Who killed Oksana Aplekaeva, a participant in House 2. Attention!!!! the killer of Oksana Aplekaeva has been found! Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter

Over the years of the existence of “House-2”, the number of participants in the longest reality show in history has grown into the thousands. For some, the show gave them a start in “ big show business", fame and money. But among the ex-household members there were also drug addicts, adult film actresses, criminals who were later punished, and some residents of the television complex faced a very sad fate. ABOUT former participants“House-2”, which are no longer alive, read the material Find out.rf

Kristina Kalinina

Many participants in the show disliked 22-year-old Kristina Kalinina, who came to the project in March 2006. All because she did not hide the purpose of her coming - to find an adoptive father for her little daughter, who was left in the care of her grandmother. As a result female half reality turned against Christina, and just two weeks later the girl left the project.

After leaving, the girl became depressed and began to abuse alcohol. Nine months later, a week before Kalinina’s 23rd birthday, she died of heart and kidney failure.

Oksana Aplekaeva

In March 2005, 28-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva joined the ranks of Dom-2. During her 75 days on the show, the girl was unable to find love, but she gained fame. After leaving the construction site in early June, she became a frequent guest on television and even received a couple of cameo roles in popular TV series. There were rumors that tennis player Marat Safin drew attention to the girl, but their romance did not last long.

In September 2008, truckers found Oksana’s body on the Riga-Moscow highway. It took several days for her identity to be established; she had no documents with her. Criminologists named strangulation as the cause of death. The killer was never found. The examination showed that after Aplekaeva’s death, she was raped by a morgue employee.

Oksana Korneva

Residents of the television complex affectionately called Oksana Korneva Kesha. In July 2004, a couple of months after the start of the show, a 19-year-old girl came to the project with May Abrikosov, but at that moment he was carried away by another participant in the show. Oksana never built her love and left the project after 48 days, leaving the best memories of herself.

In January 2009, Oksana and two friends were crossing the road in the center of Moscow. They were hit by a car. The girl’s friends died on the spot, and she died in the hospital due to her injuries.

Petr Avsetsin

Pyotr Avsetsin's stay at Dom-2 was limited to 17 days, despite his outstanding appearance and friendliness. He had to leave the show due to health problems. In December 2009 on the page young man An obituary appeared on VKontakte - he died of cancer.

Andrey Kadetov

St. Petersburg resident Andrei Kadetov came to Dom-2 in April 2010 and stayed for 7 months. The tall, blue-eyed handsome man attracted the attention of all the women in the project and had an affair with several ladies at once. There was one thing - he had a marriage stamp in his passport. The man fed the show's hosts breakfast for a long time, promising to annul the marriage during the next foray outside the perimeter, but he never did. Eventually he was expelled.

On December 24, 2010, a man was walking his dog when an unknown assailant knocked him down and stabbed him 11 times. At first, the investigation put forward a version of a mentally ill hater, since back in November Andrei received calls with death threats. The caller even named the date – December 25th. We at the site believe that it was just a not very adequate hater who accidentally almost guessed the number. In fact, everything turned out to be much more prosaic.

On November 10, Kadetov was driving a car with a friend when he saw a girl sitting alone at a bus stop and offered her a ride. She agreed, and Andrei and the stranger, who introduced herself as Alexandra, spent the evening in bed. mutual consent. The next day, the guy found out that the girl had filed a rape complaint against him. Alexandra offered to “resolve the issue” for money, then sent her ex-boyfriend, 22-year-old Yuri Zhidkov, “talk like a man.” The "conversation" has gone too far. The court sentenced Yuri to 11 years in prison.

Vasily Zhulinsky

24-year-old Vasily Zhulinsky from the Tver region never made it into the main lineup of Dom-2 participants. On February 22, 2013, he came to Tatiana Kirilyuk’s project, but the household members preferred to see not him in their ranks, but another candidate - Dmitry Shok.

On June 19 of the same year, the guy was put on the wanted list. A search party found his body in a lake near his home - Vasily drowned due to an accident.

Svetlana Ustinenko

Svetlana Ustinenko became one of the “mothers” of the project - she arrived at the construction site to support her daughter Aliana and help her improve relations with her mother-in-law Olga Gobozova. After clashes with her in-laws, the woman herself began to look for love, took part in the “Reboot” project and became significantly fresher. Soon her youngest child, son of Gegham.

But in the fall of 2014, the woman received a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer. The treatment did not work. Two years later, Svetlana passed away. She was only 48 years old.

