Top 10 most popular Hollywood actors. The best actors in the world: list, rating, names and biographies

The richest actors in the world Top 10

It's no secret that famous actors earn good money, and the richest actors are Hollywood stars. But not all highly paid movie stars make their money in America. In addition, there is not a single actress among them. There is obvious gender discrimination: the world's leading film companies are not ready to pay female actresses on an equal basis with male actors. The richest actress in the world today is a Hollywood movie star. Julia Roberts with a net worth of $165 million. But even this amount is not enough for her to get into the top ten richest actors peace.

It is curious that the first place in the Top 10 richest actors in the world is occupied by far from the most famous actor in the world.

So, in 10th place:

The actor was born on December 27, 1965 in the Indian city of Indur, Madhya Pradesh state into a Muslim family. This Indian actor and TV presenter has appeared in more than a hundred films. Salman is one of the most popular stars Indian dream factory - Bollywood. He has great amount fans in his home country. Salman Khan is known for his philanthropic activities. For many years, he has donated considerable funds to the treatment of children with cancer and to the maintenance of mentally ill children.

State $200 million.

But 9th place:

Iconic Hollywood actor and hip-hop artist. Interestingly, in 1999, he turned down the role of Neo in The Matrix, and as a result, the role went to Keanu Reeves. The most famous films with his participation: " Bad Boys", "Men in Black", "Independence Day". In 2008, Will Smith became the highest paid actor in Hollywood, earning $80 million in a year.

State $215 million.

In 8th place:

DiCaprio is one of the most popular actors Hollywood. He was born on November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles into a hippie family. On the international horizon, his star lit up after the success of the film “Romeo and Juliet,” and the epic disaster film “Titanic” lifted him to the pinnacle of popularity. The actor collected large collection prizes and awards, but despite the fact that Leonardo was nominated for an Academy Award several times, the coveted statuette was never awarded to him.
By the way, the actor has Slavic roots; his grandmother’s last name was Smirnova.

State: $215 million.

In 7th place:

The brutal performer of the roles of Rambaud and Rocky was born in New York on July 6, 1946. During his career, he starred in more than 50 films, with the total box office of films with Stallone as an actor amounting to $3.7 billion.

Of this amount, only pitiful $275 million- equity.

In 6th place:

This Canadian-American actor was born in the Lebanese capital, Beirut, into the family of an artist and a geologist. Worldwide fame He earned the role of Neo in the science fiction film trilogy “The Matrix.” Other famous films with his participation: “Point Break”, “Speed”, “Little Buddha”, “The Devil’s Advocate”.
Keanu Reeves is one of the most closed to the public Hollywood stars. Little is known about the actor’s personal life; there are only rumors about Keanu’s homosexual orientation, but he is even too lazy to refute such statements: he seems to have little interest in what the yellow press writes about him or the public thinks.

State: $350 million.

In 5th place:

Tom Hanks was born on July 9, 1956 in Concord, California. The American actor and producer began his career in family comedies (Big, 1988), but by the age of forty he had achieved universal recognition as a serious dramatic actor. Tom Hanks is one of two actors in the history of world cinema who received an Oscar for a leading role 2 years in a row: “Philadelphia” (1993) and “Forrest Gump” (1994). During his many years in the film industry, he has collected countless awards for his performances in films such as Cast Away, Catch Me If You Can, Apollo 13, The Da Vinci Code and many more films.
Tom Hanks - Orthodox Christian, he visits one of the American parishes of the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

State: $390 million.

In 4th place:

Born June 9, 1963, Owensboro, Kentucky, USA. The eccentric actor has intrigued viewers for many years. To date, his most popular role is the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates Caribbean Sea" This commercial project has grossed over US$3.7 billion worldwide. In 2012, Johnny was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest paid actor, earning $75 million in a year.

State: $450 million.

In 3rd place:

American actor, director, producer, screenwriter born July 3, 1962, Syracuse, New York. Tom Cruise is a three-time Golden Globe Award winner and three-time Academy Award nominee.
First great success Tom Cruise's film debut was the 1982 comedy "Risky Business". The film “Top Gun,” released in 1985, consolidated this success. Today business card The actor can be considered the role of Ethan Hunt in the detective action film "Mission: Impossible."
Cruz is a motorsports fan. He can often be seen on racing cars and sports motorcycles, both in films and in life.

