Popular rock bands of the 70s and 80s. Foreign rock bands of the eighties

The fashion industry has been waiting for them for a long time. Having driven herself into a narrow framework of standards, she was tired of churning out fashionable “clones”. The era of new faces has come, which once you see, it is simply impossible not to remember and confuse them with someone else. Let's get to know them!

1. Maria Telnaya

An elf girl, an “alien” with eyes on a cosmic scale – Masha Telnaya, originally from Ukraine. Now she is already 27, and modeling career she started at age 18. A year later, she conquered the catwalks of Milan and Paris - Masha entered the TOP 10 best debutante models in the world. Today Telnaya collaborates with major fashion houses as a fashion model and fashion model. "Behind beautiful eyes"She has earned contracts with Nina Ricci, Givenchy, YSL, Dries Van Noten, John Galliano and other leading fashion brands.

2. Allison Harvard

American Allison Harvard is also 27 years old and her eyes also look like saucers. The girl participated in the 12th and 17th seasons of the show “America's Next Top Model”, where she took second place both times. However, this did not stop her from successfully pursuing her modeling career and trying herself in cinema.

3. Chantal Brown-Young (Winnie Harlow)

The 19-year-old Canadian, a participant in the 21st season of the show “America’s Next Top Model,” was able to prove to everyone that neither an unusual appearance, nor even a doctor’s diagnosis is an obstacle to a dream. Chantal has vitiligo, a disorder of skin pigmentation. Just a few years ago, such a “defect” would have meant unsuitability for the model. But today this girl was able to turn the unusual features of her appearance into dignity. And in general, looking at the photographs of the beauty, you see absolutely no flaws. Well, isn't she perfect?

4. Kelly Mittendorf

There is something primal about the face of this 25-year-old American woman. Rough large features, slanting narrow eyes, a heavy, sullen look... Kelly is not afraid to be unattractive, often participates in art photo shoots, where she allows the most unusual experiments with her appearance, and works a little less often as a catwalk model. Indeed, her sculpted face is the dream of any fashion photographer.

5. Lily McMenamy

Two years ago, this 21-year-old American woman rose to stardom as a model thanks to her participation in a shocking advertising campaign Marc Jacobs. Then there was participation in the Saint Laurent show and Lily’s strange, disharmonious and, from some angles, even frightening face graced the covers of the world’s leading fashion publications. The fashion world wanted anti-aesthetics or is it simply because the girl’s mother is successful? American model Kristen McMenamy, who has many useful connections in the fashion world?

6. Lindsay Wixson

Plump bow lips and wide-set expressive eyes make the 21-year-old American woman look like a cute fish. Beautiful, but how unconventional! Since childhood, Lindsay dreamed of becoming a model and at the age of 15 she posted her photo on the website models.com. The girl was invited to film in Vogue magazine. And it was this photo shoot that became a lucky pass into the world of high fashion. Now Wixson is the face of Miu Miu; she has advertising contracts with Chanel, Versace, Alexander McQueen, Sisley and other famous brands.

7. Diandra Forrest

25-year-old American Diandra Forrest is an African-American albino. Is it any wonder that on this basis she has no competitors in the modeling business?

Dear fashionistas, which of these models would you give the title of the most unusual and attractive?

Illustrations: galleryhip.com, n-tv.de, gopixpic.com, perfecte.md, liveinternet.ru, listal.com, fashionmodeldirectory.com, thehedonistnonconformist.com, e-radio.com.cy, shareonfacebook.net, tipsmon. com.br, blanckdigital.com, angelsmodelsagency.blogspot.com, inci.sozlukspot.com, rapax.com, imageamplified.com, wonderlandmagazine.com, linda-goodman.com, iammia777.pixnet.net, fashionmodeldirectory.com

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When we talk about supermodels, we usually think of humanoid Barbies and Kens - the beauty ideals of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. But ideals change, and so does our idea of ​​beauty. The media reflects our obsession appearance, youth and sexuality, placing them on billboards and magazine covers.

The modeling industry has changed a lot over the past few years, challenging public opinion about what it means to be “beautiful” and “desirable.” These days, supermodels come in all shapes and sizes and don't necessarily look like Victoria's Secret Angels.

Thank you plastic surgery And modern technologies, now it’s not difficult to be the same, and now no one needs it. We begin to look for something new and unusual. Below are 10 of the most unusual models in the world.

Andrea (Andrey) Pejic

Andrej Pejic was the most famous androgynous male model. Now he is a transgender woman. Model agents noticed him at the age of 17, when at that time the guy was still working part-time at McDonald's. Ranked 98th in the global ranking of the 100 most sexy women according to FHM.

