Korolevich is the hero of a heroic story in Russian folklore. Heroes of Slavic mythology: Bova Korolevich

Works of the 16th century.

The Tale of Bova

The story is an analogue of the medieval French novel about the exploits of the knight Bovo d’Anton, also known since the 16th century in Italian popular prints of poetic and prose works.

The oldest Russian version of this novel dates back to the 16th century, one Belarusian and five Russian: TsGALI, coll. Shlyapkina, No. 225/476A, 1675; No. 226/477, 1670s; State Historical Museum, Muzeysk. collection, No. 431; GBL, collection Undolsky, No. 1060; collection Tikhonravova, No. 611. Three latest list- XVIII century. The oldest version of the French novel that has survived to this day is "Bev of Anton", dating from the first half of the 13th century, written in the Anglo-Norman dialect. Along with the Russian story about Bova, similar works were created in many other European languages.

Of all the knightly and adventurous works that existed in Rus' in pre-Petrine times, the story of Bova enjoyed greatest success. About 100 manuscripts and about 200 popular prints are known, the last of which were published even after the revolution in 1918. The image of Bova was very popular in folklore.

Unlike the Belarusian version of the story, which was an almost classic courtly novel with complex intrigue, the Russian version is replete with epic plots and structures.

The adaptation of the story about Bova Korolevich was done by A. N. Radishchev. A. S. Pushkin also left sketches for the poem “Bova” (1814).

In September 2013, an adaptation of the story about Bova Korolevich, made by writer Andrei Usachev, was published.

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  • Vengerova Z. A.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.


  • (link unavailable since 06/14/2016 (994 days)) in Novy encyclopedic dictionary visual arts
  • Bova Korolevich // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • Information about the book on the publisher's website

An excerpt characterizing Bova Korolevich

The lively song gave special meaning the tone of cheeky gaiety with which Zherkov spoke, and the deliberate coldness of Dolokhov’s answers.
- Well, how do you get along with your boss? – asked Zherkov.
- Nothing, good people. How did you get into the headquarters?
- Seconded, on duty.
They were silent.
“She released a falcon from her right sleeve,” said the song, involuntarily arousing a cheerful, cheerful feeling. Their conversation would probably have been different if they had not spoken to the sound of a song.
– Is it true that the Austrians were beaten? – asked Dolokhov.
“The devil knows them,” they say.
“I’m glad,” Dolokhov answered briefly and clearly, as the song required.
“Well, come to us in the evening, you’ll pawn the Pharaoh,” said Zherkov.
– Or do you have a lot of money?
- Come.
- It is forbidden. I made a vow. I don’t drink or gamble until they make it.
- Well, on to the first thing...
- We'll see there.
Again they were silent.
“You come in if you need anything, everyone at headquarters will help...” said Zherkov.
Dolokhov grinned.
- You better not worry. I won’t ask for anything I need, I’ll take it myself.
- Well, I’m so...
- Well, so am I.
- Goodbye.
- Be healthy…
... and high and far,
On the home side...
Zherkov touched his spurs to the horse, which, getting excited, kicked three times, not knowing which one to start with, managed and galloped off, overtaking the company and catching up with the carriage, also to the beat of the song.

Returning from the review, Kutuzov, accompanied by the Austrian general, went into his office and, calling the adjutant, ordered to be given some papers related to the state of the arriving troops, and letters received from Archduke Ferdinand, who commanded the advanced army. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky entered the commander-in-chief's office with the required papers. Kutuzov and an Austrian member of the Gofkriegsrat sat in front of the plan laid out on the table.
“Ah...” said Kutuzov, looking back at Bolkonsky, as if with this word he was inviting the adjutant to wait, and continued the conversation he had begun in French.
“I’m just saying one thing, General,” Kutuzov said with a pleasant grace of expression and intonation, which forced you to listen carefully to every leisurely spoken word. It was clear that Kutuzov himself enjoyed listening to himself. “I only say one thing, General, that if the matter depended on my personal desire, then the will of His Majesty Emperor Franz would have been fulfilled long ago.” I would have joined the Archduke long ago. And believe my honor that for me personally to transfer the highest command of the army to a more knowledgeable and skilled general than me, of which Austria is so abundant, and to relinquish all this heavy responsibility would be a joy for me personally. But circumstances are stronger than us, General.
And Kutuzov smiled with an expression as if he was saying: “You have every right not to believe me, and even I don’t care at all whether you believe me or not, but you have no reason to tell me this. And that’s the whole point.”

