Wise thoughts of writers of the 17th and 18th centuries. What wise thoughts did I find in the chronicles?

Adilkhanova Angelina

I learned about the distant past of children's literature from a book on literary reading. The very first books were handwritten, they were written by monks. Children in those days did not all know how to read; their parents read to them. Then they read the Bible and Chronicles.

The authors of the first works for children were Savvaty and Dmitry Gerasimov. Savvaty wrote the first poems for children, “ABC Reading.” In his poems, he encourages children to study in order to be literate. Dmitry Gerasimov translated the textbook Latin language“Donatus” and wrote a fairy tale for children “About a Villager and a She-Bear”. Poets Simeon Polotsky and Karion Istomin in their works told children about planet Earth, about the relationship between parents and children, about the enormous importance of books in human life. Even Empress Catherine 2 wrote eight books for children. These were fairy tales, alphabet books, stories.

The first Russian magazine for children was published by Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov. He called " Children's reading for the heart and mind." It contained educational and moralizing articles “The beginning is only difficult”, “The peasant condition”.

I was interested in learning about the history of children's literature. I realized that the authors of the 17th and 18th centuries encouraged children to read books and love them in order to become educated, literate people.

Ishchenko Daria

What wise thoughts I found

in the books of 18th century writers.

On lessons literary reading I am getting acquainted with the history of children's literature. In the “Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh, I found wise thoughts that may be useful to me in life.

“Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers.” I believe this sage advice applies to our 21st century. We need to respect parents and teachers, help grandparents. Younger children need to be taught and played with.

“When you do good, do not be lazy about anything good.” I give up my seat to older people on public transport. My sister Tasya and I feed homeless kittens. There is never too much good.

Do good all over the Earth!

Do good for others!

Khoroshev Matvey

My discovery of a writer and a person .

In a textbook on literary reading, I met the Russian writer Alexander Semyonovich Shishkov.

Shishkov received home education and was brought up reading Russian Orthodox literature. He served in the Marine cadet corps. There he began translating from foreign languages and work in the field of philology.

Shishkov saw the meaning of life in continuous activity for the benefit of the Fatherland. He was creative and social activities. In 1805 he published Works and Translations. But this seemed insufficient to Shishkov, and he decides to form new Academy for training young writers. Shishkov, in addition to linguistic works, wrote poems for children: “Song for Bathing”, “Lamb”, cautionary tale“You can improve when you really want to.”

He was Secretary of State, President Russian Academy, Member of the State Council, Minister of Public Education.

I'm glad to meet you interesting person and a wonderful writer.

Borisova Arina

My journey into the history of children's literature.

Traveling through the pages of children's literature, I learned that the first children's writer name was Terenty Vasiliev, nicknamed Teisha. He was called that in the world for a very long time. But later his name was Savvaty. He lived in the 17th century in the Chudov Monastery, which was located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. Savvaty wrote the first children's alphabet.

In the 18th century, Empress Catherine II ruled the state. Few people know that she wrote eight books for children's reading. These were fairy tales, stories and the alphabet. They were printed in 1781 - 1783.

In the 18th century, in 1789, a boy, Seryozha, lived in the estate of a poor landowner Timofey Aksakov; he was then 7 years old. He loved to read. But there were few books then. There were several books in the house, and Seryozha re-read them several times. The love of reading in childhood grew into the ability to compose. It was then in 1858 that Sergei Aksakov finished his famous book “The Childhood Years of Bagrov – Grandson.” And later he wrote the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower”.

A journey through the history of children's literature made me wonder what I would be when I grew up. If I read a lot, then maybe I will become a writer.

Bakhvalova Anastasia

Pages from the history of children's literature.

During reading lessons I did an amusing trip into the history of children's literature.

At the beginning of the trip, I learned that in the 10th – 15th centuries there was no children's literature, so religious books and Chronicles were read to children. The first Russian chronicle was called “The Tale of Bygone Years.” It told about the settlement of the Slavs, the origin of the Russian land, the first Russian princes and the most important historical events that time.

The first Slavic alphabet was created by Cyril and Methodius. IN Ancient Rus' books were treated with care because there were few of them and they were expensive.

The first handwritten book for children was a Latin textbook. Handwritten books originally written on parchment. The first books for children's reading were written by D. Gerasimov “About the Villager and the Bear”, Savvaty “ABC Teaching”, Simeon Polotsky “Greetings from Children”.

The journey continued, and it was interesting to know when the first printed books for children appeared? It turned out that the first printed book was printed in 1574 by pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov. It was ABC.

Morozova Alena

What wise thoughts I found in the books of 18th century writers.

