Budagov is Borodina's ex-husband. Ksenia Borodina - biography, information, personal life

The permanent TV presenter of Dom-2 shared with the press the details of her family life with Yuri Budagov. The colors in which Ksenia described her ex-husband leaves no doubt how dangerous this man is in relation to the people around him and even to his beloved wife at that time, Ksyusha.

It turns out that the divorce was not so easy for Borodina. She was tormented for a long time by doubts about whether it was worth doing this, because Ksyusha did not want to raise a child without a father. In addition, the young woman thought that if she got divorced, she would fall in the eyes of others and lose good place work. Since childhood, Ksenia believed that a woman has only two paths - to be married or to be unhappy. Borodina made her final decision when she was completely fed up with all the humiliations to which her husband often subjected her.

Ksenia celebrated her divorce among friends by organizing a luxurious party. That evening we talked about everything in the world, avoiding only the topic bad marriage Ksyusha. Over the course of all three years of marriage, the TV presenter had already managed to talk about this topic with her friends, so now she just wanted to forget about Yura forever.

Give so much frank interview, Ksenia was prompted by the fact that her ex-husband was throwing mud at her in tabloid publications, complaining that Ksyusha was a bad wife and mother. Borodina says that she does not care how Yuri speaks about her as a wife, but she is greatly offended when he touches on the topic of motherhood.

Ksenia recalls that their romance began very stormy and fleetingly. When she met him, literally two days later, he said that he was tired of all the parties, pathos, get-togethers and he would like to have a quiet affair, family nest, and also have a couple of kids. Borodina really liked his words, because she wanted the same thing. Ksenia was tired of the guys who made her the leader in the relationship. The girl wanted to lean on the strong, male shoulder so that her problems are solved for her by her partner. Yuri turned out to be just like that, decisive, daring and strong-willed. Literally two weeks later they were already living together. Everything turned out very simply, after spending the night and breakfast together, Yuri collected Ksenia’s things and moved them to his place. Ksyusha appreciated this act - she felt very comfortable behind this man’s back. Soon a marriage proposal followed from Yuri, which Ksenia immediately accepted, she was so in love with him.

The very first day of marriage turned out to be terrible for Ksyusha. Yuri began to open up already at the wedding feast. At first he was jealous of some guest, and after the feast, when they arrived home with gifts and flowers, he was even more taken aback. As soon as Ksyusha took off her dress, he told her that he would give exactly five minutes for her to get dressed and go out. Yuri called his wife a prostitute. Borodina was so taken aback that she quickly pulled sports suit and throwing her wallet and money into her bag, she quickly ran out of the house. Then she caught a taxi and went to her friend's. At that moment, Ksenia did not even cry, such was her reaction to the shock that her beloved husband gave her. In her friend’s kitchen, Ksyusha came to her senses and sobbed for a long time, shaking her shoulders, in a wild fever. Two hours later Yuri called, asked for forgiveness and said that he had too much alcohol. Soon he arrived and stood on his knees for a long time so that Ksyusha would forgive him. She forgave and so began their family life, interspersed with frequent attacks of Yura’s jealousy.

Budagov did not want to live in peace; he constantly needed proof of Ksyusha’s love. He forbade Borodina from leading corporate parties, depriving her good source earnings. His only argument was that there were many men there who thirsted for debauchery. In general, the topic of finances was in the foreground in their family. Ksenia was annoyed that Yura was just lying on the couch or playing on the computer, while blatantly lying that he worked in certain places, but now there were problems with payment. Borodina did not check her husband; it seemed to her that if he drove a decent car and moved in social circles, then that was enough. After all, she was marrying him, not his job.

Very little time passed and Ksenia became pregnant. Both were happy. Yura really wanted to become a father, because he was already about thirty years old.

