New collection of wedding dresses by Natalia Romanova. Made in Russia: Natalya Romanova about Russian wedding dresses.

The ringing of bells, iridescent, melodic, sometimes confused by an unexpected gust of wind, echoed through the chambers, rushing out, away from the stuffy rooms.

Ayola looked at the colored arches of the canopy above her bed for as long as she could, carefully examining the patterns of skilled craftswomen, finally, closing her eyes, sighing, she lowered her feet to the stone floor and ran out along the long narrow corridor to the fortress wall, hearing the ringing of bells behind her.

Overflows protected Ayola from bad spirits and the evil eye, the walls of the fortress - from bad people, and the nurse, who lived with her in the chambers, from bad rumors.

The sun had already risen, the east was still colored Orange color, the endless fields that opened up to the girl were blue-green, with a purple tint - flax was blooming. The warm wind blew long hair Aioli, eyes like a flax flower, looked into the distance. The girl breathed in the warm air native land, and the whole subsequent life seemed to her an eternity - beautiful and intoxicating.

Madam, madam, the nurse, having picked up numerous skirts, tried to escape. - Oh, madam, why did you go to the wall? Is this proper behavior, what will your father say... tsk,” she tsked as a sign of condemnation of the behavior of her ward, “they can see you!”

Didn't someone see me? - Ayola bent her head and looked at her nurse, who replaced her mother and playmates.

You’re in a night dress, madam,” Zofia was full of righteous indignation.

Ayola glanced at herself, only now realizing that she was, indeed, wearing a night dress made of the finest linen, with the same exquisite, skillful embroidery.

And who will see me? - Ayola’s laughter was like the ringing of bells. Zofia prayed to all the gods known to her to protect her girl from evil spirits and the evil eye.

Look,” she pointed to a guard boy standing in the distance, not much younger than the princess herself, diligently looking ahead.

If he looks at me, he will be executed.

Oh, my dear... The girl’s shame cannot be washed away by execution, the girl’s shame remains with her and is passed on to her children, and her children’s children...

Who is this? - Ayola screamed.

In the distance, like black dots on the blue-green decoration of the expanse, horsemen moved.

From the Far Lands?

“Oh,” the nurse grabbed her ward’s hand and quickly led her to the chambers.

What kind of rush do you think they would see me? You care too much about my honor, I'm just youngest daughter King.

King! And a daughter.

Iola rolled her eyes. There was no honor in being the youngest daughter of the King; the youngest daughter could never take the throne, nor could her heirs. Her presence at balls and official receptions was optional; it was as if she did not exist for the entire Kingdom. There was only Ayola, who lived in the far wing of the castle with her nurse and maids. As a child, she envied her older sister, who was given the same honors as her brother - they were equal heirs to the crown, and only the Gods decided who would become the next ruler of Linarium - a Land so vast and rich that only one Kingdom could match, or even surpass her father, the Distant Lands, in wealth and power. But as she got older, Ayola realized that her position as the youngest daughter had quite a few advantages. She was just as rich and noble, she was also protected and given gifts, but she was free in her choice. Unlike her sister, she could leave the walls of this castle, see Linarium and even visit neighboring Lands and Kingdoms. She could choose her husband herself; the custom of their lands stated that a woman herself had the right to choose her husband, the main thing was that he was of the same position and rank as the bride, and, of course, agreed. Which of her father’s loyal subjects would refuse to marry the King’s daughter, even the youngest? And, most importantly, she was allowed to move around the castle and even go beyond its walls after the onset of the sixteenth color.

The sixteenth color came, and Ayola was full of joyful expectations. The sound of bells and the color of linen promised so much to the young girl, and only Zofia, wise beyond her years, looked into the future of her ward with caution.

Ayola sat in her older sister's chambers and looked at her in admiration. Ephtalia was beautiful, as she should be eldest daughter, she inherited all the best in her appearance from her father - her blue-black hair, which lay in a dense canopy over her shoulders, was decorated precious stones, black eyes with huge fanned eyelashes looked arrogantly, as it should, her step was majestic and inaudible.

Oh, dear Ephtalia, you are so beautiful! - the girl could not contain her emotions, looking at her sister.

Indeed,” she smiled at the corner of her lips, “you are beautiful too, Ayola.”

What are you, is it really like you? - She walked up to her sister and stood next to her.

