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Lucky case circling somewhere nearby!
In a crowd of people or in a foggy haze
Soul mates are looking for each other
On this restless Earth.

Peter Davydov

Have you ever had the feeling that you have known someone for a thousand years, even though you were meeting them for the first time?

Has it ever happened to you that, in a conversation with another person with whom you have not communicated before, you suddenly realize that you know “everything” about him? You understand what he feels at this moment and what he is thinking about.

So what is a soul mate?

Writer Richard Webster explores the topic of soul mates very interestingly:

« A soulmate relationship is a connection between two people that has existed over many reincarnations, in which partners help each other learn certain lessons and complete tasks set by each specific life.».

Throughout our lives: we make plans, create projects, events, our reality. Just as now we are planning something very important and obligatory, so ours create events, gather certain souls into one team to implement special tasks.

We come into this life, grow, develop, learn professions, and acquire certain skills. And when the moment comes important events, - the period for which the task was planned, then they begin to get ready completely different people, like-minded people, those who think on the same wavelength and act together.

« A soul mate is someone who shares our deepest aspirations and our chosen direction of movement. If the two of us are like balloons moving up, there is a very high probability that we have found in each other the right person " - Richard Bach

Such souls feel like one family - best friends, colleagues, partners. But, as soon as the task is completed, the project is launched or brought to life, the team can safely disperse. The task is completed, experience is gained, and the result is obvious.

Tandem of two souls

Quite often there is interaction between two souls at different periods of their existence on Earth. Each time they come in different roles, aspects, they can change and come in both male and female female body, and can interact in same-sex bodies.

It's not just married couples—it's lifelong partners in a task. Even earlier, somewhere else, they agreed to come to this world at the same time and interact at the same time. certain events, perform a special task necessary during this period.

Often there may be global events that change the course of history, or simply interaction in the same family, embodiment in the same family, but in different roles.

As a rule, kindred spirits try themselves in many aspects and, through various lessons, gain valuable experience. It is quite possible that in one of their lives they agreed to meet after death, and the Universe provides them with a convenient option and brings them together in the next incarnation.

« Perhaps you will communicate throughout your lifetime. Perhaps you will become comrades-in-arms, co-workers, co-creators on your Path of destiny. And this is wonderful in all its relevance!" - Richard Webster.

Are spouses soul mates?

It’s not at all necessary, but this option is not uncommon. Soul mate - this is what you can call someone who is close to you, despite the distance, life principles, age and various kinds of obstacles. Very often, who throughout life walked “hand in hand”, overcoming obstacles and comprehending this life in all its diversity.

And couples are not always able to live in harmony and call their union happy, because soul mates are, first of all, souls who learn the same lesson. Perhaps even earlier, before incarnation in these bodies, they agreed to live a certain experience and comprehend all the lessons of this existence.

People often resist those circumstances that emerge from the experience of past incarnations; they often act according to old patterns of behavior laid down long ago, and most likely back in past life. And so sometimes it’s hard to realize your mistake and radically change everything, it’s hard to accept a person who caused so many problems.

“There are people who come into our lives to open our hearts even more. They rush in right time as if fresh breeze, bringing with you good, sweet news.”

How many soul mates do we have?

Oddly enough, we can have many kindred spirits, and this depends on the tasks that were set earlier. One person may well have several marriages, and about each one he can say that he lived with a soul mate.

He loves one person first, and believes that this is the only one in the world, but Time passes, circumstances change, experience is developed, and people may well separate for completely different reasons. That's it, the task is completed, it's time to say goodbye.

There are frequent cases and love triangle, which is formed from one life to another and flows into various relationships. The task is obvious, souls must be able to interact and find mutual language, and most importantly, accept Love in all its manifestations.

« Find your soulmate and stay "a little crazy" and loving friend friend - always" - Richard Webster.

There are many examples of kindred spirits, starting from mythology, the Bible, history and people already known to us. If we start with mythology, then these are Isis and Osiris, from the Bible, of course, Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, history presents the names of Anthony and Cleopatra, literature - Romeo and Juliet, etc.

