Gospel afterword translation. Translator's afterword

Many people admit that they would like to know the date of death by date of birth. Moreover, some of them say that they are scared to hear this information, but they want to be informed. Well, on this matter, most scientists and experts say one thing: it is impossible. And the fact that it is actually possible to find out the date of death by the date of birth is only prejudice.

Date calculation

For those people who really want to know their future (or rather, when their life will end), there is even a specific method by which you can calculate the date yourself. So if you really want to know this information, you can use it.

You need to take a piece of paper and write down the date of your birth on it. Then all the numbers will need to be added up. The resulting number will help you find out the date of death by date of birth. The result, by the way, must be unambiguous. What is meant? Let's say a person was born in 1992 on January 5th. The calculation will look like this: 01/05/1992 = 27 = 2+7 = 9. The resulting number is the key to the solution.

After the number is calculated, you only need to subtract its value, which is prescribed by such a science as numerology. Calculating the date of death is thus very simple.

Digital values

So, one means that a person will die at a very old age - after 80 years. Death will be quick and easy, and life will be rich and bright.

Two is a harbinger of misfortune: perhaps a person will die from an accident. Such years of life as 67, 45, 29, 19 and 7 are very dangerous. Often, “twos” passed away in one of these years.

Three means that a person will live a long time, but in old age he will be overtaken by illness. The dangerous years of life are 73 and 44.

“Fours” are long-lived. They often live to be a hundred years old, and “senile” life is not about them. They feel great until their death.

What about the “fives”? One thing can be said about them: these are people born with a shirt on! Accidents, dangers - all this is close to them, but bypasses them. Death pursues them, but to no avail.

But the “sixes” are not so lucky with karma. This is the most difficult number. And in order to find out the date of death by the date of birth of the “six”, you must first find out about your karmic debt. But the dangerous years are 68, 47, 22 and 13.

"Sevens" too They have wonderful guardian angels. But it is still advised to be careful with the elements. Fire, flood, tsunami, thunderstorm - people of this date can die spontaneously due to a natural disaster.

"Eights" are tireless players with death. They like to take risks, but they shouldn't do it. This could end badly.

And finally, "nines". Unfortunately, the lives of these people are often cut short at a very young age. Numerology says that they rarely live past 50 years. So it is for this reason that they are advised to avoid tobacco, alcohol and risk.


Many people, fascinated by the question of how to calculate the date of death, and then receiving an answer to it, begin to regret that they learned this information. Of course, there was no need to do this. After all, as it says old wisdom, the less you know the better you sleep. However, if this data is completely etched into memory, you should not attach importance to it. great importance. We must remember that the life of every person is only in his hands. And if you have received a not entirely good prediction, then you don’t need to be puzzled by it. Although, perhaps this information will be useful: sometimes people reconsider their attitude towards life and begin to change it in better side. In any case, we must remember that everything depends only on ourselves.

Astrology and horoscopes

There are several ways that can help answer the question of how to find out the date of death of a person. All people have their own zodiac sign. They also apply to Chinese horoscope. In addition, each of them was born at certain hours. First name, last name, patronymic, age - each of us has it all. Of course, this is a much more complex way to find out the date of death by date of birth, and psychics and fortune tellers do this, because too many things need to be taken into account: the phase of the moon, the specifics of numerology, and karma. Although the data turns out to be much more reliable. Skeptics and scientists shrug their shoulders when predictions come true: they often write it all off simply as coincidences. To which psychics only grin in response, because there are never so many coincidences. But here everyone already has their own opinion on this matter: some believe in it, others - on the contrary.

Questionable results

Well, a lot has been said about how to calculate the date of death. Finally, I would like to say a few words about online ways to obtain this information. It should be noted right away that a lot is written on the Internet about how to calculate the date of death and they even offer calculators with which, supposedly, you can determine everything. But this is only random generator numbers, which is based on nothing. This can be checked easily: enter the same data (usually gender, date of birth and name) several times and get different results. So if you really want to become the owner of such specific information, then you should not resort to Internet methods: there is very little truth in them.

