Fitness menu for weight loss: the meaning of the diet, recipes and menu for the week. Losing weight with a fitness diet: sports diet options for girls

In an attempt to acquire a beautiful figure, especially for the summer season, women resort to various tricks. A strict diet, constant training, massage courses and body wraps, a passion for weight loss mixtures and bars. The list goes on and on. However, power loads are still considered the most effective way. At the same time, we must remember that fitness and proper nutrition are two complementary things.

Why do you need to eat right?

During physical activity, especially intense exercise, the body not only gets rid of unnecessary calories, but also loses a significant part of energy.

With insufficient nutrition, weight, of course, will rapidly fall, but at what cost? Without receiving the necessary supply of energy, the body will produce it from its own tissues, namely from the muscles. Thus, extra pounds will be lost not by burning fat, but by reducing the volume of muscle tissue. This means that there can be no talk of any tightened and elastic skin. Overall physical endurance will also decrease, and it will be much more difficult to perform usual exercises. This is why healthy fitness nutrition is so important.

If you eat excessively or incorrectly, the lost calories will return again and again, and the work of adjusting your figure will turn into a waste of time.

5 basic rules of nutrition

1. Eat a couple of hours before training.

2. If your schedule does not allow you to eat on time, then treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate before training. It won't bring you extra calories, but it will add energy.

3. Fitness nutrition means that you need to eat more often, but in small portions. The body will not have time to get hungry, and you will not gain excess weight.

4. Drink as much water as possible. It not only suppresses hunger, but also prevents the body from becoming dehydrated during intense training.

5. After training, it is advisable to restore the expended energy. You can do this by eating low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt. But not immediately after exercise.

must not be violated!

Fitness nutrition is not such a simple process as it might seem at first glance. Your success in losing weight depends on how well you follow the established eating regimen.

You should start your day with breakfast. The better and denser it is, the less you will want to eat at lunch. In addition, it is in the morning that the body most easily digests food, turning it into energy rather than fat. If you have no appetite and the most you can manage is a cup of coffee, then try reducing your dinner portion. Not only will the food be digested overnight, but you will also feel hungry in the morning.

The best pre-workout food is protein! Therefore, a couple of hours before going to the gym, eat protein foods. This can be boiled meat, legumes, and fermented milk products. If this is not possible, then you can purchase various supplements in the form of gainers or protein at a sports nutrition store. But remember that you cannot abuse them. Your goal is not to gain more muscle mass, but to lose a couple of kilograms and tighten your figure.

Fitness nutrition is impossible without carbohydrates. As you know, there are simple and complex carbohydrates. Don't want to gain even more pounds? Consume only They are found in cereals, legumes, and pasta only of durum varieties. By the way, these same products also contain glucose, which is so necessary to replenish expended energy.

Afternoon snack: banana and low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: chicken breast, spinach.

Fitness nutrition. Recipes

So that the menu stops being the same type and doesn’t get boring with its taste monotony, you can arm yourself with a couple of fitness recipes and pamper yourself with simple, healthy, and most importantly, tasty dishes that do not entail excess weight.

Light soup

To prepare it you will need one small carrot, a tablespoon of grated celery root, one onion, one hundred grams of cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, a tablespoon of canned peas, a little nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. To make the broth rich, you can add a cube or any spices of your choice to the water. Bring half a liter of water to a boil, and then add chopped carrots, onions, cauliflower divided into inflorescences, and the rest of the products unchanged. Cook vegetables for 20 minutes until fully cooked. The soup is ready!

And you can prepare a delicious one that will not only go with toast, but also become a separate dish. The recipe is extremely simple. Wash a couple of large oranges and cut them in half. Squeeze the juice out of the halves and grind the zest on a fine grater or in a blender. Pour the juice into the pan, add the grated zest and add a spoonful of honey. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for a couple more minutes. After this, add cottage cheese to the resulting mass and beat everything thoroughly. The sauce is ready!


Now, knowing some fitness recipes, you will not consider proper and healthy eating difficult or requiring a lot of free time. And following simple tips will help you not only feel at ease, but also have a beautiful figure. Just a couple of months, and proper nutrition will become a healthy habit, and training will bear its first fruits.

Many people visit fitness centers and lead a healthy lifestyle. But they don’t see the visual result. There is no desired slimness from working out in the gym or visiting the swimming pool.

What is the reason? Not everyone knows that for a slim figure and extra pounds, in addition to an active lifestyle, influences properly selected diet. You need to know which foods to exclude before training, and which ones should be included in the menu in large quantities.

Let's take a closer look:

  • include carbohydrates and proteins in the menu.
  • exclude fats from the menu or consume no more than 3 grams.