Maria Politova

Masha Politova came to Dom-2 three times: at the beginning of 2006, mid-2007 and in 2010. The bright and memorable girl was plagued by failures: bulimia and bipolar disorder. After the third attempt to win the heart of one of the “household members,” which lasted 17 days, Politova gave up this idea and soon found happiness with a certain Artem Shanurov.

Oksana Aplekaeva is a former participant in the reality show “Dom-2”, who tragically passed away in 2008. We will talk about who this spectacular blonde was and what she managed to achieve in life in this article.

Biography of Oksana Aplekaeva

Oksana Aplekaeva was born on June 12, 1977 in Ufa, in the family of a law enforcement officer.

The family lived in relative prosperity, having everything necessary for a normal existence.

Childhood and youth

After graduating from school, Oksana entered a university, after which she received a diploma in accounting and economics. However, she was never able to find a job in her specialty.

In her interviews, Aplekaeva has repeatedly told reporters that she is well versed in luxury cosmetics.

Obviously, this was enough to get a job as a consultant in the Arbat-Prestige store, which sold perfumes and cosmetics.

At the age of 26, Oksana Aplekaeva went in search of a better life.

"House 2"

The well-known television project “House 2” is a platform where girls and boys can get to know each other and start families.

After leaving the project, many participants began to create a career in one direction or another of show business.

Oksana first appeared in “House 2” in 2005 and immediately attracted attention. It is interesting that, unlike other participants, she did not like to make trouble with anyone or weave intrigues against someone.

It’s just that Aplekaeva really wanted to find a soul mate. Many colleagues in the shop were sincerely surprised at how decently the girl behaved.

She managed to last more than 2 months in the reality show, but Oksana was never able to find a worthy guy for herself.

At the same time, she still gained all-Russian fame, thanks to which doors were opened to her in any direction of show business.

Evil tongues said that Aplekaeva was allegedly deliberately excluded from the project because she was uninteresting to the audience.

Be that as it may, no one would have remembered her departure from “House 2” if it had not been for the chain that followed tragic events. And although more than 10 years have passed since Oksana’s death, her death is still shrouded in mystery.

Aplekaeva after “House 2”

After Oksana Aplekaeva left scandalous show, she was invited to work as a model at the Expo Style agency.

Later she took part in the “Miss MAXIM 2008” competition and even entered the TOP 100 most beautiful girls. Every day her popularity became more and more.

Aplekaeva was offered cameo roles in youth TV series, and was also invited as a guest to various programs.

Oksana Aplekaeva and Sergey Lazarev

In the summer of 2008, she began working as a booth assistant at the Moscow Motor Show, advertising various cars. Finally, Oksana got what she had dreamed of for so long.

Aplekaeva communicated daily with wealthy visitors and attended VIP parties.

Personal life

Participation in “House 2” played with Oksana Aplekaeva cruel joke. According to her close friends, she completely plunged into the world of show business.

She liked parties, filming TV shows, hanging out with celebrities and the like. Some acquaintances claimed that by nature Oksana was a very naive girl, which prevented her from properly understanding people.

Due to excessive gullibility and a poor sense of humor, Aplekaeva often became the object of all kinds of jokes and practical jokes.

However, she was not touchy and could calmly laugh at herself. Perhaps it was precisely because of this that she managed to win over people, and especially the stronger sex.

Aplekaeva really enjoyed meeting famous people and taking pictures with them. By talking to one person or another, she could reveal all her secrets to him and sincerely tell him about her own feelings.

This is exactly how the girl was remembered by those who knew her.

Death of Aplekaeva

After Oksana Aplekaeva got a job at a car dealership, she met many new people.

One day she called her sister and said that she was going to her birthday. After 3 days, the model did not contact anyone.

It is interesting that no one in the salon paid attention to Aplekaeva’s disappearance, since Oksana’s work schedule allowed for such interruptions.

Oksana Aplekaeva and Alena Vodonaeva

The first person to worry about her was her flatmate.

Soon the search for Oksana Aplekaeva began, as a result of which her body was discovered in September on the Moscow-Riga highway in the Istra district.

An examination showed that the girl died as a result of violent acts. She was severely beaten and then strangled.

After the death of Oksana Aplekaeva, they began to talk about her in the media and on television. The press reported that 8 girls working at the same exhibition allegedly disappeared in a short period of time.

  1. Revenge for talkativeness

After some time, investigators put forward a version that Aplekaeva could have been killed due to the disclosure of confidential information. Apparently she, without knowing it, had blabbed something important.

  1. Blackmail

According to the second version, Aplekaeva could have been killed because she demanded a reward for concealing significant information, that is, she used blackmail.

