What trees grow in the Hermitage garden. New Opera Theater

Not everyone knows how to choose the right watch, despite the fact that a watch is an important accessory that allows you to raise your status in the eyes of others, for example, business partners. To modern man It's very easy to find out the time. Just a few hundred years ago, such an everyday thing was not available to people. We don’t attach any importance to this now, but in vain. But before you find out the exact time, you still need to choose a wristwatch, and this is also not so simple. It is necessary to take into account many details: they should be quartz or mechanical, the material of the strap, case and more. But why is it necessary to be careful when choosing a men's watch? Let's go point by point:

  • A high-quality Swiss watch is an indicator of the status of its owner;
  • Often watches demonstrate impeccable taste;
  • For men, watches make them look respectable.

In addition, for many, a watch is not just an accessory that complements an outfit. They are an indicator of prestige and financial situation their owner.

Knowing how to choose the right watch is a must. But main point, which you should pay attention to is the technical side of the accessory. In this case, it is necessary to take into account other factors, which we will now consider.

Watch mechanism

This is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing. It comes in two types: quartz and mechanical. At the core quartz watch lies a crystal oscillator. The error in time accuracy with such a mechanism is no more than 20 seconds over the course of a month. There is no need to start them, which is very convenient for many people.
Mechanical wristwatches are based on a mechanism invented many years ago. Despite this, its popularity and customer demand are not decreasing. The service life of wristwatches with such a mechanism is at least 20 years. These watches operate without any power source; you do not need to buy a battery for them. The main thing is not to forget to start them, but this should be done no more than once every 2-3 days. Unfortunately, this mechanism has some disadvantages:

  1. Time display error (10 seconds per day);
  2. When broken, it requires more complex repairs than a mechanical watch;
  3. The correct operation of such watches is affected by temperature. environment and the position of the clock.

Digital Watch, which include many different functions. This is a real organizer that is always at hand. Fans will love this watch. technical progress. Popular features of the best men's digital watches include:

  • Time indicator that shows different time zones;
  • Alarm clock and calendar;
  • Tachometer;
  • Various indicators (moon phases, days of the week, power reserve).

Electronic watches can also have an additional dial with arrows. The accuracy of the readings of such watches is not affected by weather conditions or atmospheric phenomena.


The case of a quality watch must be moisture resistant. The glass speaks volumes about how well the watch is made in the first place.
The watch “elite” includes a sapphire case, which has the highest strength. Models of mid- and low-class wristwatches are made of mineral glass, and models of cheap men's watches are made of plastic.
Another important element in watches – case covering. To wrist Men's Watch longer to use, it is better to choose them without additional spraying.
The varnish that covers cheap watch models wears off quickly. A beautiful, but treacherous coating made of nickel, since this metal eats into the human body, causing allergies. Ultra-resistant spraying that will delight its owner for a long time– black chrome. The most durable and durable is ion plasma or vacuum sputtering.

Watch multitasking

IN modern conditions Watch users opt for models that include several of the most popular functions, namely:

  • Calendar. Mechanical watches have a special window where the date is displayed. But there is also a disadvantage of this function: at the end of the month, the calendar must be configured manually.
  • Moon calendar. It is a small dial showing the lunar day.
  • A tachometer whose task is to entertain its owner. It can be used to calculate the average speed per day. To do this, you just need to select a time interval. All that remains is to observe the obtained indicators.


When deciding which watch to choose, you cannot help but take into account its shape, which depends only on personal preferences. The main thing is that the selected watch fits comfortably around your wrist, without squeezing or restricting movement. Men's watches are the most different forms: round, oval, rectangular, square, non-standard shape. Each of them is suitable for a certain age category.

Strap or bracelet material

The wristwatch is fixed on the hand with a strap or bracelet. The softest and most comfortable are leather straps. In addition to leather, they can be made of textile, silicone or plastic. Silicone and plastic are most often used in models for children.
Bracelets that are attached to watches can also be made from different materials: gold, titanium, silver and more. The bracelet, like the watch itself, is an indicator of quality and value. It plays a huge role in the design of watches.