In the third month of pregnancy, another conflict occurred. Ksenia, for the first time in her entire marriage, was going to meet her friend in a cafe and told her husband about it. Yuri started yelling that decent, pregnant women don’t go to cafes and only prostitute friends invite her there. Ksenia was very frightened by her husband’s reaction, but continued to stand her ground, seeking a meeting with her friend. Then Budagov sharply pushed his wife away, grabbed a bat from the closet and rushed to the parking lot where Ksenia’s car was parked. Then he started hitting the car. Having finished with this matter, he hit Ksenia on the shoulder and told her to immediately pack her things and leave the house. Borodina did just that, going to the rest home. While she was packing her things, Yuri played computer games and didn't even try to stop her.

All night Ksenia cried into her pillow, mourning herself and her life. Only in the afternoon did she get up to satisfy her hunger a little in the restaurant, because the life of a little baby was developing inside her. Returning from the restaurant, Ksenia burst into tears again, having first turned off the phone. Borodina was ashamed to share with anyone how her husband behaved with her. On the third day, she turned on the phone and the police immediately called her, informing her that her husband was waiting for her at home. At that time, he even left a wanted report with the police.

Ksenia arrived home, and there Yuri fell to his knees again and again asked for forgiveness. He promised her that this would not happen again, that he simply had serious financial problems, and if she left him, he would die. At these moments, Yuri was especially gentle, hugging her and kissing her belly. Ksenia forgave again - she really wanted the child to be raised by a loving father.

Yuri had financial problems, Ksenia understood him and never demanded expensive purchases. The only thing is that she asked Yuri to help her, to go to stores, for example. In response, he always said that he had no time, and then Ksenia herself carried shopping bags. Borodina often asked him to go shopping with her to the children's clothing store, but he constantly refused. She recalls that it was hard to stand in line at the checkout, where there were so many lovers, young couples who joked, hugged, kissed... Seeing the attitude of other men towards their pregnant wives, Ksenia often began to cry right there in the store.

Quarrels became very frequent and for any reason - Yuri shouted, lost his temper, becoming furious. Ksenia fought back as best she could, answered rudely and also raised her voice. More and more often Yuri called Ksyusha fallen woman and there was no way to conduct a dialogue with him. At the beginning of her family life, Ksenia had a good relationship with her mother-in-law, so Borodina turned to her with a request to influence her husband. But the mother-in-law accepted her son’s position and now constantly stood up for Yuri. Just before the birth, a conflict arose again, Ksenia accused her husband of idleness, and he, in response to her complaints, said that he wanted a KamAZ to run over her. Borodina, going into a fit of hysterics, called her husband’s parents. They arrived and said that Ksenia should understand her husband, since he had problems at work.

A daughter, Marusya, was born, and it was during this short period that Ksenia felt complete happiness. The child was suckling at the breast and next to her was her husband, who was sleeping in the maternity hospital on an air mattress. All the time spent in the maternity hospital, he did not leave her side for a minute. Taking the child in his arms, he admired him, and at these moments Ksenia thought that she had done right choice, and Yura will be the most the best father for Marusya. The first month, while Ksyusha and her family lived with her grandmother, who helped with the child, passed calmly. The surprises began as soon as they moved in. Yura did not want to help Ksyusha with the child and all the time brushed off family matters.

Yuri still didn’t accept Ksenia’s friends. And one day he did something that made Ksenia feel very ashamed of him. Borodina went to relax at karaoke with friends and when Yuri came to pick her up, he told her to go home, but he needed to stay here. Ksenia objected, because there were a lot of free women. Yuri immediately exploded with the words “Ah-ah-ah!” This prostitute is baiting you!” backhanded close friend Ksenia, whom he never liked.

Marusya constantly heard curses about her mother from her father, and this greatly upset Ksenia. In addition, Yuri increasingly began to beat Ksyusha, not embarrassed by the presence of his daughter. Ksenia’s friends advised her that she should take some measures, because this is not at all male behavior. Borodina, on the contrary, always tried to justify her husband, saying that he was Caucasian and therefore so hot.

Ksenia no longer felt love for her husband, the relationship became simply unbearable. Now Yuri was putting out the door not only Ksenia’s things, but also Mashina’s. Everything followed the same scenario - having kicked out Ksenia, he found her, fell to his knees and begged for forgiveness, and Borodina returned again.

But the divorce was overdue, all that remained was to accept this fact. Having finally decided to get a divorce, Ksenia called Yura’s friends and asked them to take his things out of the house. On the same day, Ksyusha filed for divorce.