Andrey Usachev

Bova the prince

First chapter

King Vidon gave birth to Bova. Queen Militrisa hates Vidon and sends a servant to his sworn enemy, King Dadon. Dadon and his army waylay Bova’s father while hunting and kill him... Although this rarely happens, it does happen sometimes.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in the capital city of Anton, there lived a glorious king Vidon. King Vidon was famous for his deeds: he decorated the city with temples with golden domes: domes and onions.

And the crimson ringing flew from the bell towers:
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong...
Long live the Orthodox King Vidon!

And then the cranes purred in the clouds, or the tit sang that it was time for our king to get married.

Vidon heard that in neighboring Demyan-grad, the neighboring king had a daughter, the beautiful princess Militrisa. The face is more beautiful than an Easter egg, the figure is round and chiseled, just like a gilded apple.

Vidon called his faithful servant Richard and said:

- My faithful Richard! Ride like a matchmaker
To our neighbor in Demyan-grad.
I want to marry his daughter Militris...

The servant Richard took the letter and set off. He appeared to the neighboring king with a bow: “I was sent by the glorious King Vidon...

The king read the letter and said to his daughter:

- My dear daughter, Militrisa! An ambassador has arrived from King Vidon to woo you!

Militrisa fell on her knees in front of her father:

- Have mercy, Father-Father!
I don’t want to walk down the aisle with Vidon.
Don't let me marry Vidon,
And give me for King Dadon,
Who wooed me in previous years,
Yes, I was small then!

“You’re still small and stupid,” her father tells her. – King Vidon has half a million troops. If he gets angry and goes to war, you will become a prisoner, not a wife!

And he gave his daughter in marriage to Vidon. And a year later their son was born - Bova the Prince.

Bova was of extraordinary beauty:
Teeth are like priceless pearls,
Eyes like two emeralds -
In general, not a boy, but a miracle:
If Bova smiles -
Shines like a little sun
And if Bova is upset -
And the sun and moon will disappear...
He glowed brighter than a light bulb -
To the delight of a happy daddy!

But Queen Militris did not love her son. She walked around the palace with a gilded smile: a pouring apple, and an apple with a wormhole.

She conceived a crime - she wrote a secret message to King Dadon:

“Great King Dadon!
Come near the city of Anton,
Kill King Vidon
And take me as your wife!”

The queen called faithful Richard:

– Deliver my message to King Dadon
And secretly lead him and his army to the city of Anton.
Let him wait for my signal in the reserved meadow...
And if you disobey, I will slander you -
And they will execute you with a cruel death!

The “faithful” servant did not dare to disobey her: the king was dear to him, but life was also dear! And he went to King Dadon.

Dadon read the letter and began to boil with anger:

-What did your queen think?
Lives with King Vidon for five years,
Their Bova the prince is growing -
Is there any catch here?
Speak up, otherwise it will be bad...

- Great King Dadon! - Richard answers. - Order me to be thrown into a damp dungeon. If I deceived you, I will die a cruel death!

Dadon rejoiced with a black soul: his kingdom was so-so, small. And then they offer him to marry, and to double the boundaries!

He says to Richard:

“I liked your speech, servant.”
You will deceive me: my sword is your head off your shoulders!
And if your words come true -
Your head will be in a boyar's hat!

He gathered a mighty army and moved towards the city of Anton. Dadon's army hid in the stacks that stood outside the city in the royal meadows.

Militrisa saw this from a high tower and went to her husband to plot female intrigues and tricks. She painted her face like an Easter egg and said to King Vidon in a gentle voice:

- My sir, dear Vidon!
I had a dream last night,
That I will give birth to a second child,
If I eat wild pig meat,
Killed by you in the royal meadows... Ah!

Militrisa was a wonderful actress. Vidon such kind words I have never heard from my wife:

“You won’t be denied anything, my dear!”