Length and structure of the watch strap or bracelet

When thinking about how to choose a watch, do not miss such a moment as the length and fastening of the strap or bracelet. It is necessary to choose a strap that will be comfortable to fasten independently, without outside help. This factor is key, because there will not always be a person nearby who will help in this matter.
When deciding which watch to choose, you also need to take into account that it fits well on your hand. The most reliable fastener is the “clip” mechanism. It can be automatic or equipped with a special lock. When choosing such an accessory, be sure to try it on your hand. The bracelet should fit comfortably around your wrist, not be too weak and not squeeze it. The weak point of expensive watches is the clasp mechanism. Because of this, they can quickly become unusable, despite the strength and quality of the main part of the product.

Selection of men's watches

Choosing a watch is not so easy. It all depends on the purpose of the acquisition. The status indicator is a clock that displays the time using hands. The dial must be represented in Roman numerals. If you're wondering what kind of watch to find to display your status, consider watches with palladium, platinum or gold cases. The strap of such an accessory should be leather; it is very soft, comfortable, and looks simple and impressive.
The watch mechanism must be protected and resistant to shock. But, unfortunately, the protective glass and case may be damaged. Therefore, if you lead an active lifestyle, go to the pool, dive deep, it is better to choose a men's waterproof watch.
Before buying such an accessory, you should make sure how comfortable it is on your wrist, whether adjusting the strap or bracelet allows you to achieve the most comfortable position. Check to see if the watch is too heavy to wear or looks too bulky on your hand. And keep in mind that male models, as a rule, larger and heavier than female ones.
Here it would be appropriate to remember the choice between a strap and a bracelet. Both options can be used for both expensive and cheaper watches. If we talk about the strap, preference is usually given to leather; in the case of expensive models, it is most often crocodile leather. Sports model watches may have a strap made of plastic or other synthetic material; the quality is what matters here. In the case of a bracelet, the reliability of the lock comes to the fore.
The material from which the watch case is made is also of great importance. And there are quite a lot of options here: from cheap plastic to precious metals. But still, the most common are stainless steel, due to its durability and strength, as well as titanium, which is gaining increasing popularity. This material is probably the most optimal choice for watch case. Quite light and durable, titanium has an impressive appearance at a relatively low cost.

Watch power sources

If you are concerned with the question of how to choose a men's watch, it will not hurt to disassemble the power sources of such an accessory.
Mechanical watches use a mechanism that relies on a spring. Thanks to the pressure exerted on it, the clock works. After some time, the spring weakens and needs to be tightened. Most often, one plant is enough for at least 2-3 days. For the convenience of users, many companies began to produce watches with automatic winding. This feature eliminates the need to wind the watch yourself.
Automobile winding is carried out using vibrations that are created as a result of human movement. But this method is only suitable for those who actively move at least 8 hours a day. If your lifestyle is passive, then it is better to abandon the car factory function.
Quartz watches operate using a battery, which does not need to be changed for several years. Such a power source will be convenient for those who do not want to wind their watches and do not plan to use a car winder. In addition, quartz men's watches contain functions that may be needed in everyday life.
There is another power source for the watch - a solar battery. It is not as popular as the previous two, but it is not losing ground. How does it work? The sun's rays hit the photocell contained in the translucent dial. There they accumulate and are converted into energy, with the help of which the watch operates.
The low popularity of this method of “charging” is that the watch must be under direct sun rays, but this is not always possible.

Time Display Options

What quality watch should I choose to make it comfortable? The indicators for choosing such accessories are selected solely according to the preferences and requests of the client. One of the criteria that cannot be ignored is the time display. It can be different: pointer, electronic, or combine both of these options. But let's look at all these ways of displaying time in more detail.


When the time is displayed by arrows. Their number can vary from two to three. The third hand is the second hand, which is not always present. Switch – classic way displaying time on a mechanical watch. Another on this moment does not exist. In addition, the pointer method can be used on models with a quartz movement.


This is a very simple and convenient option in which the time is displayed using numbers. It is used exclusively in watches with quartz movements. On the dial, the watch can display not only the time, but also other additional functions.


This is a way in which you don't have to choose whether you prefer arrows or electronic numbers. Here you can even get everything at once.