After several days, Yuri arrived and, without saying a word, began to take away from Ksenia the rings that he himself had previously given her. He also wanted to take away the fur coats and the car, but he didn’t have time because his parents arrived and took their son away. At parting, they even shouted to Ksenia that she had ruined Yura’s life.

As soon as the press found out about the divorce, they immediately began to dwell on the topic of separation. The most incredible assumptions were put forward; Ksenia was even credited with an affair with Dancing with the Stars partner Alexander Golovin. Borodina was slightly perplexed, Sasha was only 22 years old, what kind of novel could we be talking about? Yes, he's good a positive person, I immediately developed a strong, friendly relationship with him, but nothing more. Ksenia decided to show nobility and called Yuri, informing him about the ridiculous information circulating in the media. Yuri listened to her in silence, and in the evening he ambushed her in the parking lot and, calling her all possible insults, pressed her against the wall. Then he raised his fist and hit her a centimeter from Ksenia’s face, then hit her in the face, but with his palm, several times. Yuri did not stop there, but grabbed her by the hair, bent over her and looked at her with eyes maddened with anger. Borodina almost lost consciousness from horror and fear, when suddenly Yuri fell to his knees again and began to beg her to come back. Ksenia promised to talk to him tomorrow and quickly ran away, fearing for her life. Arriving home, she looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her blouse was torn and there were bruises on her arms. Marusya, seeing her mother in such a state, was seriously frightened and began to cry heart-rendingly. Ksenia sat down on the floor next to her and barely calmed her down, saying that she just had a bad fall. From that moment on, Borodina hired security.

Ksenia, of course, is offended that everything turned out this way, but she does not regret anything, because thanks to this marriage her beloved daughter Marusya was born. The biggest achievement in my entire life, according to Ksenia.

Yuri Budagov declared his non-involvement in the beating of the Dom-2 star

On the second day after the airing of the “Sincere Confession” program, Stepan MENSHCHIKOV was attacked by three unknown men. As a result former member"House-2" was taken to the hospital with head injuries. According to Styopa, he paid for his rash words on air, calling Ksenia BORODINA’s ex-husband a swindler.

During an NTV program dedicated to the upcoming 30th anniversary of Ksenia Borodina, journalists “ Sincere confession“We decided to interview all the beloved men of the birthday girl, including Ksyusha’s friend Stepan Menshchikov.
“I didn’t think that Ksenia’s ex-husband, Yuri, had no sense of humor,” Menshchikov is surprised. - On Sunday evening he called me and said: he didn’t like that I called him a swindler. I meant that, as I heard, he owes money. It was fun, with jokes, humor - he just didn’t understand. Budagov asked for a meeting.

We talked in his car. Yuri threatened me: “You will answer! People will come to you. You can plant drugs." He answered briefly: “I have nothing more to talk about. Let's goodbye!"
The next day, Menshchikov was invited by an unknown girl to her child’s birthday party.
“She promised 1000 dollars,” says Stepan. - She asked for a meeting to transfer money. I didn't suspect anything. A black BMW arrived, I sat in the passenger seat, the door immediately opened, and a young guy delivered beautiful and correct blows. Then two more people came up and pulled me out of the car and beat me up. I have a mild concussion, this fact I wrote a statement to the police.

Did Ksyusha order the attack?

We turned to Borodina’s ex-husband for comments - Yuri Budagov.
“I didn’t touch Styopa with a finger,” says Yuri Budagov. - We met with him and had a normal conversation. Styopa, of course, didn’t want to explain himself, but I persuaded him: “There’s no need to be foolish, let’s talk normally.” I have a DVR in my car, you can check what the conversation was about. Styopa suggested lighting a joint with marijuana, a peace pipe, so to speak. He asked directly: “Why was this said? If there is something specific, I want to hear.” Styopa explained: some people called him and said that I owed money. He tried to call someone in front of me, but they sent him to hell. We sat in the car for about 17 minutes. Let him write a statement to the police, it’s his right. If I wanted to beat him, I would have dealt with him myself.
- What are your actions?
- If I don’t hear a public apology from him, said on the same channel, I will file a lawsuit for “insulting honor and dignity” and, at the same time, a statement to the police under the article “libel.” I heard that Styopa was going to the USA for filming, so this: a corresponding letter will be sent to the embassy. My lawyer obtained a linguistic examination of the word “swindler”, and we have plenty of grounds for a claim. I believe that a person should be responsible for the words spoken.

