel. The presenters of these programs are standards of beauty, style and correct Russian speech.

Tatyana was born in Saratov in 1981. As a child, Tanya loved watching news programs; the dream of becoming a presenter seemed unrealistic, but it had been warming in her soul since that time. In the 11th grade, she went on exchange to the USA, which gave her good language practice. Then she entered the Saratov Socio-Economic University at the Faculty of World Economics.

Already in Saratov I got on a local channel, but it was short-lived. She got married in 2003, and in 2004 she and her husband came to the capital. There I accidentally saw an advertisement for a vacancy for a morning television program. After the interview, Tatyana was accepted. During her career she worked on channels "RBC", "Mir", "Russia 24"" Currently hosts a news program on " Russia 1».

Born in Moscow, date of birth: 1978. Graduated from the University of Linguistics in 2000. She was trained as a translator. Knowledge of such international languages how French and English helped her get a job in the international department of the Directorate of Information Programs " Channel One».

We noticed Valeria during her internship, which she took part in from her university. In 2006, Russia saw Korableva as a TV presenter. News" In 2010, Valeria married a colleague. Now they are raising a son.

Born in 1976 in Tatarstan in a family far from television. Mom is a teacher, and dad is a civil servant. She graduated from the university in Kazan, and in 1997 her career as a TV presenter began.

Lilia was entrusted with a news program on local channel « Ether» in Naberezhnye Chelny. Until 2006, she worked on various regional channels, and then she received an offer to work from the TV channel " NTV", which she did not refuse. Since then she has been hosting the news program “ Today».

Salima was born in 1984 in Leningrad. Thanks to mom and dad different nationalities The girl has an unusual beauty. She studied to be a journalist in St. Petersburg, and while still studying she began working at a local television channel. In 2008, she first appeared on a wide television screen in the episode “ News» channel « Russia».

Sulima tries herself not only as a TV presenter, she is an author documentary film « Under the Veil", telling about the women of Afghanistan, their life and traditions, this movie entered the list of finalists of the competition " Golden feather – 2006 ».

The red-haired TV presenter was born in 1980 in Moscow. Since childhood, studying foreign languages everything went well, so I entered the linguistic department of Moscow State University. Excellent command of English and French allowed her to get a job as a translator in a good organization, but she soon realized that this was not her field and quit.

Alisa first appeared as a TV presenter on one of the Moscow cable channels, and soon she was noticed on the TV channel " TVC" Next, Yarovskaya appeared in various roles on such television channels as: “ MTV", "TNT", "TDK", "DTV", "Podmoskovye"" In 2012 she was invited to work for " RBC”, there he broadcasts news and talks about economic trends.

In 1961, one of the most popular and constant presenters was born in Moscow “ Time" on " Channel One» Ekaterina Andreeva. My childhood was very ordinary, I played sports, went out with friends. She entered the pedagogical institute, as well as the evening department of the law faculty of VYUZI.

In 1990, I learned about advanced training courses for television workers, decided to take advantage of the opportunity and enrolled. First appeared in the news in 1995. Since then, Catherine has graced any TV show.

Ekaterina is a Muscovite, born in 1974. Dad is a famous metropolitan architect who has designed many significant buildings. The daughter decided to follow in her father’s footsteps and entered the architectural university. During my studies, I began to realize myself by profession, remodeling apartments, and after graduating from university, a friend suggested taking courses to train TV presenters.

In 1999, he began working on the TV channel " Russia"in the sports department. Gradually she is sent to host a news program “ Vesti – Moscow" He is the author of the program " My planet».

TV presenter from Saratov - Maria Bondareva was born in 1984. She studied at the Lyceum, then graduated from 4 universities in different specialties: journalist, actor, linguist, lawyer. She worked on a local regional channel in the program “ Saratov – Vesti" Now an expert and columnist news programs on the channel " Russia 24».

Elena was born in Pskov in 1976. As a child, I did gymnastics, dreamed of treating animals, and didn’t even think about television. Almost immediately after school, the girl found out that a local TV channel was looking for presenters and went to the selection process, which was successful.

In 1994, Elena began her work as a correspondent. In 2000, Vinnik moved to Moscow and after a short time the country saw her on the TV channel " NTV"as the host of the Today program. In 2015, Elena began broadcasting news on “ Channel One" "Evening news with Elena Vinnik».