And if we turn to more famous names, which can be accurately studied and traced the course of events, their relationships and life itself are Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, Lewis C.S. and Joy Davidman. Less known are Katherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murray and many others.

The human soul is immortal, it is unique, endowed with free will and chooses for itself the paths of development and improvement. The soul itself chooses its travel companions and teachers, but when they get to Earth, many souls forget about their decision, and the interesting game called "Life".

« A soul mate is the one through whom you begin to live an authentic life..." - Richard Bach.

Have you ever felt like you've known someone for a thousand years, when in fact you're seeing them for the first time in your life? This phenomenon occurs quite often today. The feeling in which you become comfortable and calm with a person, as if he is you yourself, only in a different person, means that two kindred spirits have met. However, skeptics do not believe in their existence. Proving them otherwise is our main task.

Soulmate theory

What does the concept of “soul mates” mean? There is an assumption that in this life each of us is looking for those with whom we have already seen in another world. Our previous incarnations find each other because they could have some unfinished joint business or they were one family. However, not all scientists and experts admit that soul mates exist. The most common statement is that attraction, a sudden flash of a feeling of love and comfort next to a person, is nothing more than an analogy made by the memory of those who have already met in life. The memory function and pictures that were once embedded in the past are triggered in the brain. That is why a complete stranger seems like an old acquaintance, and we understand that this is a kindred spirit.

On the other hand, no one can explain how the meeting of two like-minded people occurs. Some people meet them by chance, as if fate itself were pushing them, while others never manage to meet their loved ones until the end of their lives. loved one. How do you still meet your soul mate? And is it really possible to do this?

Scientists say that attempts to find a like-minded person often end in failure. And this is mainly due to some common misconceptions:

Let's summarize how to recognize a soul mate among a crowd of old and new acquaintances. It should be remembered that we are all originally brothers and sisters to each other. We are all one before God. Let our openness not always be useful, and many of those around us can cause us mental trauma. But on the other hand, it allows us to learn about those who surround us much more than it seems from the outside. Don't close yourself off from people, be sincere with those around you, and then you will find that kindred spirits are all around you.

;Why do we meet our Soul Mate? Such a phenomenal, out-of-the-ordinary meeting does not happen just like that, and this is far from just a romantic meeting. A meeting with a Soul Mate is always true, real and unconditional Love and it can be experienced even by those whose consciousness is not yet ready for such high love. But they will experience the same unconditional love. And somewhere in the depths of the soul, everyone who has met their Soul Mate will hear inner voice, which will say - “THIS IS FOR SOMETHING MORE.”

The first meeting with a Soul Mate is always for that experience and those experiences that we have never experienced before, for the purification and growth of our consciousness, knowledge of ourselves and knowledge of the Highest, the original Source of Love. And you will undoubtedly feel in this meeting incredible and, at the same time, so natural and close to you sensations of inexplicable breadth, lightness and openness. You will feel Related.
Yes, this spiritual Relatedness can be experienced in very different ways, but it will always be Relatedness - something that is difficult to describe in words, but something that is felt very clearly and undeniably.
What is this “more”? This is you - in the broadest spiritual and personal perspective. Having met your Soul Mate, you meet your greater self, you meet a part of yourself - forgotten, ancient and so close and understandable to you. Phenomenal powers and abilities awaken in you, you remember your past incarnations and acquire your original talents, you find your greater self. Yes, not all of it yet - that will happen when you meet your Gemini soul mate, but there will be more, much more.
Meeting with a Soul Mate is Love, it is Strength, energy, it is your wisdom and Knowledge, it is your Life! Maybe, having met your Soul Mate, you will feel Alive for the first time in your life! How can this be overestimated? What could be more expensive? Nothing can be more important and closer than Life! Therefore, having met your Soul Mate, feeling her (him) and feeling yourself, you can forget about everything in the world and begin to Love only Life, begin to Love only Love. You will find everything that is most important, the most real and the only thing worthwhile in your life.
This is what your meeting with a Soul Mate can mean, if such a meeting is to the maximum, 100 percent.
Of course, meetings are different and Kindred Souls are also different and you may be completely ready for such a meeting, or not at all ready, but... No matter how it happens, no matter in what form your meeting occurs, you will never be able to forget this - you will not be able to forget the feelings of Relatedness. It's unforgettable!

