Dmitry Likhachev. "Ecology of Culture"

"Monuments of the Fatherland". – 1980. – No. 2.

D. S. Likhachev

Ecology of culture

Cultivating love for the native land, for the native culture, for the native village or city, for the native speech is a task of paramount importance, and there is no need to prove it. But how to cultivate this love?

It starts small - with love for your family, for your home, for your school. Gradually expanding, this love for one’s native turns into love for one’s country - for its history, its past and present, and then for all of humanity, for human culture.

True patriotism is the first step to effective internationalism. When I want to imagine true internationalism, I imagine myself looking at our Earth from world space. The tiny planet on which we all live, infinitely dear to us and so lonely among galaxies separated from each other by millions of light years!

A person lives in a certain environment. Environmental pollution makes him sick, threatens his life, and threatens the death of humanity. Everyone knows the gigantic efforts that are being made by our state, individual countries, scientists, and public figures to save air, reservoirs, seas, rivers, and forests from pollution, to protect the fauna of our planet, to save the camps of migratory birds, and the rookeries of marine animals. Humanity spends billions and billions not only to avoid suffocation and death, but also to preserve the nature around us, which gives people the opportunity for aesthetic and moral relaxation. The healing power of nature is well known.

The science that deals with the protection and restoration of the environment is called ecology and as a discipline is already beginning to be taught in universities.

But ecology cannot be limited only to the tasks of preserving the natural biological environment. No less important for a person’s life is the environment created by the culture of his ancestors and by himself. Preserving the cultural environment is a task no less significant than preserving the surrounding nature. If nature is necessary for a person for his biological life, then the cultural environment is just as necessary for his spiritual, moral life, for his “spiritual settledness,” for his attachment to his native places, for his moral self-discipline and sociality. Meanwhile, the question of moral ecology is not only not studied, it is not even raised by our science as something whole and vitally important for man. Individual types of culture and remnants of the cultural past, issues of restoration of monuments and their preservation are studied, but the moral significance and influence of the influence of the entire cultural environment on a person in all its interrelations is not studied, although the very fact of the educational influence on a person of his environment does not cause anyone the slightest doubt.

For example, after the war, as is known, not all of the pre-war population returned to Leningrad; nevertheless, the newcomers quickly acquired those special “Leningrad” behavioral traits that Leningraders are rightfully proud of. A person is brought up in a certain cultural environment that has developed over many centuries, imperceptibly absorbing not only modernity, but also the past of his ancestors. History opens a window to the world for him, and not only a window, but also doors, even gates. To live where revolutionaries, poets and prose writers of great Russian literature lived, to live where great critics and philosophers lived, to daily absorb impressions that were somehow reflected in the great works of Russian literature, to visit apartment museums means to be enriched spiritually.

Streets, squares, canals, houses, a park and - remind, remind, remind... Unobtrusively and unpersistently, creations of the past, into which the talent and love of generations have been invested, enter a person, becoming a measure of beauty. He learns respect for his ancestors, a sense of duty to his descendants. And then the past and the future become inseparable for him, because each generation is, as it were, a connecting link in time. A person who loves his homeland cannot help but feel moral responsibility to the people of the future, whose spiritual needs will continue to multiply and increase.

If a person does not like to at least occasionally look at old photographs of his parents, does not appreciate the memory of them left in the garden that they cultivated, in the things that belonged to them, then he does not love them. If a person does not love old streets, old houses, even poor ones, then he has no love for his city. If a person is indifferent to the historical monuments of his country, he is, as a rule, indifferent to his country.

So, in ecology there are two sections: biological ecology and cultural or moral ecology. Failure to comply with the laws of biological ecology can kill a person biologically; failure to comply with the laws of cultural ecology can kill a person morally. And there is no gap between them, just as there is no clearly defined boundary between nature and culture. Didn’t the presence of human labor influence Central Russian nature? The peasant worked for centuries, affectionately stroking the hills and valleys with a plow and a plow, a harrow and a scythe, which is why Central Russian, and especially Moscow region, nature is so dear, caressed. The peasant left the forests and copses untouched, went around them with a plow, and therefore they grew in even clumps, as if placed in a vase. The village architect placed huts and churches as gifts to Russian nature, on a hill above a river or lake, so that they could admire their reflection. Wooden walls retained the warmth of the hands of their builders for a long time. The golden dome not only shone from a distance like a decoration, but also served as a landmark for the traveler. It was not the building itself that was needed by a person, but a building placed in a certain place, decorating it, serving as a harmonious completion of the landscape. Therefore, the monument and the landscape should be stored together, and not separately. Together, in their harmonious combination, they enter the human soul, enriching his ideas of beauty.

Man is a moral, sedentary creature, even those who were nomads, for him, too, there was a “settled life” in the vastness of his free nomads. Only an immoral person does not have a settled way of life and is capable of killing the settled way of life in others.

Everything I have said does not mean that it is necessary to suspend the construction of new buildings in old cities, to keep them “under a glass cover” - this is how some overly zealous supporters of redevelopment and urban planning “improvements” want to distort the position of defenders of historical monuments.

And this only means that urban planning should be based on the study of the history of the development of cities and on identifying in this history everything that is alive and worthy of continuing to exist, on the study of the roots on which it grows. And new things should also be studied from this point of view. Another architect may think that he is discovering something new, while he is only destroying the valuable old, creating only some “cultural imaginaries.”

Not everything that is being built in cities today is new in essence. A truly new cultural value arises in an old cultural environment. The new is new only in relation to the old, like a child in relation to its parents. The new in itself, as a self-sufficient phenomenon, does not exist.

It should also be precisely said that simple imitation of the old is not following tradition. Creative adherence to tradition presupposes a search for the living in the old, its continuation, and not a mechanical imitation of what is sometimes dead.

Let's take, say, such an ancient and well-known Russian city as Novgorod. Using his example it will be easiest for me to show my thoughts.

In ancient Novgorod, not everything, of course, was strictly thought out, although there was a high degree of “thought out” in the construction of ancient Russian cities. There were random buildings, there were accidents in the layout that disturbed the appearance of the city, but there was also its ideal image, as it was presented to its builders over the centuries. The task of the history of urban planning is to identify this “idea of ​​the city” in order to continue it creatively in modern practice, and not to suppress it with new development that contradicts the old one.

Novgorod was built along both low banks of the Volkhov, at its deepest sources. This is what distinguishes it from most other ancient Russian cities that stood on steep river banks. Those cities were crowded, but from them one could always see water meadows, so beloved wide open spaces in Ancient Rus'. This feeling of wide space around one’s dwellings was also characteristic of ancient Novgorod, although it did not stand on a steep bank. The Volkhov River flowed out of Lake Ilmen in a powerful and wide channel, which was clearly visible from the city center.

In the 16th century Novgorod story “The Vision of the Sexton Tarasy”, it is described how Tarasy, having climbed onto the roof of the Khutyn Cathedral, sees from there a lake, as if standing above the city, ready to spill and flood Novgorod. Before the Great Patriotic War, while there was still a cathedral, I tested this feeling: it was really very acute and could lead to the creation of a legend that Ilmen threatened to flood the city.

But Lake Ilmen was visible not only from the roof of the Khutyn Cathedral, but directly from the Detinets gate overlooking the Volkhov.

In the epic about Sadko, it is sung how Sadko stands in Novgorod “under the passing tower,” bows to Ilmen and conveys his bow from the Volga River to the “Glorious Ilmen Lake.”

The view of Ilmen from Detinets, it turns out, was not only noticed by the ancient Novgorodians, but also appreciated. He was sung in the epic...

Candidate of Architecture G.V. Alferova in her article “Organization of city construction in the Russian state in the 16th – 17th centuries” draws attention to the “City Law,” known in Rus' since at least the 13th century. It goes back to ancient town planning legislation, which contained four articles: “On the view of the area, which is presented from the house”, “On views of gardens”, “On public monuments”, “On views of the mountains and the sea”. “According to this law,” writes G.V. Alferova, “every resident in the city can prevent construction on a neighboring site if the new house violates the relationship of existing residential buildings with nature, the sea, gardens, public buildings and monuments. Byzantine law of apopsia (“the view opening from the building”) was clearly reflected in the Russian architectural legislation of the Helmsman’s Books...

When analyzing the 38th facet of the 49th chapter of the “City Law” that was in force in Rus', it is easy to identify the urban planning aspects considered in this chapter. First of all, the law focuses on the relationship of city buildings with each other and with nature. In other words, the law of apopsia was given utmost importance not only in Byzantine town planning legislation, but also in Russian.

Russian legislation begins with a philosophical argument that every new house in the city affects the appearance of the city as a whole. “Someone creates a new thing when he wants to either destroy or change the previous form.” Therefore, new construction or reconstruction of existing dilapidated houses must be carried out with the permission of local city authorities and agreed with neighbors: § 4 of the law prohibits a person renovating an old, dilapidated yard from changing its original appearance, since if the old house is built on or expanded, then it can take away the light and deprive the neighbors of their view.

Particular attention in Russian urban planning legislation is paid to the views of meadows, copses, sea (lake), and river that open from houses and the city.