- Do you think this is Styopa’s PR, or your revenge? ex-wife Ksenia Borodina?
“Ksyusha and I separated normally: I see my daughter Marusya,” explains Yuri. - We just realized that we are incompatible with each other. There was no scandal when they separated. I took my things and left the apartment. After some time, we met with Ksyusha and talked. I suggested that she write an application for divorce to the court, to which I never came: I asked her to consider the case without me. I learned that we were scammed from journalists who called.
- You - Caucasian man. Maybe they didn’t want Borodina to host the scandalous program “Dom-2”? Is that why there were disagreements in the family?
- I have democratic views. On the contrary, I think that a woman in marriage should work. You can have different attitudes towards the show “Dom-2”, but there is not a person in the country who has not watched it at least once. The feelings passed, so we broke up.
- How did your family treat Ksenia?
- Of course, many people told me that our marriage is a hurricane. They kept saying: “Think about it, can you live like this?” But what happened, happened. After the divorce, we tried to bring back the past, we lived together for some time, but it didn’t work out. What happened cannot be returned.
- They wrote that you shared a daughter, is that true?
- Not true. As a non-public person, I have never commented on our relationship. There was not even a question that Marusya would stay with me. I’ll be honest: I couldn’t cope with a child. My daughter and I communicate well on weekends. Ksyusha calls me every other day.
- Were you invited to film the program?
- Yes, but I categorically stated that I do not participate in any shows. I haven’t watched TV for a year and a half since my divorce, so the shows don’t interest me. Why is Ksyusha doing this? First they filmed this broadcast, and then after the broadcast she said that she had nothing to do with it: “Sorry! Styopa is a deer!

Menshchikov: “I apologized, but I won’t withdraw the statement!”

Yesterday I apologized to Yura on the same channel, but I will not withdraw the statement,” Stepan Menshchikov told us today, “On this moment At the Gagarinsky police station, a criminal case was initiated against unidentified persons under the article “robbery.” In addition to being beaten, another three thousand dollars were stolen. Yuri burned himself: immediately after I was beaten, he called Ksenia Borodina and asked about my well-being. Ksyusha told me about this.

Ksenia was born in Moscow, into a family that she herself calls Armenian. It is known that real name Ksyusha is Amoeva, and she borrowed the surname Borodin from her mother when she quarreled with her father, who did not come to congratulate her on her 18th birthday.

The fact is that the girl’s parents divorced when she was one year old. Soon my mother married Italian architect and went to his country, leaving her daughter to be raised by her grandparents. However, Ksyusha did not suffer from this.

Every year I went on vacation to visit my mother in Italy, and in high school I transferred to a lyceum with in-depth study languages. After graduating from Russian high school, got the opportunity to study in the British language school. She did not last long there: she greatly missed Russia, her grandparents, and also her lover. Then the sentimental and amorous Ksyusha already had a dear friend - neighbor Sasha.

A month later, the girl fled from England to Moscow and was able to immediately enroll in the second year of the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. With Sasha, because of whom the girl left English school, she soon broke up, but never blamed him for the circumstances. The girl still believes that she did the right thing.

Love affair at work

After graduation, she dreamed of working in television. Ksenia went to auditions and auditions, starred in minor cameo roles little-known films, but still couldn’t get her dream job, which would glorify her and make her a real star.

When the reality show “Dom-2” was looking for a co-host for Ksenia Sobchak, Borodina tried her hand. Accustomed to refusals, she did not even hope that she would make it onto the show, which promised to be popular. And while the casting directors decided her fate, she agreed to her mother and stepfather’s offer to move to Italy, bought a ticket and was already waiting for the flight. A few minutes before boarding the plane, she received a call from television: she had passed.