No one would ever say that the girls in the same reflection are sisters, born from the same mother and father.

Tall, busty Ephtalia, with olive skin, a thin pointed nose and full lips, promising a lot of pleasure to her chosen one, and Ayol, barely reaching her ear, with long flaxen-colored hair, huge eyes, as not befitting a noble lady, an amazing bluish-violet shade, and pink lips, also plump, but not as sensual and inviting as her sister’s. Ayola’s position was completely inferior to her sister’s. She was not only shorter, but also thinner, her breasts were almost invisible, and her hips were not wide. The girl knew that she was like her mother, a true native of these places, the hereditary Queen, whose throne was taken by her husband, a native of other Lands, who during his just reign expanded the borders of his Lands, enriched the treasury and became one of the most respected and powerful kings .

After his death, either the son Heli or the daughter Ephtalia will become the heirs, but children not born from the True Queen could not lay claim to the throne, just like Ayola herself, being the youngest daughter.

I saw horsemen from the Far Lands, - Ayola.

Already... - Ephtalia turned pale, but her appearance remained just as beautiful and majestic.

What's happened? - the girl became worried.

Didn't you hear? King Goroteon is looking for a wife... She should be me.

Oooooooo... King of the Distant Lands? This is good!

Okay... - Ayola saw fear in her sister’s eyes.

Why are you so scared? The eighteenth color suits you, you should get married.

He's a barbarian, don't you know?

I was told that their Lands are very strong, and the King is educated.

This doesn’t stop him from being a barbarian, they don’t honor our Gods and... I’m afraid of him,” she whispered. - I saw him once, just a girl, I spied on him, ran after my father and burst in when he had a military council. Everyone turned around at the sound when I fell, tangled in my skirts. My father immediately told me to get out, but I couldn’t untangle myself and was already crying, then a huge, incredibly huge man came up to me and lifted me to my feet, asking who this lovely child was... He gave me a stone from his caftan, simply tearing it off! - almost squealing - him, and opened the door for me, then they told me that this was the young King Goroteon.

Wow, you barged in during a war council? Were you punished?

Yes, quite a lot... and since then I haven’t seen my nanny... But Goroteon, he’s terrible... terrible... he’s the most terrible person I’ve ever seen! He is so huge... his eyes pierce through, creepy eyes. The distant Lands are harsh, winter there lasts two colors, and their people are just as harsh, and he is their King!

Oh, stop it, Ephtalia, you were a child, of course, he seemed huge to you, when I was little, our brother Heli seemed huge to me, however, he is not much taller than you, and he laughs like a baby.

Somehow his laughter diminished with his marriage,” Eftalia smiled.

Do you think Chiana doesn't please him properly? - Ayola whispered, the young girl should not have said or even thought about such things.

How will she please him if he spends all his nights with the maids? - Ephtalia also whispered, she was the eldest daughter of the King, and the eighteenth color suited her, but she was also forbidden to talk and think about such things. Only widows or confidantes could discuss such things, and, of course, men.

Maybe he won’t like you yet,” said Ayola, wanting to console her sister, before she left her chambers and, under the watchful gaze of her nurse, headed to her chambers, so that she could be prepared for a feast in honor of the arrival of dear guests. This time the father wished that Ayola would certainly be present, and she obeyed her father’s will.

Her place was not on the throne, as her father, brother or sister sat. She just stood there left hand from her sister and waited for the boring ceremony to end, and she would have the opportunity to take her place at the table, and then, when the feast began to make noise, to quietly leave, even before all the women had disappeared from the hall, and the men had indulged in their joys - wine and slaves, who were supplied in abundance to royal balls. Noble women were allowed to drink wine with spring water and wait for their ambling husband in the chambers, hoping that he would not forget the way to her in the arms of a beautiful slave.

The sound of a rumble and roar that passed through the huge banquet hall attracted Ayola's attention, people parted in bows, not daring to raise their heads, only her father, Attius, King of Linarium, looked directly at the guests, who walked two by two. They were incredibly tall, Ayola had never seen someone so tall in her life. tall people, with stern, expressionless faces, identical hairstyles and distant looks. They walked widely and softly. Each one wore a huge cape, like himself, made of animal fur, without paws or dried heads, as the warriors of Linarium sometimes wore, wide-brimmed and long. Stopping at the throne, they bowed in unison to the King, his son, his eldest daughter and his youngest daughter, causing Ayola to be puzzled. But she tried to quickly control herself, and also not to show the fear that these people from the Distant Lands inspired, who now parted and, having taken a few steps, the tall man briefly greeted Ayola’s father. No one else received Goroteon's gaze.