Casey Legler

Casey Legler is a former Olympic swimmer and now a supermodel. What is noteworthy about this model is that she is the first woman to sign a contract as male model. She got into modeling after a friend showed her pictures to an agency. So, she was hired by Ford Models and yes, we repeat, they hired her as a male model!

Daphne Self

They say that a model's career ends when she stops looking young. Many people retire at forty.

But Daphne Self went against the rules - she has been in the modeling industry for 60 years and has no plans to leave. Daphne is a British age model representing such large and famous brands, like D&G and Tata-Naka. She's 85 now and looks amazing!

Rick Genest

Rick Genest (main photo), better known as "Zombie Guy", was born and raised in Canada. IN adolescence he was engaged in mountaineering (and planned to continue to do so) until he met Frank Lewis, a tattoo artist from Montreal. Then Lewis turned Genest into living work art. You've probably seen a photo of a guy who has a solid skeleton tattoo - that's Rick.

Unusual tattoos all over his face and body made Genest popular after he was noticed by Nicola Formichetti, fashion director Lady Gaga. Rick later starred in Gaga's video for the song Born this way, as well as in several films, including 47 Ronin starring Keanu Reeves.

In addition, he is a successful model who collaborates with many brands. For example, he starred in an advertisement for foundation (creative, isn’t it?)

Sean Ross

Shaun Ross is the first albino model. He - professional dancer, and in modeling since the age of 16.

Sean appeared on the covers of Italian Vogue and GQ, collaborated with Givenchy and Alexander McQueen. In addition, he starred in videos for Katy Perry and Beyoncé and participates in fashion shows.


Moffie is young, slim and beautiful. She has Angelina Jolie's lips and all the parameters ideal model. Except for one defect: Moffie has had quite severe squint since childhood.

An amazing combination of beauty and imperfection helped her achieve recognition in the fashion world, so it is unlikely that Moffie will correct this “flaw” in the near future.

Alex Minsky

Alex Minsky, a former US Marine, lost his leg while serving in Afghanistan. Alex says that it was difficult for him to survive the injury - remission was difficult, the guy had to learn to walk, eat and communicate with the world again. But he pulled himself together and decided to show everyone, and above all himself, that he could live, so he took up sports. The war veteran and amputee became a model after being gym noticed by a fashion photographer. There are amazing turns in life!

Gillian Mercado

Jillian Mercado, a woman suffering from muscular dystrophy, went to a modeling casting purely for fun. Surprisingly, Gillian got the job!

Now she is the new face of Diesel, she is being filmed in wheelchair along with other supermodels. Despite the defect, she looks no less beautiful and confident than her colleagues. This once again confirms how much self-confidence breaks stereotypes, and how much more important it is to be different from others than to be like everyone else.

Liu Xianping

Pictures of 72-year-old Liu Xianping dressed as his teenage granddaughter have taken the internet by storm and gone viral. It quickly became a sensation.

What was initially intended as a joke grew into a huge success. Now Liu is a drag model and advertises women's clothing, which suits his skinny legs surprisingly well. Liu himself says that he is happy helping his granddaughter, and that at 72 years old this can only be the only important goal - to be happy.

Freak models

There are certain projects that conventional models will not work with. Sometimes regular models are not required - they look for other types for photographs. These may include people with dwarfism, bodybuilders, heavily tattooed or heavily pierced models. There is even an agency that searches and selects them - Ugly Models. You'll be surprised how unusual their characters can be!

What do you think about such unusual beauty?

Everyone around us is accustomed to the appearance of fashion models who are published in glossy magazines. They have perfect figures, well-groomed faces and hair. 26-year-old fashion model Melanie Gaydos is radically different from the generally accepted canons. Many people do not mince words when they see Melanie. But those who managed to talk a little with the girl say that she has incredible energy, charisma and inner beauty! Let's see!

1. Melanie Gaydos lives and works in the USA. She is 26 years old. The girl actively takes part in various photo shoots.

2. Despite generally accepted standards of beauty, the girl became famous, rich and in an instant changed her attitude towards herself and such a controversial issue as beauty.

3. Melanie Gaydos suffers from a rare genetic disorder - ectodermal dysplasia. This disease affects the development of skin, hair and nails, and sometimes bone formation.

5. Ectodermal dysplasia affects everyone differently. Gaydos has a severe form, which doomed her to the frightened glances of others and unflattering comments about her appearance.

6. Despite her appearance, Melanie not only lives normal life, but also made friends in the person of famous photographers, directors and musicians. Not all beauties are capable of this!