Not long ago, during literary reading lessons, I became acquainted with 18th-century authors and some of their works. Among them was Empress Catherine II. She has written eight books for children. Among them was ABC. If you look at the works of past authors, then along with fairy tales and stories, many wrote their own ABC. I came to the conclusion that the desire to read books was encouraged by adults. The book was considered at that time the best gift. And the authors tried to put worldly wisdom into them.

In Nikolai Novikov's magazines, the title "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind" reveals its goal: to develop children's knowledge and touch their hearts. The author encourages children to study thoroughly, to diligently notice everything that they tell him about or he reads himself. Don't rush to the end of the book without understanding the beginning. The author also reminds us that we need to develop good habits. Even if it is difficult at first, each day of training will become easier to cope with.

We must respect all people, regardless of whether they are poor or rich. People's actions are honored, not their wealth.

In the 18th century Special attention paid attention to the education of good manners. And books for children were the best helpers.

What wise thoughts I found in the chronicles. I traveled a lot through the 16th and 17th centuries in literary reading classes. I really liked “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”. In them, addressing his children, he said “do not be lazy in your home,” “beware of lies and drunkenness,” “visit the sick.” These teachings are still relevant today. Reading these works, I saw some of my shortcomings. Now I will try to fix them. The chronicles reveal to us many wise thoughts and advice. Sergeev Alexey. And these essays are about our journey into the history of the origin and development of children's literature. A page on the history of children's literature. I want to talk about the work “The Tale of Bygone Years”. In literary reading lessons, after reading the chronicles, I learned a lot of interesting things. I learned that educators and creators Slavic alphabet were Cyril and Methodius. Reading “Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh” turned out to be very useful. The author of the teachings urges not to be lazy, to help others, to be honest and not to look down on the poor and orphans. After reading “The Tale of Bygone Years,” I learned why peoples have different names, how books were treated in those distant times. And now I know that the books were very valuable and were passed on from generation to generation. If you read books carefully, you can discover a lot of interesting and educational things. Lomakina Julia. 05.11.2012. 7.

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Sayings about literature

Poets do not come from somewhere overseas, but come from their own people. These are the lights that flew out of him, the advanced messengers of his powers.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

There is no word that would be so sweeping, smart, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much, as aptly said Russian word.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

There is hardly a higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent poet.

Thomas Alva Edison

The great poetry of our century is a science with the amazing flowering of its discoveries, its conquest of matter, inspiring man to increase his activity tenfold.

Emile Zola

Books are a mirror: although they do not speak, they declare every guilt and vice.

Second Catherine the Great

Beauty, majesty, strength and wealth Russian language This is evident from books written in past centuries, when our ancestors not only did not know any rules for writing, but they hardly even thought that they existed or could exist.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

If we present the history of literature of a particular era without knowing the economic and political history of this era, then our presentation will be reduced to best case scenario to watery aesthetic and philological reasoning.

Franz Mehring

Books have a special charm; books give us pleasure: they talk to us, give us good advice, they become living friends for us.

Francesco Petrarca

No reading requires such a strict standard as reading fragmentary, scattered thoughts.

Johann Gottfried Herder

Reading good books is a conversation with the most the best people past times, and, moreover, such a conversation when they tell us only their best thoughts.

Rene Descartes

Conversing with writers from other centuries is almost like traveling.

Rene Descartes

Among books, as among people, you can find good things and good things. bad society.

Claude Adrian Helvetius

The struggle for purity, for semantic precision, for the sharpness of language is a struggle for an instrument of culture. The sharper this weapon is, the more accurately it is aimed, the more victorious it is.

Maksim Gorky

Literature is news that never becomes obsolete.

Ezra Pound.

Writing simply and clearly is as difficult as being sincere and kind.

Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

Joseph Addison

Literature gives shape to life.

A book is a great thing as long as a person knows how to use it.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Good book- just a holiday

Maxim (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) Gorky

Study and read. Read serious books. Life will do the rest.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The work that is being read has a present; a work that is reread has a future.

Alexander (son) Dumas

Nice style should not keep a trace of effort. What is written should seem like a happy accident.

Somerset Maugham

Most writers consider the truth to be their most valuable asset - which is why they use it so sparingly.

Mark Twain

The newest and most original book is the one that makes you love old truths.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

They (the poets) are not clean enough: they muddy the water to make it seem deeper.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Literature is a deeply responsible matter and does not require coquetry with talents.

Maksim Gorky

Time passes, but the spoken word remains.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Thomas Jefferson

My best friend is the one who gave me a book that I have not yet read.

