A full-length drawing of a man. Drawing a human figure: step-by-step instructions

In this article, TeachIt offers to learn how to draw a person with a pencil step by step. full height. The most difficult thing in depicting a person is his face. A real portrait can only be made by real artists who have studied this art for many years. This drawing lesson is intended for beginners, which is why the human facial features are drawn schematically, without drawing details.

First, we'll give you a couple of tips. Some people have a habit of drawing broken lines, and then circle them. Such people need to try to draw lines in one motion and do not need to be afraid that you will make a mistake. When you depict a person on paper, especially if he is in motion, then you must fully see future image, contours of all lines. And yet, the most important thing is not the accuracy of the lines and proportions of the drawing, but the image of the most important, main thing in the image. It is necessary to convey the character of a person, his mood, the expression of his eyes and other features that characterize him.

You can draw a person step by step with a pencil in different ways.

Now let's find out a couple of main stages. Often, when you draw a person, you can see the distortion of his figure. Legs and arms are drawn long or too short, the body is too large, etc. To avoid this, it is necessary to break the entire drawing into sections.

The whole person can be divided into 7 parts. But we do not describe this technique in this article, we will use a different method, but you can try to make such markings so that the person appears proportional.

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Initial outlines

So, let's start by drawing a quadrilateral with side proportions of three to four.

Draw a straight line in the center, slightly longer than the longitudinal side of the rectangle. At the top, draw an oval line for the shoulders. And at the bottom of the quadrangle is the outline of the clothing.

We continue to depict a person. We make markings using the circumferences of the knees, collarbone, shoulders, neck and head. First, draw an oval for the head, then an oval for the shoulders and then circles for the knees.

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Even a child can do this, do not forget that it is not necessary to follow the exact geometric shapes circles except the head. The neck and head need to be drawn as accurately as possible.

You can see that most of the lines are drawn rather carelessly. We deliberately did not try to draw them carefully, because we will remove these outlines in the future, and they only serve as temporary guidelines.

We begin to draw the outline of a human figure

At first you will not understand what is required of you. But you need to take a closer look, you only need to draw two circles for the feet and elbows and 2 more lines on the sides of the torso, and then connect them with the outlines of the knees.

We depict arms and legs

Using the circles for the elbows and shoulders that we already have, draw the arms. The hands in this photo are not fully depicted, but you can also add palms. Or you want to have some object in your hands, this is your personal choice. Now let's move on to the legs, the only thing worth paying attention to is the feet. Socks are turned in different directions. At this stage, it is necessary to check the proportions of the torso, legs and arms. If you don't do this, it will be difficult to correct errors in the next steps.

We remove unnecessary contours and the person “comes to life”

To begin with, use an eraser to carefully remove all unnecessary lines; if you hit any necessary line, restore it immediately. This step is the simplest and most interesting, since you don’t need to draw anything, and the person seems to “come to life.” It remains to draw 3 simple details. This is the bottom line of the trousers, the line of the sleeves of the T-shirt and the neckline.

We complete the drawing of a person. Face and clothes

Now draw the clothes along the contours and it is important to depict the head and face in as much detail as possible. When drawing clothes, do not forget that for greater realism the folds on it should be visible. Be sure to create shadows on the clothes in the direction of the light; if the light falls from the right, then you need to draw a shadow on the left.

This drawing of a person is approximate and is intended more for studying his proportions. In this process, it is important to make preliminary markings of the position of the legs, arms, shoulders and head. And then add the remaining details step by step. TeachIt hopes this article helped you.

Video lessons

If you have little experience in drawing, then today we will fix that. We will show a child how to draw a person, so that any beginner can master this lesson. It's not as difficult as it might seem at the beginning. If you are already at a more serious level, you can try the lesson where it is shown. And all the beginners stay with us, and we continue.

All we need is a piece of paper and pencils. Forward!

Step 1. At the top of the sheet of paper, draw an oval with a pencil. This will be the head.