State: $480 million.

In 2nd place:

The Indian "King of Bollywood" was born on November 2, 1965 in New Delhi into a Pashtun family. By religion - Muslim. Shahrukh Khan holds the record for winning the most Indian National Film Awards for Best Actor.

Shah Rukh Khan is actively involved in charity work; in the 90s, he promoted vaccinations against polomelitosis, then supported National organization on AIDS control. In 2005, Khan held a charity show in support of National Center employment of people with disabilities. The actor paid the cost of a solar energy project that provided power to 36 villages. In 2011, Shah Rukh Khan became the first Indian to receive a UNESCO special award for his charitable work.

In 1992, Shah Rukh Khan played in the film “The Idiot” based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky. The film adaptation was shown at the New York Film Festival.

State: $600 million.

The richest actor in the world is

American actor, stand-up comedian and screenwriter Jerry Seinfeld was born into a Jewish family on April 29, 1954 in Brooklyn, New York, USA. His greatest popularity came from his starring role in the American comedy series Seinfeld, which aired on NBC from 1989 to 1998.

According to Forbes magazine, Jerry Seinfeld's annual income from Seinfeld in 1998 was $267 million, and between June 2008 and June 2009, the actor earned $85 million, making him the highest paid comedian in Hollywood. Jerry did not star in big-budget feature films, he remained a hero comedy series And stand-up show. Therefore, in reality, he is known only in the USA and English speaking countries. However, this does not prevent him from remaining the richest actor on the planet.

Jerry Seinfeld has one of the world's largest collections of Porsche cars.

State: $820 million.

Date of Birth: June 12, 1986
Height: 180 cm

One of the most popular modern Spanish actors who won love female half all over the world. The actor was born in the small Spanish town of La Coruña on June 12, 1986. As a child, the young man dreamed of a football career, but his relationship with professional sports did not work out. In his youth, thanks to his striking appearance, the guy was invited to appear in commercials. At the age of 18 he decides to move to Madrid and enters acting school. In his homeland, Mario became popular after the arthouse film “Summer Rain”, and world fame The actor was brought to life by the film “Three Meters Above the Sky,” where Mario played the handsome rebel Ache, who stole the hearts of girls all over the planet.

Gaspard Houllier

Gaspard Houllier, French actor, a global star. The actor was born on November 25, in a small French town in the family of a fashion designer. Since childhood, the young man dreamed of becoming a film director, but thanks to his impressive appearance, he was invited to work in a modeling agency. The young man is the winner of numerous European film awards.

Tom Hardy

Edward Thomas Hardy was born on September 15, 1977 in west London, into an Irish Catholic family. Thanks to his excellent appearance, which left no one indifferent with future profession Tom made up his mind very early. At the boy’s request, his parents sent him to a special school with a theatrical focus. The debut of the future British star, an Oscar nominee, took place in Ridley Scott's film.

Chris Hemsfort

Date of Birth: August 11, 1983
Height: 190 cm

Chris Hemsfort, perhaps one of the most recognized handsome actors of our generation, was born in 1983 in Melbourne. However, his parents decided to raise their three sons away from the big city and moved to a small island. When Chris and his younger brother Liam grew up, and because of his disarming appearance and tall stature, the guys started receiving invitations from modeling agencies. But Chris decided to make a career in Hollywood and was not mistaken. The actor is married to a colleague and has three children.

Henry Cavill

Date of Birth: May 5, 1983
Height: 185 cm

The future Hollywood star was born in Foggy Albion, and from childhood he was distinguished by his remarkable appearance and excellent artistic abilities. From the early childhood the boy dreamed of becoming an actor, and played school plays. The actor’s debut in cinema was a small role in the next film adaptation of the novel by A. Dumas “The Count of Monte Cristo”. The actor's popularity was brought by his leading role in the British historical serial film "The Tudors", after which the young and handsome actor received a lot of invitations from Hollywood.