Time format

The time format on the clock is no less important than the way it is displayed. It is presented in three options: twelve-hour, twenty-four-hour and combined.
The 12-hour format is a division of the day into two periods, each of which is 12 hours. They have symbols: AM - before noon, PM - after noon.
The 24-hour format is a familiar system for displaying time frames. It has become widespread in almost all European countries.

Brands of men's watches

Don't know how to choose a wristwatch? pay attention to classic models, made in the best Swiss traditions. Among them are world brands: Tissot, Appella, Davidoff, Longines, Jaguar, JeanRichard.
Let's look at each of them in more detail. What do manufacturers offer? What is special about each brand?


This is a company that has won the trust of customers by producing only high-quality and high-tech watches. It is one of the leaders in the manufacture and production of Swiss watches, better than which it will be quite difficult to find.


This brand the best way reflects value for money. If you don't know which Swiss watch to choose that best suits this concept, pay attention to the Apella.


This is a unique company that produces a wide range of goods: from coffee and tobacco products to high-quality Swiss watches. Despite such a broad focus, the quality of the products does not suffer at all. The company's policy is aimed at producing only high-quality products. Davidoff models have many options in a sophisticated style, and in 2009 the brand introduced watches that can withstand immersion in water to a depth of 50 meters.


The company does not just produce watches. She tested watch mechanisms in a variety of conditions (aeronautics, aviation, polar expeditions) a record number of times.


This company uses exclusively expensive and high-quality materials and mechanisms to produce watches. Only masters of their craft take part in all stages of the production of each model. Each of the watchmakers has an invaluable wealth of knowledge.


This brand is suitable for those who do not know which Swiss watch to choose, an exclusive model.
The best brands of Swiss watches will help fans of style and the highest quality choose what they want. Manufacturers offer unsurpassed accessories of this type that will satisfy the taste of even the most picky buyer. If you are not afraid of the cost, and you want to get an accessory that will best highlight your style and individuality, do not pass by Swiss branded models. And if you wish, you can even buy a custom watch. This is preferable for those who do not know which Swiss accessories of this type satisfy all the needs of daily life.

But what should you give preference to?

Which watch to buy is up to you. This should be done based on personal preferences and the lifestyle you lead. Case material, glass, watch mechanism, strap, clasp - all these criteria make up big picture quality accessory, and allow you to choose them for any suitable occasion. The brands mentioned above carefully monitor the products they produce, avoiding defects and defective products. Reputation for them is not an empty, meaningless hot air.
Therefore, no matter which brand of the above watches you decide to choose, you can be sure of one thing - they will all be of the highest quality and will last for many years.

A watch is a fashion accessory that allows you to keep track of time. Nowadays, watches are more used as decoration and almost every woman has one. Fashion exists not only for clothes and shoes, but also for watches.

Designers never cease to delight fashionistas with new products. A watch characterizes our mood and style and makes us attract the attention of others.

Green watch

Since ancient times, green color has been associated with fertility and well-being. It symbolizes abundance, wealth. Green - a good choice for the color of women's watches, when you feel any kind of lack - it can be both physical (lack of money) and energetic (you feel tired, without vital energy). This color of accessory, if you wear it constantly, will make you stronger, you will have enough vital energy to complete all your tasks. At the same time, green will have a positive effect on your financial situation if you have problems in this area.

Pink watch

Pink color symbolizes love and harmony in life. Its effect on energy is associated with youth and happiness. This is the color that best matches our harmonious relationships with other people. Pink watches or watches with pink designs are suitable if you want to attract love and harmony into your life. A pink watch will enhance and attract new contacts into your life, which will help expand your circle of friends. The color pink has a lot to do with a new beginning, the birth of a new stage in life.

White watch

White is the color most often associated with purity, innocence, a new beginning, and is the color of spirituality. A white watch will direct your life in a positive way. White watches are useful if you want to achieve sincerity in your relationships with other people. White watches are one of the most fashionable accessories in Lately. Except modern look, you will receive a powerful talisman of energy, which, although imperceptibly, will contribute to the positive development of all problematic issues.