The connection between Novgorod and the surrounding nature was not limited to views. She was alive and real. The ends of Novgorod, its districts, subjugated the surrounding area administratively. Directly from the five ends (districts) of Novgorod, the Novgorod “Pyatins” - regions, fanned out over a huge space, subordinate to Novgorod. The city was surrounded on all sides by fields, along the horizon around Novgorod there was a “round dance of churches”, partially preserved to this day. One of the most valuable monuments of ancient Russian urban planning art is the Red (beautiful) field, which still exists today and is adjacent to the Trade side of the city. Along the horizon of this field, like a necklace, church buildings were visible at equal distances from each other - St. George's Cathedral of the Yuryev Monastery, the Church of the Annunciation on Gorodets, Nereditsa, Andrei on Sitka, the Kirillov Monastery, Kovalevo, Volotovo, Khutyn. Not a single building, not a single tree prevented one from seeing this majestic crown with which Novgorod surrounded itself along the horizon, creating an unforgettable image of a developed, settled country - space and comfort at the same time.

The duty of modern city planners to Russian culture is not to destroy this ideal system, but to support it and creatively develop it.

However, what is happening? The view of Ilmen from the center of Novgorod is systematically narrowed and blocked. Instead of demolishing the ridiculous 19th-century house that spoils the view of Ilmen on the Trade Side, a new hotel was built behind it, further blocking the view of Ilmen. “Pushed” between the Kremlin and Ilmen is an unsuccessful monument to the liberation of Novgorod, the main components of which are a tower that “competes” with the towers of the Kremlin, and a very poorly made horse, which, if you just mentally imagine it in motion, will inevitably break its legs on the Nazi swastika.

It is planned to build a pedestrian bridge from the Kremlin to the Trade Side, which will not only turn the Kremlin with its complex of unique museums into a “passage yard”, but will also completely block the view of Ilmen from all viewpoints of the city located behind the bridge.

Its plan was developed by the Giprogor Design Institute. The designers chose a beautiful location for the complex, apparently not thinking that with their construction they would completely ruin both it and the view from the city center to Ilmen. In the same area, the construction of a rather large water canal has begun, with high stands along it. For this purpose, the Myachinsky lakes are straightened and deepened, bringing them to a “regular form.” All this was done to organize international competitions. However, it turned out that the dimensions of the structure would be smaller than those required by the standards and would only be suitable for training and local competitions. Thus, the beautiful outskirts of Novgorod, which for centuries were its organic part, are being destroyed by these developments, carried out ostensibly in connection with urban improvement.

According to the projects, it is planned to build standard houses along the old Moscow road through the Red Field. The entrance to Novgorod along the filled-up bed of the ancient Fedorovsky Stream (now Gagarin Avenue) has already been spoiled - closed by five-story buildings. Other urban planning hazards arise from time to time. Either parts of the roundabout earthen rampart (the only defensive structure in our country in terms of integrity) are being demolished for the construction of a department store, then they are designing the construction of a ring highway along the ditch of the same rampart, then projects are emerging for the construction of high-rise buildings in the area of ​​​​the ancient Kozhevniki and the former Dukhov and Zverin monasteries.

Meanwhile, it is worth remembering the proposal of Academician B.D. Grekov, expressed by him at the end of the war after the liberation of Novgorod: “The new city should be built slightly downstream of the Volkhov in the area of ​​​​the Derevyanitsky Monastery, and a park reserve should be built in place of ancient Novgorod. Below along the Volkhov River the territory is higher, and construction will be cheaper: there will be no need to disturb the multi-meter cultural layer of ancient Novgorod with expensive deep foundations of houses.”

This proposal should be taken into account when designing new developments in many old cities. After all, new construction is easier to carry out everywhere if it does not crash into the old. New centers of ancient cities must be built outside the old ones, and the old ones must be maintained in their most valuable urban principles. Architects building in long-established cities must know their history and carefully preserve their beauty.

But how do you build, if necessary, next to old buildings? A single method cannot be proposed, one thing is certain: new buildings should not obscure historical monuments, as happened in Novgorod and Pskov (the Church of Sergius from Zaluzhye opposite the October Hotel in the city center or a huge cinema building located close to the Kremlin). No stylization is also possible. By stylizing, we kill old monuments, vulgarize, and sometimes unwittingly parody genuine beauty.

Let me give you an example. One of the architects of Leningrad considered the spire to be the most characteristic feature of the city. There really are spiers in Leningrad, the main three: Peter and Paul Castle, Admiralty Castle and the Engineering (Mikhailovsky) Castle. But when a new, rather tall, but random spire on an ordinary residential building appeared on Moskovsky Prospekt, the semantic significance of the spiers that marked the main buildings in the city decreased.

The wonderful idea of ​​the “Pulkovo Meridian” was also destroyed: from the Pulkovo Observatory, a mathematically straight highway of many miles ran straight along the meridian, ending at the “Admiralty Needle”. The Admiralty spire was visible from Pulkovo; it shimmered with its gold in the distance and attracted the gaze of a traveler entering Leningrad from Moscow. Now this unique view is interrupted by a new residential building with a spire above it standing in the middle of Moskovsky Prospekt.

Placed out of necessity among old houses, the new house must be “social”, have the appearance of a modern building, but not compete with the previous buildings either in height or in its other architectural modules. The same rhythm of windows should be maintained; the color must be harmonious.

But there are sometimes cases where it is necessary to “complete” ensembles. In my opinion, the construction of Rossi on Arts Square in Leningrad has been successfully completed with a house on Inzhenernaya Street, designed in the same architectural forms as the entire square. This is not stylization, because the house exactly matches the other houses in the area. It makes sense in Leningrad to also harmoniously complete another square, begun but not completed by Rossi - Lomonosov Square: a 19th-century apartment building is “embedded” into Rossi’s houses on Lomonosov Square.

In general, it should be said that Leningrad houses of the second half of the 19th century, which are usually criticized for lack of taste, have the peculiarity that they do not compete so sharply with the houses of great architects. The architecture of the second half of the 19th century, for all its shortcomings, is “social”. Take a look at Nevsky Prospekt: ​​the houses of this period of time do not spoil it very much, although there are a lot of them in the area from Fontanka to Moskovsky Station. But try to imagine in their place new houses of a globally widespread style, and the entire Nevsky Prospect, along its entire length, will be hopelessly spoiled. The same thing, however, will happen if this part of Nevsky is stylized as one that better preserves the old buildings of the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries from the Admiralty to the Fontanka.

Cultural ecology should not be confused with the science of restoration and conservation of individual monuments. The cultural past of our country should be considered not in parts, as is customary, but as a whole. It should be a question not only of preserving the very character of the area, “its facial expression,” the architectural and natural landscape. And this means that new construction should resist the old as little as possible, harmonize with it, preserve the everyday habits of the people (this is also “culture”) in its best manifestations. A sense of shoulder, a sense of ensemble and a sense of the aesthetic ideals of the people - this is what a city planner and, especially, a village builder must have. Architecture must be social. Cultural ecology must be part of social ecology.

While there is no section on the cultural environment in the science of ecology, it is permissible to talk about impressions.

Here's one of them. In September 1978, I was on the Borodino field together with the most remarkable enthusiast of his field, restorer Nikolai Ivanovich Ivanov. Has anyone paid attention to what kind of dedicated people are found among restorers and museum workers? They cherish things, and things pay them back with love.

It was precisely this kind of inwardly rich man who was with me on the Borodino field - Nikolai Ivanovich. For fifteen years he has not gone on vacation: he cannot live without Borodino Field. He lives for several days of the Battle of Borodino: the sixth of September (old style) and the days that preceded the battle. Borodin's field has enormous educational significance.

I hate war, I endured the Leningrad blockade, Nazi shelling of civilians from warm shelters in positions on the Dudergof Heights, I was an eyewitness to the heroism with which the Soviet people defended their Motherland, with what incomprehensible steadfastness they resisted the enemy. Maybe that’s why the Battle of Borodino, which always amazed me with its moral strength, took on a new meaning for me. Russian soldiers repulsed eight fierce attacks on the Raevsky battery, following one after another with unheard-of tenacity. In the end, the soldiers of both armies fought in complete darkness, by touch. The moral strength of the Russians was increased tenfold by the need to defend Moscow. And Nikolai Ivanovich and I bare our heads in front of the monuments to the heroes erected on the Borodino field by grateful descendants.

And here, on this national shrine, drenched in the blood of the defenders of the Motherland, in 1932 the cast-iron monument on Bagration’s grave was blown up. Those who did this committed a crime against the noblest of feelings - gratitude to the hero, defender of the national freedom of Russia, gratitude of the Russians to their Georgian brother, who commanded the Russian troops with extraordinary courage and skill in the most dangerous place of the battle. How to evaluate the crime of those who, in those same years, painted a giant inscription on the wall of the monastery built on the site of the death of Tuchkov the Fourth by his widow: “Enough of preserving the remnants of the slave past!” It took the intervention of the newspaper Pravda in 1938 for this inscription to be destroyed.