He went hunting in the reserved meadows. And there Dadon’s army was waiting for him. And the glorious King Vidon passed away.

And a mournful ringing floated over the city:
Ding-dong, ding-dong, ding-dong...
King Vidon was villainously killed!

Chapter two

Bova runs away from the city. The boy is chased. Dadon is dreaming horrible dream. Demands to execute the child Dadon. Militrisa is plotting to poison Bova in prison. But the boy is saved thanks to a brave girl.

King Dadon arrived at the city gates and Militrisa greeted him with great honor. She kissed Dadon’s hands and clothes, and even his horse’s blanket. Then - in full view of everyone - she took her to the palace for various pleasures.

At this time, the knights of Dadon - marquises, counts and barons - surrounded the golden domes like crows, tore the gold from them and forbade them to ring the bells. And darkness hung over the city of Anton.

And little Bova the prince was afraid of strangers and hid in the stable. His uncle Simbalda found Bova and said:

- The prince! Trouble!
Your mother Militrisa with Dadon
They killed their father and took over the throne.
Soon they will wish for your end too,
So that you cannot avenge your father,
Let's run, sir, to the city of Sumin,
Which your father granted me!

Simbalda was like Bova’s nanny: he fed him, dressed him, and washed him in the bathhouse. I went to church with him, played war with him and wiped my nose with a gold-embroidered handkerchief.

Simbalda saddled two fast horses, put Bova in the saddle, and they rode to the city of Sumin. But traitorous townspeople were found: they reported that the guy and Bova had run away.

Dadon ordered the chase to sound the trumpet:
- Catch Bova and kill Simbalda.

Simbalda saw that the knights were catching up with them - he hit his horse with a whip and flew like a bird: he galloped to the city of Sumin and managed to take refuge in it.

And Bova the prince was small -
And with good horse fell to the ground.
They caught him and tied him up
And they were sent under guard to Queen Militrisa.

King Dadon and his army arrived at Sumingrad and laid a circular siege on it. It stands almost under siege whole year- and the city will not be taken by storm or by cunning.

The townspeople pour tar and boiling water over the knights: help yourself, dear guests, with honey and tea!

Such a treat gives guests a terrible feeling.

Once Dadon was sleeping in a camp tent, and Dadon had a dream at dawn: as if Bova the prince had become an adult and pierced his heart with a sharp spear!

Dadon woke up in a cold sweat:
Was it a dream or not a dream at all?!
And my heart hurts, and my liver...
The child must be executed!

Dadon wrote a message to Militrisa, demanding that Bova the prince be handed over to him. But the queen refused the ambassadors:

- I gave birth to Bova,
I will call his death too!

And she ordered Bova the prince to be put in prison, and not to be allowed to eat or drink. And little Bova wants to eat. He saw his mother walking across the yard and shouted:

- Mother! I'll soon die of starvation!

Militrisa answered him:

- Oh, Bova the Prince, my dear child.
I completely forgot about you out of grief:
Day and night I grieve for your father Vidon...
Now I’ll treat you to something delicious!

The queen went to the kitchen and kneaded the dough with her own hands. On wheat flour, with poppy seeds, and with raisins, and with honey... and with snake fat.

She baked pies in bulk: a whole basket or two and sent them to Beauvais with the maid. A girl came to the dungeon and cried:

“Don’t eat, Bova the Prince, what your mother sent you.”
There's snake oil in these pies!

The boy didn’t believe her, he wanted to eat the pie. But then the yard dog Druzhok ran into the dungeon and began to fawn on him. Bova threw her a piece of pie - and a moment later Druzhka was torn: into small pieces, raisin seeds, poppy seeds.

Bova the prince saw this and cried bitterly: the boy felt sorry for himself and his little dog.

And the girl fed him simple bread and gave him something to drink clean water and says:

– Don’t be afraid, Bova, neither thirst nor hunger.
If you want to be alive, run away from the city!

And when she left the dungeon, she did not close the door. Bova got out of the dungeon, ran to the city wall, jumped off - and broke his legs.

They searched, but never found Bova.
And he lay in the ditch for three days and three nights.
And, waiting for the hour of death,
I prayed to the Most Pure Mother of God and the Almighty Savior.

