Cartoonists. "Bah! All the faces are familiar!" Artist Vladimir Mochalov

Caricature artist, cartoonist. Portrait from photograph in Moscow.

(Caricature artists in Moscow from 1800 rubles per hour)

2400 rubles per hour - Invitation of a cartoonist for only one hour. (The artist’s visit is free, only the work time is paid)

4000 rubles 2 hours - Invitation of a cartoonist for two hours.

1800 rubles per hour - Invitation of a cartoonist for 3 hours or more.

Any form of payment for the services of a cartoonist is possible.

How to surprise and delight your guests at your wedding or birthday? Give them a surprise: invite a real cartoonist. Of course, funny cartoon portraits will not replace the work of a photographer or videographer, but the task in this case is different: a funny friendly cartoon will become an original and unexpected gift for your friends and family (after all, usually at holidays gifts are received by the “heroes of the occasion”, and guests at the same time, they are only donors and leave, as they say, “empty-handed”) and will remain a good reminder of your holiday. Such a gift will be especially pleasant if the “heroes” of the holiday take care in advance to come up with some kind of gift for each of their guests. good wishes and leave a funny signature on the portrait.

It is worth noting that the services of a caricature artist will be relatively inexpensive, since creating one portrait takes from 8 to 15 minutes, therefore, by ordering an artist for two to three hours, you can make a unique gift for several guests at once. Moreover, if you want to give a gift to everyone present at once, then you can calculate in advance, based on the number of guests, how much time the artist will need to work. Such a surprise will look especially impressive if the event participants do not know in advance that there is a cartoonist among the invited guests. For a talented cartoon portrait painter, it is not necessary to pose: he will “catch” the desired guest from among those present so that he will not even realize that a surprise is being prepared for him.

The cost of our caricature artist’s work at an event starts from 1,800 rubles per hour when ordering for three hours or more. When ordering such a service for an hour, the cost will be 2400 rubles . Drawing techniques can be very different: crayons, slate pencils or paints. Examples of work are presented in our photo report from holidays and weddings held in Moscow.

If for some reason it is inconvenient or undesirable for the caricature artist to be present directly at the event, you can take care of a gift for guests in advance by providing him with appropriate photographs. If you want to order a cartoon portrait for yourself, then just call the artist on Skype, and he will fulfill your wish in a few minutes. The cost of this service depends on the material and urgency of the order. Our basic prices:

Portrait in color (production time 1-3 days)


Size 40cm x 60cm - from 2500 rubles
Size 60cm x 80cm - from 3500 rubles


Size 30cm x 40cm - from 4500 rubles
Size 40cm x 50cm - from 6000 rubles
Size 50cm x 60cm - from 7000 rubles
Size 60cm x 70cm - from 8500 rubles
Size 70cm x 80cm - from 9000 rubles

Portrait black and white (charcoal, pencil)

Size 20cm x 30cm - from 1000 rubles
Size 30cm x 40cm - from 2000 rubles
Size 40cm x 60cm - from 3000 rubles
Size 60cm x 80cm - from 4000 rubles

Caricatures from photos (production time 1-2 days)

Size 20cm x 30cm - from 1500 rubles
Size 30cm x 40cm - from 2500 rubles
Size 40cm x 60cm - from 3500 rubles
Size 60cm x 80cm - from 5000 rubles
+1000 rubles for each additional person on a cartoon.

In 2014-2015, our company held several dozen corporate and private events in which cartoonists were involved. Among the large corporate customers were IKEA, Road Group, SIAM Consulting, METRO Cash&Carry, Baker and McKenzie, etc. Newlyweds very willingly invite our artists. Friendly caricatures of family and friends always lift the spirits of guests.

A unique offer from our agency is cartoons on souvenirs, T-shirts, flags and bags. In this case, a cartoon portrait is drawn from a photograph or in person (this process takes a minimum of time), which is then transferred to production and transferred to any surface or object. Thus, for your friends’ wedding, you can, for example, make a family flag, a T-shirt or a mug with your own cartoon portrait. You can put a friendly cartoon on the owner’s laptop or mailbox.

We are proud that the work of our cartoonists always receives only good feedback. Write to us by email or call. We will be happy to help you prepare original gifts for your friends and loved ones!