He was taller than his companions, with the same inscrutable face, wearing a fur coat of outlandish gray-white fox fur, which fluttered softly and seemed like eider down. The gifts placed before the King’s feet were rich, Ayola tried to look straight ahead, but the sight of tall men, behind whose backs there was a roar of admiring and frightened voices, frightened her, while King Goroteon standing in the center completely terrified her. He was like a stone statue come to life, just as cold and hard. Ayola glanced sideways at her pale sister and remembered everything she had heard about this man.

“Barbarian”, “terrible”, “prays to his Gods”. Goroteon was merciless to his enemies, he did not leave a single one alive living soul, destroyed temples and chapels, he was a fearless warrior, wise ruler and many more powerful than their father. His army was countless, his strength was great, and his anger in battle frightened not only his enemies, but also his friends. Her sister had to become the wife of such a terrible person and had no right to say a word against it, it was her duty.

Goroteon, with the same expressionless face, took off his fur coat, and another roar of admiration swept through the hall. Under the fur coat was the same long caftan, embroidered with gold, silver and stones, the diverging flaps of which revealed a silk tunic with finer embroidery. The hilt of a huge sword, to match the Goroteon, was decorated with the coat of arms of the Distant Lands and studded with diamonds, and the man’s shoulders were so wide that it seemed that his entire outfit would now fly apart, showering those around him with a rain of gems, from a careless movement of his muscles. Rings flashed on Goroteon's fingers as he quickly threw the fur at the feet of the princesses, not deigning any of them with a glance, and just as quickly, turning around, walked towards the exit, his warriors moving behind him, to the sound of voices.

“He’s terrible,” Ephtalia whispered.

“You’ll get used to it,” I tried to calm her down. younger sister, she did not believe that she could get used to such a husband. To his frozen face, blank gaze and terrifying physique. But Ephtalia must give him an heir. From this thought, Iona shrank, drank wine with spring water, and hurried out to go to her chambers, accompanied by the nurse, who had been sitting all this time in the corner reserved for this.

She felt sorry for her sister, she was ashamed that she had once envied the one whose entire royal duty could be reduced to the birth of an heir for someone else's Kingdom. And she had no right to object, she could only humbly accept her fate: to become the wife of this terrifying Goroteon... Like their brother, he was forced to marry Chiana, and now spent his nights surrounded by maids, and not his wife or lover - the beautiful Ianze .

She had almost fallen asleep when she heard a noise outside the door and saw her father’s adviser enter, which was unheard of insolence for him.

Princess Ayola, the sovereign asks you,” he paused, looking at the princess in a night dress and, shaking his head, continued, “without hesitation.

The nurse only managed to throw a voluminous shawl over Ayola’s shoulders, and she could barely keep up with the adviser’s quick steps along the long corridors, past the guards, who turned away so as not to see the indecent outfit of the King’s young youngest daughter, Princess Ayola with hair like smooth linen and eyes like a flower of this region.

The doors swung open to her old library, she suffocated from the smell of dust and candles, but when she saw her father, she bowed obediently, as she should. He was sitting on a chair, in festive attire, as Ayola had left him. Nearby, in the same shawl, stood Ephtalia and Heli, pale as ever.

My daughter,” he turned to Ayola, “I’ll be brief, King Goroteon chose you as his wife, and I promised him.

What? - she looked in disbelief, her blue eyes gradually acquired purple shade, as her mother, the True Queen, often did, and her father looked away.

“I said everything,” he stood up and moved towards the door.

All? - it was a crying Ephtalia, Ayola looked at her sister and realized in horror what awaited her.

The youngest daughter can marry only after the eldest and never otherwise; if the eldest did not find a husband for a long time, before she turned twentieth, she was sent to serve in the temple. She could not become a priestess, because she was not born from a priestess, she would serve in the temple until the end of her days, she would never know the affection of her husband, and her womb would never bear a child.

If circumstances required it, the eldest daughter was sent to serve in the temple ahead of time, the virgin’s long hair was cut off, and that same night she became a servant and went to the temple.