In my youth, I came to Moscow for the first time and accidentally came across the Church of the Assumption on Pokrovka, 1696–1699. I didn't know anything about her before. Meeting her stunned me. A frozen cloud of white and red lace rose up in front of me. There were no "architectural masses". Her lightness was such that she all seemed to be the embodiment of an unknown idea, a dream of something unheard of beautiful. It cannot be imagined from surviving photographs and drawings; it had to be seen surrounded by low, ordinary buildings. I lived under the impression of this meeting and later began to study ancient Russian culture precisely under the influence of the impetus I received then. Later I learned that such different people as Napoleon and Dostoevsky considered it the most beautiful church in Moscow. During the Great Fire of Moscow, Napoleon posted a guard there and thus saved her from the fire. On the initiative of A.V. Lunacharsky, the lane adjacent to it was named after the name of its builder - a serf - Potapovsky. But then people came and demolished the church. This was in the early 30s. Now this place is a vacant lot with some kind of stall. Isn't something killed in us? Haven't we been robbed spiritually?

And there is one more thing I would like to remember. The city in which I was born and have lived all my life, Leningrad, is associated primarily in its architectural appearance with the names of Rastrelli, Rossi, Quarenghi, Zakharov, Voronikhin. On the road from the main Leningrad airfield stood Rastrelli's Travel Palace. Straight to the forehead: the first large building of Leningrad and Rastrelli! It was in very poor condition - it was close to the front line, but Soviet soldiers did everything to preserve it. And if it were restored, how festive this overture to Leningrad would be. They demolished it! Demolished in the late 60s. And there is nothing in this place. It’s empty in its place, empty in your soul when you pass this place.

Who are these people who are killing the living past - a past that is also our present, for culture does not die? Sometimes these are the architects themselves - one of those who really want to put their “creation” in a winning place. Sometimes these are completely random people, and we are all to blame for this. We must think about ensuring that such “random killers” do not exist.

Prohibitions, instructions and boards stating “Protected by the state” alone are not enough. It is necessary that cases of hooligan or irresponsible attitude towards cultural heritage are strictly investigated in the courts and the perpetrators are severely punished. But this is not enough. It is absolutely necessary to introduce the teaching of local history in the secondary school curriculum with the basics of biological and cultural ecology, and to create wider circles in schools on the history and nature of the native land. Patriotism cannot only be called upon; it must be carefully nurtured.

So, ecology of culture!

There is a big difference between the ecology of nature and the ecology of culture, and a very fundamental one at that.

To a certain extent, losses in nature can be restored. It is possible to clean up polluted rivers and seas, it is possible to restore forests and the number of animals, of course, if a certain line has not been crossed, if this or that breed of animals has not been destroyed entirely, if this or that variety of plants has not died. It was possible to restore bison - both in the Caucasus and in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, and even settled them in the Beskydy Mountains, that is, where they had not existed before. At the same time, nature itself helps man, because it is “alive.” It has the ability to self-purify, to restore the balance disturbed by man. She heals the wounds inflicted on her from the outside: fires, clearings, toxic dust, sewage.

The situation is different with cultural monuments. Their losses are irreplaceable, because cultural monuments are always individual, always associated with a certain era, with certain masters. Every monument is destroyed forever, distorted forever, damaged forever.

It is possible to create models of destroyed buildings, as was the case, for example, in Warsaw, but it is impossible to restore the building as a “document”, as a witness to the era of its creation. Any newly rebuilt ancient monument will be deprived of documentation - it is only an “appearance”. Portraits remain from the dead. But portraits don't speak, they don't live. In certain circumstances, “remakes” make sense and over time they themselves become “documents” of the era, the era in which they were created. Stare Miasto or Nowy Świat Street in Warsaw will forever remain a symbol of the patriotism of the Polish people in the post-war years.

The “stock” of cultural monuments, the “stock” of the cultural environment is extremely limited in the world, and it is being depleted at an ever-growing speed. Technology, which itself is a product of culture, sometimes serves more to kill culture than to prolong its life. Bulldozers, excavators, construction cranes, driven by thoughtless and ignorant people, destroy both what has not yet been discovered in the ground, and what is above the ground - which has already served people. Even the restorers themselves, guided by their own, insufficiently tested theories or modern ideas about beauty, become more destroyers of the monuments of the past than their guardians. City planners also destroy monuments, especially if they do not have clear and complete historical knowledge. The earth is becoming crowded for cultural monuments, not because there is not enough land, but because builders are attracted to old places that have been lived in and therefore seem especially beautiful and tempting to city planners. Urban planners, like no one else, need knowledge in the field of cultural ecology.

In the first years after the Great October Revolution, local history experienced rapid flourishing. For various reasons, in the thirties it almost ceased to exist; special institutes and many local history museums were closed. And local history fosters a living love for the native land and provides that knowledge, without which it is impossible to preserve cultural monuments in the field. On its basis, local environmental problems can be solved more seriously and deeply. It has long been argued that local history should be introduced as a discipline into school curricula. Until now, this question remains open.

1 Project passport

Project name:

Project Manager: art teacher

Shvydchenko Lyudmila Sergeevna

Academic subject: " Art".

Academic disciplines close to the project topic: “ Local history".

Age of students for whom the project is designed: 14–15 years old
(8th grade).

Project type: practice-oriented.

Objective of the project: create an exhibition for the school museum - models of architectural objects of the 19th century German settlement of the Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve.

Methodological objectives of the project:

meta-subject – introduce students to the concept of project activities; to teach how to see the problem of replenishing the exhibition of a school museum, to outline and implement ways to solve it; study the artistic language of the architecture of buildings of a German settlement of the 19th century, understand the meaning of the proportionality of forms, the beauty of building designs; learn to navigate the information space, use the Internet, expand PC skills;

subject – develop interest in the process of learning the architectural monuments of the 19th century of the native land in fine arts lessons; to form a creative initiative while searching for information on the history of architectural structures of the Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve, a desire to understand the problem of creating an exhibition for a school museum;

personal – to form a moral and aesthetic interest in the environment in which we live, the history of the architectural heritage of our native land – the “Old Sarepta” museum-reserve; to cultivate love for the small homeland, pride in the historical heritage of the Sarepta colony, which became one of the industrial, commercial, scientific and cultural centers of the Lower Volga region, and an active civic position; develop the ability to work in a team, feel like a member of a team, and find compromises; develop the ability to make decisions and take personal responsibility for them.

Project issues:

What exhibits need to be made for the local history school museum?

How to fulfill an order from the school administration?

Necessary equipment: PC, projector, screen, paper, pencil, eraser, cardboard, glue, scissors; search and other materials to implement the author’s plans.


Relevance of the method of this project is that in the process of work the cognitive activity of students is activated. The teacher leads the children to independently choose a topic, and this is motivation for high, stable performance. Students independently develop a plan for their actions and the final result. They see the purpose of the task set for themselves, which contributes to the development of certain personal qualities: the ability to work in a team, the ability to feel like a member of a team, and to take responsibility for choosing a solution.

Practical significance project activity is that the educational process has a logical, personal meaning - students know why they are working on the problem at hand. Ultimately, they design the exhibition of the school museum and conduct excursions. They see the interest and approval of others, which qualitatively develops the creative potential of students. Children can try on a certain professional role of an adult: an architect, a programmer, a tour guide... They are given the opportunity to gain experience in public speaking.

Novelty of experience consists in applying the practice-oriented project method in teaching and educational activities. Students are introduced to the complex process of how an architect works to finalize a building design.

Students' creative projects go beyond the scope of the lesson and can be used in educational activities by other participants in the pedagogical process.

Conceptuality The project method is that the modern educational process includes the development of artistic and exhibition thought, forms the development of the ability to demonstrate the products of creative activity. In this project, this is framed in a game moment - the opening of a museum.

Brief summary of the project

Projectlong-term , designed for two quarters. Hepractice-oriented, since it is aimed at the social interests of the students themselves, the customer is the school administration, the product of the activity is predetermined and can be used in the life of the school (models for the school museum).

Thismono project , it takes place within the framework of one subject, but when working, information from other areas of knowledge (local history) is used.

Projectintraclass , held in eighth grade.

Product form of this project: an exhibition for the school museum - models of architectural objects of the 19th century German settlement of the Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve.

The project work consists offour stages .

I stage . Defining the theme and purpose of the project.

1. Definition of the topic and purpose of the project.

Excursion to the local history school museum.

Problem: There are not enough exhibits in the museum.

Question: How can I replenish them?


They propose to collect material on the history of architectural monuments of the “Old Sarepta” complex, make models of buildings for the museum’s exposition, and prepare an excursion to the school museum.

The topic was decided: "Monuments of culture of the native land."

Objective of the project: Zarephath."

Tasks: study the architecture of a 19th century German settlement; make models of the museum complex buildings; supplement the lecture content of excursions with facts from the history of Sarepta.

2. Selection of a working group.

II stage . Identification of information sources. Determine how information is collected. Selecting an object. Distribution of tasks.

1. Determination of sources of information, methods of collecting information.

Excursion to the museum-reserve "Old Sarepta" (recording the guide's information).

Visit to the experimentalGerman Library at the "Old Sarepta" museum.


Information fromInternet: architecture of Germany of the 18th–19th centuries, museum-reserve today.

2. Selecting an object.

Distribution of tasks.