And God gave him strength. The boy got up and walked wherever his eyes led him. And the eyes looked at the sea. Big and salty, like a child's grief.

Bova came to the shore and saw a merchant ship sailing. He shouted to the shipmen:

- Merchants, take me with you!
I will be your obedient servant!

The merchants marveled at its beauty - Bova shines like a beacon in the darkness. They took the boy onto the ship: they fed him, gave him something to drink, and put him to bed. And they began to find out among themselves who he would serve as a servant?

THE TALE OF BODY QUEEN, one of the works belonging to a whole complex of texts (from translated knightly romances to folk tales and painted popular prints) that existed in Russian culture and were united by a common hero.

The basis for the story was a French poetic novel of the 13th century. Buev from the city of Anston (Bueves d'Hanstone), extremely popular in medieval Europe. Italian version of the novel Bovo from Antone (Buovo d'Antone) in the 16th century. was translated into Serbian and Belarusian languages and became famous in Rus'. The Tale of Bova Korolevitch stands among such works ancient Russian literature, How The story of the brave knight Francis Ventsian and the beautiful queen Renciven, story Guan, or irresistible loyalty, and The tale of the strong and glorious knight Eruslan Lazarevich about his courage and the unimaginable beauty of his wife Anastasia Vakhrameevna, having as their source a translated chivalric novel.

Initially, handwritten copies (lists) were in circulation, but already in the 60s of the 17th century. the first ones appeared printed publications Bovs, and from the beginning of the 18th century. the story about Bova becomes a plot for popular prints. There are two main versions of such splints: “full” with 32 sheets and “shortened” with 8 sheets. Later appeared popular print book The tale of the glorious and strong hero Bova Korolevich and his beautiful wife Druzhnevna. The popularity of the story is evidenced by the fact that until 1918 it went through more than 200 editions.

In the process of cultural adaptation, the text underwent significant changes: there was a decline in genre, Italian names the heroes were Russified: Bovo became Bova, Drusiana became Druzhnevna, Pulicane became Polkan.

The work, the events of which unfold in a conventional space, combines the features of both a knightly romance and a heroic fairy tale: the young Bova Korolevich, due to the betrayal of his mother Meletrisa Kirbitievna, loses his father and principality, the shipbuilders sell him to Prince Zenzevey. The handsome Bova falls in love with Druzhnevna, the daughter of Zenzevey, and for her sake he performs many feats. Bova embodies Russian features epic hero, a daring warrior who easily crushes enemies (so, without a sword, he beats the enemy army with a broom), and a valiant knight, following duty and love: being captured by Sultan Sultanovich, the hero does not betray the Christian faith and the beautiful Druzhnevna, on whom, Having freed himself, he marries. After some time, when Bova sets off to recapture his principality, Polkan, the hero’s younger named brother, half-man, half-horse, who guarded Bova’s wife and children, dies in a battle with attacking lions. Bova, thinking that his wife and children are dead, decides to marry again. But Druzhnevna sends children to him, whom he happily recognizes, and the family is reunited.

In Russian literature, attempts have been made repeatedly to create a work “based on” works about Bova Korolevich, but the work was interrupted each time. Unfinished Bova A.N. Radishchev, on which he worked in 1799, has the subtitle “ heroic story poems." The plot outline is taken from Italian version novel, however, the author introduces a number of humorous erotic scenes, inspired, by his own admission, by the writings of Voltaire. In Radishchev's variation on the theme Bovs There are a number of concepts used in Hermetic philosophy, which gives the text additional depth. Fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin Bova, in which he reworked what he heard in childhood folk tale, also remained unfinished.

Berenice Vesnina

Bova Korolevich - a victorious hero found in ancient Russian literature. True, this character rather came into literature from other sources, since at that time translated works from the very beginning began to appear in Russian literature. different languages: historical, theological, liturgical, edifying, strictly artistic...