Why are carbohydrates and proteins needed before a workout in fitness?

Carbohydrates undergoing oxidative transformations, provide all living human cells energy. They are also involved in the body's defense reactions. Squirrels play a primary role in human life and perform many functions: participate in metabolism, regulate the formation of hormones, protect our body, etc.

They inhibit the activity of the stomach and the digestion process. The result is belching, a feeling of nausea, colic and heaviness in the stomach during training.

Before exercising, it is better to include light meals:

  • lean poultry with boiled rice and a piece of wholemeal bread.
  • oatmeal with egg white omelette.
  • beefsteak from lean meats with boiled potatoes.

Products in a fitness diet before exercise should be normal in calorie content. Last meal it's better to do in an hour or two hours before started classes. This will allow the food to be better digested and absorbed in the stomach.

If the goal of your training is to build muscle mass, then you need to eat one piece of fruit and drink a protein drink half an hour before the start of training.

Fruit it should be low glycemic index. The glycemic index is an indicator of the effect of food on blood sugar levels after consumption. These fruits include apples, pears, strawberries and other berries. A protein shake in a fitness diet is prepared using whey protein. It must be used in the following proportion: 0.22 g per kilogram of your weight.

In half an hour before classes start fitness diet recommended drink a cup of strong green or black tea, without sugar and cream. This will ensure greater fat burning, and will reduce the decrease in glycogen, amino acids and glucose in the body. You won't get tired so quickly during training. You will perform physical exercises more intensely.

If you didn’t have time to have lunch on time, it’s better to drink a glass of milk or a protein shake before class.

It is very important in a fitness diet, during exercise, consume a lotamount of liquid.

Before starting classes, you need to drink a glass of liquid, then repeat the procedure every 20 minutes. The amount of fluid you drink depends on the amount of sweat that was released during the workout.

If you exercise for more than an hour, use special drinks for athletes to quench your thirst. They should be drunk in small quantities, every 10 minutes.

Recommended during sports activities drink fruity juices, preferably homemade, using a juicer. Orange juice is best suited, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

If during training you notice the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • dry mouth
  • chapped lips
  • thirsty
  • fatigue and weakness
  • irritability

These are symptoms of dehydration. It is necessary to stop training and drink water intensively. When the symptoms pass, you can continue to exercise.

If after playing sports you do not take any food for two hours, then your workout will be ineffective.

When following a fitness diet, it is important to eat properly after training. Eating needed in 20 minutes after playing sports. Products must contain carbohydrates and proteins, which are used to increase mass and restore muscles. Products that contain fats are not recommended. They inhibit the absorption of carbohydrates and proteins from the stomach into the blood. Carbohydrates are better are assimilated in liquid form. For example: juice from cranberries and grape juice, which contain a high amount of glucose to fructose. Can eat Also vegetables, fruits, cereals culture, etc. Squirrels better use in a fitness diet as a protein drink from powder or from egg whites. As a result, protein synthesis in the muscles will increase threefold. Protein products without fat content are recommended: chicken breast, egg whites, veal, low-fat products, boiled fatty fish. The amount of protein food is individual for each person. This is easy to determine.

Your serving of protein should fit in the palm of your hand.

After finishing the workout, products that contain caffeine are excluded for two hours: chocolate products, cocoa, coffee, tea.

There are different options for a fitness diet.

Option number 1 fitness diet

Designed only for weight loss. It is based on a strict clock schedule:

  • Five hours before sports, do not eat protein foods.
  • It is prohibited to eat food three hours before playing sports.
  • Do not drink an hour before training.
  • Do not take liquids during training.
  • After classes, do not drink for an hour.
  • Within three hours after playing sports, eating any food is prohibited.

After exercising in such a rigorous mode, your weight will decrease significantly.

Option number 2 fitness diet

Based on a combination of proper nutrition and physical activity. The fitness diet lasts for two weeks. Meals five times a day. The weight will decrease gradually and smoothly. 1400-180 calories are consumed per day. When using this fitness diet option, drink up to two liters of water daily.

Sample menu for a 14-day fitness diet:

1st day

Breakfast: in any form 2 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), 100g oatmeal, 50g cottage cheese with a small percentage of fat, a glass, orange juice.

Lunch: fruit salad, natural low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: 100g boiled chicken, 100g boiled rice, green salad.

Afternoon snack: one baked potato, natural low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: 200g boiled or stewed fish, vegetable and herb salad, one apple.

2nd day

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 100g of muesli porridge, a glass of low-fat milk, any fruit in small quantities.

Lunch: a glass of carrot juice, 50g of natural low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: chicken salad, which contains 150-200 g of meat, boiled potatoes, one apple.

Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, any fruit.

Dinner: 150g of fish in any form, a glass of boiled beans, vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil.

3rd day

Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, 100g oatmeal, 200g strawberries.

Lunch: one banana, 100g low-fat natural cottage cheese.

Dinner: 200g of fish in any form, 100g of boiled rice, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack: any fruit, low-fat natural yogurt.

Dinner: 100g boiled turkey, a glass of boiled corn, vegetable salad.

4th day

Breakfast: 100g oatmeal porridge, a glass of low-fat milk, grapefruit.

Lunch: one banana, 100g low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: 150g boiled chicken, 50g boiled rice.

Afternoon snack: a glass of any vegetable juice, wheat bran.

Dinner: 120g boiled beef, a glass of boiled corn.

5th day

Breakfast: 100g oatmeal, omelette, one peach, a glass of any natural juice.

Lunch: 100g boiled rice, a glass of vegetable juice.

Dinner: 100 cooked turkey meat, one apple.

Afternoon snack: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salad.

Dinner: 100g boiled chicken, vegetable salad.

6th day

Breakfast: protein omelet, 100g buckwheat porridge, a glass of skim milk.

Lunch: 50g low-fat cottage cheese, one banana.

Dinner: 200g of any boiled fish, 100g of boiled rice, vegetable salad, a glass of orange juice.

Afternoon snack: one baked potato, low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: 150g boiled shrimp, vegetable salad.

7th day

Breakfast: omelette based on two eggs, 100g buckwheat porridge, one apple.

Lunch: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, one peach.

Dinner: 100g boiled beef, vegetable salad: peas, carrots, corn.

Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, 100g boiled rice.

Dinner: 150g boiled chicken, vegetable salad.

8th day

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 100g muesli porridge, a glass of low-fat milk, grapefruit.

Lunch: 70g boiled rice, one peach.

Dinner: 120g of boiled chicken, vegetable salad, half a portion of boiled pasta, a glass of citrus juice.

Afternoon snack: low fat yogurt, one apple.

Dinner: 120g boiled beef, vegetable salad.

9th day

Breakfast: White omelette, 100g boiled buckwheat, any fruit, a glass of citrus juice.

Lunch: one banana, low fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: 100g of any boiled fish, 100g of rice porridge, one peach, a glass of citrus juice.

Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, 50g-100g dried fruits - dried apricots.

Dinner: 200g stewed fish, one baked potato, vegetable juice.

10th day

Breakfast: egg omelet, 100g oatmeal, a glass of blueberries.

Lunch: 100g low-fat cottage cheese, 50g dried raisins.

Dinner: 100g of boiled chicken, one baked potato, a glass of vegetable juice.

Afternoon snack: low fat yogurt, one orange.

Dinner: 100g stewed or boiled fish, vegetable salad.

11th day

Breakfast: two boiled eggs, 50g wheat bran bread. A piece of watermelon, a glass of orange juice.

Lunch: one banana, 50g cottage cheese.

Dinner: 100g boiled rice, 200g boiled squid.

Afternoon snack: 50g stewed fish, vegetable salad.

Dinner: 100g boiled chicken, vegetable salad made from corn.

12th day

Breakfast: 100g oatmeal, egg white omelette, glass of carrot juice.

Lunch: 100g boiled rice with raisins and dried apricots.

Dinner: 100g chicken in low-fat sauce, vegetable salad.

Afternoon snack:

Dinner: 120g boiled beef, 100g broccoli salad.

13th day

Breakfast: 100g oatmeal, omelette, one grapefruit.

Lunch: 50g low-fat cottage cheese, one peach.

Dinner: 120g turkey meat in low-fat sauce, boiled corn cob.

Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt, one apple.

Dinner: 150g stewed or boiled any fish, vegetable salad.

14th day

Breakfast: a glass of orange juice, two eggs, 100g of muesli porridge, a glass of low-fat milk.

Lunch: one banana, 50g low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: 150g boiled chicken, green salad, 100g boiled rice.

Afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat yogurt, one peach.

Dinner: 150g boiled or stewed river fish, vegetable salad.

Rice in a fitness diet it is better to choose brown, A juices squeeze natural on a juicer. Dairy products and meat must be low-fat. Fry products for the fitness diet menu Not recommended.

A fitness diet will be effective only with daily physical activity. Good luck!

Fitness diet is not a new way to burn fat and form a beautiful body. This is an improved system with an integrated approach to solving the problem of excess weight. For women and men who are on the path to an ideal figure, fitness is a great way to achieve the desired result.

The rules of a fitness diet for weight loss are inextricably linked with training in the gym.