Each group is assigned a research topic and a prototyping object:

1- I'm a group– church building in Sarepta;

2- I'm a group– Langerfeld House (famous pharmacy);

3- I'm a group

4- I'm a group– mustard plant of I.K. Glich;

5- I'm a group– the central square of Sarepta with a view of the buildings (now Freedom Square).

roles and activities: architects – 2 people, programmer – 1 person, researchers – 2–3 people.

III stage . Collection and clarification of information. Presentation of information. Stage-by-stage implementation of the layout.

In the "Old Sarepta" museum-reserve, students found photographs of famous Sarepta residents, booklets with information about the Church Square of Sarepta, information about the museum's exhibition... In the experimental German Library, they collected information on the history of German architectural buildings of the 19th century.

Alexey Grigorievich created this graphic while studying the archives of the Old Sarepta Museum - this became another source of information for the guys.

On the Internet, students found articles about the architecture of Germany in the 19th century, about the restoration of the museum-reserve and its status today.

2. Presentation of information.

The guys offer the collected information to their team members. They are discussing it. They choose the most important and interesting things.

3. Stage-by-stage implementation of the layout.

architects, builders, designers, landscape designer.

All team members carry out independent practical activities according to the planned plan.

IV stage . Project protection.

1. Analysis of information.

Defense of the project in the form of a business game “Press Conference”.

Present: the director and administration of the lyceum.

The project results are assessed as “excellent”.

Progress of the game

Reviews the proposed materials and asks questions. All team members answer.

Asks questions about practical activities:

What materials were used to make the model?

What difficulties did you encounter while creating the layout?

2. Determine how the results will be presented.

PowerPoint .

Project work plan

Stages of work on the project

The content of the work

Student activities

Teacher activities

I. Preparation

1. Defining the topic and goals

Excursion to the local history school

Problem: there's not enough in the museum

Question: How can I replenish them?

Answer: From the topics they propose, students choose the problem of replenishing the “Old Sarepta” museum-reserve with additional information data and new exhibits.

They propose to collect material on the history of architectural monuments of the “Old Sarepta” complex, make models of buildings for the museum’s exposition,
prepare a tour to the school

The topic has been decided - “Monuments of the culture of the native land.”

Objective of the project: create models of architectural objects of the 19th century German settlement of the museum-reserve "OldZarephath."

Students get to know the school
museum. Discuss with teacher
lack of exhibits in the museum.

replenish the museum with exhibits of rare plants from your arboretum

make exhibits of Christian churches in your area;

exhibits dedicated to the legendary streets of your area;

exhibits dedicated to the museum -
reserve "Old Sarepta".

Students discuss project topics
with the teacher.

They offer a choice: create exhibits for the “Old Sarepta” museum-reserve, study the history of the settlement in more detail; create models of architectural monuments of Sarepta.

Conduct excursions around the school museum, enriched with new information, with the presentation of models created by the children’s hands.

The teacher gives a sightseeing tour of the school museum. Draws attention to insufficient
number of exhibits in the museum. The school administration orders the class to create additional exhibits for the school museum.

Helps in defining goals

Supervises students' work

Tasks: study German architecture
19th century settlements.

Create models of the museum complex buildings.

Enrich the lecture content of excursions with facts from the history of Sarepta

2. Selection of a working group.

Students are divided into groups of 5–6 people.

Students form groups
optional (5–6 people)

Each group chooses an object
for study and prototyping

The teacher suggests dividing into groups and choosing an object to organize the activity.

Supervises students' work.

Conditions for successful project implementation:

lack of a leader;

equality of all team members;

teams do not compete;

all team members must
be active and contribute to the common cause;

all project participants are responsible for the final result;

draw up and write down a plan of your actions;

coordinate your personal plan with the plan of your comrades

II. Planning

1. Identification of information sources
techniques, methods of collecting information.

At the first stage of information search
the children receive advice from the teacher

The teacher offers the children
distribute species among themselves

Excursion to the museum-reserve "Old Sarepta" (recording excursion information

Visit to the experimentalGerman Library at the museum "Old

Ink drawings “Sarepta. Historical motives" Alexey Grigorievich Ilyin.

Information fromInternet: architecture of Germany of the 18th–19th centuries, museum-reserve today

la (conditions for successful implementation of the project).

The guys developedoverall plan actions:

1. Identify sources of information.

2. How to collect information?

3. How to submit information?

4. How to prepare information
for a tour guide?

5. How to present the result?

activities while searching for information.

Supervises students' work

2. Selecting an object.

Distribution of tasks.

Each group is assigned a research topic and object

1st group – church building in Sarepta;

2nd group – Langerfeld House
(famous pharmacy);

3rd group – German cemetery of the Herrnhuter brotherhood;

4th group – mustard plant
I. K. Glich;

5th group - central square
Sarepta with a view of the buildings (now
Freedom Square).

Distribute roles among themselves.

Architects - search and explore
drawings, plans and specifications of building architecture related
with the selected object.

The one who stands out from the group is the one whobetter computer skills , he will directly deal with the processing of information
in a programme
PowerPoint .

The rest of the group willcollect information on history of the created object and otherinformation, necessary, in the opinion of the team, for the project

Distributed among group membersroles and activities:

architects – 2 people;

programmer – 1 person;

research assistants – 2–3 people.

III. Research

1. Collection and clarification of information.

In the “Old Sarepta” museum-reserve, the children found photographs of famous Sarepta residents, booklets with information about the Church Square of Sarepta, and information about the museum’s exhibition. The experimental German Library collected data on the history of German architectural buildings of the 19th century.

Historian, artist, participant in the Great Patriotic War Alexey Grigorievich Ilyin donated ink drawings “Sarepta. Historical motives".

This graphic is Alexey Grigorievich
created by studying the archives of the museum “Old
Sarepta",this became another source of information for the guys.

Students found articles on the Internet
about the architecture of Germany in the 19th century,
about the restoration of the museum-reserve
and his status today

The guys are collecting information.

Discuss it with team members and consult with the teacher.

The guys developed an algorithm for executing the layout:

1. Frontal drawing, determination of scale.

2. Modules (development of geometric bodies) of the future building.

3. Execution of relief and additional elements (bell, staircase,
tiles, etc.).

4. Design of the area around the building.

5. Installation of objects

The teacher monitors the progress of the discussion, advises, helps,
directs student activities

2. Presentation of information.

The guys offer the collected information
mation to your team members.

They are discussing it. Choose the most important and interesting things

At the stage of practical prototyping, roles change in accordance with the activity.

Architect – makes a frontal drawing of the building, marks its location on the ground, prepares drawings of the modules.

Programmers and scientists become builders, designers and landscape designers.

Builders and designers – completed
take into account the relief layout and additional elements.

Landscape designer – ties it to the area and designs the area around the building.

Teams study frontal
drawing of the building, location on the ground, scale.

They begin to execute the modules parallel to the relief, having determined which relief is best executed in expanded form.

They make a model of the landscape, connect it with an architectural object and natural forms: a fence, a bridge,

2. Stage-by-stage implementation of the layout.

Roles for practical activities:

architects, builders, designers,
landscape designer.

All team members carry out independent practical activities according to the plan

Perform installation of architectural objects with landscape layouts

IV. Representation

1. Project protection.

In the form of the game “Press Conference”.

Progress of the game

The “journalist” (a student from a neighboring team) is interested in the theoretical part of the project.

Listens to the information offered
asking questions. All members answer

The guys from the other teams are spectators.

The “journalist” proceeds to examine the layout.

Setsquestions for practical activities:

What materials were used
for making a model?

How were special layout elements completed?

What difficulties arose during
creating a layout?

The guys are playing a business game "Press conference" (each

One person from the team introduces himself as a journalist and conducts an interview with the guys from the neighboring team,
who offer him prepared information about the work done

During the game, the children present their model of the building to the “journalist”. Answer questions

The teacher observes and advises. Present: director, administration of the lyceum. The project results are assessed as “excellent”.

The teacher asks you to fill out a form “Evaluate your work in the project.”

2. Determining the way to present the results.

Fill out information in the programPowerPoint

Make a plan for the presentation.

Compile information on the history of the construction of the building in the programPowerPoint

The guys completed the project.

Serious work has been done, a lot of interesting material has been collected. The idea arose to attract the attention of students
Lyceum to the school museum

How to get students' attention
to the school museum?

We decided to play the game"Opening of the Museum" .

Characters: teacher (author
project); authors of layouts; guests (students, teachers, director); "tour guides"; "journalists"; "Photographers"

Progress of the game

1. Opening of the museum.

2. Tour of the school museum.

3. Interview with “journalists”.

4. Ceremonial completion of the exhibition

Guests are greeted by a group of "excursionists"

Representatives of the teams (“tour guides”) give the guests a tour.

All team members answer questions from guests.

Team members give interviews to “journalists”

At the stage of the ceremonial completion of the exhibition, guests are invited to express their opinions.

Guests ask questions to the teams.

“Journalists” conduct interviews and film.

The director awards the teams with certificates.

“Journalists” are preparing to inform the school community

“Evaluate your work in the project”

Check markon rating scales using a ten-point system:

1) Rate how interesting this project seemed to you.


2) Rate how difficult the proposed tasks were for you.


3) Assess your contribution to solving the problem (how useful you were to your group in implementing the project).