Have you ever thought about why there is a desire to say goodbye to life? Can you find words to explain such a phenomenon as clinical death, or the reasons why the dead “visit” living people? Is it possible to get permission to “leave” to the next world? Such questions can be asked endlessly, and they probably arise in each of us. To find the answer to most of them, we suggest that you read important information, which appeared at a seminar held in Moscow by psychotherapist Andrei Gnezdilov. This is Dr. MN and also the creator modern techniques art therapy. Today, A. Gnezdilov is an honorary doctor of one of the British universities (Essex), and is also the creator of the first hospice in Russia. Behind him there are many printed publications and bright discoveries.

Death as a component of life

When communicating with loved ones and acquaintances, neighbors and colleagues, we periodically hear about the death of a mutual friend. To the question: “Did you hear that so-and-so died?”, an instant reaction arises: “How did he die?” What really matters is how people die. Demise plays important role for human self-awareness, and it is endowed with not only a negative connotation.

If we consider life from a philosophical point of view, everyone will note that there is no existence without death. When communicating with sculptors, as well as masters of painting, they were asked the question: “You easily manage to depict the most diverse aspects human life, ranging from friendship and strong feelings to beauty, but what techniques would you use to depict death? Unfortunately, it was not possible to obtain a clear, immediate answer from representatives of the arts.

The creator of the sculptures who immortalized the siege of Leningrad said that he would think about this issue. Shortly before his death, he gave the following answer: “Most likely, I would depict death using the image of Christ, and it would not be a crucifixion, but an ascension.”

A sculptor from Germany decided to depict a soaring angel, whose wings cast a shadow. It was she who reflected death. When a person falls within this shadow, he becomes the “property” of death. Another sculptor depicted death using the image of boys, one of whom sat down on a block of stone, bowing his head to his knees. He completely and completely rushed down. The second character held a pipe in his hands, throwing his head back. He seems to be heading for motives. The explanation of the sculpture was accompanied by the following words: “it is not possible to depict death without life, and vice versa.”

Day of death. Is this a coincidence?

Human death is a natural process. Some masters of the pen depicted immortal life, but she was terrible and scary. What is endless life? This is, first of all, a non-stop repetition of the experience gained, endless torment and suffering, and even a stop in development. Can you imagine the terrible state of a person who can live forever?

Death can be called a kind of pause, a respite, and even called it the term “reward.” This stage can be called abnormal if the person died suddenly, i.e., if there is huge amount strength and energy during your ascent.

They are not afraid of death, they are waiting for it. When communicating with old people, you can hear many expressions, general meaning which lies in the fact that they have lingered in this world, it is time to leave it, to die. Have you noticed that the images of death displayed in literary works, were not horrifying and quite normative in nature when describing the death of the peasants.

Villagers who had lost the ability to actively work physically felt like a burden to their relatives. In such cases, they went to the bathhouse, put on clean clothes and lay down under the images, said goodbye to their family and friends, and then died calmly. Their death was not accompanied by numerous sufferings and torments that are observed if people begin to fight death.

Almost every peasant realized that life is not much like a dandelion flower, which crawled out of the ground, blossomed, and dropped yellow and dissipated into white fluffs “caught” by the wind. Life is more difficult stage, which has a very deep meaning.

The mentioned example, according to which peasants gave up their lives, allowing themselves to do this, is not a feature of a specific stratum of people. Similar situations can be observed now. There was one situation when a patient with cancer was admitted. The man, distinguished by military training, behaved excellently, and even joked that I had three wars behind me, during which I regularly encountered death and pulled its mustache, but this cannot last forever, now it has reached me.

The specialists of the medical institution provided all possible support to this patient, but one day he could not find the strength to get out of bed, and the patient took it normally: “The moment of death has come, I am not able to get out of bed.” Doctors said that this is a natural process, metastasis, and patients with similar manifestations live for a long time. They convinced him that they would provide full care and provide the necessary support, but he firmly stood his ground: “No, I’m sure this is death.”

After several days, he died, and no physiological “signs” of death were observed. This happened for the reason that he wanted to die, he did not want to fight. In other words, this good will leave this world.

