Random number generator Rapido online. Random number generator

The probability of winning in numerical lotteries is easily calculated, and these values ​​are known. Knowinghow many bets are made in a particular lottery, you can calculate how many winnings in each category should be obtained. And, the more draws have passed, the more combinations involved, the closer the real and calculated values ​​should coincide. Simply because lotteries obey mathematics and the law of large numbers, and not mysticism or the desire of the organizer

This can be simplified by the example of a coin. Everyone knows that the probability of getting “heads” or “tails” is 50/50. This does not mean at all that after “heads” a “tails” must necessarily fall out. But the more coin tosses there are, the closer the actual values ​​will be to the calculated ones. And, if you toss a coin a hundred thousand times, then “heads” and “tails” will appear approximately equal number of times (~ 50,000)

In the 5 out of 36 lottery the odds are as follows:
guess two numbers - 1:8
guess three numbers - 1:81
guess four numbers - 1: 2,432
guess five numbers - 1: 376,992

Numerical lotteries are conducted according to certain formulas and the chances of winning in each of them are calculated mathematically. Moreover, the probability is calculated for any desired indicator, be it 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, or 7 out of 49

Calculation example for the “5 out of 36” lottery (from here)

Therefore, when they say that the chances of winning are one in 376,992, this means, firstly, the very number of combinations, completing which you are guaranteed to receive the main prize. And secondly, and this is also an important guideline - this is the average value to which the number of guessed “fives” tends to on a large number of bets. In other words: the more bets made during the specified period, the closer the number of guessed “fives” will be to the calculated value (the number of bets divided by the probability of winning). Moreover, the same formula calculates not only the probability of the main win, but in general any value X from N.

In connection with all of the above, it is interesting to check how the laws of mathematics are fulfilled in the Random Number Generator used in Gosloto lotteries.

Example number 1, Gosloto lottery “6 out of 45”
The probability of guessing 2 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 7
The probability of guessing 3 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 45
The probability of guessing 4 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 733
The probability of guessing 5 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 34,808
The probability of guessing 6 numbers out of 45 is 1 in 8,145,060

Let’s take data for the period of operation of the RNG, from December 1, 2013 (that’s when it began to be used) to December 31, 2016. During this time, 227.7 million bets were made on the “6 out of 45” lottery - the array is quite sufficient for a correct comparison

Based on the probabilities indicated above, you can calculate how many winnings should occur in each category during this time:

31,519,562 twos (222,736,936 divided by 7)
4,949,710 “threes” (222,736,936 divided by 45)
303,870 fours (222,736,936 divided by 733)
6,399 “fives” (222,736,936 divided by 34,808)
and 27 sixes (222,736,936 divided by 8,145,060)

33,743,117 “twos” (or 106% of the calculated value)
5,002,180 “threes” (or 101.1% of the calculated value)
303,870 “fours” (or 100% of the calculated value)
6,332 “fives” (or 99% of the calculated value)

And, most importantly, the number of sixes! During all this time there were only 11 of them
11 “sixes” is only 40.2% of the calculated value. It turns out that the winnings of all categories, except the most important one, coincide with the calculated values. But for some reason the “sixes” do not coincide, and they do not coincide very, very much...

Example number 2, Gosloto lottery “5 out of 36”
The probability of guessing 2 numbers out of 36 is 1 in 8
The probability of guessing 3 numbers out of 36 is 1 in 81
The probability of guessing 4 numbers out of 36 is 1 in 2,432
The probability of guessing 5 numbers out of 36 is 1 in 376,992

During the period from December 1, 2013 to December 31, 2016, players made 198,347,728 bets. The estimated probability of winnings for each category for the period under review is

24,793,466 twos (198,347,728 divided by 8)
2,448,737 triples (198,347,728 divided by 81)
81,557 fours (198,347,728 divided by 2,432)
and 526 “fives” (198,347,728 divided by 376,992)

How many winnings did you actually get? And how do they compare with the calculated value? Let's check! During this period, the winnings for each category were:

23,558,765 “twos” (or 95% of the calculated value)
2,420,905 “threes” (or 98.9% of the calculated value)
78,623 “fours” (or 96.4% of the calculated value)

And, most importantly, how many “fives” were guessed during this time? Only 199 pieces. Or 37.8% of the calculated value. That is, again, the number of wins in all categories, except the most important one, coincides with the calculated values. But the number of “fives”, again, does not match!

Moreover. The probability of such an event is so low that we can say with confidence that the results in most cases are rigged. The lottery organizer controls the occurrence of the winning combination and allows you to “guess” the winnings of the main category only when you want. It is clear that the winnings in this case are unlikely to go to ordinary players; most likely, they are simply appropriated by the owner of the lottery

By the way
The unreality of such a number of “fives” on the combination in question is very easily verified using the three sigma rule

Three sigma rule - the probability that a random variable will deviate from its mathematical expectation by an amount greater than triple the standard deviation is practically zero. In practice, it is believed that if the three-sigma rule is satisfied for any random variable, then this random variable has a normal distribution

Let's check whether the number of fives rolled corresponds to the three sigma rule
Root of 526 (1 sigma) = 22.934 ( 22,9346898824 )

For the “five” + / - 3 sigma in this example there will be an interval from 457 (526-22.9 * 3) to 594.7 (526 + 10.34 * 3) and the probability that the value is completely random if falls within the range of 99.7%.