You're leaving tomorrow, the wedding is in seven weeks.

Seven weeks? Father! You can’t, the law says that the youngest daughter of the King has the right to choose her own husband, like any other maiden, our marriages take place six months after the announcement, I just got the sixteenth color, you can’t, you can’t force me, you can’t destroy Ephthalia .

I can,” he spoke dully, averting his eyes, he always avoided his youngest daughter, whose birth took away his wife, his only True Queen. Unfortunately for her, Ayola looked like her mother, so much so that the crazy old women, who had confused the time, mistook her for the Queen.

Ephtalia will go to the temple today, and you will go to the Goroteon in the morning to become the Queen of the Distant Lands there.

He made a sign with his eyes, and two guards who entered pressed Ephtalia’s head to the floor, and Heli bent down to cut it off like an older brother. beautiful hair. Ephtalia, her proud, beautiful sister Ephtalia, the heiress, the one who by blood was destined to sit on the throne - lay spread out on the floor, meekly awaiting her fate.

Nooooo! - Ayola screamed with all her strength, if this monster Goroteon is still in the castle, let him hear, let him know how much she hates him, how she curses him and his Lands, and that she would rather die than allow this to happen to her sister. - Nooooooo! You have no right, you have no right, father, you are violating the law prescribed to us for centuries, I will go to the Council and ask our wisest.

You won't go out...

I will come out, I am the daughter of the King and I have the right to do so, I have the right to do so right now! There is no law more important than the law of the ancestors, no one can break it, NO ONE! Even you, King, can't. I have the right to choose my own husband, and I do NOT choose Goroteon,” she proudly raised her chin and moved towards the door, the guards made way for the soft tread of Ayola, the daughter of the True Queen.

Ayola,” sitting next to her father’s adviser, cunning as a fox, thin, coming from nowhere, with a sparse red beard, admonished her in a sweet voice. - You can’t save your sister, but you can save the Kingdom.

I don't understand.

Look,” with a quick movement he unscrewed a package with the image of their Kingdom, Distant Lands, some small Kingdoms nearby...

This is Linarium,” he showed the border on the map, “these are the Distant Lands,” and Ayola saw how much larger the Distant Lands were than their lands. “And this,” he walked across the vast gray space, “Foreign Lands, they are deserted, there is almost always scorching heat... but their ruler is cruel and greedy, his army is huge, countless hordes of the strongest warriors, their ruler wants our lands as the most fertile from those available to him, he has already enslaved these two Kingdoms,” the adviser showed spots on the map unknown to Ayola. - The only one who can resist the hordes is Goroteon, the King of the Distant Lands.

And do you think that having taken the Princess from Linarium as his wife, he will intercede? - Ayola laughed. - Their wives, according to rumors, are not much different from slaves.

He has already advanced his army.

Why does he need this?

Having destroyed everyone, the hordes will attack the Distant Lands, girl, and it is better for Goroteon to defeat them on our lands, destroying the harvest and driving people into the pestilence, than on his own.

Then why does he need a wife?

A husband always needs a wife, Ayola.

Why does he need our Princess?

Your father believes that the best agreement is marriage. Blood ties - blood oath. Goroteon can take a Princess from any other Kingdom, he needs an heir, a legitimate heir, he turned his eyes to our lands... to you.

Why on me? Why does he need the King's youngest daughter?

The advisor looked at Ayola for a long time, not understanding why Goroteon turned his gaze to the girl, whose sixteenth color is just coming, her breasts are small and her hips are narrow. She will not be able to bear a child this year, and if she does, there is a high probability of death in childbirth, both the mother and the heir, which is even worse.

He decided so.

Ayola stood up abruptly:

I won't call the elders if I talk to my father right now.

Now,” she again moved along the long corridors, this time already dressed in blue dress with a golden belt, again the guards made way for the daughter of the True Queen, and even at His Majesty's chambers the guards made way and opened the door.

The king was drunk.

My girl, you are so like your mother... your beautiful, majestic mother, the True Queen.

I will go for Goroteon, I will set off tomorrow and fulfill any of your wills, as well as the will of my future Tsar, but today, right now, you will marry Ephtalia.

Heli had already cut her hair.

He cut her hair, not her honor, and she is not yet in the temple. You will marry her to a noble man, and until her hair grows long married woman, she will live at a distance with her husband. This is my condition.