4) Evaluate how friendly and well-coordinated your group worked.


5) Would you like to work again in the same group?

YES NO (underline)

Why ____________________________________________________________________________________



Prepared by:

Senior counselor

Dobrovolskaya A.N.

village Zhaltyr

"From the past to the present

builds the future"

Objective of the project: to intensify the work of the Astrakhan Museum of History and Local Lore to develop the creative potential of the individual, educate spiritual and moral values, the qualities of a citizen and patriot, attract attention to the problem of preserving monuments and actively involve them in nurturing love for the Fatherland and respect for the past.

Project objectives:

Mastering knowledge about the history of the creation of monuments in the Astrakhan region

Formation of independent, creative-searching, cognitive


Development of civic and patriotic qualities, instilling teamwork skills

Collection and systematization of materials about the history of monuments, heroes - fellow countrymen, to whom the monumental heritage is dedicated, WWII veterans, Afghan soldiers who were the first virgin lands.

Involving students in local history activities

Creation of a database about WWII participants, virgin lands workers, home front workers, victims of the totalitarian regime

Introducing young people to the glorious past of the village, region, reading books on local history

Release of the collection “People of the Astrakhan Land”

Creation of a slide film “What the obelisks are silent about...”

Historical experience poses social, spiritual and organizational problems to Kazakhstani society. The structure of education and upbringing determines culture, patriotism and citizenship as the main priorities in this matter. Patriotism fits organically into the education of a person in the 21st century; the idea of ​​patriotism should become the core around which high socially significant views, feelings of conviction, positions and aspirations of children and adolescents, their readiness and ability in the future to take active action for the good of the Motherland will be formed.

Today we encourage our children to know, understand and love the history of their country, their people. But all this will be in vain if it is not supported by an active feeling of love for the past, for that long-past life.

We adults are concerned about the vandalism of the younger generation: mangled bus stops, painted walls of entrances, etc. We are trying to find an answer to the question: “Why does this happen?” And we come to the conclusion that value deformations in the consciousness and behavior of young people are associated with the overall absence of a national idea with the patriotic meaning of serving the Fatherland on the basis of the unity of personal, public and state interests.

Thanks to the project “Monuments – Keepers of the History of the Native Land”, the patriotic possibilities of local history material are obvious, which allow expanding the knowledge of a modern citizen not on abstract ideals, but on examples from the lives of specific people - fellow villagers, on events from the life and history of their village.

The daily life of past generations contains heroic and tragic pages, thanks to acquaintance with which education moves from the sphere of general reasoning into the field of reconstructed real historical roots.

The monuments of the Astrakhan region play a huge role in this, and they became the object of our project.

The creation of monuments is a memory of the heart and gratitude to fellow countrymen. The monumental heritage contains a treasure trove of memories of the past. After all, the entire chronicle of the past and experiences rests in them - in these seemingly silent monuments. They are the connecting links between centuries and generations. These are not only historical monuments, they are a source of pride for our Motherland, this is part of our small Motherland, therefore, by preserving and studying the memorable heritage of the ancestors of our village, region, we preserve the history of our region as part of the history of our Motherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan.

I would especially like to note that all the monuments in the village of Astrakhanka were erected during the years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this emphasizes the significance and relevance of the project “Independence is the right of the people to freedom”, dedicated to the 24th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which reveals the patriotic ideals of the Kazakh people in the years democratic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. After all, the main source of a sense of citizenship and patriotism is the memory of the past.

What made us work on this project?

We conducted a survey at school on local history, knowledge of the history of villages, the region, the exploits of heroes - fellow countrymen, the heroic past of Astrakhan residents, memorable heritage and concluded that young people have poor local knowledge of the history of the region.

And it is possible to learn about this local history material by studying the memorable heritage of our fellow countrymen.

According to the terms of the project, it is necessary to collect material about the history of the monuments, their creators, fellow countrymen-heroes placed on the obelisks; it is also planned to conduct excursions with students of the Astrakhan region, on-site correspondence lessons and excursions about the memorable heritage of the Astrakhan region to schools in the region by members of the local history club “Istok” at DDT. The museum council made a slide film “What the obelisks are silent about...” about the monuments of the Astrakhan region, and a huge amount of work has also begun to collect material for a book about the heroes - Astrakhan residents “People of the Astrakhan Land”.

Local history work for this project makes it possible to organize excursions, carry out educational tasks to study the history of monuments, their heroes, and meetings with famous fellow countrymen.

The theme of memory raised in the project “Monuments – Keepers of the History of the Native Land” is especially relevant and important on the eve of the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. But we would like for us to remember the significant pages of the history of our Motherland not only on the eve of important dates, so we created this project, which promotes interest and respect for history among the younger generation.

Project implementation

Stage I– Preparatory collection and systematization of information.

Creation of a unified database of village and district monuments

Preparation of material about the history of the creation of monuments and heroes - fellow countrymen,

whose exploits the obelisks are dedicated to. Production of booklets and albums.

Making the film “What the Obelisks Are Silent About...”

Meetings with WWII veterans, internationalist soldiers, pioneers,


Creation of texts for excursions to monuments

Certification of monuments and obelisks in the region.

Development of scenarios for lessons from the series “Memory of the Heart”, “At the Eternal Flame”,

“Learn from the heroes to protect the Fatherland”

Creation of a living museum of memory - a documentary film “Living Voices of Victory” about WWII veterans and rear soldiers.

Stage II– The main one is conducting excursions to the monuments of the Astrakhan region “At the Eternal Flame”, “Afghanistan - My Pain”, “What the Obelisks Are Silent About...”, “Virgin Land - a Feat of Generations”, “No One is Forgotten - Nothing is Forgotten”, “Three Stones” the sorrows of the Astrakhan people."

Conducting a “memorial caravan” of lessons in schools in the region from the series “Monuments – Keepers of the History of the Native Land”

Presentation of the collection “People of the Astrakhan Land” (about fellow countrymen whose feats are dedicated to obelisks and monuments)

Essay competition “The folk trail will not be overgrown”

Excursions and museum lessons are held with the invitation of the public and fellow countrymen of the Astrakhan region.

Carrying out patriotic events that educate the younger generation using examples of the courage and heroism of veterans, promoting the prestige of serving the Motherland.

Presentation of the documentary film “Living Voices of Victory.

Expected result:

As a result of the project, a unified local history information database of monuments in the Astrakhan region will be created, as well as printed and electronic products about monuments, obelisks, memorial signs, memorial plaques on streets named in honor of fellow countrymen will be prepared. These materials will be addressed to schoolchildren, youth, teachers, and anyone interested in the memorial heritage of our fellow countrymen.

A slide film “Monuments – Keepers of the History of the Small Motherland” and a documentary film “Living Voices of Victory” will be created. In addition, a series of lessons will be developed: “What the obelisks are silent about...”, “Memory of the Heart”, “At the Eternal Flame”,

“Learn from the heroes to take care of the Fatherland” and brochures with the text of excursions to memorable places in the Astrakhan region were published, a book of memory “People of the Astrakhan Land” was created. This truly invaluable material will allow us to preserve for posterity the memory of our fellow countrymen, World War II participants, virgin lands, famous fellow countrymen, and monuments of the region. All events will contribute to the most important thing - civic-patriotic education and enlightenment of youth, development of interest among students in local history and research activities.

About those who will never come again,

I implore you, remember!

R. Rozhdestvensky

There are values ​​that cannot be forgotten, one of them is the memory of the past. In our village, obelisks were erected in memory of our fellow countrymen who died during the tragic periods of our history.

They remind us living today that such sad events should never happen.

Obelisks are a message about peace, history, pain, suffering, love for the Motherland, a message about peaceful life, memory and continuity. At the bottom of the photo there is a memorial sign, read the words engraved on it, these words from the past are addressed to each of us: “We appeal to your memory, people, and we appeal to your hearts, do not allow our fate to become your fate” Remember !!!

On the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany in 1985, an obelisk was opened to the heroes who died in the Great Patriotic War on the central square of Astrakhan.

The names of the Astrakhan citizens who died in World War II are carved on the obelisk. In total, 1,500 fellow countrymen went to the front, 1,075 soldiers died.

Many fought at the front as part of the 310th Infantry Division, which defended Leningrad, ensured the transportation of military cargo along the road of life, as well as near Rzhev.


The 310th Rifle Division was formed in Akmolinsk in August 1941. It took part in the battles near Leningrad in 1941-1942, near Volkhov in 1943, in the Novgorod offensive operation (January-March 1944), after which it was given the name Novgorod. The division took part in the liberation of Karelia and Poland. She finished her combat journey on the island of Usedoy (Primorskaya Bay, Baltic Sea).

She was awarded the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner.

Not far from the village of Astrakhanka, in June 2002, an obelisk dedicated to the victims of the totalitarian regime was erected near the former village of Taizhan. It's called "Three Stones of Sorrow." It was installed at her own expense by Altynshash Zhaganova, a writer, playwright, and Honored Cultural Worker of Kazakhstan. It was at her suggestion that May 31 was approved in our republic as a day of remembrance of political repression. The place where the monument is erected is a mass grave of the village residents who died in the famine years of 30-32.