A meeting with a Soul Mate can bring a lot into our lives, amazingly, phenomenally a lot. The words that our Soul Mate tells us fall into our soul and begin to live there - it’s as if strings suddenly sounded inside us, music began to play, so beautiful and so dear...
Soul mates can be the most important thing to each other the best teachers and psychotherapists, and not because they are unusually smart, but simply because OUR OWN SOUL SPEAKS TO US THROUGH THEM (!!!). Our Relatives speak to us through a Soul Mate Higher power, our guardian angels. This is what our meeting with a Soul Mate can mean. And much, much more.

And our Soul Mate is similar to our soul mate (not externally, of course) and we feel and experience exactly this way, we feel that this is our soul mate, but this is not so... How to figure it out, how to understand how not to make a fatal mistake, which can lead to life drama for both? After all, Soul Mates are not true halves and THEY WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO UNITE COMPLETELY, but the desire for just such a connection will remain and it will torment both, making their lives incomplete, incomplete.
With a Soul Mate, as well as with a Twin half, you can reach higher states of consciousness, to comprehend the Divine, the Primordial. And, from the very moment when you recognize the original Source of Love in each other, it is from this moment that differences begin, then you can without a doubt find out who you are to each other - Soul Mates or Twin Halves. If you had doubts until then, then after cognizing the Source, after merging with the Absolute, there is no doubt left, everything becomes more than obvious. You will learn all this and see for yourself, with your own eyes.
Until then, doubts may remain. Doubts do not always exist; sometimes a couple or one of two clearly knows that they are only Soul Mates to each other and nothing more. But sometimes both have doubts.
In any case, one way or another, only by reaching the highest manifestation of Love, by reaching the Source of Love, will you be able to completely and without doubt resolve all the issues for yourself.

The meeting of Kindred Souls, like the meeting of Twin halves, is always for something more, for more than we knew before this meeting and certainly for more than just the romance of love and the subsequent program of family life. This is more and does not exclude romance, love, or family life, but all this acquires a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT QUALITY - HIGHEST QUALITY, DIVINE QUALITY.

And, in conclusion, we can say that, indeed, our life is in many ways a School where we learn lessons, and also our life is given to us for pleasure and meeting a Soul Mate is both an indescribable pleasure and great lesson, and until we learn this lesson to the end, until the mission of meeting our Soul Mate is completed by us, until then we will not be able to reunite with our true half. These are the rules of the Game, these are the Laws of the space of Soul Mates - the space in which a man and a woman live and improve together, because only together, in their true unity, they are able to “learn” all the lessons and enjoy the highest bliss, uniting absolutely and making their great return to the Primordial Source of Everything, returning Home.

The concept of “soul mates” can be interpreted in different ways. The theory of reincarnation, or multiple reincarnation, states that a certain group of souls are united by family ties long before they “arrive” on Earth. When they meet in real world, a feeling of mutual sympathy and absolute harmony in communication instantly arises between them.

Similar feelings and thoughts, the same views on life, tastes and even gestures are only a small part of what is characteristic of kindred souls. According to the theory of reincarnation, the energies of like-minded people vibrate at the same frequencies, so they intuitively feel each other, understand each other perfectly and provide mutual assistance in overcoming obstacles that they encounter along the path of life.

How many soul mates does a person have?

There are two principles in this regard different opinions. Some believe that there is only one true soul mate in the world. When she finds her “soul mate,” she forms an ideal tandem with her. It is figuratively called the “oversoul”, which has two physical bodies.