Are you giving me conditions? - The King's eyebrow slowly rose.

I am the future Queen of the Distant Lands, promised by my crowned father to Goroteon as a wife, you will not do anything to me, father.

True Queen, is all the father said.

Absent from the ceremony was the King and the brother, who was dead drunk after cutting off his sister's beautiful hair, whose pale lips repeated one thing: "Kill me, kill me." The beautiful Ephthalia was married to Lord Mathaios, a friend of the Prince. The lord was young, strong and vain. It was an honor for him to become the husband of the King's eldest daughter. Ephtalia looked with fear, her world had turned upside down too much over the last night, and now her fears of becoming Goroteon’s wife seemed petty and stupid to her.

“You are beautiful,” Mateios said after the ceremony.

I have no hair - incredibly quiet.

Is the beauty of a maiden in her hair, Ephtalia... - he did not believe his luck when he put his wife in a landau to escort her to his home, outside the castle walls, where Ephtalia could no longer be.

The sisters hugged for a long time, knowing almost certainly that they would never see each other.

Be a good wife to Goroteon,” said Ephtalia.

What does this mean in the Far Lands?



The nurse looked for a long time after the departing Ayola, who was accompanied by guards and maids to the border with the Distant Lands. Then the people of her future husband should meet her and, having said goodbye forever to her maids, having received the gift of slaves, she will head towards her fate and her husband, whose appearance inspired horror, and the rumor of fearlessness and mercilessness went ahead of him.

Zofia knew the customs of the barbarians, but did not frighten her young ward; she still had seven weeks of girlhood ahead of her... Flax blooms for two weeks, ripens for four weeks, and is harvested on the seventh.

Every bride dreams of an ideal wedding dress that could highlight her individuality, beauty and allow her to create special image, corresponding to her inner worldview. These are the models represented by the Natalia Romanova brand, created back in 2003. main feature wedding dresses of this brand are

  • unique style,
  • variety of finishing options,
  • use of floristry,
  • perfect cut,
  • use of the highest quality fabrics and accessories.

In general, it can be noted that the collections of this brand are distinguished by their special femininity, elegance, and at the same time originality and uniqueness.

The bride can try on the most different images, starting from a romantic princess or majestic queen and ending with an ancient goddess.

Wedding dresses by Natalia Romanova in Moscow - the best choice

Choose the perfect wedding dress from this famous brand you can already visit our catalog today. On this page you will have an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the new collections of festive outfits for 2014, and see photos of each model separately. Natalia Romanova offers her fans wonderful dresses of excellent quality and impeccable execution! New collections will delight brides with a huge amount of:

  • the finest French lace,
  • the most delicate organza,
  • shining silk,
  • noble brocade, etc.

In such dresses you will feel like the most beautiful bride on earth!

A wedding is, of course, an important moment in the life of all girls, women, and sometimes even grandmothers. However, this day will be truly special only for the newlyweds, which, however, should not mislead you, because it should be remembered by all the guests! Every bride strives to look gorgeous not only in the mirror, but also at the celebration under the caressing gaze of her future husband and the searchingly burning eyes of the invitees. They do amazing hairstyles, make appointments for makeup and manicures, and buy shoes. But all this pales in comparison with the need to choose main element image, wedding dress. And this constant attribute of the bride will be discussed.

What to look for when buying a dress

Perhaps the main criteria in choosing a wedding dress are the following points:

  1. Model (if it looks on a mannequin, this does not mean that it will look perfect on you).
  2. The cut of the dress (all seams should be even and tightly stitched).
  3. Length of the dress (it should not be short, it is vulgar, and at the same time not too long, so as not to trip).
  4. The presence of a veil for this item.
  5. And, of course, the dress should look gorgeous on you.

The dress that the designer made for you will be ideal. After all, you will only have it in a single copy, and besides, you will be very comfortable in it. Among such designers, Natalya Romanova stands out, having developed her own line exclusive dresses. Many girls are willing to do anything to get into the pencil of this “satin artist.” And not in vain... Natalya Romanova is among the top 10 best fashion designers in Russia, and perhaps she has occupied one of the top lines of this unique rating.

When creating dresses, Natalya Romanova relies on her discriminating taste and unique craftsmanship. That is why all its models differ from each other, are designed in classic style taking into account the innovations of all seasons.