Oscar Isaac

Oscar Isaac is an American actor of Guatemalan origin, born in 1979. The young man attracted the attention of everyone around him since school years, the boy attended a special evangelical school and had a very big problems with behavior. After graduating from school, Oscar entered Juilliard, and in parallel with his studies, the guy played in his own rock band, which several times even performed as a warm-up act at the famous “Green Day” concerts. In 2016, the actor starred in the film “The Promise,” dedicated to the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Empire, the film was widely successful at the American box office and brought the actor a lot of prestigious nominations.

Ryan Reynolds

Date of Birth: October 23, 1976
Height: 188 cm

Ryan was born in Vancouver, Canada and was raised in a strict Catholic family. The young man always dreamed of becoming an actor, and therefore dropped out of the Polytechnic University in his second year and began going to castings. After filming in several Canadian films, the young man moved to the USA, where he began acting in youth comedies. During the filming of the film " Green Lantern", the actor met his future wife Blake Lovley, today the couple is raising wonderful daughters.

James Franco

American actor, writer, screenwriter, producer, as well as a teacher at the Faculty of Cinematography, was born in California in 1978. My first steps in cinema, future star Hollywood started making it back in the early 90s. Despite the fact that the young man was born into a family where science was valued above all else, the guy dropped out of university and chose a career as an actor. At the beginning of his career, James was given small roles in youth comedies and TV series. The actor's popularity came from his role as James Dean in the biographical series, for which he received a nomination for prestigious award"Golden Globe".

Brad Pitt

One of the most popular American actors in the world, nominee and winner of various film awards. Brad Pitt's success story is real American dream. Before choosing an acting path, the young man experienced all the hardships of life, worked as a driver, loader, and even a barker, wearing a ridiculous chicken costume. The actor's role as a vampire in the film Interview with the Vampire brought him enormous popularity.

Colin Farrell

The 20th century gave us a huge number of outstanding cinematic masterpieces. And even after years they do not lose their relevance. A huge credit for their undeniable success lies on the shoulders of the performers. leading role. Not always people who can be classified as “ most popular actors“are born already gifted. For the most part, these talented people“sculpted” in ourselves those images that we see on the screens, independently, with a lot of work and effort. Well, today we present to your attention a list of the 10 most sought-after actors of the last century.

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 10. Al Pacino


Our list opens with one of the most famous actors among the mass audience - Al Pacino. Unlike other stars of past years, he still continues to actively act in film, despite his advanced age. But its peak acting career occurred precisely in the second half of the 20th century. Pacino began acting in the late 60s. And in a matter of years, he managed to become one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. Already in 1972, he performed, perhaps, his most famous role of Michael Corleone in the gangster drama " Godfather" After this, his career took off rapidly.

Best films:

1. Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
2. Scarface (1983)
3. Scent of a Woman (1992)
4. Carlito's Way (1993)
5. Fight (Fight)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 9. Buster Keaton


The genius of silent cinema, who, unfortunately, remained in the shadow of the much more famous Charles Chaplin. The peak of its popularity came in the 20s. It was then that Keaton released his most influential films, in which he himself played the leading roles. Unlike many other comedians of that period, he was not afraid to perform death-defying stunts on his own that could still make an impression almost a hundred years later. No wonder even the great actor and stuntman Jackie Chan noted the enormous influence that Keaton’s films had on him.

Best films:

1. Sherlock Jr. (1924)
2. Navigator (1924)
3. Steam Locomotive General (1926)
4. Cameraman (1928)
5. Footlights (1952)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 8. Orson Welles


Another iconic figure in the history of cinema. Just like the aforementioned Keaton, Orson Welles often directed his own films. He not only made quality dramas and detective stories, but also became the author of many innovative cinematic techniques, which are used by directors to this day.

Best films:

1. Citizen Kane (1941)
2. Lady from Shanghai (1947)
3. The Third Man (1949)
4. The Mark of Evil (1958)
5. The Trial (1962)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 7. Marlon Brando


Marlon Brando became famous not only as one of the most prominent actors of his generation, but also as a rather controversial figure. Despite his undeniable talent, not everyone was able to work with this man. There are a huge number of stories in which directors talk about the narcissism and intolerable character of Marlon Brando, which is why it is often film sets scandals occurred. Suffice it to recall the legendary “Apocalypse Now” by Francis Ford Coppola, during the filming of which Brando not only scored several dozen extra pounds, but also refused to read the script. However, his contribution to the development of cinema cannot be overestimated.