The main fund of medieval literature circulated in Christendom, was familiar to the people of Ancient Rus'. Often these were not just translations: foreign works received a Russian coloring, various kinds of details were introduced into them, giving them a Russian flavor, their content was deliberately associated with Russian life, and the heroes became similar to Russian people.
Times changed - the tastes and interests of the reader changed, and translated literature also changed. From the second half XVI century, European “chivalrous novels” became widely popular. The first place among them is occupied by “The Tale of Bova Korolevich”. Its source is a French-Italian novel about the exploits of Bovo d'Anton, but it came to us through South Slavic media (in a Belarusian retelling). Usually the Russian texts of this story were called: “The story of a certain brave knight and a glorious hero about Bovo Korolevich.” In the form of amusing books, it circulated at court, and in handwritten versions - among the lower classes. Bova was the son of King Guidon and Militrisa, daughter of King Kirbich. His father gave Militrisa to Guidon against her will, the matchmaker was the groom Lichard. Militrisa, hating her husband, joined in an agreement with King Dodon: he came with an army to the appointed place, she sent Guidon there to hunt, and Dodon killed him. Sinbalda, Bova’s uncle, told him about what had happened and tried to take him away, but Dodon managed to capture the boy. Dodon had a dream ", as if Bova, armed with a treasure sword and a spear, was ready to pierce his heart. Having learned about this, Militrisa, for the love of Dodon, decided to persecute her son, put him in prison and did not give him food. Then she sent him three loaves of bread soaked in poison. The girl, bringing Bova bread, warned him, he threw the bread to the dogs, and they immediately died. Bova cried bitterly, and the girl also cried, looking at his beauty. When leaving, she did not lock the dungeon, and Bova fled. information from the site http://site
From that moment on, Bova's adventures began. His appearance played a significant role in his fate: the beauty of a boy, and then a young man, is spoken of more than once. “Bova had bright eyes, and hair as yellow as silk, and a face as ruddy as gold.” Bovu is picked up by a ship, he pretends to be the son of a sexton and a washerwoman. He is taught to read and write, and “on the ship he blooms like a flower, his face shines like Sunbeam" He becomes the property of King Zinzowei, who appoints him chief groom. Zinzovey's daughter, captivated by Bova's beauty, asks her father to allow him to come to her chambers. When he came for the first time, “the chamber lit up with his face, but the beautiful Druzhnena and the girls could not sit still.” Funny details testify to their love. King Markobrun with an army of two hundred thousand approaches the city and demands Druzhnena as his wife. King Zinzovei is forced to agree, but Bova defeats the aliens in tournament fights, including Markobrun. Tsar Saltan Saltanovich appears with a hundred thousand army; he wants to marry his son Lukaper to Druzhnen. Bova enters into a duel with Lukaper - “a glorious hero three fathoms high” - and cuts his head in two with the wonderful treasure sword that Druzhnena gave him. Having freed Zinzovey and Markobrun, captured by Saltan, Bova reminds his master that he himself is waiting for liberation. Druzhnena begs her father to give her to Bova, the son of King Guidon, and receives consent.

Now - instead of a happy fairy-tale ending - the story about Bova takes on such an incredible turn, is filled with such dizzying adventures that the previous Russian reader could not even think about. Bova's rivals manage to send him far away; he does not have time to warn his bride, and she is forced to agree to marry Markobrun, although she has negotiated a year's delay for herself.
Bova many times finds himself on the verge of death, robbed, losing his name, heroic horse and treasure sword. He is forced to wander under the guise of a poor old man, is imprisoned by Tsar Saltan, and his daughter tries to convert Bova “to the Latin faith.” Fortunately for Bova, his wonderful sword returns to him, and he again wins victory after victory. On the way to Druzhnene, he learns about the condition she accepted - to wait for him for a year, and meanwhile more has passed since their separation. He receives a “potion” that allows him to change and restore his appearance. Unrecognized by the bride, he goes with her to the stable where his heroic horse is chained. At the sight of its owner, the horse broke 70 chains, “jumped onto Beauvais’s throat, and placed its front hooves on his shoulders.” Then Bova reveals himself to Druzhnen, they run, a chase rushes after them, and the most important of the pursuers is Polkan(“from the waist to the head is a man, and from the waist to the feet is a dog”) fights with him desperately until Druzhnena reconciles them. One adventure builds on another - first Bova disappears, then Druzhnena and her two children. Bova ends up in her native place and deals with Dodon, meets the children whom Druzhnena sent to search for her husband... Everything comes to a happy end. Perhaps “The Tale of Bova” is the most entertaining work, the most intricate in intrigue and the richest in adventurous events. Ancient Rus'. Bova simultaneously combined the features of an epic hero, a fairy-tale prince and a courageous and successful knight, outer beauty which was in harmony with the nobility of actions, directness and determination, loyalty and heartfelt sensitivity. Bova did not remain a hero only of Ancient Rus': the story passed into modern times, in the 18th century popular popular retellings of it appeared (with pictures), it turned into oral tale, and many generations read and listened to the entertaining story about the brave knight. Have you noticed how many familiar names there are: Guidon, Dodon, Saltan, Polkan? These names came into Pushkin’s fairy tales and poems from “Bova,” although the poet had his own way with the characters who bore them.