Wedding dresses of Natalia Romanova. Highlight

The difference between the dresses of this designer and others is as follows:

  • rich and refined finishing (at the same time, the master’s sense of proportion never fails);
  • quality fabrics;
  • perfect fit;
  • masterful cut and clear lines;
  • correctly selected patterns;
  • application suitable elements, which are included in the trends of the season;
  • All your wishes regarding the dress are taken into account.

What to look for when purchasing a designer dress

These tips on the criteria for choosing a dress were given by Natalia herself. So what should you pay attention to first? So, let's list it point by point:

  • wedding dress style;
  • color scheme of the model you like;
  • decorating the selected specimen;
  • dress style.

Having compiled a similar list with answers at home, you won’t have to doubt for long about choosing one or another model.

Natalia Romanova and her most famous collections of wedding dresses

The following designer collections have gained particular popularity:

  • Sonesta;
  • Vanilla Sky;
  • Versailles;
  • Hollywood;
  • Love melody;
  • Masterpiece;
  • Collection 2013 (untitled);
  • Sonesta NEW COLLECTION 2014.

In each collection you can easily find exactly the dress that suits you best, which hides all your shortcomings, if any, and emphasizes all your advantages. In this outfit you will feel like royalty and will not blend in with the crowd of brides at the registry office.

Choose your style, color, cut and delight everyone with your chic look, luxurious wedding and excellent photographs. And remember, your children will be happy to review photos from your wedding and be proud of you. After all, all kids look up to their parents. Who knows, maybe when they grow up, Natalya Romanova will delight them with her new exclusive, exquisite and unique wedding dresses.

I often communicate with fashion designers, but few people know how their lives and dress production work from the inside. I lift the veil of secrecy with Natalia Romanova - wedding designer from Nizhny Novgorod, where last fall Natasha Platonova and I chose anti-crisis dresses for Mary Truffle.

Until recently, a wedding dress made in Russia was mythical: in salons there were dresses made in the USA, Italy, France, but not Russia. The crisis struck, the dollar jumped, the stars lined up in the right order, and talented designers appeared one after another. Now Russian dresses They are inferior to foreign ones only in price. With NRomanova, represented by Natalia, we talked about wedding fashion in the near future, where dresses come from and why they start with buttons.

Natalia Romanova

If you are Coco Chanel, then you don’t need any diplomas. But training will give a lot to mere mortals. It turned out that sewing on buttons is a whole science.

Often girls come into the wedding business after their own marriage. Did your story with modeling also begin with a wedding dress for yourself?
— My love for fashion design began long before marriage. While still at school, I became interested in historical costume and adored fluffy medieval dresses. Therefore, I had to choose between the professions of historian and designer. Enrolled as a tailor highest category, and then to the Institute of Light Industry and Design. Education helped: I was given the main thing – practical skills.

That is, self-education in design is not enough?
— If you are Coco Chanel, then you don’t need any diplomas. But training will give a lot to mere mortals. The first day of practice in college will be remembered forever: when they announced that today we were learning how to sew on buttons, my indignation knew no bounds. I’ve already sewed full-fledged outfits, why do I need these buttons? It turned out that I didn’t know how to sew them on correctly, and buttons are a whole science.

What happened with your own wedding dress?
— I sewed the wedding dress myself. It couldn't be called a dress: it was more like a suit - short and completely unconventional. IN last moment I wore it to registration classic dress and, probably, she did the right thing. But in general, I don’t associate the models of my dresses with myself. I can’t imagine myself wearing them when I’m making sketches. I make dresses not for myself, but for other brides, each of whom is beautiful in their own way.

What was the impetus for turning your school hobby into a business?
- First wedding dress, which I made to order, became a red dress in the empire style for a friend. We shocked the mother, who begged her daughter to buy a “normal” dress, but her friend insisted on our option. Afterwards, I collaborated with Nizhny Novgorod wedding salons - I showed them sketches and sewed dresses individually, to order, at home. My husband pushed me to start a serious business. In March 2001, I rented a small room and registered the NRomanova brand.

The beauty of a wedding dress does not mean inconvenience.

It's difficult, but try to articulate why your dresses are special?
“I make sure the dress is easy to live in.” So that by the end of the evening the bride loves him as much as she did at the moment when she first saw him in the salon. I choose pleasant fabrics and develop a comfortable cut. In my collections, despite this, there are many voluminous, multi-layered, royal models - beauty does not mean inconvenience, in this case it does not require sacrifice.