Later, stories began to appear on the Internet about Oksana’s friendship with a certain Irina, who provides escort services to wealthy people. It was as if the former participant of “House 2” also participated in such closed events.

No one knows what she could have seen or heard there. However, it is clear that some “serious” people did not like that the girl tried to blackmail them.

This version is confirmed Notebook, found in Aplekaeva’s room. It contained the names of different girls with unambiguous comments.

In addition, investigators found encrypted disks in Aplekaeva’s apartment. It is not known what information was on them.

  1. Meeting at the exhibition

According to the third version, the man she met at the exhibition may be to blame for Oksana’s death. She allegedly went to a restaurant with him to get to know him better.

However, after clarifying the circumstances, it turned out that the man had an alibi.

  1. A mysterious stranger

Investigators continued to search for any clues to find out the real motive for Aplekaeva’s murder.

As a result, experts were able to discover very interesting messages on the model's social network. As it turned out, an unknown person wrote several threatening messages on her page. But after Oksana disappeared, all the account data of the unknown man disappeared.

Today on the Internet you can find many other versions of the death of the unfortunate girl, but all of them are not confirmed by any facts.

The official date of death of Oksana Aplekaeva is September 1, 2008. Only close relatives attended her funeral. None of her “colleagues” or even friends came to say goodbye to her.

A month later, unknown vandals burned a wreath and a monument at Aplekaeva’s grave.

Interestingly, on the anniversary of her death, the premiere of the film “Who Killed Oksana?” took place, and the details of her life were covered in the programs “Let Them Talk,” “Russian Sensations” and “ Main character».

Photo by Aplekaeva

At the end you can see several common photographs of Aplekaeva. In general, it must be said that there are not so many photos of her, because she died back in 2008.

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Oksana graduated from the Financial and Economic School with a degree in accounting and economics. She worked as a cosmetologist-consultant in the Arbat-Prestige network.

Oksana became famous in 2005 when she became a participant in the reality show “Dom-2”. Her appearance on the project caused a deep resonance among the project participants. Many supported her, and many tried to expel Oksana from the project. She participated in the project for 75 days from March 18 to June 2, 2005. In an interview, Aplekaeva said that the project undoubtedly helped her in life. After participating in it, she received several business and interesting job offers. When asked why she decided to participate in the project, Oksana replied that she “I really wanted to know how people live under cameras 24 hours a day”.

After leaving Dom-2, Oksana worked as a model at the Expo Style agency. She was also active on television. starred in television series, music videos and various talk shows.

Shortly before her death, she worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show.

She starred in the video for the song "Cat" groups "Over". The lyrics of the song turned out to be prophetic for her: “You walk calmly between heaven and earth...”.

Participated in the competition "Miss Maxim 2008", where according to the voting results she entered the top 100 best girls country, but she did not live to see the finals of the competition.


Oksana Aplekaeva spent the entire day of August 29, 2008 at the stands of expensive and fashionable new cars. There, while posing by one of the cars, Oksana met some young man. In the evening of the same day, a new acquaintance of the girl came to pick her up on a motorcycle. Unfortunately, no one remembered the motorcycle number.

The next morning, Aplekaeva did not show up for work. She called her sister Olesya and said that she would go to her birthday and then return home. After that, nothing was heard from Oksana for three days. Friends and relatives began to worry. On September 1, passing truckers on the side of the Moscow-Riga highway noticed the body of a lifeless girl. During identification it turned out that this was Oksana.

According to the results of the autopsy, it was confirmed that 31-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva died as a result of mechanical asphyxia (suffocation).

Versions of what happened and legacy

It is known that Oksana was threatened by some young man on the Odnoklassniki.ru website. On her forum and under photographs, he wrote a bunch of angry comments. After Aplekaeva disappeared from the site, the profile of the user who threatened her disappeared, and with it all his messages and comments, but the responses of Oksana’s acquaintances to threats and insults remained, and this confirms that there really were threats.

In 2008 participants famous show"Battle of Psychics" tried to find the reasons for this incident.

In 2009, a film was made about Oksana: "Who killed Oksana", where many versions and variants of what happened were put forward. All of Oksana's relatives, friends and acquaintances agree that she was very kind, sweet and harmless person and could not cause harm or sorrow to anyone.

Many television programs have been filmed about Oksana, such as: “The Main Character”, “Let Them Talk” and others. They talked about how Oksana had been achieving fame all her life and then it came to her, only too late - after a mysterious murder.

Despite the fact that many versions and reasons for what happened have been put forward, the murder of Oksana Aplekaeva remains unsolved to this day.

In the Moscow region, the investigation into the case of murder model Oksana Aplekaeva. According to the main version, the woman spread compromising rumors about her influential acquaintances.