Best films:

1. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
2. At the Port (1954)
3. The Godfather (1972)
4. Superman (1978)
5. Apocalypse Now (1979)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 6. Humphrey Bogart


The king of the noir genre, who during his short career starred in more than fifty outstanding films. In addition to the fact that Bogart was a great dramatic actor, he also had incredible charisma, for which he was loved all over the world. Also quite related to him sad story. As you know, Humphrey Bogart was a heavy smoker. In almost every frame he always lit a cigarette. It ended up playing to him cruel joke: At the age of 57, he died of cancer, which began to develop several years earlier. Despite doctors' warnings, the actor continued to smoke until last day own life.

Best films:

1. Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)
2. The Roaring Twenties, or the Fate of a Soldier in America (1939)
3. The Maltese Falcon (1941)
4. Casablanca (1942)
5. Sabrina (1954)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 5. Henry Fonda


Another representative of Hollywood cinema of the last century. Henry Fonda, unlike many other stars of that period, continued to be a sought-after actor until his death. His genre range was incredibly wide, as you can see for yourself by reading his most striking acting works.

Best films:

1. The Grapes of Wrath (1940)
2. The Wrong Man (1956)
3. 12 Angry Men (1957)
4. Once Upon a Time in the West (1968)
5. My Name is Nobody (1973)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 4. Charles Bronson


The idol of millions, whose fame even reached the USSR. In our country, many viewers could watch films with Bronson’s participation on big screen. And, as a rule, they attracted full houses. Perhaps he was one of the main heroes of action films of that period. Despite his meager character, about which there were many legends, he was not only in demand, but also an incredibly talented actor.

Best films:

1. The Magnificent Seven (1960)
2. Goodbye Friend (1968)
3. Red Sun (1971)
4. Mechanic (1972)
5. Death Wish (1974)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 3. Alain Delon


The main sex symbol of the 20th century. Perhaps it was Alain Delon’s external data that allowed him to become a world-class star. But, of course, this would hardly have been possible without acting which he possessed. Delon looked great both in melodramas and crime action films. He managed to work not only in his homeland, but also far beyond its borders (for example, in the USA and USSR). Despite his popularity, the actor decided to leave cinema back in the 80s. Now he is still alive, but appears on screens only occasionally.

Best films:

1. In the Bright Sun (1960)
2. Rocco and his brothers (1960)
3. Adventurers (1967)
4. Samurai (1967)
5. Zorro (1975)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 2. James Stewart


James Stewart is one of the most influential comedic actors in Hollywood history. He often played the roles of good-natured romantics and idealists, ready to stand for their ideas until the very end. But as he grew older, the actor also tried his hand at a thriller. In particular, you could see him in the legendary films of Alfred Hitchcock, with whom Stewart collaborated several times. James also has two Oscar awards and four nominations. A worthy achievement that only a few can achieve. A brilliant actor who has become an iconic figure for Hollywood.

Best films:

1. You can’t take it with you (1938)
2. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
3. The Shop Around the Corner (1940)
4. This wonderful life (1946)
5. Vertigo (1958)

The most popular actors of the 20th century No. 1. Cary Grant


The first place in our TOP quite deservedly goes to the great Cary Grant. The main heartthrob in the history of Hollywood, with whom many different stories are associated personal. That rare case when an actor remained a hero-lover not only on screen, but also in real life. But, of course, that’s not why we all love him. First of all, Grant is a first-class actor who has delighted audiences with his skill for half a century. He managed to work with such great personalities as Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Capra and many other directors of that period. And, perhaps, the only thing that causes bewilderment is the presence of only one Oscar in Grant’s piggy bank. Yes, and he was honorable.

Best films:

1. Bringing Up Baby (1938)
2. His Girl Friday (1940)
3. Arsenic and Old Lace (1944)
4. To Catch a Thief (1954)
5. North by Northwest (1959)

Each of the above people left a huge contribution to the history of world cinema. Films with their participation will be remembered for many years to come.

That's all we have. We are very glad that you visited our website and spent a little time to gain new knowledge.