Red watch

For people who want to achieve prosperity and harmony in the field of love, red is a must. Red can easily be described as the color of winners. This color symbolizes triumph, a person's ability to control life. In what situations is it advisable to choose a red watch? When you experience fear, you lack courage when faced with situations where you need to be proactive to achieve a goal, but fear seems to block all action. Red color or patterns on the watch can be useful if you are going to competitions where there is serious competition, or if you feel that you are not able to fully master the situation.

Yellow clock

The color yellow is associated with intelligence. Women's wristwatch yellow color will be useful if you find it difficult to concentrate when you are unable to collect your thoughts. Yellow hours will be useful for concentration. The yellow accent on the watch will certainly increase memory, the ability to perceive and reproduce information. This color is perfect choice, if you are going to an important interview and need to make a good impression with clear and logically coherent speech. Yellow watches are very suitable for spring and summer, it seems.

Orange clock

Orange is definitely one of the most eccentric colors. But at the same time, it has rich symbolism, which can influence various aspects of your life. This color is associated with the sun, therefore with life and good health. If you have health problems, this is a great color choice for an accessory. Orange is responsible for luck and prosperity. It influences creative impulses, causing them to become real and organized ideas.

Blue clock

Blue and light blue symbolize freedom. They are suitable for situations when you want to start from scratch, when you want to get rid of an unwanted job, home, even a person. Blue watches will help you get rid of the depressing feeling that you are dependent on someone and that you are being manipulated.

Brown watch

Brown color symbolizes the earth, similar to fertility. Associated with stability and life source. Namely, the soil from which plants get their life. A brown watch is appropriate to wear in situations where you want to achieve security in any area of ​​life. This color is also suitable if you feel insecure in your family or at work, if you believe that there is a potential risk of an unfavorable change in circumstances. The color brown certainly has a positive effect on people who want to build a stable and successful career based on your own efforts and skills. This color is a little unusual for a watch, especially for girls, but the truth is that such a watch can be very stylish and original with the matching bag and shoes.

Black watch

The most versatile.

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In the 2014 season, sports watch models will be popular. They are comfortable, practical, functional and moderately original. Designers offer sports watches with unusual shape dials decorated with all kinds of stones and rhinestones. Designers offer sports flowers bright colors. Watches in orange, yellow, and blue tones look interesting. Among sports watches, most have such properties as water resistance and shock resistance.

Classic wristwatches are as popular as always. This model is always up-to-date and goes with any outfit and look. Classic watches have a leather strap in black, brown or white. The traditional clasp looks feminine, strict and elegant. The universal dial of the correct shape is very convenient for everyday use. A classic watch can also be on a metal strap of medium thickness. The decor of such models is as restrained and strict as possible.

IN summer season Bright, colorful watches with unusual prints are popular. A watch with a blue, purple, orange or coral strap looks fresh and original. They do not have to match the color of the outfit; the watch can become bright accent. Often one model combines several colors that are similar in shade or, conversely, contrasting. Watches with a strap in noble colors, such as pink, beige, and lilac, are popular among women. These colors give the whole look a feminine and antique feel, while still looking stylish and modern.

An excellent option is a watch with a dial that depicts a butterfly, a skull, a silhouette of a person or graffiti. Watches with prints are perfect for your spring and summer wardrobe.

Originally shaped watches are becoming increasingly popular. Watches with large dials with large numbers attract the attention of women. The watch looks quite massive, but at the same time fashionable and modern. A large watch on a small female hand will emphasize femininity, tenderness and grace. Often the watch dial is decorated with rhinestones, sometimes there may be no numbers at all. The watch can be built into a bracelet, pendant or ring.

Previously, all watches had a leather strap, but now they use various materials. Designers offer watches with plastic, suede, and metal straps. Some straps combine several textured materials, such as a crocodile leather strap with metal inserts. These watches have long become popular among fashionistas. Scarf-shaped straps create lightness and airiness.

A collection of watches has been released, the straps of which are decorated with gold and silver inserts, complemented precious stones. An exclusive model with Swarovski crystals will delight you for a long time, and all the women around you will be jealous.

A modern idea is watches with long straps. The bracelet wraps around the wrist several times. The strap is usually made of genuine or artificial leather.
Small watches, which were in demand many years ago, have come back into fashion. The miniature model looks simple, but tasteful. For a business woman, this option is ideal for everyday work.