30-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva moved in various metropolitan parties, and among her acquaintances were both large businessmen and alleged crime bosses. The model meticulously collected any interesting information about them, and shortly before her death she witnessed a scandalous episode shrouded in mystery, the agency reports "Rosbalt" with reference to a source in the investigation.

“She (Aplekaeva) witnessed one very unsightly moment, about which we ourselves still know little,” the operatives note. - Being quite talkative by nature, Oksana mentioned this story when communicating with friends. Certain people really didn’t like it.”

As a result, they believe that with an overly talkative socialite could have been dealt with as an unnecessary witness.

Moreover, several of Aplekaeva’s friends are aware of these events and guess who could have killed their friend, but during interrogations they do not say anything. According to investigators, the friends of the deceased simply afraid of reprisals.

However, the circle of acquaintances of the deceased turned out to be so wide that not a single well-known person in the country has yet been interrogated. Over the past month since the tragedy, detectives interviewed only Aplekaeva’s closest friends.

There is a motive, no suspects

To date, investigators have reconstructed in detail the events of the last day of the model’s life. They even managed to identify that fateful and mysterious “event” (meeting or party) at which the spectacular blonde was killed. However, the location of this party and the composition of the participants are not clear.

On the contrary, several people who were initially considered involved in the murder have now been cleared of all suspicion.

One of them turned out to be a businessman named Mikhail. The man actually saw the girl on the day of her death, but then went to celebrate her birthday with his wife. By the way, after this story surfaced, the wife announced to the entrepreneur her intention to divorce.

Now investigators are sure that after lunch with Mikhail, Oksana went to some “event”, which became her last.

Let us remind you that the spectacular blonde Oksana Aplekaeva disappeared in last days August, and in early September her friend sounded the alarm. About a week later, the model’s body with signs of strangulation was found in the Istra district on the side of the 50th kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The body was found by truck drivers.

Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified. It took more than a week to establish the girl's cause of death.

There were no signs of a struggle at the site where Aplekaeva’s corpse was found. It appears that she was brought there already dead shortly after the murder. The body was only slightly covered by branches. The victim also had no jewelry or mobile phone.

According to preliminary data, the model was severely beaten and raped before her death.

IN last days Throughout her life, Aplekaeva worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show, which opened on August 26. The girl presented the cars at one of the stands.

Almost on the very first day of the exhibition, Oksana met the general director of one of the companies, Alexey, and his deputy, Mikhail. The men took the phone number from the pretty blonde and promised to call back. As Alexey later said during interrogations, he soon left the capital on business, and returned after the mysterious death of Aplekaeva.

Mikhail contacted Aplekaeva several times and said that his birthday was coming soon. On August 29, the businessman called Oksana from his work phone and arranged a meeting in Crocus City, where the car show was held. The man arrived there on a motorcycle, from where he and Aplekaeva went to one of the restaurants at the exhibition complex.

“During interrogations, Mikhail admitted that he could not spend this evening with Oksana,” the investigation added. “His wife and other family members were planning to attend his birthday party.” Thus, Aplekaeva’s appearance among the guests would be completely inappropriate.

That evening, Mikhail apologized to Oksana that he could not accompany her home, left money for a taxi and left to celebrate his holiday. “Because of this whole story, Mikhail has already had serious troubles,” the investigation team said. “After the whole situation with Aplekaeva came to light, his family was on the verge of collapse.”

Investigators continue to check Alexey's alibi that he was outside Moscow on the day of the murder, but most likely he is also innocent.

After Mikhail left, Oksana made several more calls, the last of which was close friend. The girl told her that she had to stop by “for one event”, after which she would go to her home.

“Our main task now is to establish what kind of event it was,” notes a source in the investigation.

Sex blackmail version

As operatives note, Oksana was a very sociable girl, had acquaintances with famous athletes, actors, as well as people extremely similar to crime bosses.

During a search of Aplekaeva’s apartment, various records were found that contained the names of young men and girls, as well as various amounts of money. Information appeared in the media that Oksana could be involved in the business of providing intimate services for wealthy people.

“The materials we seized do not allow us to say unambiguously that Aplekaeva was involved in such cases,” the operatives say cautiously. “She kept several notebooks, where she wrote down all the events associated with her and her friends, and made some calculations.”

The entries are similar to original diaries: who was at what party, what they did there, what things (sometimes very dubious) were done by certain stars and various wealthy people, who gave money, how much and to whom, etc. “Of course, she had information that could compromise some people. The case with Mikhail is indicative of this situation,” the investigation concluded.