Abraham Lincoln

An artist, painter, poet or musician satisfies the aesthetic sense with his sublime or beautiful; but this is a barbaric satisfaction, it is akin to the sexual instinct, for it also gives itself to you.

Somerset Maugham

When a writer deeply feels his blood connection with the people, it gives him beauty and strength.

Maksim Gorky

Read books, but remember - a book is a book, and use your brain!

Maksim Gorky

A book is the same phenomenon of life as a person, it is also a living, speaking fact, and it is less a “thing” than all other things created and man-made.

Maksim Gorky

Every writer to a certain extent portrays himself in his writings, often even against his will.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

True morality is directly poetic, and poetry, in turn, is indirectly moral.

In any case, a little, but good, is better than a lot, but bad. It's the same in books.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

A book where all words are capitalized is difficult to read; So it is with life, in which all days are Sundays.

I was fed by laws and this gave me an idea of dark side humanity. Then I began to read poetry to smooth out this impression and get acquainted with its bright side.

Thomas Jefferson

Books on the topic of the day die along with the topicality.

Words sometimes need music, but music needs nothing.

Edvard Grieg

Every day you should listen to at least one song, look at good picture and, if possible, read at least some wise saying.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Only those who are concerned about large, universal and social problems.

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin

Poetry is the same as radium mining.

Production per gram, labor per year.

You exhaust one word for the sake of

Thousands of tons of verbal ore.

For a people deprived of public freedom, literature is the only platform from the height of which they make the cry of their indignation and their conscience heard.

Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

One piece of nonsense printed creates in two more people the belief that they too can write just as well. These two, having written and been published, already arouse the envy of four.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

The living and lasting meaning of filial duty is comprehended in the mind of a son or daughter more quickly by reading King Lear than by studying hundreds of boring volumes on ethics and divine commandments.

Thomas Jefferson

Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard.

Leonardo da Vinci

But even then

When in the whole planet

The tribal feud will pass,

Lies and sadness will disappear, -

I will chant

With the whole being in the poet

Sixth of the land

With a name Brief Rus'.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Baltasar Gracian y Morales
years of life< 1601 — 1658> Spanish writer, philosopher, Jesuit.

“A tendency towards melancholy, a bilious character, always irritated, dissatisfied with everyone, a caustic critic” - this is what was written about Baltasar Gracian in one of the denunciations in the Jesuit order. Last year life (and he lived 57 years), alas, he had to live on bread and water. Humiliation, troubles, despair...

It's amazing how often life treats its best and the smartest people... Almost 4 centuries have passed, and quotes from his books still delight us with their wisdom and knowledge of life and people. And yet... the outcome of his life is perplexing... oh, these paradoxes of our life, this unpredictability of fortune! website

Two quotes come to mind - “Either nothing is true, or the true is unknown to us.” /Democritus of Abdera/ and “Never take the advice of people who do not live the way you dream of living.” /NN/ What do you think about this?

If you want respect, don't start with an insult.

All people are idolaters: the idol of some is honor, for others it is self-interest, and for the majority it is pleasure.

Stopping a successful game in time is the rule of experienced players.

People cannot be compared to animals; they are much more ferocious, and animals often learned cruelty from humans.

Surprise is the key to success. There is no gain or joy from playing openly.

Do not appreciate someone who never objects to you - this does not speak about his love for you, but about his love for himself.

Even when you want to be understood, avoid frankness and do not allow everyone to indiscriminately penetrate your soul. Silent restraint is the sanctuary of prudence.

As much as a man knows, he is a man; the knower is omnipotent. For the ignorant, the world is darkness.

Whoever enters the palace of Fortune through the gates of joy leaves through the gates of sorrow - and vice versa. Therefore, think about the end of the matter, worry about leaving happily, and not about entering gracefully.

HIn order not to miss one tasty morsel, you miss a hundred. /Baltasar Gracian/

To announce a plan means ruining it: then they will find shortcomings in it ahead of time, and if it fails, it will turn out to be doubly unfortunate.

They love the sincere, but they deceive them.

It's better to be asked than to thank you.

Sometimes, to lose a friend, an unpaid service is enough: unable to repay the debt, he moves away - the debtor has become an enemy.

Having quenched their thirst, they will turn away from the source, the squeezed orange will be thrown from the gold into the swamp. The end of need is the end of friendship, and with it service.

To win means to cause hostility. Avoid victories over your superiors.

There is no higher power than power over yourself, over your passions, victory over their self-will. website

Fame has always been and will remain the sister of giants, it is the companion of extremes: a miracle or a monster, an object of admiration or disgust.

The friendship of intelligent people is mutually beneficial: whoever speaks gains in the praise of the listener, and whoever listens gains wisdom.