The famine was so severe that there was neither the means nor the strength to bury the dead according to the customs of their ancestors.

The monument consists of 3 stones. On one of them, on the left, are the names of the ancestors of the Kairzhanovs, who are buried here, on the other on the right is the inscription in Kazakh language “Here lie the victims of the famine of 1930-1932,” and on the middle slab it is written “The monument was erected by Altynshash Zhaganova.” Now there is a place to come and bow the heads of the children and grandchildren who died during the years of the terrible jute artificially created by the authorities.

In 2006, a monument to the victims of political repression was erected on the square near the House of Culture. Kazakhstan became a place where thousands of people were forced to go, sentenced to exile without trial or investigation.

Places where exiles settled were called Karlag points. They were also in our region, now these are the villages of Kamenka, Kamyshenka, Lozovoye, Pervomaika, Priishimka. To this day, descendants of Poles, Germans, Ingush, and Chechens who were exiled during the years of repression live there. In the USSR, a whole system of camps was organized, in which almost 2 million prisoners were kept.

Time moves forward, but the pain of tortured and destroyed people cannot be forgotten. And therefore, on the last day of May, Astrakhan residents remember those who saw Karlag and Algeria in reality, they bring flowers to the modest obelisk

From now on, here - in the homeland of heroes,

there will be a monument to the Afghans...

Galina Aquarius

(Astrakhan poetess)

In 2007, the grand opening of the obelisk to the internationalist soldiers who died in Afghanistan took place.. People in Astrakhan were waiting for this moment. 51 internationalist soldiers from the Astrakhan region were in Afghanistan. 1 missing, 5 dead. It is noteworthy that this monument stands on the main square of the village, next to the obelisk to the Astrakhan soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. It’s as if another step has been taken to equalize the rights of the soldiers of these two wars - the Great and the other, undeclared.

It's so quiet on Astrakhan Square

Those who have stepped into immortality lie

In the constellation of plates...

And the red carnations are helpless

They're shaking from the cold

That life is priceless - all poets write

Only a hero can decide

With your last blasted dawn

Leading others to great deeds...

The years of development of virgin and fallow lands are a bright, wonderful page in the life of the Astrakhan region. In the spring of 1954, 5 state farms were created - “Astrakhansky”, “Novocherkassky”, “Krasnogvardeysky”, “Kainarsky”, “Stepnyak”. 1,337 people arrived in the area on Komsomol vouchers.

Far beyond the boundaries of the region, the names of the best pioneers of the region are now known: Heroes of Socialist Labor V.O. Dityuk, S.V. Poltoryan, A.I. Kaydanovich, P.Ya. Korotetsky. and many others. All of them, like thousands of other residents of the region, did everything in their power to make Astrakhan prettier. This monument is the S-80 tractor, the one who raised the first virgin furrow was installed by the Astrakhan people forever on Astrakhan soil.

Creative project “Monuments are guardians of the history of our native land", held on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, clearly confirms that "independence is the right of the people to freedom." The people of Kazakhstan decide which ideals and exploits to live in the hearts of our youth, about which it is important to preserve the memory of the heart, therefore, during these 24 years of Independence, these monuments were erected in the Astrakhan region. They help to reveal the patriotic ideals of the Kazakh people during the years of democratic development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Patriotism is a manifestation of the best feelings that a person has, this is the consciousness of his inalienability from the Motherland and experiencing its happy and unhappy days with it. We believe that the memorable heritage of our ancestors plays a huge role in nurturing Kazakhstani patriotism.

The Great Steppe... She remembers a lot

Those who are now living look up to those long gone.

Popular wisdom says: “If you don’t know how to live, live like your ancestors.”

Nadezhda Borisova
Project. Topic: “Manturovo Temple as a monument to the history and culture of the native land”

Municipal budgetary preschool general education

institution kindergarten No. 7 "Fairy Tale" of the city district

the city of Manturovo, Kostroma region.


Topic: “Manturovo Temple as a monument to the history and culture of the native land”

Relevance The chosen topic is that currently there is an acute issue of preserving traditional moral values. nurturing love for the Motherland. We agree with those who argue that the education of a person who feels pride in his country, who is ready to “dedicate his soul to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses,” begins with an in-depth knowledge of his small Motherland and its holy places. What can you be proud of if you don’t know your roots, the history of your hometown, country, if you are deprived of the memory of your heritage?

Orthodoxy plays a special role in the history of Russia, in the formation and development of its spirituality and culture. In the National Anthem of Russia, our Motherland is called a “sacred power”, “native land preserved by God”. After all, the history of the Russian land is closely linked with the fate of the Russian Orthodox Church. The church and the state in unity complemented each other in raising a pious and educated Christian, a respectable family man, a hardworking and patriotic citizen. The concepts of “Russian” and “Orthodox” in Rus' until the 20th century were inseparable and meant the same thing, namely: belonging to the Russian Orthodox culture.

The entire national culture is based on a spiritual basis. The culture of Russia has historically been formed under the influence of Orthodoxy. Without knowledge of the foundations of Orthodoxy, it is impossible to understand the heritage of Russian culture; these are the literary works of A. S. Pushkin ("Our Father", The Prophet, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Lenten Prayer and many others, F. M. Dostoevsky ("The Brothers Karamazov", Crime and punishment and all others, Gogol N.V. (“Taras Bulba” and others). Gogol is not only a satirist writer, an exposer of vices, a brilliant humorist, but also a pioneer in Russian literature of the patristic tradition, a religious thinker. This is confirmed in in his works, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University V. A. Voropaev, who is convinced that Gogol was an Orthodox Christian, and his Orthodoxy was not nominal, but effective, believing that without this it is impossible to understand anything from his life and creativity. The Orthodox worldview of composers: M. P. Mussorsky, S. V. Rachmaninov, P. I. Tchaikovsky, left an imprint on their musical works. Deep experiences of the Orthodox faith were expressed in the works of artists and icon painters, starting from Andrei Rublev and continuing with paintings: Ivanova A. A. (“The Appearance of Christ to the People”, Kramskoy I. N. (“Christ in the Desert”, Repin I. E. (“Job and His Friends”), Levitan I. I. (“Above Eternal Peace”, Nesterova M.V. (“Soul of the People”) and many other artists. Russian culture has always found recognition, high appreciation and a worthy place in world culture, being its significant and integral part. The greatness of Russian culture over ten centuries of development was determined by its deep spiritual content, dating back to Orthodox morality and the history of Christianity. At the same time, for the Russian people, the defense of Orthodoxy and the Fatherland has always been considered the sacred duty of a Christian, because in this case the shrines were protected. Patriotic feelings begin with respect for shrines. These high feelings must be formed from childhood, otherwise in adulthood a person will not understand the heritage of Russian culture, and therefore will cease to be Russian. Therefore, the spiritual and moral education of preschool children is especially important. It is in preschool age that a child is especially susceptible to learning moral norms and requirements. Preserving the historical continuity of generations to spiritual values, the love for the shrines of the Russian people is transmitted. The philosopher Ivan Ilyin very accurately noted: without shrines, “Russia is like a frame without a picture, a cradle without a baby.” Orthodox values ​​have always formed the spiritual core of the Russian person. The Kremlin with its golden-domed domes is the image of the capital that our soldiers defended from invaders. Going on a military campaign, our princes and kings asked the holy elders for blessings, fervently prayed for victory, took crosses, icons and banners with them, made a vow to God to build churches and monasteries in gratitude for the victory given by God. A striking example of such construction is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - a monument to the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The relevance of this problem of preserving traditional moral values, knowledge of the history of one’s small Motherland, its holy places is confirmed by data from sociological surveys among young people. The vast majority of respondents are not well acquainted with the history of any temple, chapel, or monastery in their small homeland. Every third person is sure that one can be considered a person who knows his national history without having knowledge of the history of Orthodox culture. A fifth of respondents found it difficult to answer the question “What is a temple?”, and every fourth does not know what a monastery is.

Therefore, in order for the historical continuity of generations to be observed in the process of education, the project theme was chosen: “Manturovo Temple as a monument to the history and culture of the native land”

Objective of the project: knowledge of the spiritual heritage and historical past of our small Motherland, through temple objects, as spiritual and cultural monuments.

Project objectives:

1. create a route sheet for studying the selected topic

2. introduce children to the peculiarities of the origin of the temple, its history, architecture and internal structure;

3. develop in children the ability to express their own opinion, put forward an assumption (hypothesis, analyze, develop coherent speech, enrich their active vocabulary, and react vividly to what is happening.

4. to instill in children traditional moral values, interest in studying the history of their native land, a sense of belonging to the history of their native land.

5. involve parents in the educational process to work together on the topic of the project.

An object- the process of forming moral and patriotic qualities in children of senior preschool age through acquaintance with the spiritual heritage, through temple objects, as cultural monuments of their native land.

Item- moral and patriotic education of children of senior preschool age.

Project type: research and educational.

Implementation deadlines: short.

Integrated educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Methods and techniques: excursions, conversations, creative activities of children (independent and with parents, direct educational activities, viewing illustrations and photographs, putting forward a hypothesis, research activities, comparisons, questions, stories, explanations.

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of students, teachers, rector of St. Nicholas Church.