Step 2. Now draw a rectangle and connect it to the oval with a small segment. Subsequently, this will be the human body. As you can see, everything is simple, not only a beginner, but also a child can draw it. Let's move on to the next stage.

Step 3. Draw lines down from the corners of the rectangle. So we drew primitive legs.

Step 4. Let us now draw primitive human hands. To do this, draw straight lines from the upper corners of the rectangle. At the end of the lines we will add several small segments for the fingers.

Step 5. In the area of ​​the hands we will draw a couple more lines.

Step 6. At this stage we draw the human legs in more detail.

Step 7 Let's add ears to the head. To do this, draw small semicircles on the sides of the oval.

Step 8 Let's draw a hairstyle for our character. Here you can show your imagination, so you don’t have to follow the example.

Step 9 Let's add detailed details to the ears. Draw a pair of curls inside each ear.

Step 10 Now let's pay Special attention face. Let's draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. It's not difficult at all if you look at the example. Therefore, a child or a beginner can easily draw a person’s facial features with a pencil.

Step 11 Now we will draw a shirt. To do this, look carefully at the example and do the same. Don't forget to draw the neck and collar.

Step 12 Let's draw the palms and fingers.

Step 13 At this stage we will draw trousers and boots. Please note that the trousers have pleats at the knees. Don't forget to show the lacing on your boots.

Step 14 We only have a little left. Erase all the extra lines that were drawn on initial stages, outline the main kennel. After this, color the drawing with colored pencils.

Our drawing is ready. I hope such detailed step-by-step instructions helped the child draw a person step by step. Beginners shouldn't have any problems either.

If, nevertheless, any difficulties arose during the task, then the video lesson will clearly show how to correctly draw a person with a pencil step by step. Watch and compare with your results

Olga Nagornyuk

How to draw a person step by step - for beginners

The image of a person is considered the most complex look drawing. Artists have been learning for years to convey people's feelings and moods using facial expressions and eye expressions. But we do not set such goals for ourselves. We just need to learn how to draw a person without disturbing the proportions of the body and making it as similar as possible to the original.

How to draw a person: full-length man

When drawing a human figure, it is important to maintain correct proportions.

1. We start drawing with a rectangle: draw a quadrilateral with sides whose ratio is 3:4. We draw a straight vertical line through its center, the length of which slightly exceeds the height of the quadrangle, multiplied by two. The arc at the top is the outline of the shoulders, the bottom curve will become the outline of the clothing.

2. Mark the body parts. Draw an oval at the top - it will serve as the outline of the head. The two ovals in the upper corners of the rectangle will indicate the position of the shoulders, and the lower ones will indicate the position of the knees. The correct oval shape should be observed only in relation to the head. The rest are shown schematically.

3. The next stage is drawing the outlines of the body. First, at the level of the middle of the body, draw two circles of a not very regular shape, indicating the place of the elbow bends, and then, using the same circles, draw the location of the feet. Then, using smooth lines, connect the top of the body with the line of the pelvis and extend it to the circles located in the area of ​​​​the knees.

4. Let's start drawing the limbs. Using smooth lines, draw the arms and legs, guided by the image in the picture. Please note: the feet are turned in different directions.

5. Draw the sleeves of the T-shirt, the bottom line of the trousers and the neckline. Then we carefully erase the extra strokes with an eraser and draw the main lines of the drawing.

It is done!

How to draw a person: ballerina

Drawing a slender and graceful ballerina requires some skill, but we will try to describe this process in detail, simplifying your task.

1. Start drawing the dancer with a tutu. The oval, slightly pointed on the left and raised on the right, will later become part of the concert dress. Add two adjacent straight lines from below, indicating the legs, and at the top - a curved line - the girl's body, an oval - the head and a smooth line at an angle - the arms.

2. Draw the contours of the body. We start with the neck and shoulders, then draw the outlines of the back and waist, then with light strokes we designate the shape of the legs. The ballerina should be slender, so don't overdo it when drawing her body.

3. Holding an image of a ballerina before your eyes, draw the contours of the legs and arms. Use smooth lines and pay close attention to the size: the dancer should turn out thin. Drawing feet will not cause any difficulties: the girl stands on pointe shoes, which are quite easy to depict.