7. Melanie has a lot of friends! Her friend, director Jim Jarmusch, believes the reason for this is pure and beautiful soul Melanie 🙂

It seems that the time of models with the appearance of Cindy Crawford is over. The baton of doll-faced beauties was taken over by girls whose appearance does not fit into generally accepted standards.

These girls never even thought that they would become famous models. As children, they were subjected to cruel ridicule by their peers and hated their reflection in the mirror. But fate gave them an incredible surprise.

29-year-old Caitin Stickels suffers from a rare genetic disease: cat's eye syndrome. This disease is congenital and is often accompanied by facial disfigurement, scoliosis, heart and kidney problems.

Despite her unconventional appearance, Keitin was able to become a sought-after model. She recently took part in a photo shoot for V Magazine. Photographed a girl famous photographer Nick Knight, who has previously photographed stars such as Kanye West, Lady Gaga and Kate Moss. With a photo shoot with Keitin, Nick tried to do his part in the fight against imposed stereotypes.

The 18-year-old Los Angeles resident has become popular on social media for her numerous freckles.

“I became popular because people made fun of me. I have a lot of freckles, which are not a problem for me, but many people have apparently never seen freckles before. They said I looked like a banana or a cheetah..."

However, the ridicule did not break the girl. To spite the wits, she posted photos online where she posed with overripe bananas and captioned them: “they look like me.”

Soon photographers became interested in the girl, and on February 2 she signed a contract with the prestigious modeling agency Ford Models LA. Now her offenders are biting their elbows!

Natalia Castellar

17-year-old Puerto Rican Natalia Castellar suffered because of her incredibly thick eyebrows. They brought her a lot of suffering, causing ridicule from others.

Tired of the bullying, the girl even wanted to shave off her eyebrows. But after the famous modeling agency Next Model Management signed a contract with her, everything changed. Now Natalya boldly asserts:

“I love my eyebrows, they make me stand out from other models. They are mine trademark»

A native of Senegal, Khoudia Diop is called the girl with the darkest skin in the world. Since childhood she was accustomed to hearing offensive nicknames such as “blackie” or “goddess of the night”. Khoudia's relatives suggested that she use skin-lightening creams, as many Senegalese do, but the girl did not want to go against nature. And it turned out to be right! Many photographers liked her appearance, and now prestigious modeling agencies in Paris and New York want to collaborate with Hudia!

Diandra Forrest

Diandra Forrest is a famous African-American albino top model. She advertises popular brands, appears in videos, participates in various television projects. The future model's childhood was not sweet: due to the humiliation that she constantly suffered from her peers, her parents were forced to take her out of a regular school and send her to a specialized one.

Molly Bair

As a child, Molly Bair was constantly teased by her classmates: the girl was incredibly thin, tall, and had a “strange” face with a very high forehead, a tiny mouth, a unibrow and protruding ears. She never even dreamed of a modeling career, and when a scout from a prestigious modeling agency approached her at a flea market and invited her to take part in the show, she was in a state of shock. And a week later the girl walked down the catwalk. “Alien” (as the newly minted model was nicknamed) became a real sensation in the fashion world.

Molly is now in great demand: she appears on the covers of fashion magazines, takes part in fashion weeks, and advertises global brands. However, she still has many ill-wishers who write offensive comments to her photographs such as:

"Spitting image of a goblin"
“And this is a model! She should star in horror films!”

However, Molly herself harshly criticizes her appearance, calling herself “a mixture of an alien, a rat, a demon, a goblin and a gremlin.”

English model Brunette Moffey has been suffering from severe strabismus since birth. This became her main feature. In 2013, the girl posed for the cover of POP magazine - their mutual friend asked the editor-in-chief to do so. After the publication of the magazine, Moffie was noticed by employees of the Storm modeling agency (it was the agency that introduced Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss and Cara Delevingne to the fashion world) and signed a contract with her. The girl immediately became a favorite of photographers. The owner of a mysterious look likes to be photographed without makeup, in natural light.

The girl understands that strabismus is her main highlight, and is in no hurry to have eye surgery.

At the age of 12, Ashley Graham, a girl with a non-standard figure, caught the eye of a scout from the Wilhelmina Models modeling agency. Since then, Ashley's life has changed. Clumsy fatty who is used to being a target for bad jokes classmates, became a sought-after model.

Ashley doesn’t feel at all embarrassed about her appearance and doesn’t hesitate to advertise even her underwear!

At Winnie Harlow's rare disease– vitiligo. There are many large depigmented areas on her skin. When Winnie was little, her peers made fun of her, calling her a cow, a Dalmatian and a zebra. Because of this bullying, the girl changed schools many times and even thought about suicide.