A person who has not gone through a good school always smacks of rudeness; he needs to polish himself, striving for perfection in everything.

The crux of the matter is half the battle; no less important is how the job is done. Rudeness hurts everything, even to the just and reasonable; courtesy brightens everything up: it gilds the “no”, sweetens the truth; Friendliness, like a sharper, plays for sure.

Recourse to the help of the wise is a characteristic of the great.

It is easy to shoot a bird flying in a straight line; more difficult - the one that circles. Experienced player will not make the move that the enemy is waiting for, much less craving.

Do not torment yourself with dissatisfaction - this is cowardice, but complacency is also cowardice.

Diligence and talent. When there is neither one nor the other, greatness is impossible, but when they come together, it is dazzling.

Fame is bought at the price of labor; what comes easily is not highly valued.

It is easy to deceive a decent person: those who do not lie themselves believe everyone. People give in to deception not only out of stupidity, but also out of honesty.

Turn a blind eye to many things in the affairs of your household, friends, and especially enemies. Pickiness Always unpleasant, but as a character trait - intolerable. Constantly returning to something unpleasant is a kind of mania.

The worst enemies are former friends: they strike at your weaknesses, which they know only, at your most vulnerable place.

All people have a high opinion of themselves - and the less they cost, the more they think so. website

Don't get involved with someone who has nothing to lose. The fight will be unequal...

Don't chase after too much, strive for depth. The essence of greatness is not quantity, but quality. The excellent is always singular and rare; whatever there is a lot of, the price is small.

What you should forget first of all is what you remember most of all.

My motto: A wise person appreciates everyone, because he notices the good in everyone.

By persisting in an argument you will lose more than you will gain by winning - you are not defending the truth, but your bad manners.

A person is worth as much as others value him at.

You don’t have to be ignorant, but sometimes it’s not bad to pretend to be ignorant. There is no point in being wise with a fool, or prudent with a madman; Speak to everyone in their language.

It should be remembered that in the theater human life The role of spectator is assigned only to God and the angels.

A person absorbed in the thought of revenge does not allow his wounds to heal.

Don't wait for the water to come to your throat, leave early

Failure to cope with a task is a lesser problem than indecision. It is not running water that spoils, but standing water.

When people are in love, they appreciate the other's similarities; when people love, they appreciate the other's differences.

Do not succumb to vulgar mood swings. Great is he who is not subject to whims.

To double the supports of life is to double life. May you have more than one patron, never limit yourself to one thing, no matter how unusual: let there be two of everything, especially sources of benefit, favors, and pleasures.

It's better to be crazy with everyone than smart alone.

To recognize the happy and the unhappy, in order to hold on to the former and flee from the latter. Bad luck is most often a punishment for stupidity, and for loved ones it is a sticky illness.

The brighter the torch burns, the faster it burns out.

Arrows pierce the flesh, and evil words pierce the soul.

In heaven all is joy, in hell all is sorrow; in our world, which is in the middle, it’s both. website

If you see one lion, you have seen them all; If you see one sheep, you’ve also seen them all; but to see one person is to see only one person, and even that one cannot be recognized.

Many people don’t lose their minds just because they don’t have it.

Some friends are good at a distance, others close; those who are not very suitable for conversation can be excellent at correspondence. Distance smooths out flaws that are unbearable in close communication.

With your restraint you will bring the restraint of another beyond its boundaries - then his desires will be revealed, although his heart was impenetrable.

When you see bad things in people, don’t rejoice, much less discuss them. Gossiper is hated forever. If you say the worst, you will hear the worst.

In the face of everyday bad weather, it is best to fold your hands and wait until the storm subsides; If you retreat now, you will win later. The stream will become muddy even from the breeze, and the water will become clear not because of your efforts, but when you move away from it.

Don’t let yourself be entangled with obligations to everyone and everyone - you will become a slave, and a universal one at that... It’s better for many to depend on you than for you to depend on one.

Some value books for their volume, as if they were written to exercise the hands, not the mind.

Knowing how to retreat with dignity is just as important as attacking bravely; When enough has been accomplished, when much has been achieved, draw a line.

There is something divine in secrecy. Anyone who opens up easily in a conversation is easy to convince - and win. website

Good taste advises even bodily thirst to kindle, but not to quench; good and little is doubly good.

To turn possible sorrows into joys means to be able to live.

Take on an easy task as if it were a difficult one, and take on a difficult task as if it were an easy one. In the first case, so that confidence does not turn into carelessness; in the second, uncertainty turns into timidity. The surest way to avoid doing something is to consider it completed in advance. website

The world is full of fools, but no one notices or even suspects their stupidity.