In our example, the number of real “fives” is extremely far from the calculated interval and is clearly not random. Moreover, the number of sigmas in this case is generally 14 (526 minus 199 divided by 22.934). And such a discrepancy - fourteen sigma - does not even exist))

Once again, for greater clarity: for random values, the probability of a deviation of 7 sigma is 1 in 390,682,215,445, or to put it even more clearly - once every billion years! (probabilities are listed)

What does all this mean? About what is already clear:
- combinations that determine the winnings of the main category are not random
- these combinations are determined by the lottery owners, and when they deem it necessary
- given that the winners who won large amounts are not shown to us, we can assume that these amounts are simply appropriated

Is this a lot of money?
For example, in the “6 out of 45” lottery there were 9 jackpots during the period under review, divided by 11 winners

And their total amount was 1.7 billion rubles. This is for three years, one lottery...

P.s. I already wrote about the discrepancy between actual and calculated values, a year ago, and even showed how the situation changed over time, from the start of the lottery, after the abandonment of live broadcasting and after the transition to RNG

How to manage lottery results
- miscalculation of the "5 out of 36" lottery, three obvious stages

now I just decided to update the data, due to the fact that the RNG has been working for three years

One of the simplest random number generators for the lottery is the lottery drum. The lottery generator will help you generate several numbers from a given range. Give out numbers randomly. The combinations it gives cannot be predicted, since the answers are given randomly. It is used in various competitions, including quite popular in competitions on social networks. Provides assistance in filling out lottery tickets. Or maybe you need

Free random number generator for draws and lotteries

Online lottery generator

The lottery generator can also immediately generate up to 20 combinations for you according to the parameters you specify. Of course, you don't have to use all 20 number combinations. It is enough to choose two or three combinations of numbers. If fate wants to help you win, then you will definitely choose the combination of numbers you need. For the lottery, it's all about luck, not the system. Therefore, so as not to invent any combinations yourself. Just use the online number combination generator.

Is it worth generating a new combination for the draw every time?

If you generated a certain number combination here and it didn't win. What to do next? There are two options here. Or continue betting on this combination to win. Or generate a new one every time. It seems to me that the second option is better. You can passively wait for success for many years. Therefore, you need to constantly try some new combinations. And then luck will definitely smile on you.

Random Number Generator (RNG) is a hardware and software complex that is used to determine the winning lottery combination in lottery draws.
The RNG is built on noise diodes and ensures the randomness of the selection of a winning lottery combination.

Operating principle
The device generates a continuous stream of random noise, which is converted into numbers. At a given point in time, current values ​​are snatched from the stream, which are the winning lottery combination.
To conduct drawings, two RNGs are installed - the main one and the backup one. The backup device can only be used in case of problems with the main one. Both devices are certified.

The random number generator program, used to determine winning combinations of lotteries, meets the requirements of Federal Law-138 “On Lotteries”. Also, the RNG meets the recommendations of hardware and software systems approved by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise VNIIMS.

In accordance with the conditions for holding lotteries of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation: “to conduct the drawing of the prize fund of each lottery draw, the lottery operator creates a draw commission, which conducts the draw of the prize fund of each lottery draw and confirms the results of the draw by signing the protocol and the official table of the results of the draw.”

The circulation commission draws up and signs a protocol that confirms the correctness of the drawings.

All lotteries distributed by the Joint Stock Company "Technological Company "Center" are conducted in strict accordance with the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 138-FZ "On Lotteries". Below is an excerpt from an article of the law regarding the technical characteristics of lottery equipment:

Article 12.1. Requirements for lottery equipment and lottery terminals.

1. The technical characteristics of lottery equipment must ensure the random distribution of winnings when drawing the prize pool of lotteries.
2. Lottery equipment should not provide hidden (undeclared) capabilities, and it should not contain information arrays, components or assemblies that are inaccessible for verification.

Random number generator for the lottery is here! With its help, you will definitely choose your lucky numbers in any lottery!

Obviously, luck matters in any business. But in the lottery, fortune is the only factor that determines whether you will become a wealthy person who will fulfill your dreams with the help of the money you win, or simply waste your money.

In most modern lotteries, to win the jackpot you only need to guess a certain number of numbers from a certain range. The exception is lotteries, where you need to purchase an already filled ticket, but then the task simply comes down to choosing it. And since the ticket also has a specific number, you again need to guess the number.

So we need to choose the lucky numbers in the lottery. But how to do that? Here each player has his own methods. Someone bets on lottery astrology. Others choose numbers associated with birthdays or other memorable dates. Many people simply use a lottery number generator.

To help you if you fall into the latter category, we have created for you lottery number generator. Everything is simple here - you need to select a lottery from the list and click on the generate button. After this, the program will give you a combination that can be used for betting.

Random number generator for lottery

We hope that if the lucky lottery numbers obtained using our generator helped you hit a huge jackpot, then you will thank us :).

Note that almost all sites that allow you to buy lottery tickets online have their own random number generators, which you can use directly during registration.

Now let's talk about astrology. In a separate section of our website you will find a lottery horoscope. You can use it too.

So, from ancient times, astrologers from ancient times considered Jupiter as the planet that in the horoscope means material wealth. Uranus is an unpredictable planet, which suggests unexpected income, such as a lottery win.

Astrology also considers the date of birth important. When playing the lottery, the date of the draw is also important. For example, if the draw fails on March 15, then the lucky lottery numbers could be 1,5,15,6. In astrology, planetary cycles are used, each planet, as well as the sun, is associated with one number - Sun - 1, Moon - 2, Jupiter - 3, Mercury - 7, Venus - 6, Saturn - 7, Mars - 4, Uranus - 8 , Neptune – 9, Pluto – 0.

For astrologers, an important factor is the approach of the moon to the planets. That is, if the moon is closer in Venus, then the lucky lottery numbers on that day could be 6,16,16,36.

When using your date of birth as the basis for your lottery bets, you would do this: for example, your date of birth is 07/15/1979.



1+9+7+9=26 – 2+6=8

6+7+8=21 – 2+1=3

Thus, the following numbers can be used - 3,6,7,8,15,21,26.