It also followed from Aplekaeva’s records that the model took her female acquaintances with her to the birthdays of rich people, thereby providing escort services. Girls were taken to Rublyovka in whole groups; at one of the dachas, 18 model-looking students took part in a sexual orgy. Aplekaeva filmed the depraved pleasures of the rich and famous people on Cell phones, and after her death both mobile phones disappeared.

As previously reported, the murder of Aplekaeva could result in a real porn scandal. According to some reports, the model was organizing group sex parties for oligarchs from Rublyovka. Aplekaeva’s clients included people with very famous names. Numerous debts that have long poisoned Oksana’s life could have pushed her to take a risky step, the publication believes. However, one of her rich acquaintances could commit murder in response to sex blackmail.

On one of the pages in Aplekaeva’s notebook there is a note: “Rublevka, oligarch, birthday, 18 girls.” It is not difficult to imagine the scale of sexual orgies organized by the ex-participant of “House-2”, given her extensive connections in modeling and show business.

How charming girl ended up involved in a criminal business, no one can say now. However, during searches, computer disks with address databases were seized from Aplekaeva’s apartment. All of them are encrypted, and specialists still need to work on them.

In addition, there were several cameras in Aplekaeva’s apartment. We can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that Oksana provided the premises for filming a home video, and her apartment was turned into a kind of porn studio.

The investigation is being conducted by the investigative department for the city of Istra under the regional prosecutor's office. A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

We have already talked about the fact that in the Moscow region the other day they found her murdered former member TV project "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva. The girl, we recall, worked as a model at the recent Moscow International Motor Show (MMA).

On August 29, Oksana left there on a motorcycle with some young man and disappeared. Aplekaeva’s friend raised the alarm – on September 1, she went to the police to report Oksana’s disappearance. And soon the ex-participant of “House-2” was found strangled on the side of the road in the Istra district.

Oksana's death gave rise to a lot of rumors. In the Istra district they started talking about a maniac strangler. Among Aplekaeva’s colleagues, models, and on blogs on the Internet, there were reports that she was not the only one who disappeared from the car dealership - seven more of her colleagues allegedly disappeared.

They have been talking about the fact that several girls have disappeared for a long time,” model Anna, who worked at one of the MMA stands, told us. “They named different numbers - five, eight... But only one name was mentioned - Oksana Aplekaeva. When it became known for sure that she had disappeared without a trace, they even began taking us home by taxi for safety reasons.

So, have beauties really disappeared en masse from MMA? We turned to the police and prosecutor's office for clarification.

In the criminal police service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Krasnogorsk region (on the territory of this department there is exhibition complex“Crocus Expo”, where the car show was held) reported that they only received an appeal about the disappearance of Oksana Aplekaeva. There have been no other reports of missing people with MMA. The prosecutor’s office doesn’t know about the other “missing” models either.

It looks like information about mass extinction girls are just rumors, says our knowledgeable source. - They have been wandering around the Internet since the end of last week, we checked, but did not find any confirmation.

The only thing that, alas, was confirmed was the disappearance of Oksana Aplekaeva, who was later found dead.


Was Oksana killed out of revenge?

From the moment Oksana disappeared, her friends and acquaintances began to share information on the girl’s page on Odnoklassniki.

Some suggest that Oksana’s killer could have been one of the visitors to her page. After all, there are a lot of maniacs looking for beauties on the Internet.

Others recall that shortly before the girl’s death, a young man appeared on the site and threatened the girl. Allegedly because she infected him with a venereal disease.

Here's what the model's friends write:

“Oksana had angry comments from a young man on the forum. And there were the same comments on the photos. He spoke unflatteringly about her, but today the comments have disappeared. Consequently, the person removed himself from Odnoklassniki!

“Yes, this is where one guy wrote nasty things about her on the forum, but now his messages are gone. Like, “we’ll meet again,” “you’re a prostitute,” and the like... It’s a pity, I don’t remember what kind of guy...”

After the model disappeared, the profile of the user who threatened Oksana also disappeared from the site. And along with it - all his messages. But Oksana’s friends’ answers to insults and threats remained on the Internet! And this confirms that there really were threats!

On the other hand, the offender could simply be afraid that he would fall under suspicion, and therefore erased the traces of his presence on Odnoklassniki.

Maybe the investigation should check the version of Oksana’s friends?

There is one strange detail.

In my opinion, something is wrong here... - says Margarita Harutyunyan. - To the website last time Oksana visited on August 29 at 22:21. I wonder if she disappeared after work already, does that mean everything was definitely fine with her before 10 pm?! She won’t sit on the site with a maniac!