A couple of months later, the whole country, quickly hooked on reality, watched the developing romance between the presenter and the participant, Oscar Karimov. This was a new thing on the project: it seemed that the participants had to build pairs with each other, but you couldn’t order your heart.

As a result, the romance between Borodina and one of the Karimov twins lasted more than a year and quietly faded away on its own.

The world's most rated project of this format, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, could not help but bring wild popularity to its presenters. So Ksenia became one of the most recognizable people in the country. Now she not only hosted reality, but also wrote books with advice on how to build an ideal relationship, and also about proper nutrition and fitness.


The beautiful and ambitious TV presenter began to be invited to various parties and shows as special guest. At one of these parties, businessman Yuri Budagov met Ksenia. The man noticed the beauty right away, but for some time she believed that their relationship was not developing beyond a friendly “hello and bye.”

One day, right on the road, the brake pads in Borodina’s car failed. A serious breakdown could have led to serious consequences if, by coincidence, Yuri had not been nearby. Ksyusha only asked where the nearest service was located, and the man had already decided to take everything into his own hands.

He simply took the girl’s car and then returned it in good condition. Ksenia appreciated the gesture and agreed to a date with Yuri. This is how their relationship began. They will last three years, after which, on a beautiful date - 08/08/08, the young people will get married.

A year later, the couple had a daughter, Marusya. Ksenia said more than once that before giving birth she was afraid that her contract would be broken because of maternity leave, so she tried to leave as early as possible. However, no one put pressure on her. Despite this, Ksenia quickly found a nanny and returned to the project.


And again, Ksenia found her love on the project she led. This time passion happened to the young handsome Mikhail Terekhin. They were together for more than three years, and the whole country watched the eccentric relationship.

Lovers with difficult characters constantly and loudly swore and tried to break up several times. When, finally, Ksenia decided for herself that this could not continue and broke off the relationship, Terekhin launched a real information attack.

At first the man told their details intimate life, then he pointed out that Ksyusha interfered with the development of his career and did not want to share money with her beloved. Accusations that her little daughter constantly prevented Misha from enjoying her holiday with Ksenia became the talk of the town.

In response, the TV star gave an interview in which she said that Terekhin has a difficult character and often limited her freedom. She also emphasized that she would not meet with him again.


While Terekhin was trying to survive the breakup in his own way, Ksenia began a new relationship. She met this young man several years ago, but then they were both busy. The man began to court the beauty and quickly won her favor. At first she hid the name of her beloved, and only before the wedding she showed it to the public.

Dagestan entrepreneur Kurban Omarov is gallant and well-mannered. He surrounded his beloved with care and attention. They planned the celebration for the fall, but Ksenia became pregnant. We had to urgently postpone the wedding to mid-summer - I didn’t want the baby to be born out of wedlock.

To rumors about an upcoming event ex-lover Ksenia Mikhail reacted violently. His comments kept slipping into the media to the effect that he didn’t understand what kind of circus Ksyusha had created by getting married so quickly? And then repentance and words that he was ready to accept her even when she was pregnant from another man. It is unknown which of the statements actually belong to Terekhin.

Little is known about the almost ex-husband of Ksenia Borodina and the father of her second daughter: businessman Kurban Omarov is 36 years old, he comes from Dagestan, he has little son Lobster. We learned about Kurban only a year and a half ago. “His name is Kurban, his friends have called him Winter since childhood,” the TV presenter wrote on Instagram, adding that her fiancé is a non-public person, and she is ready to protect him from any attention from the press. But it was not possible to save Kurban, and he himself did not want to remain in the shadows for long.

Quite quickly after his engagement to Borodina, Omarov got used to the status of an Instagram star and began to openly publish passionate declarations of love for Ksenia. “Darling, for me a day without you is unbearable. I've dreamed of someone like you all my life. You teased me so much the night before yesterday that I’m still laughing. Your humor, your attitude towards me mixed with your beauty is my wealth. I love you very much. I will always be there, we have a long way to go and I am your support. The fruit of our love will soon appear and we will wrap it in love. You know, I am stingy with these words, but today, having stepped over myself, I want to say this publicly. No one will trample against such love, you and I are a generator of goodness and our friends are around us. Just know that I love you and I thank the Almighty for going there that day and taking me away forever,” Kurban wrote on the Internet (The authors’ spelling and punctuation are preserved hereinafter. — Note edit.).