Hypothesis: One should not expect children to show adult forms of love for the Motherland, but if during the implementation of the project children acquire knowledge about the history of their native land through temple objects, as spiritual and cultural monuments, they will focus on traditional spiritual values, begin to show interest in the events of their native land and reflect your impressions in productive activities, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.

Planned results:

Children's acquisition of accessible knowledge about the history of their native land through the temple object, as a spiritual and cultural monument.

Children will show their knowledge in conversations, creative tasks, and other activities.

Development of cognitive activity, communication skills, the ability to express one’s own opinion, put forward an assumption (hypothesis), analyze, react vividly to what is happening.

Project products.

For children: artistic creativity

For teachers: project presentation

For parents: photo report: “Excursion to St. Nicholas Church.”

Stages of work on the project.

Stage I of the project – preparatory

Project preparation:

Acquaintance with information about Orthodox churches;

Setting project goals and objectives;

Selection of methodological, fiction, illustrated material on this topic;

Identification of project participants;

Determining the project implementation period;

Creating a route sheet for children to study the selected topic;

Creating conditions for independent activity of children and parents.

Route sheet.

First day.

Visit to the library.

Conducting GCD

"The meaning of the temple

in the history of our native land.

The temple and its external structure"

Second day.

Excursion to St. Nicholas Church.

Introducing children to the internal structure of the temple.

The third day.

Productive activity.

Stage II - practical steps to implement the project.

The project was planned and carried out in accordance with the federal state educational standard in four educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Work with children:

Clarifying children’s ideas about what a temple is, appealing to children’s personal experience;

Statement of the problem: “Why were temples built?” “How is the temple structured?”;

Examination of illustrations and photographs;

Conducting direct educational activities on the topic: “The importance of the temple for the history of the native land. The temple and its external structure";

Conducting a tour of St. Nicholas Church in the city of Manturovo;

Creative tasks: drawings, paper applications.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in the educational process to work together on the topic of the project;

To identify the opinion of parents on the issue of spiritual and moral education of children based on familiarization with the Mantura Temple as a monument to the history and culture of their native land;

Consultation for parents: “What is a temple. The temple and its external structure";

Learning poems and riddles with children at home;

Joint participation of children and parents in a tour of the temple, familiarization with its internal structure;

Creation of a photo report by parents: “Excursion to St. Nicholas Church.”

Stage III - Final.

This project allows us to solve the problem of preserving traditional moral values, knowledge of the history of our small homeland, its holy places. A modern person without knowledge of the basics of Orthodoxy will not be able to understand either the anthem of Russia, where our Motherland is called a “sacred power”, “native land preserved by God”, nor the Kremlin with its golden domes, nor the heritage of Russian culture, and therefore will cease to be Russian.

Moral and patriotic feelings must be formed from childhood. It is in preschool age that a child is especially susceptible to learning moral norms and requirements. Corresponding to age, level of development, observing the requirements of the training and education program, as well as preserving the historical continuity of generations to spiritual values, love for the shrines of the Russian people is transmitted.

The role of the teacher in shaping the moral qualities of preschoolers is enormous. In this work, his first assistants should be his parents. The involvement of parents in the educational process helped to reach the final stage of the project.

At the final stage, the following project products were created:

Parents: photo report: "Excursion to St. Nicholas Church."

Teachers: presentation of the project;

Children: artistic creativity.

During the implementation of the project, children acquired age-appropriate knowledge about the history of their native land through temple objects, as spiritual and cultural monuments, began to focus on traditional spiritual values, began to show interest in the events of their native land and reflect their impressions in productive activities.

Thus, the goal was achieved, the problems were solved, the hypothesis was confirmed.


1. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children. - M., 2004.

2. Voropaev V. A. Nikolai Gogol: experience of spiritual biography. M., 2008

3. Zakharova L. A. Educational and methodological set “Vertograd”

4. Kulomzina S. Our Church and our children. Christian education of people in the modern world. - M., 2008

5. Petrova V.I.T.D. Chair. Moral education in kindergarten. - M.

6. Toropov S. N. “History of Orthodox parishes of the Manturovo land” 2008

Memory is not only about photographs in family albums. This is our land itself, our Motherland, its endless fields, its graveyards, its monuments, without which a person is poor both internally and externally. I would like to talk about cultural and natural monuments that exist in almost every city, town, and village. Previously, they were carefully and lovingly groomed. Now, unfortunately, in some places the memorable places of our small Motherland have turned into “memorable”; dilapidation and desolation have become their misfortune. This situation cannot be justified by any economic difficulties. After all, the attitude towards memorable places has always determined the degree of culture of a society.



Hello to you, my native land,

With your dark forests,

With your great river

And endless fields.

Hello to you, dear people,

The hero of labor is insatiable.

In the middle of winter and in the summer heat

Hello to you my native land.

Memory is not only about photographs in family albums. This is our land itself, our Motherland, its endless fields, its graveyards, its monuments, without which a person is poor both internally and externally. I would like to talk about cultural and natural monuments that exist in almost every city, town, and village. Previously, they were carefully and lovingly groomed. Now, unfortunately, in some places the memorable places of our small Motherland have turned into “memorable”; dilapidation and desolation have become their misfortune. This situation cannot be justified by any economic difficulties. After all, the attitude towards memorable places has always determined the degree of culture of a society. Let's take a look around: are we worthy of being called a cultural nation? A.S. Pushkin wrote:

Two feelings are wonderfully close to us,

The heart finds food in them:

Love for the native ashes,

Love for fathers' coffins.

I would like to reach the heart of every person who loves their native land at least a little. After all, only together, united, can we preserve those parts of memorials and memorial sites that have not yet suffered from a soulless and merciless barbaric attitude.

On the territory of our native land, there are 2,570 cultural heritage sites that reflect the history of the Ulyanovsk region. Of these, 452 are historical monuments, 1,568 are architectural monuments, 550 are archaeological monuments. Currently, on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, 32 objects of federal, 261 - regional, 34 - municipal significance and 2,243 identified but not yet diagnosed objects of cultural heritage have been registered with the state. Monuments of the history of the Ulyanovsk region are associated with the period of construction of the first Russian fortresses and abatis, with military operations and peasant uprisings, with the life of outstanding state, political and public figures, scientists, writers, artists and poets.

Of particular importance for the history of our region are monuments associated with the life of the outstanding personality of the 20th century, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin. Among them are the house where the Ulyanov family lived, the house-apartment of the Ulyanov family, the outbuilding of the house-apartment of the Ulyanov family, which are the decoration of the regional center and attract tourists from all over the world. And in the central part of the regional center, the Historical and Memorial Reserve “Motherland of V.I.” was created and is successfully functioning. Lenin."

House-museum of the Ulyanov family

Former home of the Ulyanov family

Outbuilding of the house - apartment of the Ulyanov family

Many monuments on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region are associated with the period of the civil war. So, in one of the most beautiful buildings in our city - in the house merchant Shatrov , built at the beginning of the 19th century, was the headquarters of the 1st Regiment of the Iron Division during the Civil War.

House of merchant N.Ya.Shatrov

Even if my land is not great,

Just look around

There are so many cultural monuments

You can’t count them too, my friend!

Architectural monuments of the Ulyanovsk region are represented by estates, churches, mosques, monasteries, churches, examples of fortification, civil and industrial architecture. The decoration of the city of Ulyanovsk are the few surviving buildings of the religious

architecture, such as the Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of the Lord on Karl Marx Street and the Lutheran Church on Iron Division Street.

A wonderful example of wooden architecture -house of merchant Bokounin- located on Radishcheva Street (better known among native Ulyanovsk residents as “Teremok”). Now this building is empty and not heated, which has a destructive effect on its structure.

House of merchant S.S. Bokuonin

The problem with many historical and architectural monuments located in the city of Ulyanovsk, and especially in the region, is that the organizations and institutions that occupied them until recently have moved to other places, and the buildings, left without supervision and heating, are rapidly falling into disrepair. The Annenkov estate in the village of Annenkovo, Mainsky district, Ogarev’s house in the village of Prolomikha, Inzensky district, found themselves in this situation. Percy-French house in Terenga, many other buildings-monuments of the region.

The Annenkov estate in the village of Annenkovo

Percy's house - French in Terenga

A striking example of such a phenomenon- estate of the Bestuzhev noblesin the village of Teplovka, Nikolaevsky district, which until recently housed a secondary school, but currently the building is abandoned and dying. The outbreak of the revolution forced M.M. Bestuzhev left the estate, the building came under the jurisdiction of the village council. In recent years it has housed a local school, but part of the building has already been abandoned, and an architectural monument, as it has been considered for many years,

On the territory of the Ulyanovsk region, another Bestuzhev estate has been preserved - in the village of Kolkhoznaya Repyevka, Mainsky district (formerly the village of Repyevka, Karsun district). In the first half of the 19th century, its owner was Andrei Vasilyevich Bestuzhev, who at one time held the post of manager of the Simbirsk specific office. But now this mansion is “mothballed”, due to its disrepair it is no longer used, and it, closed and empty, is awaiting a decision on its fate

House of M.M. Bestuzhev in the village of Teplovka, Nikolaevsky
district (photo from 1998)

House of A.V. Bestuzhev in the village of Kolkhoznaya Repyevka, Mainsky district

Tombstone of S.P. Bestuzhe woo

Coat of arms of the house M.M. Bestuzhev

As a result of the action of natural and anthropogenic factors, the most ancient ground structure of the region - a fortification monument - is also being destroyed.Canada Towerin the village of Kanadey, Nikolaevsky district.