What has changed with the advent own company?
— Working with salons moved to a new level: I no longer sewed individual dresses to order, but created full-fledged collections of several dozen models. Stores look at the catalog and choose dresses that interest them. I hired the first assistant, then a team of 5 specialists was assembled. And now 60 people work for the Natalia Romanova brand.

Tell us about how the collection is born?
“It’s forming in my head.” I come up with sketches, and I can start with choosing fabric. This is how we got our first hit, the Alsou dress. I accidentally noticed artificial rose petals in a decor store. From them we built a red flower, the petals of which fell on white skirt dresses. It seemed like nothing out of the ordinary, but the model created a sensation.

How many models do you develop for one collection?
- Always different. The average for us is 30 dresses in one line. There were 13 and 80. Moreover, we are developing a range of sizes, but some models are intended only for slender brides - we offer them in small sizes, some - for girls with curves.

As far as I know, you even introduced control over the authenticity of your dresses?
- Yes, the DAT system does this. This is not our development, but we use this program. So that every bride can be convinced that the dress is not a fake, we compile a database of models, and assign a DAT to each dress individual code. We print this code on the label. The bride goes to the website of this database and checks whether the dress was actually made by NRomanova.

Tell us about this season's trends. What do brides choose?
— Girls often choose fluffy dresses, which emphasize the slimness of the figure. Straight dress You can wear it to another celebration, but the ball gown and princess silhouette are once in a lifetime. But they also love silhouette and flowing options and “mermaid” dresses.

Designers monitor demand and follow it or, conversely, set wedding fashion?
— Nowadays, designers are increasingly offering bold options. But girls and especially their mothers are not ready for such drastic changes in the image of the bride and are inclined to the classics.

When you see white splendor in a wedding salon, you involuntarily think about where these “fish” and “princesses” come from. Tell us what it consists of life cycle wedding dress?
— There are several stages in it. First, a sketch appears, which I transfer to the experimental workshop, where the first exhibition sample is sewn. He participates in photo shoots and exhibitions. When an order is received for a dress, we sew trial options in size, check the fit, choose technical methods of execution. After this, the dress is put into large production.

How long does it take from ordering a dress until it arrives in the store?
— Usually about a month, depending on the workload of production. We also take on urgent orders. Due to our workload, we often have to turn away clients: we physically do not sew so many dresses. We suffer from this, but we can’t do anything.

But this is great for business: demand exceeds supply. At what point did you become so popular?
- There was no turning point. Everything went by itself and I didn’t think about promoting the brand. Word of mouth in the environment helped wedding salons and the brides themselves. I didn’t perceive my dresses as a business at all - it’s a labor of love that thrives if you do it with soul and dedication.

What cities other than Nizhny Novgorod do you cooperate with?
— Our dresses are available in all cities with a population of over a million. We initially went beyond Nizhny: we sent catalogs to Moscow and St. Petersburg, which provided us with our first large orders.

Have you thought about your own stores?
— I opened three stores under my brand in Nizhny. But they took a lot of time and effort. And when the child was born, she began to be torn between stores and production. As a result, I closed these points and dedicated work time modeling.

AND Import substitution in the wedding business has worked!

How has the crisis affected you and the wedding industry?
— Oddly enough, the crisis helped us. Demand has fallen, but not critically. Let's just say it has stabilized. Earlier in the summer We were experiencing a terrible rush, couldn’t cope with the flow of orders, and there was a lull in the winter. This year, for the first time, we observed a stable number of orders from month to month, and this is pleasant.

I wonder what this is connected with?
“It seems to me that because of the crisis, couples are deviating from the stereotype of a summer wedding and having a celebration in the winter, which is several times cheaper. Some fly to warmer climes, then the time of year does not matter.

Has the fall of the ruble played into your hands?
- Yes, but everything is not as rosy as is commonly believed. We buy fabrics abroad: in Russia, fabric production has died. The cost of dresses jumped 2.5 times - in proportion to the growth of the dollar. We reduce our own profits, do not add to the price the amount for delivery from another country, and therefore stand out favorably against foreign fashion designers.