Quick wedding

Before the gossipers had time to find out minimal information about Kurban Omarov, Borodina had already set a wedding date. Joined the discussion of this news and ex-man Ksenia, policeman Mikhail Terekhin, whom the girl met on the show “Dom-2”, where Terekhin came to build love. “If people want to get married, let them get married. But this is somehow hasty and, it seems to me, thoughtless. And this pregnancy is ill-considered. I have the impression that they are trying to do everything as if everything is fun, wonderful and cool, but in their souls they are actually scratching their heads,” Terekhin shared with reporters.

The wedding of Ksenia and Kurban took place on July 3 last year, at that time the bride was already pregnant. A few days after the wedding, the newlyweds, together with their children from previous relationships, went on a honeymoon to Ksyusha’s beloved Turkey.

Secret pregnancy

Ksenia found out about her second pregnancy in the spring, when she and Kurban were just preparing for the wedding. The lovers wanted to get married in September, but plans had to be changed. The star did not comment on fans’ guesses, but Ksenia did not manage to hide her situation for long - rumors about her situation began to appear long before official confirmation pregnancy.

In anticipation of the birth of the baby, Ksenia organized a baby shower party, to which she invited her closest friends. Among those who came to rejoice for Borodin was former “House-2” participant Alena Vodonaeva, whose name will appear in our history... in connection with completely different events.

Birth of Theona

On December 22, baby Thea was born into the family. The 33-year-old TV presenter gave birth to a girl at the Moscow Mother and Child perinatal center. Just a month after her second birth, Ksenia Borodina returned to her normal rhythm of life and resumed work at Dom-2. While helping her wards build love, Borodina at the same time could not cope with her relationship...

General business

The daughter is not the only “common achievement” of the newlyweds. Ksenia admitted that conducting own business Her husband organized it for her. “I want to say thank you to my husband that he believed in me and opened 2 beauty salons for me this year and helped me with business at @borodina_shop_ He believed in me, invested money, soul, time, his knowledge, etc. I am very grateful him, that in addition to the fact that he has a lot of his own affairs and meetings, he devotes himself to my business too! It is so important when they believe in you! I’m a terrible coward and I’m very afraid of experiments, but he believes in me! And of course, thank you for buying our clothes!” — Borodina said on Instagram. It is this business that can now become a bone of financial contention between divorcing spouses. However, Borodina stated that she no longer has anything to do with the Borodina-shop clothing store. The TV presenter claims that she was deceived by her business partners.

The first bells

In mid-June, fans of the couple sounded the alarm because the couple had not published joint photos. The rumors intensified when Kurban did not appear at the birthday party of his daughter Ksenia Marusya. Gossips claimed that the man raised his hand against his wife, and she, in turn, kicked Omarov out. According to the participants of “House-2”, Ksenia staged a scene of jealousy for her husband, after which the couple spent a long time sorting out the relationship and Kurban pushed his wife hard. According to them, after this incident, Ksenia did not want to see the businessman and was soon to announce a divorce. Ksenia did report the divorce, and in a rather harsh form, but before that she ignored questions about the discord and asked to be left alone. “I will answer everyone immediately who asks about my personal life. I am very pleased that you are in this a huge number you’re worried, I’m pleased that many people think about this and write to me, but let’s keep the personal personal. Don’t pull me, please,” Ksenia said during a broadcast on Periscope.

This is the end

Ksenia and Kurban celebrated their wedding anniversary on July 3 separately. Borodina spent this day in the company of friends at the Novorizhskaya Zastava country restaurant. The girls were together until the evening, but Kurban Omarov never showed up at the restaurant, and later flew to Spain with actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Whether they went on vacation or whether the trip was for business, the young people never said. Ksenia’s comment on this matter was not long in coming: “I don’t care about such narrow-minded women like her, except for the pity that she is like the rest of the women who are single. Let them show their insecurity and try to promote themselves at my expense. Life has already punished them! They live by me, and I live my life." Perhaps it was this act of Omarov that finally drove Borodina crazy: she decided to announce the divorce publicly.