Maintaining a balance of proper and healthy nutrition with physical activity gives excellent results in the process of burning fat. Daily classes with a trainer or independently are held in the gym, where there are a lot of people. Communication with like-minded people helps in work, allows you to share impressions and success achieved. Home training is inferior in effectiveness to training with a qualified trainer.

Compliance with the rules and nutritional regimen of a fitness diet ensures the achievement of high results from physical training. It is recommended to consume a lot of calories, 1300-1800 per day. You should eat 5 times a day, controlling the size of the dishes. At the same time, women do not deny themselves carbohydrates, meat or fish dishes. A fitness diet provides a choice of foods and determines the time for eating.

You should eat well 2 hours before physical activity. The resulting carbohydrates and proteins will give the body the energy it needs to perform physical exercise. During physical activity, at least two to three sips every 15-20 minutes. Consuming enough fluids allows the body to effectively burn fat during exercise.

Authorized Products

A fitness diet requires strict control over the nutritional system. To quickly burn fat during physical activity, you need the optimal amount of carbohydrates and proteins. “Slow carbohydrates” are best suited for this purpose. They are called slow for their low rate of absorption by the body. Slow processing ensures a uniform and long-term supply of energy needed during fitness classes. The feeling of fullness lasts 3-4 hours.

Proteins play an important role in building and strengthening muscle tissue.

During active physical activity, all muscle groups are involved. They warm up and “work” while doing exercises. After exercise, amino acids and protein are required to strengthen muscle tissue. If not enough is supplied, the muscles after training do not strengthen, but rather weaken. In this case, improper nutrition can lead to muscle dystrophy.

A fitness diet for weight loss requires attention and control, especially when consuming fat. You can’t exclude them from your diet, but it’s better to choose them. They serve to absorb fat-soluble vitamins, participate in cell division, promote tissue elasticity, and ensure normal functioning of the endocrine and central nervous systems.

Although water is not a food product, it occupies an important place in the fight against excess weight.

Pure filtered or mineral water without gas removes toxins from the body and products of the breakdown of fat and protein. Water also saturates cells with oxygen, without which the formation of healthy cells and a toned figure is impossible. List of basic products recommended by nutritionists and professional trainers for good nutrition during fitness:

  1. Skim milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt;
  2. Brown and white rice and oatmeal. You can supplement the menu with other cereals;
  3. , some trainers recommend using only proteins;
  4. Freshly squeezed fruit, berry, vegetable juices and;
  5. Meat and poultry without fat. You can boil, stew, sometimes bake;
  6. Fish and seafood must be included in the diet along with meat;
  7. Nuts;
  8. only unrefined and high-quality (, sunflower);
  9. Fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and herbs in season.

In addition to the recommended ones, the fitness diet determines foods that need to be excluded from the daily menu. To quickly burn accumulated fat, you should remove from your diet foods and dishes that contribute to excess weight gain. First of all, these are smoked, spicy and fried foods, desserts and sweet pastries, fast food. It is recommended not to use processed foods and limit potato consumption. It is better to cook your own food from fresh ingredients.

Menu for the week

The main advantage of the nutritional system is not only its effectiveness, but also the fact that it is a “full” diet. There is no risk of starvation under this regime, and the process of burning fat occurs through intense physical training. A sample weekly menu for women and girls is as follows:


  • Breakfast: orange or water, yogurt;
  • Second breakfast: up to 20% fat, berry smoothie;
  • Lunch: stewed veal, tomato, sweet pepper;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese, peach, whole grain bread;
  • Dinner: boiled meat, boiled beans or corn


  • Breakfast: rice with dried apricots and nuts, 2 squirrels, 2 plums;
  • Second breakfast: peach, 30 gr. low-fat hard cheese;
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables, boiled or steamed turkey fillet;
  • Dinner: steamed fish, green salad, pear or.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs in a frying pan without oil, vegetable smoothie, with water;
  • Second breakfast: whole grain bread, lettuce, tomato, cottage cheese;
  • Lunch: boiled turkey, steamed rice, apple;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of vegetable juice, 1 tbsp. spoon of oat bran;
  • Dinner: a piece of salmon baked with sweet pepper and lemon.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal on water with nuts and berries;
  • Second breakfast: boiled rice, apple;
  • Lunch: boiled chicken, vegetable salad, peach;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, berries or fruits;
  • Dinner: baked chicken, grilled vegetables, pear.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with water, steamed omelette, vegetable juice;
  • Second breakfast: yogurt, a handful of raspberries and almonds;
  • Lunch: Stewed chicken with onions and peppers, apple and carrot salad;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, baked potatoes;
  • Dinner: vegetable salad, boiled shrimp.