You should let life end natural death, since it was laid down during the period of conception of a particular person. A certain experience of death occurs in a person during birth, directly during childbirth. When you study this question, you can see how clearly life is structured. As a person was born, so he will die. He was born very easily - death will be easy, or vice versa.

The date of death of people is also not random, just like the date of his birth. The first to pay attention to this are statisticians, who focus on the fact that people very often have the same date of birth and date of death. Have you ever observed situations where the date of death of one loved one coincides with the birth of a child in the same family? Such a “transfer” is not accidental. Moreover, it cannot be ignored.

A few words about clinical death

Scientists, as well as sages, could not finally understand what death is and what processes take place with its onset. What about clinical death, then this stage was practically left without significant attention from specialists. People “plunge” into a coma, there is a cessation of respiratory processes, as well as the functioning of the heart, but at some point, unexpectedly for relatives, and even for himself, the inactive patient, disconnected from life, comes to his senses, after which he tells incredible stories .

Relatively recently, N. Bekhtereva, who often took part in disputes about clinical death, left this world. Andrei Gnezdilov shared with her the information he received from practice, and she claimed that she had never heard more ridiculous nonsense. According to her version, the peculiarity of clinical death is directly related to the changes occurring in the brain. But one day Natalya was brought shining example, which amazed her so much that she often told it and used it.

This incident occurred in the practice of A. Gnezdilov, who had 10 years of experience at the Institute of Oncology. Here he held the position of psychotherapist, and one day he had to examine a young patient. When implementing surgical intervention she experienced cardiac arrest, which could not be “started” for a long time. When she came to, she needed to be examined by a psychotherapist to gain confidence that she was normal. mental state, which could well change due to prolonged oxygen starvation of the brain.

Entering the intensive care unit, the psychotherapist saw that the patient was just beginning to come to her senses. When asked if it was possible to talk to her, the young woman agreed, asking for an apology for the fact that her cardiac arrest had caused a lot of trouble. She casually uttered the phrase: “I saw how a lot of stress there was this situation for doctors.” The psychotherapist immediately decided to clarify the information, asking how she managed to see this while in a deep narcotic sleep, as well as during cardiac arrest. The patient, without hesitation, replied that she was ready to tell a lot more, but she must be sure that she would not be sent to a psychiatric hospital. After she received the doctor's promise, she told an incredible story.

Plunging into a narcotic hibernation, the young woman felt a slight soft blow in the area of ​​​​her feet, which forced something to unfold inside her. There was a feeling of a bolt being turned out, as if the soul had come out, and it had found itself in a special foggy space.

Looking more closely, the woman was able to see how whole group The doctors bent over the body. At that moment the thought flashed: “Very Familiar face on a woman's operating table." After this, the understanding came that this was her. Literally immediately a voice thundered: “Stop the operation urgently, the heart has stopped functioning, it should be restarted.”

At that moment, the woman thought that she had died, and realized with horror that she had not said goodbye to her beloved mother, as well as her little daughter. Incredible anxiety about her loved ones hit her in the back with a strong jolt, thanks to which the woman seemed to leave the operating room and find herself in her own home.

Here she watched her play five year old child, following the actions of my mother, who was engaged in sewing, and grandmother. Suddenly there was a knock; it was neighbor Lydia who came. She brought a dress with small polka dots and asked the girl to try it on.

Mashenka immediately abandoned her toys and rushed to her neighbor, touching the tablecloth with her hand. A porcelain cup and spoon fell from the table. This ancient product broke, and the girl began to cry, while her grandmother scolded her. But the neighbor reminded us that breaking dishes is only a good thing.

All the adults began to calm the little girl down, and she, raising her tear-stained face, looked straight at her mother, but no reaction appeared. Then a young patient at an oncology clinic tried to pat her child on the head, but did not experience the sensation of touch. The woman immediately went to the mirror, but did not see her reflection in it.

Incredible anxiety and horror allowed the patient to remember that she was supposed to be on the operating table, and her heart failed. She immediately left the living quarters and appeared in the operating room in a matter of seconds. As soon as she came here, she immediately heard the phrase: “The heart has started, we continue to perform the operation, but remember that speed is very important, since the heart may fail again.”