So, did import substitution work in the wedding business?
- Undoubtedly. This situation with the exchange rate forced us to mobilize Russian designers, they (that is, we) are in last years We are not lagging behind Europe in terms of indicators. We have preserved a wonderful atelier school from Soviet times.

Natalia Romanova

Russian brides need to understand that today “made in Russia” is a sign of quality at a low price.

Natalya Romanova answered questions about Russian wedding dresses especially for Mary Truffle. For help in preparing the material, I thank Lera Zhitkova, our bride and inspiration;)

Many brides believe that for a luxurious wedding dress it is not necessary to go to Europe or buy expensive imported dresses in local salons. You can purchase an equally high-quality and luxurious wedding toilet, but - Russian production. After all, today in our country it works whole line talented designers who annually produce wonderful collections.

One of them is a successful fashion designer from Moscow Natalya Romanova. Her fashion house, which has existed since 2001, has already released more than ten collections. Let's look at the most popular of them and find out where you can buy outfits from Romanova.


For girls who can’t decide what length of outfit they want to buy for a wedding, there is a transformable dress in the “Aristocrat” line. The hem of this model is removable, made of flowing airy chiffon. It is attached to the belt, but can be removed if desired. Therefore, the bride can go to the ceremony in a long dress, and to the festive party - in a short version.

The new collection from Romanova, released in 2015, is inspired by the classics. The traditional nature of the outfits in this line is evident in everything: the use of exclusively white color, the predominance of models with a standard “A-line”, and the use of lace as the main decor. At the same time, the dresses in this collection cannot be called boring or too standard. Romanova strives to add a “zest” to each of her outfits. For example, lace with a gold border and a belt embroidered with rhinestones and pearls can be used as decoration.

"French Kiss"

It is also important to know that Natalya Romanova makes all dresses only from high-quality fabrics, and this is clearly visible in the “French Kiss” collection.

One of the most successful collections of dresses from Romanova, released in 2013. Its advantage lies in the variety of silhouettes offered. Therefore, every bride will find a model to her liking.“French Kiss” offers wedding dresses in “empire”, “princess”, “mermaid” styles. The highlight of this collection were outfits reminiscent of national Spanish dresses with asymmetrical hemlines and long slits. Interestingly, in this line you can find not only white, but also colored dresses. For example, purple, yellow and even black colors. All models of the “French Kiss” line are more suitable for a summer wedding, because most of The presented dresses are sleeveless. There are also models with wide straps.

"Europe collection"

"Europe collection" - line wedding clothes, released in 2014. In it, Natalya Romanova does not change her favorite “tricks”, such as the use of lace with gold edging, lush layered skirts, belts embroidered with beads, rhinestones and decorative flowers. For those who like the most practical options, “Europe collection” has transformable dresses with a removable hem. However, the best thing about this line is the long, classic dresses with an elegant train. Here, the designers of the Natalia Romanova brand also decided to rely on White color. The only exception is bright belts - blue, purple, gold, pink and even black. They add originality and sophistication to the dress.

"Vanilla Sky"

This collection of Romanova’s wedding dresses is one of the most daring. This applies to styles, colors, and decor used. In the “Vanilla Sky” line you can find dresses in ultramarine, soft lilac, blue, silver and coffee shades. Here the emphasis is placed on colored belts, an abundance of lace, layering and decoration of the hem with a scattering of flowers. Unlike many other lines, Vanilla Sky has more courage and fresh ideas. Besides long dresses to the floor, in this collection there are many models with short hemlines. Outfits with a tulle skirt look very unusual, which gives such dresses a resemblance to tutu. The advantage of toilets in this line is that many of them can act as both wedding and simple elegant dress, which can be worn to a regular holiday party.

Where can I find it and how much does it cost?

If we talk about the cost of dresses from this brand, then it is quite affordable. Thus, wedding toilets from Romanova can be purchased for an amount starting from 25 thousand rubles. average cost model is 35 thousand rubles.

Currently, Romanova's wedding dresses are presented in many Russian salons. Of course, most of them (about 20) are located in Moscow. Also, dresses from the Natalia Romanova brand can be bought in Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Samara and many other cities. In total, dresses from Romanova are presented in more than a hundred salons throughout the country. To find out if there is a store in your city where you can buy dresses from this brand, just go to the official website of Natalia Romanova - the addresses of each of the salons are presented there.

Natalia Romanova's dresses are popular among brides.

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