The truth about cheating

Last week, a frank and emotional post appeared on Borodina’s Instagram, in which Ksenia accused her husband of cheating even when she was on last month pregnancy. “It’s just that this is the child’s father, so I’m trying to file a divorce in a more dignified manner (as far as the messy situation allows). There are many reasons, I thought he could be loving husband and a caring father (how he presents himself to the public) But I remembered this night of December 12th for the rest of my life, my husband came home at 7 am from another party, and I had 10 days left before giving birth! Everything that is written about treason is the pure truth and I found out about it. I even know the apartment of our mutual friend (Grisha Zhuzhin), who “covered up” his hard parties with cheating. I wish health to such Yulias, Tanyas, Oksanas and everyone else. If you want to sleep with the man Borodina, if you are not afraid, we all walk under God. It may seem to you that this is a piece of glory, but in reality you are unlikely to wash away such dirt for the rest of your life. I lived with rose-colored glasses, I was pregnant and believed my husband, I thought Thea would be born and his parties would end, he would take his daughter in his arms and come to his senses. But this did not happen, he prefers to take one photo a week for subscribers and leave after 5 minutes. Someday I will tell the whole truth, but for now I want to say that no matter how many children and marriages you have, the main thing is to remain faithful to yourself! — wrote Borodina. Later it became known that the TV presenter hired a lawyer, Alexander Dobrovinsky, who specializes in divorces of famous people.

Kurban's word

After Borodina’s confession, Omarov also decided to break the silence. Kurban wrote on Instagram that he really misses his daughter Thea. The businessman is upset that now he will rarely see the baby. Omarov hopes that he and Borodina will be able to agree on the girl’s upbringing. Omarov also commented on his relationship with Ksenia: “There are no two camps here, and you don’t need to take someone else’s position. I was born into a male family, and I had a corresponding upbringing. I will not allow myself any kind of statements towards the woman to whom I spoke words of love, the woman who gave birth to me a daughter with eyes as blue as the sky. I won’t write anything in my defense, I don’t want this controversy, and I also won’t allow anyone to offend or insult little Teona’s mother. Ksenia is a caring mother who constantly pays attention to her children, despite busy schedule. We had honest, sincere love, we burned like two suns and, unfortunately, it burned us.”

And a businessman Yuri Budagov.

Marusya Borodina (Budagova) / Marusya Borodina (Budagova). Biography

Maria Yurievna Budagova (Maru or Marusya, as the mother prefers to call the girl) was born on June 10, 2009 in Moscow in the family of the famous Russian TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and businessman Yuri Budagov.

The couple met on the Comedy Club project, and the young people preferred to legitimize their relationship on the so-called magic date - 08/08/08. However, this did not bring long-term family happiness. The couple divorced almost three years later, on April 4, 2011.

Mother Marusi She doesn’t regret this relationship at all, because the fruit of her love with Yuri was a wonderful daughter. Ksenia Borodina really dreamed of having a child, so when she learned about the pregnancy, she said she was both happy and scared at the same time - she couldn’t believe that she would really become a mother.

Marusya- quite a public child. Her star mom She is not super secretive about her daughter and willingly shares Maru’s successes with her many subscribers on social networks. The daughter of a TV presenter dances, does English, gymnastics, and participates in fashion shows and photo shoots.

When Maruse turned three years old, she appeared on the cover of Dom-2 magazine, in addition, Ksenia’s daughter is a frequent guest of the reality show of the same name. The girl has every chance to connect her life with the modeling business. So, in the fall of 2015 she took part in the show young designer, presenting the collection YanaStasia at Moscow Fashion Week.

July 3, 2015 Marusi a stepfather officially appeared: Ksenia Borodina married businessman Kurban Omarov. And on December 22, 2015 in one of the capital’s clinics famous TV presenter gave birth to a daughter. younger sister Marusi called Teona.