Canada Tower

Archaeological monuments discovered on the territory of the Ulyanovsk region (among them there are some of world scientific significance) cover the period from 1.5 million years BC to the 14th century AD. Many of them are deteriorating due to uncontrolled construction work, illegal treasure hunting, erosion of the banks of the Kuibyshev Reservoir, and plowing of land. Thus, due to the erosion of the banks of the Kuibyshev reservoir, the remains of a largemedieval city of Arbuga,located near the village of Kriushi. The Department of Culture and Art annually organizes security and rescue work at collapsing archaeological monuments.

To maintain the ecological balance of the biosphere and its individual parts, as well as the environment for human life and health, specially protected natural areas are being created in the Ulyanovsk region. These include nature reserves, national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, health resorts and resorts.

I would especially like to dwell on natural monuments of regional significance, of which there are 118 in our native region.

This is a well-known and favorite vacation spot for both children and adults. White Lake, located 10 km from the village of Baranovka, Nikolaevsky district.

In the past, the lake was surrounded on all sides by sphagnum raft. However, in the 40-50s. In the last century, the landowner Saburov released part of the water through a ditch into the Kadada River, where a mill was built. As a result, the water level in White Lake dropped sharply and the bulk of the rafting remained on the dry shore. The edges of the former raft looked like a shaft or ridge, separated by sandbanks from the water surface. In 1912, forest scientist G.M. Gai decided to irrigate White Lake, for which he dug a series of ditches through which melt water could flow. As a result, the water level in the lake rose and the sandbanks were flooded.

Unfortunately, to date, the landscape around White Lake is gradually degrading, many interesting northern species are becoming rare and disappearing, such as swamp cranberry, round-leaved sundew, swamp myrtle, Lapland willow and others. This is due to the fact that White Lake, over a large area, is surrounded by various health institutions, holiday homes, sanatoriums, and children's pioneer camps. The entire surrounding area is cut by a network of paths, livestock grazes everywhere, and the area around health centers is usually littered.
In order to preserve this unique natural site, White Lake has been approved as a monument.

Lake Chekalinskoye in the Kuzovatovsky district is one of the most interesting natural sites in the Ulyanovsk region; in addition, it is included in the list of wetlands protected within the framework of the International Organization "Telma".

Currently, the lake and especially the adjacent forests are experiencing quite significant anthropogenic pressure. On the rafting site, local residents tear off sphagnum moss (they use it to caulk the walls of houses), which naturally disrupts the integrity of plant communities. When cranberries are collected, the raft is trampled down. The pine forest around the lake has been severely disturbed, mainly due to blueberry picking by local residents. Moreover, this collection is often carried out in the most barbaric way: in order not to pick the berries, entire blueberry bushes are uprooted.
Lake Chekalinskoye, as one of the remarkable natural monuments of the Ulyanovsk region, deserves the most serious attention to its protection. AND
While this wonderful lake and the surrounding raft are in satisfactory condition, our task is to preserve this unique natural object and develop detailed measures for its protection.

Natural monument"Zotovo Lake" » occupies a total area of ​​1002 hectares, including the mirror of the lake itself, 36 hectares.

In a natural monument, all types of logging are prohibited, except for sanitary ones due to condition, the procurement of all types of products of plant origin, the hunting of wild animals, and any economic activity that causes damage to the natural monument.

Baevskoye petrified wood- this is currently the only paleobotanical natural monument in the Ulyanovsk region, where the object of protection is a petrified woody plant that belongs to the extinct genus Cupressinoxylon,

Cypress family.

The Baevsky petrified tree was approved as a natural monument back in 1961, and then in 1968 this object on an area of ​​0.02 hectares was fenced with the help of students of the pedagogical institute and a full house was installed with the need to protect it. But the fossilized trunk, being on the surface, is exposed to the danger of natural weathering, like any exposed stone. In addition, tourists and local residents tear it apart, which is strictly prohibited. There have been repeated proposals to move the entire petrified tree to one of the central museums, but in practice this is difficult to implement. It is better if the petrified tree remains forever at the place of its origin. But for this it is necessary to ensure its safety.

Unforgettable nature in our region,

Let's keep it, let's take care of it,

So that our children are proud of their native land,

And everything they could save in it.

Tiinskaya colony of wild bees on an earthen rampart- this is a special colony of wild bees, since it is not only a natural monument, but also a historical monument. The fact is that the bees made their nest on an artificial historical structure - an earthen rampart, created in the middle of the 17th century to protect against raids by Mongolian nomads. In order to preserve this unique and valuable natural monument, it is necessary to completely prohibit the running of livestock through this section of the earthwork in order to preserve the unique colony of wild bees.

There is Lake Sandy - it’s priceless too,

Crucian carp and pike settled in it,

And the fishermen, of course, certainly

They fish there at night and during the day

Lake Sandy with an area of ​​42.2 hectares, it is one of the largest among the numerous lakes scattered along the suffusion depressions of the ancient Volga terraces. It is located on the northeastern outskirts of the village. Cherdakly is a place for recreation and fishing for local residents and townspeople who come here. Being a natural monument, it is a haven for more than 20 species of birds, including the mute swan. To preserve Peschanoe Lake as a natural monument, it is necessary to: prohibit plowing and the use of pesticides in the immediate vicinity, scare away birds, car washing and garbage dumping, and limit livestock grazing. Lake Peschanoe was approved as a natural monument on December 17, 1974.

Springs gush out - the purest water

In Trusleyka, Zhadovka, Sura,

We give them preference

Live, spring, on the Inzen land!

Spring Window, located on the lands of the state forest fund of the Trusley forestry, is not only important as a natural object, but is also a kind of historical monument, because During the Great Patriotic War, there were military camps next to it and the water supply to the camps was carried out from it; the wooden captage has remained here since that time.

How many are there in our region?

Memorable, cultural places,

Even on your fingers

Can't count it at all.

All monuments are priceless,

Take Yulovo - the lake of miracles,

We need to protect such beauty,

Take care of the lake, guard it.

Hundreds of people come on vacation

Admire Yulovskaya beauty,

Tents are set up on the shore

And the whole family cooks kebabs.

In the southeast of the Inzensky district there is a small Yulovka River , related to the Sura River basin. This is a typical forest river with clean, cold, fast-flowing water. About a hundred years ago, the landowner Yulov built a dam on this river, where there was a water mill (its remains have survived to this day). The dam turned out to be good, and the pond has existed to this day and, in essence, acquired the character of a lake, which is why they sometimes talk about Lake Yulovskoye, and not without


Currently Yulovsky Pond , or lake, has a length of up to 2 km, a width of up to 500 m, and the total area of ​​the reservoir is 65 hectares. An undoubted decoration of the coast of Yulovskoye Lake are two large ferns - ostrich fern and female fern.
In the coastal zone of Lake Yulovskoye there are many moisture-loving trees and shrubs - these are various types of willows, black alder, downy birch, and there are also berry bushes - raspberries and black currants. This natural monument is interesting not only for its flora, but also for its fauna. Dragonflies are the first to attract attention. Among the aquatic insects, there are aquatic beetles - the fringed water strider, the gray water strider, the black tulip, and water bugs - the light-shielded smooth beetle, the rod-shaped water strider, and velia. 19 species of ants, 5 species of wasps, 7 species of beetles, 10 species of butterflies and many other endangered insects have been found in Leva. To preserve this wonderful natural monument, new construction should not be allowed on the banks of Yulovsky Pond or near it. It is necessary to regulate people's visits to this natural monument and prevent the collection of flowering plants and the catching of insects. Take measures to purify the water in the reservoir. Preserve all existing forests on adjacent watersheds that are of great water conservation importance, and protect existing springs feeding the river. Yulovka and I’ll dam it.

How many legends, different stories

They write about the Makhov swamp.

Cranberries grow there - such a berry,

Children go there on foot for a hike.

Beavers live in that swamp

Like watchmen, his masters.

And this place is so beautiful

Although it is difficult to get to.

Other unique natural monuments includeRaised bog Maloye(2 km southeast of the village of Yulovo), Mokhovoye-2 swamp (6 km northwest of the Dubenki junction). The area of ​​the Maloe swamp is 7.5 hectares. There are a lot of rare plants here (sundew, Scheichzeria swamp, white lichen and others). The age of the swamp is about 5000 years. In total, the flora of the Maloye swamp includes 27 species of vascular plants and 10 species of mosses. The peat deposit is 4 m 30 cm. One of the few places for collecting cranberries in the region.

Area of ​​the Mokhovoye swamp – 2-3 hectares. Wild rosemary, bog myrtle and others grow here. In total, the swamp flora consists of 17 species of vascular plants and 11 species of mosses. The swamp is about seven thousand years old. Cranberries also grow here. Both swamps are approved natural monuments.

I appeal to our people:

“Let's save what we've been given!

Let's respect and love our native land,

Take care of all corners of it!”