In 2014, a photo of Vinnie from Instagram caught the eye of Tyra Banks. The famous supermodel was shocked by the girl’s appearance and invited her to her show “America’s Next Top Model.” After just a few issues, Vinnie became incredibly popular.

This is perhaps the most unusual model on our list. Melanie suffers from a rare disease, ectodermal dysplasia, which disfigured her face and lost her hair and teeth. Despite her repulsive appearance, the girl is quite in demand among fashion photographers. She is invited to participate in various provocative photo shoots and projects. Of course, she has many ill-wishers who do not mince words and write various nasty things to her. But Melanie's friends claim that she is so strong and pure of soul that she does not pay attention to stupid ridicule.

Nowadays, modeling agencies are increasingly trying to move away from the ideals of beauty imposed on society and invite people with unusual appearance to cooperate. Exactly with such unusual models This post will introduce you to us.

Winnie Harlow - former member reality show America's Next Top Model. The girl suffers from vitiligo, a skin pigmentation disorder. However, it was her illness that served as the key to the world of high fashion. At Paris Fashion Week, designers put Harlow first on the catwalk, thus expressing their positive attitude towards her unusual appearance.

In early June, international media discovered Ava Clark. The young model with albinism became a real find for designers. Eight-year-old Ava's parents are African-American. WITH early childhood doctors feared for the girl’s health, believing that she would lose her sight. Now the aspiring model is not only completely healthy, but also successful. In addition to fashion photo shoots, the girl also appears in various social projects, dedicated to albinism and the problems faced by people with a congenital absence of the melanin pigment.

The gender-neutral appearance of the world's first androgynous fashion model Andrei Pejic brought him world fame. In 2014, he asked to be called Andrea and underwent several gender reassignment surgeries. As a result, the Serbian became a woman, but continues to inspire famous designers for various creative experiments. Pejic participates in campaigns for brands such as Marc Jacobs, Michalsky, Rosa Clara and so on. This is the first androgynous model to appear for Vogue.

Suffering from strabismus British model Moffie Gardy attracted the attention of designers Claire Barrow and Margaret Howell and regularly appears on the covers of various fashion magazines.

60-year-old Philippe Dumas, for whom the modeling business has always remained an elusive goal, has finally found his place in the sun. Thanks to the fact that the pensioner’s photo was liked on social networks, agencies drew attention to him, and now the owner of a well-groomed gray beard works with the Parisian URBAN Talents & Models Agency, takes part in numerous projects and filming.

“As a child, I hated my freckles because I was teased for them. I tried to hide them so that at least for a little while I could join the company and feel like everyone else. Don't follow the opinions of others and don't let society turn you into a different person. It all starts with love and self-confidence,” fashion model Joyja admitted on Instagram. She is represented by the international modeling agency Kitten Agency.

Casey Legler will be a worthy competitor to any muscular model. Woman filming for men's projects, revolutionized the fashion world. On the catwalks she demonstrates clothes exclusively for the stronger sex. She took part in the filming of L’Oréal, designer Odile Gilbert, Numéro Homme magazine and so on. She is represented by the New York Ford Model Agency.

19-year-old model Molly Bair has been called a “symbol of anorexia.” The lop-eared girl, who can hardly be called pretty, is appreciated at shows all over the world. She represented the collections of Moschino, Jeremy Scott, Alexander Wang, Vera Wang and many others. Molly herself calls her image a mixture of an alien, a rat, a demon, a goblin and a gremlin.

Young model April Star, like Winnie Harlow, suffers from vitiligo. Despite this, the girl has already managed to take part in fashion shows and photo shoots. To April's social account Instagram networks 116 thousand people signed up.

British woman Victoria Modesta had to have her leg amputated at the knee. Despite this, the 28-year-old model is quite successful on the catwalk and is working on her third music album.

Despite her unconventional appearance, the out-and-out Alice Delyal, who, in addition to modeling shoots, plays drums in a rock band, joined the fashion house Chanel. A girl with a height of 168 centimeters walked on the catwalk at London Fashion Week in 2016 and participated in the L'Oreal project. Her interests are represented by the agency NEXT Model Management.

Fashion model Sean Ross has worked for most of the major fashion publications. Including British GQ, Italian Vogue, i-D, Paper, Another Magazine and so on. An African-American with albinism often faced ridicule from others, but this did not stop him from becoming one of the most recognizable models of our time.

Sarah McDaniel has abnormal pigmentation of the iris - heterochromia. But that didn't stop her from being featured on the cover of Playboy's March 2016 issue.

Charlie Barker's hair color changes as often as she receives offers from photographers. 20 year old star social networks with more than 616 thousand followers on Instagram, she became a revelation to the fashion world in 2015. Having moved from London to New York, Charlie represented the Diesel company.