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It's no secret that the modern film industry is one of the most developed and popular among other entertainment industries in the world. Every day dozens of a wide variety of films are released, in which hundreds of actors and actresses are involved. However, not all of them are world celebrities. Only a few actually become legendary personalities that every person knows. They will be remembered in five, fifteen, and even fifty years.

Such actors are remembered by how they can play, what characters they portray on screen, and how much they make the audience believe in the reality of what is happening. However, there is another aspect that is worth paying attention to, and it is becoming increasingly important as the industry develops and the market grows. It's about about the finances that revolve in Hollywood. If earlier they were measured in hundreds of thousands of dollars, but now in rare cases- millions, now the count is already in the tens of millions. Movie budgets run into hundreds of millions of dollars, and this includes the aspect that this article will discuss - the salaries that the actors who star in the films receive.

How much do you think the most expensive celebrities who appear on the big screen earn? It turns out that the leading actors' fees are measured in tens of millions of dollars. This is an impressive amount for one person. And if you continue reading this article, you will be able to find out which actors and actresses in Hollywood earn more than the rest. This is very interest Ask, since in Lately There are more and more conversations about equality and how, for example, women or black actors are paid significantly less than white male actors. Browse the top 10 highest paid actors and take note of which stars made the list. Well, all people know very well that stars earn a good living by acting in various films, but there are actors and actresses who earn much more than most of their other colleagues. But there is one question: how much more? It's time to find out which celebrities get the most large amounts for his role in the film. Here are the ten highest paid actors and actresses in the world. Perhaps among them there will be those actors and actresses who are your favorites.

Mark Wahlberg ($28 million per film)

Mark Wahlberg has come a long way since he was known as Marky Mark. He's no longer a teenager trying to put out shoddy music. He became one of the most talented and successful people in Hollywood. Wahlberg starred in large quantities Hollywood blockbusters as the main character, starting with “The Shooter” and ending with the film “Blood for Blood.”

Sarah Jessica Parker ($30 million per film)

Sarah Jessica Parker (in the main photo of the article) has made an incredible career by starring in the television series Sex in big city", which became a real masterpiece. The rise to fame of Sarah Jessica Parker and the other leading actresses of the series created a buzz in Hollywood, and immediately there was a need to film feature film. Sarah Jessica Parker received impressive fees for her roles in the full-length versions of the series Sex and the City.

Angelina Jolie ($30 million per film)

Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous and recognizable actresses in the whole world. Her "signature" appearance gave her the opportunity to star in many films throughout her professional career. She became the main character blockbusters such as Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Wanted. One of latest films actress, Maleficent, added another impressive amount to Angelina’s account.

Robert Downey Jr. ($31 million per film)

Robert Downey Jr. has undergone an impressive transformation in Hollywood. He went from being one of the "bad boys" who was simply impossible to work with, to one of the most beloved actors in the entire film industry. His role as Iron Man in the film of the same name and other projects in the Marvel universe catapulted him to the pinnacle of fame.

Ben Stiller ($34 million per film)

Ben Stiller is arguably one of the greatest comedic actors of our time. He starred in the films Zoolander, There's Mad About Mary and Meet the Parents. And if you've seen these films, you can easily understand why Stiller receives so much money for his roles. And at the same time, the actor’s career only continues to develop and move uphill.

Tom Hanks ($35 million per film)

Tom Hanks is one of the most respected classical actors in modern films. He made a name for himself with films such as Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan and Green Mile" These and his other films have shown that Tom Hanks is most likely one of the best actors to ever play in Hollywood.

Will Smith ($36 million per film)

Will Smith did long haul from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to where he is now. Who would have thought that a rapper from West Philadelphia would one day become one of the leading actors in the world? His roles in films such as Men in Black, Independence Day and The Pursuit of Happyness have shown that Will Smith is truly a master of his craft.

Adam Sandler ($40 million per film)

Adam Sandler is considered by many to be the best comedian of our time. After the first incredible success films "Happy Gilmore" and "Billy Madison" Sandler's career developed rapidly, and he quickly soared to the top of fame. So it's easy to see why Adam Sandler is one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood.