Your “Ocean of Holidays”.

Cartoonist is an artist who walks the line between insult and wit, a good portrait painter with a subtle sense of irony in the perception of details, and a psychologist who captures the topical moments happening in life. And the caricature itself has always been a formidable weapon against offenders, enemies and those in power. Dictators and the ruling elite of all eras and peoples destroyed scoffers, sending them to be devoured by tigers, to the scaffold, to camps. But, despite such persecution, not a single government managed to eradicate the caricature.

Caricature with its horses goes far into the past. But this genre moved into the category of art during the time of Leonardo da Vinci. In the 18th-19th centuries, caricature began to thoroughly “warm up” the people’s relations with strongmen of the world this. And since the twentieth century, it has been an important political weapon that harms the authority of countries and political figures. Therefore, cartoonists are loved and revered by the people to the same extent as they are hated by the authorities.

The famous Russian artist Denis Lopatin (1977), one of the hundred best cartoonists in the world.
Denis is a diploma winner at many international forums, and a laureate of the “honorable mention” category at the Portuguese “World Press Cartoon” competition (2011), the world’s most prestigious forum for professional cartoonists and cartoonists. Until now, not a single Russian artist working in this genre has received such an honorary prize.
In the same year, Denis Lopatin took part in a worldwide competition of professional caricaturists on the social network Facebook and won the Grand Prix.

Denis was born and studied in Minsk, lives and works in Kamchatka, which the regional authorities are not very happy about. Since, being periodically persecuted by the “powers” ​​of this world, he creates a lot of problems for officials and judicial structures of the Kamchatka Territory. The master of the satirical genre has four subpoenas, repeated bans and censures to his credit. For seditious cartoons and caricatures in 2005, the governor of Kamchatka imposed a ban on personal exhibition artist entitled "Grimaces of Power". And the cartoonist believes this fact highest award I was hooked on my creativity.

Denis has an amazing talent as a portrait painter, brilliantly wields the weapons of satire and humor, masterfully using both good and evil irony. His cartoons and caricatures aimed at public people, recognizable by everyone, cause a genuine smile, irony or sarcasm. You can verify this by watching this review to the end.

Title=""Nadezhda Savchenko".
Caricatures and cartoons from the artist Denis Lopatin" border="0" vspace="5">!}

"Nadezhda Savchenko"

A caricature is a drawing real person, which distorts or exaggerates some features but preserves the similarity. In other words, caricature is an exaggerated form of portrait art.


Grotesque - a term in art portrait painting, where the face is distorted into an ugly shape. One of best examples works in this style are the series of “grotesque heads” by Leonardo da Vinci. At that time, the artist hardly painted with humor - he simply tried to convey the extremely unpleasant shape of the face. In the 18th century, grotesque drawings were renamed caricatures. In practice, I. Bosch and P. Bruegel the Elder were engaged in grotesque art.


Cartoons first became popular genre visual arts in the 16th and 17th centuries. The drawings were created by satirists to ridicule public figures and politicians are working with moral significance. They are still popular today, and are used in magazines and newspapers to make fun of movie stars, politicians and other celebrities.

Mythological painting

The only thing that has changed is art tools and materials. Initially, cartoonists made drawings using charcoal, pencil or pen using ink. Today, the artist has access to graphics programs on a PC.

Cartoonists had considerable power over public opinion, thanks to the availability of information even for illiterate people. One of the most famous examples graphics in this style are satirical etchings of Napoleon Bonaparte from British artist James Gillray. He portrayed French Emperor short man in a huge hat. As a result, up to today this topic interests the public.

Caricatures are a populist art form. These are talented figurative drawings, more powerful and effective than most portraits.


In contemporary painting, caricature is presented in the form of a humorous or satirical drawing on social, personal, everyday, political topics or as illustrations for jokes.

Genre Nude in painting

Artists perform color or monochrome drawings:

  • lines and contours,
  • strokes.

This genre is divided into humorous, satirical images and an easel caricature with philosophical overtones. The works of caricaturists can be seen not only in painting, but also in any printed products in technology:

  • graphics,
  • collages,
  • illustrations,
  • photographs,
  • posters,
  • advertising,
  • installation,
  • installations,
  • animations,
  • architecture,
  • performance.