4. Draw the hands, use short strokes to indicate the locations of the eyes, nose and mouth and give the skirt a more realistic shape. After this, erase the unnecessary lines, leaving the outline of the figure.

5. The most difficult stage- drawing of facial features. The picture shows one of the most simple ways, allowing you to depict the eyes, nose and lips of a girl. Drawing the dress and hair will be easy. Using just two arched lines, you can outline the line of smoothly combed hair and bun.

6. Color the drawing and apply light and shade. We used a blue pencil, you can use a simple one. The main thing is to scrupulously repeat the strokes applied in our photo.

We hope everything worked out for you.

How to draw a person: girl

1. Let's start drawing the image of the girl with a circle indicating the head and a smaller oval located vertically. It will later turn into the torso of a little lady.

2. Using slightly rounded lines, draw the location of the chin and eyes. Use stick lines to mark the girl’s arms and legs.

3. At this stage we draw the contours of the eyes: top part ovals marking them must be touched for the first time horizontal line, lower part - lie on the lower part.

4. Next up is hair. We depict the bangs using arched lines, and draw the hair at the back with teeth, choosing a shoulder-length length.

5. We dress the baby in a dress, the role of which is played by a trapezoid, we complete the mouth using a small arc, and hands with feet, the role of which in our case will be played by small ovals.

7. It's time to draw the details. Pupils, eyelashes, eyebrows, ears - draw them following our drawing. Little fingers and little shoes on your feet will complete the picture.

8. Erase unnecessary strokes, and draw the necessary ones well, and at the same time draw additional details: buttons on the dress, shadow on the cheeks and a small neat nose.

9. Now all that remains is to paint the figure.

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Women and men have fundamental differences in body structure. But, in modern world Some women look like men because of their clothes and hairstyle. However, no matter how hard a woman tries to resemble a man, we can still recognize her. home distinctive feature consists in the structure of a woman’s body - this wide hips and narrower shoulders (men have exactly the opposite indicators). At drawing a woman in full growth it is worth starting from this basic rule, and the rest of the secrets of construction can be learned from this step-by-step lesson.

Materials and tools:

  1. White sheet of paper.
  2. A simple pencil.
  3. Eraser.

Stages of work:

Photo 1. First you need to carry out with a simple pencil vertical center line. We leave serifs at the edges of the segment. They will determine the full height of the body beyond which you cannot go:

Photo 2. Divide the segment in half. Thus, the line is divided into two parts, along which we will later build the body. Next, we divide the upper segment in half again, and measure another half from the resulting upper segment. The topmost segment is the height of the woman’s head:

Photo 3. Now you need to outline the location of the shoulders. The line of the shoulders will be located under the head, namely under the second (top) serif. Let's step back a little from the head, leaving a little space for the neck. Let's draw the line of the shoulders at an angle, because the woman will stand slightly bent over:

Photo 4. Next we need to find out the location of the waist and knees. To do this, you need to divide the center line into three parts. To do this easily, the lower half center line We divide it in half, but the line of the knees will be slightly higher. We measure its height and transfer it to the center line three times, leaving notches. The result should be three equal parts:

Photo 5. Now we outline the waist line. It will be located on the notch between the first and second half of the divided center line (there are 3 parts in total), and the hips will be slightly lower and twice as wide as the waist. We draw the hips and waist at an angle, opposite to the shoulders:

Photo 6. We unite the shoulders and waist along the edges, and from the waist we draw a line to the hips. You need to outline the length of the skirt - it will be equal to two distances from the waist to the hips:

Photo 7. From the shoulders we outline the location of the arms. The left arm will be bent at the elbow and located at waist level, and the right arm will be raised and moved to the side:

Photo 8. Now let's draw the legs. Do not forget that the knees should be located at the level of the notch. Right leg will go a little beyond the left:

Photo 9. Let's draw the head in the shape of an oval, and “outline” the hair on it. Most of they will fall to the left side:

Photo 10. Let's draw the hands and give them shape. Left hand the girl will hold it at the waist, and the right one will be set aside:

Photo 12. Using an eraser, we remove the extra lines that were previously needed for construction. Let's enhance the contour of a woman's body:

Photo 13. Let's draw the woman's facial features. We don’t put much emphasis on drawing the face, because our main task is to learn how to draw a woman in full height, namely the body. You can study my separate lesson “how to draw a female portrait”, where I work out in detail the details of the girl’s face:

Photo 14. Let's set the tone for the hair. Near the bends we make the pencil strokes denser:

Good afternoon Today we will draw a person, this time a guy adolescence. This lesson on drawing a person is simpler, since it is basic and does not contain complex parts, shadows, and was created by us so that you fix the proportions of the human body.

Step 1

First, let's look at a person's height - this parameter will be the same from all three angles. The height of a person fits into 7 heads, of which 2 heads are on the torso, about 3 on the arms, and 4 on the legs. Please note that the first stage in our case is to draw hands without arms. The width of the shoulders (from the edge of one shoulder to the edge of the other shoulder) is 2.5 times the width of the heads, and the line of the pelvis should be significantly narrower than the line of the shoulders (by the way, these lines are approximately equal in length). By the way, it should also be noted that all lines and proportions are approximate, since the build of all people is individual - for example, if we draw a very elderly person, we will add a little stoop by changing the line of posture, and if we are talking about drawing physically developed person, we will make the shoulders even wider.

More important point— a person’s pose does not change from all angles, we just look at him from different angles — this is precisely why there are differences in the three stickmen. The line of the body should not be straight, because it approximately repeats the curves of the spine. But the shoulders, arms and legs are drawn with straight lines, bends are present only in the area of ​​the joints.

Step 2

Now let’s outline the stickman to create a silhouette.

The neck looks from all angles like a short cylinder on which the head is attached. Sloping lines of shoulders extend from it, this can be seen from the first angles. The torso has a slight, smooth narrowing from the chest to the waist - by the way, this is noticeable from every angle.

The hands look like elongated cylinders, only from the side, at the third angle, they are most voluminous. The groin area in the first two looks like a triangle. The legs, like the arms, are similar to cylinders, only they are more voluminous and have a pronounced narrowing from the waist to the knee. The bend of the calf muscles is also interesting - note that everything said about the legs applies to all three angles.

Yes, don’t forget to mark the head from the first angle with the line of the eyes (horizontal, approximately in the middle) and facial symmetry, this vertical line, it also passes through the center, but bends slightly at the top.

Step 3

A very simple step. We outline the hairstyle and eyes, as well as the mouth, do not forget about the eyebrows. Notice how different the hairstyle looks in each step.

And here you can very well consider the rule of facial proportions: the upper tip of the ear lies in the same plane as the eyebrows, and the lower tip with the tip of the nose. Look at the third angle, and you definitely won’t get confused.

Step 4

We are drawing a boy of about 15 years old, which means he needs appropriate clothing. We draw the outlines of his shirt; it should be open in front and hang rather than tight. However, it fits more tightly in the back area, you can see this in the corresponding picture. The third angle clearly shows the distance at which the shirt is from the body, more precisely, its front part. Folds in the area of ​​the upper forearms (sleeves are rolled up) are present in all types.

Jeans slightly follow the contours of the legs - they also narrow at the knees and also widen after them, only these curves are smoother than those of the legs themselves. Jeans, moving away from the hips, become more distant from the legs, this can be seen from the first angle.

Step 5

Now we draw the facial features (not at all difficult, in a few lines) and clothes on the entire body of our hero. The folds are very interesting here. Look at the back and you will see once again that the shirt fits tightly to the body, because there are almost no folds there. The place where the sleeves turn up may be difficult, but here you just need to know that all the folds in the lapel area, inside it, are horizontal, and higher up they become more and more vertical.

We also draw folds on the jeans, then outline and edge the back pockets. The folds here are longitudinal, transverse are found only in the areas of the knees and at the very bottom.