The psychotherapist, after listening to the patient, offered to bring her relatives to the hospital, to which the woman agreed. Arriving at the indicated address, he rang the doorbell, and a grandmother appeared on the threshold, inviting him to enter. The doctor told about all the details of the operation, after which he decided to clarify: “Tell me, did your neighbor Lydia visit you at 10:30?” This question received a stunning answer: “Yes, she was here, do you know each other?” Then the doctor asked a question about the dress that Lydia had brought, and the grandmother again confirmed the information. The questions did not end there, and every little thing, every detail was confirmed.

This story had an incredible impact on Bekhtereva. After that, she personally encountered a similar situation. One day she had to lose both her husband and stepson at once. The fact is that they decided to commit suicide. At that moment, the woman experienced incredible stress, and, entering the room, “stumbled” with her eyes on her husband, who was saying something to her.

Natalya Bekhtereva, a wonderful psychiatrist, attributed this vision to hallucinations, and moved to another room, asking her relative to go to the room where the “strange guest” was. She, without hesitation, headed into the room and screamed in horror that Natalya’s husband was in it. After this, Bekhtereva fulfilled her husband’s request, and was completely convinced that such situations really exist.

Natalya emphasized: “It is difficult to find a specialist who knows the brain better than I do (Bekhtereva held the position of director of the brain in St. Petersburg). I got the feeling that a huge wall had grown in front of me, behind which voices were heard, and I was sure that there was an unusual wonderful world, but I am not able to tell everyone what I know. This is due to the fact that with scientific point It is impossible to substantiate such a thing, and everyone should get the experience that I have.”

One day Andrei Gnezdilov visited a dying patient, sitting next to her. He put a small music box, from which touching sounds flowed, after which the specialist asked her a question: “Does the music bother you, can you turn it off?” The patient asked not to touch the playing box, and suddenly she stopped breathing. The dying woman's relatives rushed to the doctor in panic, begging her to do something. In desperation, Gnezdilov injected her with adrenaline, after which the woman came to her senses, asking the specialist: “What happened?” He answered briefly: “Clinical death,” to which the patient, smiling, said: “No, it was life.”

How can we describe this condition, which is observed during clinical death, when the brain goes “into special treatment"? If we consider that death is a death that is recorded when breathing stops, the heart stops, as well as the brain turns off, which stops sending and receiving any information, then what can it be compared with?

Does this mean that the brain is only a transmitter, and that there is something more powerful, deeper in people? In these cases, the concept of “soul” is recalled, which is practically removed by another concept of “psyche”. That is, the psyche is there, but the soul itself is absent.

What kind of death would you choose for yourself?

This question has probably been asked by many of us, interested in the answer of friends, acquaintances and loved ones. The answers to this question can be very different, but everyone builds a model of death.

Those people who have a schizoid variety of character (like literary hero Don Quixote) described their wishes very strangely: “I want to die in such a way that not a single living person can see my body.”

As for the epileptoid type of personality, they cannot imagine how they can lie and calmly wait for their death. They have a desire to participate to some extent in the process of their own death.

The cycloid category would like to die surrounded by its loved ones. But psychasthenics, who are distinguished by anxious and suspicious behavior, are very concerned about their appearance, which will be acquired immediately after death.

The hysterical type of people had a desire to die at sunset or at sunrise, somewhere on the coast or in the mountains.

Andrei Gnezdilov carefully weighed all these wishes, after which he remembered the statement of one of the monks, who indicated that it did not matter to him at all what would be in his environment. The main thing is that death should occur during a period of prayer, when he will thank the Creator for giving life and allowing him to see the splendor and power of the surrounding creation.

Surely not everyone knows interesting statement Heraclitus of Ephesus, the essence of which is that people turn on the light on their own on the night of death. And the person who closed his eyes is not dead, he continues to live. This is an exemplary statement that has a deep continuation, and which you can reflect on throughout your life.

Being in frequent contact with patients, A. Gnezdilov periodically asked patients to try to give at least some information after death about whether there is an afterlife or not. Oddly enough, he managed to get answers.