Difference between caricature and comic strip

Comics and popular prints are images fictional characters. Picture stories in this style were first published in the 19th century by the Swiss writer and artist Tepfer in an attempt to create new way transfers literary work. His concept was a harbinger of the advent of animation art and modern comics.

First related stories in painting were intended for publication in daily newspapers, so they were quickly sketched and not distinguished by talent.

Portrait in painting

In contrast, caricatures and satirical caricatures are very painstaking work - colors were manually selected and printed in glossy publications.

Even today this differentiation remains. A color cartoon used to illustrate magazine or newspaper articles is of a higher artistic quality than a comic sketch.
With the advent computer equipment, cartoonists expanded the genre by creating complex, comic, and cartoon-like images, especially in the realm of fantasy.

I have been drawing cartoons for over 20 years, back in college, since I was interested in caricature, I decided thesis make it based on a cartoon. I made several cartoons of the teachers, in particular the one who supervised my thesis. The cartoon had such an effect on him strong impression, that he suggested that I immediately look for another curator. So I had to do my thesis on a different topic.

When I draw a cartoon I relax because I enjoy the work. Anyone who thinks to please the client is not a cartoonist, but a portrait painter. The cartoonist's mission is open to the person then, which he himself is not aware of. Then there will be real delight.

They always ask me: “How did you guess?” Well, this is not even a profession, it is a gift that allows me to see through every person, to look under the mask that he has put on himself.

I transform easily, I love it different costumes, I feel like an artist at work. I know that there is a picky viewer behind me and I try to draw so that the work resembles a circus act.

I never chase quantity, although I always draw quickly, otherwise a person will simply get tired of waiting and will no longer care what you draw there.

Sometimes I like to do grotesque things, although people don’t always recognize themselves in them, but it’s always fun for those who watch the process, standing behind the cartoonist.

After all, what kind of cartoon is it if there is no courage in it? The cartoonist's mission is to show off people, to catch them inner essence which everyone naturally hides.

Although many holiday organizers do not understand this and believe that a cartoonist should not laugh and be serious and God forbid not offend the desired client. However, people gather on holidays to have fun; they can be serious at work too.

Women get it from me too, but I believe that women should not, all as one, resemble famous fashion models. A friendly cartoon depicts the most character traits in a person, so in the picture you can see your real appearance, and not an imaginary one.

However, women are always in the first row to pose for the artist. They are more concerned with their appearance than men and they are always interested in how others perceive their appearance, especially artists. And you shouldn’t think that all females have a complex regarding their appearance. From my own experience, I can confidently say that only a few people suffer from it.

In caricature, the grotesque is what actually distinguishes a portrait from a caricature. You can simply draw bad portraits, as many people actually do, and pass them off as cartoons, but to be honest, the hand doesn’t always obey and not every drawing turns out as desired. Although I rarely like my works, this is generally quite successful, there is also grotesqueness and there seems to be a similarity.

While the guests were working with spoons, I wasted no time. I drew a cartoon of myself. This is more of an image in which I would like to see myself than a real portrait.

Holidays are very often held in beer restaurants. Just don’t think that I’m “that one.” No, I don’t drink, at least when I’m working, and in beer restaurants like Pilsner, where this cartoon was actually drawn, people of very impressive appearance and size are even proud of the width of their faces and the impressive shape of their bellies and the wider you are If you draw a snout for them, the kinder they become because of it.

Most often at weddings, guests are drawn in pairs. I usually first ask everyone to tell me a little about themselves, and then I make a short story out of what I can find out. For example, a man in this cartoon said that he likes to do yoga and that he is a crest. His wife said nothing about herself. I came up with the idea to draw him as a fakir, and her as a geisha with a plate of dumplings.

Cartoons with animals in Lately are becoming more and more popular, as are cartoons and portraits of animals in general.

I drew a cartoon of the politician Govorukhin in pencil and then colored it on the computer.

Cartoon on English actor made with graphite pencil.

Caricature of artists in Yalta. Made in 1996. At that time I was drawing cartoons on the embankment. The caricature depicts artists Sasha Klechaty and Kaban.

This sketch was made in Anapa in 2000. Still the same Sasha Klechatyi.