Many watches are so filled with chic and brilliance that they lose their true purpose and become simply a magnificent accessory.

One of modern trends are men's watches that adorn female wrist. Strict lines and brutal straps conquered the female half humanity. Girls with such watches do not look rude, but quite the opposite, touching and sensitive.

When choosing a watch, start from fashion trends, from your capabilities and of course, from your own taste. To look stylish, you don't have to buy a gold watch with diamonds. Create a beautiful and original image possible at an affordable price. The clock is a great gift for a friend, but when choosing it is important to take into account her taste preferences. A classic watch, not too flashy, is suitable for every day. For a special event, it is better to choose a more original and sophisticated model. It is advisable to have several watches in your arsenal, suitable for different occasions. Among them there may be 1-2 high-quality and expensive pieces, and the rest will be simple decorations. The main thing is to strive to highlight your individual style with hours.

It is customary to determine a man’s status by his shoes and watches, and if shoes are somewhat easier to determine, since they do not have precise mechanisms, then with a watch there is no need to look for simplicity. You need to choose based not only on design, but also on quality, reliability, ergonomics and brand. The rating of men's watches according to the Marka.guru portal will help guide the buyer along the right path; it presents the Top 11 most famous brands that enjoy constant popularity due to the high quality and variety of models. But before presenting the rating of men's watch manufacturers, we will give some tips for choosing the right choice of such an important accessory.

Classic or modern, convenience or image - it is up to the buyer to decide, because in the end it is he who will have to use, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages, and combine the purchased accessory with his wardrobe. Important criteria:

  • Type. Today you can find mechanical, quartz, electronic and smart watches in stores. Each type is good in its own way, but good mechanical models from famous watch brands add status and gloss.
  • Form. For sporty style Bright options with a bizarre shape are suitable, and where restraint is needed, men give preference to round and rectangular shapes.
  • Housing material. Quality depends on the materials used both in the movement and in the production of the case. Reliable options are made from durable materials gold, silver, and stainless steel. Aluminum and nickel are indicators of cheapness, which can cause allergic rashes and a quick loss of attractive appearance.
  • Glass. The dial is usually covered with glass of varying quality. It can be durable mineral, or for luxury watch brands - sapphire. It is practically not subject to damage, but it can still be broken.
  • Strap material. Ceramic is especially popular today; it is not susceptible to damage, is durable and has excellent aesthetic characteristics, however, the price does not always allow you to make a choice in its favor. There are a great variety of soft straps, and these can be both budget artificial solutions and the best natural materials in the form of python and crocodile skin.

1 Casio

The rating opens with the legendary Japanese brand, which began its history with the production of calculators. A revolution in development was the electronic watch, which earned trust and over time transformed into several multidirectional rulers.

G-SHOCK is a men's watch for extreme sports, maximally protected from moisture, damage and extreme temperatures. They have everything that can be useful on the road: a stopwatch, an alarm clock, a backlight.

EDIFICE is a fusion of functionality and elegance, the ability to combine sporty reliability and a durable watch mechanism.

PRO TREK is a godsend for travelers. The ruler's watches have many sensors that record the direction of movement, temperature, humidity, and altitude, which allows you to completely control the route.

Casio wristwatches are consistently high-quality materials, good protection and maximum comfort in any situation.


  • high-precision Japanese mechanism;
  • maximum functionality in a compact design;
  • a variety of synthetic and natural materials;
  • long warranty period.


  • Silicone straps are difficult to find replacements.

The company's pricing policy is loyal. Depending on the materials, degree of protection and class, prices can vary from 1000 rubles to several tens.

Prices for CASIO EFR-526L-1A:

2 Diesel

Sensational youth brand originally from Italy. Distinctive feature Diesel watch brand - massive and unsurpassed daring style. Good and high-quality leather straps can have either a familiar shape or a sharp, brutal finish. The case is invariably made of steel and is not susceptible to moisture or time. In addition, the price makes the brand popular. Current watch models are quite affordable; in addition, promotions and sales only fuel interest in the product.


  • high quality mechanisms;
  • the best combinations of durable materials and design solutions;
  • reasonable cost of products;
  • wide availability of purchase.


  • bulky;
  • low moisture protection.