One day a specialist made the above request to a woman. She died, and Andrei forgot about the peculiar agreement. But one day (it happened at the dacha), the psychotherapist woke up from the light in the room. Thinking that he had forgotten to turn off the light, he stood up and saw the same patient next to him. Rejoicing, he began to talk to her, inquiring about her health, but when he finally woke up, he remembered that she was dead.

The first thought that flashed through was that it was all a dream, so you need to turn away and try to fall asleep again. After a certain time, the doctor raised his head again, the light was on as before, and the woman sat in the same position and looked straight at the doctor. He wanted to say the words, but couldn't. Horror literally paralyzed him. He was fully aware that there was a dead person in front of him, who subsequently smiled and said: “It’s me, and you’re not sleeping.”

It is not the number of days lived that plays an important role, but the quality side. What can quality of life give? The answer is obvious - the opportunity to enjoy existence without pain, control your consciousness, and be surrounded by loving and close people.

Why is contact with relatives important? This is explained by the fact that the younger generation in to a greater extent repeats the life scenario of his relatives, as well as his parents. In some cases, such repetitions are as accurate as possible, which is very surprising. The repetition of life's plot often ends with a repetition of death.

When passing away, it is extremely important to receive the blessing of loved ones, as well as the blessing of dying parents, which will help children avoid dangerous situations and save them from something. A similar idea very often “flickers” in fairy tales. Suffice it to recall one of them: a dying father gathered his three sons near him and asked them to come to him at the cemetery for three days. The elders ignored his request for some reason, but the youngest diligently followed the instructions, and after the deadline, the deceased father revealed to him the cherished secret.

Very often, dying people think, and even strongly desire, that all their troubles and sorrows, health problems and other difficulties go with them to the grave. Moreover, the thought flashes of readiness to pay off all bills, so long as the family is not haunted by problems. Having set such a task for himself, a person meaningfully leaves life, and it does not matter whether it was an affective departure or a rational one.

Is the place where you can live a quality life. They do not promise an easy death here, but they guarantee a quality life. This place is an “island” where you can meaningfully complete own life, accompanied by loved ones.

When leaving this world, people do not just lose air, which comes out as if from a rubber balloon. It’s as if they are stepping into the unknown, allowing themselves to take such a step. But it is equally important to obtain such permission from your loved ones, as well as a number of others. Getting permission from yourself is the most difficult step.

Christ, being in the Garden of Gethsemane before prayer and upcoming suffering, turned to his disciples with the request: “Don’t leave me, be close, don’t sleep.” Three times he received a promise from his students to be there, and each time they fell asleep without providing necessary support. Hospice is a place where every person can count on being there for them at all times.

The article uses materials from pravmir.ru


The fear of death is the strongest in the entire range of fears that accompany the life of every person. Therefore, people have always been interested in the question: is it possible to somehow delay the onset of death? Are prayers, medications, nutrition systems, physical exercise or any special practices? Is the date of death an inevitable predetermination or a point that can be moved along the line of life?

The question is philosophical and there are as many answers to it as there are philosophers. The range of opinions is very wide: from “man is the architect of his own destiny” to “everything is destined and you cannot escape fate.”

Of course, while working on a big book about fate, happiness and the meaning of life (), we could not ignore this issue and took the following position in it:

“...the lifespan is a program point and is outside the corridor of the will. Both prayers and medicines will be useless to change it. As proof of this, we cited sessions of regressive hypnosis, clairvoyant predictions and various stories from people’s lives, confirming information from the Subtle World...

Many people live with guilt over death loved one or with the idea that someone else is to blame for this death: they didn’t look after them, they loved them little, they cared for them poorly, they treated them incorrectly, etc.

Since time immemorial, people have been looking for means to prolong life: philosopher's Stone, elixir of youth, longevity pills. Many people have spent their entire lives searching for means that will grant immortality or at least longevity.

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that most of humanity is gripped by the desire to prolong their life and the fear of losing it prematurely. And with such feelings, life itself becomes qualitatively worse.

Therefore, let us emphasize not simple thought, but the Truth: a person’s life span is measured before his first breath and is not subject to revision under any circumstances.