Others say that a person can have several soul mates. IN in this case we are talking about friends, parents, acquaintances and random people who help us find ways out of difficult situations, provide internal support and nourish energy. It is believed that each soul mate has a clearly defined task, therefore, at certain moments in a person’s life, specific people may suddenly appear, who, having completed their “mission,” also suddenly disappear.

How to find a soul mate?

From birth, a person unconsciously searches for his soul mate. However, in order to meet her, you need to thoroughly study your inner world, your energy, because only in this way can you realize what your other half should be like.

First of all, a person must understand himself, understand what he really wants. It is important that he decides how his soul mate can make him truly happy. Only then will he be open to new relationships and will be able to choose that one soul among the thousands of people he meets.

Sometimes it happens that fate independently presents gifts and brings close people together; in such situations they say that they were destined to meet each other. Initially, they may not even feel close, but over time they will definitely merge into a single whole.

Girls, do you really love it when your boyfriend leaves the toilet seat up? Men, there's nothing cuter than when your crush is clearly upset about something but refuses to admit it? Sarcasm aside, these are just a couple of examples of the unpleasant things you can face when you're in a relationship. But it is worth recognizing that no relationship will be perfect, because not a single person in the world is ideal. Naturally, this does not mean that every person does not want to find an ideal partner who would be perfect for him, with whom he could share his feelings one hundred percent and life values. Have you found it yet? Here are eight signs that you have just such a person next to you.

Your soulmate accepts you for who you are.

The main problem that ruins many relationships is the widespread belief that every person should change their partner. This includes everything from asking your partner to change his taste in fashion to changes in personality traits. No matter, we're talking about about clothes or personality traits, a true soulmate will never demand you to change. On the contrary, such a person will accept you for who you are.

Your soulmate will never mislead you

Do you feel irritated because you never understand how your partner is feeling? Can't understand why your partner is upset, but when you ask directly, you get the answer that everything is fine? A soulmate will always talk to you directly because they understand that the key to a successful relationship is the ability to be open and honest about what's bothering you. this moment. Once you know what happened, you can work together to solve the problem, no matter how big it is.

Your soulmate will accept your opinion

There is no relationship in which both people always agree one hundred percent on everything. You may take a very strong position on a particular issue, while your significant other will take opposite position. But instead of allowing disagreement to damage your relationship and create tension in it, a true soulmate understands that sometimes the best thing to do is admit that you can't reach an agreement on certain issues.

Your soulmate may not always like you, but she will always love you.

Contrary to popular belief, the best relationships are not those in which there are never fights. Sometimes one of the partners will irritate and piss off the other. This may be the result of stress at work, disagreement on certain issues, or a combination of several factors that lead to a well-known state called “boiling”, and then to an outburst of aggression. But what makes a soulmate stand out from all other people is that she may not like you at that moment, but she will still always love you.

Your soulmate believes in mutual satisfaction

Healthy and active sex life is very important for relationships. Sex is a reminder of love and passion, reduces stress levels while maintaining the emotional and physical connection without which no relationship can survive. A soulmate understands that the key to good sex is mutual satisfaction. Simply put, in good relations sex is not about satisfying the needs of only one partner.

Your Soulmate Accepts Your Physical Disadvantages

You may be worried about the cellulite on your legs, the big scar on your arm, or the mole on your forehead, but you don't have to worry about your soulmate, as this person will never attach importance to your physical flaws. He understands and appreciates the beauty of imperfection, so you should follow his example.

Your soulmate shares your interests

Do you like to draw, sculpt or run? If your partner understands how much pleasure your hobby brings you, you have found your soul mate! Such a person will never tell you that you are wasting your time if you are enjoying your activities. He will enthusiastically support you as you pursue this or that goal. He will always appreciate your talents, and in some cases, he may even join you.

Your soulmate won't be jealous of you

Trust is very important if you want your relationship to be successful. A soul mate understands that complete trust between partners means that she cannot give in to jealousy. If your partner is always open with you, discusses his feelings about the relationship with you, and also understands that a couple should not spend every minute of their free time together, then you have most likely found your ideal person.