  • Breakfast: steamed eggs, buckwheat porridge with water;
  • Second breakfast: baked potato, greens;
  • Lunch: boiled rice, baked fish, vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt, a handful of cherries and walnuts;
  • Dinner: Baked veal with herbs, fresh vegetables.

Recipes for proper and healthy eating

In the process of burning fat, proper nutrition is an important element. A fitness diet involves intense physical activity and the body must have enough strength to perform the exercises. are simple and preparation is not difficult for most women.

Protein omelet

To make an omelet, you can use whole eggs or just the whites. Milk can be replaced with vegetable broth or boiled water. To prepare an omelet, beat 3 eggs and half a glass of milk with salt. The resulting mixture is placed in a greased form and placed on a steamer rack. In steam mode, the dish is cooked for 20 minutes. After the specified time, the finished omelette is placed on a plate and supplemented with fresh herbs and vegetables if desired.

Boiled fish

Fish recipes usually involve baking, frying or salting fish. Fish boiled in salted water seems too bland and tasteless. To enhance taste and appetite, add bay leaves, green or onions, carrots and herbs to the broth. Herring, mackerel, pink salmon, salmon, hake, pollock, etc. are suitable for cooking. The carcass should be thoroughly cleaned and gutted, cut into portions. Place fish pieces into boiling water and cook until tender. Cooking time depends on the type of fish. Mackerel and herring will be cooked in 7 minutes, salmon in 15, and hake pieces are cooked in 35 minutes. Boiled or baked potatoes and steamed rice are served as a side dish. The dish should be supplemented with fresh vegetables and herbs.

  • We recommend reading:

To ensure that a fitness diet only leads to burning fat and extra pounds, but does not cause muscle building, you should not eat anything for 2 hours before and after training. It is recommended to eat a high protein meal 2 hours after exercise.

A feeling of lethargy, irritability, dry mouth and weight that does not decrease during regular exercise indicate a lack of water. You should maintain hydrobalance in the body and drink water more often, at least a few sips.

If you experience discomfort in the stomach, headache, nervousness, or constant fatigue, you should consult a specialist and adjust your diet. There is a lack of vitamins and other nutrients.

A fitness diet will not give immediate results. Losing weight by a few kilograms per week is considered a good result of burning excess calories and fat. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor. Especially for people suffering from diseases in which intense physical activity is contraindicated.

Nutrition during fitness for weight loss is the main topic of this article. Below we will discuss the features of such nutrition, its principles of construction, differences and much more.

An adjusted diet is one of the main categories of successful weight loss and achieving the desired results in the form of a slim figure. The other two are training and rest. These three categories are interconnected, and if one of them “falls out” of the regime, the other two will give only minimal results.

You won’t be able to lose weight by working out for several hours in the gym, but at the same time eating whatever you want. Many leading coaches and athletes pay more attention to nutrition than training. Therefore, nutrition and fitness cannot be separated.

Principles of healthy eating and nutrition for weight loss

Basis - vegetables and fruits

Approximately half of everything eaten during fitness should be fruits and vegetables, as well as greens. They provide the body with most of the necessary substances for saturation, which are not deposited under the skin. Vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients - all this strengthens and nourishes the athlete’s body.

Vegetables should mainly be used in food, since fruits contain sugar - it provides a lot of energy, but if it is not consumed immediately, there is a risk of deposition of this sugar (glucose). Therefore, it is recommended to eat fruit in the first half of the day and half an hour before the start of classes. Citrus fruits and bananas occupy a special place in the hierarchy of fruits.

Drinking water

Naturally, you need to drink. You should not believe those who claim that you should not drink water during training. Can! The question is how to do it. After all, during fitness classes, a person spends energy, which he takes from subcutaneous fat reserves, sweats, and along with sweat (water), excess calories come out. You need to drink water a little at a time, in small sips, without getting too drunk. If you have just been running or doing aerobic exercise (jumping rope, orbitrek, exercise bike, etc.), then you need to drink less so that your endurance does not suffer. And after strength exercises, you even need to drink - this is due to physiology.

It is better to avoid carbonated drinks altogether and give preference to green tea, compote (but not too sweet) and mineral water.

Best Products

When compiling your own diet, you need to take into account the quality of the products - they should always be fresh. An approximate list of foods consumed during fitness classes looks like this:

  • meat, fish (not fatty);
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal and others);
  • vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, bananas, berries, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and others);
  • dairy and fermented milk products (with minimal fat content);
  • nuts and grains.

This is not the entire list of what will be extremely useful when doing fitness while losing weight.