Let us remember once again the clairvoyant Vanga. Often she “saw” the imminent death of her visitors. Knowing well that nothing could be changed, Vanga sometimes tried to do it, and warned the person about the fateful day and hour for him. But even with such information, all attempts by people to avoid death were unsuccessful.

Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the famous prophetess, wrote the book “The Truth about Vanga”, in which she gives the following dialogue:

If it so happens that you see an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do anything to avoid misfortune?

No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

And if troubles or even a disaster threaten an entire city or state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

It's useless.

“The Washington Pythia,” as Jane Dixon was called in the United States, accurately predicted the dates of death of many prominent figures - Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi and John Dulles (US Secretary of State), Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Iraqi King Faisal and Secretary General UN Dag Hammerskjöld, Apollo 1 astronauts- Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee (seven days before their death during the tests), and many others, less famous personalities. In some cases, she indicated the specific circumstances under which death would occur. The clairvoyant did not hide her visions and even tried to save many from death by passing on her information to them, but everything turned out to be in vain: everyone died exactly then and as predicted.

Nemtsov also had his own oracle.Here's what the World News agency reports about it:

“An interview with the former secretary of Boris Nemtsov, who was killed on Friday evening, appeared in the media. A woman who worked with the politician for many years said that his death was predicted by a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” several years ago.
According to the former secretary, Nemtsov was always interested in all kinds of clairvoyants, psychics and other sorcerers. “He, like any sane person, of course did not believe in them,” she said. - Moreover, I have always been in favor of any initiatives to ban alternative medicine and other magic. But whenever possible - for example, when I encountered psychics on the set or at some event, I did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes and ask about my fate - but not seriously, as if as a joke.”
A few years ago, Boris Nemtsov met Alexander Agapit, a participant in the 4th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” at the television center, who himself approached the politician and warned that he would not die “a natural death in 2015.”
Nemtsov laughed and clarified what “not by his own death” meant, to which he was told: “because of a woman.”
It is premature to talk about those who ordered the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but according to one version of the investigation, the murder could have been committed by a killer hired ex-lover Anna Duritskaya - the same fashion model who left him for Nemtsov, who, as has already been established and officially announced, some time ago had an abortion from Nemtsov and who was with him at the time of his death.
By the way, this version is also supported by the fact that the killer’s bullets (they shot at the politician 7-8 times) did not hit the girl.” (World of news)

For many years we have been collecting stories about incredible rescues and ridiculous deaths. Today, a thick book can be compiled from them and they all confirm the Truth:behind seemingly absurd or incredible events there is a Plan of earthly life with the date of its end written in it. If “the hour has struck,” nothing will stop death, and if it has not struck, no circumstances will lead to death.

The great French scientist Pierre Curie, laureate Nobel Prize in physics, once wrote down in his diary the prediction he received of “death from the crew.” He accompanied this prediction with the following comment: “Of course, I couldn’t believe it. My mind does not allow me to believe in such absurdities.” But on a rainy day on April 19, 1906, “absurdities” still happened: while crossing the street, Pierre Curie slipped on the wet road and fell, and a passing carriage crushed his head with its wheel.”

We will not retell in detail the contents of Chapter 8, from which the above lines are taken (almost all visitors to our site are well acquainted with this book), but we will jump straight to the news that has excited the public in many countries - the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

“Who killed?”, “Why?”, “For what?” “Who benefits?”... The Internet is replete with versions, conjectures, assumptions, statements... Only the simple Truth has not been heard: “The hour has struck.” Everything else - customers, inspirers, directors, performers, circumstances - are just details of the painting “The Death of Nemtsov,” written before his birth.

Of course, now investigators will intensively search (and will find, of course!) logical explanations for Nemtsov’s death - fortunately, there are enough witnesses and specialists in the investigation of such cases. Surely they will put forward and prove a version that is understandable and convincing both for the court and for the average person.

And few people will understand that it’s just overa chain of cause-and-effect relationships that stretched from the date of birth of Boris Nemtsov, and on the evening of February 27 he set off across the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge not for a walk, but towards his death. “Annushka has already spilled oil” (Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”) and this event, already recorded in the Akashic Chronicles, manifested itself in our reality.