In a great state, in a glorious city in Anton, there lived Guidon. One day he learned about the beautiful princess Militris and wooed her. Militrisa's father gave his consent. Three years later, the young couple had a son, and they named him Bova. But Militrisa had long been in love with King Dodon and dreamed of seeing him as her husband. She sends Guidon to certain death, demanding that he get her a wild boar, and meanwhile she opens the city gates and joyfully welcomes the new king, Dodon. Bova's uncle, Simbalda, tells the boy about his mother's treachery and offers to run away with him, since Bova is still very small and cannot avenge his father's death, and it is not safe for him to remain in the palace. But King Dodon learns of Simbalda’s intentions and, having gathered an army, pursues the fugitives. The uncle manages to escape from his pursuers, but the prince falls from his horse and is taken to the palace.

Dodon has a terrible dream in which Bova kills him. The frightened king asks Militris to deal with his son. She orders Bova to be put in prison, deprived of food and drink. A few days later the prisoner begged his mother to give him some food. Having added poison to the dough, the queen sends the cakes to Beauvais. The maid, handing them over, warns the prince of the danger and, opening the iron bolts, releases him to freedom.

Bova went randomly and ended up on the seashore. Bova saw the ship and shouted in a loud voice. His cry sent waves across the sea, and the ship almost capsized. The Gosgi shipwrights sent sailors to find out what kind of unusual child was on the shore. Bova said that he was Ponomarev’s son and asked to board the ship. The shipbuilders can’t get enough of Bovina’s beauty; they admire him and can’t get enough of him.

After a year and three months they sail to the Kingdom of the Army. Zenzevey Adarovich rules there. He saw Bova and immediately begged the shipbuilders to sell him this handsome man. So Bova became a groom. And he was seven years old. King Zenzevey had a daughter, Druzhnevna. She saw Bova from her choir, whose beauty lit up the whole stable, and fell in love with the stranger. One day, King Markobrun arrived from the Zadonsk kingdom, and with him an army of forty thousand. And he said to King Zenzebei: “Give your daughter to me for love, and if you don’t give for love, I will burn your kingdom.” At the same time, Tsar Saltan Saltanovich and his son Lukoper came to the Army Kingdom from the Rakhlen Kingdom. glorious hero, who is also wooing Druzhnevna.

And Zenzevey and Markobrun decided to unite their troops and go to battle with Lookoper. The hero beat two armies, tied up two kings and sent them to his father Saltan. Bova slept like a dead sleep for nine days and nine nights. Waking up, he learned from Druzhnevna about the Bowman and wanted to fight him. Druzhnevna gave Bova a good horse, armor and a sword. When parting, Bova admitted to the princess that he was not the son of Ponomarev, but of the royal family. And Bova went to do military and mortal work. He fought for five days and five nights and defeated Bowman and his army. Then he freed Zenzevey and Markobrun from captivity.

Meanwhile, the butler, who disliked Bova, called thirty knights to his place and ordered them to kill Bova, promising a generous reward for this. One of the knights suggested a different path to the butler: Zenzevey and the butler are very similar to each other, and this should be taken advantage of. The butler wrote a letter to Tsar Saltan on behalf of Zenzevey, informing him that the killer of Lukoper was not he, but Bova, who would convey this message to him. The butler penetrated royal chambers, put on royal dress and sent for Bova. Bova did not recognize the butler, and he ordered him: “Serve me with faith and truth, go to the Rakhlen kingdom, take the letter to the king.” And the unfortunate Bova came to Saltan and gave him a letter. The king shouted: “Oh, villain Bova, now you yourself have come to my death, I will order you to be hanged immediately!”