Refusal of harmful foods and alcohol

It is completely necessary to exclude fast food, as well as limit the intake of fatty (fried) and carbohydrate (baked) foods. No, you shouldn’t completely eliminate fried and carbohydrate foods, but it is necessary to reduce their consumption. It is best to dose this kind of food. Bread and the like should be eaten only before lunch, not after.

Drinking alcohol is a direct path to gaining unwanted weight. So it’s better to completely eliminate alcohol from your diet, as well as various “store-bought” sauces: mayonnaise, ketchup, etc. As a last resort, you can prepare them yourself - there will be more benefits.

All food must be boiled, baked or steamed. You can also eat it raw, such as vegetables.

Be sure to track the calorie content and nutrient ratio (protein, carbohydrates, fat) in each serving. So, in the first half of the day carbohydrate foods may slightly predominate, after lunch and until the evening protein foods should dominate. This is due to the fact that carbohydrates provide the energy needed at the beginning of the day, and proteins are aimed at restoring the body after exercise.

The general formula for the nutrient ratio looks like this: 35/55/10, where 35% proteins, 55% carbohydrates, 10% fats. This scheme can be used as a starting point when regulating proteins and carbohydrates in the first and second halves of the day.

Portion sizes and food intake

Each portion should be equal in volume to the folded palms of the person who is creating his own fitness diet. The average number of meals is 6 - depending on lifestyle and conditions, this number may decrease or increase. Each subsequent meal occurs after 2-2.5 hours have passed after the previous one. The diet must constantly change. A variety of food is the key to health and mood. Cooked food should be appetizing.

When finishing the next portion, a person should feel a little hungry. This is due to the fact that the body has not yet had time to obtain the microelements it needs. There is no need to overeat, it is better to wait 15 minutes and make sure that the body has become saturated - the microelements have reached their final destination.

The main feature of proper nutrition is that changing the diet occurs without much stress for the body, which is accustomed to eating anyhow. Another feature of this diet is the replacement of harmful foods with natural ones. Fast diets do not imply a gradual transition to the “right direction” - they are aimed at momentary changes in diet, which is a huge stress for the body. This can affect your health and also play a cruel joke - instead of the promised weight loss, unexpected obesity will occur.

Generally speaking, quick diets are a scam. Nothing is simple and fast, but at the same time cheap and safe. You have to pay for everything. In a healthy, proper diet - patience, and with fast diets - health.

By using starvation or fast diets, a person puts himself at risk, which is practically not the case with a healthy diet - there the body gets used to it and rebuilds itself in a new way gradually, without sudden jumps. This is the main difference between proper nutrition and improper nutrition.

Sports nutrition is another category of nutrition for weight loss during fitness training. It’s hard to imagine modern sport without him. The use of various vitamin and mineral complexes will help fill the deficiency of the body in need. Protein will supplement or balance the amount of protein in food, and creatine will fill the missing energy immediately before training.

The use of sports supplements cannot replace a good diet - only supplement or diversify. In addition, this will help you quickly achieve the desired results and correct your figure.

False statements

There are often opinions that it is necessary to completely remove fats from your diet, as if they are to blame for putting on extra pounds. Everything is a little different. In proper nutrition for girls during exercise, fats play a huge role in metabolism (metabolism), and when excluded from the diet, this metabolism is disrupted, which, in fact, leads to the deposition of subcutaneous fat. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, fats are necessary for weight loss - they improve and stabilize metabolism.

The same fat that everyone is used to seeing on their stomach, sides or thighs is nothing more than excessive consumption of carbohydrates with low mobility. No, carbohydrates are necessary - this is a fact, they provide a person with energy, but their use must be streamlined. When eating carbohydrates uncontrollably, the body stores them, turning them into reserves of subcutaneous fat, without being able to use them. This is where the right menu for weight loss and fitness comes to the rescue.

Menu for the week

This fitness menu for weight loss for a week involves eating six meals a day in compliance with the principles and rules of nutrition for weight loss described above. According to the fitness program and recommendations, the use of sports nutrition must be harmoniously included in the weekly menu described below.


1 meal– oatmeal with nuts and raisins, a sandwich with cheese, a glass of kefir or yogurt.

2 meals– 150 grams of durum wheat pasta, homemade sauce, sausage, grated cheese (sprinkle while the pasta is still hot), green tea.

3rd meal– rice porridge with chop, a piece of bread, 2 bananas, water.

4 meals– 200 grams of cottage cheese, orange, green tea.

5 meals– sliced ​​vegetables, 2 sandwiches with chicken breast pate, fruit juice.

6 meals– vegetable salad (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, a spoon of vegetable oil, salt, lettuce, cabbage), 100 grams of cottage cheese, water or compote.