Place of Birth: Penza city. She was born in 1975. Maria has Jewish-German roots, so she was brought up mixed different cultures and traditions. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a doctor, I even studied at a medical lyceum, but then I entered a pedagogical institute. She began her career as a TV presenter in Penza, first on the channel “Our House”, then “ Express" And " Penza».

10 most beautiful and sexy girls TV presenters on Russian television. Interesting Facts biographies. AND beautiful pictures- after all, these girls are the standard of style and femininity!

Gained their popularity due to excellent professional activity. Of course, no one will watch a program if it is hosted by a person who is not competent in his field. This article presents a list of the best presenters in our country.

News program presenters

The most famous TV presenters in Russia tell the viewer about events taking place in the country and the world. That is why these people are so recognizable, because most of our compatriots never miss news releases.

So, here is a list of the very best:

  1. Ekaterina Andreeva. First appeared on air in 1995. Before that she worked as a program editor. She came to television in 1991 after graduating from announcer school. In 2010, she entered the list of " Famous TV presenters Russia" and took a place there in the top ten most popular.
  2. He started his career in radio. In 2006, he was invited to Channel One, first working on morning broadcasts, and now on evening broadcasts. Dmitry is known for his activity on the Internet, he is
  3. Maria Sittel. The TV presenter began her career in Penza, where she was born. After working there for four years, the girl went to Moscow by invitation. She became the host of a news program on the Rossiya channel. For some time Maria worked on the radio. Together with her colleagues, she was a commentator at the farewell ceremony for Boris Yeltsin.

Entertainment program presenters

Famous people often gain this popularity due to their scandalous reputation. You don’t have to look far for an example; you just have to remember the name of the daughter of the former mayor of St. Petersburg.

Some, on the contrary, come to fame due to their efficiency and dedication.

  1. Tina Kandelaki. She began her path to success on radio in Georgia, where she worked for several years. Later she moved to Moscow. In 2002, she began working as a TV presenter on the STS channel (“Details”, “The Smartest”). Today Kandelaki is a co-owner of the Apostol company, which produces television programs.
  2. Andrei Malakhov. Since 1992 he has been working on Channel One. Initially, this was an editorial job; Andrei wrote texts for TV presenters. Since 1996 he has been the host of the program " Good morning". In 2001 I received my own show "Big Wash", followed by "Five Evenings", "Let Them Talk", "Tonight".
  3. Elena Letuchaya. Famous TV presenter Russia gained popularity after the airing of the program “Revizzoro”, in which she exposes unscrupulous restaurateurs and praises those who do their work conscientiously. Before her moment of glory, Elena worked as a financier at Gazprom and Russian Railways.
  4. Dmitry Shepelev. The young man was born in Minsk. He started his career there. After some time, by invitation, he came to Ukraine, where he worked in several projects. Appeared on Russian television in 2008. The most important of his works are “Property of the Republic” and “Minute of Glory”.

Political program presenters

Political news is essentially of interest to a small circle of people. Not everyone wants to delve into current events. However, among such observers there are well-known Russian TV presenters.

For example:

  1. From the very beginning of his professional activity, he began writing articles on various sociological topics. He worked in many newspapers, being responsible for political science sections. Since 1999, he has hosted the “However” program on Channel One, where he gives his comments on various world events. He was the host of such programs as “Puppet Theatre”, “Another Time”, “Big Game”.
  2. Vladimir Solovyov. This presenter is different sharp mind and in the same language. He was sued several times for insults on air. He is the host of the programs “Nightingale Trills”, “Full Contact”, “To the Barrier!”.

Most often, famous TV presenters in Russia are men who did not initially strive to build a career in television. So, Solovyov graduated from the Institute of Steel and Alloys in Moscow.

Presenters of children's programs

Children are a special audience, to which it is not so easy to find the keys. The wonderful Sergei Suponev handled this perfectly.

Famous Russian TV presenters must have some kind of extraordinary charisma. Sergei had all the ideal qualities for conducting programs with children's audiences. Vel" Finest hour", "Call of the Jungle" and others. Tragically died in 2001.

Among others, we can highlight Irina Asmus and Yuri Nikolaev. Famous Russian TV presenter Oksana Fedorova hosts the famous program " Good night, kids."