That Tsar Saltan had a daughter, Minchitria. She threw herself at her father’s feet and exclaimed: “Your son is already here, but my brother cannot be returned, so let Bova live!” I will convert him to my Latin faith, and he will take me as his wife and defend our kingdom from everyone.” The king loved his daughter and fulfilled her request. But Bova responded to her sweet speeches: “Even though I may be hanged, I will not renounce the Christian faith.” The princess ordered to put Bova in prison and not feed him in the hope that he would change his mind. But even five days later, Bova replied that he didn’t want to hear about the Latin faith. Having found a sword in the corner of the dungeon, having dealt with the guards, he runs. He boards a ship and after a year and three months finds himself in the Zadonsk kingdom.

There he learns that King Markobrun is marrying Druzhnevna. Bova put it on himself black dress the elder and entered the palace. On the eve of the wedding, Druzhnevna distributed gold to the poor. The elder approached the princess and said: “Give me alms for the brave knight Bova the prince.” Druzhnevna’s bowl of gold fell out of her hands. She began to ask the elder what he knew about Bova. She did not immediately recognize her beloved, but guessing who was in front of her, she fell at the feet of Bova with the words: “My lord, brave knight Bova the prince! Don’t leave me, we’ll run away with you from Markobrun.” Markobrun, waking up from sleep, sent in pursuit of the fugitives. And Bova took the sword, jumped on his horse and beat the thirty thousand army. And King Markobrun ordered the horn to be blown and an army of forty thousand to be gathered. But the young warriors prayed: “Our Sovereign! We can’t take the bovas, we can only lay down our heads. You have a strong hero, his name is Polkan, with dog legs from the waist up, and a man from the waist down. He can ride seven miles and will be able to deliver Bova to you.” And Bova heard that Polkan was galloping. He took the sword and swung it, but the sword fell out of his hands and went halfway into the ground. And Polkan hit Bova with his club, and Bova fell. Polkan jumped on his horse and rushed off. And Bova came to his senses and returned to Druzhnevna’s tent. Soon Polkan rushed there too. Druzhnevna reconciled them and asked them to call each other brothers.

The three of them arrived in the town of Kostel. At the same time, Markobrun appeared there and began a siege of the city, demanding that Bova and Polkan be handed over to him. But brave heroes They defeated Markobrun's army, and he went to his kingdom, vowing not to pursue Bova anymore. Druzhnevna soon gave birth to two sons, and Bova gave them names: Simbalda and Licharda. Suddenly, the governors of King Dodon arrived and were given the order to deliver Bova to the sovereign. Bova instructs Polkan to help Druzhnevna and hits the road. But Polkan was eaten by lions, and Druzhnevna came to the Rakhlen kingdom. She washed herself with a black potion and became black as coal; I started sewing shirts at the widow’s yard and earning bread. And Bova, not finding either his wife or his children, decided that they, like Polkan, had been eaten by lions.

Arriving in the Army Kingdom, the prince killed the butler, who once sent him to his death. In the Rakhlen kingdom, Princess Minchitriya again asks the prince to take her as his wife. And she agrees to be baptized. But one day I heard Bova in royal chambers, as two children sing a song about him. Druzhnevna went out to meet her children at the royal court, and Bova rushed to her. Bova, Druzhnevna and the children went to the city of Sumin, to see Uncle Simbalda.

Bova seriously wounds the insidious Dodon, and then, under the guise of a doctor, enters the palace and, avenging his father’s death, cuts off Dodon’s head. He takes this trophy to Queen Militrisa. She orders the murderer to be executed, but Bova asks her not to rush. And Bova ordered a coffin to be made, and buried his mother alive. And Bova went to the Rakhlen kingdom and married his uncle’s son to beautiful princess Minchitria. And Bova went to his patrimony and lived with his family, to do evil and to make good.