1 meal– scrambled eggs or an omelette of 3-4 eggs, sprinkled with oatmeal during cooking, 30 grams of cheese (cut into cubes), green tea.

2 meals– grated carrots and apples with sugar, a glass of kefir with a small bun.

3rd meal– buckwheat porridge with meat goulash or fruit juice.

4 meals– 4-5 pancakes with low-fat sour cream, sliced ​​fruit from orange, banana, apple, kiwi and, if possible, avocado, a glass of kefir.

5 meals– baked fish, boiled potatoes, vegetable juice.

6 meals– 2 cabbage rolls, vegetable salad, water or green tea.


1 meal– semolina porridge or a dairy dish, a sandwich with low-fat cheese, green tea.

2 meals– 3 sandwiches with sausage, pate and herbs, banana, orange, glass of yogurt.

3rd meal– , sliced ​​vegetables or salad, 2 pancakes with low-fat sour cream or unsweetened yogurt, fruit juice.

4 meals– herring with potatoes, canned peas, seaweed, water.

5 meals– pilaf with meat, fruit slices, water.

6 meals– 250 grams of cottage cheese, green tea with a small bun or cookies.


1 meal– muesli with milk or yogurt, a sandwich with butter, sprats and herbs, green tea.

2 meals– 300 grams of dumplings (quality) with low-fat sour cream, water or compote.

3rd meal– 3 sandwiches with red fish, butter and herbs, vegetable and cheese salad (cut into cubes), fruit juice.

4 meals– millet porridge with pieces of fruit (pineapple, orange, apple), banana, water.

5 meals– scrambled eggs from 2 eggs, seaweed, canned peas, a sandwich of black bread with butter, compote.

6 meals– vegetable soup, 2 slices of black bread, a glass of kefir.


1 meal– omelet of 3-4 eggs, small sliced ​​sausage and cheese, green tea.

2 meals– 150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream or unsweetened yoghurt, kefir with a small bun.

3rd meal– fried vegetables (frozen) with mashed potatoes, fried or boiled meat, water.

4 meals– rice porridge, vegetable salad, yogurt.

5 meals– boiled fish (at least 300 grams), seaweed, 2 glasses of water.

6 meals– boiled meat, sliced ​​vegetables with herbs, fruit juice.


1 meal– milk dish, sandwich with pate, green tea.

2 meals– grated carrots and apples with a spoon of sugar, yogurt with a bun.

3rd meal– 4-5 pancakes with low-fat sour cream, small sliced ​​fruit, a glass of kefir.

4 meals– a large portion of sliced ​​fruit, a glass of yogurt.

5 meals– chop with homemade sauce, small vegetable salad, green tea.

6 meals– buckwheat porridge with meat goulash, vegetable salad, compote.


1 meal– muesli with milk, sandwich with pate and herbs, green tea.

2 meals– 150 grams of cottage cheese with sour cream, kefir with cookies or buns.

3rd meal– millet porridge with boiled meat, seaweed, canned corn, compote.

4 meals– large chopped vegetables, mashed potatoes with pieces of boiled meat (no more than 100 grams), water.

5 meals– black bread sandwiches with chops, herbs and homemade sauce, orange, green tea.

6 meals– vegetable soup, 2 slices of bread, a glass of kefir.

A fitness diet is the best option for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. Firstly, it is balanced, secondly, it is made from tasty and healthy products, and thirdly, it does not imply fasting. And finally, a fitness diet is only fully effective if it is supplemented with sports, so it is a great incentive to diversify your sedentary life with different types of physical activity.

The products allowed by such a sports diet for weight loss are varied in composition and methods of preparation. At the same time, you can consume a fairly large amount of calories - from 1400 to 1800; even the weak-willed can maintain such a range. It is important to monitor the volume of portions; they should not be too large. In order to reduce the amount of food you eat at one time, you can replace your usual plates with others of a smaller size.

In addition, slow and thorough chewing gives good results, preventing overeating and promoting quality digestion. The most determined ones, having started to follow a fitness diet, can immediately reduce the usual portions of food by a third, in most cases, this will be its optimal amount. Another important point is the quality of food. Products must be fresh, natural, without flavors, dyes or preservatives.

Sport is a mandatory addition to a fitness diet for weight loss

Advantages and disadvantages of the power system

A fitness diet allows you to avoid not only problems associated with excess weight, but also many others. The functioning of internal organs, fatigue, and irritability directly depend on the daily diet. Poor nutrition can negate the results of the most effective workouts, because muscles need both proteins and carbohydrates as a source of energy. A balanced diet and the formation of healthy eating habits will help you avoid many troubles, including in the future.