Is it possible to predict the date of your death, to feel that the end is near? Is it possible to avoid “accidental” death? Parapsychologist and winner of the “Best Esotericist” award Anton Malinor answers this question.

Is it possible to predict the date of your death, feel that the end is near and change the course of fate? Is it possible to avoid “accidental” death? iReactor correspondents asked this exciting question magician, psychic, doctor of metaphysical sciences, parapsychologist and

“The phenomenon of premonition of death has been known since ancient times. Many great people predicted their life span shortly before its end, and most esotericists specifically recognize this date in advance, such as the famous hypnotist and telepath Wolf Messing. However, this ability is also possessed by simple people, if their consciousness is sufficiently open to the sensation of probabilities in time. And this ability extends not only to loved ones, but also to the premonition of parting with loved ones - many sense the departure of relatives and friends in advance, when nothing has come to fore...

Long before a man finishes his earthly path, his higher, spiritual self begins to leave material reality, breaking off energetic connections with it, which is very noticeable for clairvoyants and extrasensory people. You can develop the ability to magically perceive the future and correct it in authoritative schools of magic, for example, in seminaries under the Church of Magic and its exarchates in the Russian Federation and different countries. However, I would not recommend anyone to develop one-sidedly, trying only to find out the life spans of people - those who have such a gift by nature consider it a curse! Always learn to perceive both the flow of time and the inevitability of the transition from the material state of existence to the true free state of spiritual life.

In addition, it is worth adding that very often, having foresight, you can save a person from accidental death(a moment of entropy, at which there is no conscious choice to leave the material world, but the decision is made by other forces), and also, having certain knowledge, if the person who is in danger wishes, it is possible not only to postpone the moment of physical death, but even to return soul back to earthly existence.

People often ask about whether there are harbingers of death, any signs and omens. The clear answer is yes, they exist. But they are known, as a rule, only to initiates, and are the secret of occult orders. Although, in history there is quite a bit of evidence of various warnings about unexpected deaths - from announcements by angels and prophetic dreams, to the simplest. For example, a dog howls in front of the house of the future deceased. But these signs are not very accurate, and must be confirmed by other signs; the same dog can, with its howl, notify not of the visit of the demons of death, but of the presence of simply malicious creatures from the other world.

The premonition of the death of loved ones manifests itself, as a rule, in the form of a feeling of melancholy, pain of loss, a desire to protect against an unknown threat at any cost, a feeling of sharply cold alienation, with outwardly unchanged relationships (energy channels are torn). If such sensations are repeated frequently and over a period of time, then at this time it is too late to rush to learn extrasensory perception; you need to turn to an experienced magician for prediction and help.”

Hello Father John. On March 8, 2010, my brother, he was 20 years old, crashed in a car, there was no chance of survival. Mom believes that the Lord punished her for her sins. Is it true? God can punish with death loved one? If not a single hair falls from a person’s head without the will of God, then the Lord has taken his brother. For what reasons does this happen? Is it true that everyone is allotted their own amount of time and that the date and time of death are already known at a person’s birth?

Answer: Dear Evgeniy! Yes, it is true that the date and time of death are already known at the birth of a person - but only to God. There is such a thing as God's predestination. God has predetermined each person's destiny. But this fate can change according to the will of God - depending on the moral state, moral growth of a person. God knows and already sees that a person will not rise morally higher, he spiritual growth is already going down. Therefore, at the highest spiritual stage of growth, God, by His Providence, allows the death of a person for the good of a person, in order to save him.

This is why the Bethlehem babies were killed, this is why children die. If the Bethlehem children had grown up and lived on earth, they might have taken part in the crucifixion of Christ, but they were killed as innocent babies and ended up in the Kingdom of God.

God allowed your brother to crash in a car for one purpose - to save your brother. Now we need to trust in God and believe that the time will come when we will move into eternity and see your brother. It is not known who is better off now, us or your brother. Perhaps he is much better off in another world, for there is no sadness or illness, but life is endless. But we still need to go through this sadness of the valley.