The cost of the brand's products is varied. In various lines you can find models priced from 2,000 rubles to several tens of thousands.

Prices for DIESEL DZ1657:

3 Orient

Japanese watches of this brand are especially popular in Russia; most models have an elegant design and high-quality materials. IN to a greater extent brand products - clockwork duo own production companies and high aesthetics in cases and bracelets. Only the best cases made of stainless steel, titanium alloys with gold plating and maximum protection from environmental influences.


  • durable materials;
  • quality mechanisms;
  • unique style;
  • variety of models.


  • require delicate cleaning and care.

Prices for ORIENT ER27001B:

4 Citizen

The Japanese concern also began its history with calculators and computer technology. Electronic watch brand steel Starting point into the world of high precision and reliable movements, which today are purchased by some Swiss brands. The most popular on the market are quartz watch models manufactured by the company. Products of different categories are presented in several lines.

The Citizen - luxury products for the Japanese domestic market. They have minimal running error and the highest quality mechanisms and materials.

Attesa is a fairly expensive line with no restrictions on sales.

Promaster is a watch for an active lifestyle, scuba diving, flying, cycling. Most of the collection are electronic models in soft silicone design.


  • models different designs and directions;
  • good implementation of functionality;
  • variety of budget and premium products;
  • the best high precision mechanisms.


  • Eco-Drive direction, despite the declared security, can allow water to pass through.

The price range is wide. These can be sports models from 4000 rubles and elegant classic up to 150,000 rubles.

Citizen BM8470-11EE prices:

5 Tissot

The concept of “Swiss watches” has become a stable expression reflecting quality and status. The rating of watch brands could not fail to include a world-famous brand with a wide range of products. The consumer is presented with electronic sports, stylish and massive men's options, as well as inimitable classics in budget steel and jewelry made of gold with decor of rubies and diamonds.


  • a wide range of;
  • only the best materials;
  • in-house production of watch movements.


  • budget models can scratch skin and rub clothes.

The variety of prices is designed for the widest possible audience. A good brand watch made of stainless steel with sapphire glass can be purchased for 18,000 rubles. Jewelry models can cost from several thousand dollars to several hundred thousand.

Prices for Tissot T033.410.11.053.01:

6 Swatch

A Swiss brand with youthful spontaneity and classic quality. Men's watches, both electronic and mechanical, can have a sporty design in a lightweight plastic case, as well as a classic design and best characteristics in a stainless steel case.

A distinctive feature of the brand is the implementation of bold design solutions; if there is a desire for individuality, then these watches will certainly reflect it.


  • bright youth models;
  • high-quality execution;
  • affordable prices;
  • warranty service.


  • plastic is prone to damage.

Budget options can cost less than 2,000 rubles, while classic models start at 10,000 rubles.

Prices for Swatch YVB401:

7 Essence

Products made in South Korea please with a variety of designs and price categories. For the most part, these are good and inexpensive watches made of stainless steel, ceramics and mineral glass. Classic models with a leather strap and a minimum of additions are widely represented.

The new line with ceramic bracelets is particularly popular due to its high quality and pronounced aesthetic advantages. Today it successfully competes with well-known brands, leading due to its reasonable price.


  • rich variety of styles;
  • retain their original appearance for a long time;
  • affordable prices;
  • high quality mechanisms.


  • bright spraying can change shade.

Good production capacity allows us to produce products at reasonable prices, the range is from 4,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Prices for Essence ES6402FE.439:

8 Romanson

A popular brand in Russia that can be found in most stores. Despite the fact that the development of the watch movement and design is carried out by South Korea, most of the production and assembly is located in China. This significantly reduces the cost of products, however, Romanson successfully competes with many well-known brands, gaining the trust of consumers.

The brand's calling card is its unique design, which fits perfectly into any style. The brand's watches of all price categories are made of high-quality materials and are suitable both for everyday wear and for adding status to an image.


  • wide price range;
  • variety of models;
  • moisture protection;
  • mineral and sapphire glass.


  • After a while the coating may be wiped off.

The price of the budget model is about 3,000 rubles, for the middle price segment a little more than 20,000 rubles.