Johnny Depp ($50 million per film)

Johnny Depp is arguably one of the most adaptable actors in the world. He was able to play a huge number of diverse roles and touch the hearts of millions of viewers with the performance of his iconic roles: Edward Scissorhands, Captain Jack Sparrow and even Sweeney Todd himself. Johnny Depp still continues to amaze audiences with incredible roles, and that is why he continues to be paid such huge money.

Leonardo DiCaprio ($77 million per film)

For many, Leonardo DiCaprio is the best actor in Hollywood this moment. He starred in many legendary masterpieces such as The Great Gatsby, The Wolf of Wall Street, Titanic and Inception. Just recently, he finally received the long-awaited Oscar for his role in the film “The Revenant.” And you can easily understand why Leonardo DiCaprio is the most highly paid actor in Hollywood, if you look at the success of his films.

As you can see, the leaders Hollywood actors receive quite impressive amounts of money that their lesser-known partners can only dream of. Naturally, this industry is constantly undergoing change, with new stars rising on the horizon, so it is unknown how long DiCaprio will remain the highest paid actor. The situation may change in the near future, or may not change for many years. Although the first option is much more likely given the fact that the film industry is now developing rapidly and intensively.

While tall height often becomes a problem for women, men are two meters tall special difficulties doesn't bring. This can be judged by the number of Hollywood stars who have achieved success regardless of the fact that they do not fit into the average parameters. For example:

10 Chris Hemsworth (height 190cm)

The young man, before getting to Hollywood, played many roles in Australia. However, it was in the USA that he became world famous thanks to the film Thor. Tall height combined with muscles of steel made Chris the ideal thunder god.

9 Samuel L. Jackson (height 191 cm)

Because of his appearance, the actor is often offered to play bad guys or secret service agents. However, the star’s filmography also includes many comedic roles. Jackson manages to play both the villain and the oddball character equally convincingly.

8 Liam Neeson (height 193 cm)

The Belfast Lyric Theater was looking for an actor with... tall, became Neeson's first job. To date, he has over a hundred roles to his credit. The celebrity himself admits that because of his height, directors sometimes refused to work with him.

7 Vince Vaughn (height 196 cm)

Despite a back injury received at the age of 17, Vaughn was able to overcome the mark of 196 centimeters. According to critics, the actor does best in the roles of drunkards and good-natured lazy people. Even the agent secret service performed by Vaughns (the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”) turned out to be infantile. And the duet with Reese Witherspoon in the film “Four Christmases” was remembered for a long time by the viewer precisely because of the difference in the height of the characters.

6 Dolph Lundgren (height 196 cm)

He was not accepted into the modeling business because of his physique and height. But in the film industry, the blond Swede with steely muscles came in handy: after the film “Rocky 4,” Lundgen began to be invited to play the role of “jock.” Despite the fact that the actor repeatedly auditioned for roles in dramatic films, most of his heroes remained in the same role - not very mentally burdened athletes or hired killers.

5 Dwayne Johnson (height 196 cm)

The actor is known not only for his appearance, but also for his openness and charisma. Despite his status as the highest paid star, he often communicates with his fans, supporting them and helping them with advice or deeds. On screen, Johnson often appears as a hero saving the planet from one threat or another, maybe that’s why many Americans would like to see him as their president?! By the way, the actor himself does not rule out this possibility.

4 Tim Robbins (height 196 cm)

Best known for his roles in the films “The Shawshank Redemption” and “Mystic River,” the actor remains to this day the tallest of all who have won an Oscar. In addition, Robbins is the director of three films. It is noteworthy that the actor’s height is not very noticeable; the designers say that this is due to Tim’s ability to select clothes in such a way as to appear visually shorter.

3 Christopher Lee (height 196 cm)

Actors with tall stature and muscles often get stuck in the role of “jocks”. And Christopher Lee has made more than 60 horror films. The thin and tall vampire portrayed by the actor looks truly terrifying, so directors willingly invite him to play the role of bloodsuckers. Initially, his celebrity stature influenced his work: he admits that he was not often invited to supporting roles, as he towered over the heads of the main characters.

The average height of Hollywood actors is 178 centimeters. Despite the fact that the growth of all of the above far exceeds this figure, they were able to become famous and found their audience. Therefore, we can safely say that talented person nothing can stop you from achieving success.