There are simply no downsides to a fitness diet. Yes, of course, eating only fresh and high-quality foods is not the cheapest pleasure, but doctors and medicines will cost more. Modern medicine proves that we owe 60% of the appearance of certain diseases to our lifestyle.

Just a week on the bikini diet will remove excess fat and make your body sculpted

Sample fitness diet menu for a week

The fitness diet for girls and women is compiled according to the following principle: 4-3-2-1. Each number represents one of the product categories and the number of servings in that category.

  • The first category, “4”, means that during the day you need to eat 4 servings of protein; the diet when doing fitness must be rich in these substances. If the goal is to build muscle, you can increase the number of servings to 5. As protein foods, you can use low-fat and moderately fatty fish, chicken breast (without skin), seafood, low-fat cottage cheese, egg whites, kefir and tofu cheese. The size of one serving is 150-200g.
  • The next category, “3,” symbolizes foods containing a large amount of dietary fiber. This includes fruits and vegetables that can be eaten whole or as a salad. One serving of food consists of 200-300g of vegetables (excluding potatoes) or a medium-sized fruit - an apple, orange, banana, a couple of kiwis, 250 g of berries, etc.
  • The number “2” includes complex carbohydrates, which are the main source of energy for the body. Here, preference should be given to cereals and whole grain bread, the total weight of the serving should not exceed 250 g. You can also use “fitness” cereals with reduced sugar content for this diet.
  • The pyramid is crowned with the number “1”, meaning fats. You can consume 30 g of them per day, seasoning a salad with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil or enjoying a handful of nuts.

The resulting volume of food should be divided into 4-5 meals, trying to keep the menu as varied as possible. It is better to make dinner purely protein or with the addition of dietary fiber; it is better to consume carbohydrates in the first half of the day so that they are not deposited on the sides during sleep. The daily menu of a fitness diet for weight loss should include 1.5-2 liters of liquid: green tea, mineral water and freshly squeezed juices.

The recommended level of physical activity with this diet is quite high: at least three strength training sessions and several cardio sessions per week. The duration of classes is from half an hour to an hour. Increased physical activity will make it easy to get rid of even the most difficult fat deposits, which with the help of nutrition alone would have to be removed by severe fasting or mono-diets that are not the most healthy.

Choosing a smaller plate is an obvious and incredibly simple path to slimness.

Fitness diet "bikini"

This is a tougher option compared to the main one. The name of the method hints that even a girl with an athletic figure can benefit from subjecting herself to this diet before going out in public in a bikini. The upper calorie threshold for the bikini diet is 1000 kcal per day, but its balance and variety of diet will allow you to adhere to these standards without difficulty. A mandatory component of the bikini diet is one and a half liters of water with lemon juice per day.

In addition, you can drink chamomile or green tea, or even a glass of wine, and satisfy your hunger with yogurt in between meals. At the same time, the bikini diet prohibits all other dairy products, confectionery, and fruits. Carbohydrates should be consumed separately from fats. The optimal duration of such a diet is no more than 2 weeks; you can lose 3-5 kilograms on it.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: fried white of one egg, toast, coffee or tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: green vegetable salad without dressing, boiled chicken breast, mineral water.
  • Dinner: vegetables (excluding potatoes), boiled or steamed, green tea or juice.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: toast and plum juice or tea.
  • Lunch: tuna salad with vegetables, mineral water.
  • Dinner: boiled turkey fillet, celery salad, juice.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: toast, a few baked tomato slices, coffee or tea.
  • Lunch: vegetables, raw or steamed, mineral water.
  • Dinner: lean fish baked with zucchini, toast, juice.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: fried white of one egg, toast, tea.
  • Lunch: chicken breast salad with fresh vegetables, toast, mineral water.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: blackcurrant juice, toast, tea.
  • Lunch: mushroom or seafood salad with vegetables, mineral water.
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables, juice.

Berries and fruits are an essential component of a fitness diet. But in the “bikini” version they are undesirable

Day 6

  • Breakfast: fresh berries, toast, tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: chicken breast salad with tomatoes, toast, mineral water.
  • Dinner: lean fish, baked with tomatoes, juice.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: toast, baked tomato, tea or coffee.
  • Lunch: tuna salad with green vegetables, mineral water.
  • Dinner: chicken breast baked with cauliflower, toast, juice.

A fitness diet for weight loss is the optimal solution for those who have decided to get rid of excess weight without harm to their health and are willing to spend several hours a week doing sports. And, in addition, you can use an express option - the “bikini diet”, it will allow you to dry out your body and make your muscles perfectly sculpted before going to the beach.