Prices for Romanson DL4191SMW(GR):

9 Flight-chronos

Domestic men's watches were also included in the rating not by chance. Having inherited production from the First Watch Factory, Polet-Khronos specializes in government orders, devoting only a third of its power to retail production. Based on this, it is not difficult to guess that quality aimed at the military and government agencies cannot fail.

Such watches will last a long time and can be passed on from generation to generation. Stainless steel, leather and a reliable mechanism will make them a family heirloom.


  • high quality materials;
  • high level of protection;
  • wide price range;
  • Made from jewelry metals and alloys.


  • classic design;
  • a large number of “Soviet” models.

Taking into account the fact that Polet-Khronos makes watches from precious metals, the price can reach 200,000 rubles, while budget options can cost 2,000 rubles.

Prices Polet-Chronos 2400/7366252:

10 U.S. Polo

The American brand, which specializes in affordable sportswear, sells affordable watches of excellent quality. Moreover, the assortment includes not only sports models, but also seasoned classic and elegant ones. The company is very sensitive to its reputation, so it creates the most convenient collections from hypoallergenic and, if possible, natural materials.

Buying a brand watch is not so easy, good concept sales with protection against counterfeiting allows sales only through official representatives.


  • comfort during use;
  • wide range of prices;
  • natural materials;
  • reliable.


  • quite heavy;
  • difficult to acquire.

Popular models are available at prices starting from 3,000 rubles, premium watches cost from $1,000 and more.

Prices for U.S. POLO ASSN. USP4355BR:

11 Q&Q

Complete the rating chinese watch, the range of which is presented in most stores. For the mass buyer, it makes them as attractive as possible affordable price and the quality of the watch mechanism. The design is very diverse, and most of the models look quite expensive - durable mineral glass, leather straps, stylish finishes.

Q&Q products from Chinese factories have high quality. It's all about the Japanese movements of the MIYOTA company, part of the Citizen Group, as well as proprietary steel-based alloys.


  • variety of types and styles;
  • low price;
  • possibility of purchasing straps and bracelets;
  • availability.


  • the coating wears off quickly;
  • straps break.

The minimum price for products is about 500 rubles, good quality models can reach a price of 6,000 rubles.

Prices for Q&Q M119 J002:


The presented rating indicated the most popular brands, whose products are liked by consumers and inspire confidence. Ultimately, this does not solve the problem of choice, but only allows you to determine for yourself the direction of searching for the best watches.

Wristwatches today are an indispensable accessory for every woman. This is no longer just a device for measuring time, but an elegant addition to an outfit. Therefore, increased demands are placed on them not only in terms of accuracy and reliability, but also from the point of view of aesthetics and compliance with fashion.

History claims that women were the first to use wristwatches. While men continued to carry expensive timepieces in their vest pockets on a chain, ladies sparkled with beautiful bracelets adorned with precious stones, demonstrating luxury and taste.

A woman's watch must match her handbag, dress, shoes, and hat. And fit in general image! It’s not for nothing that the most famous fashion houses create models for ladies. Timex women's watches will become an exquisite decoration that performs important and necessary functions.

What should they be? Ladies Watch

They must match the image of the owner. Experts believe that a lady should have not just one, but several, made in different styles. Then it will be easier to match them with your outfit. For example, to go out in public you must have a watch made of precious metals, decorated with semi-precious or precious stones.

For daily work- functional and inexpensive, in harmony with business suit. Needed for the gym sports model. It's bad taste to wear an expensive, pretentious watch to work or the gym. Others may mistake this for a lack of style or simply a desire to show off.

The material of the bracelet is very important in terms of appearance. For work, everyday models, a leather strap is best suited. For special occasions - a metal bracelet made of gold or platinum, for sports - reliable and practical plastic.

The glass that protects the dial determines the service life of the movement. Expensive models usually have sapphire crystal. Cheaper mineral or crystal are not as reliable. A simple hardened one will quickly become covered with microcracks, which will lead to failure of the mechanism.

Waterproofness is more important for sports options. However, you should give preference to splash-proof ones so as not to remove them in the shower or when washing your hands.

Original or copies - which to choose?

Value for money - important parameter in any product. Women's watches are no exception. Better to choose products famous brands, since even the best copy, indistinguishable at first glance, will quickly show differences during operation.